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mooeditable's Issues

IE8 error

MooEditable doesn't load properly in IE8 because of this code in the attach function:
this.doc.addEventListener('focus', function(){'focus');
}, true);
IE says "object doesn't support this property or method". I'm running Windows 7.

Pasting plain text with CleanPaste plugin in Google Chrome fails

If there is plain text, no html, in the clipboard the MooEdtiable.CleanPaste.js function call

`````` e.clipboardData.getData('text/html')on line 51 returns nothing in current versions of **Google Chrome** (Firefox works just fine) thus failing the paste action. Use additionale.clipboardData.getData('Text')```
to fix that.

Would like to be able to force a linebreak in the toolbar.

To work around this I have, prior to (approx) line 1038;

return (action == '|') ? this.addSeparator() : this.addItem(action);


if (action == '~') return new Element('br').inject(this.el);

Obviously it should be a switch statement with an 'addLineBreak()' function.
I doubt it warrants more code than this.

-or- should I simply extend 'MooEditable.UI.Toolbar' and write my own 'render' method?

Firefox doesn't replace selection the first time selection.insertContent is called

Can you reproduce this bug also? I'm testing on Firefox 3.6 on Snow Leopard. I figured out a hack to fix the problem.

Change line 288:
this.selection = new MooEditable.Selection(, this);
Change the initialize function of MooEditable.Selection to:
initialize: function(win, editor){ = win;
this.editor = editor;
Then add this before the insertHTML line in the nonIE section of the insertContent function:
if (Browser.firefox) {'insertHTML', false, content);

Add Link to Image

When adding a link with an image selected, after clicking OK to put link on image the image is completely removed from the editor.

Throws a JS error at this line:'insertHTML', false, content);

this.doc.write() doesn't like multiple <script> tags

cheeaun, thanks for the google ads fix from the previous issue I posted, but with that I discovered a new issue.

We had a situation here where a user was trying to put two google ad blocks in one content area (that uses mooeditable). He'd paste them into the source view, update, then if he went back to the updated form and looked at the edit view he'd now be showing 3 blocks of google code.

With a lot of debugging I was able to determine that the initial this.doc.write() call in the attach method of MooEditable was causing the <script> blocks to be parsed by the browser (Firefox Mac 3.6), which resulted in only one of the doc blocks to be written to the iframe. I believe that this then caused MooEditable to think the content in the iframe, and the original content was different, and it'd end up appending the textarea content and the iframe content together, resulting in 3 blocks of the google adsense code.

This Stack Overflow question sort of describes what I believe to be happening here:

I was able to fix it by forcing a replace on any <script and </script tags to something that would likely not be used (I did <scrmooipt and </scrmooipt) in the cleanup method (before the final trim). Then after the in the attach method, I'd do a MooTools .set('html') on the body, and replace "scrmooipt" with "script" (this may not be necessary if it doesn't really matter if the JS is "proper" in the Iframe). I also had to do a similar replace in the getContent() method so that when viewed in source mode, or saved, the "scrmooipt"s aren't there.

My fix seems very hacky, but it appears to work as is.

Let me know if this all makes sense, if not, I can try to put together a couple of mooshells showing the bug, and my hack.

MooEditable.js line 387


After this line you need to call this.checkStates() to update Safari's states as the selected node has now changed.


Typo in "MooEditable.Smiley.js"

Line 40:
var settings = MooEditable.Actions.settings.smiley;
should read;
var settings = MooEditable.Actions.Settings.smiley;


Can't place cursor before or after table

When using only a table (so remove all the text) in the editor it is not possible to place the cursor before or after the table anymore. The cursor can only be placed inside the table

The workaround I use now is to place a

before or after the table in the 'code-view'.

The wiki page listing editors

Hi @cheeaun,

Thank you for putting together I'm one of the editors who tried to improve the page.

As you have seen, that wiki format just isn't good for collaboration. You can't revert, people can vandalize it, new contributors are discouraged from editing because they have to bug you instead etc.

To solve those problems, I have created a simple Markdown file on Github, that anyone can submit PRs to. I've also done a lot of work on documenting each editor's main features.

Would you like to work together on it?

errors with compressed version

There are some error which stop MooEditable.js from working when compessed:

  1. line 39 - baseCSS option should be on one line.
  2. line 43 - html option should also be on one line.
  3. line 1022 - should have a semi-colon at the end.

so code should look like:
line 39 :-

baseCSS: 'html{ height: 100%; cursor: text }\ body{ font-family: sans-serif; border: 0; }',

line 43 :-

html: '<html>\ <head>\ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">\ <style>{BASECSS} {EXTRACSS}</style>\ {EXTERNALCSS}\ </head>\ <body>{CONTENT}</body>\ Z</html>'

line 1022:-

see MooEditable.js for edits.

Adding and moving quotes in JS entered through source view

When pasting in some javascript source code to the source view of mooeditable (can be done using the MooEditable.html demo file in this package) quotes get moved around, breaking the JS code pasted.


Load Demos/MooEditable/MooEditable.html in your browser (Firefox 3.6 Mac is what I've been testing with), open the source view, paste in the following Google Anayltics code:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-1234567789";
/* comment */
google_ad_slot = "1234567890";
google_ad_width = 300;
google_ad_height = 250;
<script type="text/javascript" src="">

Go back to wysiwyg mode, then click on the source icon again, notice now that the source for the JS pasted above now looks like:

<p><script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-1234567789";
/* comment */
google_ad_slot =" "1234567890";
google_ad_width" =" 300;
google_ad_height" =" 250;
<p><script type="text/javascript" src="">

The extraneous paragraph tags aren't so much a problem as the moving of the quotes are (though the paragraph tags shouldn't be added either, IMO, since this was done in source view, not in wysiwyg view).

I'll look in the source some and see if I can patch this, but I'm not familiar with mooeditable's code base yet, so figured I'd post the issue first in case the pros out there know where to look. :)

ensureRootElement() deletes id-attributes

When creating an html-element with an id-attribute in an empty editor-field, the function MooEditable::ensureRootElement() deletes this attribute.
Change MooEditable.js line 642 from
html += new Element('div').adopt($(childNode).clone()).get('html');
html += new Element('div').adopt($(childNode).clone(true, true)).get('html');
to fix this.

Editor not loaded in IE9

In IE9, the editor isn't being loaded at all at the moment - only the raw textarea element is seen.

The following error comes up when the domready function is run:

Object doesn't support property or method 'mooEditable'

Focus issue

This bug only appears on Chrome. Didn't test on IE, but FF and Safari handle it well.
It's a focus issue, which I believe it close to the bug you recently fixed.

On a chrome browser, if you hit the tab key to switch from one to the next, MooEditable doesn't get selected properly. It looks like every button on the toolbar gets selected before it reaches the text area.

Tested with the latest repo from today. Running out of ideas on how to fix this bug.

IE Forecolor unquoted attributes

Hi There,

We found a little bug in the Forecolor function in IE.
If you allready posted some content and you want to edit this content again the HTML code is changed to uppercase elements like FONT and the quotes are gone on the color attribuut.

We use the content output for flash. Without the quoted attributes we get errors.
Ik hope you have a soloution.

Los Banditos

[Localization] Italian Localization

Hi, I've prepared an Italian localization file for MooEditable.

Locale.define('it-IT', 'MooEditable', {

    // MooEditable
    ok: 'OK',
    cancel: 'Annullare',
    bold: 'Grassetto',
    italic: 'Corsivp',
    underline: 'Sottolineato',
    strikethrough: 'Barrato',
    unorderedList: 'Lista non ordinata',
    orderedList: 'Lista ordinata',
    indent: 'Aumentare il rientro',
    outdent: 'Diminuire il rientro',
    undo: 'Annulla',
    redo: 'Ripristina',
    removeHyperlink: 'Rimuovere il link',
    addHyperlink: 'Aggiungere un link',
    selectTextHyperlink: 'Prego selezionare il testo da includere nel link.',
    enterURL: 'Inserire un URL',
    enterImageURL: 'Inserire l\'URL dell\'immagine',
    addImage: 'Aggiungere un\'immagine',
    toggleView: 'Cambia la Vista',

    // MooEditable.Charmap
    insertCustomCharacter: 'Aggiungi un carattere speciale',
    insertCharacter: 'Aggiungi',

    // MooEditable.Extras
    blockFormatting: 'Blocca la Formattazione',
    paragraph: 'Paragrafo',
    heading1: 'Titolo 1',
    heading2: 'Titolo 2',
    heading3: 'Titolo 3',
    alignLeft: 'Allineamento a sinistra',
    alignRight: 'Allineamento a destra',
    alignCenter: 'Allineamento centrato',
    alignJustify: 'Allineamento Giustificato',
    removeFormatting: 'Rimuovere la Formattazione',
    insertHorizontalRule: 'Inserimento di una Linea Orizzontale',

    // MooEditable.Flash
    embed: 'Inserire il codice da incorporare',
    flashEmbed: 'Aggiungere un oggetto flash',

    // MooEditable.Forecolor
    changeColor: 'Cambiare il colore',

    // MooEditable.Image
    imageAlt: 'alt',
    imageClass: 'classe',
    imageAlign: 'allineamento',
    imageAlignNone: 'nessuno',
    imageAlignLeft: 'sinistra',
    imageAlignCenter: 'centrato',
    imageAlignRight: 'destra',
    addEditImage: 'Aggiungere/Modificare un\'immagine',

    // MooEditable.Pagebreak
    pageBreak: 'Interruzione di Pagina',

    // MooEditable.Smiley
    insertSmiley: 'Ajouter un Smiley',

    // MooEditable.Table
    tableColumns: 'colonne',
    tableRows: 'righe',
    tableWidth: 'larghezza',
    tableClass: 'classe',
    tableType: 'tipo',
    tableHeader: 'intestazione',
    tableCell: 'cella',
    tableAlign: 'allineamento',
    tableAlignNone: 'nessuno',
    tableAlignCenter: 'centrato',
    tableAlignRight: 'destra',
    tableValign: 'allineamento verticale',
    tableValignNone: 'nessuno',
    tableValignTop: 'in testa',
    tableValignMiddle: 'al centro',
    tableValignBottom: 'in fondo',
    addTable: 'Aggiungere una tabella',
    editTable: 'Modificare una tabella',
    addTableRow: 'Aggiungere una riga',
    editTableRow: 'Modificare una riga',
    mergeTableRow: 'Unire la riga',
    splitTableRow: 'Dividere la riga',
    deleteTableRow: 'Cancellare la riga',
    addTableCol: 'Aggiungere una colonna',
    editTableCol: 'Modificare la colonna',
    mergeTableCell: 'Unire la colonna',
    splitTableCell: 'Dividere la colonna',
    deleteTableCol: 'Cancellare la colonna'




I'm using MooEditable on a site where I'm using TypeKit. I'd really like to get TypeKit working inside the MooEditable iframe, but I haven't had any luck. I tried editing options[html] to include the TypeKit script tags but that broke everything. Any suggestions?


Nick Chapman

Online Demo


Is there any online demo of your WYSIWYG editor?


Pagepreak insert different tags

Depending of current view, Pagebreak inserts into text different code:

 (in simple mode) either 
img class="mooeditable-visual-aid mooeditable-pagebreak"
(in rich text mode).

Why such difference?

Also pagebreak really breaks some tags, e.g. paragrahg tag.


It would be great if MooEditable supported tables. It is the only thing that keeps me from moving to this editor from other.

Save form on return on other input fields does not work anymore

I have a form with multiple input fields and a mooeditable. before I transformed the textarea to a mooeditable, I could send the form via pressing enter/return on a input-field. but now on pressing return, the focus is moved to the first mooeditable-toolbar button and this button is toggled - and the form is not sent. this happens in chromium and firefox.

errors with compressed version

Sorry I accidenty closed this so I have created a new Issue.
There are some error which stop MooEditable.js from working when compessed:

  1. line 39 - baseCSS option should be on one line.
  2. line 43 - html option should also be on one line.
  3. line 1022 - should have a semi-colon at the end.

so code should look like:
line 39 :-

baseCSS: 'html{ height: 100%; cursor: text }\ body{ font-family: sans-serif; border: 0; }',

line 43 :-

html: '<html>\ <head>\ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">\ <style>{BASECSS} {EXTRACSS}</style>\ {EXTERNALCSS}\ </head>\ <body>{CONTENT}</body>\ </html>'

line 1022:-

see MooEditable.js for edits.

iPhone/iPad issues

The editor doesn't work in mobile browsers, including those on the iPhone/iPad, at the moment. You can tap the button to edit in HTML view but the main iframe version doesn't work at all, unfortunately.

Typo in "MooEditable.Forecolor.js"

Line 44:
should read

note capital 'S'


Demo: MooEditable.Tables.html does not work

Fehler: dialog.attempt is not a function
Quelldatei: file:///C:/Users/SunboX/Desktop/vincentbluff-mooeditable-8b4ecb0aed7d7dcc87000cdab7c6dbdc3706a8c2/Source/MooEditable/MooEditable.js
Zeile: 61

IE8 click on scroll bar breaks smiley

in Mooeditable.Smiley we need to make sure el.tagname exists.

When a user clicks on the scroll bar IE8 likes to send the scroll bar as the which does not have a tagname.

Double Click

Small small typo on line 247 in MooEditable.js:
dbllick: this.editorDoubleClick.bind(this),
should be:
dblclick: this.editorDoubleClick.bind(this),

Also would you be interested in expanding

editorDoubleClick: function(e){
    this.fireEvent('editorDoubleClick', [e, this]);

editorDoubleClick: function(e){
var item = this.toolbar.getItem(action);
if (item) {
var dblclick = MooEditable.Actions[action]['ondblclick'];
if (typeOf(dblclick) == 'function'){
dblclick.attempt([item,e], this);
this.fireEvent('editorDoubleClick', [e, this]);

This would allow custom buttons to have a double click feature. For example, the createlink button can be extended so that if the users double clicks on a link then the link dialog will open up for edting.

ensureRootElement bug

There's a bug in the ensure root element function on line 598. You need to replace:

for (k=start+1; k<=i; k++){


for (k=start+1; k<i; k++){

I'm a bit out of sync with your codebase right now, so it seemed quicker to do it this way rather than do a commit.

Safari image moving bug


Using Safari 4.0.5 clicking on an image in the mooeditable window and dragging it around would result in the image becoming a broken link icon.

Remove line 380 block:

    // make images selectable and draggable in Safari
    if (Browser.Engine.webkit){
        var el =;
        if (el.get('tag') == 'img'){

And all works as expected...

I'm not sure if I added this originally or you did, but either way it seems redundant now.


'createlink' should also allow editing of links

To edit a link you either Remove and Add a link, or view the source to make such a change.
In the 'createlink' command function, this would do it;

var node = this.selection.getNode();
if (node.get('href')) prompt.el.getElement('.dialog-input').set('value', node.get('href'));

Keep up the good work!

The "Remove useless BRs" feature removes all BR following a markup, when the removal should only occur after a block type markup


I think that the "Remove useless BRs" feature is faulty because it removes all BRs following a markup, when the removal should only occur when the BR is following a block type markups. Consider the following HTML code:

<p><strong>Du lundi au vendredi</strong><br />9h - 12h30 / 14h - 19h</p>

In this example, the BR element is removed because it follows a STRONG element, but this is unexpected is not desired, and would not happen if "Du lundi au vendredi" was not emphasized. I made a patch, maybe you'll find it useful:

if (this.options.paragraphise) source = source.replace(/(div|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|li|object|ol|p)><br ?\/?>/gi, '$1>');

Best regards,

Olivier Laviale

editorFocus and editorBlur events do not fire in Chrome or IE

Code to reproduce:
new MooEditable(textarea, {
'baseCSS': 'html { height: 100%; cursor: text } body.focus { background: red; } ',
'onEditorFocus': function() {
'onEditorBlur': function() {

Expected result: iframe body background color change
Actual result: no change in Chrome or IE8

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