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lightroom-map-fix's Issues

Geocoding API 403 for 100%

As mentioned in the "No luck" issue, I am also seeing 100% Geocoding API failures (403 code returned).

Applying the patch was very straightforward and the maps are now appearing as expected. Every now and then I see a "Map request error" message pop up briefly in LR (6.14 on Win7 64-bit).

I've disabled both checkboxes for address lookup as I don't use this feature, but the error remains.

Syntax error - invalid character

Hi, I'm trying to follow your guide and I've got my API key created, exported the .LUA files to the same directory as the but I keep getting the syntax error below

File "C:\Test\", line 107
<title>lightroom-map-fix/ at master · astuder/lightroom-map-fix · GitHub</title>
SyntaxError: invalid character '·' (U+00B7)

I've opened the file in Python and see the line it's talking about but I know nothing about Python so I'm not sure what the syntax should be. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Works but with "For Development Purposes Only" overlay on darkened map

"For Development Purposes Only" overlay appears on the darkened main map and on mini Navigation map. The Nav map has the corner of a web error message "This page can't load Goo..." and a link is just clickable labeled "do you own this website" which takes me to this page:

Unfortunately I cant seem to find anything obvious wrong. Billing looks OK and I copied and pasted the API key, so doubt it's incorrect.

The credentials page seems to want me to do something with OAuth consent, but I am out of my depth here (I'm a photographer with limited web experience), and I'm not even sure OAuth important/what it does/if I need it.

Other that that, map seems to work fine! Thanks!!

Zu blöd dafür

Ich scheitere mit meinem Mac bei Punkt 5. Wobei ich sagen muss, dass ich keine grosse Ahnung von Terminal und Co habe.
Deshalb: Was muss ich mit Python machen? Für was brauch ich das Programm und was muss ich im Terminal eingeben? Kann mir das vielleicht einer der Fachleute erklären?
Was ich habe: Die drei gewünschten Dateien auf dem Desktop im Ordner "Lightroom Patch" gespeichert und an den Namen ein .bak angehängt. So weit bin ich gekommen, jetzt klemmt es. Leider.

Und als Ausrede: Ich bin dafür im der Lage etwa 20 auf dem Schweizer Eisenbahn-Netz verkehrender Triebfahrzeuge und Loks professionell zu bewegen. Mann kann nicht alles können.
Danke für die Geduld und einen schönen Gruss aus dem Aargau

Ps: Da im Code einiges an deutschen Beschreibungen zu lesen ist, habe ich mir erlaubt diesen Beitrag in Deutsch zu verfassen. Chunt guet :-)

Billing - Free Trial Ending?

The map module in my LR6 has been functioning fine thanks to this excellent mod. However I’ve started getting emails From Google Cloud Platform saying my Free Trial is coming to an end and advising I upgrade now or I’ll lose resources. I didn’t even know I was on a free trial. Is this normal? Anyone else encountered this? I don’t want to lose the map module yet again, but If I upgrade would I still get a monthly free credit?

(Apologies in advance if this issue has already been answered (I did look), or if I’ve put this in the wrong place).

client=gme-adobesystems not found

Dear All,

While trying to make this work, I get the below error for the files:

Other commands seem to work, so it seems to me, that maybe this (original) line changed to something else?

Lua 5.1 detected
Lua settings: endian 1, int 4, size_t 8, instruction 4, number 8
16498 bytes read from file
'client=gme-adobesystems' not found, nothing to patch
16498 bytes written to AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.bin

Many Errors during loading Map

I live in Germany and this one helped me: LOCATIONMAPVIEW.LUA "client=gme-adobesystems_TESTING_INVALID" "key=myAPI" -o LOCATIONMAPVIEW.1 LOCATIONMAPVIEW.1 "client=gme-adobesystems" "key=myAPI" -o LOCATIONMAPVIEW.2 LOCATIONMAPVIEW.2 "" "" -o LOCATIONMAPVIEW.bin AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.LUA "client=gme-adobesystems" "key=myAPI" -o AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.bin LOCATIONDEBUGPANEL.LUA "nature" "street" -o LOCATIONDEBUGPANEL.bin


THANK YOU FOR THIS WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!

little issue with readme instructions

Hi Adrian, you are a hero and saved my day, really cool that you got that running again!!!

I worked me through the process today with LR 6.14 on WIN 10, worked smoothly with one exception: The python script did initially not work properly. The order of arguments is currently wrong in the readme section. Could you please fix the readme section for the ones to follow?

This is how it worked: -o AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.bin AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.LUA "client=gme-adobesystems" "key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Thanks again - Martin

Don't know if I'm being thick but I've installed Python 3.7 on mac os. In a Terminal window i can not get to work to change the key on LocationMapView.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Lightroom 6.14 : Map not working

Hi !

I've modified my Location.lrmodule as explained here, but it is still not working :-(


Do you know where I can find logs that could help me ?

Thank you,

Map Is Offline

Hello everybody,

at first I want to thank you for providing this great solution! Unfortunately on my side it does not work like expected.

I have done everything like described in the readme.
I took care about my API key. It doesn't contain any special characters.
I'm using Windows 10 and Lightroom 6.14.
I already moved the patched Location.lrmodule file to a different location and started Lightroom afterwards => Map module has been gone. After copying back the file to the original directory and starting Lightroom again, the Map module appears again. But the message Map is Offline is still there. But this shows that I'm working on the right file.

Attached you can find a screenshot of my command line. May it have something to do with the python out of my Anaconda distribution? Or may everything be set up fine but due to a high load on google maps or the google cloud in general caused by the current Corona situation?


And finally I attached a screenshot out of Lightroom how it looks like. If I remember well, some time ago there has been displayed another error message. But this may have something to do with the upgrade from Windows 7 to 10?!


What is kind of suspicous to me is that the change date of the Location.lrmodule file is not changing during the patch process. But since the file size is different to my backup file, the changes must have come into effect.

One more thing: I have no restrictions on the API key and the number of overall API calls is still 0 after all my testing.

Thank you for reading so far! Any help is welcome!

Best regards


QUESTION: 4000+ Geocoding API calls for a single "Lightroom usage session"?

Hi all,

First of all, thank you for providing this wonderful patch to bring back the Maps Module, worked like a charm!

By now I received the first Google Cloud Platform bill and was a bit surprised, as it stated the following API usage:

Product: Geocoding API Usage (for May): 4430 Price: 21.57 CHF
Product: Maps API Usage (for May): 6 Price: 0.04 CHF

Now as this falls within the "Maps Free Tier" (of 200$ per month, if I understood this correctly) I did not have to pay anything, BUT: I only tried Lightroom 6.14 (on Mac, in case that matters) for as short amount of time, basically just to verify that the Maps Module worked again - by clicking on some random (already geotagged) photos, to locate them on the map etc.

Now the 6 Maps API calls do not worry me - but the Geocoding API calls, which apparently were made 4430 times, in a single Lightroom session do worry me a bit! I must add that I think that at one point I had "all photos" in my collection selected, and perhaps Lightroom was trying to resolve the address (?) of each of those photos (given the GPS coordinates which were already in the metadata of the photos).

What I certainly did not do was importing photos, nor did I geotag additional photos (by "moving them onto the map").

So my actual question: what causes these "Geocoding API" calls actually? Is this high amount of calls to be expected (especially when "all photos" are selected in the Library module)? Because if yes I might have to reconsider this "patch" here, as it may turn out to be a costly fix ;)

UPDATE: I applied the patch end of May 2020 (around 25th May 2020 or so...), based on the GitHub patch files available at that time.

MAP Error: Too many requests

I've applied your wonderful solution, thanks so much for your work! The map module has started working again, however, after significant - but not excessive - usage, the error "MAP Error: Too many requests" is displayed in two cases:

  1. Scrolling the map. Despite the error, scrolling still works.
  2. Searching for places. This does not work when the error occurs.

The solution for 2 seems to either wait a few minutes - I couldn't determine how long the required wait is - or to restart LR. Although I'm not fully sure whether the restart was actually a solution, it might have coincided with the long enough wait time.

I have checked the the measured number of requests against the API contingents and they're all well within the allowed limits. So I'm wondering why I get the error.

An interesting point which might or might not be relevant: 4xx errors were shown for the "Maps Elevation API", which you don't mention in your solution. I activated this API and it definitely receives requests from LR, too. Could this have something to do with the error message?

I'm using LR 6.14 on macOS Mojave.

Map loads quickly, then errors out

I'm using Lightroom v6.14, on Windows 10. I've done all the steps and replaced the .LUA and .lrmodule files. When I open up Lightroom and switch to the Map tab I get a quick glance of the map, zoomed in to the area of the selected photo, and I can see markers for other photos in the same folder. However after a few seconds the screen blinks and the old Oops! Something went wrong. message shows up.

When I log into my Google Cloud API account I see events being logged against the individual APIs so it seems like it's working, but something else is still broken.

I've tried restarting Lightroom many times, I've restarted my computer also, no luck. Any thoughts help would be greatly appreciated.

Instructions for Google cloud need update

In the current UI of Google Cloud, you'd have to activate the "Geocoding API" and "Maps JavaScript API" in the Google Maps Service -> APIs first, before you can restrict your API key to these services.

This should be added to the readme between step 1 and 2.

Possible URL change?

I found that I also needed to replace with now. There's also a client=gme-adobesystems_TESTING_INVALID entry that I replaced with the key, but I don't know if that was required.

LR 5 can't get to work

Anybody gotten this to work on LR5? (v5.7.1) It still gives the same "Map view is no longer supported on this version of Lightroom" error and then "map is offline" with forever spinning wheel. If I capture the traffic, I can see it shooting a Google request with my API key that seems successful, but the Adobe error actually comes before that occurs, so it seems like this version just isn't going to try and that's that.

Error running script - LR 6.14 on Mac

I'm on a Mac with LR 6.14 and I'm having an issue while running, specifically on line 69:
"TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'str' and 'int'
I tried to opt out the line but then I get the error that LUA version is not compatible with PUC-Rio.
I'm actually on a subscription, but I have an older OS and I can't upgrade LR. Is it possible my lua version is different from the other Mac users'?
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Typo: missing file extension at the end of Section 4 of the README

Nicely done project! Clear and straightforward. Had no trouble doing this on a Mac (High Sierra) with Lightroom 6.14.

In the at the end of Secton 4, the file 'LocationDebugPanel' is missing the '.lua' extension. The other parts of the README refer to the file correctly and it's also clear when one browses the actual files.

Switch Map Renderung to OSM?

is there any chance to use OSM (Openstreetmap) for maps rendering?
Reason: The google map - even the terrain map - doesn't show smaller tracks and other outdoor sport related features.

I found some code in locationmapview.lua but I am struggling to find out what and where code changes could be applied.

Thanks in advance.

Please add to readme - fix for reverse geocoding

Hi Adrian,

I would propose to add the following section to the Readme as well (full credits go to evanwarner for the Issue Report "Address Lookup doesn't work with fix?"). Following this I was able to fix my reverse geo coding completely by applying another LUA replace.

Would propose to add this to the readme section as well. -o LOCATIONDEBUGPANEL.bin LOCATIONDEBUGPANEL.LUA "nature" "xyz"

Thanks - Martin

Moar map hacks

Okay, here we go, for those who want to push the Lightroom map further.

All replacements are done with patchluastr, as documented in the readme.


This is quite radical; if we enable StreetView, then we can see our map pins in 3-D! It's not very precise, but it's just very cool.

Replace var streetViewControlEnabled = with var streetViewControlEnabled = true, dummy = , and replace var streetViewEnabled = with var streetViewEnabled = true, dummy2 = .

There is already code in place in the Lightroom file to enable StreetView, so apparently Adobe has been working on it, but maybe turned it off because it was not good enough.

We can't just replace false with true here, because the values are actually not there in the code, they're inserted at run-time. That is why if we want to force it to true, we need to introduce dummy variables that catch the run-time values.


Diagonal view

Some locations on earth offer aerial photos with a diagonal view (instead of a top-down view). We can enable this control. (Note: these photos are not very precise.)

Replace rotateControl: false with rotateControl: true.

Extended map selector

I don't think we can add more maps to the map style selector that Lightroom has underneath the map. But luckily Google Maps offers their own map style selector, which we just need to enable:

Replace mapTypeControl: false with mapTypeControl: true

I prefer the selector in the top left corner. (Interestingly, even though the map selector that is included with Google Maps was disabled, it is still configured in the code to be placed in the bottom.)

Replace google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM with google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT

I tend do add lots of custom maps when I get the chance, so a simple button bar will not suffice. I want a pull-down menu to hold my maps. We will add a configuration option to the map.

Replace mapTypeIds: with style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU, mapTypeIds:

A few years ago, Google made the controls on the map a lot bigger, so they would be easier to operate with your fingers. But they forgot to increase the width of the pulld-down menu, so any map name longer that 10 characters will not fit. No problem for us, we'll fix that by adding a new CSS rule.

Replace #map_canvas with .gm-style-mtc div { width: 200px } #map_canvas

Now all this work is done, we need to add some extra maps, right? Let's take a simple one, ArcGIS satellite.

Replace darkMapType ); with darkMapType );map.mapTypes.set('ArcgisSat',new google.maps.ImageMapType({ getTileUrl: function(coord,zoom){ return '' + zoom + '/' + coord.y + '/' + coord.x;}, tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256,256), name: 'ArcGIS sat', maxZoom: 20 })); to configure the map.

And replace TERRAIN, with TERRAIN, 'ArcgisSat', to add the map to our menu.

Clipboard Image (6)

How to see Javascript console?

Hi everyone! All attempts to google how to see the JS console only return the maps issue.

However, I am having trouble getting the patches working and it would be very helpful to see the console messages, like I can see in the screenshots here.

What is the magic incantation, please?



?:0) attempt to index a boolean value

I am a complete noob to this, so followed the instructions to the letter (I think).

I extracted the three .LUA files from the Location.lrmodule file and using the patchluastr.exe file in Windows 10, had the following positive messages (I've replaced most of my API Key with ????.

\Lightroom Map Fix>patchluastr.exe LOCATIONMAPVIEW.LUA "client=gme-adobesystems" "key=AI???????????????????????????????p_wes" -o LOCATIONMAPVIEW.bin
Lua 5.1 detected
Lua settings: endian 1, int 4, size_t 8, instruction 4, number 4
119454 bytes read from file
Found 'client=gme-adobesystems' at 10424
Found 'client=gme-adobesystems' at 21086
Updated 2 strings
119494 bytes written to LOCATIONMAPVIEW.bin

\Lightroom Map Fix>patchluastr.exe AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.LUA "client=gme-adobesystems" "key=AI???????????????????????????????p_wes" -o AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.bin
Lua 5.1 detected
Lua settings: endian 1, int 4, size_t 8, instruction 4, number 4
10715 bytes read from file
Found 'client=gme-adobesystems' at 1601
Updated 1 strings
10735 bytes written to AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.bin

\Lightroom Map Fix>patchluastr.exe LOCATIONDEBUGPANEL.LUA "nature" "street" -o LOCATIONDEBUGPANEL.bin
Lua 5.1 detected
Lua settings: endian 1, int 4, size_t 8, instruction 4, number 4
11590 bytes read from file
Found 'nature' at 11464
Updated 1 strings
11590 bytes written to LOCATIONDEBUGPANEL.bin

I then re-inserted the .bin files into the Location.lrmodule file (original size 1232KB, patched 921KB).

This was then copied back into the Lightroom install folder - so far so good!

Lightroom loaded correctly, but when I click on the map tab on the menu I get an error message
?:0) attempt to index a boolean value

I am running Lightroom CC 2015.14 Release - I'm not sure what version number that is!

Thanks for your efforts, I hope this is something I'm doing wrong, missing.

Was working but no longer...

First of all, thanks for the great write up and the workaround.
When I found this I was overjoyed that finally my map was working again in LR6, having followed your instructions and getting it all sorted.
I haven't used it in some time however and now that I'm trying to use it again, it seems to be broken... but I don't know why. So I went back, redid all the steps on my originally backed up lrmodule file, but still nothing.
I even generated a new API key in the hopes that something had gone awry there, and redid all the steps again, but still to no avail.

I'm not getting any errors when running and it's doing what it's supposed to. Everything is going the say way it did the first time I ran through it.

Then I load up LR and it does that thing where the map appears for a split second, then I get the error that the map didn't load correctly and to see the JavaScript console for technical details.
I've checked my Google cloud and there aren't even any requests coming in for my API.
I've checked my LR version and it's still at 6.14, so thankfully hasn't just updated itself.

P.S. wasn't sure if this belongs in "issues" but thought maybe something had changed that may affect others also.

Would appreciate any suggestions.
Many thanks,

small README suggestions

I helped my dad to use this project to patch his lightroom version after he didn't get it to work by himself.
First off the instructions are very good and if you have some IT knowledge you should have no problem.
I think with the addition of a few lines in step five and six it can be made a lot more accessible even for someone with no real IT skills.

  1. It may sound obvious but tell people to download the zip and extract the python files.
  2. Save the extracted LUA files in the same folder as you kinda do this for the mac step but not the windows one)
  3. On the link to python maybe add the need to set the environment variable in the installer too.

Ones again great fix and great instructions :)

MacOS not able to run the command in terminal

I am stuck with running the commands. I open terminal change into the directory where the 3 lightroom lua files and are located.
Do I need to change something in the Python launcher window?

This is what Terminal does:
Names-iMac:desktop name$ cd patch
Names-iMac:patch name$ LocationMapView.lua.bak "client=gme-adobesystems" "key=google API-key" -o LocationMapView.lua
-bash: command not found
Names-iMac:patch name$ LocationMapView.lua.bak "client=gme-adobesystems" "key=google API-key" -o LocationMapView.lua
-bash: command not found

How do I run this script? I am lost between python and running the command line.

Thank you all guys for your great work helping people not to waste more money on Adobe!


Map page is blank, was working earlier

First, Thank you for a great hack! Even though I think Adobe should have fixed it in the first place....

I had you fix running on my mac for over a year now, but not it does not work any more?
Just for testing I installed LR6 on my windows and gone through the steps and it does not work here either?
Map page is kind of blank? Not showing any errors?

I'm I the only one? or did Adobe/Google change something? Where do I look for a log?

Errors on

Hi people!

I got an error message when trying to use the script.
I am running on a Mac, MacOS 10.14 Mojave, using Python 3.8.0.

The error message is:
('Processing', 'LocationMapView.lua.ORIG')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 69, in
print("Lua %d.%d detected" % (lua_ver[0] >> 4, lua_ver[0] & 0x0f))
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'str' and 'int'

I tried to comment this line, but the error just moved to the next print instruction. It looks like it is related to incompatible data type, but I really know nothing on Python, so I just don't know how to fix.

Can anybody help, please?

Thank you!

Thanks to this, I now have a fully working LR6 once again :-)

Works with Lightroom 6.14 on a Mac as well!


Just wanted to report that I've successfully applied your method to Lightroom 6.14 on a Mac. The process is even easier here as the lua files to modify are available directly from the filesystem (so the Resource Hacker steps may be skipped). The files to modify are:

  • /Applications/Adobe Lightroom/Adobe
  • /Applications/Adobe Lightroom/Adobe

Note that I don't have python 3 installed on my Mac, so I made the modifications by hand, using vim. One just needs to remember to also update the encoded lua string size when replacing client=... with key=... .

Working on Windows 8.1 with LR 6.14

Reporting that it worked for me, with Lightroom 6.14 on Windows 8.1.

That saves me a painful upgrade CC 2019, which would also require me to upgrade to Windows 10. It's a great solution as the free $200 usage by Google is enough for an occasional use of LR. It could benefit a few more users, as I've seen quite some noise on the Adobe forums before reaching your github.

Thanks a lot for sharing and for the documentation efforts.

LocationDebugPanel.lua -> nothing to patch

first I thank you for trying help us getting our software back !!
My config : OSX 10.14.3 / LR 6.14
I followed the readme instructions and I get 2 patched files but 1 doesn't
Processing LocationMapView.lua -> Updated 2 strings 👍
Processing AgReverseGeocodeService.lua -> Updated 1 strings 👍
Processing LocationDebugPanel.lua -> 'client=gme-adobesystems' not found, nothing to patch 👎
as a result the module is still broken
Hope you have an idea for me.
Thank you again

Syntax issue with python script

Trying to use the script and getting a syntax error "unexpected character after line continuation character"
Is this a script error or user error on my part ?
The script is all one line.

On Windows 7 64bt

Address Lookup doesn't work with fix?

Everything seems to be working with this fix except Address Lookup. None of my images are receiving the gray suggested IPTC locations, and the Address Lookup indicator is stuck at "Looking up N locations." My Google Cloud console is showing about 30% of the Geocoding API requests are triggering 403 errors (which may or may not be related since it's not 100% errors).

I poked around a few of the other .lua files but didn't see any other API calls to update.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Documentation of .patch files

The documentation doesn't explain where to find the .patch files that are referenced in the code examples. If someone follows the instructions line for line, they will get an error here, because they haven't downloaded these files.

While it is relatively obvious where the files are, skipping this information is in contrast to the very detailed instructions for the rest.

Also, there is an error. The code example for the StreetView hack uses the OSM patch file.

AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.LUA error "This is not a Lua file."

Hi Adrian,

I've been following your instructions but while the LOCATIONMAPVIEW.LUA file works fine and the API key gets changed but AGREVERSEGEOCODESERVICE.LUA gives me a "This is not a Lua file." error message.

I tried this with Python3 on Linux and with the Windows exe with the same result.

I've uploaded a zip of the Location.lrmodule file in case you need it for debug.

[removed attachment]

Any ideas?

Cheers, Dylan.

System details:
Lightroom version: 6.14 [ 1149743 ]
License: Perpetual
Language setting: en
Operating system: Windows 10 - Business Edition
Version: 10.0.18363
Application architecture: x64
System architecture: x64
Logical processor count: 4
Processor speed: 2.5 GHz
Built-in memory: 16079.7 MB

No luck

Sadly, I seem to be the only one having trouble getting it to work (LR6.14 and Win 10).
As far as I can tell, I have followed the instructions. At least, I can't figure what I'm doing wrong. :-(

Google account is set up.
The 2 permissions are set for my new project.
I use my own key.
location.lrmodule is patched from the modified .lua files.

All I get is the map flashing up for a split second when I first enter the Map Module, then only the usual error message.

I see no access or error logged in the Google Cloud console, which is worrying..
(Interestingly, Lightroom does not complain if I delete location.lrmodule as a test, but perhaps that is normal behavior?)

Problem with patch for LR 7.5

I am using the patchluastr as exe but it only workes with LOCATIONMAPVIEW.LUA:

Lua 5.1 detected
Lua settings: endian 1, int 4, size_t 8, instruction 4, number 4
118933 bytes read from file
Found 'client=gme-adobesystems' at 10424
Found 'client=gme-adobesystems' at 21086
Updated 2 strings
118973 bytes written to LOCATIONMAPVIEW.bin


Lua 5.1 detected
Lua settings: endian 1, int 4, size_t 8, instruction 4, number 4
14155 bytes read from file
'client=gme-adobesystems' not found, nothing to patch
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 133, in
NameError: name 'exit' is not defined
[10936] Failed to execute script patchluastr

Updating the LR map module with only the LOCATIONMAPVIEW.bin file I see the map for a fraction of a second and then the usual LR maps error message.

What can I do else?

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