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bindertool's Issues


Sorry if I spam this issues but I have a question for you, where do you learn do decrypt all this encripted files, like get rsa keys and so on, I know a bit how to read hex and I understand protocols, but where do you get decrypt keys for example, and know all this stuff of the data in the files?

Any resource to learn to make this? I know this kind of work it's full R&D but if you can suggest a good way to learn to be more easy to understand this stuff I'm glad to see it



Is it possible to repack the file or rebuild on the new ???

Unhandled exception when extracting DS2's sound files (.bnd)

I successfully extracted GameDataEbl.bdt (in Dark Souls II non SoTFS). However, I get this error when I try to extract any of the .bnd files (like frpg2_main.bnd) in the folder GameDataEbl\Sound :

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'N:\FRPG2\data\Sound\out\out_pc\frpg2_main.fev'.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.InternalWriteAllBytes(String path, Byte[] bytes, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(String path, Byte[] bytes)
at BinderTool.Program.UnpackBndFile(Stream inputStream, String outputPath)
at BinderTool.Program.UnpackBndFile(Options options)
at BinderTool.Program.Main(String[] args)

I am using V3, and I also tried using the latest one just in case. Same error. Is there any way I can get past this?

Thank you.

Elden Ring keys











Request(explanation below)

Sorry that im posting it here.

I wanted to ask you whether you can be a tool or make a support for binder tool . so you can export the dark souls HKX animation files and the right skeleton sorry for the shitty english.
I wanted to ask you whether you can be a tool or make a support for binder tool . so you can export the dark souls HKX animation files and the right skeleton sorry for the shitty english

how to pack back Data0.bdt or other .bdt?

Or any method to let the game load loose file located at /sound?
It seems nether the patch of UXM and mod engine 2 do this. So I am considering how to re-pack the .bdt files.

Elden Ring branch or merge back to master?

I've got ER support pretty much working in my fork. I was thinking about submitting a PR after a bit more work cleaning things up, but I'm not sure whether the ER release should stay as its own branch - first off, there's already a very similar Sekiro branch, and second, I think it should be compatible with other titles at this point anyways (though I'm new to the scene so I'm not sure if I'm missing something) so there doesn't seem to be much need for a branch. I'd also be fine keeping the ER version as a fork if y'all original maintainers don't want anything to do with it, but I am happy to contribute back and keep things centralized.


Dark souls 3 0.3.1 unhandled exception.

Hi, I am trying to extract comfort mod to merge it with a loose mod but I am getting

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
at BinderTool.Core.Bhf4.Bhf4Entry.Read(Stream inputStream)
at BinderTool.Core.Bhf4.Bhf4File.Read(Stream inputStream)
at BinderTool.Program.UnpackBdf4File(Options options)
at BinderTool.Program.Main(String[] args)

Byte array size limit

Not sure if this project is somewhat still maintained, but I'm trying to use it for the new E\den Ring.

The file size is 10.932.196.539 bytes so it's bigger than max array size, therefore failing.

byte[] encryptedData = new byte[inputStream.Length - EncryptionIvCbcSize];

Any suggestions?

Unhandled Exception

d:\binder>BinderTool.exe D:\A\Data5.bdt D:\Extract

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
at BinderTool.Core.Bhf4.Bhf4Entry.Read(Stream inputStream) in c:\Users\Tim\Documents\GitHub\BinderTool\BinderTool.Core\Bhf4\Bhf4Entry.cs:line 27
at BinderTool.Core.Bhf4.Bhf4File.Read(Stream inputStream) in c:\Users\Tim\Documents\GitHub\BinderTool\BinderTool.Core\Bhf4\Bhf4File.cs:line 78
at BinderTool.Program.UnpackBdf4File(Options options)
at BinderTool.Program.Main(String[] args)

How to package back to dcx file?

This tool is great! But how to package back to dcx file?
I'll only use it at offline mode. Could you add package function or tell me where can I get the package tool for dcx file? Thank you!

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin unpacking

So v0.3 works with unpacking the bdt/bhd files and then some of the *bnd files get unpacked perfectly as well, but there are either some files that are seemingly missing or can't be unpacked.

I attached a zip files containing two files: AS_1000_M.bnd unpacks as intended, whereas c1062.texbnd has the data in a weird order (there are even two sections where "BND4" appear in hex in that one file alone).

If you have the time, could you look into this? I can provide you with any archive file sample (BDT, BHD, BND, etc.) if need be.

How to use?

"BinderTool input_file_path [output_folder_path]"
Okay but where do I put this? When I click on BinderTool it opens and closes immediately.

DDS file extraction

I don't know if you already know about this or not, but it seems that some (most) textures do not extract correctly. The broken files extract correctly up until it reaches the file's header, which in working files is "DX1" and in broken files, "DX10". Afterwards, shit goes wild in the DX10 files. Example

problems with .tpf.dcx files in Dark Souls III

I am unable to extract the majority of .tpf.dcx files from Dark Souls III's data files. The ones in \parts\ and \map\ are fine, but all files of that type in \menu\ (as well as all subfolders) and \other\ return an error. Here's the error from \menu\01_common.tpf.dcx

Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: Signature was not DCX
at BinderTool.Core.Dcx.DcxFile.ReadCommonHeader(BinaryReader reader)
at BinderTool.Core.Dcx.DcxFile.Read(Stream inputStream)
at BinderTool.Program.UnpackDcxFile(Options options)
at BinderTool.Program.Main(String[] args)

I am using BinderTool v0.6-pre4, and an identical error occurs from a previous 0.6 version which I downloaded early in 2019. So either the issue is not new, or I have misconfigured or misused both versions in the same way.

ER: encoding of decompiled luabnd.dcx script

I tried v0.7.0-pre2 to decompile Malenia's AI script (script\212000_battle.luabnd.dcx), but VSCode tells me the decompiled file is binary format or unsupported encoding.

Which editor/encoding should I use to edit the lua script? I tried Shift_JIS but doesn't work.

Multiple files at once?

Is there any way to have multiple files decrypted/decompiled at once?
If not could you add one?

Helping with the DS dictionary

Can you me explain how you gonna get the filenames out of Darksouls? im learning things fast im interested in. and i doesnt know how i should contact you without the issue thing. @Atvaark

Decrypting BDT5 files

Currently there is an issue with DCX and BHF4 files unpacked from the BHD5 (Data1.bhd - Data5.bhd) files. This only appears to happen when the files are encrypted with an AES 128 key in ECB mode.
It is also possible that files other than DCX and BHF4 are impacted by this, but so far I could only notice it with these two file types.

A DCX file that has been decrypted with AES has a valid DCX header (76 bytes) and a valid zlib header (2 bytes).
The remaining bytes are decrypted one more time by the game engine to be valid zlib data.

Same issue as the DCX files but the the first 1024 bytes are decrypted correctly and the remaining bytes are unreadable.

Error when trying to extract BND files

I'm new at this, so apologies if there's something basic I'm missing. I'm using the Elden Ring branch. As I understand it, any file type ending in BND should be extractable with BinderTool. .geombnd, .mapbnd etc. When I try and run it, I get this error;

Unhandled Exception: System.NotSupportedException: The given path's format is not supported.
at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost)
at BinderTool.Program.Process(Options options)
at BinderTool.Program.Main(String[] args)

I've tried multiple files all of which have thrown this error, and I don't have the expertise to troubleshoot the problem.

Rebuilding the dictionary

In order to get some more useful file names the dictionary has to be rebuild.

In DSII I obtained most file names by injecting a DLL into the game that hooked the file name hashing function (See Dark-Souls-II-Mod-Loader). In DSIII the file name hashing function appears to be inlined in lots of places (search for the following instruction: imul *, 137) which makes this painful to implement.

Extracting .bdt from DS2

I've been trying to extract DS2 model files for 3 months without success. I tried your bindertools extractor without success too. I have this message every time "Missing decryption key for file 'LqChrEbl.bhd''. I tried with this command also without success. "BinderTool LqChrEbl.bdt "J:\Dark Souls Trilogy\DarkSouls2\LqChrEbl" - -game DarkSouls2 --extract-bhd true" . I got this error messange. " Option 'extract-bhd' is unknown. Could it be possible that I am using it wrong? could you help me ?

Enchanted Arms BND support?

I was looking into exporting models from an older PS3 jRPG, Enchanted Arms. It's using BND files and a google search led me here, but trying to open those with this tool (predictably) throws an error. I understand adding support for a whole other game would likely mean huge amounts of work, and in that case please disregard this request. But on the off chance that all that's needed is adjusting some header or such, could I please ask someone to look into this?

BinderTool has stopped working

Im trying to get a DS2 mod to work and ive never used any of these tools before. any time i try to open anything with bindertool or even try to get a different version it crashes. the cmd window also says:

Unhandles Exception: BinderTool.core.Bhd5.Bhd5FileReadException: Invalid signature

I cant find anything on this issue or find this error anywhere else

How about Sekiro?

Hi bro,you must know that Sekiro is come out and can play.So,would you add new function to extract Sekiro's *.bdt?

binder tool repacking?

Hey Atvaark!

As you may have known there's a BinderTool which you can use to extract Dark Souls III files, including the text files. These are stored in .msgbnd files. There are 3 files, namely "item.msgbnd", "menu.msgbnd" and "ngword.msgbnd".

ngword -> This file contains swearing and such, so it must be the file that censors names and nasty stuff.
item -> This contains item and spell names and descriptions, nothing else.
menu -> This contains everything else, from menu text to options to text written with soapstone to NPC speech.

I request a tool which can extract said text from these files, put them back in, and then insert it back into the .bdt file, so that the game could be translated.

Unpacking DLC data

First off, big thanks for the tool. I'm the guy that runs MugenMonkey currently and BinderTool was invaluable for extracting all of the scaling and infusion data.

Ashes of Ariandel was released today, and I'm looking to update the site with the new equipment data. Looks like it added DLC1.bdt and DLC1.bhd. I'm not sure I fully understand how BinderTool works, but I believe in order to start I'd need the key to decrypt DLC1.bhd which should give me the key to decrypt DLC1.bdt. Is that right?

@Atvaark do you have any interest in unpacking the DLC data? If not, I'd be happy to dive in and try to figure things out. Would you be able to point me in the right direction -- particularly with regards to what I'd need to do to find those keys?


It seems that there are some problems ob DLC2 decryption.

I don't know why, but only c6330 (Locust Preacher) Has a decryption problem. Maybe more, but I can't find more anyway. I tried to extract c6330.tpf, but it has a System.IO.EndOfStreamException error, and has a different file header too. It does not has a info about DDS and DX10. Please solve this.

Multiple files at once

I tried doing a BinderTool.exe *.bnd hoping it would do each file in the directory and create subfolders for each but it didnt appear to have this functionality. Would it be possible to include that?

Backwards compatibility of Elden Ring branch

I made a small tool for testing backwards compatibility. It runs both tools, then compares the outputs.. It checks for missing files/folders, extra files/folders, and compares file content byte-for-byte. I tested the main branch version against my fork's ER branch for DSII & DSIII, and the Sekiro branch version against the ER branch for Sekiro. Here's what I found:

  • The main branch version incorrectly identifies the signature NVMA as ".nvma" files when they're really ".nva" files, but the ER version identifies them correctly
  • The main branch version does not include INTERROOT_win64 as part of virtual roots (in FileNameDictionary.cs), but the ER version does - possibly a regression, possibly an enhancement. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know
  • The main branch version does not correctly detect ".gparam" and ".fltparam" files on a per-game basis, but the ER version does
  • The ER branch version had my erroneous assumption that UTF-16 signatures were only in Sekiro & ER
  • The Sekiro branch version does not detect UTF-16 signatures as that code was commented out
  • The ER branch version did not correctly handle Sekiro's digital artwork & mini soundtrack Data.bdt

Every difference in file names and file content my tool found is covered by those bullet points.

The two bugs in the Elden Ring version were fixed by 6c25f85 and I was unable to test any files from Bloodborne or Dark Souls Remastered as I don't have those games, and no version correctly handles Dark Souls' dvdbnd archives. I also didn't test anything but the regular extraction of .bdt files (and any .dcx files that are automatically extracted therein), but as far as I know there aren't any differences in any of the other formats anyways.

Assuming Bloodborne and DSR work fine, it seems to me that once my changes are merged back to this repo the ER branch should be good to be merged back to master, though I could have missed something.

paramdef files

Hello there,

I am looking for the paramdef files in Data1 but I can't find them, I did see them in the Dictionary.csv though. I also tried looking for them in all the .bnd files in Data1 and every other .bdt. Could you point me in the right direction?

SoTFS parts

I am trying to locate 3d models of armors and npcs and am unable to extract the parts bhd

Can't extract .tpf.dcx

I'm trying to extract texture files from that mod:

The .ccm.dcx-files extract just fine, but I have no use for them and the .tpf.dcx stop with this error:

> .\BinderTool.exe ..\font\english\DSFont24.tpf.dcx

Unhandled Exception: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.SharpZipBaseException: Unexpected EOF
   at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.InflaterInputBuffer.Fill()
   at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.InflaterInputStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
   at System.IO.Stream.InternalCopyTo(Stream destination, Int32 bufferSize)
   at BinderTool.Core.Dcx.DeflateCompression.DecompressData(Byte[] compressedData, Int32 uncompressedSize)
   at BinderTool.Core.Dcx.DcxFile.Decompress()
   at BinderTool.Program.UnpackDcxFile(Options options)
   at BinderTool.Program.Main(String[] args)

Dark Souls II Extraction Issues

Using the proper 0.3 version, extraction of Dark Souls II is inaccurate. Many of the extracted files are unidentified beyond extension. In respective folders, expected 'pairs' are missing their partner files. c---.bnd or c---.texbnd are commonly missing from expected pairs, certain pairs missing entirely.

Scholar of the First Sin fails to extract any character/npc/enemy files at all, as well.

Unpacking error

When i try to unpack any file i either get an unsupported file error or on EndOfIOStreamException.
It still creates the folders but they just dont contain anything


Hi Atvaark,

I am very sorry to bother you but I'd like to ask you a little help here.
I have zero experience in programming and such and I've been reading the instructions back and forth but haven't been able to use BinderTool 0.3 to extract my (original DSII for PC) GameDataEbl.bdt. I have tried Visual studio to open the BinderTool.csproj file and somehow create an exe file but I really can't figure out the steps here. Would it be too much to ask if you could help me unpack the GameDataEbl.bdt? I was looking for the Executioner's Chariot, which I believe to be c6191=Executioner's Chariot (according to this list: made by dib91).
I even tried using version 0.4.2 which has an exe file and then move the GameDataEbl.bdt, GameDataEbl.bhd and GameDataKeyCode.pem to the same folder as BinderTool and then drag and drop the bhd file to the exe but all it does is create an empty folder in the same directory with nothing inside.
I'd really appreciate all the help you could give me!
Thank you so much!

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