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bali's Introduction

bali framework

🏝 Simplify Cloud Native Microservices development base on FastAPI and gRPC.



Bali is a framework integrate FastAPI and gRPC. If you want to provide both HTTP and RPC, it can improve development efficiency.

It gives you the following features:

  • A simple layout of file structure rule.
  • Integrated SQLAlchemy ORM and provide generic model methods.
  • Utilities of transform models to Pydantic schemas.
  • GZipMiddleware included and GZip decompression enabled.
  • 🍻 Resource layer to write code once support both HTTP and RPC

Who's using bali framework


1. Python 3.7+
2. FastAPI 0.63+
3. grpcio>=1.32,<1.50


pip install bali-core # Bali framework 
pip install bali-cli # Bali command line tool 

Project structure layout


Create Application

app = Bali() # Initialized App


# With bali-cli 
bali run http
bali run rpc
bali run event

python run --http  # launch HTTP in development mode 
python run --rpc  # launch RPC 
python run --event  # launch Event 

More usage of Application: example



from bali import db

# connect to database when app started
# db is a sqla-wrapper instance

Declarative mode with sqla-wrapper

class User(db.Model):
    __tablename__ "users"
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)



todos = db.query(User).all()

More convenient usage, ref to SQLA-Wrapper

Declare models inherit from convenient base models


# using BaseModel
class User(db.BaseModel):
    __tablename__ "users"
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
# BaseModel's source code 

class BaseModel(db.Model):
    __abstract__ = True

    created_time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=datetime.utcnow)
    updated_time = Column(
        DateTime(timezone=True), default=datetime.utcnow, onupdate=datetime.utcnow
    is_active = Column(Boolean(), default=True)


SQLA-wrapper default model behavior is auto commit, auto commit will be disabled with db.transaction context.

with db.transaction():
    item = Item.create(name='test1')


Operators provided get_filters_expr to transform filters (dict) to SQLAlchemy expressions.

from bali.db.operators import get_filters_expr
from models import User

users = User.query().filter(*get_filters_expr(User, **filters)).all()



# generate pydantic schema from models
# `User` is a db.Model or db.BaseModel instance 
from bali.schemas import model_to_schema
UserSchema = model_to_schema(User)


New in version 2.0.

Resource’s design borrows several key concepts from the REST architectural style.

Inspired by ViewSet in Django REST Framework.

Actions' name according Standard methods in Google API design guide

Generic HTTP/RPC Actions

Generic HTTP/RPC support actions:

Action Route Method RPC Description
get /{id} GET Get{Resource} Get an existing resource matching the given id
list / GET List{Resource} Get all the resources
create / POST Create{Resource} Create a new resource
update /{id} PATCH Update{Resource} Update an existing resource matching the given id
delete /{id} DELETE Delete{Resource} Delete an existing resource matching the given id

Generic Actions examples:

# 1. import `Resource` base class
from bali.resources import Resource

# 2. implementation actions inherited from Resource

class GreeterResource(Resource):

    schema = Greeter

    def get(self, pk=None):
        return [g for g in GREETERS if g.get('id') == pk][0]

    def list(self, schema_in: ListRequest):
        return GREETERS[:schema_in.limit]

    def create(self, schema_in: schema):
        return {'id':, 'content': schema_in.content}

    def update(self, schema_in: schema, pk=None):
        return {'id': pk, 'content': schema_in.content}

    def delete(self, pk=None):
        return {'id': pk, 'result': True}  # using `id` instand of `result`

Custom HTTP/RPC Actions

Custom actions also decorated by @action, but detail signature is required.

def custom_action(self):

detail has no default value.

True means action to single resource, url path is '/{resources}/{id}'.

False means action set of resources, url path is '/{resources}'.

Override HTTP Actions

If the default HTTP action template is not satisfied your request, you can override HTTP actions.

# Get the origin router 
router = GreeterResource.as_router()

# Override the actions using the FastAPI normal way
def root():
    return {"message": "Hello World"}

More usage of Resource: GreeterResource


New in version 2.1.

class UserResource(ModelResource):
    model = User
    schema = UserSchema
    filters = [
        {'username': str},
        {'age': Optional[str]},
    ]  # yapf: disable
    permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]

Service Mixin

# import 
from bali.mixins import ServiceMixin

class Hello(hello_pb2_grpc.HelloServiceServicer, ServiceMixin):


Cache API

from bali import cache

# Usage example (API)

# Read cache 

# Set cache 
cache.set(key, value, timeout=10)

cache memoize

# Import the cache_memoize from bali core 
from bali import cache_memoize

# Attach decorator to cacheable function with a timeout of 100 seconds.
def expensive_function(start, end):
    return random.randint(start, end)



dateparser docs


Optimized MessageToDict/ParseDict from google.protobuf.js_format

from bali.utils import MessageToDict, ParseDict


gRPC service tests

from bali.tests import GRPCTestBase
from service.demo import demo_service, demo_pb2, demo_pb2_grpc

class TestDemoRPC(GRPCTestBase):
    server_class = demo_service.DemoService  # Provided service 

    pb2 = demo_pb2  # Provided pb2
    pb2_grpc = demo_pb2_grpc  # Provided pb2 grpc

    def setup_method(self):  # Pytest setup 

    def teardown_method(self):  # Pytest teardown

    def test_demo(self):

Related Projects

bali-cli cookiecutter-bali

bali's People


baoj2010 avatar chendong0120 avatar ed-xcf avatar hhstore avatar joshyujump avatar simonlify avatar


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bali's Issues

Design a ModelAPI for gRPC View

An base class include "Create" "List" "Retrieve" "Update" "Destroy" methods. Subclasses complete business logic through declarative style like "rest_framework" did.

Added cache api

from bali.core import cache

# Usage example (API)

# Read cache 

# Set cache 
cache.set(key, value, timeout=10)

install failed

python version: 3.9.2
pip version: 22.0.4

ERROR: Could not build wheels for ujson, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Is necessary for 'fastapi[all]' in requirement.txt



@app.put("/get-or-create-task/{task_id}", status_code=200)
def get_or_create_task(task_id: str, response: Response):
    if task_id not in tasks:
        tasks[task_id] = "This didn't exist before"
        response.status_code = status.HTTP_201_CREATED
    return tasks[task_id]


How to create a background task in gRPC service

As FastAPI docs metioned, backgroud task could been added using background_tasks.add_task:"/send-notification/{email}")
async def send_notification(email: str, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    background_tasks.add_task(write_notification, email, message="some notification")
    return {"message": "Notification sent in the background"}

But how to create a background task in gRPC service's RPC?


Permission must defined in resource.permission_class

class GreeterResource(Resource):

    schema = Greeter

    permission_class = {
         "get": IsAdmin,

All actions using same permission class

class GreeterResource(Resource):

    schema = Greeter

    permission_class = [IsAdmin,]

The permission class will return a boolean result to determine whether the request is allowed, and will fill in request.user infos

Dependencies updates

The following packages should been updated:


I added the following path to PYTHONPATH manually in the Dockerfile

ENV PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/finance/clients/auth"
ENV PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/finance/clients/user"
ENV PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/finance/services/rpc"

Now we need it included in bali initialized period.

logging out of the box


Now we have a logging configuration file in projects.

It's complex to setting up logging.


python: 3.10.4
bali-core: 3.2.2

class Permission(BaseMixin, db.BaseModel):  # type: ignore
    table_comment = "权限表"
    name_doc = "权限名称"
    description_doc = "权限描述"
    module_doc = "所属模块"

    name: str = db.Column(db.String(120), doc=name_doc,
                          comment=name_doc, nullable=False)
    description: str = db.Column(
        db.Text(500), doc=description_doc, comment=description_doc)
    permission_role: 'Permission' = db.relationship(
        'GroupRole', back_populates='permission')
    permission_roles = association_proxy('permission_role', 'role')
    permission_role_ids = association_proxy('permission_role', 'role_id')
    module_id: int = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(
        ''), doc=module_doc, comment=module_doc)


INFO: - "GET /openapi.json HTTP/1.1" 500 Internal Server Error
ERROR:    Exception in ASGI application
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\uvicorn\protocols\http\", line 376, in run_asgi
    result = await app(self.scope, self.receive, self.send)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\uvicorn\middleware\", line 75, in __call__
    return await, receive, send)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\bali\", line 71, in __call__
    await self._app.__call__(scope, receive, send)  # pragma: no cover
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\fastapi\", line 261, in __call__
    await super().__call__(scope, receive, send)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 112, in __call__
    await self.middleware_stack(scope, receive, send)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\starlette\middleware\", line 181, in __call__
    raise exc
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\starlette\middleware\", line 159, in __call__
    await, receive, _send)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 82, in __call__
    raise exc
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 71, in __call__
    await, receive, sender)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\fastapi\middleware\", line 21, in __call__
    raise e
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\fastapi\middleware\", line 18, in __call__
    await, receive, send)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 656, in __call__
    await route.handle(scope, receive, send)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 259, in handle
    await, receive, send)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 61, in app
    response = await func(request)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\fastapi\", line 216, in openapi
    return JSONResponse(self.openapi())
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\test_platform\backend\", line 56, in custom_openapi
    openapi_schema = get_openapi(
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\fastapi\openapi\", line 418, in get_openapi
    definitions = get_model_definitions(
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\fastapi\", line 29, in get_model_definitions
    m_schema, m_definitions, m_nested_models = model_process_schema(
  File "pydantic\", line 580, in pydantic.schema.model_process_schema
  File "pydantic\", line 621, in pydantic.schema.model_type_schema
  File "pydantic\", line 254, in pydantic.schema.field_schema
  File "pydantic\", line 461, in pydantic.schema.field_type_schema
  File "pydantic\", line 847, in pydantic.schema.field_singleton_schema
  File "pydantic\", line 698, in pydantic.schema.field_singleton_sub_fields_schema
  File "pydantic\", line 526, in pydantic.schema.field_type_schema
  File "pydantic\", line 921, in pydantic.schema.field_singleton_schema
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\", line 123, in __subclasscheck__
    return _abc_subclasscheck(cls, subclass)
TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class


class Tag(BaseMixin, db.BaseModel):  # type: ignore
    table_comment = "标签表"
    name_doc = "标签名称"
    color_doc = "标签颜色"
    tag_type_doc = "标签类型"
    description_doc = "标签描述"

    name: str = db.Column(db.String(120), doc=name_doc,
                          comment=name_doc, nullable=False)
    color: str = db.Column(db.String(120), doc=color_doc, comment=color_doc)
    tag_type: int = db.Column(
        db.Integer, doc=tag_type_doc, comment=tag_type_doc, default=get_tag_enum)
    description: str = db.Column(
        db.Text(500), doc=description_doc, comment=description_doc)
    tag_project: 'ProjectInfo' = db.relationship(
        'ProjectTag', back_populates='tag', lazy='selectin', join_depth=2)
    tag_projects = association_proxy('tag_project', 'project')
    tag_project_ids = association_proxy('tag_project', 'project_id')
    tag_testcase_site: 'TestcaseSite' = db.relationship(
        'TestcaseSiteTag', back_populates='tag', lazy='selectin', join_depth=2)
    tag_testcase_sites = association_proxy(
        'tag_testcase_site', 'testcase_site')
    tag_testcase_site_ids = association_proxy(
        'tag_testcase_site', 'testcase_site_id')
    tag_testcase: 'Testcase' = db.relationship(
        'TestcaseTag', back_populates='tag', lazy='selectin', join_depth=2)
    tag_testcases = association_proxy('tag_testcase', 'testcase')
    tag_testcase_ids = association_proxy('tag_testcase', 'testcase_id')

并且from bali.schemas import model_to_schema这个函数转化有关系字段的模型(relationship/association_proxy)也有问题

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 393, in _resolve_name
    rval = d[token]
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\", line 746, in __missing__
    self[key] = val = self.creator(key)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 372, in _access_cls
    return self.fallback[key]
KeyError: 'ProjectMaster'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\test_platform\backend\", line 13, in <module>
    from app.system.view import (
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\test_platform\backend\app\system\", line 11, in <module>
    from app.system.schema import (
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\test_platform\backend\app\system\", line 15, in <module>
    _UserSchema = model_to_schema(User)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\bali\schemas\", line 25, in model_to_schema
    for attr in mapper.attrs:
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\", line 1184, in __get__
    obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 2488, in attrs
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 1924, in _check_configure
    _configure_registries({self.registry}, cascade=True)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 3483, in _configure_registries
    _do_configure_registries(registries, cascade)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 3522, in _do_configure_registries
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 1941, in _post_configure_properties
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 231, in init
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 2145, in do_init
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 2240, in _process_dependent_arguments = self.entity.persist_selectable
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\", line 1113, in __get__
    obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 2107, in entity
    argument = self._clsregistry_resolve_name(self.argument)()
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 397, in _resolve_name
    self._raise_for_name(name, err)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 375, in _raise_for_name
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\test_platform\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\", line 208, in raise_
    raise exception
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: When initializing mapper mapped class User->t_user, expression 'ProjectMaster' failed to locate a name ('ProjectMaster'). If this is a class name, consider adding this relationship() to the <class 'app.system.model.User'> class after both dependent classes have been defined.     


class ModelSerializer(BaseModel):
    created_time: datetime | None
    updated_time: datetime | None
    id: int | None

    class Config:
        orm_mode = True
        fields = {'is_active': {'exclude': True}}
        anystr_strip_whitespace = True
        max_anystr_length = 120
        arbitrary_types_allowed = True

    def from_orm(cls: Type, obj: Any) -> ModelSerializer:
        # 用来主动调用from_orm datetime->str
        original = super().from_orm(obj)
        for k, v in original.__fields__.items():
            if v.type_ == datetime:
                original.__dict__[k] = original.__dict__[k].strftime(settings.DATETIME_FORMAT)
        return original

class PermissionSchema(ModelSerializer):
    name: constr(min_length=2)
    description: constr()
    permission_roles: list['Role'] | None
    permission_role_ids: list[int] | None
    module_id: int

class TagSchema(ModelSerializer):
    name: constr(min_length=2)
    color: constr(min_length=2)
    tag_type: int
    description: constr()

Feature: `Bali.register()` - support separate registration of `HTTP Router` and `RPC Service`


  • Add custom parameters that allow separate registration of HTTP Router and RPC Service.


  • When you use the router to add a routing prefix and then continue to register the resource with app.register(), duplicate HTTP API registrations occur.
  • So I think it is necessary to add parameters in the app.register() method, allow only registering rpc_service, skip registering http router.



  • add http=True, rpc=True.
class Bali:


    def register(self, resources_cls, http=True, rpc=True):
        if not isinstance(resources_cls, list):
            resources_cls = [resources_cls]

        for resource_cls in resources_cls:
            # Register HTTP service
            if http:

            # Register RPC service
            if rpc and self._rpc_servicer:

        if http:


  • after fix, usage:
from bali.application import Bali

from proto.config import settings
from internal.router import router_v1
from internal.event.event import EventHandler
from internal.resource import TodoResource

app = Bali(
        'router': router_v1,  
        # 'prefix': '/v1',
    backend_cors_origins=[''],  # ["*"]
    # rpc_service=grpc_server_async,

app.register(TodoResource, http=false)  # fix here!

if __name__ == "__main__":

关于 MySQL 连接失效的问题

sqlalchemy 有三个 配置 可能可以帮助解决问题。具体的设置值还需要更多资料和实践支持:

:param pool_size=5: the number of connections to keep open
inside the connection pool. This used with
:class:~sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool as
well as :class:~sqlalchemy.pool.SingletonThreadPool. With
:class:~sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool, a pool_size setting
of 0 indicates no limit; to disable pooling, set poolclass to
:class:~sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool instead.

:param pool_recycle=-1: this setting causes the pool to recycle
connections after the given number of seconds has passed. It
defaults to -1, or no timeout. For example, setting to 3600
means connections will be recycled after one hour. Note that
MySQL in particular will disconnect automatically if no
activity is detected on a connection for eight hours (although
this is configurable with the MySQLDB connection itself and the
server configuration as well).

连接前进行 " 预 ping "(在直接使用 pymysql 编程的场景下,它是一种可以工作的策略,尚不清楚对运行中的事务的影响)
:param pool_pre_ping: boolean, if True will enable the connection pool
"pre-ping" feature that tests connections for liveness upon
each checkout.

Enhanced configuration

  • 1. Store config in the environment

According to 12 factor's config specification. Our configuration still in python code.


We need to enhance it using environment or dotenv.

  • 2. Optimized the stage template code


cache memoize enabled

Need a cache memoize feature according django-cache-memoize

# Import the cache_memoize from bali core 
from bali.core import cache_memoize

# Attach decorator to cacheable function with a timeout of 100 seconds.
def expensive_function(start, end):
    return random.randint(start, end)

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