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kubernetes-hackfest's Introduction


The following are the basic requirements to start the labs. Individual labs may have other requirements that will be listed within the lab.


Application architecture diagram


Start with:

  1. Create AKS Cluster
  2. Build Application Components and Prerequisites
  3. Helm Setup and Deploy Application

Additional exercises (in no order):

Coming soon:


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kubernetes-hackfest's People


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kubernetes-hackfest's Issues

Jenkins lab need instructions for sp

We should have the users create a new service principal for use with Jenkins. It would be helpful to provide CLI steps for the create and where to find the 4 values.

Authenication key in code

Looks like your Mapbox key is in the code. You might want to remove it some no one steals it and runs up charges on it.

Automate changing charts values.yaml

Need to make this easer as it's error prone for a user to update the values.yaml. I think sed would be able to change all values.yaml in a one-liner

CICD Lab - Jenkins: Jenkins needs update after first load for pipelines to work

After following the directions I noticed I was getting the following error on build:
Error: [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'pipeline' found among steps [archive, bat,.....
Needed to fix the pipeline plugin

After a little digging I realized that the Jenkins environment had an error an was pending some updates. Once I ran the updates recommended by the jenkins portal I was good to go.

Lab 3 / Step 4 - updating values.yaml to point to newly created ACR

Would'nt it be simpler to say, change the ACR configuration within the following files to point to your newly created ACR and update the version number.

It took me a few minutes of looking for these files and re-reading what was being asked, let's make it dead simple.


Lab: Build Application Components - ACR Registration guide

The instructions in Step 2

Run bash script to authenticate with Azure Container Registry from AKS
Running this script will grant the Service Principal created at cluster creation time access to ACR.

Should also include instructions to

  • change directory into the lab directory

  • instructions to edit the script to put in values for RG, AKS name and ACR name, or the script should use the predefined values

Issue with Jenkins lab and external IP

On line 82 of README, the command has jenkins-jenkins but it looks like it should just be jenkins as below:

printf $(kubectl get secret --namespace default jenkins-jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode);echo

Lab 3 / Step 4 - updating values.yaml to point to newly created ACR

Would'nt it be simpler to say, change the ACR configuration within the following files to point to your newly created ACR.
It took me a few minutes of looking for these files and re-reading what was being asked, let's make it dead simple.


Lab 4 [VSTS] / Step 9 - acr build in Azure DevOps

Original commands in docs is this :

export ACRNAME=<replace>
export IMAGETAG=vsts-$(Build.BuildId)

az acr build -t hackfest/node-data-api:v1 -r $ACRNAME --no-logs ./app/node-data-api
az acr build -t hackfest/node-flights-api:v1 -r $ACRNAME --no-logs ./app/node-flights-api
az acr build -t hackfest/web-ui:v1 -r $ACRNAME --no-logs ./app/web-ui 

Should'nt we be building all code (or just the UI) and then configuring the version number of each container image.

export ACRNAME=<replace>
export IMAGETAG=vsts-$(Build.BuildNumber)
az acr build -t hackfest/data-api:$IMAGETAG -r $ACRNAME --no-logs ./app/data-api
az acr build -t hackfest/flights-api:$IMAGETAG -r $ACRNAME --no-logs ./app/flights-api
az acr build -t hackfest/quakes-api:$IMAGETAG -r $ACRNAME --no-logs ./app/quakes-api
az acr build -t hackfest/weather-api:$IMAGETAG -r $ACRNAME --no-logs ./app/weather-api
az acr build -t hackfest/service-tracker-ui:$IMAGETAG -r $ACRNAME --no-logs ./app/service-tracker-ui

I had issues with the helm deployment, using the --force option (tickbox in Releases) did not resolve this.

2018-09-16T06:16:33.8883231Z [command]/usr/local/bin/helm upgrade --install --wait Release-3 /home/vsts/work/r1/a/_vsts-aks-CI/charts/service-tracker-ui
2018-09-16T06:16:39.4116659Z Error: release Release-3 failed: services "service-tracker-ui" already exists
2018-09-16T06:16:39.4133827Z Release "Release-3" does not exist. Installing it now.
2018-09-16T06:16:39.4252737Z ##[error]Error: release Release-3 failed: services "service-tracker-ui" already exists

Lab 3 / Step 7 - curl hitting refresh endpoint will not output any data

When connecting to the endpoint using curl on /refresh, you don't see any json output which I understand is expected behaviour however I found this confusing and wondered if something were broken.... Would be awesome if you can re-write this section to make this clearer.

Also, the target TCP ports on the Azure LoadBalancer are different for flights-api quakes-api weather-api.
Can you please highlight this, as i'm sure that this will cause a lot of confusion.

curl http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:3003/refresh
<no output>
curl http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:3012/refresh
<no output>
curl http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:3015/refresh
<no output>

When connecting to the endpoint IP directly using curl, you do see output.

curl http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:3015
"message":"api default endpoint for weather api","payload":{}}

Consider porting to Azure Maps

Since this is an Azure sample, would be great if it used Azure Maps. Azure Maps has most of the same features and performance benefits of Mapbox GL JS.

Issue retrieving cosmosdb connect string

this command az cosmosdb list-connection-strings --name $COSMOSNAME --resource-group $RGNAME returns nothing. nada. blank. null. empty. like completely zero.

Add these instructions to the Jenkins Lab

These would be for finding the Client and Tenant IDs for entering into Jenkins:

Client (or Application ID) - In the Azure console, search for "Azure Active Directory" and click on it. In the left pane, under Manage, select "App registrations", then click "View all applications" in the right tab. Once done, select your Display Name and double-click. The Application ID will be listed in the pane.

Tenant ID (or Directory ID) - In the Azure CLI, run the following command:

az account show

The Tenant ID will be shown in the field "tenantID".

Azure Pipelines helm upgrade fails due to unscoped values in commandline overrides

In Lab: Azure DevOps CI/CD section Create Deployment Pipeline, step 14 the Set Values line example is misleading as it is not scoped properly (missing "deploy." prefix) which leads to a deploy failure:

Upgrade "service-tracker-ui" failed: timed out waiting the condition

Change the line:

Eg -,imageTag=vsts-$(Build.BuildId)


Eg -,deploy.imageTag=vsts-$(Build.BuildId)

Upgrade to Kubernetes version to be deployed to 1.11.5

Please update Lab 1, so that Kubernetes 1.11.5 is deployed else people will experience the following error.

$ az aks create -n $CLUSTERNAME -g $RGNAME -k 1.11.3 --service-principal $APPID --client-secret $CLIENTSECRET --generate-ssh-keys -l southeastasia --node-count 3 --enable-addons http_application_routing,monitoring
Operation failed with status: 'Bad Request'. Details: The value of parameter orchestratorProfile.OrchestratorVersion is invalid.

Some browsers may not load maps without overriding GPU blacklist

May be good to add a note that the maps may not load on some browsers by default (ex. Chromium). This is because GPU drivers get blacklisted by default in some browsers. In Chromium you can go to chrome://flags and enable "Override software rendering list".

Issue with AKS creation

we are auto generating the service principal and it does not have rights to their ACR. This ends up to image pull failures. we should have them create a SP manually, assign it rights to the RG, and use it in the AKS create

there is also a bigger problem and the cred failure being cached. need to restart nodes or something to get them to work.

oh snap, 502 Bad Gateway

I did the Configure Ingress Controller lab before Configure Network Policy.

At the "Test out the Application by going to the Dashboard..." step of the Configure Network Policy lab, I immediately get a 502 Bad Gateway error, as my service-tracker-ui service is now of type ClusterIP, and I access the ui via https://[myacr], not from a LoadBalancer IP address.

Perhaps the should note this distinction?


Lab 2 will have issues if cloud shell times out

They went to create ACR and the variable $UNIQUE_SUFFIX became empty. Thus the az acr create failed. Users will need to reset this variable to match the step in lab 1.

Probably a better way to do this.

Jenkins issue

io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: POST at: https://kubernetes.default/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods. Message: Forbidden!Configured service account doesn't have access. Service account may have been revoked. pods "aks-hackfest-5xt6m-9d308" is forbidden: error looking up service account default/jenkins-jenkins: serviceaccount "jenkins-jenkins" not found.
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.requestFailure(
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.assertResponseCode(
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse(
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse(
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleCreate(
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.handleCreate(
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.create(
at org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.KubernetesLauncher.launch(
at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer$
at jenkins.util.ContextResettingExecutorService$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Lab 3 / Step 5 - CosmosDB URL and AppInsights config + K8s secrets

Would'nt it be easier for the user to run a couple of commands and extract the CosmosDB config.


az cosmosdb list-connection-strings --name $COSMOSNAME --resource-group $RGNAME


az cosmosdb show --name $COSMOSNAME --resource-group $RGNAME --query "name" -o tsv


az cosmosdb list-keys --name $COSMOSNAME --resource-group $RGNAME --query "primaryMasterKey" -o tsv


az resource list --namespace microsoft.insights --resource-type components --query [*].[id] --out tsv
az resource show --id "/subscriptions/1234fd22-ffff-4444-8888-ab5083888888/resourceGroups/kubernetes-hack
fest/providers/microsoft.insights/components/darren8176" --query properties.InstrumentationKey --o tsv

Once the secret has been stored in Kubernetes, please show how easy it is to read this data and howto decode it. This is particularly useful for troubleshooting.

kubectl get secret cosmos-db-secret -o yaml
kubectl get secrets cosmos-db-secret -o jsonpath --template '{.data.user}' | base64 -d

Lab 2 /

Lab 2

1.Please add in "cd" below at the beginning of Lab 2. I know this is implied however people will still ask this question.

"cd kubernetes-hackfest/labs/build-application"

2.I'd suggest changing the variables in to the following or updating this script


Verify selected subscription is the correct one (if you have multiple subscriptions)

In Lab 1: Create AKS Cluster, Step 4, it states:

Note: In the cloud shell, you are automatically logged into your Azure subscription.

However, this does not mean the subscription you want to use will be selected if you have multiple subscription.

I have two subscriptions: "Visual Studio Enterprise" and "Microsoft Azure Internal Consumption". The first one was selected for me but I wanted to use the second subscription.

I suggest adding a verification step to list subscriptions:

# View subscriptions
az account list
# Verify selected subscription
az account show
# Set correct subscription (if needed)
az account set --subscription <subscription_id>

# Verify correct subscription is now set
az account show

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