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box-content-preview's Issues

Is there a way to change the base request url?

Is there a way to change the base url?

For example, instead of can I configure box-content-preview to make its requests to https://[MY-DOMAIN]/api/box ?

Let me explain my use case. We have a multi-tenant app. We allow tenants to bring their own domain. We've automated many of the setup steps, but one of the remaining steps is to login to the Box dev console and add the domain for CORS (AFAICT there isn't a way to programmatically update this list). The list is fairly long list and the process is error prone.

If I could route box-content-preview requests to my backend and proxy to CORS would no longer be in play.

the height of container is not responsive as the height of windows?

Please fill out the following template so we can reproduce and fix your issue as quickly as possible!


  • Preview version: v1.19.1
  • Browser name and version: Chrome, FireFox.
  • Operating system and version: Windows, Mac.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. set the value of the container height to 100% (as the attachment).
  2. open the Content Preview page.
  3. you can see that the height of the content preview is only 246px height_of_content_preview.

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
the height of the container be responsive as the height of the windows.

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
the height of the content preview is only 246px

Link to application or sample code:

If relevant, link to file (or attach file here):

When previewing lots of Box Files on same web page, the webpage will jump up and down

Please fill out the following template so we can reproduce and fix your issue as quickly as possible!


  • Preview version:1.7.0
  • Browser name and version:chrome and firefox
  • Operating system and version: Mac OS 10.11.6

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. preview lots of box files on same webpage
  2. Programmtically focus on the viewer after it loads
// Programmtically focus on the viewer after it loads
 if (this.viewer && this.viewer.containerEl) {
  1. I am not sure whether it is a good experience in this situation, because it will make the screen jump

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
I don't want to focus on the viewer after it loads, so could you please
provide a method or param to prevent focus automatically in source code.

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)

Link to application or sample code:

If relevant, link to file (or attach file here):

Incomplete documentation

Documentation seems to be missing some of the data. One of the missing data that i've been able to find is Listener assetsloaded.

Break out at the moment of concatenate with other files


  • Preview version: 1.29.0
  • Browser name and version: Google Chrome Versión 63.0.3239.132
  • Operating system and version: Windows 10

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. yarn run prod
  2. Concatenate with other JS files

What is the expected behavior?
The box-content-preview library should work when is concatenated with another JS

What went wrong?
At the moment when the library its concatenated with other ones show this message

We're using your library in our project. In dev mode we're including all files listed and works just fine.
But when we build for production, our process takes all JS and minifies and concat all files in a single one (builtApp.js)
At this point, there is a check ( for a <script... src=".../preview.js... that give us the error image

We're trying to sort this issue out by adding dependencies directly to our index.html pointing CDN but we would like to know why is that check, why do you expect to have it like that; maybe we can do some changes and minification would work on this project

Preview toolbar

Got a couple of questions:

  1. Can the toolbar (which appears on hover over the content)


be moved to top next to the 'print' & 'download' buttons?
  1. Can the 'print' button be removed? I can remove it using css but was looking for a more general solution.

Disable/enable hot keys doesn't work


  • Preview version: 1.33.0, 1.33.1, 1.34.0
  • Browser name and version: Chrome 65.0.3325.162, Firefox 59.0.1, EDGE 38.14393.2068.0
  • Operating system and version: Windows 10

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Open file preview
  2. Press CTRL + F

Expected behavior: When I call preview.disableHotkeys();, search in document shouldn't work.

Actual behavior: Search works.


document how to include under Karma

Due to #521, we can't use our regular build chain with this, so we're having trouble with integrating code that uses this into our test suite.

Can you suggest a way for us to set up our karma.conf so that Box.Preview is available at test time?

Preferably without having to re-fetch preview.js from the network with every test run.

Or is there a mock implementation of Box.Preview we should load instead?

Switching audio/video tracks resets the subtitles to default

Please fill out the following template so we can reproduce and fix your issue as quickly as possible!


  • Preview version: all
  • Browser name and version: all
  • Operating system and version: all

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Play a video with multiple subtitle tracks
  2. Select an alternate subtitle track
  3. Select a different video quality or audio track.
  4. See that the subtitles revert back to what they were before.

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
Subtitles should be unaffected by change in video/audio track

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
Subtitles change. For example, if I was on originally english subtitles, and then select french subtitles, switching audio track or video quality resets to english subtitles again. I'm not sure if this is because it was the previous language, or if it's the default language, or if it's the first language in the menu. The menu will still say French in this case, but the subtitles shown will actually be English. Need to investigate more.

If relevant, link to file (or attach file here):

.tif files do not load

.tif files fail to load because of ImageBaseViewer.setOriginalImageSize
#338 should fix this by emulating the old behavior of continuing to load the UI even if the original dimensions could not be found

Box Content Previewer does not load document when targeted element is hidden


  • Preview version: 1.21.0
  • Browser name and version: Chrome 63.0.3239.108 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Operating system and version: MacOs High Sierra version 10.13.1 (17B1003)

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Go to this CodePen example (a forked version of this CodePen demo on Box developer doc site)
  2. Run the example
  3. Click on "Show viewer" button to display the box viewer div after a few seconds

What is the expected behavior?

  • The doc loads successfully in the viewer

What went wrong?

  • The doc failed to load in the viewer. The blue progress bar will stock at last 20%. The following error shows up in console: offsetParent is not set -- cannot scroll
  • If you remove the "display: none;" style from the "#viewer" div, the doc loads fine.
  • If you click on "Show viewer" button immediately after the page load, the doc loads fine.

Link to application or sample code:

Our use case
We're embedding the Box Content Preview in our product and running into a problem. If the element passed to the previewer is attached to the dom, but initially hidden, the previewer (once shown) will be visible, but the document is not. The error "offsetParent is not set -- cannot scroll" appears in the console. If the window is resized or the previewer's zoom controls are used, the document will usually appear. A similar no-render occurred when we had previously tried using an embed link in a non-visible iframe. Has anyone else run into this? Everything works fine if the initial state of the element is visible, but loading a Box document that is not immediately shown is a common use case for us. Are there any workarounds?

App users' access tokens don't work for a content preview

Getting an access token for an app user as follows:

user = sdk.getAppAuthClient 'user', userID
   .then (token) ->
      res.json {token}

But when I try to use the access token in the preview, it doesn't show any preview saying "We're sorry, the preview didn't load. Please refresh the page."

If I generate a token from an enterprise user, everything works fine:

enterpriseClient = sdk.getAppAuthClient 'enterprise', enterpriseID
   .then (token) ->
      res.json {token}

publish API documentation

When I went digging a little to find out how I might update a token, I found that there's already a method to do this, complete with documented parameters and types. But that wasn't on or in the preview.js you direct people to load (since that's minified), it was only because I was stumbling around in the GitHub sources that I saw it.

Please make this API documentation (that you've already written!) more discoverable from the Box Developers site. Thanks!

Preview fails to load when used with RequireJS


  • Preview version: 1.20.2, 1.20.1 and 1.19.1
  • Browser name and version: Chrome V62.0.3202.94
  • Operating system and version: macOS Seirra 10.12.6

Steps to reproduce the problem:

Code used

var preview = new Box.Preview();'<file-id>', '<acess_token>', {
   container: '.preview-container',
   showDownload: true

Files were imported using cdn and css also.

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)

Preview for PDF file

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)

An icon appears with text message PDFJS is not defined. (Please note same code is working for an image file)

Option to change output view (one by each other)


  • 1.17.0
  • Chrome
  • Windows 10

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Upload PPT file
  2. Try to open it using BoxContentPreview.js (it works)
  3. Try to make it looks like slides following each other (by scrolling)

What is the expected behavior?
Is it possible somehow to make it looks like PDF preview. I mean every slider on own slide. E.g.
[slide 1]
[slide 2]
[slide 3]
Instead of <[slide 1]>[slider 2][slide 3]

There is a possibility to do same with Viewer.js (crocodoc), but it will be deprecated soon.

Load event listener error


Some of our users are getting an error from the load event listener about 10 times a day each.
These files are either pdfs or word files.


  • Preview version: 1.24.0
  • Browser name and version: Chrome 63
  • Operating system and version: Windows 10

I added logging to the error result to see what the issue is but it's seems generic.
I looked through the code and the error_refresh message is shown after the file failed to load.

It looks like that message appears after a failed fetch from the loadFromServer function.
Is there any reason why files would failed to load so many times a day?
Or any pointers to look at to track down the issue?

Below is the output from the load event listener.


  "error": "We're sorry, the preview didn't load. Please refresh the page.",
  "metrics": {
    "locale": "box-viewer",
    "event": "preview",
    "browser": {
      "name": "Chrome",
      "swf": false,
      "svg": true,
      "mse": true,
      "webgl": true,
      "mp3": true,
      "dash": true,
      "box3d": true,
      "h264": {
        "baseline": true,
        "main": true,
        "high": true
    "client": {
      "name": "box-content-preview",
      "version": "1.24.0"
    "converted": true,
    "cache": {
      "hit": false,
      "stale": false
    "time": {
      "conversion": 0,
      "rendering": 220,
      "total": 220
    "count": {
      "success": 1,
      "error": 2,
      "navigation": 0
  "file": {
    "id": "269035XXXXX"

Make FindBar Optional


First off, thanks for your hard work on this JavaScript library. I wanted to know if making the find bar optional is something you'd consider? The reason for such a change is we're using this library to display a PDF that spans the height of the page rather than in a container element. In trying to achieve this, we removed the preview.css stylesheet from our code and overwrote a few styles. The last change involves disabling the "findBar" functionality since we need the scrollbar to happen along the page window and not the container element. I also noticed this library disables the browers native "search bar" which we'd be fine using if we could turn off the "findBar" functionality which disables it. So to do this, I've forked your library and made turning off the "findBar" optional -- default true. It would be used like:, { useFindBar: false })

Here's a link to those code changes which I can turn into a pull request if this seems like a change you'd accept. Otherwise, let me know if there's an alternate route I can take to achieve this.


Problem loading a word document with MS Office Drawing object


  • Preview version: 1.21.0
  • Browser name and version: Firefox 52.2.0
  • Operating system and version: Windows 7

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Have a document in word with a drawing object.
  2. Display the document using box preview library.

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)

It should display the document.
Here an example of the drawing object with which is not loading the Content Preview.

ms office drawing object - word document

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)

It displaying the following message


Something to mention is that document is available for download, but not displaying on preview.

Markdown Preview ordered lists broken


Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a new markdown file with extension .md
  2. In that markdown file create an ordered list, example:
A list of ordered items:

1. List item number one
1. List item number two
1. List item number three
   * Item 4
   * Item 5
  1. Preview the file in Box

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
It is expected that the ordered list's list-style-type is decimal. Example:

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
The items of the ordered list are rendered as bullet points:

Link to application or sample code:
The reason for this behaviour seems to be the following entry in the preview.css file:

Can the list-style-type be changed to decimal for .bp-text-plain ol or maybe introduce a new class for the markdown context?

Action required: Greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨

🚨 You need to enable Continuous Integration on all branches of this repository. 🚨

To enable Greenkeeper, you need to make sure that a commit status is reported on all branches. This is required by Greenkeeper because it uses your CI build statuses to figure out when to notify you about breaking changes.

Since we didn’t receive a CI status on the greenkeeper/initial branch, it’s possible that you don’t have CI set up yet. We recommend using Travis CI, but Greenkeeper will work with every other CI service as well.

If you have already set up a CI for this repository, you might need to check how it’s configured. Make sure it is set to run on all new branches. If you don’t want it to run on absolutely every branch, you can whitelist branches starting with greenkeeper/.

Once you have installed and configured CI on this repository correctly, you’ll need to re-trigger Greenkeeper’s initial pull request. To do this, please delete the greenkeeper/initial branch in this repository, and then remove and re-add this repository to the Greenkeeper App’s white list on Github. You'll find this list on your repo or organization’s settings page, under Installed GitHub Apps.

SSL warnings

Getting the three warnings when previewing a box content:

The SSL certificate used to load resources from will be distrusted in M66. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See for more information.
The SSL certificate used to load resources from will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See for more information.
The SSL certificate used to load resources from will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See for more informatio

DocFindBar close triggers error


  • Preview version: 1.28.0
  • Browser name and version: Chrome - 63.0.3239.132
  • Operating system and version: MacOS 10.11.6

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. cmd + f to get the find box
  2. Type in search.
  3. Clicking the "close" x

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
Clicking the close x triggers a error in console "Cannot read property 'value' of undefined". The find box then does not go away.

Arrows and finding the search term is working properly. Only issue with the close button. I first started interacting with this at v1.24.0 and have seen this problem since then.

I am using the CDN browser link so don't know this for sure but I am guessing the error is thrown at line 389 of src/lib/viewers/doc/DocFindBar.js if thats any help.


Load Failure When Previewing Multiple Files in Multiple Containers


  • Preview version: 1.8.0
  • Browser name and version: Chrome
  • Operating system and version: Windows - Surface Pro

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Preview multiple files on the same page with multiple containers
  2. Load page

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
PDF's should all load at the same time

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
Not all PDF's load, some error out. Which PDF's load and don't seems to be totally arbitrary.

Link to application or sample code:
The main code that calls everything is:

for (var fileName in allFiles) {
                var preview = new Box.Preview();
      [fileName], ACCESS_TOKEN, {
                    container: '.x' + allFiles[fileName],
                    header: 'none',

If relevant, link to file (or attach file here):

in document search

Is there a way to start the preview with a search already initiated? I would like to show a preview from a search result, and show the document with the search term searched in the doc when it opens.

Add option to suppress "preview" event logging

It's a common use case for platforms and web applications to prefetch/preload data but not have them visible to the user. For example, we want to load multiple ContentPreview instances ahead of time and only log an actual preview event when the user interacts/sees the preview element on the page.

For this, we need to actually suppress the current Preview logging that happens out of the box, and talking with Tony, it should be fine since content access is always logged. Furthermore, we'd need a way to log the preview event for the content after user has interacted with it in some way.

hosting the SDK

[reposting from at the request of the moderator there]

The documentation at says

You can self-host the Preview UI Element or reference the versions hosted on the Box CDN.

but when I tried to use a copy I had saved locally, it failed on findScriptLocation. Apparently it depends on its name being hard-coded? And in the comment where it calls findScriptLocation, it refers to using that as a base for "all preview assets."

Does that mean there are other assets I'd have to host as well, in addition to the two files preview.js and .css?

Using our hosts would avoid adding exceptions to our security policy.

Files loading slowly and preloading

When viewing many files in succession, there is often a long delay while a file loads. Network issues aside, is there any way to preload files? When looking through the source, it seems there is some mention of this, but I couldn't get anything to make a noticeable difference in loading time.

What would your recommendations be here? Would also be glad to make a PR if necessary.

Media FullScreen but the icon is not correct

Please fill out the following template so we can reproduce and fix your issue as quickly as possible!


  • Preview version: 1.12.0
  • Browser name and version: Chrome
  • Operating system and version: Mac OS X EI

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Open a video to preview
    2.Enter FullScreen
    3.The class 'bp-enter-fullscreen-icon' should be change to 'bp-exit-fullscreen-icon'

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
the icon should be change to 'bp-exit-fullscreen-icon'

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
qq20171019-154624 2xLink to application or sample code:

If relevant, link to file (or attach file here):

Print option is not working.

Looks like "preview.print()" method is not working.

Preview version: 1.8.0
Browser name and version: Chrome
Operating system: Windows 10

Steps to reproduce the problem:
Load Preview
Click "Print" icon in Box header

What is the expected behavior?
Print popup has to shown.

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
Instead print popup, its takes me to 404 page. (Tried same with Box codepen example too, print method behaves same. )


Some PDFs are not rendered correctly


  • Preview version: 1.35
  • Browser name and version: Chrome 64
  • Operating system and version:OS X 10
  1. Upload a PDF to Box (not all document will result in this problem)
  2. View the PDF in Box Content Preview
  3. Refresh the PDF in Box Content Preview, observe colors are off

On the left, the document shows as expected, on the right is after refreshing document.

different colors

I have narrowed this issue down to the DocLoader.js. Specifically the following code:

     * Chooses a representation. Assumes that there will be only
     * one specific representation. In other words we will not have
     * two png representation entries with different properties.
     * @param {Object} file - Box file
     * @param {Object} viewer - Chosen Preview viewer
     * @return {Object} The representation to load
    determineRepresentation(file, viewer) {
        let repOverride;

        // For PDF files, use original rep unless PDF rep is successful since it'll be faster
        const rep = super.determineRepresentation(file, viewer);
        const status = RepStatus.getStatus(rep);
        if (file.extension === 'pdf' && rep.representation === 'pdf' && status !== STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            repOverride = getRepresentation(file, ORIGINAL_REP_NAME);

        return repOverride || rep;

Load document the first time - code defaults to the ORIGINAL represenation since the PDF representation is PENDING. It seems like the PDF representation is always pending till we open the document the first time

// This always works
  "content": {
    "url_template": ""
  "representation": "ORIGINAL",
  "status": {
    "state": "success"

Reload document and the PDF represenation is available i.e SUCCESS - code loads that and this is the representation that is wonky

// This doesn't always work
  "representation": "pdf",
  "properties": {},
  "info": {
    "url": ""
  "status": {
    "state": "success"
  "content": {
    "url_template": "{+asset_path}"

Base index.html has invalid markup

The base index.html file for the preview has invalid HTML markup. Their are two (and unclosed <body> tags.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Box Content Preview</title>
<link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
    <div class="preview-container"></div>
<script src=',Intl'></script>
<script src=''></script>

    <script  src="js/index.js"></script>



refreshing expired tokens

Downscoped tokens only live for about an hour.

So when viewing a long video — especially if you pause it for a while and come back later — the viewer stops with an error message, and the load event handler is sent an error like this:

Shaka error. Code = 1001, Category = 1, Severity = 2, Data =!big...Long...token&box_client_name=box-content-preview&box_client_version=1.24.0,401,,[object Object]

when Shaka's request for that next audio or video segment is denied with a 401 response.

(The players for other document types may have similar issues, but video is the one we're running into this issue with on a daily basis.)

To address this we need a few things:

  1. Know when it's time to replace the token, by
    a. detecting a "token expired" failure response when it happens, or
    b. learning up-front what the token's lifetime is when it's first provided to the Preview, or
    c. given a token, use some Box "tell me about this token" API to determine its expiration time.
  2. Have some way to update the token used by the Preview.
  • Turns out this already exists! Preview has an updateToken method. Also, accessToken may be a Promise-returning function, in which case it might not need to do updateToken at all, just re-get using the already provided generator.
  • but that documentation isn't published anywhere, which I'll file under issue #641

[question] drag or move pdf on zoom (hand tool)

I'm sure it's been asked, but is there a way to drag/move the pdf once it's resized above the available bounds of the container? Similar to how images work when scaled up in the viewer.

Presentation with audio


  • Preview version: 1.21.0
  • Browser name and version: Firefox 52.2.0
  • Operating system and version: Windows 7

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Load a presentation with audio using box preview library.

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)

Load audio for presentation.


What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)

Just displaying the presentation. Is there a way to reproduce the audio on content preview? or those are not supported files?

Vue + webpack

Halo guyz, how i can connet New Box View + Vue with yarn?
if i install box-ui-elements and import preview.js i see this.
2017-11-16 22-45-56

Safari: Switching tracks (video/audio) after buffering reaches the end freezes the video

Please fill out the following template so we can reproduce and fix your issue as quickly as possible!


  • Preview version: All
  • Browser name and version: Safari 10.1.2 (have not tried other versions)
  • Operating system and version: Mac OSX 10.11.6

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Play HD Video on Safari, and wait until the buffer is filled to the end of the video (or skip ahead to the end in order to do so).
  2. Initiate a change of stream (e.g. force HD via settings, or change audio track if there's multiple audio).

What is the expected behavior?
Video switches streams and continues

What went wrong?
The video freezes and never recovers.

This is a shaka-player bug. See shaka-project/shaka-player#992 . When this is fixed, we should try to upgrade, but we also need to watch out for #360

npm package

I'd like to use just preview.js via npm/yarn but without React. Do you have any plans to provide an npm package of just box-content-preview?

Add caching (for offline mode)

Is it possible to load all HTML of a document so we can cache it and use offline on the device?
I see that slides of content preloading HTML dynamically.

Office Viewer not working with XLSX files.

Please fill out the following template so we can reproduce and fix your issue as quickly as possible!


  • Preview version: Tested on 1.0.0 through 1.4.1
  • Browser name and version: Chrome (59.0.3071.115), Firefox (48)
  • Operating system and version:

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Use preview.enableViewers('Office'); to enable the Office viewer.
  2. Use the SDK to preview an XLSX file. (see sample code used)

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
The XLSX file should be previewed in the Office viewer

What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
Content on the page
Error in console: openExcelOnlinePreviewer?fileId=206681973542:3 GET 404 (Not Found)
Error originates from the iFrame:

Link to application or sample code:, accessToken, {
              container: '.preview-container',
              header: 'none',
              logoUrl: '/static/images/icons/icon-72x72.png',
              showAnnotations: true,
              showDownload: true

If relevant, link to file (or attach file here):
Tried with multiple XLSX files. None seemed to work.
Monthly budget.xlsx

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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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