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bee's Issues

NFS support

I moved this ticket to howeyc/fsnotify#107

So, in case of this ticket, is it possible to send some signal/message/etc to bee api for run rebuild?


bee docs命令执行过后会生成一个docs.go的文件,生成给swagger的参数。


var rootinfo string = {{.rootinfo}}
var subapi string = {{.subapi}}


const (
    Rootinfo string = {{.rootinfo}}
        Subapi string = {{.subapi}}

subapi 和rootinfo 这两个变量的内容,经过整理以后,可以直接初始化为RBAC的资源列表或者也可以演绎出一些其他的用处,感觉挺好的。

go get 安装报错

src/ function ends without a return statement
src/ function ends without a return statement

src/ function ends without a return statement
src/ function ends without a return statement
src/ function ends without a return statement
src/ function ends without a return statement
src/ function ends without a return statement


在创建app的时候 wg, _ = path.EvalSymlinks(path.Join(wg, "src"))这行代码不知道为何要找到真实路径,难道符号链接的路径不允许吗? 这个问题搞了我好久, 因为mac上的/tmp目录是/private/tmp 的一个符号链接, 我喜欢试验一些东西的时候去/tmp目录测试,结果一直报不在GOPATH里,我觉得这个地方应该两种情况都允许.

bee new 与 run 应该在任何路径使用



关于热升级 watch.go中有对于重复编译的控制 1秒延时


Possible documentation error on PATH environment variable

I believe that in the documentation...

export PATH=$PATH:<your_main_gopath>/bin/bee

...should actually be

export PATH=$PATH:<your_main_gopath>/bin


export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

At least, in my installation, there is no "bee" subdirectory - just the binary file.

It may also be useful to let users know that /etc/profile can be edited to make this a system-wide change.

beego https的一个bug

在启用https关闭http的时候 bee run会默认显示Running on :8080 但是不能访问8080,可以访问https监听的端口。

bee 版本1.4.1

No controller files

Hello, First I would like to say thank you so much for this great work.
second I'm having this issue I'm not sure if its me or the tool but when I try to generate a CRUD api through the bee api cli command it works fine but no controller files
here is my input and output

../bin/bee api appname -tables="users,posts,comments" -driver=postgres -conn=postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable

create app folder: /Users/me/gocode/src/appname
create conf: /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/conf
create controllers: /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/controllers
create docs: /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/docs
create tests: /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/tests
create conf app.conf: /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/conf/app.conf
create main.go: /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/main.go
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] Using 'postgres' as 'driver'
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] Using 'postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable' as 'conn'
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] Using 'users,posts,comments' as 'tables'
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] Analyzing database tables...
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] Creating model files...
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] model => /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/models/users.go
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] model => /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/models/posts.go
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] model => /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/models/comments.go

2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] Creating controller files...
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] Creating router files...
2015/02/19 11:26:29 [INFO] router => /Users/me/gocode/src/appname/routers/router.go

Thanks in advanced.


文件监视的库已经更改地址,原地址不能用,改为新的地址“",执行go get

"bee run server.go" delete the orignal server.go and create a new binary server.go

I meant to input: go run server.go
instead,I inputed: bee run server.go

so,my server.go was replaced with a binary file server.go!!
I think it will be much better if there is a warnning before the bee tool "DELETE" the server.go !!!

➜ /Users/wenke/go/src/wenke/websocket_server $bee run server.go
2015/04/16 15:50:52 [INFO] Initializing watcher...
2015/04/16 15:50:52 [TRAC] Directory(/Users/wenke/go/src/wenke/websocket_server)

2015/04/16 15:50:52 [INFO] Start building...
2015/04/16 15:50:53 [EVEN] "/Users/wenke/go/src/wenke/websocket_server/server.go": DELETE
2015/04/16 15:50:53 [SUCC] Build was successful
2015/04/16 15:50:53 [INFO] Restarting server.go ...
2015/04/16 15:50:53 [INFO] ./server.go is running...
2015/04/16 15:50:53 [INFO] Start building...
can't load package: package wenke/websocket_server: read /Users/wenke/go/src/wenke/websocket_server/server.go: unexpected NUL in input
2015/04/16 15:50:53 [ERRO] ============== Build failed ===================

在ben pack命令中我尝试加入-ldflags "-s -w"参数报错

我的命令是bee pack -b -ba="-v -x -ldflags \"-s -w\"" -be="GOARCH=amd64" -o ../ -f="zip"
去掉其中的-ldflags \"-s -w\"就正常了

build tsflow
GOOS windows GOARCH amd64
D:\Develop\Go\bin\go   build -o C:\Users\ttt\AppData\Local\Temp\beePack-2037585800\tsflow.exe -v -x -ldflags "-s -w"
invalid value "\"-s" for flag -ldflags: unterminated " string
usage: build [-o output] [build flags] [packages]

bee test can not work well.

測試 apiprj


$ bee test apiprj
[INFO] Initializing watcher...
[TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/apiprj/controllers)
[TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/apiprj/models)
[TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/apiprj)
[INFO] Start building...


controllers/default.go:25: invalid operation: this.Controller.Ctx.Input.Param[":objectId"](index of type func%28string%29 string)
controllers/default.go:41: invalid operation: this.Controller.Ctx.Input.Param[":objectId"](index of type func%28string%29 string)
controllers/default.go:55: invalid operation: this.Controller.Ctx.Input.Param[":objectId"](index of type func%28string%29 string)
[ERRO] ============== Build failed ===================

測試 myprj

雖成功但不會自動脫離,無法作 batch test.

$ cd ../myprj
$ bee test myprj
[INFO] Initializing watcher...
[TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/myprj/controllers)
[TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/myprj/models)
[TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/myprj)
[INFO] Start building...
[SUCC] Build was successful
[INFO] Restarting myprj ...
[INFO] Start testing...
2013/12/26 11:27:02 [I] Running on :8080
[TRAC] ============== Test Begin ===================
? myprj [no test files]
[TRAC] ============== Test End ===================
[SUCC] Test finish
此處要手動按 ctrl-c

bee migrate无法连接slqite3


  "database": {
    "driver": "sqlite",
    "conn": "./data/dev.db"


2014/11/14 04:05:23 [INFO] Detected bee.json
2014/11/14 04:05:23 [INFO] Using 'sqlite' as 'driver'
2014/11/14 04:05:23 [INFO] Using './data/dev.db' as 'conn'
2014/11/14 04:05:23 [INFO] Running all outstanding migrations
2014/11/14 04:05:23 [ERRO] Could not connect to sqlite: ./data/dev.db

'bee test ...' should accept 'go test' flags and pass them through

I'm integrating 'bee' workflow into tools like 'gulp' or 'grunt', and it almost work, except 'bee test...' just run 'go test' without any arguments, while I have some basic needs:

  1. run 'go test' in verbose mode (with '-v' flag)
  2. run 'go test' on all sub-packages (with 'go test ./...')

As long as these are specific needs, I think a better and more general approach is to have 'bee test' pass extra flags directly to 'go test', then 'bee test app -v ./...' invokes 'go test -v ./...'.
Another approach is to add an extra field in 'bee.json'. But in a automated workflow, command line arguments are far more friendly than configuration files. So a command line based solution is better.

How do you think about this?
If this approach is acceptable, I'll implement it and send a pull request.

generateDocs - issue with assignment function with args causes wrong base path

Using bee generate docs or bee run -downdoc=true -gendoc=true and the following router.go code will cause the basepath value in docs/docs.go to be incorrect - which causes invalid urls when using swagger.

// @APIVersion 1.0.0
// @Title beego Test API
// @Description beego has a very cool tools to autogenerate documents for your API
// @Contact [email protected]
// @TermsOfServiceUrl
// @License Apache 2.0
// @LicenseUrl
package routers

import (



func init() {
        fmt.Println("In router init")

        a := someFunction("wrong basepath")

        ns := beego.NewNamespace("/v1",

It appears that g_docs.go can incorrectly determine the basepath value if an assignment statement calls a function which has an argument (including "") appears before the NewNamespace function call.

160                             f, params := analisysNewNamespace(v)
161                             globalDocsTemplate = strings.Replace(globalDocsTemplate, "{{.version}}", f, -1)

I'll gladly submit a pull request if you have suggestion on how best to handle as I'm not 100% what required order or values are necessary within the router code - thanks

关于bee bale中ignore_ext的配置




// @success 200 {object} controllers.Response

这个 controllers.Response 如果不是struct, 就生成不了.

// @success 200 {object} map[string]string


// @success 200 {object} map[string]controllers.Response

type Response struct {
      A int


bee api and exotic postgres types

I've got a postgres database with some exotic types such as uuid and interval. When i run bee api it fails.
What should i do to make it work ?

Suggestion: "bee new" return os.Exit(1) when successful

bee new myprj dlin@u40 ~/go/src$
[INFO] Creating application...
13-12-26 11:43:15 [SUCC] New application successfully created!
And it return error code '2'

generated code in wrong import path

$ bee new myprj
$ cd myprj ; bee run myprj

13-12-26 11:50:16 [INFO] Initializing watcher...
13-12-26 11:50:16 [TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/myprj/controllers)
13-12-26 11:50:16 [TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/myprj/models)
13-12-26 11:50:16 [TRAC] Directory(/home/dlin/go/src/myprj)
13-12-26 11:50:16 [INFO] Start building...
main.go:5:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/dlin/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
13-12-26 11:50:16 [ERRO] ============== Build failed ===================
^C% 11:50:20 2 $ ls

$ grep -r astaxie

tests/default_test.go: ""
main.go: ""
routers/router.go: ""
controllers/default.go: ""
controllers/default.go: this.Data["Email"] = "[email protected]"

這代表 generate code 仍在 old import path

bee 工具在 $GOPATH 目录下执行,会报错,需要在 $GOPATH/src 目录下执行,说明文档有歧义。

localhost:mygocode ghj1976$ pwd
localhost:mygocode ghj1976$ ls
bin pkg src
localhost:mygocode ghj1976$ bee new webtest1
14-04-19 07:41:43 [ERRO] Unable to create an application outside of $GOPATH(/Users/ghj1976/project/mygocode/)
14-04-19 07:41:43 [HINT] Change your work directory by cd ($GOPATH/src)
localhost:mygocode ghj1976$


new 命令是新建一个 Web 项目,我们在命令行下执行 bee new <项目名> 就可以创建一个新的项目。但是注意该命令必须在 $GOPATH 下执行。最后会在 $GOPATH 相应目录下生成如下目录结构的项目:

bee new myproject

bee can not found my GOPATH

While I did not encounter any problems before.

bee new hop
2015/05/08 16:31:38 [ERRO] Unable to create an application outside of $GOPATH(/nfs/zfs-student-4/users/2013/mweibel/Dropbox/rendu/goproj)

if I give it myself the GOPATH with the env command it works:

env GOPATH=/nfs/zfs-student-4/users/2013/mweibel/Dropbox/rendu/goproj/src bee new framework0
[INFO] Creating application...

I'm using zsh with omzsh

Create new application in another directory than $GOPATH/src

Hi !

When using bee new [app_name] with a custom directory, it returns me the following error :
Unable to create an application outside of $GOPATH
and tells me to create the application in $GOPATH/src, which works.

So, i wonder if it's possible to create app in custom directory, since it's not documented in the bee help command.

bee api 连接数据库创建文件失败

bee api -driver=mysql -conn="root:(" 运行后出现创建文件失败
14-08-12 10:45:34 [INFO] Using 'mysql' as 'driver'
14-08-12 10:45:34 [INFO] Using 'root:@tcp(' as 'conn'
14-08-12 10:45:34 [INFO] Using '' as 'tables'14-08-12 10:45:34 [INFO] Analyzing database tables...
14-08-12 10:45:34 [INFO] Creating model files...
14-08-12 10:45:34 [INFO] Creating controller files...
14-08-12 10:45:34 [INFO] Creating router files...
14-08-12 10:45:34 [ERRO] Could not write router file to /data/wwwroot/web/v3/src/test/routers/router.go

Best practice with bower_components

I use Bower to use my dependencies in my beego app. The /static directory already contains a structure for imgs, css etc. Bower stores usually the files of each dependencie e.g. Bootstrap 3 in /bower_components, but this behavior would break the default folder structure of beego?

Has anyone a good idea to combine both?

mac 在安装Bee的时候提示出错

beego 可以正常安装的,但Bee 工具安装的时候 必须 sudo .
但即使sudo ,却提示 没有设置“GOPATH”
[apple@pc-201009121709 bee]$echo $GOPATH
[apple@pc-201009121709 bee]$sudo go get
package cannot download, $GOPATH not set. For more details see: go help gopath
[apple@pc-201009121709 bee]$

Can not set arguments when use bee run

Hi team,
When i used bee run, I can not set more arguments. But I use go run in same project, it worked.


var runMode = flag.String("runmode", "dev", "run mode dev/prod")

func main() {


    if beego.RunMode == "dev" {
        beego.DirectoryIndex = true
        beego.StaticDir["/swagger"] = "swagger"


bee run appName -runmode=prod
It will print dev

go run main.go -runmode=prod
It will print prod

How to set arguments which mode bee run and go run ?

bee command is unknown in Powershell

I tried to creat my first beego project. Window's Powershell didn't recognized the bee new projectName command, after I cloned the bee repo. As in the docs described, I switched to %GOPATH%/src and executed the command there. The %GOPATH% was setup successfully, since the import of other packages worked well.

How can I register the bee command in Windows?

bee new,如果目录存在,会直接退出

bee new,如果目录存在,会直接退出。

我觉得如果加一个参数 -f ,如果目录存在,继续执行。会比较好。

场景:我从 github clone 一个新项目下来。已经存在目录了,我想在这个目录下 bee new 做初始化。

Bee test command not found

The "bee test" command is listed in the docs:
But it is not available when testing with the latest version of bee:

MacBook-Air-8:app $ bee version
bee :1.2.3
beego :1.4.2
Go :go version go1.3.3 darwin/amd64

MacBook-Air-8:app $ bee test
bee: unknown subcommand "test"
Run 'bee help' for usage.

MacBook-Air-8:app $ bee help
Bee is a tool for managing beego framework.


bee command [arguments]

The commands are:

new         Create a Beego application
run         run the app and start a Web server for development
pack        Compress a beego project into a single file
api         create an API beego application
bale        packs non-Go files to Go source files
version     show the Bee, Beego and Go version
generate    source code generator
migrate     run database migrations

Use "bee help [command]" for more information about a command.

Additional help topics:

Use "bee help [topic]" for more information about that topic.

API Swagger Annotation with different request / response models

I'm experiencing an issue with the generated Swagger docs when my controller is annotated to return a different object type than the request body type.

Consider (when @param and @success objects are both NewUserRequest):

// @Title Test
// @Description Test
// @Param body body models.users.NewUserRequest true "User"
// @Success 200 {object} models.users.NewUserRequest
// @Failure 400 auth
// @router /test [post]
func (this *PublicServicesController) Test() {


Swagger UI looks like:


Now, if I change the @success object to NewUserResponse model:

// @Title Test
// @Description Test
// @Param body body models.users.NewUserRequest true "User"
// @Success 200 {object} models.users.NewUserResponse
// @Failure 400 auth
// @router /test [post]
func (this *PublicServicesController) Test() {


I get a broken request data type model in Swagger UI:


Am I using this incorrectly or is this unexpected behavior?

[Error]连接接postgresql数据库,生成api项目,运行的时候报错.no buildable Go source files in controllers

# bee version bee :1.2.2 beego :1.4.1 Go :go version go1.3 linux/amd64


# bee run -gendoc=true -downdoc=true 2014/09/21 08:19:49 [INFO] Uses 'vshophub' as 'appname' 2014/09/21 08:19:49 [INFO] Initializing watcher... 2014/09/21 08:19:49 [TRAC] Directory(/root/projs/vshophub/proj/src/vshophub) 2014/09/21 08:19:49 [TRAC] Directory(/root/projs/vshophub/proj/src/vshophub/models) 2014/09/21 08:19:49 [TRAC] Directory(/root/projs/vshophub/proj/src/vshophub/routers) 2014/09/21 08:19:49 [INFO] Start building... 2014/09/21 08:19:49 [SUCC] generate successfully created! 2014/09/21 08:19:49 ============== generate docs =================== routers/router.go:11:2: no buildable Go source files in /root/projs/vshophub/proj/src/vshophub/controllers 2014/09/21 08:19:50 [ERRO] ============== Build failed =================== Downloading to 157888 bytes downloaded. start to unzip file from to swagger Start delete src file


go:1.3.3 windows/amd64


运行"bee run -gendoc=true -downdoc=true"后,swagger下载正常,控制台也提示了"Start delete src file",发现swagger.zip已解压但并没有删除.而且访问http://,提示"Forbidden(403页)".


按照docs.md尝试生成文档时,发现bee中没有"bee rundocs"命令

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