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deadpool's Issues

Provide a `deadpool_postgres::Client` type alias

Thanks so much for this crate!

deadpool_lapin has this handy type alias:

pub type Connection = deadpool::Object<lapin::Connection, Error>;

โ€ฆ but deadpool_postgres is missing an equivalent (I guess it would be deadpool_postgres::Client).

It would be useful because it means a crate using deadpool_postgres doesn't need to also depend on deadpool just to get the type, if it wants to pass around a database client that it got from the pool.

README comparison is out of date

bb8 uses a callback based interface (See and provides the same configuration options as r2d2. At the time of writing there is no official release which supports async/.await.

This is no longer true. There is now a guard-based interface and an official release which supports async/await.

Can the Actix-web + deadpool-postgres example be updated?

Hi, in the actix-web + deadpool-postgres example you mention that because actix-web doesn't support tokio 0.3, you need to use deadpool 0.5.0.

I probably don't fully understand how crates + dependencies work, but when I tested the latest actix-web + deadpool-redis, everything worked fine, with Cargo.lock showing that it uses tokio = 0.2.23.

Is the incompatibility message necessary?


get a problem when use pipe()

use deadpool_redis::pipe;
let mut data: Vec<String> = pipe().cmd("lrange").arg("ck_cache".to_string()).arg(0).arg(-1).query_async(&mut connection).await.unwrap();

I want to get the data from the ck_cache. but no data return

when I just use cmd() and return data.
I don't know why. and I hope to execute lrange and ltrim, so I choose the pipe() function.

the whole command is

let mut data: Vec<String> = pipe().cmd("lrange").arg("ck_cache".to_string()).arg(0).arg(-1).cmd("ltrim").arg("ck_cache").arg(length).arg(-1).ignore()
                        .query_async(&mut connection).await.unwrap();

it will delete data successfully but no data

bump deadpool-postgres version

I added deadpool-postgres 0.5.6 which should depend on tokio-postgres=0.6.0
however the crate depends on tokio-postgres= "0.5.1"

maybe bumb deadpool-postgres to 0.6.0 to keep on paar with tokio-postgres and publish a new crate?

deadpool-lapin - recycling connections and channels

Per my understanding, RabbitMQ requires using a channel (lapin::Channel) within a connection (lapin::Connection) in order for a Publisher to send messages.

Unfortunately, I'm struggling to recycle deadpool_lapin::Connection objects provided by deadpool_lapin::Pool Manager, as the Manager does not handle channels, and lapin::Connection.channels is a private field.

My use case is a hyper based microservice publishing events to RabbitMQ.
Currently, the less worse performance is achieved by reusing a channel directly:

let client: deadpool_lapin::Connection = pool.get().await.expect("RabbitMQ connection failed");
let channel = client.create_channel().await.unwrap();

let service = make_service_fn(|_| {                                                                                                                                                          
    let channel = channel.clone();                                                                                                                                                           
    async {
        Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(                                                                                                                                                                   
            service_fn(move |req: Request<Body>| microservice_handler(req, channel.clone()))

While providing the best performance so far, the overall impact on req/s is quite important, as the single connection and channel to RabbitMQ becomes the bottleneck.

I would prefer using code similar to deadpool-redis or deadpool-postgres, allowing several connections to RabbitMQ, each with its channel:

let service = make_service_fn(|_| {                                                                                                                                                          
    let pool = pool.clone();                                                                                                                                                           
    async {
        Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(                                                                                                                                                                   
            service_fn(move |req: Request<Body>| microservice_handler(req, pool.clone()))

However, for the time being, as deadpool_lapin::Pool does not handle channels, and lapin::Connection.channels is a private field, channels must be created and removed with each request, resulting in an even greater performance impact than a single connection/channel bottleneck.

While having a limited experience on the matter, my intuition, to match the Pool pattern, is that it would be great if the Manager implementation managed channels on top of the connections.

Postgres URL support

tokio_postgres::Config supports URLs, but as far as I can see deadpool doesn't, meaning one has to drop using URLs (and some systems, such as Heroku, provide URLs).

Error when running example for postgres

Running the example produces the error "Value: missing field pg" - what do I set this to? Is it set up in the code correctly? A partial snippet for context is provided below after the stacktrace.

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: missing field `pg`', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Panic in Arbiter thread.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Config {
    pg_host: String,
    pg_port: String,
    pg_user: String,
    pg_password: String,
    pg_sslmode: String,
    pg: deadpool_postgres::Config,

impl Config {
    fn from_env() -> Result<Self, ConfigError> {
        let mut cfg = ::config::Config::new();

async fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), std::io::Error> {
    let cfg = Config::from_env().unwrap();
    let pool =
    let posts = get_posts(pool.clone()).await.unwrap();

    HttpServer::new(move || {
        .service(fs::Files::new("/assets", "./static"))

Add support for resizing the pool

It would be nice to have support for growing and shrinking the pool size during runtime.

It is currently unclear how this should be implemented. crossbeam_queue::SegQueue could be used instead of ArrayQueue at the cost of a slightly slower pool.

how to use #[tokio::test]

error: the async keyword is missing from the function declaration
  --> hawk_data\src\db\
44 | async fn test_managed_basic() {
   |       ^^

when I use #[tokio::test] , how to solve this error?

Change the folder structure to match crate names?

The way that the workspace crates are laid out -- redis instead of deadpool-redis -- makes it impossible to patch/do Git imports of forked reasons of the driver-specific crates.

Naturally, this makes it harder to test and forces users to vendor code if they want a portable way to patch these dependencies temporarily.

It seems like simply making the folder names match the crate names would be a simple enough change with no repercussions, but I'm curious if there was originally a specific reason to lay it out as it is now.

Add support for odbc

I have a noob question.

I would like to do something like:

use async_std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use failure::Error;
use odbc_safe::AutocommitOn;

use std::env;

struct Conn {
    conn: Mutex<Arc<odbc::Connection<'static, AutocommitOn>>>,
struct Manager {}
type Pool = deadpool::managed::Pool<Conn, Error>;

impl deadpool::managed::Manager<Conn, Error> for Manager {
    async fn create(&self) -> Result<Conn, Error> {
        let env = odbc::create_environment_v3_with_os_db_encoding("utf-8", "latin1").unwrap();

        let conn_str = env::var("SQL_STR").unwrap();

        let conn = env.connect_with_connection_string(&conn_str).unwrap();

        let conn = Mutex::new(Arc::new(conn));

        Ok(Conn { conn })

    async fn recycle(&self, conn: &mut Conn) -> deadpool::managed::RecycleResult<Error> {

but the compiler complains that '*mut odbc_sys::Env' cannot be shared between threads safely.

Why isn't the Mutex and Arc enough for this?

Error when updating from 0.4 to 0.5?

Hi, I'm updating my app to from 0.4 to 0.5 and I'm getting these errors when building:

error[E0599]: no method named `host_path` found for type `tokio_postgres::config::Config` in the current scope
   --> C:\Users\Admin\.cargo\registry\src\\deadpool-postgres-0.5.0\src\
202 |             cfg.host_path("/run/postgresql");
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `tokio_postgres::config::Config`

error[E0599]: no method named `host_path` found for type `tokio_postgres::config::Config` in the current scope
   --> C:\Users\Admin\.cargo\registry\src\\deadpool-postgres-0.5.0\src\
204 |             cfg.host_path("/var/run/postgresql");
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `tokio_postgres::config::Config`

error[E0599]: no method named `host_path` found for type `tokio_postgres::config::Config` in the current scope
   --> C:\Users\Admin\.cargo\registry\src\\deadpool-postgres-0.5.0\src\
206 |             cfg.host_path("/tmp");
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `tokio_postgres::config::Config`

error: aborting due to 3 previous errors

Any advice for how to solve?

deadpool-posgtres: support LISTEN/NOTIFY

Feature request:

The current way that tokio_postgres supports async messaging in Postgres is through the poll_message method on a Connection (from which you can construct your own stream with stream::poll_fn). Unfortunately, deadpool-postgres only exposes Clients without access to those Clients' counterpart Connection. It would be great if deadpool-postgres could support this use-case directly in some way.

Propsed changes:

There's probably a few ways this could be done, but the ones that I thought of:

  1. Allow underlying connections to to be extracted from the ClientWrapper through a method.
  2. implement Into<Connection> for ClientWrapper
  3. if exposing the underlying Connection isn't the right approach, then ClientWrapper could expose a stream of tokio_postgres::AsyncMessages directly through a method

Of course, if there's another workaround, please let me know! And if any of these approaches โ˜๏ธ sound appropriate, then I'd be happy to take a crack at implementing this myself.

Add timeout function to unmanaged pool implementation or additional documentation

I think it would be an intuitive addition to add a timeout wrapper to the unmanaged Pool. A new method (like the managed one) would perhaps be preferrable instead of returning a Result for the normal get()? If you don't deem such a method necessary, I'd suggest to add a snippet to the documentation for noobs like me who are not very familiar with tokio.

Based on this: #9

See your comment

Unmanaged pools don't recycle and create new objects. Thus only wait_timeout makes any sense. Right now this can already be achieved by calling tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5), pool.get()). It might make sense to add this as a configuration option to the pool nonetheless. It will require the pool.get() method to return a Result<T, PoolError> instead of T.

I like the lib. Thank you.

Observing pool exhaustion?

Any recommendations on observing pool exhaustion? During load testing, curious to know if weโ€™re exhausting available connections or approaching that threshold.

Like a warning: โ€œPool exhausted, requesters must wait for a connection to become available. Or provision more connectionsโ€

Continuous integration

Please add any ci, for example travis - login on via github, enable ci for this project, and add .travis.yml to project root

language: rust
- stable

sudo: false

cache: cargo

- cargo build --verbose
- cargo test --verbose

Code executes concurrently but not in parallel when awaiting tasks on .get()

I've been eating around this particular cookie for awhile today.

When I rely solely on tasks calling .get(), even if I spawn 4 tasks, there's only ever one resource spawned by deadpool. This is pretty noticeable because the object pool I'm managing with deadpool is a pool of browsers created by fantoccini. You were in the thread earlier.

I'm believe that with #[tokio::main(core_threads = 4, max_threads = 10)] and:

tokio::spawn(async { scrape_worker(scraping1).await }),

for each worker, it should be working in parallel. To force it to create more resources I did this:

    let browser1 = scraping.client_pool.get().await;
    let browser2 = scraping.client_pool.get().await;
    let browser3 = scraping.client_pool.get().await;
    let browser4 = scraping.client_pool.get().await;
    let mut futures = vec![
        tokio::spawn(async { scrape_worker(scraping1).await }),
        tokio::spawn(async { scrape_worker(scraping2).await }),
        tokio::spawn(async { scrape_worker(scraping3).await }),
        tokio::spawn(async { scrape_worker(scraping4).await }),
    loop { };

It creates 4 browser windows, but the work proceeds in one browser window at a time. It does rotate in a consistent way between the 4 browser windows (counter-clockwise in my tiled wm), but they're still not parallel.

Here's the full code:

I doubt my hypothesis somewhat because the logs look like this:

[2020-01-17T02:15:08Z ERROR scraping_rs] Started scrape_page
[2020-01-17T02:15:08Z ERROR scraping_rs] Acquired client
[2020-01-17T02:15:08Z ERROR scraping_rs] Went to URL
[2020-01-17T02:15:09Z ERROR scraping_rs] Started scrape_page
[2020-01-17T02:15:09Z ERROR scraping_rs] Acquired client
[2020-01-17T02:15:09Z ERROR scraping_rs] Went to URL

If it were the case that they were concurrently blocking on deadpool's pool.get() I should see consecutive Started scrape_page.

I feel like I must be missing something obvious here. If the code is getting spuriously linearized by something else, I'm guessing that would cause deadpool to only ever instantiate one resource right?

I did some profiling as well (for whatever call graph hierarchy attribution is worth with async) and I got something like this:


The purple/blue is the stuff that has the sub-string deadpool.

Disabling the config feature is not passed through from deadpool-lapin to deadpool

I have a bunch of projects that depend on one or both of deadpool-lapin and deadpool-postgres but don't depend on deadpool directly. In order to avoid the dependency on the config crate, which I don't need, I set default-features = false on deadpool-lapin and deadpool-postgres, but the removal of the feature is not passed through because default-features are enabled on deadpool.

Since people would not normally be depending on deadpool directly it might be better to have no default features on that crate, and have the implementation crates enable explicitly the features they need. Alternatively the shipped implementation crates could disable default features and only enable what they need.

Split PoolConfig and ConnectionConfig into separate structures

Right now the Config structs of the deadpool-* crates contain all the connection configuration and a pool: PoolConfig field. It would be better to move the configuration specific to the connection/manager into its own structure.

Right now the Config structs implements a create_pool method which creates a manager using the connection/manager specific fields and uses the pool field to create the actual Pool.

I think a better design would be to have a PoolConfig and ManagerConfig structure which are both part of a new structure called Config. The new Config structure would look more or less like that:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "config", derive(serde::Deserialize))]
struct Config {
    pub manager: Option<ManagerConfig>,
    pub pool: Option<PoolConfig> 

impl Config {
    pub fn create_pool(self) -> Pool {
        let manager = crate::Manager::new(self.manager);
        Pool::from_config(manager, self.pool);

The create_pool would now consume self and also enable the implementation of the Into/From traits:

impl From<Config> for Pool {
    fn from(config: Config) -> Self {

The Config struct could even be made into a generic Config<M> structure, but I'm undecided if that's actually worth it.

Re-export deadpool PoolConfig from deadpool-redis (et co)

I'm probably missing something obvious, but I don't seem to be able to construct a PoolConfig struct manually, like this:

let config = Config { url: Some(redis_uri()), pool: PoolConfig { max_size: 32 } };

I think this would work if the deadpool-redis re-exported the PoolConfig from deadpool. Would you be open to this addition?


What Rust Type should I use for postgres's timestamp?

What Rust Type should I use for postgres's timestamp?
let a: Timestamp = row.get("time_edited");
panick happen:
panicked at 'error retrieving column time_edited: error deserializing column 2: cannot convert between the Rust type postgres_types::special::Timestamp<i64> and the Postgres type timestamp'

Cargo run 'postgres-actix-web' example error

Cargo run 'postgres-actix-web' example error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
48 | fn create_pool() -> Result<Pool, ConfigError> {
   |                     ------------------------- expected `std::result::Result<deadpool::managed::Pool<deadpool_postgres::ClientWrapper, tokio_postgres::error::Error>, config::error::ConfigError>` because of return type
49 |     let cfg = Config::from_env("PG")?;
50 |     cfg.create_pool(tokio_postgres::NoTls)
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected enum `config::error::ConfigError`, found enum `deadpool_postgres::config::ConfigError`
   = note: expected type `std::result::Result<_, config::error::ConfigError>`
              found type `std::result::Result<_, deadpool_postgres::config::ConfigError>`

How to commit a transaction?

Transaction#commit moves the transaction, but an owned reference to the transaction doesn't seem to be available. Am I missing something, or are transactions unusable with this pool?

Use tokio_postgres::Client::is_closed when recycling

After having talked to @sfackler and @dunnock I think it is safe to assume that Client::is_closed can be used instead of client.simple_query("") for most uses of the library. That simple_query just adds little extra safety to the use of deadpool-postgres.

Therefore I'm adding a new config option called recycle_test_query which controls wether the test query is executed after checking the health using is_closed. This config option will default to true in version 0.5 and changed to false in version 0.6.

Doesn't build with current Tokio?

Attempting to compile this crate throws these errors:

error[E0432]: unresolved import `tokio::sync::mpsc`
 --> src/
6 | use tokio::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
  |                  ^^^^ could not find `mpsc` in `sync`

error[E0432]: unresolved import `tokio::sync::Mutex`
 --> src/
7 | use tokio::sync::Mutex;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `Mutex` in `sync`

error[E0603]: module `sync` is private
 --> src/
6 | use tokio::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
  |            ^^^^

error[E0603]: module `sync` is private
 --> src/
7 | use tokio::sync::Mutex;
  |            ^^^^

error: aborting due to 4 previous errors

Looks like this might need a feature flag now

Incorrect number of available objects when Manager::create returns an error


I was experimenting with this library and found a problem with how the number of available objects in the pool is calculated.


use async_trait::async_trait;
use deadpool::*;
use futures::channel::oneshot;

struct Manager {
    should_fail: bool,

enum Error {

struct Connection;

impl deadpool::Manager<Connection, Error> for Manager {
    async fn create(&self) -> Result<Connection, Error> {
        if self.should_fail {
        } else {
    async fn recycle(&self, _conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<(), Error> {

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let manager = Manager { should_fail: true }; // when should_fail: false this program doesn't hang
    let pool = Pool::new(manager, 10);
    let pool_clone = pool.clone();
    let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
    let join_handle_1 = tokio::spawn(async move {
        println!("1: {:?}", pool_clone.status());
        let _conn = pool_clone.get().await;
    let pool_clone = pool.clone();
    let join_handle_2 = tokio::spawn(async move {
        println!("2: {:?}", pool_clone.status());
        let _conn = pool_clone.get().await;
    let _ = join_handle_1.await;
    let _ = join_handle_2.await;

This program prints

1: Status { size: 0, available: 0 }
2: Status { size: 0, available: 1 }

and hangs.

My understanding is that after the first call to get the value of available is 1 because the obj is dropped when obj.state == ObjectState::Creating:


Lines 111 to 114 in cadbf70

ObjectState::Creating => {
pool.available.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
pool.size.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);

The second call to get hangs on recv because available > 0


A try_get method (non-async, returning Result<Option<T>, E> would be nice to have if you would rather shed load than queue unboundedly and risk bufferbloat.

This is related to #9, but avoids the need to ever switch contexts or even touch the async machinery, and so does benefit from being in deadpool rather than user code.

Disable default features for lapin

The default set of features for lapin includes native-tls. Since features are additive, this means that a user of deadpool-lapin cannot remove the dependency on native-tls and thus openssl, which means this crate can't be used in situations where linking openssl isn't possible/desired.

Timeouts are executor specific

Deadpool is meant to be 100% compatible with any executor. Since the introduction of timeout_get (see #9) there is a small amount of code that depends on the tokio executor. Whenever configuring timeouts or using timeout_get the code is only compatible with a tokio executor:

async fn apply_timeout<F, O, E>(
    future: F,
    timeout_type: TimeoutType,
    duration: Option<Duration>,
) -> Result<O, PoolError<E>>
    F: Future<Output = O>,
    match duration {
        Some(duration) => match timeout(duration, future).await {
            Ok(result) => Ok(result),
            Err(_) => Err(PoolError::Timeout(timeout_type)),
        None => Ok(future.await),

This should be fixed and I'm looking for ways to implement timeouts which are compatible with multiple executors.

I'm currently thinking about two ways to solve this:

  • Add feature flags to enable tokio, async-std, etc. support and add an executor enum in the configuration where you can specify the executor to be used. When configuring a timeout and/or calling timeout_get without an executor set the code will return a Err(PoolError::NoRuntimeSpecified).

  • Pass in the timeout function into the config object. I'm currently thinking about a Executor/Runtime trait that provides the timeout function.

Removal of deadpool-redis wrappers for Cmd and Pipeline

Since redis 0.15 the wrappers should no longer be needed as the only reason for them used to be the consuming API. redis 0.15 however introduced the ConnectionLike trait which makes it awkward to use in conjunction with Deref and DerefMut of Object as automatic dereferencing and trait implementation don't go well together.

Option 1: Explicit dereferencing

This would require the user to derefenrece Object<redis::Client> explicitly:

let conn = pool.get().await;

While this is perfectly fine Rust code it leaks some implementation details that I rather want to hide. I feel like using deadpool-redis should work exactly the same way as working with redis directly.

Option 2: Change Object into a trait

That way deadpool_redis::Object would now only be implementing the deadpool::Object trait. This would enable it to also implement the ConnectionLike trait and therefore be compatible with redis::Cmd and redis::Pipeline.

let conn = pool.get().await;

Option 3: Merge all deadpool crates into one

This would enable impl ConnectionLike for Object<redis::Client>.

I'm highly against merging the crates together just to be able to do that. I'm just listing it here as it is in fact a solution to the problem. The first deadpool version 0.1 did it exactly this way and had a postgres and redis feature.

I'm tempted to choose Option 2 and make deadpool more compatible with future libraries that might also use a trait for its client object.

This is something that I need to figure out before releasing verson 1.0.

How to test if initialization is successful?

Hi everyone!

Just a quick question: how can we test if the database pool gets initialized successfully?

The context is quite simple: imagine the .env file containing a typo for the password option (either in the name such as PASS instead of PASSWORD or just the value as in this example):


Currently, a code such as the one below does not detect/receive any issue at startup:\

let pool = match {
        Ok(pool) => pool,
        Err(err) => {
            println!(">>> Database connection error: '{}'", err);

Of course, the issue appears when the Client is used:

Error getting db connection: Backend(Error { kind: Connect, cause: Some(Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }) })

Any advice, please?

Don't panic when redis connection is `None`

Right now the redis connection wrapper panics when running query after a previous call to query failed with an error. The query function should either return an Error if the connection is dead (maybe it is possible to generate a RedisError from within deadpool-redis) or create a new connection transparently.

Cargo run 'postgres-actix-web' example error

Cargo run 'postgres-actix-web' example error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
48 | fn create_pool() -> Result<Pool, ConfigError> {
   |                     ------------------------- expected `std::result::Result<deadpool::managed::Pool<deadpool_postgres::ClientWrapper, tokio_postgres::error::Error>, config::error::ConfigError>` because of return type
49 |     let cfg = Config::from_env("PG")?;
50 |     cfg.create_pool(tokio_postgres::NoTls)
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected enum `config::error::ConfigError`, found enum `deadpool_postgres::config::ConfigError`
   = note: expected type `std::result::Result<_, config::error::ConfigError>`
              found type `std::result::Result<_, deadpool_postgres::config::ConfigError>`

Add an unmanaged version of the pool

@svenknobloch proposed in #24 to add an add function to the pool which allows using the pool where objects are not generated during runtime but upfront. This version of the pool does not need a manager and timeouts as no creation and/or recycling needs to happen.

Would you expect any issues when passing a reference to the pool into a handler?

I've got a weird performance issue going on and I just want to check if the way I'm doing this raises any flags.

There's basically a single handler in this Actix server, and depending on the type of request it dispatches to one of two functions. One of these functions needs a transaction, and it looks pretty much like this:

async fn problem_fn(pool: &Pool) -> Result<stuff> {
    let mut client = pool.get().await.unwrap();
    let transaction = client.transaction().await.unwrap();
    let _result = transaction.execute(statement, params).await.unwrap();

The call chain is like: registered_actix_handler -> dispatch_fn -> problem_fn, where dispatch_fn has the Pool as part of its Actix AppState.

The other function just takes (client: &Client) as I've seen in most examples, and it doesn't seem to suffer from any issues, so I'm just wondering if passing the pool in as an argument to a handler might cause any issues with returning connections to the pool or something?

For some reason the handler that uses transactions takes a long time to process (especially when there are 0 connections in the pool when the server has just started). Subsequent requests run at an expected speed. When running on AWS EC2 instances, however, just about every request to this handler suffers from the long processing times, in case this adds any other clues.

I may be looking at the wrong problem here, but again I just want to check and see if I'm doing it wrong by passing in the pool itself like that. I have a feeling it has something to do with connections and not the SQL getting executed, because as I mentioned earlier there are times (usually after the first connection is made) that it processes quite quickly. Sorry for the super long issue and thanks in advance for any pointers.

Cargo run 'postgres-actix-web' example error

Cargo run 'postgres-actix-web' example error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
48 | fn create_pool() -> Result<Pool, ConfigError> {
   |                     ------------------------- expected `std::result::Result<deadpool::managed::Pool<deadpool_postgres::ClientWrapper, tokio_postgres::error::Error>, config::error::ConfigError>` because of return type
49 |     let cfg = Config::from_env("PG")?;
50 |     cfg.create_pool(tokio_postgres::NoTls)
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected enum `config::error::ConfigError`, found enum `deadpool_postgres::config::ConfigError`
   = note: expected type `std::result::Result<_, config::error::ConfigError>`
              found type `std::result::Result<_, deadpool_postgres::config::ConfigError>`

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