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laravel5-example's Issues

Want to Edit Role Permission

Redactor accounts can't either edit post or publish. I do like to give Redactors to those permission. How to fix the role permission?
Please teach me Sir.

General idea

I have this suggestion: as your project is a kind of tutorial, it should contain more ready-to-use solutions. Each solution might be described in a separate blog entry - including instructions to remove it completely from the project.

By following Stack Overflow questions I concluded that many beginners have really basic problems as they have not seen a particular solution IN ACTION, that is used to meet a real-life necessity.
Also advanced users don't have time to follow ALL current docs and employ new functions.

This is why I'd recommend to add ready-to-use solutions as task-oriented. For instance: "how to add social login". When I was total noob just 6 months ago, the task was totally beyond me. Now the 5.0 docs are much cleared and describe a practically native solution.
But still there is a lot of space to make things much easier for beginners.

That is why I strongly recommend to put comments in the app files (controllers, models), to guide some not really oriented through sequence of steps of a given solution.

I am only an amateur programmer (forced by necessity). As my knowledge of PHP is superficial and full of blank spots, I might be a good test animal for the task of creating such a tutorial.

add /blog into backoffice

hello ,
on line 28
{!! url('/') . '/blog ' . Form::text('slug', null, ['id' => 'permalien']) !!}
to have the real front url ;)

.vscode folder

Is the .vscode root folder required in this project? I think separating IDE config from the repository is a good practice. Are there any reasons this folder exists here?

MySqlGrammar.php error

Hi! I'm a newbie.

How can I fix this?

FatalErrorException in MySqlGrammar.php line 139:
Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!

Thanks Momo!

Login by e-mail and/or username

Now it is only possible to use e-mail as ID string.
Can you allow users to input their login name, which is usually much shorter than e-mail?

instructions for database connection

Hi there,

I'm new to laravel, mostly write node.js/javascript. I have a mac, not sure how to create a database.


$ php artisan migrate --seed

  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory  

Then I changed the .env file to DB_HOST= as mentioned in this SO post. Now I get a different error:

$ php artisan migrate --seed

  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused  

I have not run any mysql or postgres commands yet. What commands do I need to run in order to get rid of the Connection refused error and populate the database?

Missing few things

Hey guys.... how's going? Hope ok

Amazing project you have, I set everything way faster than the lazy Wordpress... =)

Well. I'm missing a few things, like

  • post categories
  • tag manager
  • Be able to change from /blog to whatever I want in Permalink
  • Use Markdown

For instance, I think this might be a nice addtion =)


in FormBuilder.php line 1110: Call to a member function toArray() on null
how i can fix it?

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator::resolver()

In app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php is in the 4th line use Validator, but there is no \Validator class in the project. However, since Validator::resolve is called at line 16 and somehow Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php feels responsible for it, it leads to following exception:

FatalThrowableError in Facade.php line 218:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator::resolver()

in Facade.php line 218
at Facade::__callStatic('resolver', array(object(Closure))) in /Users/marc/bude/laravel5-example/app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php line 19
at AppServiceProvider->boot()
at call_user_func_array(array(object(AppServiceProvider), 'boot'), array()) in Container.php line 507
at Container->call(array(object(AppServiceProvider), 'boot')) in Application.php line 748
at Application->bootProvider(object(AppServiceProvider)) in Application.php line 559
at Application->register(object(AppServiceProvider)) in ProviderRepository.php line 74

Also, my IDE shows me that Validator does not exist. I'm very new to Laravel. Any idea where this is coming from?

Btw, I'm trying to setup Laravel with a more sophisticated application like this demo in PHP-PM, but no luck. Only the base Laravel works so far.

latest or oldest

I'm a bit confused by using latest and oldest methods in same query . would you please explain this :

public function index($n)
        return $this->model
        ->with('post', 'user')

Nitrous shutting down

Monday 11/14 Nitrous is shutting down. Signups are not currently available. Since a big chunk of the documentation references Nitrous, an alternative will have to be found. Thanks for your great work on this example!

NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 161:

Dont know why but i have above problem. I copied filemanager to public folder and than i have this code :

<script src="//"></script> <textarea name="editor"></textarea> <script> CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor', { filebrowserBrowseUrl: '{!! url('/public/filemanager/index.html') !!}' }); </script>

Session set error

$request->session()->put('key', 'value');

When i set session in the controller I get the below error

"Session store not set on request"

Swift_TransportException in AbstractSmtpTransport.php line 383

I have created new user from front side and getting following error.

Swift_TransportException in AbstractSmtpTransport.php line 383:
Expected response code 220 but got code "554", with message "554 5.7.1 <unknown[]:52491>: Client host rejected: Access denied

Any idea how to fix this problem?


baseUrl config in filemanager.config.js

Hi again mate, thanks so much for your help previously, there's an issue with the filemanager.config.js file. Whenever a new file is uploaded whne using the manager, the file url is prefixed with "/filemanager/", hence it can't be previewed since the url is wrong. I changed my baseUrl in filemanager.config.js to
"baseUrl": false,
to get it to work.

Add user

Hi, I logined with Adminstrator role. I acces Administration Panel and add new user.
I get a error about miss argurment.
Can you help me to fix it?

$posts->created_at only display date without time

Hi, first of all, thank you for this great tutorial, really help me to learn Laravel a lot faster!

I'm trying to display the hour, minute, second with the date format like this (Y/M/D H:M:S) in resources/views/front/blog/index.blade.php

I was be able to retrieve the 'created_at' from DB that looks like this "2016-05-25 15:35:51"

And when prints out using dd(posts->created_at) I can still see it's been stored as "2016-05-25 15:35:51"

But how come when I use blade template {{ post->created_at}} it only uses the date as 05/25/2016 without the hour, minute, second

Tried to use strtotime but still no luck.

htaccess add a statement

Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On

add a statement if your website is not under the root path
RewriteBase /projectname
add a statement if your website is not under the root path

# Redirect Trailing Slashes...
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

# Handle Front Controller...
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

bug when listing the articles at the back-end with more than 10 articles and then when sorting the articles (by date, title, author...) : the paginator links disappear and you cannot go through all the articles...

I'm a newcomer.

I see an issue in your program when listing the articles at the back-end with more than 10 articles and then when sorting the articles (by date, title, author...) : the paginator links disappear and you cannot go through all the articles.

I think the issue is located somewhere within BlogController@indexOrder when the request is an ajax one coming from the view "" : the 'links' (BlogController line 103) seems not being transferred well to the view "" ( line 147)

The quick fix is to put a higher number n in paginate... but this does not solve the problem really...

Have you an idea for a definite repair ?

php artisan route:scan not working

I've followed all steps to install the project. But when I do php artisan route:scan following error occurs:

Exception with message Class Doctrine\Common\AnnotationRegistry not found

I've attached a screenshot of the error for your convenience.


Search doesn't display results

I just changed the design and reverted back to default bootstrap. I haven't changed anything else other than the views. It looks like everything is working, from comments, blog posts, approving comments... except the search.

If I search for Post 1 I get a blue notification saying Posts found with search Post 1 but it displays no results. If I search for jdfghgh I get the same thing.

User Folder access

Hi, this is not exactly an issue, but I've been trying to implement folder access based on user in my web app using this example as a template.
I want each user to have a new folder based off the username in the userfiles directory upon creation and be able to access only that folder.
I can't get my head around how to do that and also how the functions accessMediasFolder() and accessMediasAll() are working with the filemanager. I am using ckeditor and FileManager(v 2.3.0).

Media Controller not found

FatalErrorException in BlogController.php line 153:
Class 'App\Services\Medias' not found.
I not see Medias.php in services folder.
Please fix.

Where is filemanager index.html

When I click an image icon on a CKeditor, a popup comes. :-) I click Browser Server then another pop up with ERROR 404 comes up. :-(

I go to http://localhost:8000/medias then again the same ERROR 404 comes up. :-(

I checked config/medias.php.

'url' => 'filemanager/index.html',

But I am not able to find 'filemanger/index.html'. What is the path for 'filemanager/index.html'?

I tried the following, but it didn't work either.

'url' => 'vendor/bestmomo/filemanager/public/filemanager/index.html',

[Error] Update CKeditor

Hello, I download new ckeditor at, I choose Full package. I uncompress and put it in public folder which replace your ckeditor. But in comment part in Blog Tab, there is no anything although i login!
Can your help me?

ErrorException in UserRepository.php line 53


When I registered a new user, I got the error messages as below.

ErrorException in UserRepository.php line 53
Trying to get property of non-object

  1. in UserRepository.php line 53 HandleExceptions->handleError('8', 'Trying to get property of non-object', 'C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel5-example\app\Repositories\UserRepository.php', '53', array('user' => object(User), 'inputs' => array('_token' => 'ETs1bfntR5oslSfENuxHHhhXorNaJY1WPQxHwzt9', 'username' => 'Evans', 'email' => '[email protected]', 'password' => '12qwaszx', 'password_confirmation' => '12qwaszx', 'address' => ''), 'role_user' => null)) in UserRepository.php line 53 UserRepository->save(object(User), array('_token' => 'ETs1bfntR5oslSfENuxHHhhXorNaJY1WPQxHwzt9', 'username' => 'Evans', 'email' => '[email protected]', 'password' => '12qwaszx', 'password_confirmation' => '12qwaszx', 'address' => '')) in UserRepository.php line 145 UserRepository->store(array('_token' => 'ETs1bfntR5oslSfENuxHHhhXorNaJY1WPQxHwzt9', 'username' => 'Evans', 'email' => '[email protected]', 'password' => '12qwaszx', 'password_confirmation' => '12qwaszx', 'address' => ''), 'J2wwFd2WPsWM0g8BaQb51DxbCPa2lM') in AuthController.php line 108 AuthController->postRegister(object(RegisterRequest), object(UserRepository)) call_user_func_array(array(object(AuthController), 'postRegister'), array(object(RegisterRequest), object(UserRepository))) in Controller.php line 256 Controller->callAction('postRegister', array(object(RegisterRequest), object(UserRepository))) in ControllerDispatcher.php line 164 ControllerDispatcher->call(object(AuthController), object(Route), 'postRegister') in ControllerDispatcher.php line 112 ControllerDispatcher->Illuminate\Routing{closure}(object(Request)) call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 139 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) in RedirectIfAuthenticated.php line 41 RedirectIfAuthenticated->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) call_user_func_array(array(object(RedirectIfAuthenticated), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 103 Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in ControllerDispatcher.php line 114 ControllerDispatcher->callWithinStack(object(AuthController), object(Route), object(Request), 'postRegister') in ControllerDispatcher.php line 69 ControllerDispatcher->dispatch(object(Route), object(Request), 'App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController', 'postRegister') in Route.php line 203 Route->runWithCustomDispatcher(object(Request)) in Route.php line 134 Route->run(object(Request)) in Router.php line 708 Router->Illuminate\Routing{closure}(object(Request)) call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 139 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 103 Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in Router.php line 710 Router->runRouteWithinStack(object(Route), object(Request)) in Router.php line 675 Router->dispatchToRoute(object(Request)) in Router.php line 635 Router->dispatch(object(Request)) in Kernel.php line 236 Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http{closure}(object(Request)) call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 139 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) in App.php line 56 App->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) call_user_func_array(array(object(App), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 50 VerifyCsrfToken->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 17 VerifyCsrfToken->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) call_user_func_array(array(object(VerifyCsrfToken), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) in ShareErrorsFromSession.php line 49 ShareErrorsFromSession->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) call_user_func_array(array(object(ShareErrorsFromSession), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) in StartSession.php line 62 StartSession->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) call_user_func_array(array(object(StartSession), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) in AddQueuedCookiesToResponse.php line 37 AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) call_user_func_array(array(object(AddQueuedCookiesToResponse), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) in EncryptCookies.php line 59 EncryptCookies->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) call_user_func_array(array(object(EncryptCookies), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) in CheckForMaintenanceMode.php line 44 CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) call_user_func_array(array(object(CheckForMaintenanceMode), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request)) call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 103 Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in Kernel.php line 122 Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(object(Request)) in Kernel.php line 87 Kernel->handle(object(Request)) in index.php line 53

Is anything I need to edit or fix?

Select Image for user profile

Hi Bestmomo, seems I've really been 'issue raising' this past few days.
I'm trying to allow the user to select an image from the file manager and I have implemented it to open the manager in a window similar to how the ckeditor picture plugin does, how ever, the select option is not showing up.

Essentially I have a button - select image - routed like you did with the medias button on your dashboard code, that opens a window based on the following script:

    var urlobj;

    function BrowseServer(obj)
        urlobj = obj;
                screen.width * 0.7,
                screen.height * 0.7 ) ;

    function OpenServerBrowser( url, width, height )
        var iLeft = (screen.width - width) / 2 ;
        var iTop = (screen.height - height) / 2 ;
        var sOptions = "toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,dependent=yes" ;
        sOptions += ",width=" + width ;
        sOptions += ",height=" + height ;
        sOptions += ",left=" + iLeft ;
        sOptions += ",top=" + iTop ;
        var oWindow = url, "BrowseWindow", sOptions ) ;

    function SetUrl( url, width, height, alt )
        document.getElementById(urlobj).value = url ;
        oWindow = null;

the window is loaded with my filemanager.blade view and displays the file manager porperly, but the select button is not available and I need this to get the image url. Thanks in advance! Quickstart - Something went wrong.

Launching “laravel5-example”…
Something went wrong. Open IDE anyway.

Querying the GitHub API for     
OK - GitHub says is legit.         
Creating project on workstation "anonym"...                              
OK - project "laravel5-example" created.                                        
Cloning to home directory on "larav
Cloning into 'laravel5-example'...                                              
remote: Counting objects: 4495, done.                                           
remote: Total 4495 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 4494              
Receiving objects: 100% (4495/4495), 7.72 MiB | 344.00 KiB/s, done.             
Resolving deltas: 100% (1858/1858), done.                                       
Checking connectivity... done.                                                  
OK - Cloned repository.                                                         
Executing post-create script...                                                 
Loading composer repositories with package information                          
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)                                   
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.     
 Problem 1                                                                     
    - laravel/framework v5.2.9 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP exte
nsion mbstring is missing from your system.                                     
    - laravel/framework v5.2.8 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP exte
nsion mbstring is missing from your system.                                     
    - laravel/framework v5.2.7 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP exte
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nsion mbstring is missing from your system.                                     
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ension mbstring is missing from your system.                                    
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ension mbstring is missing from your system.                                    
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ension mbstring is missing from your system.                                    
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ension mbstring is missing from your system.                                    
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    - laravel/framework v5.2.14 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP ext
ension mbstring is missing from your system.                        
- laravel/framework v5.2.13 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP ext
ension mbstring is missing from your system.                                    
    - laravel/framework v5.2.12 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP ext
ension mbstring is missing from your system.                                    
    - laravel/framework v5.2.11 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP ext
ension mbstring is missing from your system.                                    
    - laravel/framework v5.2.10 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP ext
ension mbstring is missing from your system.                                    
    - laravel/framework v5.2.1 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP exte
nsion mbstring is missing from your system.                                     
    - laravel/framework v5.2.0 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP exte
nsion mbstring is missing from your system.                                     
    - Installation request for laravel/framework 5.2.* -> satisfiable by laravel
/framework[v5.2.0, v5.2.1, v5.2.10, v5.2.11, v5.2.12, v5.2.13, v5.2.14, v5.2.15,
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 To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in those .ini files:       
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini                                                  
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/10-mysqlnd.ini                                    
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/10-opcache.ini                                    
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/10-pdo.ini                                        
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/15-xml.ini                                        
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-calendar.ini                                   
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-ctype.ini                                      
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-curl.ini                                       
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-dom.ini                                        
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-exif.ini                                       
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-fileinfo.ini                                   
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-ftp.ini                                        
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-gd.ini                                         
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-gettext.ini                                    
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-iconv.ini                                      
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-intl.ini                                       
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-json.ini                                       
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini                                     
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-mysqli.ini                                     
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-pdo_mysql.ini                                  
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-phar.ini                
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-posix.ini                                      
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-readline.ini                                   
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-shmop.ini                                      
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-simplexml.ini                                  
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-sockets.ini                                    
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-sysvmsg.ini                                    
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-sysvsem.ini                                    
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-sysvshm.ini                                    
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-tokenizer.ini                                  
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-wddx.ini                                       
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-xmlreader.ini                                  
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-xmlwriter.ini                                  
    - /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-xsl.ini                                        
  You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PH
P in CLI mode.                                                                  
Exited with non-zero code.                                                      

Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!

Just when i open the Admin panel, I got the error

Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!

Well, I know, the solution to increase the nesting limit or removing xdebug. But , I mean, really, why there was nesting to level above "100" ,

Error on FileManager Publish

I got this error upon running: "php artisan vendor:publish":

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class log does not exist' in /home/lon/redact/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php:736
Stack trace:
#0 /home/lon/redact/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(736): ReflectionClass->__construct('log')
#1 /home/lon/redact/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(631): Illuminate\Container\Container->build('log', Array)
#2 /home/lon/redact/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(674): Illuminate\Container\Container->make('log', Array)
#3 /home/lon/redact/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(845): Illuminate\Foundation\Application->make('Psr\Log\LoggerI...')
#4 /home/lon/redact/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(800): Illuminate\Container\Container->resolveClass(Object(ReflectionParameter))
#5 /home/lon/redact/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(771): Illuminate\Container\C in /home/lon/redact/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php on line 736

Dropdown Navigation

I want to create a navigation with dropdown in you template.blade.php. I used class="dropdown" in bootstrap and add CDN bootstrap but it not working. Can you help me?
PS: sorry about my bad english grammar.

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