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faker's Introduction

_|_|_|_|          _|
_|        _|_|_|  _|  _|      _|_|    _|  _|_|
_|_|_|  _|    _|  _|_|      _|_|_|_|  _|_|
_|      _|    _|  _|  _|    _|        _|
_|        _|_|_|  _|    _|    _|_|_|  _|

Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service, Faker is for you.

Faker is heavily inspired by PHP's Faker, Perl's Data::Faker, and by ruby's Faker.

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Basic Usage

Install with pip:

pip install fake-factory

Use fake.Factory.create() to create and initialize a faker generator, which can generate data by accessing properties named after the type of data you want.

    from faker import Factory
    fake = Factory.create()

    # OR
    from faker import Faker
    fake = Faker()
    # 'Lucy Cechtelar'

    # "426 Jordy Lodge
    #  Cartwrightshire, SC 88120-6700"

    # Sint velit eveniet. Rerum atque repellat voluptatem quia rerum. Numquam excepturi
    # beatae sint laudantium consequatur. Magni occaecati itaque sint et sit tempore. Nesciunt
    # amet quidem. Iusto deleniti cum autem ad quia aperiam.
    # A consectetur quos aliquam. In iste aliquid et aut similique suscipit. Consequatur qui
    # quaerat iste minus hic expedita. Consequuntur error magni et laboriosam. Aut aspernatur
    # voluptatem sit aliquam. Dolores voluptatum est.
    # Aut molestias et maxime. Fugit autem facilis quos vero. Eius quibusdam possimus est.
    # Ea quaerat et quisquam. Deleniti sunt quam. Adipisci consequatur id in occaecati.
    # Et sint et. Ut ducimus quod nemo ab voluptatum.

Each call to method yealds a different (random) result. This is because faker forwards faker.Genarator.method_name()' calls to faker.Generator.format(method_name)`.

for i in range(0,10):

	# Adaline Reichel
	# Dr. Santa Prosacco DVM
	# Noemy Vandervort V
	# Lexi O'Conner
	# Gracie Weber
	# Roscoe Johns
	# Emmett Lebsack
	# Keegan Thiel
	# Wellington Koelpin II
	# Ms. Karley Kiehn V


Each of the generator properties (like name, address, and lorem) are called "formatters". A faker generator has many of them, packaged in "providers". Here is a list of the bundled formatters in the default locale.


fake.random_digit_not_null()                                             # 1
fake.randomize_nb_elements(number=10, le=False, ge=False)                # 13
fake.random_letter()                                                     # S
fake.random_digit()                                                      # 6
fake.bothify(text="## ??")                                               # 05 Gm
fake.random_element(array=('a', 'b', 'b'))                               # b
fake.random_number(digits=None)                                          # 38
fake.lexify(text="????")                                                 # gJPH
fake.random_int(min=0, max=9999)                                         # 2355
fake.numerify(text="###")                                                # 646


fake.text(max_nb_chars=200)                                              # Quam quibusdam iusto commodi velit. Earum voluptatibus officiis suscipit. Sed
                                                                            ut nesciunt iste.
fake.sentence(nb_words=6, variable_nb_words=True)                        # Ut beatae distinctio aliquid placeat mollitia.
fake.word()                                                              # rem
fake.paragraphs(nb=3)                                                    # [u'Aliquid repellat dolores sed autem et. Voluptatem nisi sint quae aut autem
                                                                            cupiditate. Delectus ullam nemo tempore et ab aut fuga molestias.', u'Blandi
                                                                           tiis sint enim id est nostrum aliquid molestiae. Eius sint tempore autem atqu
                                                                           e consequatur assumenda. Et voluptatem sunt fugiat sunt et.', u'Voluptate lab
                                                                           orum maiores veniam saepe. Beatae ipsam quam nihil qui qui asperiores. Enim c
                                                                           ulpa laudantium temporibus quibusdam aliquid. Corporis ut nostrum voluptate e
                                                                           t sit tempore.']
fake.words(nb=3)                                                         # [u'consectetur', u'est', u'rerum']
fake.paragraph(nb_sentences=3, variable_nb_sentences=True)               # Perferendis placeat dolores exercitationem quae ducimus. Magnam debitis eum e
                                                                           xcepturi at quidem qui. Animi ad cupiditate in.
fake.sentences(nb=3)                                                     # [u'Accusantium molestiae ut exercitationem voluptatem.', u'Fuga consequatur c
                                                                           onsequuntur quam molestiae nam.', u'Dolor omnis hic perferendis aut itaque si


fake.state_abbr()                                                        # ID
fake.latitude()                                                          # 176.060836
fake.street_name()                                                       # Bernadine Vista
fake.address()                                                           # 59802 Kohler Gateway
                                                                           Keeblertown, CA 89092
fake.street_address()                                                    # 39719 Klein Mews
fake.postcode()                                                          # 97628
fake.longitude()                                                         # -80.950377                                                           # Palau
fake.geo_coordinate()                                                    # 8.572122
fake.street_suffix()                                                     # Corners
fake.city_prefix()                                                       # West
fake.city_suffix()                                                       # burgh
fake.building_number()                                                   # 26481
fake.secondary_address()                                                 # Apt. 399                                                              # East Noemie
fake.state()                                                             # Kansas

faker.providers.person                                                              # Deborah Johnston
fake.suffix()                                                            # I
fake.last_name()                                                         # Cummings
fake.first_name()                                                        # Violet
fake.prefix()                                                            # Miss


fake.date_time_ad()                                                      # 0335-11-13 23:08:35
fake.month()                                                             # 11
fake.am_pm()                                                             # PM
fake.iso8601()                                                           # 1988-03-30T13:39:34
fake.date_time_this_century()                                            # 1930-10-08 21:49:52
fake.date_time()                                                         # 1997-03-13 02:03:24
fake.month_name()                                                        # June
fake.date_time_this_month()                                              # 2013-11-04 18:41:20
fake.date_time_this_decade()                                             # 2010-12-11 02:32:12
fake.day_of_week()                                                       # Wednesday
fake.day_of_month()                                                      # 16
fake.time(pattern="%H:%M:%S")                                            # 11:30:21
fake.date_time_between(start_date="-30y", end_date="now")                # 2002-10-11 14:57:38
fake.unix_time()                                                         # 763964108
fake.date_time_this_year()                                               # 2012-12-11 07:09:57
fake.timezone()                                                          # Europe/Zurich
fake.century()                                                           # XVII"%Y-%m-%d")                                            # 1982-04-26
fake.year()                                                              # 2000                                                           # Funk and Sons
fake.company_suffix()                                                    # and Sons
fake.catch_phrase()                                                      # Triple-buffered executive focusgroup                                                                # brand proactive communities


fake.ipv4()                                                              #
fake.url()                                                               #
fake.company_email()                                                     # [email protected]
fake.uri()                                                               #
fake.tld()                                                               # info
fake.uri_path(deep=None)                                                 # search/main
fake.free_email()                                                        # [email protected]
fake.user_name()                                                         # wiza.johnathon
fake.free_email_domain()                                                 #
fake.domain_name()                                                       #
fake.uri_extension()                                                     # .jsp
fake.ipv6()                                                              # 6a67:a71f:ec3c:f641:177f:f33f:fb11:e27b
fake.safe_email()                                                        # [email protected]
fake.uri_page()                                                          # login                                                             # [email protected]
fake.domain_word()                                                       # bahringer
fake.slug(value=None)                                                    # maxime-ea-omnis


fake.locale()                                                            # cn_TJ
fake.md5(raw_output=False)                                               # 98063a4419ebc124a94a0fe9411d95ba
fake.sha1(raw_output=False)                                              # 910aa38699b69228fee09ca0f2fb6e65f987ebd4
fake.null_boolean()                                                      # False
fake.sha256(raw_output=False)                                            # 0aed69e82a0abfa4c03dcf17e212c5b0ac08f12751b1acac96553c1abc3352b5
fake.country_code()                                                      # TG
fake.language_code()                                                     # pt
fake.boolean(chance_of_getting_true=50)                                  # True


fake.phone_number()                                                      # +94(1)6262568403


fake.mac_processor()                                                     # U; Intel
fake.firefox()                                                           # Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv: Gecko/2012-01-08 15:31:21 Firefox/
fake.linux_platform_token()                                              # X11; Linux x86_64
fake.opera()                                                             # Opera/8.46.(Windows NT 5.2; it-IT) Presto/2.9.161 Version/11.00
fake.windows_platform_token()                                            # Windows 95
fake.internet_explorer()                                                 # Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/3.1)
fake.user_agent()                                                        # Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv: Gecko/2010-12-19 10:41:34 Firefox/
                                                                           3.6.17                                                            # Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 98) AppleWebKit/5332 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.849
                                                                           .0 Safari/5332
fake.linux_processor()                                                   # i686
fake.mac_platform_token()                                                # Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_4
fake.safari()                                                            # Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_8_3 rv:2.0; it-IT) AppleWebKit/532
                                                                           .47.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.5 Safari/532.47.1


fake.mime_type(category=None)                                            # video/mpeg


fake.pyiterable(nb_elements=10, variable_nb_elements=True, *value_types) # set([Decimal('7.2022029784E+11'), Decimal('7.80290776173E+12'), u'Dolor imped
                                                                           it quia.', 3014507.7827, u'[email protected]', 4443, u'Sed iusto magna
fake.pystr(max_chars=20)                                                 # Nulla odit ex fuga.
fake.pyfloat(left_digits=None, right_digits=None, positive=False)        # 69950445.94
fake.pystruct(count=10, *value_types)                                    # ([u'Corporis excepturi.', -6.3746979, 8874, 641.670735144, u'Dolores ut aut v
                                                                           el.', u'Non cumque.', datetime(1988, 1, 10, 18, 20, 26), u'
                                                                           /search/category/search.htm', -543720939267106.0, u'Est dignissimos et.'], {u
                                                                           'neque': datetime(2002, 10, 12, 1, 41, 44), u'sit': u'Et sed ut nisi.', u'arc
                                                                           hitecto': u'Minus sunt quos.', u'numquam': u'Officiis in.', u'esse': Decimal(
                                                                           '851592439.65'), u'ex': 55651.0, u'praesentium': u'Beatae excepturi.', u'dolo
                                                                           rem': Decimal('-3.49169242935E+13'), u'vel': u'Exercitationem.', u'quo': date
                                                                           time(2003, 2, 7, 2, 16, 28)}, {u'consequuntur': {9: u'Eaque quis autem.', 10:
                                                                            [-922275532.2, u'Incidunt aut.', u'Et sint excepturi.'], 11: {9: datetime(19
                                                                           77, 9, 27, 4, 49, 32), 10: u'Est sunt.', 11: [u'[email protected]',
                                                                           u'Quos aut quo.']}}, u'non': {2: 6716, 3: [29014.550976, u'Praesentium.', 870
                                                                           4], 4: {2: 3649, 3: datetime(1979, 11, 8, 9, 59, 37), 4: [u'http://langworthr
                                                                 ', Decimal('62790.0')]}}, u'est': {5: u'Maxime incidunt
                                                                           .', 6: [-9.5832, u'', u'Cum s
                                                                           uscipit dolor.'], 7: {5: u'Consequuntur autem.', 6: 1684, 7: [u'http://rath.c
                                                                           om/posts/homepage/', u'Ea sit error.']}}, u'voluptatum': {4: u'Omnis omnis op
                                                                           tio.', 5: [u'Voluptatibus.', u'Numquam qui qui.', u'
                                                                           or/'], 6: {4: datetime(1976, 6, 3, 20, 42, 52), 5: Decimal('12939334042.1'),
                                                                           6: [u'Vel sed similique.', Decimal('-968.39980246')]}}, u'voluptas': {8: {8:
                                                                           [u'Vel rerum quia.', u'Aperiam officiis in.'], 6: u'Ipsa non beatae.', 7: u'h
                                                                           ttp://'}, 6: Decimal('-35.6'), 7: [9534, 1605, Decimal('-4
                                                                           .21540418737E+12')]}, u'molestiae': {0: -811865398.937, 1: [u'Ipsum quos in o
                                                                           mnis.', 4467, u'Nobis.'], 2: {0: u'Rerum alias dolorem.', 1: u'http://pfanner
                                                                 ', 2: [u'Aut et officiis.', u'[email protected]'
                                                                           ]}}, u'enim': {1: u'Beatae nam ut odio.', 2: [u'Et aut aut quasi.', u'Saepe o
                                                                           fficiis.', u''], 3: {1: 7259, 2: u'alex.farrell@walker.
                                                                           com', 3: [u'', Decimal('57290273.37
                                                                           2')]}}, u'molestias': {8: datetime(1978, 1, 10, 19, 59, 3), 9: [52692718.897,
                                                                            u'', 113896345221807.0], 10: {8: u'mariane50@hotmail.
                                                                           com', 9: u'[email protected]', 10: [4015, 1200]}}, u'et': {8: [u'Est dig
                                                                           nissimos.', -582365.7420196, u'Et odit laborum ut.'], 9: {8: Decimal('-1.9923
                                                                           2256052E+13'), 9: [u'Enim consequatur.', u'
                                                                           /index.asp'], 7: u'Praesentium.'}, 7: 1035}, u'atque': {3: u'Repellendus fugi
                                                                           t.', 4: [u'[email protected]', u'Nam saepe nihil et.', u'Officiis quo.'],
                                                                            5: {3: 7778, 4: 4111, 5: [u'[email protected]', datetime(1984,
                                                                           12, 22, 6, 38, 11)]}}})
fake.pydecimal(left_digits=None, right_digits=None, positive=False)      # 813138968.731
fake.pylist(nb_elements=10, variable_nb_elements=True, *value_types)     # [u'Dignissimos.', u'
                                                                           php', u'[email protected]', u'At non aliquid.', 7741, 87500826857.
                                                                           2962, u'[email protected]', 7686, u'
                                                                           /blog/terms.html', u'Voluptas ea natus.', 7165, u'Doloremque earum.', 1823]
fake.pytuple(nb_elements=10, variable_nb_elements=True, *value_types)    # (u'[email protected]', u'A dolorem.', 6377, u'Ullam corrupti.', u'Eos deseru
                                                                           nt.', u'Nihil quia.', 5019)
fake.pybool()                                                            # True
fake.pyset(nb_elements=10, variable_nb_elements=True, *value_types)      # set([u'[email protected]', 4298, datetime(1977, 6, 8, 5, 15, 47), u'rempel.
                                                                           [email protected]', u'Velit quae.', u'Temporibus.', u'Aut accusantium.']
fake.pydict(nb_elements=10, variable_nb_elements=True, *value_types)     # {u'eum': u'Repudiandae.', u'velit': u'Aliquam optio ut.', u'commodi': u'Moles
                                                                           tiae autem.', u'quis': u'[email protected]', u'accusamus': Decimal(
                                                                           '-14.48787'), u'ut': 61715747966374.0, u'error': u'Occaecati explicabo.', u'f
                                                                           acilis': u'Et vitae totam.', u'enim': u'Quam repellat.', u'explicabo': dateti
                                                                           me(1985, 2, 23, 1, 28, 19), u'officiis': u'Et id culpa sequi.', u'labore': u'
                                                                           Aut tempore culpa.'}
fake.pyint()                                                             # 4166


fake.credit_card_security_code(card_type=None)                           # 816
fake.credit_card_full(card_type=None, validate=False, max_check=10)      #
                                                                           American Express
                                                                           Ralph Bartoletti
                                                                           379037504006334  12/18
                                                                           CVC: 686
fake.credit_card_expire(start="now", end="+10y", date_format="%m/%y")    # 06/15
fake.credit_card_number(card_type=None, validate=False, max_check=10)    # 201493034311625
fake.credit_card_provider(card_type=None)                                # VISA 13 digit


faker.Factory can take a locale as an argument, to return localized data. If no localized provider is found, the factory fallbacks to the default locale (en_EN).

from faker import Factory
fake = Factory.create('it_IT')
for i in range(0,10):

> Elda Palumbo
> Pacifico Giordano
> Sig. Avide Guerra
> Yago Amato
> Eustachio Messina
> Dott. Violante Lombardo
> Sig. Alighieri Monti
> Costanzo Costa
> Nazzareno Barbieri
> Max Coppola

You can check available Faker locales in the source code, under the providers package. The localization of Faker is an ongoing process, for which we need your help. Don't hesitate to create localized providers to your own locale and submit a PR!

Some example of included localized providers:



fake.state_abbr()             # RA
fake.latitude()               # -99.579871
fake.street_name()            # Canale Conti
fake.address()                # Borgo Nabil 59 Appartamento 21
                                Quarto Brigitta ligure, 36534 Pavia (VR)
fake.street_address()         # Canale Gianriccardo 743
fake.postcode()               # 61219
fake.longitude()              # -4.116482                # Isole Falkland (Malvinas)
fake.geo_coordinate()         # -46.328470
fake.street_suffix()          # Borgo
fake.city_prefix()            # San
fake.city_suffix()            # sardo
fake.building_number()        # 06
fake.secondary_address()      # Piano 7                   # Borgo Tristano umbro
fake.state()                  # Terni

faker.providers.person                   # Sig. Cesidia De Angelis
fake.last_name()              # Neri
fake.first_name()             # Gianmarco
fake.prefix()                 # Dott.                # Bianchi SPA
fake.company_suffix()         # e figli
fake.catch_phrase()           # Migrazione stand-alone logistica                     # webservices evolutive verticalizzate


fake.phone_number()           # +23 42 2530333



fake.address()                      # 87, boulevard de Nguyen
                                      18 421 Bernier
fake.latitude()                     # 18.516947
fake.department_number()            # 81
fake.street_name()                  # boulevard de Herve
fake.department()                   # (u'38', u'Is\xe8re')
fake.department_name()              # Finistère
fake.street_address()               # 26, rue René Ribeiro
fake.postcode()                     # 86 828
fake.longitude()                    # -98.262211                      # Guatemala
fake.geo_coordinate()               # 111.305524
fake.street_prefix()                # boulevard
fake.street_suffix()                # Street
fake.city_suffix()                  # -la-Forêt
fake.building_number()              # 621
fake.region()                       # Wallis-et-Futuna                         # Rodrigues

faker.providers.person                         # Léon Thierry
fake.last_name()                    # Jourdan
fake.first_name()                   # Isaac
fake.prefix()                       # de                      # Colas Grondin et Fils
fake.company_suffix()               # S.A.
fake.catch_phrase_verb()            # d'atteindre vos buts
fake.catch_phrase()                 # L'avantage de rouler autrement
fake.catch_phrase_noun()            # le droit
fake.siren()                        # 575 730 129
fake.siret(max_sequential_digits=2) # 205 560 539 00917
fake.catch_phrase_attribute()       # plus facilement


fake.ipv4()                         #
fake.url()                          #
fake.company_email()                # [email protected]
fake.uri()                          #
fake.tld()                          # com
fake.uri_path(deep=None)            # blog/wp-content
fake.free_email()                   # [email protected]
fake.user_name()                    # vincent53
fake.free_email_domain()            #
fake.domain_name()                  #
fake.uri_extension()                # .htm
fake.ipv6()                         # c578:0382:cf59:46e8:98e3:7c13:c5b6:91a6
fake.safe_email()                   # [email protected]
fake.uri_page()                     # register                        # [email protected]
fake.domain_word()                  # bodin
fake.slug(value=None)               # voluptas-ut-autem


fake.phone_number()                 # +33 4 38 41 91 92



fake.estado_nome()            # Rio de Janeiro
fake.latitude()               # -106.011949
fake.street_name()            # Vereda Ribeiro
fake.street_prefix()          # Rodovia
fake.address()                # Conjunto Pereira, 775
                                08618559 Barbosa de Cunha / RS
fake.street_address()         # Praça Martins, 48
fake.bairro()                 # São João Batista
fake.longitude()              # -160.626433                # Sudão
fake.geo_coordinate()         # 21.660349
fake.estado_sigla()           # PI
fake.street_suffix()          # Street
fake.city_suffix()            # de Minas
fake.building_number()        # 94
fake.estado()                 # (u'MA', u'Maranh\xe3o')                   # Cunha
fake.postcode()               # 92673-460

faker.providers.person                   # Sabrina Martins
fake.last_name()              # Rocha
fake.first_name()             # Maitê
fake.prefix()                 # do                # Lima Azevedo e Filhos
fake.company_suffix()         # - EI


fake.ipv4()                   #
fake.url()                    #
fake.company_email()          # [email protected]
fake.uri()                    #
fake.tld()                    # br
fake.uri_path(deep=None)      # explore/tags/category
fake.free_email()             # [email protected]
fake.user_name()              # alexia.pinto
fake.free_email_domain()      #
fake.domain_name()            #
fake.uri_extension()          # .jsp
fake.ipv6()                   # 5f15:bd2b:fa0f:0d20:4e4d:3ab6:7eb7:0904
fake.safe_email()             # [email protected]
fake.uri_page()               # author                  # [email protected]
fake.domain_word()            # castro
fake.slug(value=None)         # magnam-consequatur


fake.phone_number()           # +55 71 8130 0097

Using from shell

In a python environment with faker installed you can use it with:

python -m faker [option] [*args]


  • formatter name as text, address: display result of fake
  • Provider name as lorem: display all Provider's fakes

[*args]: pass value to formatter (actually only strings)

$ python -m faker address
968 Bahringer Garden Apt. 722
Kristinaland, NJ 09890

How to create a Provider

from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()

# first, import a similar Provider or use the default one
from faker.providers import BaseProvider

# create new provider class
class MyProvider(BaseProvider):
    def foo(self):
        return 'bar'

# then add new provider to faker instance

# now you can use:
> 'bar'

Seeding the Generator

You may want to get always the same generated data - for instance when using Faker for unit testing purposes. The generator offers a seed() method, which seeds the random number generator. Calling the same script twice with the same seed produces the same results.

from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()

print   # Margaret Boehm


Run tests:

$ python test


$ python -m unittest -v faker.tests

Write documentation for providers:

$ python -m faker > docs.txt


Faker is released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.


faker's People


bitdeli-chef avatar cstrutton avatar greggg230 avatar joke2k avatar rvnovaes avatar


 avatar  avatar

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