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canvas's Introduction


HTML5 Canvas API implementation for Microsoft Blazor

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Blazor Extensions

Blazor Extensions are a set of packages with the goal of adding useful things to Blazor.

Blazor Extensions Canvas

This package wraps HTML5 Canvas APIs.

Both Canvas 2D and WebGL are supported.

Both Blazor Server Apps and Blazor WebAssembly Apps are supported.

NOTE Currently targets the v3.1.5 of Blazor with 3.2.0 of WebAssembly


Install-Package Blazor.Extensions.Canvas



In your index.html file (WebAssembly Apps) or _Host.cshtml (Server Apps) file, place a reference to the library's script file:

<script src="_content/Blazor.Extensions.Canvas/blazor.extensions.canvas.js"></script>

In your _Imports.razor add the following using entry:

@using Blazor.Extensions.Canvas

In the component where you want to place a canvas element, add a BECanvas. Make sure to set the ref to a field on your component:

<BECanvas Width="300" Height="400" @ref="_canvasReference" ></BECanvas>


In your component C# code (regardless if inline on .razor or in a .cs file), add a BECanvasComponent reference which matches the ref you set on your BECanvas.

Create a Canvas2DContext, and then use the context methods to draw on the canvas:

private Canvas2DContext _context;

protected BECanvasComponent _canvasReference;

protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
    this._context = await this._canvasReference.CreateCanvas2DAsync();
    await this._context.SetFillStyleAsync("green");

    await this._context.FillRectAsync(10, 100, 100, 100);

    await this._context.SetFontAsync("48px serif");
    await this._context.StrokeTextAsync("Hello Blazor!!!", 10, 100);

NOTE You cannot call CreateCanvas2DAsync in OnInitAsync, because the underlying <canvas> element is not yet present in the generated markup.


In your component C# code (regardless if inline on .razor or in a .cs file), add a BECanvasComponent reference which matches the ref you set on your BECanvas.

Create a WebGLContext, and then use the context methods to draw on the canvas:

private WebGLContext _context;

protected BECanvasComponent _canvasReference;

protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
    this._context = await this._canvasReference.CreateWebGLAsync();
    await this._context.ClearColorAsync(0, 0, 0, 1);
    await this._context.ClearAsync(BufferBits.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);

NOTE You cannot call CreateWebGLAsync in OnInitAsync, because the underlying <canvas> element is not yet present in the generated markup.

Call Batching

All javascript interop are batched as needed to improve performance. In high-performance scenarios this behavior will not have any effect: each call will execute immediately. In low-performance scenarios, consective calls to canvas APIs will be queued. JavaScript interop calls will be made with each batch of queued commands sequentially, to avoid the performance impact of multiple concurrent interop calls.

When using server-side Razor Components, because of the server-side rendering mechanism, only the last drawing operation executed will appear to render on the client, overwriting all previous operations. In the example code above, for example, drawing the triangles would appear to "erase" the black background drawn immediately before, leaving the canvas transparent.

To avoid this issue, all WebGL drawing operations should be explicitly preceded and followed by BeginBatchAsync and EndBatchAsync calls.

For example:

await this._context.ClearColorAsync(0, 0, 0, 1); // this call does not draw anything, so it does not need to be included in the explicit batch

await this._context.BeginBatchAsync(); // begin the explicit batch

await this._context.ClearAsync(BufferBits.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
await this._context.DrawArraysAsync(Primitive.TRIANGLES, 0, 3);

await this._context.EndBatchAsync(); // execute all currently batched calls

It is best to structure your code so that BeginBatchAsync and EndBatchAsync surround as few calls as possible. That will allow the automatic batching behavior to send calls in the most efficient manner possible, and avoid unnecessary performance impacts.

Methods which return values are never batched. Such methods may be called at any time, even after calling BeginBatchAsync, without interrupting the batching of other calls.

NOTE The "overwriting" behavior of server-side code is unpredictable, and shouldn't be relied on as a feature. In low-performance situations calls can be batched automatically, even when you don't explicitly use BeginBatchAsync and EndBatchAsync.

Contributions and feedback

Please feel free to use the component, open issues, fix bugs or provide feedback.


The following people are the maintainers of the Blazor Extensions projects:

canvas's People


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canvas's Issues

How do I draw images?

Hi, firstly thanks for a great library!

I am writing a Blazor WA game. When the game starts, it loads a big spritesheet and when the game runs, it draws rectangles from that spritesheet into the canvas using DrawImageAsync

My question is, what's the best way to initially load that big spritesheet? I've tried using <img id='spritesheet' src='....'/> but I get an exception saying Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The provided value is not of type '(CSSImageValue or HTMLImageElement or SVGImageElement or HTMLVideoElement or HTMLCanvasElement or ImageBitmap or OffscreenCanvas)'

My call is:

            ElementReference reference = new ElementReference("spritesheet");

            await _canvas2DContext.DrawImageAsync(reference, spritePosition.X, spritePosition.Y);

When I inspect my spritesheet in the DOM, it is:


Am I setting ElementReference incorrectly?

Are there any example of using DrawImageAsync anywhere?

WebGlContext.LineWidth func doesn't return bool.

The lineWidth function of the WebGlContext doesn't return boolean, it's a void function. So when I call it through the WebGLContext instance I get the following exception:

Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.Boolean. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 4.. See InnerException for more details. ---> System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to System.Boolean. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 4. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot get the value of a token type 'Null' as a boolean.

Possible fix in the WebGLContext.cs:

[Obsolete("Use the async version instead, which is already called internally.")]
public void LineWidth(float width) => this.CallMethod<object>(LINE_WIDTH, width);
public async Task LineWidthAsync(float width) => await this.CallMethodAsync<object>(LINE_WIDTH, width);

Full stack trace:

parameter 'pixels' of TexImage2DAsync can't be deserialization to ArrayBufferView

I'm add a parameter for TexImage2DAsync() and test,It's throw a error :
"Failed to execute 'texImage2D' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': parameter 9 is not of type 'ArrayBufferView'"

    var tempdata = new byte[3]
    await _context.TexImage2DAsync<byte>(Texture2DType.TEXTURE_2D, 0,
            PixelFormat.RGB, 1, 1, 0, PixelFormat.RGB, PixelType.UNSIGNED_BYTE, tempdata);

then call JSRuntime wraps data to Uint8Array,I can render the texture

    var tempdata = new byte[3] {1,255,255};
    await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("TextureTest", _context.Canvas, tempdata);

   window.TextureTest = (canvas,data) => {
       var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl");
       var tempData = new Uint8Array(data);
       gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGB,1,1,0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE , tempData);

Support for putImageData

I would love to have support for putImageData.

Currently I have tweaked the code base as follows:

  1. Expose the Id property on the BECanvas component as public:
    public readonly string Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

  2. Include a TypeScript file with an interop function:

declare namespace BlazorExtensions {
    class Canvas2d {
        static getContext(canvas: { id }): CanvasRenderingContext2D;
// canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
function drawPixels(id: number, x: number, y: number, xw: number, yw: number, pixels: Uint8Array) {
    let ctx = BlazorExtensions.Canvas2d.getContext({        
            id : id

    const imageData = ctx.createImageData(xw, yw);
    // Iterate through every pixel
    for (let i = 0; i <; i += 4) {
        // Modify pixel data[i + 0] = pixels[i];      // R value[i + 1] = pixels[i + 1];  // G value[i + 2] = pixels[i + 2];  // B value[i + 3] = pixels[i + 3];  // A value

    // Draw image data to the canvas
    ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y);
  1. Call the interop function from my Blazor component:
uint[] byteArray = new uint[100 * 100 * 4];

var idx = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++)
    for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
        byteArray[idx] = 128;     // R
        byteArray[idx + 1] = 200; // G
        byteArray[idx + 2] = 60;  // B
        byteArray[idx + 3] = 255; // A
        idx += 4;

var text =
        await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("drawPixels", _canvasReference.Id, 0, 0, 100, 100, byteArray);

Code won't compile following along the readme file

When following along going through the readme, at first I couldn't get the code to compile. Going through the source code, I found out that I also needed the following using entries in _Imports.razor for it to compile:
@using Blazor.Extensions for the BECanvasComponent and
@using Blazor.Extensions.Canvas.Canvas2D for the Canvas2DContext.

This mismatch between the code and the file could be fixed in two ways, or a combination, depending on what fits better:

  • Align the namespaces to all be Blazor.Extension.Canvas
  • Update the file to say that the above-mentioned namespaces are also necessary

t.getContext is not a function

I get the following exception attempting to use the canvas:

Exception thrown: 'Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException' in System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Browser.Rendering.RemoteRenderer: Warning: Unhandled exception rendering component: t.getContext is not a function
TypeError: t.getContext is not a function
    at add (https://localhost:44387/js/blazor.extensions.canvas.js:1:1738)
    at https://localhost:44387/_framework/blazor.server.js:8:21434
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at e.beginInvokeJSFromDotNet (https://localhost:44387/_framework/blazor.server.js:8:21403)
    at https://localhost:44387/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:16653
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at e.invokeClientMethod (https://localhost:44387/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:16624)
    at e.processIncomingData (https://localhost:44387/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:14624)
    at e.connection.onreceive (https://localhost:44387/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:11165)
    at WebSocket.i.onmessage (https://localhost:44387/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:30454)

This is the component class using it:

public class Map : ComponentBase
        protected IJSRuntime JsRuntime { get; set; }

        public long Width { get; set; } = 300;

        public long Height { get; set; } = 300;

        BECanvas canvas;
        Canvas2DContext context;

        protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)

            var index = 0;

            builder.AddAttribute(index++, "width", Width);
            builder.AddAttribute(index++, "height", Height);
            builder.AddComponentReferenceCapture(index++, o => canvas = (BECanvas)o);

        protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync()
            await base.OnAfterRenderAsync();

            context = await canvas.CreateCanvas2DAsync();

            await context.SetFillStyleAsync("red");
            await context.FillRectAsync(0, 0, Width, Height);

Not sure what I am missing. I've included the JS file in the head of the _Host doc. The canvas is rendered as follows:
<canvas id="8f95bf4c-0fce-4d0c-9250-39e04b07a5b9" width="1900" height="949" ref="_canvasRef"></canvas>

Canvaskit support?

Can someone commend on the performance difference between Canvas2D versus WebGL versus CanvasKit when drawing 2D vector graphics? It seems Canvaskit can be supported in similar way as WebGL. I like to hear what others think.

FYI: possible relevant link

Batch rendering

In order to improve performance and allow server-side rendering to work properly, we must implement batch-rendering.

Today, the implementation of this component strictly follow the APIs from HTML5 Canvas where each call actually draw something.

We need to experiment and implement an optimization that batch render requests to it will only invoke JS APIs (local or remote) in a batch to avoid multiple (unnecessary) serialization and interop calls happen.

"WebGLActiveInfo" returns empty

After linking and validating the program with ProgramParameter.LINK_STATUS and ProgramParameter.VALIDATE_STATUS both returning true, and ProgramParameter.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES and ProgramParameter.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS returning correct amount of attributes and uniforms i attempt to call WebGLActiveInfo ai = await gl.GetActiveAttribAsync(prog, index); but the returned WebGLActiveInfo properties such as Name etc, are either empty or 0.

Question: how can I check if creating a program shader failed?


I am trying to rewrite some examples from webgl documentation and seems like I fail at the very beginning :)
I am trying to check whether creating a program shader failed or not. The example JS code should looke similar to:

if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
   alert('An error occurred compiling the shaders: ' + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader));

But in your C# implementation of GetShaderParameterAsync it require generic parameter and I can't figure out what it should be. Could someone explain?

This doesn't seem to support the current released Blazor esp Client Side

The example uses addTagHelper which is not supported among other issues to get it to compile.
However, after figuring out how to get it to compile without warnings my call:
' this._context = await this._canvasRef.CreateCanvas2DAsync();'
created an 'unhandled exception rendering component ':
Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: t.getContext is not a function'

Should pass argument for border in WebGL texImage2D

According to the WebGL Specification the method texImage2D has an overload with 6 arguments and one with 9 arguments. TexImage2DAsync batches the command with only 8 arguments. The border argument is not passed (it always has to be 0...)

Possible fix in WebGLContext.cs:

public async Task TexImage2DAsync<T>(Texture2DType target, int level, PixelFormat internalFormat, int width, int height, PixelFormat format, PixelType type, T[] pixels)
where T : struct
=> await this.BatchCallAsync(TEX_IMAGE_2D, isMethodCall: true, target, level, internalFormat, width, height, 0, format, type, pixels);

Stack trace:

TextMetrics Properties Do Not Get Set

TextMetrics properties are not set after a call to MeasureText()


protected BECanvasComponent Canvas;
private Canvas2dContext Context;
Context = Canvas.CreateCanvas2d();
double length = 282.84;
TextMetrics lengthTextMetrics = Context.MeasureText(length.ToString());

lengthTextMetrics.Width always reports 0. I tried the equivalent of this in javascript directly and it reports 282.84.

Even in javascript, though, the other properties appear undefined. This seems to be because they are not supported by all browsers yet. Perhaps this is related to the reason Width will not work as well.

Injecting javascript from child component to parent html

If I would want to embed BECanvas to a component that would be put on any razor page, would it be possible to inject the javascript interop from the codebehind (e.g. constructor) so that the end-user of the wrapping component doesn't have to inject that?

Usage Issue

Unable to get canvas to render sample content

  • Updated To Blazor 0.5.1
  • Created a new Project
  • pulled down Blazor.Extensions.Canvas 0.1.6
  • Created class

` public class IndexComponent : BECanvasComponent
private Canvas2dContext _context;

    protected BECanvasComponent _canvasReference;

    protected override void OnAfterRender()
        this._context = this._canvasReference.CreateCanvas2d();
        this._context.FillStyle = "green";

        this._context.FillRect(10, 100, 100, 100);

        this._context.Font = "48px serif";
        this._context.StrokeText("Hello Blazor---!!!", 10, 100);

Replaced Index.cshtml with
@page "/"
@inherits IndexComponent

BECanvas ref="@_canvasReference"></BECanvas

Then In _viewimports.cshtml added

@using Blazor.Extensions.Canvas @addTagHelper *, Blazor.Extensions.Canvas

It complies and runs but it shows nothing in the canvas. But if i inspect i see
<canvas id="22f7aebb-6bcb-486b-b62d-1c46c0e1f3d8" width="0" height="0" _bl_2=""></canvas>

Set arbitrary canvas attributes

I would like to be able to set arbitrary attributes (perhaps via attribute splatting) on the canvas element. The reason is to be able to use the canvas gauges library ( All that is needed is to have the ability to set, for example, an attribute like data-type="radial-gauge", data-width="300", etc. on the underlying canvas element.

Is this possible now? Would it be possible by extending the existing code?

Canvas Gauges is a beautiful library of UI elements, it would be great to be able to use them in a Blazor application. I tried just using a element directly in my razor code, and the element shows briefly during page load, but then disappears. I suspect there is something about Blazor that interferes with this, hence the need for this Blazor Extension.


Support for toDataURL

Using canvas with an image that refreshes very often (showing simulation real time) I am using a library that requires an url to the image. Therefore I would love a canvas.toDataURL() function.

Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotated.js ->

var overlay = L.imageOverlay.rotated(...        }); 
// routine that updates image

I use clear and draw a triangle ,but sometime just one element was be rendered

I use clear and draw a triangle,sometime get a error result that background flash or triangle isn't drawed.

            await this._context.ClearColorAsync(0, 0.8f, 0, 1);
            await _context.ClearAsync(BufferBits.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
            await _context.DrawArraysAsync(Primitive.TRIANGLES, 0, 3);

I have to use JSRuntime both clear and drawArrays,If executed separately also get that error.

    await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("DrawArrays", _context.Canvas);
        window.DrawArrays = (canvas) => {
            var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl");
            gl.clearColor(0, 0.8, 0, 1);
            gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3);

Adding BECanvas component causes build failure

Adding BECanvas component to a razor page causes the following build error:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference' to 'Blazor.Extensions.BECanvasComponent'

I am using .NET Core Preview 9

Support Draw image by image's url

Using canvas draw image by image's url, just like this:

  var img = new Image();
  img.src = url;
  img.width = weight;
  img.height = height;
  img.onload = function(){      

Therefore please add support for drawing image by url. Thanks a lot.

support gradients

canvas have createLinearGradient methods,But I didn't find it in this repository.
Hope to support it.

Does not convert from clip space to screenspace

Using the following code should convert clip space into screen space and generate a 64x64 square at 0,0 but it doesn't. Cannot tell where it is actually drawing as I cannot get debuggers such as renderDoc to work.

        await GL.ViewportAsync(0, 0, 500, 500);

        float[] matrix = await M4.Computations.Orthographic(0, 500, 500, 0, -1, 1);
        matrix = await M4.Computations.Translate(matrix, 0, 0, 1);
        matrix = await M4.Computations.Scale(matrix, 64, 64, 1);

        await GL.UniformMatrixAsync(matrixLocation, false, matrix);

Nuget - Blazor.Extensions.Canvas.JS Dependency does not exist

In 1.2, these were the following Nuget dependencies:

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser (>= 0.3.0)
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Build (>= 0.3.0)

However, in 1.3, the Nuget dependencies are now this:

  • Blazor.Extensions.Canvas.JS (>= 0.1.3)
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser (>= 0.4.0)
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Build (>= 0.4.0)

Blazor.Extensions.Canvas.JS does not appear to exist. Trying to access it with results in a 404 page. Also, when trying to install the package via Nuget, the following error appears:

Unable to find package Blazor.Extensions.Canvas.JS. No packages exist with this id in source(s): Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages,

I need the canvas bounding client rectangle

I want to be able to call getBoundingClientRect() on the <canvas>, so that I can convert mouse coordinates into client coordinates. My instinct is to use JS Interop to do that, but the Id property is not public, so I am thinking that I will have to wrap the BECanvas in a <div> with an id that I can control, and then use look that up and get its child control.

This feels a bit convoluted to me. Is there a better way?

Perhaps you could make Id a public property?

Failed to execute 'texImage2D' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': Valid arities are: [6, 9], but 8 arguments provided

Failed to execute 'texImage2D' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': Valid arities are: [6, 9], but 8 arguments provided

        uint[] tempData = new uint[4]{ 255, 255, 255,255 } ;
        var texture = await _context.CreateTextureAsync();
        await _context.BindTextureAsync(TextureType.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
        await _context.TexImage2DAsync<uint>(Texture2DType.TEXTURE_2D, 0, PixelFormat.RGBA, 1, 1
            , PixelFormat.RGBA, PixelType.UNSIGNED_BYTE, tempData);

I'm not sure my usage is correct , throw this error when the program executes to TexImage2DAsync.

Question: how to bind to events?

Is it possible to bind event handlers to the underlying blazor component (ElementRef?) for e.g. UIMouseEventArgs or UITouchEventArgs?

Blazor 0.8.0 Upgrade

I upgraded the code for Blazor 0.8.0 for my own project. Is this in the pipeline, or did you want the code?

Synchronous drawing API

Hi. I'm trying to build a drawing library which will target both Blazor and Xamarin SkiaSharp.
The problem I faced is that SkiaSharp apis are synchronous while blazor apis are async..

So I'm trying to make Blazor Canvas methods to work synchronously.

As far as I see Blazor synchronous methods are deprecated but are based on .GetAwaiter().GetResult() internally (in CallMethod<T>). I tried using that in test project:

//await this._context.FillRectAsync(10, 100, 100, 100);
this._context.FillRectAsync(10, 100, 100, 100).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

which didn't work and caused browser to hang.

My question is: are there any plans on restoring synchronous apis in future?
Maybe there is an easy way to call canvas apis synchronously?
Maybe I'm looking at wrong direction and it's better to have my library's drawing methods asynchronous but find a way to execute async code from SkiaSharp OnCanvasViewPaintSurface?

I'm yet to dig deeper into how SynchronizationContext works in blazor but wanted to check with somebody more experienced first.


CreateCanvas2d() Fails in Server-Side Blazor Apps

When trying to call this._context = this._canvasReference.CreateCanvas2d(); in a server-side Blazor app you get the following exception:
Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Server.Circuits.RemoteJSRuntime' to type 'Microsoft.JSInterop.IJSInProcessRuntime'.

It seems related to the "Calling JavaScript from .NET" section of:
Blazor 0.5.0 experimental release now available.

To Reproduce
It happens when you try the Sample in a server-side Blazor app.

Preview 8 Server Default Template

Be pre-warned I have no idea what I'm doing.....

Trying to use your master branch with preview8 default Blazor Server. Getting object not set to an instance of an object.

I am able to pull your repo down and run the server test project. So I added a Blazor default to your solution and compared and played till I was able to get it to work.

This is the diff from a vanilla preview8 blazor server project and what I had to do to get it work.


Not sure if this is helpful or what the changes even mean to be honest ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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