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yap's Issues

Fix eval_comma()

From Steven Watanabe:
162,310: return eval_comma(
Please tell me that I'm reading this wrong and that
(a) this can safely return void, and (b) the left
argument is evaluated before the right argument.

Add index to the docs

Via the Boost, list, Paul Bristow says:

RTFM ;-)

You can just get indexes of macro, class, functions, and by adding index terms to your .idx file, you can get a subject index too.

To see the autoindex in (big!) action, look at Boost.Math docs.

Attached example may help too

modular-boost\libs\circular_buffer\doc\jamfile.v2 may help is making the admittedly non-trivial changes to get a full index.

You need some items in your .qbk file too (to say which indexes you want).

[/Include the indexes (class, function and everything) ]

<title>Class Index</title>

<index type="function_name">
 <title>Function Index</title>


Increase test coverage

gcov says the following are not executed by the tests
(line numbers as of master):

  130 (value_expr_impl),
  232, 246 (get_impl),
  300 (get_c),
  408 (callable),
  427 (argument)
  701 (most of op_string)

  54, 62 (value),
  69, 77 (left),
  84, 92 (right),
  most unary operators (except negate)
  most binary operators (except multiplies and plus)
  247 (call),
  310 (value),
  428-420 (pre_dec, post_inc, post_dec)
  most binary operators (except multiplies, plus, and minus)

  many unary and binary operators.

  42 (print_value) - Isn't this overload for
      placeholders, rather than hana::llong?
  50,52,54 (print_type),
  87,89 (print_impl)


  20 (eval_placeholder)
  many unary and binary operators.

Build fails on ubuntu with latest libboost-all-dev (

I used the following commands to build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
And get the following error while building the examples:
In file included from /home/tekne/Documents/Projects/yap/example/autodiff_library/autodiff.cpp:13:0: /home/tekne/Documents/Projects/yap/example/autodiff_library/autodiff.h:11:10: fatal error: boost/serialization/array_wrapper.hpp: No such file or directory #include <boost/serialization/array_wrapper.hpp>
Including and using the library itself produces no errors. Thanks!

tag transforms remain un-applied for larger expressions

I've struggled trying to write what should have been a simple transformation: computing 'min_size' from an expression tree of lazy std::arrays. The following is my attempt using tag transforms.

#include <boost/yap/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/yap/print.hpp>

using namespace boost::yap;

template <boost::yap::expr_kind Kind, typename Tuple>
struct lazy_array_expr
    static const boost::yap::expr_kind kind = Kind;

    Tuple elements;

    BOOST_YAP_USER_BINARY_OPERATOR_MEMBER(plus, ::lazy_array_expr)

struct min_size
    template <size_t N>
    auto operator()(boost::yap::terminal_tag, std::array<int, N> const &)
//        std::cout << "terminal tag, returning " << N << '\n';
        return make_terminal<lazy_array_expr, size_t>(std::move(N));

    auto operator()(plus_tag, size_t N0, size_t N1)
//        std::cout << "plus tag (" << N0 << ", " << N1 << ")\n";
        auto result = std::min(N0, N1);
        return make_terminal<lazy_array_expr, size_t>(std::move(result));

int main()
    auto a1 = make_terminal<lazy_array_expr>(std::array<int, 1>{1});
    auto a2 = make_terminal<lazy_array_expr>(std::array<int, 2>{2, 2});
    auto a3 = make_terminal<lazy_array_expr>(std::array<int, 3>{3, 3, 3});

    auto t1 = transform(a1 + a2, min_size{});
    std::cout << "result: " << boost::yap::value(t1) << '\n'; /* this is computed correctly */

    auto t2 = transform(a1 + a2 + a3, min_size{});
    print(std::cout, t2); /* why is t2 is left in a state where further tag transforms could have been applied? */
    auto t3 = transform(t2, min_size{}); /* this should not have been necessary */
    std::cout << "result: " << boost::yap::value(t3) << '\n';

I find that the second application of this transform (in the sample code above as t2) fails to reduce the expression-tree into a single expression. The resulting t2 is:

    term<unsigned long>[=1]
    term<unsigned long>[=3]

which should have been further transformed by re-employing min_size::operator()(plus_tag, size_t N0, size_t N1)

This stands in contrast with the result of the first application (in the sample code as t1) on a smaller tree.

Perhaps the accompanying documentation should explain the process of tree traversal when applying a transformation.

Make the semantics of evaluate() more explicit, if needed

Evaluating expressions: Given the direction of the discussion (i.e., dropping customization points), it seems that this will be reduced to "Boost.YAP expressions are explicitly evaluated by calling the evaluate()".  It seems, however, that this could be a good point to include information on (i) evaluation of operators follows native semantics for the types involved, (ii) the value of local reasoning about semantics, (iii) a brief discussion of equivalencies and differences between the underlying native code and what is evaluated by evaluate().

I'll make this more explicit.

Revisit examples/vector based on review feedback


  • return boost::yap::make_terminal(std::move(vec[n]));
    Move is probably wrong as you're working with a reference
    to begin with. (Of course, it doesn't really matter for
    double, but imagine that you have a vector<unique_ptr>

The move is required to force a copy; just because the reference is valid
now doesn't mean it won't dangle later.

Sure, but when using the evaluate(transform()) idiom,
you're guaranteed that the references returned by transform
will not be left dangling.

Sure. But that's just in this example, and using that (admittedly
dominant) idiom. I still want to reinforce in the example code how you
make copies of value types, especially built-in ones.

Perfect-forwarding through a chain of
transforms is also an important use case that
needs to be explained. I don't mind having
the examples demonstrate copying as long as
they are written such in a way that copying
is really the correct behavior. In this particular
example, I don't think that it is.

That's a really good point. I'll revisit that example. TODO.

Add terminal-only transform example

Based on this:

I think something like this should be usable in most cases:

// Let's assume the existence of a my_make_term() function that takes a Yap terminal
// and a Context &, and returns a new Yap terminal.
struct transform_terminals_with_context
// Base case. Note that I'm ignoring placeholders entirely for this
// example (they're easy to special-case if necessary).
auto operator() (yap::terminal_tag, T && t)
{ return my_make_term(std::forward(t), context_); }

// Recursive case: Match any binary expression.
template <typename Tag, typename LExpr, typename RExpr>
auto operator() (Tag, LExpr const & left, RExpr const & right)
    return yap::make_expression<yap::detail::kind_for<Tag>>(
        boost::yap::transform(left, *this),
        boost::yap::transform(right, *this));

// Recursive case: Match any unary expression.
template <typename Tag, typename Expr>
auto operator() (Tag, Expr const & expr)
    return yap::make_expression<yap::detail::kind_for<Tag>>(
        boost::yap::transform(expr, *this));

// Ternary and call are added as necessary.

Context & context_;


This transforms all your terminals to new terminals, using your custom code that applies your terminal + context operation. You can then just eval() the transformed expression using the default evaluate(), transform() it again with a different transform, etc. I had to make up the constexpr function kind_for<>() that maps expression-kind tag types to yap::expr_kind values (which I'll probably add now that I see it is needed TODO), but the reset is just typical Yapery.

Remove auto-application of transforms to unwrapped terminals passed to tag-transforms

I think you're forgetting that the terminal transform is
applied before calling operator()(xxx_tag, ...).
Thus, the result is actually:

transform(transform(1_p, *this), *this),
transform(transform(2_p, *this), *this)).

Since the extra transform tacks on another call expr,
we end up up coming right back around to operator()(call_tag).

I was forgetting that! Thanks.

The bottom line is, any transform which is not idempotent
for terminals is badly broken if you unwrap terminals

If you don't apply the terminal transform, but still
unwrap terminals, then it's still broken, because
then the terminal transform gets skipped entirely.

Actually, the code I posted fails to compile (even after
fixing the obvious typos) because the recursion makes
it impossible for auto to deduce the return type.

Right, and although this saves the user from runtime infinite recursion, it is a very obscure failure mode. This more than outweighs the convenience of the current interface. I'm convinced the auto-evaluating, and in fact all terminal unwrapping in tag-transforms, should be removed.


Actually, I take this back, at least partially -- I think auto-unwrapping
in some form might still be useful without auto-applying the transform.
I'll need to experiment with that a bit. TODO

If you can figure out a way to do it such that
unwrapping is only applied for arguments that are
explicitly intended to match terminals, then
it would work. If you imagine the semantics being
as if unwrapping the terminal were an implicit
conversion, then it would probably work correctly
in all cases. Unfortunately, I don't know how to
implement this.

I don't know if it needs to be so fancy. I could just revert back to the old behavior, which always unwraps terminals, but does not auto-apply transforms.

Add more member/free/both macros to cover more use cases

From pipable_algorithms.cpp:
// This is a bit loose, because it allows us to write "sort(v) |
// unique(u)" or similar. It works fine for this example, but in
// production code you may want to write out the three member functions
// generated by this macro, and add SFINAE or concepts constraints on what
// is accepted on the right.
BOOST_YAP_USER_BINARY_OPERATOR_MEMBER(bitwise_or, ::algorithm_expr)

We really should have another macro that has a place for a trait-based constraint here. Looking at the other macros in the full list in the docs, it seems like there's a lot of room for a lot more macros here.

Remove tag types as independent types; instead construct them from kinds

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 4:26 PM, Peter Dimov via Boost [email protected] wrote:
Zach Laine wrote:
In this case, something like the expression_tag<> scheme Peter recommended helps with this particular ambiguity:

template <typename Tag, typename... T>
auto operator()(expression_tag, T &&... t)

What I suggested was rather

template <expr_kind Kind, typename... T>
auto operator()(expression_tag, T &&... t)

as this enforces the necessary 1:1 correspondence between kinds and tags.

Right. I missed that the first time. Thanks.

Operators example uses class in global namespace

I refer to this example:

template <boost::yap::expr_kind Kind, typename Tuple>
struct lazy_vector_expr
    static const boost::yap::expr_kind kind = Kind;

    Tuple elements;

    BOOST_YAP_USER_BINARY_OPERATOR_MEMBER(plus, ::lazy_vector_expr)
    BOOST_YAP_USER_BINARY_OPERATOR_MEMBER(minus, ::lazy_vector_expr)

    // Note that this does not return an expression; it is greedily evaluated.
    auto operator[] (std::size_t n) const;

I find it odd that lazy_vector_expr needs to be prepended with ::. Won't ADL grab the surrounding class anyway? If not: could you add an example for a class in a namespace?

Add universal free operator macros

By "universal" I mean ones that cover the member and nonmember cases all in one macro. If possible, remove the non-universal ones (modulo those that are members-only, like a fancy eighties jacket).

Fix test of non-allocating Yap operations on vectors


  • Your replacement of operator new is technically
      illegal, because it can return a null pointer.

  • I don't think the standard guarantees that vector makes
      any specific number of allocations.  The correct
      way is to set allocations = 0 after initializing
      the vectors and then verify that no further allocations
      happen.  Alternately, make operator new throw a bad_alloc
      during the region where you expect no allocations.
      As a bonus, it'll be easier to find the cause of
      unexpected allocations, when they do happen.

Add more transform tests

Specifically, tests are needed for transforming these expressions:

bare terminal (tag and expr matches)
terminal and nonterminal at the same time in same expression (tag and expr matches)

Add compile-fail tests

You need some compile-fail tests:

  • invalid arguments to accessors, such as left, right, and get.
  • possibly switching the arguments of transform.  (I find
      it mildly disturbing that this currently compiles, as
      transform is one function for which I may not always remember
      the correct argument order.)

Add value checks to deref tests


  • the test cases in this file only show pass/fail, they
      don't indicate the actual type returned by deref, which
      will make debugging failures harder.  I typically use
      BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<X, Y>));  specifically for
      this reason (even when static_assert is available).
  • Actually, in general, these tests need to check both
      the type and the value.  Checking just the type is

Accept hana::IntegralConstant in get{,_c}()

221: template <long long I, typename Expr>
      decltype(auto) get (Expr && expr, hana::llong i);
    Does this need to be restricted to hana::llong, rather
    than, say, std::integral_constant?

It's the lack of nice syntax for integral_constant literals that made me
choose this.  I write get(expr, N_c) a lot, and I expect users to as

   Supporting an IntegralConstant doesn't mean that
you can't pass 0_c.

Is the change from std::integral_constant to IntegralConstant significant?
That is, are you asking that I accept models of some concept, or just

  I meant hana::IntegralConstant in the first place.
std::integral_constant was just an example of another
IntegralConstant, which hana::at can accept.

Consider evaluation of expression on destruction;

Would it be possible to evaluate (by default or as an option) to evaluate expression upon destruction.

For example, normally in expression template libraries, one has some sort of evaluate function,

terminal a = ...
terminal b = ...
terminal c = ...
evaluate(a = b + c);

In principle, destruction on ; could trigger the evaluation.

a = b + c;

I think it is possible to do because subexpression could be flagged not to evaluate upon their destruction.

Another example from hello_world:

#include <boost/yap/expression.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main (){
// evaluate(boost::yap::make_terminal(std::cout) << "Hello" << ',' << " world!\n");
// automatic evaluation on destruction of a temporary
    boost::yap::make_terminal(std::cout) << "Hello" << ',' << " world!\n";
// or at least:    
//    boost::yap::make_auto_terminal(std::cout) << "Hello" << ',' << " world!\n";
    return 0;

This way the syntax will be more natural.
What do you think?

consider a different name

Googling "C++ Yap" yields a bunch of other stuff. I think this is a really cool and important project, so I think it deserves a more memorable name.

Investigate a way to add sfinae or other constraints to BOOST_YAP_USER_FREE_BINARY_OPERATOR et al

You could also get rid of the need for ::user_expr

We actually want that. It's often necessary to be able to return an
expression created from some template different than the template
he operator.

If that's really important then why doesn't
expr_template parameters?

Because there's only one result. The expr_template parameter governs how
the result is constructed, not which inputs are accepted.

unusable, since expression already uses it, so using it
again with a different ExpressionTemplate would be ambiguous?

Sure, if you use both of them. I expect people only to use expression for quick-and-dirty small-scale uses of Yap, or for experimentation though.

However, the same problem exists if I have ET1 and ET2 that want to use BOOST_YAP_USER_FREE_BINARY_OPERATOR. In that case, the same ambiguity exists. The solution is the same as any operator overload ambiguity, I think: sfinae. If there's not already an appropriate constraining macro to replace BOOST_YAP_USER_FREE_BINARY_OPERATOR (I'd have to look around a bit), I should add one. TODO

Make the description of the transform() algorithm a lot clearer

Explicit transformations: the phrases "that will be placed into result at the corresponding place in result" seems confusing.  Especially given the central role played by transforms, I feel that a much clearer description of their operation is needed.  This could leverage a detailed section on expression trees generally and (another one?) on the representation of them in Yap.  The latter is implicit in the expression concept, but clarity would be improved by making it explicit and by relating it to the more general concepts.

Yeah, I've never been super happy with that sentence.  I think this calls for a picture, too.

The sentence "Otherwise, N is used, and visitation of nodes in expr continues below N." seems misleading if I am understanding transforms correctly.  First, the "N is used" part is very vague; used for what specifically?  Second, the "visitation continues" part seems wrong.  Isn't the recursion entirely under the control of the transform?  If so, then how can this assertion be made?  Perhaps you mean something like "sane transforms should often be written to have this property".  Again, this gets at the need to provide much clearer best practices information that is clearly distinct from tutorials and reference material.  These all serve different needs and should not be interspersed in the documentation.

Verify that this form of the get_arity example works

I'd guess that tag matching is a later addition, because it only works for simple cases. You can't do

   auto operator()(any_expression_tag, T&&... t);

I'm don't understand what that would mean, exactly.  What you can write though is:

template <typename Tag, typename... T>
auto operator()(Tag, T &&... t)

Is that different from the intended use case above?

template<expr_kind kind, class... T>
auto get_arity::operator()(expression_tag, T const&... t) const
   return std::max( { yap::transform(t, get_arity{})... } );


I'm pretty sure you actually can write almost exactly this using the template I showed above.  I'll verify that this is the case.  That might make the example a lot easier to understand.

Why do you need kind as a member of an expression?

Is there a technical reason for storing the value template argument in the field static const boost::yap::expr_kind of an expression?

IMHO this is redundant and could be replaced by a utility method that extracts the value from the template argument.

Change the "Features" listed on the intro page based on review feedback

From Brook Milligan:

  • A simple Expression concept easily modeled by user code. Member and non-member functions on Expressions can be added with compact macros, and a reference implementation exists for prototyping or experimentation.

  • Evaluation of expression trees matches the semantics of builtin C++ expressions as closely as possible. All operator expressions are evaluated using the corresponding operator definitions for the types involved. This leads to clearer understanding of the semantics of expression tree evaluation, because the definitions are local to the types involved. This is one point at which the design of Yap diverges significantly from that of Proto; in the latter, the semantics of expression tree evaluation is determined by context classes. Consequently, it is much more difficult to reason about the semantics in Proto than in Yap. [ This last bit could also be in a Proto v. Yap section. ]

  • Expression trees may be transformed explicitly in a user-defined way. This is accomplished with overloaded member functions in a transform class, each one corresponding to subexpressions in the expression tree. While these member functions may transform a subexpression into anything, a common pattern is to transform terminals into either new terminals or appropriate values and to leave other subexpressions unchanged. This evaluate(transform()) idiom is expected to be one of the most common ways of using Yap to manipulate and evaluate expression trees. Even though this use case involves copying the expression tree, it is expected that the new terminals or values will be inexpensive to copy so that the cost of transformation is small.

  • Functions that operate on expression trees or create expressions. A set of functions is provided (and used by the library) to manipulate expression trees or their components. These should simplify the process of, for example, writing user-defined transforms.

  • Evaluation of expression trees is generally [ what does this mean? ] equivalent to evaluating the corresponding native code. Thus, there should be no [ true? ] performance cost to using expression trees.

  • Expression trees may be encapsulated within function objects that evaluate the expression when called. This provides a nice bridge with other function-based libraries.

  • ... [ Maybe there are other (or fewer) features to emphasize. The point is to expand a bit on what the features mean to the user rather than just list them. It is also to organize them linearly from most to least important/relevant to the user. ]

Try using \overload Doxygen tag

To resolve this:

11-13: \note Due to a limitation of Doxygen, each of the
value(), left(), right(), and
operator overloads listed here is a stand-in for three member
Did you try \overload? That sometimes helps.

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