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azure-functions-durable-powershell's Issues

Remove `External` and `E` suffixes from Durable cmdlets

Currently, cmdlets in the external durable SDK have External and E suffixes and corresponding print statements to distinguish them from cmdlets present in the PowerShell worker. These should be removed before the SDK is fully released.

Get-DurableStatus still causing Error 401 (Unauthorized) in Azure Function App

This issue is still happening in Azure Durable Functions via HTTP starter function.

Apparently this has been fixed, but it does not actually seem to be, see:

To rule out any issues in my own code & functions, I also tested using Microsoft's own examples, showing the issue persists:

Using template:

  • DurableClient as regAPStart
  • DurableOrchestrator as regAPOrch
  • DuragleActivity as regAPAct

The orchestrator and activity are running just fine.

The Starter works fine until it gets to the following line:
$Status = Get-DurableStatus -InstanceId $InstanceId

Starter returns:

2024-05-03T18:35:58Z   [Information]   INFORMATION: DurableClient started
2024-05-03T18:35:58Z   [Information]   INFORMATION: Started orchestration with ID = 'b937fc9d-a34d-4407-a876-c9cdd2f18c2e', FunctionName = 'regAPOrch'
2024-05-03T18:35:58Z   [Error]   EXCEPTION: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).

Orchestrator returns:

2024-05-03T18:39:51Z   [Information]   INFORMATION: DurableOrchestrator: started. Input: Hello
2024-05-03T18:39:51Z   [Information]   INFORMATION: DurableOrchestrator: finished.
2024-05-03T18:39:51Z   [Information]   OUTPUT: Hello Tokyo
2024-05-03T18:39:51Z   [Information]   <id>: Function 'regAPOrch (Orchestrator)' completed.

Activity returns:

2024-05-03T18:39:41Z   [Information]   INFORMATION: DurableActivity(Tokyo) started
2024-05-03T18:39:51Z   [Information]   INFORMATION: DurableActivity(Tokyo) finished
2024-05-03T18:39:51Z   [Information]   Executed 'Functions.regAPAct'

Invoke-WebRequest hangs inside of Activity Function

I have a function that uses Invoke-WebRequest in order to pull data from an external API. Here's a sanitzed version of the function:

function Get-APIResource {
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]$Resource,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]$SearchQuery

    $BaseURL = ""

    $headers = @{
        ApiCode = $env:APISecret
        UserName = $env:PIUser
        Secret = $env:APIKey
        'Content-Type' = 'application/json'

    $ResourceURL = $BaseURL + $Resource + '/query?search=' + $SearchQuery

    $i = 1

    try {

        do {

            Write-Warning "Getting page $i of $Resource"
            $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $ResourceURL -Headers $headers -TimeoutSec 30 -ErrorAction Stop
            $Response = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
            If ($Response.items){

                Write-Warning "($i) Retrieved $($Response.items.count) items"

                $Response.items | ForEach-Object{
            If ($Response.item){

                Write-Warning "($i) Retrieved $($Response.item.count) ITEM"

                $Response.item | ForEach-Object{
            $ResourceURL = $Response.pagedetails.nextPageUrl

            If ($null -eq $ResourceURL){
                Write-Warning "($i) ResourceURL is null"
            } Else {
                Write-Warning "($i) Next page URL: $ResourceURL"


        } while ($null -ne $ResourceURL)

    catch {
        Write-Error "Connecting to API Failed."
        throw "API Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"    


I'm using it in an Activity function, like so:


# Set DataType
$DataType = 'Products'

# Initialize default return object
$returnObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
    $DataType = "Problem accessing data."

# Get data
    $filter = @{} | ConvertTo-JSON
    $Data = Get-APIResource -Resource Products -SearchQuery $filter
    Write-Warning "Error retrieving $DataType."
    Write-Error "ERROR: $($Error[0].Exception.Message)"
    If ($Error[0].InnerException){
        Write-Error "INNER ERROR: $($Error[0].Exception.InnerException)"
    throw $returnObject

If (-not $Data){
    Write-Warning "`$Data variable is blank. Failed to get $DataType."
    return $returnObject

# Return
    $DataType = $Data
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

And this is being called by an Orchestrator function:


Write-Output "Starting Orchestrator."

$RetryOptions = New-DurableRetryOptions -FirstRetryInterval (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 5) -MaxNumberOfAttempts 3

Write-Output "Retrieving Config Items from Autotask"
$APIData = Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName "Func-RetrieveAPIData" -RetryOptions $RetryOptions

# Build object (add metadata) to send to data lake
$SendObject = @{
    APIData = $APIData
    sourceName = "API"

# Convert to JSON to prep for sending
$SendJson = $SendObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

# Send to the data lake function
Write-Output "Sending Data to Data Lake function"
Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName "Func-SendtoDataLake" -Input $SendJson

When I look at Log Stream in the Azure Function, I can see the progress of Invoke-WebRequest. When it runs normally, it looks like this:

PROGRESS: Reading response stream... (Number of bytes read: 0)
PROGRESS: Reading response stream... (Number of bytes read: 3276)
PROGRESS: Reading response stream... (Number of bytes read: 13276)
PROGRESS: Reading response stream... (Number of bytes read: 23276)
PROGRESS: Reading response stream... (Number of bytes read: 27864)
PROGRESS: Reading response stream... (Number of bytes read: 256662)
PROGRESS: Reading web response completed. (Number of bytes read: 256662)

However, when it has a problem, it will halt after a random number of bytes read. Verbose logs will continue to output from normal operation of the Azure Function. The Activity Function times out after 10 minutes, at which point the Orchestrator finishes.

Normally, the API request takes under 30 seconds to complete -- usually it completes in under 10 seconds. But since the web stream from Invoke-WebRequest is hanging the Activity Function up, I cannot implement Durable Retry or Durable Wait in the Orchestrator function. I've tried wrapping each Invoke-WebRequest in Start-ThreadJob within Get-APIResource and using Wait-Job with a 30 second timeout. I'm able to properly throw an error from the API function to the Activity function, and the Orchestrator function catches it, but the Activity Function still sits there and waits until 10 minutes to time out because the thread job is locked up thanks to the Invoke-WebRequest stream.

I cannot reproduce this problem locally (via manual execution of Get-APIResource or via Azure Function debugging in VS Code) or on an Azure VM. I can fairly reliably reproduce this problem within Azure Automation Accounts / Runbooks and Azure Functions.

I've been chasing this error down since at least September 2023. I'm happy to share any other required information to help track this down.

Update templates for external SDK

The external SDK needs to be imported manually by the user in their profile.ps1. We will need to update our templates to demonstrate how to do this.

We will need to modify the templates for VSCode, and core-tools. There may be more template sources in other places as well that will need updating.

Linux ADO agents may fail test runs due to timeouts

Currently, pipeline runs on Linux may fail due to either orchestrator timeouts or due to HttpClient timeouts. These may be due to worker concurrency settings not being optimized for test runs, but investigation is required to make runs more reliable.

Refine the `DurableTask` written to output by `WaitAny`

WaitAny writes the first DurableTask to complete to the output pipe. However, the information displayed is not useful, showing type information. It would be good to make sure the output at least matches what is present in the PowerShell worker or displays more useful information (for example, the external event name in a ExternalEvent task).

Durable activity failures still not working properly in Fan out/Fan in orchestrator

Related item

tl;dr: When using Fan out/fan in pattern, and one or more activity fails, the final output in the orchestrator function is dropped.

Still not able to handle activity errors in an orchestrator function when using the fan/out fan/in pattern. Although it seems to report the failure there is no way to get a working output for combinations of successful and failed activities at all. It either discards the successful output, or ignores the failure. Using same code to above issue but using the new SDK.

Trigger (Service Bus)

param([string] $SbMsg, $TriggerMetadata)
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Service bus message received:
  "TestFilter": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "environment": "testEnv",
    "itemName": [
    "appComponent": "testcomponent",
    "application": "testApp"

# Declare 5 cities to be randomly picked later
$city = @("London", "Paris", "New York", "Tokyo", "Sydney")

# Create a hashtable the orchestrator could use to iterate over
foreach ($item in $TriggerMetadata.TestFilter.itemName) {
    $hashtableout += @{
        $item = @{
            city     = $city | Get-Random
            itemName = $item

# Start the orchestration
$InstanceId = Start-DurableOrchestration -FunctionName "of-test" -Input $hashtableout -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Started orchestration with ID = '$InstanceId'"

Activity Function

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$actStopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

if ($($name.itemName) -eq "test3") { throw }
elseif ($($name.itemName) -eq "test1") { Start-Sleep -Seconds  3}
elseif ($($name.itemName) -eq "test5") { Start-Sleep -Seconds 8 }
elseif ($($name.itemName) -eq "test4") { Start-Sleep -Seconds 50 }

# Finalise outputs
[decimal]$elapsedSecods = $actStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes
$actTotalTime = "{0:N2}" -f $elapsedSecods
Write-Information -MessageData "[$($name.itemName)] Completed in [$actTotalTime]..."
$name.add('runResults', "Deployment Succeeded. Runtime [$actTotalTime]")
"[$($name.itemName)] Completed in [$actTotalTime]"

So when using the below Orchestrator code everything works as expected regarding the error handling and getting final output from the orchestrator function. The orchestrator schedules the tasks and the final output includes any successful activity outputs as well as failures caught and handled within the orchestrator function. The problem with this orchestrator pattern however is the tasks are asynchronous and therefore do not run efficiently in that they queue behind each other (using sleep statements in the activity highlights this as can be seen below in the scheduled times)

Orchestrator (Working error handling, but pattern not optimal)

using namespace System.Net


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$output = @()

foreach ($property in $ {
    # invoke the activity function
    try {
        $output += Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName "af-test" -Input $Context.Input.$property
    catch {
        $output += "[$($property)] Failed"

return $output


So the final output highlights the failure meaning the catch block works as expected BUT the scheduling of activities is done in series (function chaining) and therefore causes a completion time build up (last activity might run quickest but has to wait for all others to complete first)

Changing to the Fan out/fan in pattern, the behaviour changes:

using namespace System.Net


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$output = @()

$ParallelTasks =
foreach ($property in $ {
    # invoke the activity function
    try {
        Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName "af-test" -Input $Context.Input.$property -NoWait
    catch {
        $output += "[$($property)] Failed"

$output += Wait-DurableTask -Task $ParallelTasks

return $output

And produces this error:

Changing to $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' allows the orchestrator to complete, but there is no output returned:


Moving the try/catch works partially in that it seems to capture the failures, but disregards the successful runs from the output:

using namespace System.Net


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$output = @()

$ParallelTasks =
foreach ($property in $ {
    # invoke the activity function
    Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName "af-test" -Input $Context.Input.$property -NoWait

try {
    $output += Wait-DurableTask -Task $ParallelTasks
catch {
    $output += "[$($property)] Failed"

return $output


It also does not collect multiple failures:

Using the same logic as in the fan out/fan in section here: .

using namespace System.Net


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

$output = @()

$ParallelTasks = @()

foreach ($property in $ {
    # invoke the activity function
    try {
        $ParallelTasks += Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName "af-test" -Input $Context.Input.$property -NoWait
    catch {
        $ParallelTasks += "[$($property)] Failed"

$output += Wait-DurableTask -Task $ParallelTasks

return $output

Again runs successfully, but does not handle the error or produce any final output. However, using this same orchestrator code but with no failing activities works and produces the final output:


So, to me it seems that whenever one or more activities fail, it just nukes any final output or captures only one.

I've tried relentlessly but cannot get the Fan out/fan in orchestrator to properly output when activities fail. I've also tried setting various different options for the $ErrorActionPreference to no avail. Would be great if error handling could work similar to when the chaining pattern is used and final output is generated with success or failures or both. Or perhaps there is a way to individually query the task results when using the Fan out/fan in pattern to achieve a similar result?

Action required: self-attest your goal for this repository

It's time to review and renew the intent of this repository

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  • staging : My project will ship as Open Source
  • collaboration : Used for external or 3rd party collaboration with customers, partners, suppliers, etc.
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Still can't seem to pass complex output to activity functions

Related Issue: Azure/azure-functions-durable-extension#1922

If I build up a ps object with sub-objects in an orchestration function and send that to an activity function, it ends up as a hashtable on the other side:

$InputData = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Data = $Data
            Documents = $Documents
            SyncDataType = $SyncDataType
Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName 'Sync-DataWithDocuments' -Input $InputData

Maybe this is just a limitation but I want to be sure before I use workarounds. I can get it to work if I do the following:

$InputData = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Data = $Data
            Documents = $Documents
            SyncDataType = $SyncDataType
Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName 'Sync-DataWithDocuments' -Input ($InputData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)

Then in the activity function

function Sync-DataWithDocuments {
    $Object = $Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json

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