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poppy.vim's Issues

Auto-enable poppy

Heya, just a question, is there a way to auto-enable poppy without executing the mapping you provided in the README?

Make it easier to add a mapping to toggle poppy state

Thanks for your quick reply to my question on reddit :-)

I can add a mapping to switch poppy on with e.g.

nmap <leader>hp :au! CursorMoved * call PoppyInit()<cr>

but it would be even better if I could have the same mapping toogle it on and off. Thoughts?

Match inner-most pair

Thanks for a great plugin, clean and short. I would like to use this plugin to replace the built-in MatchParen, to make the inner-most braces always visible.
screen shot 2017-06-15 at 10 31 55 am

This works great except for the case where the cursor is on a brace:
screen shot 2017-06-15 at 10 32 11 am

I can fix this by adding a 'c' on line 10: (len(g:poppyhigh) > 1 ? 'r' : '').'cnbW', however it doesn't fix the case where the cursor is on the closing brace:
screen shot 2017-06-15 at 10 33 14 am

Do you have any suggestions?

I have the following config:

au cursormoved * call PoppyInit()
let g:poppyhigh = ['MatchParen']
let loaded_matchparen = 1

Poppy seems to be slowing vim down

There is a noticable lag (and cursor inertia) when keeping j and friends down which goes away when poppy is disabled.

Profile log (scroll down for the summary):

FUNCTION  <SNR>115_abs_path()
Called 4 times
Total time:   0.000644
 Self time:   0.000644

count  total (s)   self (s)
    4              0.000612   let p = resolve(expand('#'.a:bufnr.':p'))
    4              0.000026   return a:shellesc ? gitgutter#utility#shellescape(p) : p

FUNCTION  gitgutter#process_buffer()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.001997
 Self time:   0.000266

count  total (s)   self (s)
                              " NOTE a:bufnr is not necessarily the current buffer.
    2   0.001659   0.000083   if gitgutter#utility#is_active(a:bufnr)
    2   0.000239   0.000084     if a:force || s:has_fresh_changes(a:bufnr)
                                  let diff = ''
                                    let diff = gitgutter#diff#run_diff(a:bufnr, 'index', 0)
                                  catch /gitgutter not tracked/
                                    call gitgutter#debug#log('Not tracked: '.gitgutter#utility#file(a:bufnr))
                                  catch /gitgutter diff failed/
                                    call gitgutter#debug#log('Diff failed: '.gitgutter#utility#file(a:bufnr))
                                    call gitgutter#hunk#reset(a:bufnr)
                                  if diff != 'async'
                                    call gitgutter#diff#handler(a:bufnr, diff)
    2              0.000002   endif

FUNCTION  <SNR>128_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
Called 70 times
Total time:   0.011501
 Self time:   0.011501

count  total (s)   self (s)
                              " Remove any previous match.
   70              0.000357   if exists('w:paren_hl_on') && w:paren_hl_on
    1              0.000007     silent! call matchdelete(3)
    1              0.000002     let w:paren_hl_on = 0
    1              0.000001   endif
                              " Avoid that we remove the popup menu.
                              " Return when there are no colors (looks like the cursor jumps).
   70              0.000491   if pumvisible() || (&t_Co < 8 && !has("gui_running"))
                              " Get the character under the cursor and check if it's in 'matchpairs'.
   70              0.000195   let c_lnum = line('.')
   70              0.000178   let c_col = col('.')
   70              0.000091   let before = 0
   70              0.000236   let text = getline(c_lnum)
   70              0.001477   let matches = matchlist(text, '\(.\)\=\%'.c_col.'c\(.\=\)')
   70              0.000213   if empty(matches)
                                let [c_before, c] = ['', '']
   70              0.000326     let [c_before, c] = matches[1:2]
   70              0.000048   endif
   70              0.001870   let plist = split(&matchpairs, '.\zs[:,]')
   70              0.000273   let i = index(plist, c)
   70              0.000092   if i < 0
                                " not found, in Insert mode try character before the cursor
   69              0.000254     if c_col > 1 && (mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R')
                                  let before = strlen(c_before)
                                  let c = c_before
                                  let i = index(plist, c)
   69              0.000066     if i < 0
                                  " not found, nothing to do
   69              0.000066       return
                              " Figure out the arguments for searchpairpos().
    1              0.000002   if i % 2 == 0
    1              0.000001     let s_flags = 'nW'
    1              0.000003     let c2 = plist[i + 1]
    1              0.000001   else
                                let s_flags = 'nbW'
                                let c2 = c
                                let c = plist[i - 1]
    1              0.000002   if c == '['
                                let c = '\['
                                let c2 = '\]'
                              " Find the match.  When it was just before the cursor move it there for a
                              " moment.
    1              0.000001   if before > 0
                                let has_getcurpos = exists("*getcurpos")
                                if has_getcurpos
                                  " getcurpos() is more efficient but doesn't exist before 7.4.313.
                                  let save_cursor = getcurpos()
                                  let save_cursor = winsaveview()
                                call cursor(c_lnum, c_col - before)
    1              0.000007   if !has("syntax") || !exists("g:syntax_on")
                                let s_skip = "0"
                                " Build an expression that detects whether the current cursor position is
                                " in certain syntax types (string, comment, etc.), for use as
                                " searchpairpos()'s skip argument.
                                " We match "escape" for special items, such as lispEscapeSpecial.
    1              0.000004     let s_skip = '!empty(filter(map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), ''synIDattr(v:val, "name")''), ' . '''v:val =~? "string\\|character\\|singlequote\\|escape\\|comment"''))'
                                " If executing the expression determines that the cursor is currently in
                                " one of the syntax types, then we want searchpairpos() to find the pair
                                " within those syntax types (i.e., not skip).  Otherwise, the cursor is
                                " outside of the syntax types and s_skip should keep its value so we skip
                                " any matching pair inside the syntax types.
                                " Catch if this throws E363: pattern uses more memory than 'maxmempattern'.
    1              0.000001     try
    1              0.000513       execute 'if ' . s_skip . ' | let s_skip = "0" | endif'
    1              0.000002     catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E363/
                                  " We won't find anything, so skip searching, should keep Vim responsive.
    1              0.000001   endif
                              " Limit the search to lines visible in the window.
    1              0.000003   let stoplinebottom = line('w$')
    1              0.000003   let stoplinetop = line('w0')
    1              0.000001   if i % 2 == 0
    1              0.000002     let stopline = stoplinebottom
    1              0.000000   else
                                let stopline = stoplinetop
                              " Limit the search time to 300 msec to avoid a hang on very long lines.
                              " This fails when a timeout is not supported.
    1              0.000003   if mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R'
                                let timeout = exists("b:matchparen_insert_timeout") ? b:matchparen_insert_timeout : g:matchparen_insert_timeout
    1              0.000004     let timeout = exists("b:matchparen_timeout") ? b:matchparen_timeout : g:matchparen_timeout
    1              0.000001   endif
    1              0.000001   try
    1              0.002805     let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline, timeout)
    1              0.000002   catch /E118/
                                " Can't use the timeout, restrict the stopline a bit more to avoid taking
                                " a long time on closed folds and long lines.
                                " The "viewable" variables give a range in which we can scroll while
                                " keeping the cursor at the same position.
                                " adjustedScrolloff accounts for very large numbers of scrolloff.
                                let adjustedScrolloff = min([&scrolloff, (line('w$') - line('w0')) / 2])
                                let bottom_viewable = min([line('$'), c_lnum + &lines - adjustedScrolloff - 2])
                                let top_viewable = max([1, c_lnum-&lines+adjustedScrolloff + 2])
                                " one of these stoplines will be adjusted below, but the current values are
                                " minimal boundaries within the current window
                                if i % 2 == 0
                                  if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
                            	let stopbyte = min([line2byte("$"), line2byte(".") + col(".") + &smc * 2])
                            	let stopline = min([bottom_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
                            	let stopline = min([bottom_viewable, c_lnum + 100])
                                  let stoplinebottom = stopline
                                  if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
                            	let stopbyte = max([1, line2byte(".") + col(".") - &smc * 2])
                            	let stopline = max([top_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
                            	let stopline = max([top_viewable, c_lnum - 100])
                                  let stoplinetop = stopline
                                let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline)
    1              0.000001   if before > 0
                                if has_getcurpos
                                  call setpos('.', save_cursor)
                                  call winrestview(save_cursor)
                              " If a match is found setup match highlighting.
    1              0.000002   if m_lnum > 0 && m_lnum >= stoplinetop && m_lnum <= stoplinebottom 
    1              0.000003     if exists('*matchaddpos')
    1              0.000023       call matchaddpos('MatchParen', [[c_lnum, c_col - before], [m_lnum, m_col]], 10, 3)
    1              0.000001     else
                                  exe '3match MatchParen /\(\%' . c_lnum . 'l\%' . (c_col - before) . 'c\)\|\(\%' . m_lnum . 'l\%' . m_col . 'c\)/'
    1              0.000002     let w:paren_hl_on = 1
    1              0.000001   endif

FUNCTION  <SNR>210_GetCounts()
Called 114 times
Total time:   0.002351
 Self time:   0.002351

count  total (s)   self (s)
  114              0.000640     if !exists('g:ale_buffer_info') || !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer)
                                    return s:CreateCountDict()
                                " Cache is cold, so manually ask for an update.
  114              0.000378     if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer], 'count')
                                    call ale#statusline#Update(a:buffer, g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist)
  114              0.000260     return g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].count

FUNCTION  airline#check_mode()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.008233
 Self time:   0.008233

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000256   if !has_key(s:contexts, a:winnr)
                                return ''
   57              0.000214   let context = s:contexts[a:winnr]
   57              0.000217   if get(w:, 'airline_active', 1)
   57              0.000213     let l:m = mode(1)
   57              0.000128     if l:m ==# "i"
                                  let l:mode = ['insert']
                                elseif l:m[0] ==# "i"
                                  let l:mode = ['insert']
                                elseif l:m ==# "Rv"
                                  let l:mode =['replace']
                                elseif l:m[0] ==# "R"
                                  let l:mode = ['replace']
                                elseif l:m[0] =~# '\v(v|V|�|s|S|�)'
                                  let l:mode = ['visual']
                                elseif l:m ==# "t"
                                  let l:mode = ['terminal']
                                elseif l:m[0] ==# "c"
                                  let l:mode = ['commandline']
                                elseif l:m ==# "no"   " does not work, most likely, Vim does not refresh the statusline in OP mode
                                  let l:mode = ['normal']
                                elseif l:m[0:1] ==# 'ni'
                                  let l:mode = ['normal']
                                  let l:m = 'ni'
   57              0.000135       let l:mode = ['normal']
   57              0.000046     endif
   57              0.000422     if index(['Rv', 'no', 'ni', 'ix', 'ic'], l:m) == -1
   57              0.000152       let l:m = l:m[0]
   57              0.000067     endif
   57              0.000312     let w:airline_current_mode = get(g:airline_mode_map, l:m, l:m)
   57              0.000063   else
                                let l:mode = ['inactive']
                                let w:airline_current_mode = get(g:airline_mode_map, '__')
   57              0.000254   if g:airline_detect_modified && &modified
                                call add(l:mode, 'modified')
   57              0.000105   if g:airline_detect_paste && &paste
                                call add(l:mode, 'paste')
   57              0.000303   if g:airline_detect_crypt && exists("+key") && !empty(&key)
                                call add(l:mode, 'crypt')
   57              0.000140   if g:airline_detect_spell && &spell
                                call add(l:mode, 'spell')
   57              0.000095   if &readonly || ! &modifiable
                                call add(l:mode, 'readonly')
   57              0.000240   let mode_string = join(l:mode)
   57              0.000291   if get(w:, 'airline_lastmode', '') != mode_string
                                call airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive(context.bufnr)
                                call airline#highlighter#highlight(l:mode, context.bufnr)
                                call airline#util#doautocmd('AirlineModeChanged')
                                let w:airline_lastmode = mode_string
   57              0.000092   return ''

FUNCTION  <SNR>161_update_hg_branch()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.005047
 Self time:   0.004776

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.001863   0.001592   if airline#util#has_lawrencium()
                                let cmd='LC_ALL=C hg qtop'
                                let stl=lawrencium#statusline()
                                let file=expand('%:p')
                                if !empty(stl) && get(b:, 'airline_do_mq_check', 1)
                                  if g:airline#init#vim_async
                                    noa call airline#async#get_mq_async(cmd, file)
                                  elseif has("nvim")
                                    noa call airline#async#nvim_get_mq_async(cmd, file)
                                    " remove \n at the end of the command
                                    let output=system(cmd)[0:-2]
                                    noa call airline#async#mq_output(output, file)
                                " do not do mq check anymore
                                let b:airline_do_mq_check = 0
                                if exists("b:mq") && !empty(b:mq)
                                  if stl is# 'default'
                                    " Shorten default a bit
                                    let stl='def'
                                  let stl.=' ['.b:mq.']'
                                let s:vcs_config['mercurial'].branch = stl
   57              0.000167     let s:vcs_config['mercurial'].branch = ''
   57              0.000041   endif

FUNCTION  airline#util#append()
Called 399 times
Total time:   0.004543
 Self time:   0.004543

count  total (s)   self (s)
  399              0.001078   if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
                                return ''
  399              0.001313   let prefix = s:spc == "\ua0" ? s:spc : s:spc.s:spc
  399              0.001178   return empty(a:text) ? '' : prefix.g:airline_left_alt_sep.s:spc.a:text

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#branch#update_untracked_config()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000914
 Self time:   0.000914

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000261   if !has_key(s:vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked, a:file)
                              elseif s:vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked[a:file] != b:buffer_vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked
                                let b:buffer_vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked = s:vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked[a:file]
                                unlet! b:airline_head

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#fugitiveline#bufname()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.005551
 Self time:   0.005551

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000230   if !exists('b:fugitive_name')
                                let b:fugitive_name = ''
                                  if bufname('%') =~? '^fugitive:' && exists('*FugitiveReal')
                                    let b:fugitive_name = FugitiveReal(bufname('%'))
                                  elseif exists('b:git_dir')
                                    let buffer = fugitive#buffer()
                                    if buffer.type('blob')
                                      let b:fugitive_name = buffer.repo().translate(buffer.path('/'))
   57              0.000131   if empty(b:fugitive_name)
   57              0.003865     return fnamemodify(bufname('%'), s:fmod)
                                return fnamemodify(b:fugitive_name, s:fmod)

FUNCTION  <SNR>163_ale_refresh()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000022
 Self time:   0.000022

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2              0.000013   if get(g:, 'airline_skip_empty_sections', 0)
                                exe ':AirlineRefresh'

FUNCTION  <SNR>115_not_git_dir()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000731
 Self time:   0.000158

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2   0.000729   0.000156   return s:dir(a:bufnr) !~ '[/\\]\.git\($\|[/\\]\)'

FUNCTION  airline#util#has_fugitive()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000365
 Self time:   0.000365

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000314   return exists('*fugitive#head') || exists('*FugitiveHead')

FUNCTION  airline#parts#filetype()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000369
 Self time:   0.000369

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000339   return winwidth(0) < 90 && strlen(&filetype) > 3 ? matchstr(&filetype, '...'). (&encoding is? 'utf-8' ? '…' : '>') : &filetype

FUNCTION  airline#parts#iminsert()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000442
 Self time:   0.000442

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000179   if g:airline_detect_iminsert && &iminsert && exists('b:keymap_name')
                                return toupper(b:keymap_name)
   57              0.000041   return ''

FUNCTION  <SNR>200_AllowedToCompleteInBuffer()
Called 70 times
Total time:   0.005917
 Self time:   0.005426

count  total (s)   self (s)
   70              0.000512   let buffer_filetype = getbufvar( a:buffer, '&filetype' )
   70              0.000558   if empty( buffer_filetype ) || getbufvar( a:buffer, '&buftype' ) ==# 'nofile' || buffer_filetype ==# 'qf'
                                return 0
   70   0.002390   0.001899   if s:DisableOnLargeFile( a:buffer )
                                return 0
   70              0.000677   let whitelist_allows = type( g:ycm_filetype_whitelist ) != type( {} ) || has_key( g:ycm_filetype_whitelist, '*' ) || has_key( g:ycm_filetype_whitelist, buffer_filetype )
   70              0.000461   let blacklist_allows = type( g:ycm_filetype_blacklist ) != type( {} ) || !has_key( g:ycm_filetype_blacklist, buffer_filetype )
   70              0.000176   let allowed = whitelist_allows && blacklist_allows
   70              0.000072   if allowed
   70              0.000307     let s:previous_allowed_buffer_number = bufnr( a:buffer )
   70              0.000045   endif
   70              0.000074   return allowed

FUNCTION  gitgutter#utility#is_active()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.001576
 Self time:   0.000233

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2   0.001573   0.000230   return g:gitgutter_enabled && !pumvisible() && s:is_file_buffer(a:bufnr) && s:exists_file(a:bufnr) && s:not_git_dir(a:bufnr)

FUNCTION  <SNR>196_has_fresh_changes()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000155
 Self time:   0.000105

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2   0.000152   0.000102   return getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'changedtick') != gitgutter#utility#getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'tick')

FUNCTION  <SNR>200_DisableOnLargeFile()
Called 70 times
Total time:   0.000491
 Self time:   0.000491

count  total (s)   self (s)
   70              0.000295   if exists( 'b:ycm_largefile' )
   70              0.000107     return b:ycm_largefile
                              let threshold = g:ycm_disable_for_files_larger_than_kb * 1024
                              let b:ycm_largefile = threshold > 0 && getfsize( expand( a:buffer ) ) > threshold
                              if b:ycm_largefile
                                exec s:python_command "vimsupport.PostVimMessage(" . "'YouCompleteMe is disabled in this buffer; " . "the file exceeded the max size (see YCM options).' )"
                              return b:ycm_largefile

FUNCTION  <SNR>160_get_hunks()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.010008
 Self time:   0.002756

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000360   if !exists('b:source_func') || get(b:, 'source_func', '') is# 's:get_hunks_empty'
                                if get(g:, 'loaded_signify') && sy#buffer_is_active()
                                  let b:source_func = 's:get_hunks_signify'
                                elseif exists('*GitGutterGetHunkSummary')
                                  let b:source_func = 's:get_hunks_gitgutter'
                                elseif exists('*changes#GetStats')
                                  let b:source_func = 's:get_hunks_changes'
                                elseif exists('*quickfixsigns#vcsdiff#GetHunkSummary')
                                  let b:source_func = 'quickfixsigns#vcsdiff#GetHunkSummary'
                                  let b:source_func = 's:get_hunks_empty'
   57   0.008675   0.001423   return {b:source_func}()

FUNCTION  gitgutter#utility#shellescape()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000188
 Self time:   0.000188

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2              0.000179   if a:arg =~ '^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$'
    2              0.000007     return a:arg
                              elseif s:winshell()
                                return '"' . substitute(substitute(a:arg, '"', '""', 'g'), '%', '"%"', 'g') . '"'
                                return shellescape(a:arg)

FUNCTION  ale#ShouldDoNothing()
Called 31 times
Total time:   0.005748
 Self time:   0.004528

count  total (s)   self (s)
                                " The checks are split into separate if statements to make it possible to
                                " profile each check individually with Vim's profiling tools.
                                " Do nothing if ALE is disabled.
   31              0.000229     if !getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_enabled', get(g:, 'ale_enabled', 0))
                                    return 1
                                " Don't perform any checks when newer NeoVim versions are exiting.
   31              0.000178     if get(v:, 'exiting', v:null) isnot v:null
                                    return 1
   31              0.000153     let l:filetype = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
                                " Do nothing when there's no filetype.
   31              0.000061     if l:filetype is# ''
                                    return 1
                                " Do nothing for blacklisted files.
   31              0.000199     if index(get(g:, 'ale_filetype_blacklist', []), l:filetype) >= 0
                                    return 1
                                " Do nothing if running from command mode.
   31              0.000166     if s:getcmdwintype_exists && !empty(getcmdwintype())
                                    return 1
   31              0.000162     let l:filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':t')
                                " Do nothing for directories.
   31              0.000084     if l:filename is# '.'
                                    return 1
                                " Don't start linting and so on when an operator is pending.
   31   0.000960   0.000722     if ale#util#Mode(1) is# 'no'
                                    return 1
                                " Do nothing if running in the sandbox.
   31   0.001092   0.000500     if ale#util#InSandbox()
                                    return 1
                                " Do nothing if the file is too large.
   31   0.001024   0.000634     if ale#FileTooLarge(a:buffer)
                                    return 1
                                " Do nothing from CtrlP buffers with CtrlP-funky.
   31              0.000314     if exists(':CtrlPFunky') is 2&& getbufvar(a:buffer, '&l:statusline') =~# 'CtrlPMode.*funky'
                                    return 1
   31              0.000028     return 0

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#ale#get_error()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.013919
 Self time:   0.001740

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.013900   0.001721   return airline#extensions#ale#get('error')

FUNCTION  ale#Var()
Called 70 times
Total time:   0.001349
 Self time:   0.001349

count  total (s)   self (s)
   70              0.000259     let l:full_name = 'ale_' . a:variable_name
   70              0.000620     let l:vars = getbufvar(str2nr(a:buffer), '', {})
   70              0.000343     return get(l:vars, l:full_name, g:[l:full_name])

FUNCTION  <SNR>160_get_hunks_gitgutter()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.007252
 Self time:   0.003084

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.002277   0.001756   if !get(g:, 'gitgutter_enabled', 0) || s:is_branch_empty()
                                return ''
   57   0.004812   0.001165   return GitGutterGetHunkSummary()

FUNCTION  ale#util#Mode()
Called 31 times
Total time:   0.000238
 Self time:   0.000238

count  total (s)   self (s)
   31              0.000186     return call('mode', a:000)

FUNCTION  <SNR>107_matchadd()
Called 166 times
Total time:   0.005053
 Self time:   0.005053

count  total (s)   self (s)
  166              0.004878     return matchaddpos(a:hi,a:pos)

FUNCTION  ale#util#FindItemAtCursor()
Called 31 times
Total time:   0.001780
 Self time:   0.001392

count  total (s)   self (s)
   31              0.000195     let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {})
   31              0.000112     let l:loclist = get(l:info, 'loclist', [])
   31              0.000098     let l:pos = getcurpos()
   31   0.001146   0.000758     let l:index = ale#util#BinarySearch(l:loclist, a:buffer, l:pos[1], l:pos[2])
   31              0.000094     let l:loc = l:index >= 0 ? l:loclist[l:index] : {}
   31              0.000062     return [l:info, l:loc]

FUNCTION  <SNR>164_ws_refresh()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000024
 Self time:   0.000024

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2              0.000016   if get(b:, 'airline_ws_changedtick', 0) == b:changedtick
    2              0.000003     return
                              unlet! b:airline_whitespace_check
                              if get(g:, 'airline_skip_empty_sections', 0)
                                exe ':AirlineRefresh'
                              let b:airline_ws_changedtick = b:changedtick

FUNCTION  ale#FileTooLarge()
Called 31 times
Total time:   0.000390
 Self time:   0.000390

count  total (s)   self (s)
   31              0.000212     let l:max = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_maximum_file_size', get(g:, 'ale_maximum_file_size', 0))
   31              0.000124     return l:max > 0 ? (line2byte(line('$') + 1) > l:max) : 0

FUNCTION  ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer()
Called 114 times
Total time:   0.001651
 Self time:   0.001651

count  total (s)   self (s)
  114              0.000620     let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {})
  114              0.000857     return !empty(get(l:info, 'active_linter_list', []))   || !empty(get(l:info, 'active_other_sources_list', []))

FUNCTION  FugitiveGitDir()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000358
 Self time:   0.000358

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000108   if !a:0 || a:1 ==# -1
   57              0.000179     return get(b:, 'git_dir', '')
                              elseif type(a:1) == type(0)
                                return getbufvar(a:1, 'git_dir')
                              elseif type(a:1) == type('')
                                return substitute(s:Slash(a:1), '/$', '', '')
                                return ''

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#ale#get()
Called 114 times
Total time:   0.024978
 Self time:   0.017408

count  total (s)   self (s)
  114              0.000507   if !exists(':ALELint')
                                return ''
  114              0.000444   let error_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#error_symbol', 'E:')
  114              0.000419   let warning_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#warning_symbol', 'W:')
  114              0.000400   let checking_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#checking_symbol', '...')
  114              0.000380   let show_line_numbers = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#show_line_numbers', 1)
  114              0.000247   let is_err = a:type ==# 'error'
  114   0.004290   0.002639   if ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(bufnr('')) == 1
                                return is_err ? '' : checking_symbol
  114              0.000269   let symbol = is_err ? error_symbol : warning_symbol
  114   0.007696   0.002479   let counts = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
  114              0.000591   if type(counts) == type({}) && has_key(counts, 'error')
                                " Use the current Dictionary format.
  114              0.000294     let errors = counts.error + counts.style_error
  114              0.000271     let num = is_err ? errors : - errors
  114              0.000099   else
                                " Use the old List format.
                                let num = is_err ? counts[0] : counts[1]
  114              0.000150   if show_line_numbers == 1
  114   0.007394   0.006692     return s:airline_ale_count(num, symbol) . <sid>airline_ale_get_line_number(num, a:type)
                                return s:airline_ale_count(num, symbol)

FUNCTION  airline#util#wrap()
Called 570 times
Total time:   0.003620
 Self time:   0.003620

count  total (s)   self (s)
  570              0.001674   if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
                                return ''
  570              0.000623   return a:text

FUNCTION  ale#statusline#Count()
Called 114 times
Total time:   0.005217
 Self time:   0.002866

count  total (s)   self (s)
                                " The Dictionary is copied here before exposing it to other plugins.
  114   0.005067   0.002716     return copy(s:GetCounts(a:buffer))

FUNCTION  ObsessionStatus()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.002388
 Self time:   0.002388

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000247   let args = copy(a:000)
   57              0.000324   let numeric = !empty(v:this_session) + exists('g:this_obsession')
   57              0.000264   if type(get(args, 0, '')) == type(0)
                                if !remove(args, 0)
                                  return ''
   57              0.000086   if empty(args)
                                let args = ['[$]', '[S]']
   57              0.000121   if len(args) == 1 && numeric == 1
                                let fmt = args[0]
   57              0.000176     let fmt = get(args, 2-numeric, '')
   57              0.000043   endif
   57              0.000516   return substitute(fmt, '%s', get(['', 'Session', 'Obsession'], numeric), 'g')

FUNCTION  ale#util#BinarySearch()
Called 31 times
Total time:   0.000388
 Self time:   0.000388

count  total (s)   self (s)
   31              0.000053     let l:min = 0
   31              0.000120     let l:max = len(a:loclist) - 1
   31              0.000055     while 1
   31              0.000055         if l:max < l:min
   31              0.000034             return -1
                                    let l:mid = (l:min + l:max) / 2
                                    let l:item = a:loclist[l:mid]
                                    " Binary search for equal buffers, equal lines, then near columns.
                                    if l:item.bufnr < a:buffer
                                        let l:min = l:mid + 1
                                    elseif l:item.bufnr > a:buffer
                                        let l:max = l:mid - 1
                                    elseif l:item.lnum < a:line
                                        let l:min = l:mid + 1
                                    elseif l:item.lnum > a:line
                                        let l:max = l:mid - 1
                                        " This part is a small sequential search.
                                        let l:index = l:mid
                                        " Search backwards to find the first problem on the line.
                                        while l:index > 0&& a:loclist[l:index - 1].bufnr == a:buffer&& a:loclist[l:index - 1].lnum == a:line
                                            let l:index -= 1
                                        " Find the last problem on or before this column.
                                        while l:index < l:max&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].bufnr == a:buffer&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].lnum == a:line&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].col <= a:column
                                            let l:index += 1
                                        " Scan forwards to find the last item on the column for the item
                                        " we found, which will have the most serious problem.
                                        let l:item_column = a:loclist[l:index].col
                                        while l:index < l:max&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].bufnr == a:buffer&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].lnum == a:line&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].col == l:item_column
                                            let l:index += 1
                                        return l:index

FUNCTION  FugitiveHead()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.011319
 Self time:   0.002325

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.001556   0.001198   let dir = FugitiveGitDir(a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : -1)
   57              0.000125   if empty(dir)
                                return ''
   57   0.009478   0.000842   return fugitive#Head(a:0 ? a:1 : 0, dir)

FUNCTION  airline#parts#ffenc()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.001524
 Self time:   0.001524

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000281   let expected = get(g:, 'airline#parts#ffenc#skip_expected_string', '')
   57              0.000123   let bomb     = &l:bomb ? '[BOM]' : ''
   57              0.000469   let ff       = strlen(&ff) ? '['.&ff.']' : ''
   57              0.000267   if expected is# &fenc.bomb.ff
                                return ''
   57              0.000196     return &fenc.bomb.ff

FUNCTION  <SNR>115_dir()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000573
 Self time:   0.000155

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2   0.000571   0.000153   return gitgutter#utility#shellescape(fnamemodify(s:abs_path(a:bufnr, 0), ':h'))

FUNCTION  airline#util#ignore_buf()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.002996
 Self time:   0.002996

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000512   let pat = '\c\v'. get(g:, 'airline#ignore_bufadd_pat', ''). get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat',  'gundo|undotree|vimfiler|tagbar|nerd_tree|startify|!')
   57              0.002419   return match(a:name, pat) > -1

FUNCTION  <SNR>163_airline_ale_count()
Called 114 times
Total time:   0.000334
 Self time:   0.000334

count  total (s)   self (s)
  114              0.000281   return a:cnt ? a:symbol. a:cnt : ''

FUNCTION  airline#parts#paste()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000203
 Self time:   0.000203

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000163   return g:airline_detect_paste && &paste ? g:airline_symbols.paste : ''

FUNCTION  PoppyInit()
Called 70 times
Total time:   2.174514
 Self time:   0.006555

count  total (s)   self (s)
   70   2.174318   0.006359   let s:pos = getpos('.')[1:2] | let w:poppies = get(w:,'poppies',[]) | silent! call filter(w:poppies,'matchdelete(v:val)>0') | call s:highpat()

FUNCTION  <SNR>107_endpart()
Called 1252 times
Total time:   1.228596
 Self time:   0.633205

count  total (s)   self (s)
 1252              0.013018   let i = stridx('[({',getline('.')[col('.')-1])
 1252   1.172588   0.582250   let p = searchpairpos('\V'.'[({'[i],'','\V'.'])}'[i],'nW',"s:SynAt(line('.'),col('.')) =~? 'regex\\|comment\\|string'" ,a:b,300)
 1252              0.017387   if p[0] && (line2byte(p[0])+p[1] > line2byte(s:pos[0]) + s:pos[1] || get(g:,'poppy_point_enable') && p == s:pos)
  166   0.011917   0.006864     let w:poppies += [s:matchadd(remove(add(s:poppyhigh,s:poppyhigh[0]),0), [getpos('.')[1:2],p])]
  166              0.000212   else
 1086              0.001216     return 1

FUNCTION  airline#parts#readonly()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.005129
 Self time:   0.002133

count  total (s)   self (s)
                              " only consider regular buffers (e.g. ones that represent actual files,
                              " but not special ones like e.g. NERDTree)
   57   0.004496   0.001500   if !empty(&buftype) || airline#util#ignore_buf(bufname('%'))
                                return ''
   57              0.000157   if &readonly && !filereadable(bufname('%'))
                                return '[noperm]'
   57              0.000109     return &readonly ? g:airline_symbols.readonly : ''

FUNCTION  fugitive#Head()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.008636
 Self time:   0.008636

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000187   let dir = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : get(b:, 'git_dir', '')
   57              0.003506   if empty(dir) || !filereadable(dir . '/HEAD')
                                return ''
   57              0.002444   let head = readfile(dir . '/HEAD')[0]
   57              0.000486   if head =~# '^ref: '
   57              0.001742     return substitute(head, '\C^ref: \%(refs/\%(heads/\|remotes/\|tags/\)\=\)\=', '', '')
                              elseif head =~# '^\x\{40\}$'
                                let len = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
                                return len < 0 ? head : len ? head[0:len-1] : ''
                                return ''

FUNCTION  <SNR>163_airline_ale_get_line_number()
Called 114 times
Total time:   0.000368
 Self time:   0.000368

count  total (s)   self (s)
  114              0.000177   if a:cnt == 0
  114              0.000103     return ''
                              let buffer       = bufnr('')
                              let problem_type = (a:type ==# 'error') ? 'E' : 'W'
                              let problems     = copy(ale#engine#GetLoclist(buffer))
                              call filter(problems, 'v:val.bufnr is buffer && v:val.type is# problem_type')
                              if empty(problems)
                                return ''
                              let open_lnum_symbol  = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#open_lnum_symbol', '(L')
                              let close_lnum_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#close_lnum_symbol', ')')
                              return open_lnum_symbol . problems[0].lnum . close_lnum_symbol

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#obsession#get_status()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.003443
 Self time:   0.001055

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.003406   0.001018   return ObsessionStatus((g:airline#extensions#obsession#indicator_text . s:spc), '')

FUNCTION  airline#parts#mode()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.002547
 Self time:   0.001433

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.002506   0.001392   return airline#util#shorten(get(w:, 'airline_current_mode', ''), 79, 1)

FUNCTION  <SNR>107_SynAt()
Called 6766 times
Total time:   1.337025
 Self time:   1.337025

count  total (s)   self (s)
 6766              0.031534   let pos = a:l.','.a:c
 6766              0.021676   if !has_key(s:synid_cache,pos)
 4088              1.241168     let s:synid_cache[pos] = synIDattr(synID(a:l,a:c,0),'name')
 4088              0.007544   endif
 6766              0.014228   return s:synid_cache[pos]

FUNCTION  airline#parts#spell()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.001641
 Self time:   0.001641

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000748   let spelllang = g:airline_detect_spelllang ? printf(" [%s]", toupper(substitute(&spelllang, ',', '/', 'g'))) : ''
   57              0.000098   if g:airline_detect_spell && &spell
                                if winwidth(0) >= 90
                                  return g:airline_symbols.spell . spelllang
                                elseif winwidth(0) >= 70
                                  return g:airline_symbols.spell
                                  return split(g:airline_symbols.spell, '\zs')[0]
   57              0.000048   return ''

FUNCTION  gitgutter#hunk#summary()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.002324
 Self time:   0.001525

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.002263   0.001464   return gitgutter#utility#getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'summary', [0,0,0])

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.008557
 Self time:   0.007632

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000253   let max_lines = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#max_lines', 20000)
   57              0.000359   if &readonly || !&modifiable || !s:enabled || line('$') > max_lines || get(b:, 'airline_whitespace_disabled', 0)
                                return ''
   57              0.000343   let skip_check_ft = extend(s:skip_check_ft, get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#skip_indent_check_ft', {}), 'force')
   57              0.000219   if !exists('b:airline_whitespace_check')
                                let b:airline_whitespace_check = ''
                                let checks = get(b:, 'airline_whitespace_checks', get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#checks', s:default_checks))
                                let trailing = 0
                                let check = 'trailing'
                                if index(checks, check) > -1 && index(get(skip_check_ft, &ft, []), check) < 0
                                    let regexp = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_regexp', '\s$')
                                    let trailing = search(regexp, 'nw')
                                    call airline#util#warning(printf('Whitespace: error occurred evaluating "%s"', regexp))
                                    echomsg v:exception
                                    return ''
                                let mixed = 0
                                let check = 'indent'
                                if index(checks, check) > -1 && index(get(skip_check_ft, &ft, []), check) < 0
                                  let mixed = s:check_mixed_indent()
                                let mixed_file = ''
                                let check = 'mixed-indent-file'
                                if index(checks, check) > -1 && index(get(skip_check_ft, &ft, []), check) < 0
                                  let mixed_file = s:check_mixed_indent_file()
                                let long = 0
                                if index(checks, 'long') > -1 && &tw > 0
                                  let long = search('\%>'.&tw.'v.\+', 'nw')
                                if trailing != 0 || mixed != 0 || long != 0 || !empty(mixed_file)
                                  let b:airline_whitespace_check = s:symbol
                                  if strlen(s:symbol) > 0
                                    let space = (
                                    let space = ''
                                  if s:show_message
                                    if trailing != 0
                                      let trailing_fmt = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_format', '[%s]trailing')
                                      let b:airline_whitespace_check .= space.printf(trailing_fmt, trailing)
                                    if mixed != 0
                                      let mixed_indent_fmt = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_format', '[%s]mixed-indent')
                                      let b:airline_whitespace_check .= space.printf(mixed_indent_fmt, mixed)
                                    if long != 0
                                      let long_fmt = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#long_format', '[%s]long')
                                      let b:airline_whitespace_check .= space.printf(long_fmt, long)
                                    if !empty(mixed_file)
                                      let mixed_indent_file_fmt = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_file_format', '[%s]mix-indent-file')
                                      let b:airline_whitespace_check .= space.printf(mixed_indent_file_fmt, mixed_file)
   57   0.002158   0.001233   return airline#util#shorten(b:airline_whitespace_check, 120, 9)

FUNCTION  <SNR>107_highpat()
Called 70 times
Total time:   2.167959
 Self time:   0.192676

count  total (s)   self (s)
   70              0.003197   let s:synid_cache = {}
   70              0.000483   let stoplinebottom = line('w$')
   70              0.000227   let stoplinetop = line('w0')
   70              0.000792   let s:poppyhigh = deepcopy(g:poppyhigh)
   70              0.000598   let inc = get(g:,'poppy_point_enable') && getline('.')[col('.')-1] =~ '[[({]' ? 'c' : ''
   70   2.162352   0.187069   call searchpair('\m[[({]','','noop',inc.(len(g:poppyhigh) > 1 ? 'r' : '').'nbW',"getline('.')[col('.')-1] == 'n' ||" ."s:SynAt(line('.'),col('.')) =~? 'regex\\|comment\\|string' ||" ."s:endpart(".stoplinebottom.")",stoplinetop,30)

FUNCTION  ale#util#InSandbox()
Called 31 times
Total time:   0.000592
 Self time:   0.000548

count  total (s)   self (s)
   31              0.000044     try
   31   0.000295   0.000251         let &l:equalprg=&l:equalprg
   31              0.000061     catch /E48/
                                    " E48 is the sandbox error.
                                    return 1
   31              0.000029     return 0

FUNCTION  airline#parts#crypt()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000385
 Self time:   0.000385

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000347   return g:airline_detect_crypt && exists("+key") && !empty(&key) ? g:airline_symbols.crypt : ''

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#keymap#status()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000814
 Self time:   0.000814

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000396   if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#keymap#enabled', 1) && has('keymap'))
   57              0.000341     return printf('%s', (!empty(&keymap) ? (g:airline_symbols.keymap . ' '. &keymap) : ''))
                                return ''

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#branch#head()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.040295
 Self time:   0.003541

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000204   if !exists('b:buffer_vcs_config')
                                call s:init_buffer()
   57   0.026758   0.001251   call s:update_branch()
   57   0.012594   0.001347   call s:update_untracked()
   57              0.000272   if exists('b:airline_head') && !empty(b:airline_head)
   57              0.000081     return b:airline_head
                              let b:airline_head = ''
                              let vcs_priority = get(g:, "airline#extensions#branch#vcs_priority", ["git", "mercurial"])
                              let heads = []
                              for vcs in vcs_priority
                                if !empty(b:buffer_vcs_config[vcs].branch)
                                  let heads += [vcs]
                              for vcs in heads
                                if !empty(b:airline_head)
                                  let b:airline_head .= ' | '
                                if len(heads) > 1
                                  let b:airline_head .= s:vcs_config[vcs].exe .':'
                                let b:airline_head .= s:format_name({s:vcs_config[vcs].display_branch}())
                                let b:airline_head .= b:buffer_vcs_config[vcs].untracked
                              if empty(heads)
                                if airline#util#has_vcscommand()
                                  noa call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
                                  if exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo')
                                    let b:airline_head = s:format_name(get(b:VCSCommandBufferInfo, 0, ''))
                              if empty(heads)
                                if airline#util#has_custom_scm()
                                    let Fn = function(g:airline#extensions#branch#custom_head)
                                    let b:airline_head = Fn()
                              if exists("g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit")
                                let w:displayed_head_limit = g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit
                                if len(b:airline_head) > w:displayed_head_limit - 1
                                  let b:airline_head = b:airline_head[0:(w:displayed_head_limit - 1)].(&encoding ==? 'utf-8' ?  '…' : '.')
                              let minwidth = empty(get(b:, 'airline_hunks', '')) ? 14 : 7
                              let b:airline_head = airline#util#shorten(b:airline_head, 120, minwidth)
                              return b:airline_head

FUNCTION  <SNR>200_OnCursorMovedNormalMode()
Called 70 times
Total time:   0.171073
 Self time:   0.162785

count  total (s)   self (s)
   70   0.010886   0.002598   if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer()
   70              0.159943   exec s:python_command "ycm_state.OnCursorMoved()"

FUNCTION  <SNR>115_exists_file()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000572
 Self time:   0.000158

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2   0.000571   0.000157   return filereadable(s:abs_path(a:bufnr, 0))

FUNCTION  GitGutterGetHunkSummary()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.003647
 Self time:   0.001323

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.003602   0.001278   return gitgutter#hunk#summary(winbufnr(0))

FUNCTION  <SNR>161_update_git_branch()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.014768
 Self time:   0.003084

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.001590   0.001225   if !airline#util#has_fugitive()
                                let s:vcs_config['git'].branch = ''
   57   0.012435   0.001116   let s:vcs_config['git'].branch = exists("*FugitiveHead") ? FugitiveHead(s:sha1size) : fugitive#head(s:sha1size)
   57              0.000253   if s:vcs_config['git'].branch is# 'master' && winwidth(0) < 81
                                " Shorten default a bit
                                let s:vcs_config['git'].branch='mas'

FUNCTION  <SNR>200_AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer()
Called 70 times
Total time:   0.008288
 Self time:   0.002371

count  total (s)   self (s)
   70   0.008234   0.002317   return s:AllowedToCompleteInBuffer( '%' )

FUNCTION  airline#statusline()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.001380
 Self time:   0.001380

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000720   if has_key(s:contexts, a:winnr)
   57              0.000499     return '%{airline#check_mode('.a:winnr.')}'.s:contexts[a:winnr].line
                              " in rare circumstances this happens...see #276
                              return ''

FUNCTION  <SNR>161_update_branch()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.025507
 Self time:   0.005692

count  total (s)   self (s)
  171              0.000472   for vcs in keys(s:vcs_config)
  114   0.023171   0.003356     call {s:vcs_config[vcs].update_branch}()
  114              0.000570     if b:buffer_vcs_config[vcs].branch != s:vcs_config[vcs].branch
                                  let b:buffer_vcs_config[vcs].branch = s:vcs_config[vcs].branch
                                  unlet! b:airline_head
  114              0.000099   endfor

FUNCTION  ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning()
Called 31 times
Total time:   0.011087
 Self time:   0.003559

count  total (s)   self (s)
   31              0.000259     let l:buffer = bufnr('')
   31              0.000086     if !g:ale_echo_cursor && !g:ale_cursor_detail
                                " Only echo the warnings in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems.
   31              0.000115     if mode(1) isnot# 'n'
   31   0.006526   0.000778     if ale#ShouldDoNothing(l:buffer)
   31   0.002588   0.000808     let [l:info, l:loc] = ale#util#FindItemAtCursor(l:buffer)
   31              0.000054     if g:ale_echo_cursor
   31              0.000067         if !empty(l:loc)
                                        let l:format = ale#Var(l:buffer, 'echo_msg_format')
                                        let l:msg = ale#GetLocItemMessage(l:loc, l:format)
                                        call ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho(l:msg)
                                        let l:info.echoed = 1
                                    elseif get(l:info, 'echoed')
                                        " We'll only clear the echoed message when moving off errors once,
                                        " so we don't continually clear the echo line.
                                        execute 'echo'
                                        let l:info.echoed = 0
   31              0.000026     endif
   31              0.000045     if g:ale_cursor_detail
                                    if !empty(l:loc)
                                        call s:ShowCursorDetailForItem(l:loc, {'stay_here': 1})
                                        call ale#preview#CloseIfTypeMatches('ale-preview')

FUNCTION  airline#util#has_lawrencium()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000271
 Self time:   0.000271

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000239   return exists('*lawrencium#statusline')

FUNCTION  airline#util#shorten()
Called 114 times
Total time:   0.002039
 Self time:   0.002039

count  total (s)   self (s)
  114              0.000643   if winwidth(0) < a:winwidth && len(split(a:text, '\zs')) > a:minwidth
                                if get(a:000, 0, 0)
                                  " shorten from tail
                                  return '…'.matchstr(a:text, '.\{'.a:minwidth.'}$')
                                  " shorten from beginning of string
                                  return matchstr(a:text, '^.\{'.a:minwidth.'}').'…'
  114              0.000144     return a:text

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#branch#get_head()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.042987
 Self time:   0.002692

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.041892   0.001597   let head = airline#extensions#branch#head()
   57              0.000244   let empty_message = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#empty_message', '')
   57              0.000271   let symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#symbol', g:airline_symbols.branch)
   57              0.000484   return empty(head) ? empty_message : printf('%s%s', empty(symbol) ? '' : symbol.(, head)

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.016614
 Self time:   0.006606

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000211   if !get(w:, 'airline_active', 0)
                                return ''
                              " Cache values, so that it isn't called too often
   57              0.000958   if exists("b:airline_hunks") && get(b:,  'airline_changenr', 0) == b:changedtick && winwidth(0) == get(s:, 'airline_winwidth', 0) && get(b:, 'source_func', '') isnot# 's:get_hunks_signify' && get(b:, 'source_func', '') isnot# 's:get_hunks_gitgutter' && get(b:, 'source_func', '') isnot# 's:get_hunks_empty' && get(b:, 'source_func', '') isnot# 's:get_hunks_changes'
                                return b:airline_hunks
   57   0.011227   0.001219   let hunks = s:get_hunks()
   57              0.000087   let string = ''
   57              0.000116   if !empty(hunks)
  228              0.000384     for i in [0, 1, 2]
  171              0.000527       if (s:non_zero_only == 0 && winwidth(0) > 100) || hunks[i] > 0
  171              0.001044         let string .= printf('%s%s ', s:hunk_symbols[i], hunks[i])
  171              0.000121       endif
  171              0.000560     endfor
   57              0.000042   endif
   57              0.000116   let b:airline_hunks = string
   57              0.000112   let b:airline_changenr = b:changedtick
   57              0.000123   let s:airline_winwidth = winwidth(0)
   57              0.000068   return string

FUNCTION  <SNR>161_update_untracked()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.011247
 Self time:   0.010333

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.003603   let file = expand("%:p")
   57              0.000549   if empty(file) || isdirectory(file)
   57              0.000113   let needs_update = 1
  171              0.000394   for vcs in keys(s:vcs_config)
  114              0.000686     if file =~ s:vcs_config[vcs].exclude
                                  " Skip check for files that live in the exclude directory
                                  let needs_update = 0
  114              0.000400     if has_key(s:vcs_config[vcs].untracked, file)
   57              0.000083       let needs_update = 0
   57   0.003658   0.002744       call airline#extensions#branch#update_untracked_config(file, vcs)
   57              0.000040     endif
  114              0.000073   endfor
   57              0.000070   if !needs_update
   57              0.000049     return
                              for vcs in keys(s:vcs_config)
                                let config = s:vcs_config[vcs]
                                if g:airline#init#vim_async
                                  " Note that asynchronous update updates s:vcs_config only, and only
                                  " s:update_untracked updates b:buffer_vcs_config. If s:vcs_config is
                                  " invalidated again before s:update_untracked is called, then we lose the
                                  " result of the previous call, i.e. the head string is not updated. It
                                  " doesn't happen often in practice, so we let it be.
                                  noa call airline#async#vim_vcs_untracked(config, file)
                                  " nvim async or vim without job-feature
                                  noa call airline#async#nvim_vcs_untracked(config, file, vcs)

FUNCTION  gitgutter#utility#getbufvar()
Called 59 times
Total time:   0.000849
 Self time:   0.000849

count  total (s)   self (s)
   59              0.000453   let dict = get(getbufvar(a:buffer, ''), 'gitgutter', {})
   59              0.000192   if has_key(dict, a:varname)
   59              0.000116     return dict[a:varname]
                                if a:0
                                  return a:1

FUNCTION  <SNR>201_StopCursorTimer()
Called 72 times
Total time:   0.000936
 Self time:   0.000936

count  total (s)   self (s)
   72              0.000195     if s:cursor_timer != -1
   70              0.000301         call timer_stop(s:cursor_timer)
   70              0.000146         let s:cursor_timer = -1
   70              0.000057     endif

FUNCTION  airline#util#prepend()
Called 114 times
Total time:   0.000893
 Self time:   0.000893

count  total (s)   self (s)
  114              0.000292   if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
                                return ''
  114              0.000332   return empty(a:text) ? '' : a:text.s:spc.g:airline_right_alt_sep.s:spc

FUNCTION  <SNR>160_is_branch_empty()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.000521
 Self time:   0.000521

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57              0.000471   return exists('*airline#extensions#branch#head') && empty(get(b:, 'airline_head', ''))

FUNCTION  ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarningWithDelay()
Called 72 times
Total time:   0.008525
 Self time:   0.006240

count  total (s)   self (s)
   72              0.000406     let l:buffer = bufnr('')
   72              0.000176     if !g:ale_echo_cursor && !g:ale_cursor_detail
                                " Only echo the warnings in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems.
   72              0.000305     if mode(1) isnot# 'n'
   72   0.002865   0.001929     call s:StopCursorTimer()
   72              0.000487     let l:pos = getcurpos()[0:2]
                                " Check the current buffer, line, and column number against the last
                                " recorded position. If the position has actually changed, *then*
                                " we should echo something. Otherwise we can end up doing processing
                                " the echo message far too frequently.
   72              0.000201     if l:pos != s:last_pos
   70   0.002373   0.001024         let l:delay = ale#Var(l:buffer, 'echo_delay')
   70              0.000212         let s:last_pos = l:pos
   70              0.000454         let s:cursor_timer = timer_start(   l:delay,   function('ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning'))
   70              0.000059     endif

FUNCTION  <SNR>115_is_file_buffer()
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000040
 Self time:   0.000040

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2              0.000035   return empty(getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&buftype'))

FUNCTION  airline#extensions#ale#get_warning()
Called 57 times
Total time:   0.014572
 Self time:   0.001773

count  total (s)   self (s)
   57   0.014522   0.001723   return airline#extensions#ale#get('warning')

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
   70   2.174514   0.006555  PoppyInit()
   70   2.167959   0.192676  <SNR>107_highpat()
 6766   1.337025             <SNR>107_SynAt()
 1252   1.228596   0.633205  <SNR>107_endpart()
   70   0.171073   0.162785  <SNR>200_OnCursorMovedNormalMode()
   57   0.042987   0.002692  airline#extensions#branch#get_head()
   57   0.040295   0.003541  airline#extensions#branch#head()
   57   0.025507   0.005692  <SNR>161_update_branch()
  114   0.024978   0.017408  airline#extensions#ale#get()
   57   0.016614   0.006606  airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks()
   57   0.014768   0.003084  <SNR>161_update_git_branch()
   57   0.014572   0.001773  airline#extensions#ale#get_warning()
   57   0.013919   0.001740  airline#extensions#ale#get_error()
   70   0.011501             <SNR>128_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
   57   0.011319   0.002325  FugitiveHead()
   57   0.011247   0.010333  <SNR>161_update_untracked()
   31   0.011087   0.003559  ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning()
   57   0.010008   0.002756  <SNR>160_get_hunks()
   57   0.008636             fugitive#Head()
   57   0.008557   0.007632  airline#extensions#whitespace#check()

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
 6766              1.337025  <SNR>107_SynAt()
 1252   1.228596   0.633205  <SNR>107_endpart()
   70   2.167959   0.192676  <SNR>107_highpat()
   70   0.171073   0.162785  <SNR>200_OnCursorMovedNormalMode()
  114   0.024978   0.017408  airline#extensions#ale#get()
   70              0.011501  <SNR>128_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
   57   0.011247   0.010333  <SNR>161_update_untracked()
   57              0.008636  fugitive#Head()
   57              0.008233  airline#check_mode()
   57   0.008557   0.007632  airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
   57   0.016614   0.006606  airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks()
   70   2.174514   0.006555  PoppyInit()
   72   0.008525   0.006240  ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarningWithDelay()
   57   0.025507   0.005692  <SNR>161_update_branch()
   57              0.005551  airline#extensions#fugitiveline#bufname()
   70   0.005917   0.005426  <SNR>200_AllowedToCompleteInBuffer()
  166              0.005053  <SNR>107_matchadd()
   57   0.005047   0.004776  <SNR>161_update_hg_branch()
  399              0.004543  airline#util#append()
   31   0.005748   0.004528  ale#ShouldDoNothing()

Informative: change colors

Just a simple example for folks that haven't done much vimscript.

  • Edit your ~/.vimrc and paste the following to change the colors

" testing poppy instead of rainbowparentheses:
au! cursormoved * call PoppyInit()
" ColorColumn = white
" Constant = Red
" rubyRegexpSpecial = purple
" Special = Green
" Function = Yellow
let g:poppyhigh = ['Constant', 'rubyRegexpSpecial', 'Special', 'Function', 'rubyModule']

  • Note: The strings 'Constant' etc. are highlight groups, and you can get a list of available highlight groups by simply typing :hi in vim (colon hi - in case the editor mangles that).

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