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generator-cg-angular's Introduction

Newer Modern Generator for Angular and Webpack
There is a new generator for Angular 1.5, Webpack, npm, SASS, and ES6. Check it out here:


Yeoman Generator for Enterprise Angular Projects

This generator follows the Angular Best Practice Guidelines for Project Structure.


  • Provides a directory structure geared towards large Angular projects.
    • Each controller, service, filter, and directive are placed in their own file.
    • All files related to a conceptual unit are placed together. For example, the controller, HTML, LESS, and unit test for a partial are placed together in the same directory.
  • Provides a ready-made Grunt build that produces an extremely optimized distribution.
    • Build uses grunt-ng-annotate so you don't have to use the Angular injection syntax for safe minification (i.e. you dont need $inject or (['$scope','$http',....
    • grunt serve task allows you to run a simple development server with watch/livereload enabled. Additionally, JSHint and the appropriate unit tests are run for the changed files.
  • Integrates Bower for package management
  • Includes Yeoman subgenerators for directives, services, partials, filters, and modules.
  • Integrates LESS and includes Bootstrap via the source LESS files allowing you to reuse Bootstrap vars/mixins/etc.
  • Easily Testable - Each sub-generator creates a skeleton unit test. Unit tests can be run via grunt test and they run automatically during the grunt watch that is active during grunt serve.

Directory Layout

All subgenerators prompt the user to specify where to save the new files. Thus you can create any directory structure you desire, including nesting. The generator will create a handful of files in the root of your project including index.html, app.js, and app.less. You determine how the rest of the project will be structured.

In this example, the user has chosen to group the app into an admin folder, a search folder, and a service folder.

app.less ....................... main app-wide styles
app.js ......................... angular module initialization and route setup
index.html ..................... main HTML file
Gruntfile.js ................... Grunt build file
/admin ......................... example admin module folder
  admin.js ..................... admin module initialization and route setup
  admin.less ................... admin module LESS
  /admin-directive1 ............ angular directives folder
    admin-directive1.js ........ example simple directive
    admin-directive1-spec.js.... example simple directive unit test
  /admin-directive2 ............ example complex directive (contains external partial)
    admin-directive2.js ........ complex directive javascript
    admin-directive2.html ...... complex directive partial
    admin-directive2.less ...... complex directive LESS
    admin-directive2-spec.js ... complex directive unit test
  /admin-partial ............... example partial
    admin-partial.html ......... example partial html
    admin-partial.js ........... example partial controller
    admin-partial.less ......... example partial LESS
    admin-partial-spec.js ...... example partial unit test
/search ........................ example search component folder
  my-filter.js ................. example filter
  my-filter-spec.js ............ example filter unit test
  /search-partial .............. example partial
    search-partial.html ........ example partial html
    search-partial.js .......... example partial controller
    search-partial.less ........ example partial LESS
    search-partial-spec.js ..... example partial unit test
/service ....................... angular services folder
    my-service.js .............. example service
    my-service-spec.js ......... example service unit test
    my-service2.js ............. example service
    my-service2-spec.js ........ example service unit test
/img ........................... images (not created by default but included in /dist if added)
/dist .......................... distributable version of app built using grunt and Gruntfile.js
/bower_component................ 3rd party libraries managed by bower
/node_modules .................. npm managed libraries used by grunt

Getting Started

Prerequisites: Node, Grunt, Yeoman, and Bower. Once Node is installed, do:

npm install -g grunt-cli yo bower

Next, install this generator:

npm install -g generator-cg-angular

To create a project:

mkdir MyNewAwesomeApp
cd MyNewAwesomeApp
yo cg-angular

Grunt Tasks

Now that the project is created, you have 3 simple Grunt commands available:

grunt serve   #This will run a development server with watch & livereload enabled.
grunt test    #Run local unit tests.
grunt build   #Places a fully optimized (minified, concatenated, and more) in /dist

When grunt serve is running, any changed javascript files will be linted using JSHint as well as have their appropriate unit tests executed. Only the unit tests that correspond to the changed file will be run. This allows for an efficient test driven workflow.

Yeoman Subgenerators

There are a set of subgenerators to initialize empty Angular components. Each of these generators will:

  • Create one or more skeleton files (javascript, LESS, html, spec etc) for the component type.
  • Update index.html and add the necessary script tags.
  • Update app.less and add the @import as needed.
  • For partials, update the app.js, adding the necessary route call if a route was entered in the generator prompts.

There are generators for directive,partial,service, filter, module, and modal.

Running a generator:

yo cg-angular:directive my-awesome-directive
yo cg-angular:partial my-partial
yo cg-angular:service my-service
yo cg-angular:filter my-filter
yo cg-angular:module my-module
yo cg-angular:modal my-modal

The name paramater passed (i.e. 'my-awesome-directive') will be used as the file names. The generators will derive appropriate class names from this parameter (ex. 'my-awesome-directive' will convert to a class name of 'MyAwesomeDirective'). Each sub-generator will ask for the folder in which to create the new skeleton files. You may override the default folder for each sub-generator in the .yo-rc.json file.

The modal subgenerator is a convenient shortcut to create partials that work as modals for Bootstrap v3 and Angular-UI-Bootstrap v1.3 (both come preconfigured with this generator). If you choose not to use either of these libraries, simply don't use the modal subgenerator.

Subgenerators are also customizable. Please read for details.


Submodules allow you to more explicitly separate parts of your application. Use the yo cg-angular:module my-module command and specify a new subdirectory to place the module into. Once you've created a submodule, running other subgenerators will now prompt you to select the module in which to place the new component.

Preconfigured Libraries

The new app will have a handful of preconfigured libraries included. This includes Angular 1.5, Bootstrap 3, AngularUI Bootstrap, FontAwesome, JQuery, LoDash, LESS, and Momentx. You may of course add to or remove any of these libraries. But the work to integrate them into the app and into the build process has already been done for you.

Build Process

The project will include a ready-made Grunt build that will:

  • Build all the LESS files into one minified CSS file.
  • Uses grunt-angular-templates to turn all your partials into Javascript.
  • Uses grunt-ng-annotate to preprocess all Angular injectable methods and make them minification safe. Thus you don't have to use the array syntax.
  • Concatenates and minifies all Javascript into one file.
  • Replaces all appropriate script references in index.html with the minified CSS and JS files.
  • (Optionally) Minifies any images in /img.
  • Minifies the index.html.
  • Copies any extra files necessary for a distributable build (ex. Font-Awesome font files, etc).

The resulting build loads only a few highly compressed files.

The build process uses grunt-dom-munger to pull script references from the index.html. This means that your index.html is the single source of truth about what makes up your app. Adding a new library, new controller, new directive, etc does not require that you update the build file. Also the order of the scripts in your index.html will be maintained when they're concatenated.

Importantly, grunt-dom-munger uses CSS attribute selectors to manage the parsing of the script and link tags. Its very easy to exclude certain scripts or stylesheets from the concatenated files. This is often the case if you're using a CDN. This can also be used to prevent certain development scripts from being included in the final build.

  • To prevent a script or stylesheet from being included in concatenation, put a data-concat="false" attribute on the link or script tag. This is currently applied for the livereload.js and less.js script tags.

  • To prevent a script or link tag from being removed from the finalized index.html, use a data-remove="false" attribute.

Release History

  • 04/10/2016 - v3.30 - Upgrades to the Bower components including Angular to version 1.5.
  • 11/9/2014 - v3.2.0 - Switch from ngmin to ng-annotate. Disabling grunt-contrib-imagemin so Windows users don't encounter its issues. Subgenerators prompt for a name if not entered. Other fixes.
  • 7/6/2014 - v3.1.2 - Fix for directive template URLs with backslashes on Windows.
  • 6/10/2014 - v3.1.1 - Fix for backslashes being used in injected routes/tags on subgenerators.
  • 5/1/2014 - v3.1.0 - New subgenerators for modules and modals. Replaced grunt-contrib-jasmine with grunt-karma. Karma allows us to test against actual browsers other than PhantomJS.
  • 3/10/2014 - v3.0.2 - Fix for directive files not being named correctly. Fix for htmlmin from affecting some Bootstrap styles.
  • 3/03/2014 - v3.0.0 - All subgenerators now ask the user for a directory enabling any user-defined project structure. Gruntfile has been altered to allow scripts, partials, and LESS files to be located anywhere in the project directory structure. An option to use angular-ui-router is now available when initializing a new project. js/setup.js and css/app.less moved to app.js and app.less. grunt server is now grunt serve. Inside index.html all user script tags are grouped together instead of split out into groups for services/filters/etc. New ability to customize the subgenerators.
  • 2/10/2014 - v2.1.1 - Fix for the directive spec file named with a .less extension.
  • 1/06/2014 - v2.1.0 - Nice enhancements for unit testing. Specs are now placed in the same directory as the component they're testing. Additionally, unit tests are now run during grunt server allowing for an easy and efficient test-driven workflow.
  • 12/30/2013 - v2.0.0 - Big Update. Angular 1.2 and Bootstrap 3. Newer versions of Angular UI, Font Awesome, and JQuery. Lodash was replaced with Underscore. Lots of other small changes.
  • 9/06/2013 - V1.0.4 - Fixed templating issue with generated specs for yo cg-angular:service subgenerator.
  • 8/29/2013 - V1.0.3 - Renamed /lib back to /bower_components as clarity trumps brevity. Renamed /bin to /dist. Fixed spelling error in generated directive's js template location. Moved up to later version of yeoman-generator dependency to solve "Cannot read bold of undefined" error coming from Yeoman. JSHint options now read from .jshintrc. And more small stuff.
  • 7/08/2013 - V1.0.2 - Added utf8 charset to index.html. Fix for "EMFile, too many open files" on grunt watch by no longer watching the lib folder.
  • 6/20/2013 - v1.0.1 - Fixed a ton of known issues. Replaced grunt-regarde with grunt-contrib-watch. Fixed and tweaked the unit test specs and grunt test. Fixed issues with the build. Generator is now ready for real use.
  • 6/18/2013 - v1.0.0 - Initial release of template as Yeoman generator.

generator-cg-angular's People


bolora avatar capelio avatar cgross avatar danhooper avatar dsimike avatar huntout avatar jriewerts avatar sindresorhus avatar vdininski avatar


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generator-cg-angular's Issues

Missing Sub-Generators

I completely love this generator, but the lack of sub-generators for route, controller and modules is a show stopper for me. Please consider adding the above sub-generators.
This is the best generator for large angular projects on the Internet.

partial creating with error in url breaks generator/app

When doing "yo cg-angular:partial myPartial" when you get prompted for the url, if you type /myPartial\ it completely breaks everything because the \ escapes the single quote in the templateUrl call in app.js

Should have an error check to let you know that the route url is invalid before inserting.

Live reload isn't working.

I noticed that live reload isn't working out of the box. I believe we need to be using middleware or injecting the script to load from our body.

question/enhancement: Add example of single Auth App

I'm working on a single signon app, with multiple modules, gated by permission level and was wondering if anyone has an example utilizing this generator they'd be willing to share.

If not, I'll keep this updated.

grunt build issues

Although grunt build works, the distribution created in the dist folder seems to have a few issues that I cannot wrap my head around.

Firstly, it is not able to find partials. After looking at the building pipeline, I notice that the html partials should have been made into ng-templates using the grunt module. Also, upon close inspection with a breakpoint, I notice that my angular.js file throws the an error along the lines of 'ngLocale module not found'.

None of these issues actually happen when I just run grunt serve on the non production version.

Any clues?

Update: I am using the latest version - [email protected]

Update II: Adding some pictures to really narrow down on the issue.


Why do the unit tests live in their own directory?

For modularity's sake I think putting tests along with what they test (directive, partial, filter etc...) is better because then these components are truly drop ins. Furthermore you don't have to jump directories so much, everything is in one place.

Put app files in an /app dir?

It would be great if everything non configuration could be put in an app directory. I've seen other generators do this and it keeps the top level directory cleaner. So for example..... /app/search/... and /app/img. Also, an option to not have to use less for css would be nice.

Empty js file when grunt build


My project requires to have all files as absolutes url in the index.html

<!-- Main App JS -->
<script src="/js/setup.js"></script>

<!-- Controllers -->
<script src="/js/controller/app-menu.js"></script>
<script src="/js/controller/message.js"></script>

Since I have done that :

➜  frontend git:(develop) ✗ grunt build
Done, without errors.
➜  frontend git:(develop) ✗ ls -l dist 
total 12
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ruben ruben    0 Mar 28 13:02 app.full.min.js
drwxrwxr-x 4 ruben ruben 4096 Mar 28 13:02 bower_components
drwxrwxr-x 2 ruben ruben 4096 Mar 28 13:02 css
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ruben ruben 1149 Mar 28 13:02 index.html

If I remove the heading slash for all files in the index.html, the app.full.min.js is sucessfully generated (but then I got some javascript errors when using the app)

Any one had the same issue?



'yo cg-angular' throws TypeError


I installed generator-cg-angular to a local folder using:

$ npm install generator-cg-angular
$ yo --version
$ yo cg-angular

TypeError: Cannot read property 'bold' of undefined
    at Object.<anonymous> (~/tmp/angular_demos/angular-cg-demo/node_modules/generator-cg-angular/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/util/common.js:5:56)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
    at require (module.js:380:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (~/tmp/angular_demos/angular-cg-demo/node_modules/generator-cg-angular/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/base.js:91:26)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)

The file ~/tmp/angular_demos/angular-cg-demo/node_modules/generator-cg-angular/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/util/common.js looks like this:

module.exports.yeoman =
'\n     _-----_' +
'\n    |       |' +
'\n    |' + '--(o)--'.red + '|   .--------------------------.' +
'\n   `---------´  |    ' + 'Welcome to Yeoman,'.yellow.bold + '    |' +
'\n    ' + '( '.yellow + '_' + '´U`'.yellow + '_' + ' )'.yellow + '   |   ' + 'ladies and gentlemen!'.yellow.bold + '  |' +
'\n    /___A___\\   \'__________________________\'' +
'\n     |  ~  |'.yellow +
'\n   __' + '\'.___.\''.yellow + '__' +
'\n ´   ' + '`  |'.red + '° ' + '´ Y'.red + ' `\n';

Thankful for pointers,


Rename directory defaults

in index.js

I would like to suggest that plurals would be more appropriate. I find myself changing .yo-rc.json every time I create a new project.

"partialDirectory": "partials/",
"directiveDirectory": "directives/",
"filterDirectory": "filters/",
"serviceDirectory": "services/",

Add BrowserSync Support

BrowserSync is a cool way to open up the app across various devices. You can read the detailed documentation here

You can also check how I've implemented BrowserSync in my generator

Remove/Rename -- Feature Request

It would be really useful for there to be a command to be able to remove and rename a partials/modules/directives etc...

For example:
yo cg-angular:module my-module --delete

Is LESS optional?

Is it possible to turn off somewhere in settings usage of LESS? I use TWBS customisation and I have just ready to use CSS files from designer. I can't find in documentation any words about using CSS (concatenation, minification) instead of LESS.

Is there a plan to add continuous testing?

I like my unit tests to run whenever I save a file (for the changed file only, if there are any tests). This is particularly handy when following TDD. Is there any plan to add this feature?

Sass and Bootstrap-sass support

Hi, thanks for your great work. I'm interested if you are planning to add "sass", "bootstrap-sass" optional modes in the nearest future.

undefined - package name? in cli for partial

The feedback in cli for cli partial is missing the package 'name' or some other variable.
It works fine, but the feedback is confusing :)
yo cg-angular:partial mod1
[?] Enter your route name (i.e. /mypartial/:id). If you don't want a route added for you, leave this empty. /mod1
undefined index.html <-- guess ' %s' not defined
undefined app/app.less <-- guess ' %s' not defined
undefined js/setup.js <-- guess ' %s' not defined
create partial/mod1/mod1.js
create partial/mod1/mod1.html
create partial/mod1/mod1.less
create partial/mod1/mod1-spec.js

Question: Was there an example home partial before?

I seem to remember there being files for the default home route before? Or am I confusing that with the angular seed.

It's weird that as soon as you generate your cg-angular site and you do a grunt serve, you get a blank page. It would be nice to have something in it.

or maybe a task to generate an example page like yo cg-angular:example

If you like the idea I'll do some work on it.

windows directory seperator

when i create a new module, it adds a backslash ("") rather than a forward slash to the index.html, and all the .less file. This is causing issues because it's being interpreted as an escape character.

Make grunt-contrib-imagemin optional

grunt-contrib-imagemin is a complete wreck in a windows environment. To get cg-angular to work in windows (unless there is some other way I don't know) I have to remove grunt-contrib-imagemin from the app. Otherwise something as trivial as git branch new_branch / git checkout new_branch utterly fails because of the 260 character limit in windows paths.

grunt-karma is equally challenging but many times it can be overcome with a very shore path name to your project like c:\myProj\

removing grunt-contrib-imagemin in windows requires manual removal of heavily nested node modules, then altering Gruntfile.js to remove imagemin tasks.

So I suggest adding this to a prompt like angular ui router and placing a note (not recommended for windows)

I know, this is lame... but it is VERY painful in windows/git

Generator assumes that all app content should be in a container

The index.html template structures the ui-view inside a container and row then each partial is coded with the col-md-12

This makes it impossible for any partial to expand beyond the container without having to edit the structure of index.html and EVERY partial created thereafter.

The col-md-12 is unnecessary because all divs are 12 columns anyway.

I would suggest simplifying the index file to

<script src="http://localhost:35729/livereload.js" data-concat="false"></script>

Then each partial when created can have the container (if it is a route) and it would be nice to insert dummy content


The controller file could be preloaded with the message

$scope.helloMyPage = "Hello myPage";

The only problem with this idea is that it would potentially break current apps built the other way.

Directives not saving their names to files, causes conflicts with simple directives

Kudos on the new build! It's just about perfect, tho there's a bug in saving the directive file names on my build.

For complex directives, everything wires up fine throughout the generation but filenames are all directive.* instead of the terminal command name. This causes a conflict with simple directives saving to the same folder since they are both directive.js.

The stubborn workaround of course is to rename the files manually then change the references in index.html and app.less.

Cheers and really stellar job all in all!

Output from terminal for simple directive, notice file names

$ yo cg-angular:directive checkin
[?] Does this directive need an external html file (i.e. partial)? No
[?] Where would you like to create the directive files? directive/
updating index.html
create directive/directive-spec.js
create directive/directive.js

Output from terminal for simple directive, file names

$ yo cg-angular:directive cart
[?] Does this directive need an external html file (i.e. partial)? Yes
[?] Where would you like to create the directive files? directive/cart/
updating index.html
updating app.less
create directive/cart/directive-spec.js
create directive/cart/directive.html
create directive/cart/directive.js
create directive/cart/directive.less

And in that resulting directive.js

angular.module('ecopos').directive('cart', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        scope: {

        templateUrl: 'cart/cart.html',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, fn) {


Error generating build with ie8 comments

I'm having an issue where when i'm grunt building my project. The javascript libraries referenced in the ie conditionnal comments are not included.

 <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/html5shiv/dist/html5shiv-printshiv.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/respond/respond.src.js"></script>

I guess since the information is in comments, build is not taking this information in consideration. Is there anyway to fix this problem ?

Coffee options?

Would you be interested in a pull request that added Coffeescript templates, and install generator options to choose them?

Deviation from Google Guidelines Naming Conventions

I am wondering why the template file names for controllers, directives, filters, services and unit tests do not match the Google guidelines.

  • Controllers, Directives, Services, and Filters, should include controller, directive, service, and filter in their name.
  • Unit tests should be named ending in _test.js, hence "foo-controller_test.js" and "bar-directive_test.js"

Introduce option to set the base app directory

This isn't quite the same as #28, but I run various applications with a directory structure that looks like:


I'd love to run yo and grunt from the root of the directory, but be able to place all of the bower_components, javascript, and app stuff in the public directory. For now, I can cd to public and run everything, but having that option would be more convenient.

Errors with yo cg-angular

I'm following your example and get errors from the start. Was wondering if you could help me out with these? I have installed yeoman and used it for the regular angular generators without issues.

Here are my steps:

  1. sudo npm install -g grunt-cli yo bower
  2. sudo npm install -g generator-cg-angular
  3. mkdir MyNewAwesomeApp
  4. cd MyNewAwesomeApp
  5. yo cg-angular
bower angular#>= 1.0.8 cached git:// bower angular#>= 1.0.8 validate 1.2.24 against git://>= 1.0.8 bower angular#>=1 cached git:// bower angular#>=1 validate 1.2.24 against git://>=1 bower angular#>= 1.0.2 cached git:// bower angular#>= 1.0.2 validate 1.2.24 against git://>= 1.0.2 npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: use ng-annotate instead npm ERR! Error: EACCES, mkdir '/Users/des/.npm/adm-zip/0.2.1' npm ERR! { [Error: EACCES, mkdir '/Users/des/.npm/adm-zip/0.2.1'] npm ERR! errno: 3, npm ERR! code: 'EACCES', npm ERR! path: '/Users/des/.npm/adm-zip/0.2.1', npm ERR! parent: 'phantomjs' } npm ERR! npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.

npm ERR! System Darwin 13.3.0
npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! cwd /Users/des/Sites/JavaScript/AngularJS/MyNewAwesomeApp
npm ERR! node -v v0.10.30
npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.21
npm ERR! path /Users/des/.npm/adm-zip/0.2.1
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! errno 3
npm ERR! stack Error: EACCES, mkdir '/Users/des/.npm/adm-zip/0.2.1'
bower angular-ui-router#~0.2 install angular-ui-router#0.2.11
bower moment#~2.5 install moment#2.5.1

Further down I also hit this error...

bower font-awesome#~4.0 progress received 0.9MB of 1.8MB downloaded, 49% bower angular#~1.2 invalid-meta angular is missing "ignore" entry in bower.json bower angular#~1.2 resolved git:// SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/validation.node SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/validation.node: Finished npm ERR! git clone [email protected]:pipobscure/fsevents Cloning into bare repository '/Users/des/.npm/_git-remotes/git-github-com-pipobscure-fsevents-2ef85406'... npm ERR! git clone [email protected]:pipobscure/fsevents Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. npm ERR! git clone [email protected]:pipobscure/fsevents Permission denied (publickey). npm ERR! git clone [email protected]:pipobscure/fsevents fatal: Could not read from remote repository. npm ERR! git clone [email protected]:pipobscure/fsevents npm ERR! git clone [email protected]:pipobscure/fsevents Please make sure you have the correct access rights npm ERR! git clone [email protected]:pipobscure/fsevents and the repository exists. npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing fsevents@pipobscure/fsevents#7dcdf9fa3f8956610fd6f69f72c67bace2de7138 bower angular-ui-router#~0.2 progress received 1.1MB of 1.4MB downloaded, 80% bower font-awesome#~4.0 progress received 0.9MB of 1.8MB downloaded, 50%

Does not seem to work after this. I also tried sudo yo cg-angular, but the same. I create the directory manually, but then it needs the next one with same error.


Load time during development long due to less files

I really like this generator, but having trouble during development. If I do a build then the load time for my page is great since the js and css files are merged.

However, while I am developing I use the "grunt serve" and watch to reload. Even the initial index.html takes 15+ seconds to load because it is fetching close to 70 files each time.

Is there some way to get around this issue during development?

problem with quotes

<ng-include src="'includes/scripts.html'"></ng-include>

<ng-include src="&apos;includes/shortcut.html&apos;"></ng-include>

enhancement: ui-angular sub-generators for states and state views

So that we could run
yo cg-angular:state newState
and then get to choose options like its url, does it need a new template or controller (run partial sub-generator and inject references into the state config), maybe go so far as to create an option for factory creation and referenced in resolve: property.
yo cg-angular:state newStateView
would ask which state the view goes in and then creates the partials
Save time and mistakes with basic state scaffolding.

Changing app.less not reloading


The generator-cg-angular is amazing, thank you for the good work.

This is more like a question than an issue: I'm updating app.less, or any other .less file, and the styles is not being applied on the browser. I mean, I see the less files being reloaded in console but the style are not really applied.

Am I missing something?

How to generate partial in submodule directory

I'm using the v3.1.0 branch to generate a submodule "home" in directory home.

After creating the submodule I'd like to generate a partial / route for that same name. The problem is that the generator seems to overwrite the existing module definition and replace it with a controller definition (using the main app module) if I use the same directory.

I'm trying to follow this layout as much as possible:
Best Practice Recommendations for Angular App Structure

Can this be done?

common.js still using old colors.js format (need to update to chalk.js format)

Running yo cg-angular will result in this error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'bold' of undefined
at Object. (generator-cg-angular\node_modules\yeoman-generator\lib\util\common.js:5:56)

It turns out generator-cg-angular\node_modules\yeoman-generator\lib\util\common.js is using the old colors.js format:

module.exports.yeoman =
'\n     _-----_' +
'\n    |       |' +
'\n    |' + '--(o)--'.red + '|   .--------------------------.' +
'\n   `---------´  |    ' + 'Welcome to Yeoman,'.yellow.bold + '    |' +
'\n    ' + '( '.yellow + '_' + '´U`'.yellow + '_' + ' )'.yellow + '   |   ' + 'ladies and gentlemen!'.yellow.bold + '  |' +
'\n    /___A___\\   \'__________________________\'' +
'\n     |  ~  |'.yellow +
'\n   __' + '\'.___.\''.yellow + '__' +
'\n ´   ' + '`  |'.red + '° ' + '´ Y'.red + ' `\n';

Instead, you should add a chalk.js dependency to your package.json file: "chalk": "~0.1.0"

And then update your common.js file:

var chalk = require('chalk');

module.exports.yeoman =
'\n     _-----_' +
'\n    |       |' +
'\n    |' +'--(o)--') + '|   .--------------------------.' +
'\n   `---------´  |    ' + chalk.yellow.bold('Welcome to Yeoman') + ',    |' +
'\n    ' + chalk.yellow('(') + ' _' + chalk.yellow('´U`') + '_ ' + chalk.yellow(')') + '   |   ' + chalk.yellow.bold('ladies and gentlemen!') + '  |' +
'\n    /___A___\\   \'__________________________\'' +
'\n     ' + chalk.yellow('|  ~  |') +
'\n   __' + chalk.yellow('\'.___.\'') + '__' +
'\n ´   ' +'`  |') + '° ' +'´ Y') + ' `\n';

Improve documentation on extending and changing .yo-rc.json

I am trying to add requirejs using the .yo-rc.json file. However I am not entirely sure how it would work as I need to inject some stuff in more than one place in a single file (the requirejs main.js file). Another thing I noticed is that there are undocumented options - relativeToModule and undocumented template variables - filename.

Broken build feature - "$injector:nomod" is not finding module

When we build the dist folder version of the app give the following error:

Uncaught Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'gg-angular-skeleton' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument. "app.full.min.js:5"

We get this error after adding 1 module with one partial inside its directory.
We see the same error no matter which router we choose at the outset.

We expect the build to work with modules and partials together.

Any ideas?

AngularJS generators compared

Hi group,

I want to help.

But I'm an AngularJS newcomer. That being the case, I am making this comparison of AngularJS generators of which generator-cg-angular is part, and I welcome your corrections, additions and feedback.

I don't think anyone has done this before, but if you know otherwise, please let me know.

My goals of this research are to:

  1. Educate people about what can go into an app with AngularJS
  2. Help expedite the convergence of best practices
  3. Reduce time spent in duplicating features without knowledge of prior art

I hope you find this helpful.

Best regards,

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