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botf2's Issues

Refactor out native code

Every time Windows 10 updates it means we have to either install another SDK or retarget the solution. There is no particular reason that it has to be C++. Easier just to convert it to C#

Ever longer data transmission from Host PC in multiplayer

Need to look into what the issue really is and possible fixes. Have noted that in prolonged multiplayer games that the time to transmit data from the host PC to each player PC, one after the other, takes progressively longer to the point of time wasted. Wondering if it is re sending data on game state from turn one after each new turn? If so is there a way to increment the data sent to just the last turn to save time? (rather than starting over from turn one each time?)

Problem with colony upon population reducing events

A bug I noticed is that when the system population is decimated, the production values are still the same as the turn before and if you don't reallocate your workforce, your planet has the same production output it had before the population was reduced.

Also, one event killed off my entire system population, the planet was still under my control, but I couldn't recolonize it nor did I gain any new population on it, even the system population ifo was missing, it wasn't 0, it was just nonexistent. I was playing as the Dominion.

Wormhole Improvements

  • Possibly require investigation with a science ship before use
  • Have some way to display which wormholes have been explored and are stable/unstable, and where they go
  • Add Barzan wormhole
  • Add possibility of wormhole ends moving about
  • Always have Bajorans in game for the Bajoran Wormhole (#98)
  • Check wormhole name formatting

Merging all the wormhole issues in with this one (#97)

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

Randomly came up

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) 
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments) 
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args) 
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args) 
at Supremacy.Utility.AsyncHelper.AsyncInvokeCallback(Object state) in SupremacyCore\Utility\AsyncHelper.cs:line 54 
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem() 
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource) 
at System.Collections.Generic.List1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare() 
at System.Collections.Generic.List1.Enumerator.MoveNext() 
at System.Linq.Enumerable.CountTSource 
at Supremacy.Combat.CombatEngine.get_IsCombatOver() in SupremacyCore\Combat\CombatEngine.cs:line 88
at Supremacy.WCF.SupremacyService.SendCombatUpdateCallback(CombatEngine engine, CombatUpdate update) in SupremacyService\SupremacyService.cs:line 1137

Language button

We need to add a language button in the main menu, for the localizations!

yeah, just do code it :-) .... in my mind this will take big researching to the code. I could do a external *.bat for: - turn English (files) to French (files) or back.

Trade route raid vs patrol

Have point(s) on the trade routs where an hostile ship could cut trade or a friendly ship could "patrol" protect the route.

Station construct orders not cancelled after battle

If you have a fleet in an enemies system, and there is an enemy construction ship there with orders to build a station, engage it in battle, it will retreat to an adjacent sector without a system. The order will stay however, and it will attempt to construct the station in a sector with no system, resulting in a null reference. The construct order needs to be cleared on retreat

  Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Supremacy.AI.UnitAI.DoTurn(Civilization civ) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\BotF2\SupremacyCore\AI\UnitAI.cs:line 110

Crash with only Federation and Terran as playable

System.ArgumentException occurred
  Message=Collection already contains an item with the specified key.
  Source=<Cannot evaluate the exception source>
   at Supremacy.Collections.KeyedCollectionBase`2.OnKeyCollision(TKey key, TValue item) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Collections\ObservableKeyedCollection.cs:line 330
   at Supremacy.Collections.KeyedCollectionBase`2.AddKey(TKey key, TValue item) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Collections\ObservableKeyedCollection.cs:line 310
   at Supremacy.Collections.KeyedCollectionBase`2.InsertItem(Int32 index, TValue item) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Collections\ObservableKeyedCollection.cs:line 243
   at Supremacy.Collections.CollectionBase`1.Add(T item) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Collections\CollectionBase.cs:line 116
   at Supremacy.Universe.GalaxyGenerator.FinalizaHomeworldPlacement(IList`1 starNames, HomeSystemsDatabase homeSystemDatabase, Civilization civ, MapLocation location) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Universe\GalaxyGenerator.cs:line 353
   at Supremacy.Universe.GalaxyGenerator.PlaceEmpireHomeworlds(CollectionBase`1 positions, IList`1 starNames, HomeSystemsDatabase homeSystemDatabase, List`1 empireCivs, CollectionBase`1 empireHomeLocations, List`1 chosenCivs, Boolean mustRespectQuadrants) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Universe\GalaxyGenerator.cs:line 522
   at Supremacy.Universe.GalaxyGenerator.PlaceHomeworlds(CollectionBase`1 positions, IList`1 starNames, CollectionBase`1& homeLocations) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Universe\GalaxyGenerator.cs:line 721
   at Supremacy.Universe.GalaxyGenerator.GenerateGalaxy(GameContext game) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Universe\GalaxyGenerator.cs:line 219
   at Supremacy.Game.GameContext.Initialize() in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Game\GameContext.cs:line 936
   at Supremacy.Game.GameContext..ctor(GameOptions options, Boolean isMultiplayerGame) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Game\GameContext.cs:line 872
   at Supremacy.Game.GameContext.Create(GameOptions options, Boolean isMultiplayerGame) in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Game\GameContext.cs:line 858
   at Supremacy.WCF.SupremacyService.DoStartGame() in C:\Users\dwrj8\Repositories\supremacydev\Mainline\SupremacyService\SupremacyService.cs:line 255
01:20:37.501 [6] DEBUG General - GalaxyGenerator.PlaceEmpireHomeworlds(): Civilization Intro placed as Empire
01:20:37.506 [6] DEBUG General - GalaxyGenerator.PlaceEmpireHomeworlds(): Civilization Federation placed as Empire
01:20:37.514 [6] WARN  General - Failed to find a suitable home sector for civilization Terran Empire.  Galaxy generation will start over.
01:20:37.989 [6] DEBUG General - GalaxyGenerator.PlaceEmpireHomeworlds(): Civilization Intro placed as Empire
01:20:37.994 [6] DEBUG General - KeyedCollectionBase`2.OnKeyCollision(): ####### KeyCollision: key=0; item=Supremacy.Game.CivilizationManager

CivDatabase is loaded multiple times

  • SupremacyClient\SinglePlayerStartScreen.xaml\SinglePlayerStartScreen.xaml.cs:49
  • SupremacyCore\Game\GameContext.cs:863
  • SupremacyCore\Game\GameInitData.cs:261
  • SupremacyUI\GalaxyGridPanel.cs:234

Ideally we want to load it only once. The load in GalaxyGridPanel.cs was added to me fix a big with races not being in the current GameContext

Assault System target shields

Want to see if shields prevent you from landing troops. If so then want target shields to be an option in system assault.

Look in InvasionArena (SupremacyCore.Combat) to add more detail getting at planet shield source
while([tech level is high enough]) { [Code to execute that lets you get specific in taking out shields...] }

Intel/Diplomacy Map Data

Add the ability to steal map data.
Making alliances etc can reveal map data.
Use map data as a bargaining chip in diplomatic agreements

Edit Borg Diplomacy and Structures

Want a build for the Borg that is less like the other Empires and more Borg. Thinking next to now diplomacy, trade and some difference in tech abilities.

Move MoraleTables in to Civilizations

Colours and labels can stay in the MoraleTables unless we find a better place for them, but everything else applies to a civilization, so move them to Civilizations.xml


if missing an entry especially on table MoraleEventResults (missing value for additional empire) in my mind two things should happen: - if no value is found than use default value (first column) - push a warning to Log.txt (GameLog-function) that the value is missing

"Scripted" Events

The "Scripted" events (really just random events) introduce a lot of code overhead. It would be very easy to implement it in XML and code instead, and a lot more extensible

Processing Production

Have noted some random failures to progress from Processing Production on Processing Turn. Need to get some game logs into system production to see if it can be isolated.

Possible infinite loop in DoProduction

I'm not entirely sure how this happened, it shouldn't be possible

while ((industry > 0) && ((!colony.BuildQueue.IsEmpty()) || colony.BuildSlots[0].HasProject))

Crash on Borg Assimilation combat

// Check for IsAssmilated and in combat with Borg for (int i = 0; i < _combatShips.Count; i++) { CombatAssets ownerBorg = GetAssets(_combatShips[i].First.Owner); if (ownerBorg.Owner.Name.ToString() != "Borg") continue; goto Next; {

Spy ships show twice in summary

When spy ship infiltrates a system it shows to lines. 1 is for failure to infiltrate and second is that it took so many research points out of a total number of points.

SUMMARY: Our spies have tried to infiltrate the Klingons at Qo'noS but they had no success.

SUMMARY: Our spies have infiltrated the Klingons at Qo'noS and gained 63 of 90 research points.

might be already resolved

Galactic Main View String

We can't found the string: Played by Player


eliminated "Played by", re-placed nice brackets. My suggestion for "Player": ( m ) ....m = myself, German: mich, French: moi or ma...,

Other suggestion: image by characters like ( o-o ) OR ( o^o ) OR ( /!-! ) -> in SP the name doesn't have big sense, maybe at SaveGame?, so i prefer o-o within no special characters

I think the name player must be the same name when you host a multiplayer game!! i suggest to add a text box in the new options screen to give a name to the player

Add some words in the EN text file:

Please add these words in the EN text file:

Military, Economic, Zoom in, Zoom out, Chat

We also need to add these words: CIVILIZATION, STATUS, TURNS, ATTITUDE, OUTGOING, INCOMING, REGARD, TRUST in the EN txt or another diplomacy text file

for DiploScreen DONE

we need the black hole, pulsar, neutron star....etc descriptions to be added in the text file

Please add also the following:
GALAXY SHAPE: Spiral, Ring, Elliptical, Cluster, Irregular
GALAXY SIZE: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge
PLANET DENSITY: Sparse, Medium, Dense
MINOR RACES: None, Few, Some, Many
TECH LEVEL: Early, Developed, Sophisticated, Advanced, Supreme

pulsar etc. DONE

Missing string about the spy, sabotage & raid ships!


Missing string about the cloaked ships!! In the En.txt, suggest to add





MISSING STRING: Played by Player


UPDATE: still missing (others should be done) - request on cloaked text - request on GALAXY SHAPE: Spiral, Ring, Elliptical, Cluster, Irregular and these others - request on MULTIPLAYER Missing Strings: COMPUTER, UNASSIGNED, START, CANCEL - played by removed :-)

Summary on text of Diplomacy

Post by Starfleet.Command I would like suggest to link the Sitrep Summary text of the Diplomacy Text XAML to the Inbox in the Embassy screen

Combat Window Refactoring

At the moment, with every update, a lot of the contents of the combat window are cleared and then recreated. Maybe take advantage of binding and observable lists somehow?

Auto colony management

Add the ability for the player to set a colony to auto manage, with an optional list of priorities

Endless Processing Ship Production

On first or second turn of a game stopped at an apparent endless loop of Processing Ship Production.
Hit pose and continue in VS and see it in files like GrapihcsDeviceManger..cs, ClientApp.xaml.cs and Dialog.cs. Get it while playing with many minor races and no minor races.

Ship explore order

When assigned, the ship explores anything that is unexplored.

Perhaps when it is done, have it automatically return to the home system and have a message saying something like "Our citizens welcome home USS x, after their x turn voyage seeking out new lifeforms and new civilizations"

Update check

Whilst a full on updater is out of the question right now, a simple check for a newer version should make it a lot easier for people to keep up to date

Save game button not lighting up

Save game button does not seam to highlight all the time. Does seam to save a game if you just select the name and press enter but the save button does not highlight.

ShipLIST (Overview)

In Intel Screen (Colonies Overview) it would be nice to have a list of current ships (a list of lost ships would be much harder due to storing in save game and reloading)

made a DRAFT in Dropbox\ShipName\ShipLIST_DRAFT

Federation Non Combat Ships missing

Non combat ships are missing when the game loads and are not in the ship building list. Also Kling are missing Hunting grounds. Items area to be present in HomeSystems.xml Will look further.

Combat Window throws lots of binding errors

System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=HorizontalContentAlignment; DataItem=null; target element is 'TreeViewItem' (Name=''); target property is 'HorizontalContentAlignment' (type 'HorizontalAlignment')
System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=VerticalContentAlignment; DataItem=null; target element is 'TreeViewItem' (Name=''); target property is 'VerticalContentAlignment' (type 'VerticalAlignment')

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