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sleepecg's Issues

[JOSS Review] Installing SleepECG with optional dependencies

(as part of JOSS Review)

When installing SleepECG with extras, following the instructions in the Contributing guide dev dependencies fails when using zsh as shell (which is now the default unser ) because square brackets need to be escaped. Thus, I would maybe suggest to add an additional note that zsh users should call pip install -e ".[dev]" (with quotes). This command should also work when using other shells (such as bash).

GUDB readers do not work anymore?

It looks like GUDB is not accessible anymore, at least not without registration:

Our reader errors out, e.g.

404 Client Error: Not Found for url:

We might need to use the API provided by the ecg-gudb-database package.

Tests should not use `_heartbeat_detection`

The tests still import the C implementation directly. We should use the public function instead and perform the tests with all three backends.

This raises the additional question: how do I build the C extension locally?

Migrating to Python 3.9

When we require Python 3.9 in the future, we can make use of the following updates:

If you encounter situations for which Python 3.9 would allow a more elegant solution, please note them here.

Add our detector to neurokit

I know the package is still new, but I just did a Google search for "python ecg peak detection", and SleepECG doesn't show up in the first eight pages (we all know that no one ever goes to page 2). Any ideas on how we could increase our visibility? I think people should really be able to find SleepECG's Pan-Tompkins peak detector, because it is the best:tm: implementation available.

Separate reader functions per database

Currently, we have read_mitbih(), which reads two specific data sets from the MIT-BIH database: MITDB and LTDB. It would be useful to have a dedicated reader function for each database, i.e. read_mitdb() and read_ltdb() (both of which could use a private version of read_mitbih() under the hood.

Quick release 0.4.2?

@hofaflo should we make a quick v0.4.2 release so that we get Python 3.10 support and the new website design out there? The classification stuff will go into v0.5.0 then.

[JOSS Review] Installation fails on macOS

(as part of the JOSS Review)

The straightforward installation of SleepECG fails on my system (Python 3.9 on 2017 Macbook Pro with macOS Ventura 13.3, Intel CPU, no GPU) using the current pyproject.toml version with the following error message:
with the following error message:

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-macos>=2.7.0; (sys_platform == "darwin" and python_version < "3.11") and extra == "full" (from sleepecg[full]) (from versions: none)

Replacing the optional dependencies tensorflow-macos and tensorflow-metal by tensorflow in the pyproject.toml file fixes the issue and correctly installs the package with all dependencies.

Autosummary of public functions

Currently, we list all functions and classes explicitly when generating our API docs, e.g.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated


However, these are our public objects (not starting with _), so is it not possible to tell the plugin to use all public functions so we don't have to list them explicitly?

LICENSE not included in sdist

I noticed that our LICENSE is not included in the source package. However, when I build it locally with python sdist, this file is actually copied into the package. I suspect this is because the CI environment is using older versions of setuptools etc., so it might be worth updating packages? Alternatively, maybe it is already sufficient if we build on Python 3.9 instead of 3.7 here?

Publication on prediction performance

I am so excited to see your wonderful work! Is there any release about the prediction performance of the ECG signals only or comparison with EEG signals?

Thanks a lot~

Use `int8` in stages array

Maybe this is just a very minor and insignificant detail, but I noticed that prepare_data_keras() returns a float stages array after padding and one-hot encoding (even when the input argument is int8). Would it make sense to return an int8 stages array instead?

The function detect_heartbeats is not handling the absence of signal correctly

The function detect_heartbeats() can be easily confused when presented with time series containing a flat signal e.g. at the beginning of the recording.

from scipy.misc import electrocardiogram
from sleepecg import detect_heartbeats

# This works as expected
ecg = electrocardiogram()
detect_heartbeats(ecg, fs=1000)

# However, even when presented with 60 seconds of flat signal, the function still returns (a lot of) peaks
detect_heartbeats(np.repeat(-1.5, 60000), fs=1000)

The problem is that the flat signal at the beginning or at the end of the time series is not discarded automatically. Of course, better performance is achieved by providing better quality data, but I think this is something that should be automatically handled by the function: no peak detection on the portion of the signal consisting of consecutive constant values over at least n samples, at the beginning or at the end (ideally also if this happened during the recording).

In addition to that, the erroneous detection of (lot of) peaks in these segments appears to considerably slow down the function itself, the following time series (~1h ECG recording starting with ~45 s of flat signal) can for example completely crash the function that will hang forever (or at least for a very long time).

[JOSS Review] Paper Remarks

(as part of the JOSS Review)

The paper is easy written, easy to follow, and nicely outlines the need of the SleepECG package. It provides a good motivation, especially regarding the reproducibility of the existing approaches. Just some minor comments:

  • To better understand the scope of the package at first sight, an overview image showing the typical workflow for ECG-based sleep staging (data download, data cleaning, pre-processing, feature extraction, training, ...), and where SleepECG could help in this process (namely everywhere) would be beneficial.
  • Could you add some more information on the pre-trained classifiers you used in your paper in terms of network architecture, training & evaluation process, etc.? Is there already a publication on it (if yes, could you link it?)

Automatically run examples in docs?

I don't know if this is even possible, but it would be nice to run the examples in the docs automatically and include their output (e.g. figures, text output, ...) in the docs. Currently, this has to be done manually.

[JOSS Review] Information about "Movement Data"

(as part of the JOSS review)

In the README, you wrote: "Based only on ECG (and to a lesser extent also movement data), SleepECG provides functions for [...]". I'm wondering where the movement data comes from since you didn't mention it elsewhere and also have no functions for importing, processing, and extracting features from acceleration or actigraphy data.

Add functions for reading annotated sleep data

The goal is to have functions which download and read all common polysomnography datasets. Each record will be stored in a dataclass containing heartbeat times and annotated sleep stages.

Each reader should be added via a separate PR, this issue gives an overview of the progress.


  • MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) #28
  • SHHS (Sleep Heart Health Study) #48
  • SLPDB (MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database) #47
  • MASS (requires registration including project description and ethics approval, so this is not really open)
  • CAPSLPDB (CAP Sleep Database)
  • CinC 2018 (You Snooze You Win - The PhysioNet Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2018)
  • sleep-accel (Motion and heart rate from a wrist-worn wearable and labeled sleep from polysomnography)
  • ISRUC-SLEEP Dataset

Planned future extensions:

  • metadata
  • actigraphy data

Reading MESA edf file

There seems to be an issue with

ecg = rec.get_data("ECG").ravel()

There is no channel name 'ECG' in latest MESA release, do not know if there was before or when it was changed.

a list of current channel names is as follows
['EKG', 'EOG-L', 'EOG-R', 'EMG', 'EEG1', 'EEG2', 'EEG3', 'Pres', 'Flow', 'Snore', 'Thor', 'Abdo', 'Leg', 'Therm', 'Pos', 'EKG_Off', 'EOG-L_Off', 'EOG-R_Off', 'EMG_Off', 'EEG1_Off', 'EEG2_Off', 'EEG3_Off', 'Pleth', 'OxStatus', 'SpO2', 'HR', 'DHR']

Add more tests for detect_heartbeats

Hi @cbrnr and @hofaflo,

Really awesome work on this package! I have been using the detect_heartbeats function as my default QRS detector in many projects, and I love it. It is super fast and robust.

This issue is related to #87. I think that the unit tests in could be more comprehensive. Specifically, the following scenarios should be tested:

  • The impact of the sampling frequency of the input ECG signal (what is the minimal viable sampling frequency?)
  • The impact of rescaling the input ECG data (is it unit-independent?)
  • The impact of padding the input ECG with flat data, either at the beginning or end.

I have included below some quick-and-dirty code to check these three scenarios, using SciPy's ECG dataset. Let me know if you think this would be a valuable addition.

import mne
import sleepecg
import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import electrocardiogram

ecg = electrocardiogram()
sf = 360

# The ground-truth
pks_360hz = sleepecg.detect_heartbeats(ecg, sf)

def f1_score(y_pred, y_true):
    tp, fp, fn = sleepecg.compare_heartbeats(y_pred, y_true, max_distance=5)
    tp, fp, fn = len(tp), len(fp), len(fn)
    f1 = tp / (tp + 0.5 * (fp + fn))
    return f1


for new_sf in [72, 90, 100, 120, 180, 256, 360, 720, 1080, 1800, 3600, 7200]:
    # Resample
    res_factor = new_sf / sf
    ecg_res = mne.filter.resample(ecg, up=res_factor)
    pks = sleepecg.detect_heartbeats(ecg_res, new_sf)
    # Compare to the original SF
    pks = np.round(pks / res_factor).astype(int)
    f1 = f1_score(pks, pks_360hz)
    print(f"{new_sf} Hz (x{res_factor:.2f}) » F1 = {f1:.3f}")

The F1-score is 0.96 at 72 Hz, 0.97 at 120 Hz and 0.99 at 256 Hz and higher frequencies.


for scale in [1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 0.1, 1, 10, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5]:
    pks = sleepecg.detect_heartbeats(ecg * scale, sf)
    # Compare to the original SF
    f1 = f1_score(pks, pks_360hz)
    print(f"{scale} » F1 = {f1:.3f}")

The F1-score is always 1, so the algorithm is indeed unit-independent.

Padding with flat data

ecg_pad_after = np.pad(ecg, pad_width=(0, ecg.size), mode="edge")
pks = sleepecg.detect_heartbeats(ecg_pad_after, sf)
f1_score(pks, pks_360hz)  # F1 = 1

ecg_pad_before = np.pad(ecg, pad_width=(ecg.size, 0), mode="edge")
pks = sleepecg.detect_heartbeats(ecg_pad_before, sf)
f1_score(pks, pks_360hz + ecg.size)  # F1 = 0.36


Check manylinux wheel duplication

We are currently building manylinux-2014 wheels, but in addition to those we also get manylinux-1 wheels. Not sure if this is a bug, because the wheels seem to be identical.

conda-forge package

Hello @cbrnr, congrats to the public release!

Are you planning to have a package on conda-forge too? I can help you create it (or create it for you ;)). Just let me know!

Minor documentation website issues

  • All tables are centered in the latest version, but they should be left-aligned.
  • Some function names are too long to fit into the sidebar API dropdown menu. Maybe there is a way to avoid this?

Warnings during feature extraction

When running examples/classifiers/, I noticed several warnings during extract_features():

sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: HR analysis window too short for estimating PSD for feature VLF. 3030.3s required, got 270s
  warnings.warn(msg, category=RuntimeWarning)
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  meanNN = np.nanmean(NN, axis=1)
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered
  maxNN = np.nanmax(NN, axis=1)
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered
  minNN = np.nanmin(NN, axis=1)
sleepecg/.direnv/python-3.10.9/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice.
  var = nanvar(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof,
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  RMSSD = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(SD**2, axis=1))
sleepecg/.direnv/python-3.10.9/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered
  r, k = function_base._ureduce(a, func=_nanmedian, axis=axis, out=out,
sleepecg/.direnv/python-3.10.9/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered
  result = np.apply_along_axis(_nanquantile_1d, axis, a, q,
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  cvSD = SDSD / np.nanmean(SD, axis=1)
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  cvSD = SDSD / np.nanmean(SD, axis=1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sleepecg/.direnv/python-3.10.9/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered                    | 12/1970 [00:06<15:03,  2.17it/s]
  result = np.apply_along_axis(_nanmedian1d, axis, a, overwrite_input)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt                                                           | 23/1970 [00:12<17:47,  1.82it/s]
  SD2 = (2 * SDNN**2 - SD1**2) ** 0.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide                                                        | 32/1970 [00:16<15:35,  2.07it/s]
  CSI = SD2 / SD1
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  CVI = np.log10(SD1 * SD2 * 16)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide                                                       | 1166/1970 [10:26<07:01,  1.91it/s]
  cvSD = SDSD / np.nanmean(SD, axis=1)
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  SD1_SD2_ratio = SD1 / SD2
sleepecg/sleepecg/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  CSI = SD2 / SD1

Are these warnings problematic? Should we take a closer look and try to fix them? Or if they are OK, how do they influence the results (is a feature nan e.g. when a division by zero occurs)?

`sleepecg.read_gudb()` always downloads data

Am I misunderstanding how our readers are supposed to work? I thought that datasets are only downloaded once if they are not available locally. However, it seems like this is not the case:

import sleepecg

list(sleepecg.read_gudb())  # download if not already available in ~/.sleepecg/datasets
list(sleepecg.read_gudb())  # this should not trigger another download, but it does

The docstring states:

Required files are downloaded if not present in '<data_dir>/gudb'.

It also seems like this only affects sleepecg.read_gudb().

Included pre-trained classifiers

SleepECG currently includes three pre-trained classifiers trained on 1971 records (and tested on another 1000 records). However, when applying this classifier to unseen (new) data, would it not make sense to have it trained on all available records (i.e. 2971)? Of course we would not have a performance measure then, but we would have more information available for training.

What is the preferred way (best practice) to distribute pre-trained classifiers?

Feature Enhancement


I would like to try out architectures that don't require hrv calculation but directly use the ECG signal for example (but not limited to) over here (still requires r peak calculation) and add it to this library if they are working. And would also like to extend the task to sleep apnea detection as SHHS also comes with apnea labels. Need your comments on whether these approaches are feasible.

Build wheels for ARM64 Mac

Given that Apple has started switching all of their products to ARM64, I think it would be useful if we also provided corresponding wheels. According to cibuildwheel's docs, this should work for Python 3.8+.

Build warnings

Building the conda-forge package in conda-forge/sleepecg-feedstock#19 (comment) revealed two warnings:

  • There are two setuptools-related warnings for sleepecg.classifiers and sleepecg.test. These directories have been added automatically for now, but in the future this might not be the case. We could either add them manually in setup.cfg or pyproject.toml (, or add empty files in these directories.
  • There are compiler warnings which we should probably fix:
      sleepecg/_heartbeat_detection.c: In function '_thresholding':
    sleepecg/_heartbeat_detection.c:475:45: warning: 'RR_high_limit' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
      475 |                     if (RR_low_limit < RR_n && RR_n < RR_high_limit)
          |                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    sleepecg/_heartbeat_detection.c:475:24: warning: 'RR_low_limit' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
      475 |                     if (RR_low_limit < RR_n && RR_n < RR_high_limit)
          |                        ^
    sleepecg/_heartbeat_detection.c:330:33: warning: 'PEAKI' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
      330 |                     SPKI = 0.25 * PEAKI + 0.75 * SPKI;
          |                            ~~~~~^~~~~~~

Cannot reproduce benchmarks

I noticed some changes in our benchmarks when I tried to reproduce it with the latest versions:







@hofaflo any idea what is going on?

Fix type annotation issues

I turned on basic type checking for the first time (didn't know that you had to opt in), and boy there are a lot of errors. Since we are using type annotations, we should definitely fix all the errors (otherwise why are we using annotations in the first place).

Migrating to Python 3.8

When we require Python 3.8 in the future, we can make use of the following updates:

  • Assignment expressions
    • io.utils._calculate_checksum: replace while True / if not chunk

If you encounter situations for which Python 3.8 would allow a more elegant solution, please note them here.

Some inconsistencies

I was wondering why the following classes are not exported (i.e. part of sleepecg/io/ and therefore also in the API docs):


These are "public" classes, and should therefore be exported (or made "private" by appending an underscore).

Similarly, is "public" (but not exported), I think here it would be consistent to rename to _GUDB_MD5.

@hofaflo WDYT?

Use ~/.sleepecg

We should use ~/.sleepecg to store various configuration values. For example, all downloaders should store their data in ~/.sleepecg/datasets by default.

  • Datasets
  • Configuration

Add function (method) to plot ECG record

It would be nice if a given ECGRecord could be plotted, e.g. with a .plot() method. If the record contains an annotation field, these should also be plotted. In addition, it should be possible to plot custom markers (e.g. detected heartbeats), resulting in something like this:

(green = annotations, red = custom markers, i.e. detected heartbeats)

reader_dispatch doesn't yield any reader

Maybe it's just me, but when I run python runtime in examples/benchmark, I do not get any records, i.e. the line records = list(reader_dispatch(db_slug, data_dir)) yields an empty list. Is this caused by our recent changes in v0.4.0?

Remaining issues in API documentation

Our API documentation looks very nice except for the following issues (left over from #126):

  • The "See Also" section should not be listed in the left TOC
  • The "Warnings" section should not be listed in the left TOC

These issues can only be addressed upstream (in griffe and python-handler repos) by adding support for "See Also", "Warnings", "Notes", and "References", see e.g. here.

ECG peak detection gets stuck when data is very noisy


This is an issue I have encountered a few times already — when the ECG data is very noisy for either part of or most of the recording, the detect_heartbeats function just gets stuck forever. This is problematic when you run peak detection across hundreds of participants and cannot visually check each recording.

To reproduce the error:

Download the EDF file with 8 hours ECG:

import mne
from sleepecg import detect_heartbeats

# Load ECG
raw ="original_ecg.EDF", preload=True, verbose=False)
ecg = raw.get_data(units="uV")[0]
sf =["sfreq"]# Load ECG

# Peak detection
detect_heartbeats(ecg, sf) # gets stuck

In that case, the ECG data is so bad that honestly it would be better not to attempt the peak detection at all...!

Potential solutions:

  1. Modification of the algorithm to avoid getting stuck when no peak is found?
  2. Pre-screening of the ECG signal quality — if the data is very noisy then the detection is skipped and an empty array is returned instead? For example we could use some kind of ECG signal quality metric (see method="zhao2018" in


How to deal with Numba?

I am a bit unhappy that Numba is blocking our support for Python 3.11 (see #124). Since Numba is not a required dependency for us, would it be possible to still add Python 3.11 support but without Numba? What would we need to do to implement this (I'm sure we need to at least adapt our tests). Any suggestions @hofaflo?

Loading a classifier prints a lot of warnings

When loading a classifier that ships with SleepECG, a bunch of warnings are printed. I wonder if these warnings indicate real problems (in which case we should fix them) or if they can be ignored (in which case we should silence them).

WDYT @hofaflo?

import sleepecg

clf = sleepecg.load_classifier("wrn-gru-mesa", "SleepECG")

I tried changing the logger level after we import tensorflow, but that didn't seem to do anything. Setting the environment variable here (before the import) does get rid of all warnings except one message:

import os
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2"

The remaining warning is an error:

2023-05-02 12:06:33.352056: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected

So setting the level to "3" gets rid of that one too.

Add missing files to sdist

Now that we have a, we should add all missing files. I think these at least include everything in doc and img, but probably also .github. Anything else? I'd try to include every file under source control.

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