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avail-light's Introduction


Light client for the Avail blockchain

Build status Code coverage



avail-light is a data availability light client with the following functionalities:

  • Listening on the Avail network for finalized blocks
  • Random sampling and proof verification of a predetermined number of cells ({row, col} pairs) on each new block. After successful block verification, confidence is calculated for a number of cells (N) in a matrix, with N depending on the percentage of certainty the light client wants to achieve.
  • Data reconstruction through application client.
  • HTTP endpoints exposing relevant data, both from the light and application clients

Modes of Operation

  1. Light-client Mode: The basic mode of operation and is always active no matter the mode selected. If an App_ID is not provided (or is =0), this mode will commence. On each header received the client does random sampling using two mechanisms:

    1. DHT - client first tries to retrieve cells via Kademlia.
    2. RPC - if DHT retrieve fails, the client uses RPC calls to Avail nodes to retrieve the needed cells. The cells not already found in the DHT will be uploaded.

Once the data is received, light client verifies individual cells and calculates the confidence, which is then stored locally.

  1. App-Specific Mode: If an App_ID > 0 is given in the config file, the application client (part of the light client) downloads all the relevant app data, reconstructs it and persists it locally. Reconstructed data is then available to accessed via an HTTP endpoint. (WIP)

  2. Fat-Client Mode: The client retrieves larger contiguous chunks of the matrix on each block via RPC calls to an Avail node, and stores them on the DHT. This mode is activated when the block_matrix_partition parameter is set in the config file, and is mainly used with the disable_proof_verification flag because of the resource cost of cell validation. IMPORTANT: disabling proof verification introduces a trust assumption towards the node, that the data provided is correct.

  3. Crawl-Client Mode: Active if the crawl feature is enabled, and crawl_block parameter is set to true. The client crawls cells from DHT for entire block, and calculates success rate. Crawled cell proofs are not being verified, nor rows commitment equality check is being performed. Every block crawling is delayed by crawl_block_delay parameter. Delay should be enough so crawling of large block can be compensated. Success rate is emitted in logs and metrics. Crawler can be run in three modes: cells, rows and both. Default mode is cells, and it can be configured by crawl_block_mode parameter.


Download the Light Client from the releases page.

Light Client can also be built from the source:

git clone
cd avail-light
cargo build --release

Resulting avail-light binary can be found in the target/release directory.

Installation using Docker

Alternatively, you can use Docker to build and run the light client locally. Keep in mind that Docker image will fail unless you have provided a config.yaml during the build process:

docker build -t avail-light .

It will cache the dependencies on the first build, after which you can run the image like:

docker run avail-light


Local development

For local development, a couple of prerequisites have to be met.

  1. Run the Avail node. For this setup, we'll run it in dev mode:
./data-avail --dev --enable-kate-rpc
  1. A bootstrap node is required for deploying the Light Client(s) locally. Once the bootstrap has been downloaded and started, run the following command:
./avail-light --network local

Configuration file can also be used for the local deployment, as was the case for the testnet.

Example configuration file:

# config.yaml
log_level = "info"
http_server_host = ""
http_server_port = 7000

secret_key = { seed = "avail" }
port = 37000

full_node_ws = ["ws://"]
app_id = 0
confidence = 92.0
avail_path = "avail_path"
bootstraps = ["/ip4/"]

Full configuration reference can be found below.

NOTE Flags and options take precedence to the configuration file if both are set (i.e. --port option overwrites the port parameter from the config file).

Example identity file:

WARNING: This file contains a private key. Please ensure only authorized access and prefer using encrypted storage.

# identity.toml
avail_secret_seed_phrase = "bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk//Alice"


  • --network <NETWORK>: Select a network for the Light Client to connect. Possible values are:
    • local: Local development
  • --config: Location of the configuration file
  • --identity: Location of the identity file
  • --app-id: The appID parameter for the application client
  • --port: LibP2P listener port
  • --verbosity: Log level. Possible values are:
    • trace
    • debug
    • info
    • warn
    • error
  • --avail-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>: Avail secret seed phrase password, flag is optional
  • --seed: Seed string for libp2p keypair generation
  • --secret-key: Ed25519 private key for libp2p keypair generation


  • --version: Light Client version
  • --clean: Remove previous state dir set in avail_path config parameter
  • --finality_sync_enable: Enable finality sync


In the Avail network, a light client's identity can be configured using the identity.toml file. If not specified, a secret seed phrase will be generated and stored in the identity file when the light client starts. To use an existing seed phrase, set the avail_secret_seed_phrase entry in the identity.toml file. Seed phrase will be used to derive Sr25519 key pair for signing. Location of the identity file can be specified using --identity option.

Configuration reference

log_level = "info"
# Light client HTTP server host name (default:
http_server_host = ""
# Light client HTTP server port (default: 7000).
http_server_port = 7000
# Secret key for libp2p keypair. Can be either set to `seed` or to `key`.
# If set to seed, keypair will be generated from that seed.
# If set to key, a valid ed25519 private key must be provided, else the client will fail
# If `secret_key` is not set, random seed will be used.
secret_key = { seed={seed} }
# P2P service port (default: 37000).
port = 37000
# Configures AutoNAT behaviour to reject probes as a server for clients that are observed at a non-global ip address (default: false)
autonat_only_global_ips = false
# AutoNat throttle period for re-using a peer as server for a dial-request. (default: 1s)
autonat_throttle = 2
# Interval in which the NAT status should be re-tried if it is currently unknown or max confidence was not reached yet. (default: 20s)
autonat_retry_interval = 20
# Interval in which the NAT should be tested again if max confidence was reached in a status. (default: 360s)
autonat_refresh_interval = 360
# AutoNat on init delay before starting the first probe. (default: 5s)
autonat_boot_delay = 10
# Vector of Light Client bootstrap nodes, used to bootstrap the DHT (mandatory field).
bootstraps = ["/ip4/"]
# Vector of Relay nodes, which are used for hole punching
relays = ["/ip4/"]
# WebSocket endpoint of a full node for subscribing to the latest header, etc (default: ws://
full_node_ws = ["ws://"]
# Genesis hash of the network you are connecting to. The genesis hash will be checked upon connecting to the node(s) and will also be used to identify you on the p2p network. If you wish to skip the check for development purposes, entering DEV{suffix} instead will skip the check and create a separate p2p network with that identifier.
genesis_hash = "DEV123"
# ID of application used to start application client. If app_id is not set, or set to 0, application client is not started (default: 0).
app_id = 0
# Confidence threshold, used to calculate how many cells need to be sampled to achieve desired confidence (default: 99.9).
confidence = 99.9
# File system path where RocksDB used by light client, stores its data. (default: avail_path)
avail_path = "avail_path"
# OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint (default: ``)
ot_collector_endpoint = ""
# If set to true, logs are displayed in JSON format, which is used for structured logging. Otherwise, plain text format is used (default: false).
log_format_json = true
# Fraction and number of the block matrix part to fetch (e.g. 2/20 means second 1/20 part of a matrix). This is the parameter that determines whether the client behaves as fat client or light client (default: None)
block_matrix_partition = "1/20"
# Disables proof verification in general, if set to true, otherwise proof verification is performed. (default: false).
disable_proof_verification = false
# Disables fetching of cells from RPC, set to true if client expects cells to be available in DHT (default: false)
disable_rpc = false
# Number of parallel queries for cell fetching via RPC from node (default: 8).
query_proof_rpc_parallel_tasks = 8
# Maximum number of cells per request for proof queries (default: 30).
max_cells_per_rpc = 30
# Maximum number of parallel tasks spawned for GET and PUT operations on DHT (default: 20).
dht_parallelization_limit = 20
# Number of seconds to postpone block processing after the block finalized message arrives. (default: 0).
block_processing_delay = 0
# Starting block of the syncing process. Omitting it will disable syncing. (default: None).
sync_start_block = 0
# Enable or disable synchronizing finality. If disabled, finality is assumed to be verified until the 
# starting block at the point the LC is started and is only checked for new blocks. (default: false)
sync_finality_enable = false
# Time-to-live for DHT entries in seconds (default: 24h).
# Default value is set for light clients. Due to the heavy duty nature of the fat clients, it is recommended to be set far below this value - not greater than 1hr.
# Record TTL, publication and replication intervals are co-dependent: TTL >> publication_interval >> replication_interval.
record_ttl = 86400
# Sets the (re-)publication interval of stored records, in seconds. This interval should be significantly shorter than the record TTL, ensure records do not expire prematurely. (default: 12h).
# Default value is set for light clients. Fat client value needs to be inferred from the TTL value.
# This interval should be significantly shorter than the record TTL, to ensure records do not expire prematurely.
publication_interval = 43200
# Sets the (re-)replication interval for stored records, in seconds. This interval should be significantly shorter than the publication interval, to ensure persistence between re-publications. (default: 3h).
# Default value is set for light clients. Fat client value needs to be inferred from the TTL and publication interval values.
# This interval should be significantly shorter than the publication interval, to ensure persistence between re-publications.
replication_interval = 10800
# The replication factor determines to how many closest peers a record is replicated. (default: 5).
replication_factor = 5
# Sets the amount of time to keep connections alive when they're idle. (default: 30s).
# NOTE: libp2p default value is 10s, but because of Avail block time of 20s the value has been increased
connection_idle_timeout = 30
# Sets the timeout for a single Kademlia query. (default: 10s).
query_timeout = 10
# Sets the allowed level of parallelism for iterative Kademlia queries. (default: 3).
query_parallelism = 3
# Sets the Kademlia caching strategy to use for successful lookups. If set to 0, caching is disabled. (default: 1).
caching_max_peers = 1
# Require iterative queries to use disjoint paths for increased resiliency in the presence of potentially adversarial nodes. (default: false).
disjoint_query_paths = false
# The maximum number of records. (default: 2400000).
max_kad_record_number = 2400000
# The maximum size of record values, in bytes. (default: 8192).
max_kad_record_size = 8192
# The maximum number of provider records for which the local node is the provider. (default: 1024).
max_kad_provided_keys = 1024


  • Immediately after starting a fresh light client, block sync is executed from a starting block set with the sync_start_block config parameter. The sync process is using both the DHT and RPC for that purpose.
  • In order to spin up a fat client, config needs to contain the block_matrix_partition parameter set to a fraction of matrix. It is recommended to set the disable_proof_verification to true, because of the resource costs of proof verification.
  • sync_start_block needs to be set correspondingly to the blocks cached on the connected node (if downloading data via RPC).
  • When an LC is freshly connected to a network, block finality is synced from the first block. If the LC is connected to a non-archive node on a long running network, initial validator sets won't be available and the finality checks will fail. In that case we recommend disabling the sync_finality_enable flag
  • When switching between the networks (i.e. local devnet), LC state in the avail_path directory has to be cleared
  • OpenTelemetry push metrics are used for light client observability
  • In order to use network analyzer, the light client has to be compiled with --features 'network-analysis' flag; when running the LC with network analyzer, sufficient capabilities have to be given to the client in order for it to have the permissions needed to listen on socket: sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /path/to/light/client/binary

Usage and examples

Fetching the number of the latest block processed by light client

To fetch the number of the latest block processed by light client, we can perform GET request on /v1/latest_block endpoint.

curl "http://localhost:7000/v1/latest_block"


	"latest_block": 10

Fetching the confidence for given block

To fetch the confidence for specific block, which is already processed by application client, we can perform GET request on /v1/confidece/{block_number} endpoint.

curl "http://localhost:7000/v1/confidence/1"


	"block": 1,
	"confidence": 93.75,
	"serialised_confidence": "5232467296"

serialisedConfidence is calculated as: blockNumber << 32 | int32(confidence * 10 ** 7), where confidence is represented out of 10 ** 9.

Fetching decoded application data for given block

After data is verified, it can be fetched with GET request on /v1/appdata/{block_number} endpoint, by specifying decode=true query parameter. In case decode is omitted or false, scale encoded extrinsics will be returned.

JSON response

curl "http://localhost:7000/v1/appdata/1?decode=true"


	"block": 46,
	"extrinsics": [

Decoded extrinsic

curl -s "" | jq -r '.extrinsics[-1]' | base64 -d



Get the running mode of the Light Client

curl "localhost:7000/v1/mode"


	"AppClient": 1

Get the status of a latest block

curl "localhost:7000/v1/status"


	"block_num": 10,
	"confidence": 93.75,
	"app_id": 1

Get the latest block

curl "localhost:7000/v1/latest_block"


	"latest_block": 255

Health check

To perform health check of the light client, run:

curl -I "localhost:7000/health"

200 OK is expected response.

API reference

In case of error, endpoints will return response with 500 Internal Server Error status code, and descriptive error message.

GET /v1/mode

Retrieves the operating mode of the light client. Light client can operate in two different modes, LightClient or AppClient, depending on configuration of application ID.


If operating mode is LightClient response is:

Status code: 200 OK


In case of AppClient mode, response is:

Status code: 200 OK

{"AppClient": {app_id}}

GET /v1/latest_block

Retrieves the latest block processed by the light client.


Status code: 200 OK


GET /v1/confidence/{block_number}

Given a block number, it returns the confidence computed by the light client for that specific block.

Path parameters:

  • block_number - block number (required)


In case when confidence is computed:

Status code: 200 OK

{ "block": 1, "confidence": 93.75, "serialised_confidence": "5232467296" }

If confidence is not computed, and specified block is before the latest processed block:

Status code: 400 Bad Request

"Not synced"

If confidence is not computed, and specified block is after the latest processed block:

Status code: 404 Not Found

"Not found"

GET /v1/appdata/{block_number}

Given a block number, it retrieves the hex-encoded extrinsics for the specified block, if available. Alternatively, if specified by a query parameter, the retrieved extrinsic is decoded and returned as a base64-encoded string.

Path parameters:

  • block_number - block number (required)

Query parameters:

  • decode - true if decoded extrinsics are requested (boolean, optional, default is false)


If application data is available, and decode is false or unspecified:

Status code: 200 OK

	"block": 1,
	"extrinsics": [

If application data is available, and decode is true:

Status code: 200 OK

{ "block": 1, "extrinsics": ["ZXhhbXBsZQ=="] }

If application data is not available, and specified block is the latest block:

Status code: 401 Unauthorized

"Processing block"

If application data is not available, and specified block is not the latest block:

Status code: 404 Not Found

"Not found"

GET /v1/status

Retrieves the status of the latest block processed by the light client.

Path parameters:

  • block_number - block number (required)


If latest processed block exists, and app_id is configured (otherwise, app_id is not set):

Status code: 200 OK

{ "block_num": 89, "confidence": 93.75, "app_id": 1 }

If there are no processed blocks:

Status code: 404 Not Found

"Not found"

Test Code Coverage Report

We are using grcov to aggregate code coverage information and generate reports.

To install grcov, run:

cargo install grcov

Source code coverage data is generated when running tests with:

env RUSTFLAGS="-C instrument-coverage" \
 LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="tests-coverage-%p-%m.profraw" \
 cargo test

To generate the report, run:

grcov . -s . \
 --binary-path ./target/debug/ \
 -t html \
 --branch \
 --ignore-not-existing -o \

To clean up generate coverage information files, run:

find . -name \*.profraw -type f -exec rm -f {} +

Open index.html from the ./target/debug/coverage/ folder to review coverage data.

avail-light's People


anurag-arjun avatar aterentic-ethernal avatar dependabot[bot] avatar expenses avatar florianfranzen avatar fmiguelgarcia avatar hanafihanafihanafi avatar i1i1 avatar itzmeanjan avatar jakubcech avatar kroos47 avatar kylemasterd1 avatar leouarz avatar luka-ethernal avatar markopoloparadox avatar migueldd1 avatar momosh-ethernal avatar moraesjeremias avatar obrienalaribe avatar prabal-banerjee avatar qedk avatar raoulmillais avatar rebelartists avatar salmad3 avatar sh3ll3x3c avatar tomaka avatar toufeeqp avatar vbhattaccmu avatar vthunder avatar wirednkod avatar


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avail-light's Issues

avail-light node crashed

Error message as below (report-17f5d756-0be3-4ffb-8689-b6fb9119bfd2.toml.txt):

2024-01-17T06:15:33.185660Z INFO avail_light::light_client: Random cells generated: 10 block_number=300866 cells_requested=10

Panic shutdown triggered with success, awaiting completion...
2024-01-17T06:15:36.623480Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Shuting down P2P Event Loop. Please wait...
2024-01-17T06:15:36.623581Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: P2P Event Loop shutdown complete.
Shutdown completed.
The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Well, this is embarrassing.

avail-light had a problem and crashed. To help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report.

We have generated a report file at "/tmp/report-17f5d756-0be3-4ffb-8689-b6fb9119bfd2.toml". Submit an issue or email with the subject of "avail-light Crash Report" and include the report as an attachment.

  • Authors: Avail Team

We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. In order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports.

Thank you kindly!
2024-01-17T06:15:37.207429Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

Node Crash

2024-01-27T11:21:20.039791Z ERROR avail_light::light_client: Cannot process block: Rpc error: RPC error: RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: MethodNotFound, message: "RPC call is unsafe to be called externally", data: None }
2024-01-27T11:21:20.041903Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Shuting down P2P Event Loop. Please wait...
2024-01-27T11:21:20.042411Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: P2P Event Loop shutdown complete.
0: Running Light Client encountered an error
1: Cannot process block: Rpc error: RPC error: RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: MethodNotFound, message: "RPC call is unsafe to be called externally", data: None }: RPC error: RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: MethodNotFound, message: "RPC call is unsafe to be called externally", data: None }


avail-light client seems does not work on ubuntu 22.04

according to the guide, the output log should came a lot, but my client's log stuck at the line:

2024-01-08T09:51:36.620267Z  INFO avail_light: Listening for QUIC on port: 37000
2024-01-08T09:51:36.620738Z  INFO avail_light: Listening for TCP on port: 37000
2024-01-08T09:51:36.620757Z  INFO avail_light: Bootstraping the DHT with bootstrap nodes...

then no more log came out. I did not find any error log, so I wonder that the light-client work correctly or not?

here is some my runtime env:

  1. os: ubuntu 22.04
  2. light-client: avail-light-linux-amd64 v1.7.4
  3. the socket status:
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      11466/./avail-light
tcp        0      0 my_node_ip:58252      ESTABLISHED 11466/./avail-light
udp        0      0*                           11466/./avail-light
udp        0      0  *                           11466/./avail-light
udp    55808      0  *                           11466/./avail-light
udp        0      0  *                           11466/./avail-light
udp        0      0  *                           11466/./avail-light
udp        0      0  my_node_ip:48431*                           11466/./avail-light
udp        0      0*                           11466/./avail-light
udp        0      0*                           11466/./avail-light
udp        0      0 *                           11466/./avail-light

avail-light Crash Report 1.7.4

"name" = "avail-light"
"operating_system" = "Mac OS 14.2.1 [64-bit]"
"crate_version" = "1.7.4"
"explanation" = """
Panic occurred in file '/Users/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/' at line 221
"cause" = "RPC Subscription stream should be infinite"
"method" = "Panic"
"backtrace" = """

0: 0x10345d33a - core::option::expect_failed::h7a284305b411661c
1: 0x1023af961 - avail_light::network::rpc::event_loop::EventLoop::run::{{closure}}::ha8c3e925446965df
2: 0x10234adb5 - <avail_light::shutdown::with_cancel::WithCancel<T,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::he9693eee5c7beed4
3: 0x1024a485c - tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll::hcd8925c5b5fa4e2f
4: 0x102db1a6d - tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::Context::run_task::hdb1283b117571b63
5: 0x102db5c1e - tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll::hc841fc0736276968
6: 0x102da735c - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::hedcc2edb69b5d537
7: 0x102da711c - core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}::he1cf7c74741df83e
8: 0x102d71629 - std::sys::unix::thread::Thread::new::thread_start::h38ac7fbd1086ae35
9: 0x7ff80aa27202 - __pthread_start"""

avail-light Crash Report 1.7.4

2024-01-10T13:15:08.397100Z INFO avail_light::light_client: Confidence factor: 99.90234375 block_number=272918 confidence=99.90234375
2024-01-10T13:15:08.397936Z INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=ConfidenceAchieved published=0 failed=0
2024-01-10T13:15:08.399259Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Cell upload success rate for block 272918: 0/10. Duration: 0
2024-01-10T13:15:26.204037Z INFO avail_light::network::rpc::event_loop: Header no.: 272919
2024-01-10T13:15:26.204931Z INFO avail_light::network::rpc::event_loop: New justification at block no.: 272919, hash: 0x3a9b3188a70df6820c4cbf70ea5517cddfe95256e713befd0eae92aca0ed9ec5
Panic shutdown triggered with success, awaiting completion...
2024-01-10T13:15:26.218974Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Shuting down P2P Event Loop. Please wait...
2024-01-10T13:15:26.219093Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: P2P Event Loop shutdown complete.
Shutdown completed.
The application panicked (crashed).
Message: called Result::unwrap() on an Err value:
0: Not signed by this signature! Sig id: 049dc4d5d57dcafbf3d773f4894fb50b5c1071cf0732ddd0e185afcd894382fa (5CAkv5Af...), set_id: 125, justification: GrandpaJustification { round: 44514, commit: Commit { target_hash: 0x3a9b3188a70df6820c4cbf70ea5517cddfe95256e713befd0eae92aca0ed9ec5, target_number: 272919, precommits: [SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0x3a9b3188a70df6820c4cbf70ea5517cddfe95256e713befd0eae92aca0ed9ec5, target_number: 272919 }, signature: 83e2a7396ba82716d472bdcc1f6d63e1ae2c22e4be513d9e1ebe297eefbcf7b5e512fcfe1c77106b440e4ca84e471b537d410f6bd5a7f1ff753abaabd7a2e703, id: 0233b669b30fa8fdbaa159dca673cdc3ca7afc1284e3a9e49023c521c634217d (5C7bKD8H...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0xbb218fb885497d899f8689a76c50d7b7bdde4f8e3135feb972899dbb24d1e8e3, target_number: 272920 }, signature: eaed45538f85b6bc510ef0d47e26ca47f0b8725e4f1c28e2f2480437aba8912693400037cc812efc0fada3baee8a32af42a48ea00de761fe4d488714750ef801, id: 049dc4d5d57dcafbf3d773f4894fb50b5c1071cf0732ddd0e185afcd894382fa (5CAkv5Af...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0xbb218fb885497d899f8689a76c50d7b7bdde4f8e3135feb972899dbb24d1e8e3, target_number: 272920 }, signature: 4e9e0cb03caffa1ed7aa3551e47afbe140d10e151dab05987c446b35f40165ad0eaa3a7fb19350841e5d99e6e90f54f18abb88d9b5fd8a77e6411101f9c13a09, id: 04b453a0c525b6b1fc79343f3d7c846da173d5082b09cb0b46433a9a7f2190ce (5CAscjYC...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0xbb218fb885497d899f8689a76c50d7b7bdde4f8e3135feb972899dbb24d1e8e3, target_number: 272920 }, signature: 241157f2afd789e9deb423b01a221fee0d322a947967df6a83fe760ca0d7990da6ed2ba2fb22a97c4aa69134d08ef3a0cdce62ab4829402d4e3ba2cbb5f5eb08, id: 05bf2ef8c14b9f403575cc8767e039996c23196358e310076f2fe9f3774be033 (5CCEta1t...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0xbb218fb885497d899f8689a76c50d7b7bdde4f8e3135feb972899dbb24d1e8e3, target_number: 272920 }, signature: 1348331c4d5079a83955cb9eb1298433f01dfef321daa84441f9187e4d09fbf4cae7bea67cb3244176cb25e7151185f568d449a47c3f7b376a3d55d618a88d0f, id: 069cae25d264b387be3145f1eea2f37eb189a99d192bc2bfcdf2ada2ee5e38b6 (5CDNgsTR...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0xbb218fb885497d899f8689a76c50d7b7bdde4f8e3135feb972899dbb24d1e8e3, target_number: 272920 }, signature: 7868bc8ffc3e8fccbaaca9e6053c532abe4ba739183a23cbda838236432031ce4279d925644e5c629c982ace0fa1edcd4215d5023fe172e9db705548d55caf09, id: 07d1d3c727a805d96101d40951a15e16dda04b79281e2e44e03619c791f6f887 (5CExXMDi...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0xbb218fb885497d899f8689a76c50d7b7bdde4f8e3135feb972899dbb24d1e8e3, target_number: 272920 }, signature: a0780d0e6c7a1225c3a042df404b9c2aed81d3656a4fa0dedd0e99e38129ce3ea6451594081ed6d7b9ece6738165fa48196f5fd6ae4466fbed6e16d0a7461f06, id: 0c5be9f12e20b312f83cd8caa54fa2373799880843a884332e4f1032c9d18eba (5CLujdnX...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0xbb218fb885497d899f8689a76c50d7b7bdde4f8e3135feb972899dbb24d1e8e3, target_number: 272920 }, signature: 404b0e569c107916596cad5f1f5783fc330413a020cc9c1af3c0561f8e7c943d8d5f9a0fcb04ae2486d543cd0659fd97bcbdce5334b524ef1e6615da6ebe2e06, id: 0ce92d5891230a7f43621a795256d0fdd4a376564667a51ce392af49fd2b7c3a (5CMdhYZX...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0x3a9b3188a70df6820c4cbf70ea5517cddfe95256e713befd0eae92aca0ed9ec5, target_number: 272919 }, signature: cc33bec446556cadfc4e14ee5d71573cd8488b87fe1d6803903d9ecb65766b96650491f8b714b8da9ae9af0bdacee91d3f0a4815289f9c4a1cd7f295c7ad6a0c, id: 0cf7166edaa8a7b58d9f4d143bb71ec721ac65cbae7a1e2337e33a91fa2b296b (5CMhqDZ4...) }, SignedPrecommit { precommit: Precommit { target_hash: 0xbb218fb885497d899f8689a76c50d7b7bdde4f8e3135feb972899dbb24d1e8e3, target_number: 272920 }, signature: 170ebcde9d2361c7d30cc8fcc593bd29f8e5eef674aae7f13109baa09e4f1544b33c58e5ff2271bba99ee89cff5628273400652b7846d25f7a5d433cc399910a, id: 0e6645b6f2018e722bb3b05693bb3b722dfc5c096ee07c98ae474c1698f9cf6b (5CPaufMz...) },



Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Location: /Users/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets."""
"method" = "Panic"
"backtrace" = """

0: 0x105ba32d5 - core::result::unwrap_failed::h1dfc845201666161
1: 0x104aeea58 - avail_light::network::rpc::event_loop::EventLoop::handle_subscription_stream::{{closure}}::hef4e7cb7bb7627f4
2: 0x104af5622 - avail_light::network::rpc::event_loop::EventLoop::run::{{closure}}::ha8c3e925446965df
3: 0x104a90db5 - <avail_light::shutdown::with_cancel::WithCancel<T,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::he9693eee5c7beed4
4: 0x104bea85c - tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll::hcd8925c5b5fa4e2f
5: 0x1054f7a6d - tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::Context::run_task::hdb1283b117571b63
6: 0x1054fbc1e - tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll::hc841fc0736276968
7: 0x1054ed35c - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::hedcc2edb69b5d537
8: 0x1054ed11c - core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}::he1cf7c74741df83e
9: 0x1054b7629 - std::sys::unix::thread::Thread::new::thread_start::h38ac7fbd1086ae35
10: 0x7ff81b65f202 - __pthread_start"""

wallet adress

i have put my seed phrase in identity.toml

avail_secret_seed_phrase = "myseeed phrase//Alice"

i have nano my .service like this
[Unit] Description=Avail Light Client StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] User=root ExecStart= /home/trankil/avail-light/target/release/avail-light --identity '~/avail-light/target/release/identity.toml' --network goldberg Restart=always RestartSec=120 [Install]

reload daemon restart service and when i systemctl status availd.service

i have always an other wallet adress display here
févr. 19 20:21:41 vm avail-light[127258]: 2024-02-19T20:21:41.034680Z INFO avail_light: Avail address is: 5GHDUC4QiQb8baMrrEMBRDDvQxwitVcd6qxYEdaRoFt1nNNP


Light Client Crash

I followed the instructions for running a binary light client with default config on the goldberg network found here:

The client seemed to be processing everything correctly until it crashed with the following error:

2023-12-13T21:49:13.037818Z  INFO avail_light::light_client: Random cells generated: 4 block_number=154763 cells_requested=4
thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/
RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

I've tried setting the environment variable as indicated and starting the client up again but it hasn't crashed again yet. I will let you know if I get any more info.

avail-light Crash Report v1.7.5-rc5

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Well, this is embarrassing.

avail-light had a problem and crashed. To help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report.

We have generated a report file at "/tmp/report-e8ad329e-ae89-433f-a04c-c51a3d74b836.toml". Submit an issue or email with the subject of "avail-light Crash Report" and include the report as an attachment.

  • Authors: Avail Team

We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. In order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports.

Thank you kindly!
2024-01-08T21:00:37.039522Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.


"name" = "avail-light"
"operating_system" = "Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) [64-bit]"
"crate_version" = "1.7.4"
"explanation" = """
Panic occurred in file '/home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/' at line 221
"cause" = "RPC Subscription stream should be infinite"
"method" = "Panic"
"backtrace" = """

0: 0x7f351273dff5 - <avail_light::shutdown::with_cancel::WithCancel<T,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::h19a746bdf2964f33
1: 0x7f35128958d0 - tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll::h0ec5c28c88525fee
2: 0x7f35131dd30f - tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::Context::run_task::hc4ba8750e7a4dfc0
3: 0x7f35131e07ae - tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll::h3c65b87534e87ff4
4: 0x7f35131d40d3 - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::hf83e749dafb7aac7
5: 0x7f35131d3ec2 - core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}::h3a7db27698b3c2be
6: 0x7f351319f035 - <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::FnOnce>::call_once::h51435299acd7166e
at /rustc/a28077b28a02b92985b3a3faecf92813155f1ea1/library/alloc/src/
- <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::FnOnce>::call_once::h3f833c0a4926bdd4
at /rustc/a28077b28a02b92985b3a3faecf92813155f1ea1/library/alloc/src/
- std::sys::unix::thread::Thread::new::thread_start::h2c486d0230ab0d99
at /rustc/a28077b28a02b92985b3a3faecf92813155f1ea1/library/std/src/sys/unix/
7: 0x7f3511fe4ac3 -
8: 0x7f3512075814 - __clone
9: 0x0 - """

Avail-Light Crash report - version 1.7.5 RC5

The application panicked (crashed).
Message: called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: SendError(HeaderUpdate { header: Header { parent_hash: 0x87eb921b3d509457da05bcead34d213da545542b7bb39377b6bb34d714bd3528, number: 253286, state_root: 0x1db1e1694312b8755a7e68dab33de9ea6823e3fb2f53dfec295050da17ac3577, extrinsics_root: 0x78d4d3034a26249565c2890b09bb8ef49eef940d2dc0e462507281032ba53817, digest: Digest { logs: [PreRuntime([66, 65, 66, 69], [3, 213, 0, 0, 0, 94, 109, 20, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 75, 66, 248, 255, 231, 215, 61, 190, 22, 236, 6, 75, 50, 205, 109, 157, 218, 89, 139, 102, 40, 51, 238, 107, 184, 28, 120, 54, 214, 57, 92, 229, 112, 209, 125, 221, 52, 0, 89, 171, 181, 188, 47, 149, 144, 195, 240, 176, 135, 81, 253, 169, 157, 152, 239, 231, 71, 168, 185, 75, 133, 233, 1, 120, 242, 255, 12, 5, 240, 144, 254, 85, 219, 129, 87, 44, 208, 72, 35, 112, 237, 252, 120, 180, 101, 45, 188, 33, 184, 119, 114, 167, 95, 164, 9]), Seal([66, 65, 66, 69], [60, 103, 161, 15, 44, 96, 22, 236, 33, 79, 194, 94, 150, 119, 63, 161, 62, 54, 198, 89, 44, 86, 70, 14, 204, 81, 83, 245, 59, 88, 190, 9, 157, 45, 130, 174, 32, 237, 144, 3, 142, 47, 37, 132, 11, 109, 222, 215, 19, 193, 249, 253, 214, 68, 62, 208, 42, 171, 32, 215, 71, 79, 177, 132])] }, extension: V1(HeaderExtension { app_lookup: CompactDataLookup { size: 6604, index: [DataLookupItem { app_id: AppId(27), start: 11 }] }, commitment: KateCommitment { rows: 32, cols: 256, commitment: [146, 148, 61, 43, 9, 242, 87, 212, 147, 8, 122, 152, 149, 124, 92, 204, 42, 197, 31, 170, 125, 75, 254, 62, 119, 65, 222, 53, 155, 248, 191, 100, 139, 48, 38, 164, 83, 187, 154, 1, 37, 170, 78, 133, 174, 94, 126, 65, 176, 218, 252, 80, 149, 11, 101, 150, 151, 185, 188, 79, 27, 130, 255, 161, 8, 126, 145, 93, 72, 254, 49, 65, 73, 206, 28, 178, 213, 164, 63, 69, 240, 45, 239, 240, 191, 203, 176, 70, 244, 177, 145, 81, 225, 8, 95, 193, 131, 237, 163, 252, 55, 234, 243, 250, 209, 203, 227, 137, 97, 57, 211, 126, 95, 119, 152, 148, 67, 239, 12, 127, 162, 241, 236, 102, 71, 196, 21, 155, 170, 58, 69, 207, 35, 29, 229, 166, 13, 80, 231, 105, 143, 0, 125, 202, 180, 142, 170, 158, 83, 132, 52, 59, 36, 17, 151, 31, 62, 132, 168, 85, 165, 185, 127, 211, 173, 21, 87, 134, 23, 73, 114, 206, 129, 155, 12, 198, 219, 102, 198, 222, 58, 123, 224, 43, 230, 215, 219, 205, 185, 73, 103, 145, 175, 130, 158, 85, 123, 58, 107, 220, 238, 136, 249, 77, 91, 169, 178, 114, 86, 34, 60, 115, 216, 254, 209, 44, 19, 252, 80, 170, 90, 193, 123, 217, 204, 31, 48, 222, 223, 35, 85, 234, 222, 214, 20, 114, 33, 203, 135, 124, 173, 225, 247, 39, 13, 43, 156, 112, 153, 121, 95, 1, 128, 203, 52, 165, 39, 39, 47, 174, 130, 113, 52, 13, 201, 1, 127, 195, 15, 63, 229, 119, 244, 168, 230, 109, 38, 186, 105, 240, 48, 119, 145, 185, 127, 119, 24, 28, 174, 128, 138, 160, 233, 70, 42, 195, 229, 144, 45, 217, 205, 80, 10, 180, 143, 140, 143, 5, 68, 206, 224, 1, 48, 148, 207, 89, 146, 150, 192, 237, 164, 76, 189, 92, 69, 149, 87, 91, 21, 13, 35, 181, 249, 244, 181, 240, 130, 189, 239, 80, 195, 98, 225, 55, 159, 176, 163, 151, 71, 193, 203, 26, 178, 44, 10, 57, 209, 223, 162, 3, 221, 132, 62, 178, 67, 232, 232, 115, 239, 45, 162, 26, 135, 145, 61, 118, 231, 77, 65, 122, 103, 82, 32, 125, 163, 64, 177, 110, 148, 15, 244, 158, 247, 40, 147, 222, 133, 135, 68, 238, 89, 245, 144, 72, 205, 211, 8, 168, 122, 11, 3, 54, 185, 183, 80, 79, 182, 106, 229, 36, 11, 160, 93, 244, 30, 138, 99, 175, 123, 49, 182, 129, 131, 26, 65, 231, 17, 116, 239, 188, 35, 215, 130, 56, 146, 138, 239, 135, 200, 168, 24, 139, 20, 195, 255, 18, 75, 151, 115, 89, 198, 199, 136, 116, 157, 1, 63, 235, 189, 216, 206, 135, 133, 116, 238, 205, 28, 4, 254, 224, 177, 60, 245, 50, 228, 108, 201, 136, 7, 207, 96, 139, 238, 181, 79, 117, 231, 24, 192, 174, 214, 221, 239, 78, 199, 244, 56, 12, 95, 11, 238, 68, 116, 175, 104, 232, 109, 202, 220, 154, 2, 197, 121, 52, 106, 58, 70, 121, 150, 1, 216, 138, 135, 3, 13, 183, 143, 145, 206, 17, 57, 6, 4, 176, 243, 180, 99, 96, 185, 149, 215, 136, 80, 179, 222, 101, 228, 227, 76, 1, 180, 101, 44, 57, 225, 19, 93, 248, 178, 102, 75, 14, 107, 181, 249, 117, 136, 74, 78, 105, 204, 160, 64, 201, 248, 57, 103, 166, 10, 63, 78, 214, 215, 138, 36, 235, 145, 107, 86, 46, 221, 54, 14, 100, 206, 51, 42, 60, 82, 170, 22, 114, 255, 169, 177, 7, 82, 15, 95, 70, 11, 110, 63, 211, 160, 147, 213, 112, 20, 111, 110, 7, 161, 232, 173, 55, 228, 201, 10, 58, 148, 173, 63, 247, 181, 92, 170, 67, 95, 239, 226, 227, 168, 214, 191, 15, 213, 198, 59, 55, 186, 136, 154, 227, 62, 231, 138, 200, 139, 228, 17, 26, 149, 53, 158, 190, 223, 27, 53, 220, 138, 245, 43, 23, 19, 235, 133, 180, 39, 151, 41, 2, 231, 112, 81, 9, 13, 73, 80, 150, 37, 234, 128, 151, 99, 46, 5, 229, 89, 210, 14, 103, 54, 82, 179, 193, 105, 74, 109, 4, 184, 219, 34, 136, 219, 2, 39, 220, 104, 127, 137, 114, 141, 190, 82, 217, 90, 167, 244, 206, 97, 129, 170, 52, 125, 150, 190, 65, 109, 79, 81, 95, 110, 188, 237, 172, 230, 148, 225, 102, 78, 105, 11, 235, 75, 211, 204, 213, 148, 36, 161, 3, 23, 153, 154, 253, 75, 160, 134, 140, 78, 206, 5, 246, 22, 80, 99, 189, 49, 53, 143, 121, 151, 239, 89, 104, 229, 77, 166, 97, 143, 40, 185, 59, 244, 129, 114, 134, 19, 205, 63, 233, 12, 15, 232, 27, 130, 96, 189, 103, 99, 27, 254, 183, 201, 86, 13, 112, 154, 68, 1, 184, 167, 16, 9, 96, 43, 165, 133, 112, 241, 226, 51, 223, 142, 244, 190, 193, 181, 237, 47, 120, 68, 71, 159, 216, 4, 175, 174, 62, 28, 8, 119, 183, 128, 152, 172, 168, 43, 235, 86, 201, 38, 131, 211, 56, 226, 32, 147, 119, 211, 165, 195, 50, 27, 174, 46, 200, 182, 38, 95, 144, 4, 43, 42, 116, 183, 135, 178, 49, 154, 117, 221, 209, 247, 12, 164, 222, 228, 227, 172, 226, 176, 162, 53, 180, 192, 169, 210, 146, 198, 44, 150, 26, 203, 121, 83, 197, 234, 144, 197, 214, 249, 147, 29, 104, 96, 47, 96, 47, 157, 147, 139, 149, 30, 117, 82, 252, 150, 152, 13, 121, 193, 236, 233, 235, 13, 88, 113, 244, 136, 165, 250, 183, 182, 166, 196, 123, 116, 153, 216, 162, 219, 232, 14, 37, 158, 81, 180, 168, 105, 97, 123, 213, 22, 99, 133, 185, 167, 204, 59, 16, 244, 161, 8, 173, 220, 252, 190, 121, 237, 19, 97, 206, 161, 196, 176, 197, 152, 8, 87, 191, 32, 234, 201, 135, 142, 93, 163, 105, 66, 103, 82, 133, 101, 214, 184, 116, 224, 36, 149, 137, 114, 224, 253, 59, 60, 173, 64, 42, 28, 62, 185, 135, 119, 231, 86, 223, 227, 47, 164, 169, 5, 27, 24, 178, 169, 189, 235, 125, 53, 35, 169, 187, 222, 218, 254, 136, 81, 0, 73, 52, 152, 86, 140, 183, 137, 91, 151, 59, 241, 34, 8, 88, 227, 172, 99, 252, 110, 138, 15, 171, 229, 249, 31, 109, 88, 168, 119, 22, 86, 131, 178, 136, 174, 115, 66, 201, 71, 68, 47, 151, 149, 140, 59, 123, 141, 6, 160, 49, 218, 214, 179, 31, 159, 91, 228, 100, 77, 133, 20, 31, 225, 7, 200, 187, 250, 216, 143, 208, 90, 7, 96, 80, 92, 201, 3, 32, 142, 40, 2, 74, 134, 102, 211, 137, 139, 214, 177, 192, 12, 138, 248, 226, 189, 231, 147, 168, 53, 239, 85, 161, 123, 7, 148, 215, 113, 141, 51, 247, 216, 213, 231, 3, 235, 244, 47, 34, 209, 109, 163, 16, 84, 187, 61, 123, 11, 234, 27, 192, 181, 146, 148, 140, 32, 11, 4, 137, 187, 220, 30, 182, 203, 175, 246, 87, 1, 73, 9, 124, 24, 126, 55, 24, 217, 151, 101, 28, 47, 198, 227, 98, 175, 179, 56, 251, 212, 38, 92, 115, 16, 166, 167, 107, 69, 33, 222, 230, 160, 29, 217, 235, 142, 181, 4, 0, 118, 15, 248, 82, 192, 109, 27, 243, 40, 119, 78, 173, 98, 230, 187, 54, 30, 188, 253, 45, 246, 86, 2, 117, 180, 80, 128, 254, 169, 170, 91, 227, 167, 174, 41, 11, 80, 167, 108, 22, 165, 103, 193, 186, 218, 163, 98, 146, 94, 83, 197, 217, 5, 193, 133, 134, 195, 109, 199, 229, 183, 91, 129, 0, 141, 65, 164, 86, 101, 17, 147, 104, 188, 125, 24, 29, 185, 96, 40, 248, 77, 83, 130, 47, 51, 52, 168, 176, 184, 120, 210, 189, 9, 155, 202, 220, 211, 126, 67, 143, 215, 42, 16, 40, 3, 209, 139, 245, 30, 171, 210, 245, 4, 167, 129, 242, 81, 241, 188, 162, 214, 135, 162, 97, 4, 198, 207, 145, 237, 61, 213, 206, 100, 219, 74, 223, 171, 45, 181, 227, 52, 192, 13, 167, 7, 244, 57, 170, 170, 219, 247, 128, 189, 85, 158, 15, 81, 71, 32, 24, 195, 195, 233, 244, 145, 162, 241, 207, 122, 80, 119, 167, 6, 101, 207, 31, 239, 1, 195, 157, 249, 135, 22, 126, 167, 237, 69, 50, 203, 210, 47, 111, 176, 255, 42, 214, 88, 121, 23, 111, 227, 96, 145, 181, 45, 53, 98, 94, 156, 77, 175, 228, 112, 173, 182, 130, 185, 245, 26, 0, 239, 250, 67, 112, 145, 45, 131, 51, 185, 43, 126, 150, 182, 209, 201, 193, 12, 225, 123, 251, 123, 47, 126, 65, 245, 226, 71, 195, 140, 75, 90, 171, 171, 165, 224, 176, 106, 186, 57, 219, 152, 37, 23, 226, 61, 107, 3, 139, 209, 93, 104, 70, 92, 102, 226, 44, 241, 6, 235, 8, 171, 115, 98, 124, 183, 249, 230, 15, 200, 181, 129, 225, 91, 206, 19, 217, 137, 164, 17, 228, 20, 170, 10, 187, 170, 58, 229, 170, 175, 198, 126, 217, 134, 53, 23, 75, 94, 72, 27, 189, 146, 241, 126, 231, 76, 234, 241, 29, 128, 17, 201, 74, 196, 93, 80, 222, 185, 132, 96, 52, 240, 202, 6, 245, 206, 106, 194, 227, 219, 215, 179, 28, 63, 133, 31, 101, 88, 67, 120, 0, 108, 28, 7, 52, 4, 235, 129, 248, 217, 52, 67, 67, 75, 30, 218, 180, 141, 255, 135, 131, 66, 194, 48, 163, 161, 148, 10, 168, 130, 47, 54, 140, 191, 199, 116, 109, 6, 86, 74, 172, 3, 171, 232, 75, 241, 188, 104, 175, 42, 241, 75, 161, 75, 119, 183, 167, 199, 208, 96, 31, 34, 11, 227, 217, 141, 57, 215, 151, 114, 169, 41, 218, 100, 109, 42, 236, 238, 174, 110, 97, 157, 4, 228, 221, 103, 61, 210, 45, 0, 64, 114, 144, 229, 133, 75, 102, 156, 123, 117, 13, 172, 178, 29, 112, 193, 15, 34, 17, 208, 193, 181, 57, 144, 121, 95, 181, 29, 106, 235, 234, 255, 52, 215, 78, 212, 135, 199, 41, 220, 251, 39, 214, 230, 255, 234, 159, 93, 191, 4, 25, 227, 248, 254, 103, 6, 21, 17, 23, 147, 138, 138, 142, 218, 61, 115, 246, 172, 66, 93, 238, 143, 18, 200, 56, 222, 113, 112, 64, 116, 179, 91, 221, 41, 87, 10, 18, 25, 91, 50, 12, 98, 219, 86, 40, 95, 80, 81, 187, 50, 167, 234, 14, 18, 17, 242, 109, 56, 16, 126, 126, 205, 153, 29, 164, 113, 143, 104, 74, 148, 75, 227, 180, 28, 219, 168, 233, 69, 35, 162, 77, 200, 107, 69, 182, 89, 148, 228, 140, 123, 165, 234, 107, 164, 139, 32, 14, 215, 37, 197, 26, 197, 17, 83, 17, 106, 58, 171, 234, 57, 43, 252, 41, 155, 86, 181, 100, 138, 8, 211, 55, 237, 148, 125, 35, 228, 54, 194, 147, 177, 94, 14, 28, 127, 205, 215, 156, 156, 140, 204, 79, 240, 152, 247, 42, 219, 63, 40, 20, 132, 174, 133, 140, 158, 68, 122, 47, 63, 212, 7, 133, 78, 122, 106, 192, 176, 194, 159, 180, 162, 158, 223, 204, 184, 102, 248, 4, 162, 186, 64, 212, 25, 139, 251, 108, 143, 157, 213, 56, 134, 191, 58, 206, 140, 173, 213, 244, 231, 98, 56, 49, 81, 93, 190, 123, 84, 253, 4, 172, 108, 63, 168, 139, 149, 2, 250, 185, 141, 24, 98, 8, 100, 166, 139, 239, 76, 226, 16, 218, 227, 242, 148, 247, 30, 143, 119, 131, 87, 91, 68, 229, 35, 158, 137, 52, 253, 120, 131, 78, 162, 203, 205, 84, 141, 234, 191, 110, 133, 61, 8, 165, 184, 111, 120, 53, 193, 117, 230, 116, 46, 79, 142, 69, 120, 78, 49, 6, 147, 63, 225, 218, 249, 80, 21, 146, 150, 10, 183, 131, 213, 125, 83, 114, 249, 127, 87, 198, 150, 232, 32, 187, 226, 213, 157, 34, 8, 220, 61, 235, 148, 201, 114, 199, 87, 28, 214, 153, 204, 9, 253, 111, 139, 29, 191, 202, 48, 200, 225, 227, 157, 164, 126, 225, 58, 62, 114, 144, 167, 54, 122, 143, 237, 10, 144, 110, 206, 238, 101, 43, 162, 175, 80, 42, 221, 148, 83, 237, 142, 189, 83, 245, 137, 52, 122, 105, 190, 103, 62, 215, 167, 182, 1, 105, 102, 4, 231, 63, 196, 187, 111, 101, 115, 2, 16, 111, 187, 169, 154, 215, 139, 238, 41, 198, 198, 99, 21, 168, 156, 42, 230, 38, 78, 242, 186, 50, 147, 151, 34, 87, 30, 239, 202, 11, 112, 57, 172, 225, 207, 213, 200, 218, 90, 58, 238, 110, 25, 68, 31, 39, 234, 161, 161, 24, 139, 228, 132, 125, 127, 171, 114, 58, 230, 7, 163, 31, 141, 21, 172, 25, 27, 128, 133, 137, 170, 193, 91, 128, 72, 175, 46, 121, 172, 191, 85, 177, 229, 253, 254, 50, 201, 209, 169, 65, 250, 191, 29, 168, 1, 125, 178, 179, 137, 59, 150, 51, 69, 229, 107, 217, 150, 123, 37, 15, 177, 144, 132, 74, 80, 10, 92, 46, 136, 80, 38, 191, 11, 154, 141, 254, 156, 79, 231, 227, 82, 127, 53, 228, 137, 109, 14, 212, 198, 99, 58, 138, 122, 141, 78, 244, 94, 165, 248, 3, 7, 189, 180, 47, 111, 234, 127, 140, 74, 156, 215, 36, 26, 217, 230, 175, 160, 74, 100, 74, 65, 222, 17, 116, 219, 147, 251, 182, 212, 244, 163, 173, 200, 252, 6, 101, 63, 219, 32, 201, 60, 46, 44, 208, 34, 15, 11, 57, 138, 66, 140, 154, 79, 124, 227, 42, 66, 91, 5, 107, 154, 252, 94, 121, 170, 166, 42, 193, 124, 78, 199, 225, 173, 195, 74, 128, 158, 188, 13, 134, 170, 38, 81, 150, 7, 231, 219, 143, 108, 126, 164, 46, 55, 82, 118, 59, 243, 212, 101, 130, 189, 143, 82, 93, 97, 134, 7, 243, 129, 82, 147, 192, 165, 32, 187, 33, 8, 249, 55, 143, 23, 106, 250, 125, 216, 237, 163, 180, 83, 228, 34, 29, 147, 255, 216, 6, 199, 86, 65, 120, 43, 100, 254, 59, 2, 18, 240, 135, 171, 101, 199, 211, 166, 63, 232, 59, 69, 126, 213, 90, 182, 127, 61, 233, 247, 114, 16, 243, 11, 143, 146, 25, 153, 112, 9, 98, 161, 139, 179, 89, 0, 155, 26, 22, 249, 74, 112, 170, 111, 21, 14, 164, 241, 90, 49, 195, 237, 229, 73, 27, 203, 44, 163, 163, 168, 136, 24, 121, 152, 149, 254, 79, 151, 181, 231, 88, 201, 151, 211, 123, 38, 71, 9, 178, 102, 26, 110, 237, 192, 137, 114, 104, 142, 252, 59, 49, 125, 38, 155, 194, 147, 249, 145, 177, 245, 1, 204, 134, 227, 146, 245, 63, 71, 13, 100, 234, 130, 45, 92, 225, 38, 197, 180, 186, 227, 121, 150, 167, 101, 194, 251, 186, 214, 66, 32, 147, 219, 181, 201, 187, 191, 242, 217, 197, 22, 155, 67, 221, 228, 119, 124, 222, 161, 43, 129, 220, 62, 23, 43, 35, 235, 132, 80, 24, 135, 94, 178, 18, 158, 102, 66, 158, 135, 240, 39, 34, 218, 81, 189, 20, 84, 108, 95, 20, 102, 194, 83, 180, 72, 73, 106, 5, 218, 28, 18, 33, 126, 227, 3, 160, 94, 178, 122, 51, 198, 173, 179, 252, 118, 2, 94, 54, 166, 155, 115, 28, 181, 62, 159, 154, 57, 84, 24, 202, 35, 196, 182, 170, 82, 77, 150, 58, 110, 143, 9, 253, 107, 65, 12, 33, 167, 162, 107, 53, 165, 194, 13, 91, 142, 255, 64, 174, 208, 197, 222, 92, 190, 80, 68, 56, 131, 84, 3, 166, 237, 132, 219, 168, 159, 241, 43, 47, 8, 23, 110, 132, 64, 52, 54, 40, 52, 207, 158, 243, 230, 181, 124, 189, 135, 28, 53, 26, 184, 151, 149, 167, 231, 4, 217, 81, 2, 47, 130, 243, 238, 245, 103, 8, 165, 7, 171, 14, 216, 185, 50, 254, 39, 174, 52, 113, 51, 120, 136, 178, 128, 145, 83, 168, 61, 242, 170, 83, 135, 128, 39, 255, 117, 211, 219, 90, 129, 175, 114, 7, 1, 237, 250, 20, 218, 105, 250, 44, 210, 168, 180, 162, 178, 203, 47, 254, 43, 252, 183, 1, 23, 91, 200, 25, 192, 4, 51, 69, 68, 253, 186, 85, 45, 143, 77, 54, 194, 136, 14, 152, 209, 32, 199, 250, 14, 7, 94, 252, 14, 241, 67, 97, 247, 177, 232, 179, 103, 167, 63, 42, 169, 141, 46, 201, 209, 212, 92, 4, 172, 23, 239, 234, 219, 73, 58, 224, 21, 4, 200, 136, 248, 242, 97, 98, 13, 136, 209, 4, 11, 145, 67, 125, 219, 149, 246, 214, 120, 83, 44, 162, 150, 161, 193, 129, 116, 150, 98, 212, 172, 252, 181, 133, 193, 34, 6, 122, 147, 73, 231, 85, 124, 29, 224, 34, 62, 220, 110, 113, 238, 13, 197, 253, 10, 214, 179, 240, 162, 177, 155, 157, 42, 135, 67, 220, 1, 131, 76, 37, 234, 61, 107, 112, 0, 250, 159, 171, 138, 171, 74, 76, 218, 179, 221, 197, 101, 208, 127, 10, 214, 205, 65, 218, 243, 26, 10, 146, 185, 52, 142, 74, 42, 178, 58, 45, 115, 91, 114, 68, 49, 89, 211, 158, 128, 213, 168, 186, 160, 110, 120, 132, 129, 119, 226, 202, 148, 65, 126, 185, 38, 181, 73, 236, 61, 81, 51, 134, 96, 110, 117, 179, 47, 213, 53, 24, 9, 171, 71, 7, 71, 121, 141, 146, 52, 237, 57, 215, 203, 113, 244, 26, 145, 56, 140, 121, 203, 247, 155, 151, 153, 154, 150, 59, 128, 20, 108, 17, 63, 48, 109, 185, 36, 46, 211, 141, 174, 0, 175, 153, 48, 213, 119, 166, 46, 20, 248, 243, 219, 164, 60, 31, 64, 208, 37, 197, 72, 163, 53, 245, 27, 92, 55, 51, 8, 183, 135, 129, 213, 158, 42, 242], data_root: 0xe2aefc4933cf7a96149b20450f76e9af42abd1b79721ee43e8edc6400c2147ff } }) }, received_at: Instant { tv_sec: 26586, tv_nsec: 20468845 } })
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

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  • Authors: Avail Team

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2024-01-05T23:06:47.936179Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: SendError(HeaderUpdate { header: Header { parent_hash: 0x87eb921b3d509457da05bcead34d213da545542b7bb39377b6bb34d714bd3528, number: 253286, state_root: 0x1db1e1694312b8755a7e68dab33de9ea6823e3fb2f53dfec295050da17ac3577, extrinsics_root: 0x78d4d3034a26249565c2890b09bb8ef49eef940d2dc0e462507281032ba53817, digest: Digest { logs: [PreRuntime([66, 65, 66, 69], [3, 213, 0, 0, 0, 94, 109, 20, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 75, 66, 248, 255, 231, 215, 61, 190, 22, 236, 6, 75, 50, 205, 109, 157, 218, 89, 139, 102, 40, 51, 238, 107, 184, 28, 120, 54, 214, 57, 92, 229, 112, 209, 125, 221, 52, 0, 89, 171, 181, 188, 47, 149, 144, 195, 240, 176, 135, 81, 253, 169, 157, 152, 239, 231, 71, 168, 185, 75, 133, 233, 1, 120, 242, 255, 12, 5, 240, 144, 254, 85, 219, 129, 87, 44, 208, 72, 35, 112, 237, 252, 120, 180, 101, 45, 188, 33, 184, 119, 114, 167, 95, 164, 9]), Seal([66, 65, 66, 69], [60, 103, 161, 15, 44, 96, 22, 236, 33, 79, 194, 94, 150, 119, 63, 161, 62, 54, 198, 89, 44, 86, 70, 14, 204, 81, 83, 245, 59, 88, 190, 9, 157, 45, 130, 174, 32, 237, 144, 3, 142, 47, 37, 132, 11, 109, 222, 215, 19, 193, 249, 253, 214, 68, 62, 208, 42, 171, 32, 215, 71, 79, 177, 132])] }, extension: V1(HeaderExtension { app_lookup: CompactDataLookup { size: 6604, index: [DataLookupItem { app_id: AppId(27), start: 11 }] }, commitment: KateCommitment { rows: 32, cols: 256, commitment: [146, 148, 61, 43, 9, 242, 87, 212, 147, 8, 122, 152, 149, 124, 92, 204, 42, 197, 31, 170, 125, 75, 254, 62, 119, 65, 222, 53, 155, 248, 191, 100, 139, 48, 38, 164, 83, 187, 154, 1, 37, 170, 78, 133, 174, 94, 126, 65, 176, 218, 252, 80, 149, 11, 101, 150, 151, 185, 188, 79, 27, 130, 255, 161, 8, 126, 145, 93, 72, 254, 49, 65, 73, 206, 28, 178, 213, 164, 63, 69, 240, 45, 239, 240, 191, 203, 176, 70, 244, 177, 145, 81, 225, 8, 95, 193, 131, 237, 163, 252, 55, 234, 243, 250, 209, 203, 227, 137, 97, 57, 211, 126, 95, 119, 152, 148, 67, 239, 12, 127, 162, 241, 236, 102, 71, 196, 21, 155, 170, 58, 69, 207, 35, 29, 229, 166, 13, 80, 231, 105, 143, 0, 125, 202, 180, 142, 170, 158, 83, 132, 52, 59, 36, 17, 151, 31, 62, 132, 168, 85, 165, 185, 127, 211, 173, 21, 87, 134, 23, 73, 114, 206, 129, 155, 12, 198, 219, 102, 198, 222, 58, 123, 224, 43, 230, 215, 219, 205, 185, 73, 103, 145, 175, 130, 158, 85, 123, 58, 107, 220, 238, 136, 249, 77, 91, 169, 178, 114, 86, 34, 60, 115, 216, 254, 209, 44, 19, 252, 80, 170, 90, 193, 123, 217, 204, 31, 48, 222, 223, 35, 85, 234, 222, 214, 20, 114, 33, 203, 135, 124, 173, 225, 247, 39, 13, 43, 156, 112, 153, 121, 95, 1, 128, 203, 52, 165, 39, 39, 47, 174, 130, 113, 52, 13, 201, 1, 127, 195, 15, 63, 229, 119, 244, 168, 230, 109, 38, 186, 105, 240, 48, 119, 145, 185, 127, 119, 24, 28, 174, 128, 138, 160, 233, 70, 42, 195, 229, 144, 45, 217, 205, 80, 10, 180, 143, 140, 143, 5, 68, 206, 224, 1, 48, 148, 207, 89, 146, 150, 192, 237, 164, 76, 189, 92, 69, 149, 87, 91, 21, 13, 35, 181, 249, 244, 181, 240, 130, 189, 239, 80, 195, 98, 225, 55, 159, 176, 163, 151, 71, 193, 203, 26, 178, 44, 10, 57, 209, 223, 162, 3, 221, 132, 62, 178, 67, 232, 232, 115, 239, 45, 162, 26, 135, 145, 61, 118, 231, 77, 65, 122, 103, 82, 32, 125, 163, 64, 177, 110, 148, 15, 244, 158, 247, 40, 147, 222, 133, 135, 68, 238, 89, 245, 144, 72, 205, 211, 8, 168, 122, 11, 3, 54, 185, 183, 80, 79, 182, 106, 229, 36, 11, 160, 93, 244, 30, 138, 99, 175, 123, 49, 182, 129, 131, 26, 65, 231, 17, 116, 239, 188, 35, 215, 130, 56, 146, 138, 239, 135, 200, 168, 24, 139, 20, 195, 255, 18, 75, 151, 115, 89, 198, 199, 136, 116, 157, 1, 63, 235, 189, 216, 206, 135, 133, 116, 238, 205, 28, 4, 254, 224, 177, 60, 245, 50, 228, 108, 201, 136, 7, 207, 96, 139, 238, 181, 79, 117, 231, 24, 192, 174, 214, 221, 239, 78, 199, 244, 56, 12, 95, 11, 238, 68, 116, 175, 104, 232, 109, 202, 220, 154, 2, 197, 121, 52, 106, 58, 70, 121, 150, 1, 216, 138, 135, 3, 13, 183, 143, 145, 206, 17, 57, 6, 4, 176, 243, 180, 99, 96, 185, 149, 215, 136, 80, 179, 222, 101, 228, 227, 76, 1, 180, 101, 44, 57, 225, 19, 93, 248, 178, 102, 75, 14, 107, 181, 249, 117, 136, 74, 78, 105, 204, 160, 64, 201, 248, 57, 103, 166, 10, 63, 78, 214, 215, 138, 36, 235, 145, 107, 86, 46, 221, 54, 14, 100, 206, 51, 42, 60, 82, 170, 22, 114, 255, 169, 177, 7, 82, 15, 95, 70, 11, 110, 63, 211, 160, 147, 213, 112, 20, 111, 110, 7, 161, 232, 173, 55, 228, 201, 10, 58, 148, 173, 63, 247, 181, 92, 170, 67, 95, 239, 226, 227, 168, 214, 191, 15, 213, 198, 59, 55, 186, 136, 154, 227, 62, 231, 138, 200, 139, 228, 17, 26, 149, 53, 158, 190, 223, 27, 53, 220, 138, 245, 43, 23, 19, 235, 133, 180, 39, 151, 41, 2, 231, 112, 81, 9, 13, 73, 80, 150, 37, 234, 128, 151, 99, 46, 5, 229, 89, 210, 14, 103, 54, 82, 179, 193, 105, 74, 109, 4, 184, 219, 34, 136, 219, 2, 39, 220, 104, 127, 137, 114, 141, 190, 82, 217, 90, 167, 244, 206, 97, 129, 170, 52, 125, 150, 190, 65, 109, 79, 81, 95, 110, 188, 237, 172, 230, 148, 225, 102, 78, 105, 11, 235, 75, 211, 204, 213, 148, 36, 161, 3, 23, 153, 154, 253, 75, 160, 134, 140, 78, 206, 5, 246, 22, 80, 99, 189, 49, 53, 143, 121, 151, 239, 89, 104, 229, 77, 166, 97, 143, 40, 185, 59, 244, 129, 114, 134, 19, 205, 63, 233, 12, 15, 232, 27, 130, 96, 189, 103, 99, 27, 254, 183, 201, 86, 13, 112, 154, 68, 1, 184, 167, 16, 9, 96, 43, 165, 133, 112, 241, 226, 51, 223, 142, 244, 190, 193, 181, 237, 47, 120, 68, 71, 159, 216, 4, 175, 174, 62, 28, 8, 119, 183, 128, 152, 172, 168, 43, 235, 86, 201, 38, 131, 211, 56, 226, 32, 147, 119, 211, 165, 195, 50, 27, 174, 46, 200, 182, 38, 95, 144, 4, 43, 42, 116, 183, 135, 178, 49, 154, 117, 221, 209, 247, 12, 164, 222, 228, 227, 172, 226, 176, 162, 53, 180, 192, 169, 210, 146, 198, 44, 150, 26, 203, 121, 83, 197, 234, 144, 197, 214, 249, 147, 29, 104, 96, 47, 96, 47, 157, 147, 139, 149, 30, 117, 82, 252, 150, 152, 13, 121, 193, 236, 233, 235, 13, 88, 113, 244, 136, 165, 250, 183, 182, 166, 196, 123, 116, 153, 216, 162, 219, 232, 14, 37, 158, 81, 180, 168, 105, 97, 123, 213, 22, 99, 133, 185, 167, 204, 59, 16, 244, 161, 8, 173, 220, 252, 190, 121, 237, 19, 97, 206, 161, 196, 176, 197, 152, 8, 87, 191, 32, 234, 201, 135, 142, 93, 163, 105, 66, 103, 82, 133, 101, 214, 184, 116, 224, 36, 149, 137, 114, 224, 253, 59, 60, 173, 64, 42, 28, 62, 185, 135, 119, 231, 86, 223, 227, 47, 164, 169, 5, 27, 24, 178, 169, 189, 235, 125, 53, 35, 169, 187, 222, 218, 254, 136, 81, 0, 73, 52, 152, 86, 140, 183, 137, 91, 151, 59, 241, 34, 8, 88, 227, 172, 99, 252, 110, 138, 15, 171, 229, 249, 31, 109, 88, 168, 119, 22, 86, 131, 178, 136, 174, 115, 66, 201, 71, 68, 47, 151, 149, 140, 59, 123, 141, 6, 160, 49, 218, 214, 179, 31, 159, 91, 228, 100, 77, 133, 20, 31, 225, 7, 200, 187, 250, 216, 143, 208, 90, 7, 96, 80, 92, 201, 3, 32, 142, 40, 2, 74, 134, 102, 211, 137, 139, 214, 177, 192, 12, 138, 248, 226, 189, 231, 147, 168, 53, 239, 85, 161, 123, 7, 148, 215, 113, 141, 51, 247, 216, 213, 231, 3, 235, 244, 47, 34, 209, 109, 163, 16, 84, 187, 61, 123, 11, 234, 27, 192, 181, 146, 148, 140, 32, 11, 4, 137, 187, 220, 30, 182, 203, 175, 246, 87, 1, 73, 9, 124, 24, 126, 55, 24, 217, 151, 101, 28, 47, 198, 227, 98, 175, 179, 56, 251, 212, 38, 92, 115, 16, 166, 167, 107, 69, 33, 222, 230, 160, 29, 217, 235, 142, 181, 4, 0, 118, 15, 248, 82, 192, 109, 27, 243, 40, 119, 78, 173, 98, 230, 187, 54, 30, 188, 253, 45, 246, 86, 2, 117, 180, 80, 128, 254, 169, 170, 91, 227, 167, 174, 41, 11, 80, 167, 108, 22, 165, 103, 193, 186, 218, 163, 98, 146, 94, 83, 197, 217, 5, 193, 133, 134, 195, 109, 199, 229, 183, 91, 129, 0, 141, 65, 164, 86, 101, 17, 147, 104, 188, 125, 24, 29, 185, 96, 40, 248, 77, 83, 130, 47, 51, 52, 168, 176, 184, 120, 210, 189, 9, 155, 202, 220, 211, 126, 67, 143, 215, 42, 16, 40, 3, 209, 139, 245, 30, 171, 210, 245, 4, 167, 129, 242, 81, 241, 188, 162, 214, 135, 162, 97, 4, 198, 207, 145, 237, 61, 213, 206, 100, 219, 74, 223, 171, 45, 181, 227, 52, 192, 13, 167, 7, 244, 57, 170, 170, 219, 247, 128, 189, 85, 158, 15, 81, 71, 32, 24, 195, 195, 233, 244, 145, 162, 241, 207, 122, 80, 119, 167, 6, 101, 207, 31, 239, 1, 195, 157, 249, 135, 22, 126, 167, 237, 69, 50, 203, 210, 47, 111, 176, 255, 42, 214, 88, 121, 23, 111, 227, 96, 145, 181, 45, 53, 98, 94, 156, 77, 175, 228, 112, 173, 182, 130, 185, 245, 26, 0, 239, 250, 67, 112, 145, 45, 131, 51, 185, 43, 126, 150, 182, 209, 201, 193, 12, 225, 123, 251, 123, 47, 126, 65, 245, 226, 71, 195, 140, 75, 90, 171, 171, 165, 224, 176, 106, 186, 57, 219, 152, 37, 23, 226, 61, 107, 3, 139, 209, 93, 104, 70, 92, 102, 226, 44, 241, 6, 235, 8, 171, 115, 98, 124, 183, 249, 230, 15, 200, 181, 129, 225, 91, 206, 19, 217, 137, 164, 17, 228, 20, 170, 10, 187, 170, 58, 229, 170, 175, 198, 126, 217, 134, 53, 23, 75, 94, 72, 27, 189, 146, 241, 126, 231, 76, 234, 241, 29, 128, 17, 201, 74, 196, 93, 80, 222, 185, 132, 96, 52, 240, 202, 6, 245, 206, 106, 194, 227, 219, 215, 179, 28, 63, 133, 31, 101, 88, 67, 120, 0, 108, 28, 7, 52, 4, 235, 129, 248, 217, 52, 67, 67, 75, 30, 218, 180, 141, 255, 135, 131, 66, 194, 48, 163, 161, 148, 10, 168, 130, 47, 54, 140, 191, 199, 116, 109, 6, 86, 74, 172, 3, 171, 232, 75, 241, 188, 104, 175, 42, 241, 75, 161, 75, 119, 183, 167, 199, 208, 96, 31, 34, 11, 227, 217, 141, 57, 215, 151, 114, 169, 41, 218, 100, 109, 42, 236, 238, 174, 110, 97, 157, 4, 228, 221, 103, 61, 210, 45, 0, 64, 114, 144, 229, 133, 75, 102, 156, 123, 117, 13, 172, 178, 29, 112, 193, 15, 34, 17, 208, 193, 181, 57, 144, 121, 95, 181, 29, 106, 235, 234, 255, 52, 215, 78, 212, 135, 199, 41, 220, 251, 39, 214, 230, 255, 234, 159, 93, 191, 4, 25, 227, 248, 254, 103, 6, 21, 17, 23, 147, 138, 138, 142, 218, 61, 115, 246, 172, 66, 93, 238, 143, 18, 200, 56, 222, 113, 112, 64, 116, 179, 91, 221, 41, 87, 10, 18, 25, 91, 50, 12, 98, 219, 86, 40, 95, 80, 81, 187, 50, 167, 234, 14, 18, 17, 242, 109, 56, 16, 126, 126, 205, 153, 29, 164, 113, 143, 104, 74, 148, 75, 227, 180, 28, 219, 168, 233, 69, 35, 162, 77, 200, 107, 69, 182, 89, 148, 228, 140, 123, 165, 234, 107, 164, 139, 32, 14, 215, 37, 197, 26, 197, 17, 83, 17, 106, 58, 171, 234, 57, 43, 252, 41, 155, 86, 181, 100, 138, 8, 211, 55, 237, 148, 125, 35, 228, 54, 194, 147, 177, 94, 14, 28, 127, 205, 215, 156, 156, 140, 204, 79, 240, 152, 247, 42, 219, 63, 40, 20, 132, 174, 133, 140, 158, 68, 122, 47, 63, 212, 7, 133, 78, 122, 106, 192, 176, 194, 159, 180, 162, 158, 223, 204, 184, 102, 248, 4, 162, 186, 64, 212, 25, 139, 251, 108, 143, 157, 213, 56, 134, 191, 58, 206, 140, 173, 213, 244, 231, 98, 56, 49, 81, 93, 190, 123, 84, 253, 4, 172, 108, 63, 168, 139, 149, 2, 250, 185, 141, 24, 98, 8, 100, 166, 139, 239, 76, 226, 16, 218, 227, 242, 148, 247, 30, 143, 119, 131, 87, 91, 68, 229, 35, 158, 137, 52, 253, 120, 131, 78, 162, 203, 205, 84, 141, 234, 191, 110, 133, 61, 8, 165, 184, 111, 120, 53, 193, 117, 230, 116, 46, 79, 142, 69, 120, 78, 49, 6, 147, 63, 225, 218, 249, 80, 21, 146, 150, 10, 183, 131, 213, 125, 83, 114, 249, 127, 87, 198, 150, 232, 32, 187, 226, 213, 157, 34, 8, 220, 61, 235, 148, 201, 114, 199, 87, 28, 214, 153, 204, 9, 253, 111, 139, 29, 191, 202, 48, 200, 225, 227, 157, 164, 126, 225, 58, 62, 114, 144, 167, 54, 122, 143, 237, 10, 144, 110, 206, 238, 101, 43, 162, 175, 80, 42, 221, 148, 83, 237, 142, 189, 83, 245, 137, 52, 122, 105, 190, 103, 62, 215, 167, 182, 1, 105, 102, 4, 231, 63, 196, 187, 111, 101, 115, 2, 16, 111, 187, 169, 154, 215, 139, 238, 41, 198, 198, 99, 21, 168, 156, 42, 230, 38, 78, 242, 186, 50, 147, 151, 34, 87, 30, 239, 202, 11, 112, 57, 172, 225, 207, 213, 200, 218, 90, 58, 238, 110, 25, 68, 31, 39, 234, 161, 161, 24, 139, 228, 132, 125, 127, 171, 114, 58, 230, 7, 163, 31, 141, 21, 172, 25, 27, 128, 133, 137, 170, 193, 91, 128, 72, 175, 46, 121, 172, 191, 85, 177, 229, 253, 254, 50, 201, 209, 169, 65, 250, 191, 29, 168, 1, 125, 178, 179, 137, 59, 150, 51, 69, 229, 107, 217, 150, 123, 37, 15, 177, 144, 132, 74, 80, 10, 92, 46, 136, 80, 38, 191, 11, 154, 141, 254, 156, 79, 231, 227, 82, 127, 53, 228, 137, 109, 14, 212, 198, 99, 58, 138, 122, 141, 78, 244, 94, 165, 248, 3, 7, 189, 180, 47, 111, 234, 127, 140, 74, 156, 215, 36, 26, 217, 230, 175, 160, 74, 100, 74, 65, 222, 17, 116, 219, 147, 251, 182, 212, 244, 163, 173, 200, 252, 6, 101, 63, 219, 32, 201, 60, 46, 44, 208, 34, 15, 11, 57, 138, 66, 140, 154, 79, 124, 227, 42, 66, 91, 5, 107, 154, 252, 94, 121, 170, 166, 42, 193, 124, 78, 199, 225, 173, 195, 74, 128, 158, 188, 13, 134, 170, 38, 81, 150, 7, 231, 219, 143, 108, 126, 164, 46, 55, 82, 118, 59, 243, 212, 101, 130, 189, 143, 82, 93, 97, 134, 7, 243, 129, 82, 147, 192, 165, 32, 187, 33, 8, 249, 55, 143, 23, 106, 250, 125, 216, 237, 163, 180, 83, 228, 34, 29, 147, 255, 216, 6, 199, 86, 65, 120, 43, 100, 254, 59, 2, 18, 240, 135, 171, 101, 199, 211, 166, 63, 232, 59, 69, 126, 213, 90, 182, 127, 61, 233, 247, 114, 16, 243, 11, 143, 146, 25, 153, 112, 9, 98, 161, 139, 179, 89, 0, 155, 26, 22, 249, 74, 112, 170, 111, 21, 14, 164, 241, 90, 49, 195, 237, 229, 73, 27, 203, 44, 163, 163, 168, 136, 24, 121, 152, 149, 254, 79, 151, 181, 231, 88, 201, 151, 211, 123, 38, 71, 9, 178, 102, 26, 110, 237, 192, 137, 114, 104, 142, 252, 59, 49, 125, 38, 155, 194, 147, 249, 145, 177, 245, 1, 204, 134, 227, 146, 245, 63, 71, 13, 100, 234, 130, 45, 92, 225, 38, 197, 180, 186, 227, 121, 150, 167, 101, 194, 251, 186, 214, 66, 32, 147, 219, 181, 201, 187, 191, 242, 217, 197, 22, 155, 67, 221, 228, 119, 124, 222, 161, 43, 129, 220, 62, 23, 43, 35, 235, 132, 80, 24, 135, 94, 178, 18, 158, 102, 66, 158, 135, 240, 39, 34, 218, 81, 189, 20, 84, 108, 95, 20, 102, 194, 83, 180, 72, 73, 106, 5, 218, 28, 18, 33, 126, 227, 3, 160, 94, 178, 122, 51, 198, 173, 179, 252, 118, 2, 94, 54, 166, 155, 115, 28, 181, 62, 159, 154, 57, 84, 24, 202, 35, 196, 182, 170, 82, 77, 150, 58, 110, 143, 9, 253, 107, 65, 12, 33, 167, 162, 107, 53, 165, 194, 13, 91, 142, 255, 64, 174, 208, 197, 222, 92, 190, 80, 68, 56, 131, 84, 3, 166, 237, 132, 219, 168, 159, 241, 43, 47, 8, 23, 110, 132, 64, 52, 54, 40, 52, 207, 158, 243, 230, 181, 124, 189, 135, 28, 53, 26, 184, 151, 149, 167, 231, 4, 217, 81, 2, 47, 130, 243, 238, 245, 103, 8, 165, 7, 171, 14, 216, 185, 50, 254, 39, 174, 52, 113, 51, 120, 136, 178, 128, 145, 83, 168, 61, 242, 170, 83, 135, 128, 39, 255, 117, 211, 219, 90, 129, 175, 114, 7, 1, 237, 250, 20, 218, 105, 250, 44, 210, 168, 180, 162, 178, 203, 47, 254, 43, 252, 183, 1, 23, 91, 200, 25, 192, 4, 51, 69, 68, 253, 186, 85, 45, 143, 77, 54, 194, 136, 14, 152, 209, 32, 199, 250, 14, 7, 94, 252, 14, 241, 67, 97, 247, 177, 232, 179, 103, 167, 63, 42, 169, 141, 46, 201, 209, 212, 92, 4, 172, 23, 239, 234, 219, 73, 58, 224, 21, 4, 200, 136, 248, 242, 97, 98, 13, 136, 209, 4, 11, 145, 67, 125, 219, 149, 246, 214, 120, 83, 44, 162, 150, 161, 193, 129, 116, 150, 98, 212, 172, 252, 181, 133, 193, 34, 6, 122, 147, 73, 231, 85, 124, 29, 224, 34, 62, 220, 110, 113, 238, 13, 197, 253, 10, 214, 179, 240, 162, 177, 155, 157, 42, 135, 67, 220, 1, 131, 76, 37, 234, 61, 107, 112, 0, 250, 159, 171, 138, 171, 74, 76, 218, 179, 221, 197, 101, 208, 127, 10, 214, 205, 65, 218, 243, 26, 10, 146, 185, 52, 142, 74, 42, 178, 58, 45, 115, 91, 114, 68, 49, 89, 211, 158, 128, 213, 168, 186, 160, 110, 120, 132, 129, 119, 226, 202, 148, 65, 126, 185, 38, 181, 73, 236, 61, 81, 51, 134, 96, 110, 117, 179, 47, 213, 53, 24, 9, 171, 71, 7, 71, 121, 141, 146, 52, 237, 57, 215, 203, 113, 244, 26, 145, 56, 140, 121, 203, 247, 155, 151, 153, 154, 150, 59, 128, 20, 108, 17, 63, 48, 109, 185, 36, 46, 211, 141, 174, 0, 175, 153, 48, 213, 119, 166, 46, 20, 248, 243, 219, 164, 60, 31, 64, 208, 37, 197, 72, 163, 53, 245, 27, 92, 55, 51, 8, 183, 135, 129, 213, 158, 42, 242], data_root: 0xe2aefc4933cf7a96149b20450f76e9af42abd1b79721ee43e8edc6400c2147ff } }) }, received_at: Instant { tv_sec: 26586, tv_nsec: 20468845 } })
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

avail-light Panic

avail-light version: 1.7.6
os version: ubuntu22.04

`2024-02-06T14:13:26.315845Z INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=HeaderVerified published=0 failed=0
2024-02-06T14:13:26.335660Z INFO avail_light::network: Cells fetched from RPC block_number=382042 cells_total=10 cells_fetched=10 cells_verified=10 fetch_elapsed=1.280147729s proof_verification_elapsed=19.833636ms
2024-02-06T14:13:26.335929Z INFO avail_light::light_client: Confidence factor: 99.90234375 block_number=382042 confidence=99.90234375
2024-02-06T14:13:26.336333Z INFO avail_light::light_client: Sleeping for 14.978897639s seconds
2024-02-06T14:13:26.337437Z INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=ConfidenceAchieved published=0 failed=0
2024-02-06T14:13:32.677921Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Cell upload success rate for block 382042: 10/10. Duration: 6
2024-02-06T14:13:39.094089Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
2024-02-06T14:13:39.094277Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Exiting event loop...
2024-02-06T14:13:39.094669Z ERROR avail_light::api::v2: Cannot receive message: channel closed topic=ConfidenceAchieved
0: Running Light Client encountered an error
1: Panic occurred, shuting down


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

Avail Light Node Crash - v1.7.5-rc9

2024-01-25T05:35:24.303828Z INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=HeaderVerified published=0 failed=0
2024-01-25T05:35:34.272638Z INFO avail_light::light_client: Processing finalized block block_number=334505 block_delay=10
2024-01-25T05:35:34.272936Z INFO avail_light::light_client: Random cells generated: 10 block_number=334505 cells_requested=10
2024-01-25T05:35:39.553466Z ERROR avail_light::sync_finality: Cannot sync finality Couldn't get header for 0x65bc…6018
2024-01-25T05:35:39.630438Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Shuting down P2P Event Loop. Please wait...
2024-01-25T05:35:39.630792Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: P2P Event Loop shutdown complete.
2024-01-25T05:35:39.636797Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
0: Running Light Client encountered an error
1: Panic occurred, shuting down


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

Avail Light Crashing Latest v1.7.5 RC9

024-01-25T08:19:30.092416Z ERROR avail_light::light_client: Cannot process block: Rpc error: RPC error: RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32001), message: "Custom error: failed to construct block: Custom error: Block Length cannot be fetched: Application(Execution(RuntimeConstruction(Other("failed to instantiate a new WASM module instance: maximum concurrent instance limit of 32 reached"))))", data: None }
2024-01-25T08:19:30.096422Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Shuting down P2P Event Loop. Please wait...
2024-01-25T08:19:30.096701Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: P2P Event Loop shutdown complete.
2024-01-25T08:19:30.096766Z ERROR avail_light::sync_finality: Cannot sync finality Couldn't get header for 0x11ff…d551
0: Running Light Client encountered an error
1: Cannot process block: Rpc error: RPC error: RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32001), message: "Custom error: failed to construct block: Custom error: Block Length cannot be fetched: Application(Execution(RuntimeConstruction(Other("failed to instantiate a new WASM module instance: maximum concurrent instance limit of 32 reached"))))", data: None }: RPC error: RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32001), message: "Custom error: failed to construct block: Custom error: Block Length cannot be fetched: Application(Execution(RuntimeConstruction(Other("failed to instantiate a new WASM module instance: maximum concurrent instance limit of 32 reached"))))", data: None }


avail-light Crash Report

I didn't found Avail's email then i decided to post here the issue.

Panic occurred in file '/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/' at line 106
"cause" = "internal error: entered unreachable code"
"method" = "Panic"
"backtrace" = """

   0: 0x559f2f23fcf3 -
   1: 0x559f2f3c4502 -
   2: 0x559f2f480881 -
   3: 0x559f2fbf7783 - """

Well, this is embarrassing.

avail-light had a problem and crashed. To help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report.

We have generated a report file at "". Submit an issue or email with the subject of "avail-light Crash Report" and include the report as an attachment.

  • Authors: Avail Team

We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. In order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports.

Thank you kindly!
2023-12-13T12:02:42.376646Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message:  internal error: entered unreachable code

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

RUSTSEC-2021-0060: `aes-soft` has been merged into the `aes` crate

aes-soft has been merged into the aes crate

Status unmaintained
Package aes-soft
Version 0.6.4
URL RustCrypto/block-ciphers#200
Date 2021-04-29

Please use the aes crate going forward. The new repository location is at:


AES-NI is now autodetected at runtime on i686/x86-64 platforms.
If AES-NI is not present, the aes crate will fallback to a constant-time
portable software implementation.

To force the use of a constant-time portable implementation on these platforms,
even if AES-NI is available, use the new force-soft feature of the aes
crate to disable autodetection.

See advisory page for additional details.

Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite

I am running avail light client on ubuntu 22.04 amd64 architecture LC version is v1.7.4. My client crashed like this:

2023-12-15T10:33:49.633435Z  INFO avail_light::network: Cells fetched from DHT block_number=14448 cells_total=8 cells_fetched=0 cells_verified=0 fetch_elapsed=10.002151687s proof_verification_elapsed=203.551µs
2023-12-15T10:33:49.754989Z  INFO avail_light::network: Cells fetched from RPC block_number=14448 cells_total=8 cells_fetched=8 cells_verified=8 fetch_elapsed=110.676771ms proof_verification_elapsed=10.789979ms
2023-12-15T10:33:49.755207Z  INFO avail_light::sync_client: App index Ok(DataLookup { index: [(AppId(0), 0..1)] }) block_number=14449
2023-12-15T10:33:49.755222Z  INFO avail_light::sync_client: Synced block header block_number=14449 elapsed=16.831µs
2023-12-15T10:33:49.755257Z  INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=ConfidenceAchieved published=0 failed=0
2023-12-15T10:33:50.851187Z  INFO avail_light::network: Cells fetched from DHT block_number=14449 cells_total=8 cells_fetched=0 cells_verified=0 fetch_elapsed=1.095730806s proof_verification_elapsed=213.59µs
2023-12-15T10:33:50.946020Z  INFO avail_light::network: Cells fetched from RPC block_number=14449 cells_total=8 cells_fetched=8 cells_verified=8 fetch_elapsed=83.210699ms proof_verification_elapsed=11.595919ms
2023-12-15T10:33:50.950271Z  INFO avail_light::sync_client: App index Ok(DataLookup { index: [(AppId(0), 0..12)] }) block_number=14450
2023-12-15T10:33:50.950282Z  INFO avail_light::sync_client: Synced block header block_number=14450 elapsed=12.393µs
2023-12-15T10:33:50.950312Z  INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=ConfidenceAchieved published=0 failed=0
2023-12-15T10:33:50.958860Z  INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Cell upload success rate for block 14448: 8/8. Duration: 1
2023-12-15T10:33:52.046668Z  INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Cell upload success rate for block 14449: 8/8. Duration: 1
The application panicked (crashed).
Message:  RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /root/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

My LC was syncing from block 0. I am adding the generated crash report. Hope this helps.

To communicate if needed:
Discord: nirnaeth.
E-mail: [email protected]

RUSTSEC-2021-0059: `aesni` has been merged into the `aes` crate

aesni has been merged into the aes crate

Status unmaintained
Package aesni
Version 0.10.0
URL RustCrypto/block-ciphers#200
Date 2021-04-29

Please use the aes crate going forward. The new repository location is at:


AES-NI is now autodetected at runtime on i686/x86-64 platforms.
If AES-NI is not present, the aes crate will fallback to a constant-time
portable software implementation.

To prevent this fallback (and have absence of AES-NI result in an illegal
instruction crash instead), continue to pass the same RUSTFLAGS which were
previously required for the aesni crate to compile:


See advisory page for additional details.

Update LibP2P Lib

Version 0.52 introduced KAD switching possibilities from client to server mode.
For this to be tested and verified, a version bump is needed.

availup operation error

root@racknerd-b916e3:~/availup# curl -sL1 | bash -s -- --identity ~/identity.toml
🆙 Starting Availup...
🛜 No network selected. Defaulting to goldberg testnet.
📌 Goldberg testnet selected.
.🗑️ Wiping old config file at /root/.avail/config/config.yml.
📲 No app ID specified. Defaulting to light client mode.
✅ Avail is already installed. Starting Avail...
2024-04-05T14:03:22.811417Z INFO avail_light: Identity loaded from /root/identity.toml
2024-04-05T14:03:22.811522Z INFO avail_light: Running Avail light client version: 1.7.10. Role: lightnode.
2024-04-05T14:03:22.811558Z INFO avail_light: Using config: RuntimeConfig { http_server_host: "", http_server_port: 7000, secret_key: None, port: 37000, autonat_only_global_ips: false, autonat_throttle: 1, autonat_retry_interval: 20, autonat_refresh_interval: 360, autonat_boot_delay: 5, bootstraps: [Compact(CompactMultiaddress((PeerId("12D3KooWBkLsNGaD3SpMaRWtAmWVuiZg1afdNSPbtJ8M8r9ArGRT"), "/dns/"))), Compact(CompactMultiaddress((PeerId("12D3KooWRCgfvaLSnQfkwGehrhSNpY7i5RenWKL2ARst6ZqgdZZd"), "/dns/")))], bootstrap_period: 3600, operation_mode: Client, relays: [], full_node_ws: ["wss://", "wss://"], genesis_hash: "6f09966420b2608d1947ccfb0f2a362450d1fc7fd902c29b67c906eaa965a7ae", app_id: Some(0), confidence: 99.0, avail_path: "/root/.avail/data", log_level: "INFO", origin: "external", log_format_json: false, ot_collector_endpoint: "", disable_rpc: false, dht_parallelization_limit: 20, query_proof_rpc_parallel_tasks: 8, block_processing_delay: Some(20), block_matrix_partition: None, sync_start_block: None, sync_finality_enable: false, max_cells_per_rpc: Some(30), threshold: 5000, kad_record_ttl: 43200, publication_interval: 43200, replication_interval: 10800, replication_factor: 5, connection_idle_timeout: 30, max_negotiating_inbound_streams: 128, task_command_buffer_size: 32, per_connection_event_buffer_size: 7, dial_concurrency_factor: 8, query_timeout: 10, query_parallelism: 3, caching_max_peers: 1, disjoint_query_paths: false, max_kad_record_number: 2400000, max_kad_record_size: 8192, max_kad_provided_keys: 1024, retry_config: Exponential(ExponentialConfig { base: 10, max_delay: 4000, retries: 3 }) }
2024-04-05T14:03:22.811823Z INFO avail_light: Avail ss58 address: 5FujiAcEF2EMxNTaFfJWKvHMxh58FTzpG1XX7KcKU8EdJimK, public key: aa19f6dc8c4541d7282fc382e00c56f1338ca6c31bfbe845b2bc135a640bb327
2024-04-05T14:03:22.815853Z ERROR avail_light: Cannot initialize database: IO error: While lock file: /root/.avail/data/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable
0: Starting Light Client failed
1: Cannot initialize database
2: IO error: While lock file: /root/.avail/data/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
🔄 Avail stopped. Future instances of the light client can be started by invoking the avail-light binary or rerunning this script

os error 11001

protocol error: Failed to resolve IP addresses for this hostname: (os error 11001)? avail-light-windows-runner [v1.7.10]

avail-light Crash Report 1.7.4

"name" = "avail-light"
"operating_system" = "Mac OS 14.2.1 [64-bit]"
"crate_version" = "1.7.4"
"explanation" = """
Panic occurred in file '/Users/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/' at line 221
"cause" = "RPC Subscription stream should be infinite"
"method" = "Panic"
"backtrace" = """

0: 0x105b8333a - core::option::expect_failed::h7a284305b411661c
1: 0x104ad5961 - avail_light::network::rpc::event_loop::EventLoop::run::{{closure}}::ha8c3e925446965df
2: 0x104a70db5 - <avail_light::shutdown::with_cancel::WithCancel<T,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::he9693eee5c7beed4
3: 0x104bca85c - tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll::hcd8925c5b5fa4e2f
4: 0x1054d7a6d - tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::Context::run_task::hdb1283b117571b63
5: 0x1054dbc1e - tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll::hc841fc0736276968
6: 0x1054cd35c - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::hedcc2edb69b5d537
7: 0x1054cd11c - core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}::he1cf7c74741df83e
8: 0x105497629 - std::sys::unix::thread::Thread::new::thread_start::h38ac7fbd1086ae35
9: 0x7ff81b65f202 - __pthread_start"""

avail-light Crash Report

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Well, this is embarrassing.

avail-light had a problem and crashed. To help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report.

We have generated a report file at "/var/folders/s1/zzxxsw816lsgqzl243fzj0yw0000gn/T/report-ae82d2e3-3451-48a7-8a33-2c5f8bae2e5e.toml". Submit an issue or email with the subject of "avail-light Crash Report" and include the report as an attachment.


Subscription loop ended or failed

I have faced this error twice today (a bit frequent). There was no generated crash report but I was on debug mode. Here some logs:

System: Ubuntu 22.04 amd64
Version: 1.7.7

2024-02-13T10:34:57.354008Z ERROR avail_light::light_client: Failed to fetch 9 cells block_number=410244
2024-02-13T10:34:57.354543Z  INFO avail_light::light_client: Sleeping for 8.569400537s seconds
2024-02-13T10:34:57.354589Z  INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=ConfidenceAchieved published=0 failed=0
2024-02-13T10:34:57.355181Z DEBUG avail_light::maintenance: Maintenance completed block_number=410244
2024-02-13T10:35:05.925290Z  INFO avail_light::light_client: Processing finalized block block_number=410245 block_delay=20
2024-02-13T10:35:05.925618Z  INFO avail_light::light_client: Random cells generated: 10 block_number=410245 cells_requested=10
2024-02-13T10:35:07.356085Z  INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Cell upload success rate for block 410244: 0/1. Duration: 10
2024-02-13T10:35:07.596136Z  INFO avail_light::network::rpc::subscriptions: New justification at block no.: 410246, hash: 0x36cbd1a32ad831ec790f50c5b6dec81da08400b3d640f2cba26d47c1b2080fd8
2024-02-13T10:35:07.835437Z  INFO avail_light::network::rpc::subscriptions: Header no.: 410246
2024-02-13T10:35:07.836738Z  INFO avail_light::network::rpc::subscriptions: Number of matching signatures: 5/7 for block 410246, set_id 185
2024-02-13T10:35:07.836932Z  INFO avail_light::network::rpc::subscriptions: Storing finality checkpoint at block 410246
2024-02-13T10:35:07.837390Z  INFO avail_light::network::rpc::subscriptions: Sending finalized block 410246
2024-02-13T10:35:07.837693Z  INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=HeaderVerified published=0 failed=0
2024-02-13T10:35:15.967455Z DEBUG avail_light::proof: Proof verification completed block_num=410245 duration=27.502042ms
2024-02-13T10:35:15.967846Z  INFO avail_light::network: Cells fetched from DHT block_number=410245 cells_total=10 cells_fetched=4 cells_verified=4 fetch_elapsed=10.014289769s proof_verification_elapsed=27.899477ms
2024-02-13T10:35:16.089823Z DEBUG avail_light::proof: Proof verification completed block_num=410245 duration=39.26617ms
2024-02-13T10:35:16.090111Z  INFO avail_light::network: Cells fetched from RPC block_number=410245 cells_total=6 cells_fetched=6 cells_verified=6 fetch_elapsed=82.522703ms proof_verification_elapsed=39.557975ms
2024-02-13T10:35:16.091056Z  INFO avail_light::light_client: Confidence factor: 99.90234375 block_number=410245 confidence=99.90234375
2024-02-13T10:35:16.092512Z  INFO avail_light::light_client: Sleeping for 11.742922619s seconds
2024-02-13T10:35:16.093014Z  INFO avail_light::api::v2: Message published to clients topic=ConfidenceAchieved published=0 failed=0
2024-02-13T10:35:16.093261Z DEBUG avail_light::maintenance: Maintenance completed block_number=410245
2024-02-13T10:35:18.919939Z  INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Exiting event loop...
2024-02-13T10:35:18.922437Z ERROR avail_light::api::v2: Cannot receive message: channel closed topic=HeaderVerified
   0: Running Light Client encountered an error
   1: Subscription loop ended or failed


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

Panic Crash v1.7.5

2024-01-27T09:40:37.650179Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
2024-01-27T09:40:37.653950Z ERROR avail_light::light_client: Cannot receive message: channel closed
2024-01-27T09:40:37.654962Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Shuting down P2P Event Loop. Please wait...
2024-01-27T09:40:37.655239Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: P2P Event Loop shutdown complete.
0: Running Light Client encountered an error
1: Panic occurred, shuting down

Both seed phrase but not same address

Why address when check status Avail Light Client different with address import to Subwallet. Both same seed phrase. What wallet i need use for same address?



avail-light Crash Report

Hi, When I look at it after a while, it is closed. I'm getting this warning
Ubuntu 22.04

Well, this is embarrassing.

avail-light had a problem and crashed. To help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report.

We have generated a report file at "/tmp/report-abff24d3-44e6-4a27-b8e6-316225408df8.toml". Submit an issue or email with the subject of "avail-light Crash Report" and include the report as an attachment.

  • Authors: Avail Team

We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. In order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports.

Thank you kindly!
2023-12-21T23:19:34.130469Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Ekran görüntüsü 2023-12-22 093435

Avail-Light Crash report - version 1.7.5 RC5

When attempting to run a node, I encountered the following error:

The program crashed. The error message indicates "RPC Subscription stream should be infinite," located at D:\avail-light\src\network\rpc\, line 221. This is considered a bug. It is recommended to run the program with the environment variable RUST_BACKTRACE=1 or RUST_BACKTRACE=full set to display a more detailed backtrace.

Crash info as follow:
`The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: D:\avail-light\src\network\rpc\

This is bug. Please, consider reporting it to us at

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Well, this is embarrassing.

avail-light had a problem and crashed. To help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report.

We have generated a report file at "C:\Temp\BOSSHS~1\report-d0ea8185-a018-408b-a8b5-4ef22e3d26d5.toml". Submit an issue or email with the subject of "avail-light Crash Report" and include the report as an attachment.

  • Authors: Avail Team

We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. In order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports.

Thank you kindly!
2024-01-06T09:20:57.659475Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: D:\avail-light\src\network\rpc\

This is bug.`

Panic Shutdown

2024-01-25T11:30:53.410206Z ERROR avail_light::sync_finality: Cannot sync finality Couldn't get header for 0xefb1…e9f5
2024-01-25T11:30:53.412948Z ERROR avail_light: Error: The application panicked (crashed).
Message: RPC Subscription stream should be infinite
Location: /home/runner/work/avail-light/avail-light/src/network/rpc/

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
2024-01-25T11:30:53.418188Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Shuting down P2P Event Loop. Please wait...
2024-01-25T11:30:53.418429Z INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: P2P Event Loop shutdown complete.
2024-01-25T11:30:53.423855Z ERROR avail_light::api::v2: Cannot receive message: channel closed topic=HeaderVerified
0: Running Light Client encountered an error
1: Panic occurred, shuting down

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