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casbin-aspnetcore's Introduction


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Casbin.AspNetCore is a Casbin.NET integration and extension for ASP.NET Core.


This project is on developing, You can install the build version to try it.

dotnet add package Casbin.AspNetCore --version <build package version>

Or you create a NuGet.config file on you solution directory like this.

    <add key="" value="" />

Quick Start

You should add the service at ConfigureServices method and add MiddleWare at Configure method like this:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Other codes...

    //Add Casbin Authorization
    services.AddCasbinAuthorization(options =>
        options.DefaultModelPath = "<model path>";
        options.DefaultPolicyPath = "<policy path>";

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    // Other codes...


    // You can add this to support offical authorization too.

    // Other codes...

Now you can use the attribute like offical authorization, If you use the Basic Model, It will like this:

[CasbinAuthorize("<obj>", "<act>")]
public IActionResult Index()
    return View();

How It Works

Here is a sequence chart that can well describe the process of this middleware. In the beginning, It looks like the process of official authorization middleware. It changes in the last half part.

Sequence Chart of Middleware


Sample applications using Casbin.AspNetCore can be found at sample directory.

Migrate form v0.x to v1.x

  1. Check the interfaces change:
  • IEnforcerProvider
public interface IEnforcerProvider
    // Before
    public Enforcer? GetEnforcer();
    // Now
    public IEnforcer? GetEnforcer();
  • ICasbinModelProvider
public interface ICasbinModelProvider
    // Before
    public Model? GetModel();
    // Now
    public IModel? GetModel();

Getting Help


This project is under Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.

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casbin-aspnetcore's Issues

how to use EFCore-Adapter together with casbin-aspnetcore


I was looking into using EFCore-Adapter to store policies in the same mysql database that my web application uses.
However, the casbin-aspnetcore initialization only seems to allow a path to a csv file.

//Add Casbin Authorization
services.AddCasbinAuthorization(options =>
options.DefaultModelPath = "";
options.DefaultPolicyPath = "";

Is there a way to combine it with EFCore-Adapter?

Or should I in some way override the DefaultEnforcerProvider (which is used also in CoreServiceCollectionExtension.cs)
Should I add an extra overload in CoreServiceCollectionExtension.cs as well to deal with a custom EnforcerProvider?

Is this project abandoned?

We're looking into using to handle authorization in our project. We're looking to protect and authorize access to our backend api's

We're wondering if this project is still under development or if it is abandoned?

EFCore persistence

Can the aspnet core middleware be configured to use EFCore instead of files to persist policy?

Use CasbinAuthorize attribute on ApiController

I'm trying to use Casbin to control access to an api implemented using ApiController. The API uses Jwt bearer tokens.

Will this work with the CasbinAuthorize attribute?

Replacing the standard Authorize(Policy="...) attribute with CasbinAuthorize() does not seem to work. Checking the ClaimsIdentity inside a RequestTransformer shows that the User is not authenticated, and the claims array is empty.

Furthermore I'm redirected to login and gets a 404, instead of the expected 401 error.

So I'm wondering if the CasbinAuthorize attribute is supposed to work for thins kind of use-case?

If not, are there plans to cover use cases with bearer tokens?

[Question] How to retrieve NetCasbin.Enforcer from ApiController?

Hi guys.

I have this at startup:

public static void AddAclAuthorization(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
            services.AddDbContext<CasbinDbContext>(options => options.UseNpgsql(
                options => options.MigrationsHistoryTable("__CasbinMigrationsHistory")

            services.AddCasbinAuthorization(options =>
                options.PreferSubClaimType = OpenIDStandardClaims.PreferredUsername;
                options.DefaultModelPath = Path.Combine("Authorization", "Models", configuration["Authorization:Casbin:ModelName"]);
                options.DefaultEnforcerFactory = (p, m) =>
                    new Enforcer(m, new EFCoreAdapter(p.GetRequiredService<CasbinDbContext>()));

And looking for a way to retrieve all available business objects for current user in a ApiController. For doing this I assume to call NetCasbin.Enforcer.GetPermissionsForUser() in my controller, filter 'this and that' and return result to requestor.
Actually I didn't find AddCasbinAuthorization() method in the repo and now looking for a way to get Enforcer or something else to make that call and adding DI to ApiController constructor:

public MyController(ILogger<MyController> logger, DbCtx ctx, IConfiguration configuration, IEnforcer enforcer) // what to inject here?
            _logger = logger;
            _dbContext = ctx;
            Configuration = configuration;
            Enforcer = enforcer;

I'm new to Casbin and not sure what to inject?

Make HttpRequest available to RequestTransformer via the CasbinAuthorizationContext or CasbinAuthorizationData

We wish to provide the HttpRequest object to the RequestTransformer. This will allow the transformer to work out the obj (=request path), and the act method (e.g. GET|POST), without having to explicitly provide those in the CasbinAuthorize attribute. It will also enable scenarios where e.g. the domain/tenant is to be found either in the request headers or in the request content.

I have created a proof of concept which seem to work. So I'm wondering if you are accepting PRs? Or if there are any suitable extension points for this, or if we will be required to fork the project?

Providing basic Casbin.NET integration and permission authorize DI extension Seperately.

A more lightweight DI extension method without authorization should be seperately provided.
Casbin.NET may act as a pure service for resource permission storage. In this scenario, people focus on the permissions they have ,not challenging the authorization.
We can provide extension method such as AddCasbinCore and AddCasbinAuthorization to meet these aspects of needs.
AddCasbinCore serves basic Casbin.Net as a library,providing an ability to use basic Enforcer and Management API,while AddCasbinAuthorization focus on Permission authorize middleware registration.

The options.DefaultRequestTransformerType was not found

I have built and run samples from the sources. received the same issue as already is in the list


Then I have copied the Blazor samples to separate folder, added NuGet package and could not build because of
the options.DefaultRequestTransformerType does not exist :

//Add Casbin Authorization
builder.Services.AddCasbinAuthorization(options =>
    options.PreferSubClaimType = ClaimTypes.Email;
    options.DefaultModelPath = Path.Combine("CasbinConfigs", "basic_model.conf");
    options.DefaultPolicyPath = Path.Combine("CasbinConfigs", "basic_policy.csv");

    // Comment line below to use the default BasicRequestTransformer
    // Note: Commenting the line means that the action methods MUST have [CasbinAuthorize()] attribute which explicitly specifies obj and policy. Otherwise authorization will be denied
    options.DefaultRequestTransformerType = typeof(KeyMatchRequestTransformer); // <---- ERROR

How to fix it?

Does [CasbinAuthorize] work in Razor Pages?

I did the following:

    [CasbinAuthorize("PageTwo", "write")]
    public class PageTwoModel : PageModel


But no matter what I still get access to the razor page.

Does this not work with Razor Pages?

Typo in sample policy file? Get should be GET?

I cloned and ran the sample. after some experiments, I found that if in basic_policy.csv, GET works but Get not work.

  1. I searched and found this issue Case Insensitive Policy Enforcement, and it means casbin is case sensitive. so i assue this sample has a minor typo.
  2. I searched the entire library code, didn't find anywhere to specify the action of GET or POST, etc. could you please explain a little why in policy.csv the action syntax must be all upper case? Is it related to some http specification? Is it implement dependent(is the behaviour related to operation system/browser versions)?

How to pass a custom EnforcerService or how to make dbcontext available to RequestTransformer

I am trying to retrieve objects from our db, based on ids passed by the request, to the enforcer, so that these objects are passed to a custom function when evaluating a policy.

I have created a CustomRequestTransformer (base class BasicRequestTransformer).
Two of the request values I retrieve within this transformer are the oid of the user and a reference id of a tenant. With these ids I want to be able to get the User and Customer object in our database. So that I can return these objects in the requestValues-object of TransfromAsync and so pass them on to the enforcer in DefaultEnforcerService (line 88).

Is there a way to pass the dbcontext with the CustomRequestTransformer through dependency injection when configuring the DefaultRequestTransformer in the services.AddCasbinAuthorization()?
Or is there a way to pass a custom EnforcerService instead of the services.TryAddScoped<IEnforceService, DefaultEnforcerService>(); within AddCasbinAtuhorizationCore().
Or is there another way to enable this?

Best way to use EF core adapter with filter

I saw some questions: #17 , #34 , #36 , #37 , #41 .
Also I saw example (thank you for it).

But if I understand all correct, now a default provider not use filters. As I saw in source code a default behaviour for adapters are to load all policies on initialization. But not for optimization the EF core adapter has a lazy loading (when we load zero policies on initialization). Will I need to implement a custom provider for this variant if I want to load policies with a filter before call enforce?

Support for imperative authorization checks

I have an application that uses imperative access control. In this application I cannot use attributes to enforce access to a controller action because the subject, object, and action needed to query the enforcer depend upon conditions that aren't available until much later.

Do you think this package already supports imperative authorization checks, e.g. using custom request transformers, or does it need an extra layer of code that's not there yet?

Unable to get overrides for DefaultRequestTransformer and DefaultEnforcerFactory to work

After upgrading to Casbin.AspNetCore v0.2.0 It seems the overrides specified in services.AddCasbinAuthorization() does not have an effect.

Using the code below I have not been able to verify that the DefaultEnforcerFactory lambda is called, or that the VerjiRbacTenantRequestTransformer() is ever called.

            services.AddCasbinAuthorization(options =>
                options.PreferSubClaimType = "sub";
                options.DefaultModelPath = Path.Combine(@"AccessControl\CasbinConfigs", "basic_rest_domain_model.conf");
                options.DefaultPolicyPath = Path.Combine(@"AccessControl\CasbinConfigs", "basic_rest_domain_policy.csv");

                // Comment line below to use the default BasicRequestTransformer
                // Note: Commenting the line means that the action methods MUST have [CasbinAuthorize()] attribute which explicitly specifies obj and policy. Otherwise authorization will be denied
                options.DefaultRequestTransformer = new VerjiRbacTenantRequestTransformer();
                options.DefaultEnforcerFactory = (svc, model) =>
                    var context = svc.GetRequiredService<VerjiCasbinDbContext>();
                    var adapter = new EFCoreAdapter<Guid>(context);
                    return new Enforcer(model, adapter);

Did anything change in v0.2.0 so this must be done differently?

PS: I'm consuming the packages from (and not

Typo in sample basic_policy.csv: Get or GET?

I cloned and ran the sample. After some experiments, I found that in basic_policy.csv, GET works but Get not work.

  1. I searched and found this issue Case Insensitive Policy Enforcement, and it means casbin is case sensitive. so i assue this sample has a minor typo.
  2. I searched the entire library code, didn't find any hardcoded action string of GET or POST, etc. Could you please explain a little why in policy.csv the action syntax must be all upper case? Is it related to some http specification? Is it implement dependent(is the behaviour related to operation system/browser versions)?

Ef core example - WebApplicationWithEfcoreSample

I have downloaded WebApplicationWithEfcoreSample sample app, and when i'm trying to run it, recieving such error -
and slightly changed sample .csproj file, modified/added - <PackageReference Include="Casbin.AspNetCore" Version="1.1.0" /> <PackageReference Include="Casbin.NET.Adapter.EFCore" Version="2.1.0" />

How can I make CasbinAuthorize work with a specific request transformer

I am trying to override the default request transformer for individual controller actions.

Like so:

[CasbinAuthorize(RequestTransformerType = typeof(VerjiCasbinRequestTransformer))]
public async Task<IActionResult> SetPrimaryContact(string customerId, string personId)

The middleware is not able to pick up the transformer, and fails with:

System.ArgumentException: Can find any specified type request transformer. (Parameter 'RequestTransformerType')
   at Casbin.AspNetCore.Authorization.DefaultEnforcerService.EnforceAsync(ICasbinAuthorizationContext context)
   at Casbin.AspNetCore.Authorization.Policy.CasbinAuthorizationHandler.HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, CasbinAuthorizationRequirement requirement, ICasbinAuthorizationContext casbinContext)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.AuthorizationHandler`2.HandleAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.DefaultAuthorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(ClaimsPrincipal user, Object resource, IEnumerable`1 requirements)
   at Casbin.AspNetCore.Authorization.CasbinEvaluator.AuthorizeAsync(ICasbinAuthorizationContext casbinContext, AuthorizationPolicy policy, AuthenticateResult authenticationResult)
   at Casbin.AspNetCore.Authorization.CasbinAuthorizationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
   at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
   at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext, ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
   at AspNetCoreRateLimit.RateLimitMiddleware`1.Invoke(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\User\Documents\Github\AspNetCoreRateLimit\src\AspNetCoreRateLimit\Middleware\RateLimitMiddleware.cs:line 123
   at Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)

Not sure how to make CasbinAuthorizeAttribute() use the specific transformer. I've tried creating the transformer in the same namespace as the controller, but with the same result.

Enforcer lifecycle, caching etc.

What is the intended lifecycle for enforcer? And how can we ensure enforcer use "fresh data" when:

  • We have a process which use casbin middleware to protect the API endpoints.
  • We have another process which based on events in the system change casbin policies.

Initially we tried using RedisWatcher approach, but it had limitations so we tried developing a different approach, also using Redis to notify processes to update casbin.

However we are not able to get this working (seem to be caching/remembering the old casbin_rules). So before digging more into this it would be really helpful if you could clarify:

  1. What should be the lifecycle scope for CasbinContext?
  2. What is the lifecycle scope of Enforcer if we use the DefaultEnforcerFactory

If both of these objects are made fresh for each request, changes to the database should be active immediately.

If the enforcer "lives" across requests, the enforcer.LoadPolicy() should still pull in changes from the database, but it appears db changes are not "honored" by the CasbinAuthorize attribute. We are not sure if the policies are in fact re-read from the database, and the .Enforce() decision has been cached, or if the policies themselves are cached, or if there is something else entirely going on.

Any help and insights are greatly appreciated.

Casbin.Net assembly version

When adding the freshest packages for Casbin.Net and Casbin.AspNetCore I get assembly load errors.

I think it may be because the latest released Casbin.Net is v1.5.1 while Casbin.AspNetCore expects v1.5.0

Should the package version in Casbin.AspNetCore perhaps be updated to Casbin.Net v1.5.1 ?

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