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Hi @clarissalimab, I watched your presentation at LibrePlanet 2021 and I love the idea of this repository. It looks like you've written the documents with the intention of them being copied verbatim or modified into other projects' repositories. It would help to explicitly state the licensing of these documents. I suggest Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.

Libreoffice Usability Test


This usability test aims to find how users of alternative offices (such as Microsoft Office) behave when using LibreOffice, their preferences and difficulties are focus points.



  • Where the tests should run? Latest LibreOffice version (7.0.3)
  • Preparation: Default interface; open Writer, Presentation and Calc.
  • Instructions to get this interface: Launch LiibreOffice

User profile

Between the ages of 17-20, users of alternative office solutions such as MSOffice and Google Docs.

Test design


  • Write a paragraph with ABNT structure and add a source (margins, font size, font type, bold) and export it as pdf.

  • Create a table with the following information:
    month 1 month 2 month 3
    worker 1 10 10 15
    worker 2 5 5 5

  • Create a bar graph with the table above

  • Create a presentation with three slides (title with image, index with centered text, conclusion with a happy face drawing)


A list of scenarios for the participant to perform the tasks. They should put the participant in a context and not give specific hints about what you want the participant to do. e.g.:

  1. You have to write a report for your teacher in ABNT format about your what you did today and add your diary as a source (BAR, Foo. Diary. Accessed on: today.), it's good practice in your school to send files as pdf.
  2. After another month of your work as a manager on a café, you write on a spreadsheet the salaries of your two workers. On the first month, worker 1 received 10 and worker 2 received 5; On the second month, worker 1 received 10 and worker 2 received 5; On the third month, worker 1 received 15 and worker 2 received 5. You plot a bar graph with salary as y axis and months as x axis.
  3. You are going to present to colleagues a cool slideshow, the slideshow must contain:
    On the first slide: a picture and a title.
    On the second slide: your index with centered text
    On the third slide: "Thank you for your attention!" and a smiley face.

Guardiões da Saúde


Evaluate the basic paths from sign up, log in, report a disease and check theirs neighborhood status.



  • Where the tests should run? v3.1.1 Android
  • Preparation: NA
  • Instructions to get this interface: Download the application from Play Store

User profile

A new user that never installed Guardiões da Saúde app.

Test design


A list of tasks that the participant has to perform. e.g.:

  • Sign up at Android app.
  • Log in at Android app.
  • Report their health status.


A list of scenarios for the participant to perform the tasks. They should put the participant in a context and not give specific hints about what you want the participant to do. e.g.:

  1. Coronavirus is spreading fast and you want to help by contributing to Guardiões da Saúde app database. Expected behavior: Install the app. Fill the form. Get into the app homepage

  2. Coronavirus is spreading fast and you wanna report your health status to help Government and your neighbors to be aware of the pandemic status. Touch at the report status button. Fill the form. If you were not feeling good, proceeds to report the disease. Else, get an incentive message to keep reporting daily.

  3. Coronavirus is spreading fast and you wanna know how it is the infection status at your neighborhood. Click at map tab. Find yourself on the provided map. Check their neighborhood spread status.

Chatbot Tais


Testar a interação do cidadão comum, fora do meio artistico, que deseja saber o que é a lei e suas peculiaridades



  • Onde rodar os testes? Versão 2.5.0 da Tais, utilizando o RocketChat como interface. Como rodar com esse mensageiro se encontra no do repositorio lappis-unb/tais
  • Preparação: Após rodar os contaneirs como explicado no, garanta que entre um voluntário e outro, a conversa seja apagada.
  • Instruções para chegar na interface: siga este tópico do Não é necessário executar a parte Instalação.

Perfil do Usuário

Cidadãos que já ouviram falar da Lei de Incentivo à Cultura, porém não entendem seus aspectos. Estes não tem interesse em submeter prospostas, somente entender sobre esta lei tão comentada.

Design do Teste


  • Obter a resposta sobre o que é a Lei de Incentivo à Cultura
  • Entender quem pode participar dessa Lei
  • Saber quem subdisia o projeto
  • Qual valor máximo que um projeto pode receber
  • Onde conseguir mais informações


  1. Você é um cidadão que acompanha muito os jornais. Viu que estão falando muito de cultura no país, e que se comentou sobre uma lei que ajuda projetos de cultura. O que o jornal explicou sobre o que é essa lei foi confuso. Ele comentou que a Tais é uma ferramenta da Secretaria Especial da Cultura, e você ficou curioso para saber mais sobre essa lei. Utilize a ferramenta para obter novamente essa explicação.

  2. Depois disso, você ouvi que o filho de um conhecido que tem uma banda, quer submeter uma proposta, só que você acha que só artista famoso pode participar dessa lei. Converse com a Tais para saber melhor sobre essa questão de participantes.

  3. Parando para pensar, você pensa que o governo não tem que patrocinar a banda do filho do seu conhecido! É absurdo usar fazer isso com o dinheiro do seus impostos! Tire isso a limpo com a Tais, e saiba quem está bancando essa farra.

  4. Hmmm, agora tudo bem, mas para ter certeza, pense e converse com a Tais sobre esse valores dos projetos e se eles não estão dando 10 milhões de reais para o filho do seu conhecido.

  5. A Tais fez seu trabalho, mas você gostaria de falar com um humano, e saber de informações mais especificas sobre a lei e a Secretaria. Será que a Tais pode ajudar nisso?


Erros de conversa: Tais não classificou corretamente a inteção do usuário, mas o usuário conseguiu completar o cenário.
Becos sem saida: Após uma tentativa sem sucesso, o usuário formula a pergunta e a Tais continua sem entender. O voluntário pode ou não ter conseguido completar o cenário.

Tarefa 1

  • 5 de 5 participantes foram bem sucessidos

  • 3 deles utilizaram a estrategia MEAJUDA, logo após a saudação.

  • 4 iniciaram a conversa com uma saudação

  • Alguns falaram formalmente com a Tais

  • Erros de Conversa: 1

    • O voluntário falou que queria saber sobre a lei, e a Tais não entendeu. O voluntário então digitou somente "lei de incentivo a cultura"
  • Becos sem Saída: 1

    • O voluntário teve dificuldade de aplicar a tarefa no cenário, chegou a perguntar sobre o número de antendimento de telefone, pois a Tais não estava respondendo corretamente. Depois de uma nova explicação sobre o cenário, conseguiu fazer a pergunta.

Tarefa 2

  • 5 de 5 participantes foram bem sucessidos

  • 2 deles comentaram que proponente é um termo muito formal e difícil de ser entendido logo no começo, o que atrapalhou a percepção deles de reposta certa da Tais.

  • 1 voluntário interpretou a resposta de proponente como se tivesse a pessoa tivesse que obter o documento "ato constitutivo"

  • 4 iniciaram a conversa com uma saudação

  • Alguns falaram formalmente com a Tais

  • Erros de Conversa: 2

    • Um voluntário perguntou o que era necessário para receber apoio da lei
    • Um voluntário perguntou com entrar no programa de incentivo, e a Tais identificou uma pergunta sobre agência bancária.
  • Becos sem Saída: 0

Tarefa 3

  • 5 de 5 participantes foram bem sucessidos

  • 2 deles obteram a resposta com a pergunta de sobre quem participa nos projetos

  • Erros de Conversa: 1

    • Um voluntário perguntou como se inscrever parar receber os beneficios, e a Tais identificou "Análise de Adissibimilidade". Voluntário, então perguntou sobre quem paga pela lei, e só na pergunta "como é arrecado o dinheiro que vai para o incentivo da cultura", a Tais conseguiu responder.
  • Becos sem Saída: 0

Tarefa 4

  • 4 de 5 participantes foram bem sucessidos

  • Erros de Conversa: 3

    • Um voluntário perguntou máximos e mínimos após dica
    • Entendeu o cenário como o valor de cache de cada artista e não do projeto inteiro, caiu no cachê, e depois de 3 tentativas não tentaria mais.
    • Um voluntário obteve a resposta de "Análise de Adissibimilidade" e pensou que o link daria a resposta, porém perguntou novamente e conseguiu.
  • Becos sem Saída: 2

    • Um voluntário perguntou sobre o valor fornecido para cada projeto, e a Tais identificou "Análise de Adissibimilidade". Voluntário então perguntou sobre valor mínimo e continuou sem resposta. Imaginou que o link enviado na mensagem da Tais responderia a pergunta, porém este não responde.
    • Entendeu o cenário como o valor de cache de cada artista e não do projeto inteiro, conseguiu a resposta esperada do cenário, porém considerou a resposta como errada.

Tarefa 5

  • 5 de 5 participantes foram bem sucessidos

  • Erros de Conversa: 2

    • Perguntou sobre como falar com área técnica, e Tais não soube responder
    • Perguntou sobre funcionário, e Tais não soube responder
  • Becos sem Saída: 0

O que foi bem?

A maioria dos volunarios tentaram utilizar uma linguagem mais formal, cumprimentando quando necessário, e entenderam as limitações da tecnologia.

Quais são os desafios

A Tais não se mostra amigável para aqueles que não tem conhecimento prévio do caminho de submissão de um projeto. É necessário minimamente entender o que é um proponente, e também bastantes terminologias de lei como "Análise de Admissibilidade".

A compreensão de algumas tarefas eram associadas com palavras chaves presentes na base de treinamento, como "valor máximo de projeto".

A explicação do cenário por parte do facilitador poderia ter evitado alguns erros iniciais do chatbot. Dizer também o término do cenário também ajudaria.


See this issue on Inkscape repository



The tests were aimed to capture pain points for beginners. Also, the process itself should create a usability test culture in Inkscape community.



  • Where the tests should run? The tests should all run in the last release, 1.0.1.
  • Preparation: The icon set and the theme should be the default one.
  • Instructions to get this interface: Open Edit > Preferences (or Ctrl + K), go to Interface > Theme. Choose Adwaita for Theme and hicolor for icons.

User profile

Users with no previous relevant experience with Inkcape. However, it would be nice to have a balance with users experienced with other drawing software (i.e. Adobe Illustrator)

Test design


  1. Change the application theme.
  2. Change the background color.
  3. Draw the following image:


  1. Draw the following image:


  1. Export the drawing as a PNG image.


I haven't developed scenarios for my tests. However, this is far from ideal, since it could create artificial results, away from a natural workflow in the software.


Task 1

5 of 5 participants succeeded.

The problem of this task was to find where the option was, changing it was easy.

What went well?

After getting to the right menu, changing the theme was easy and they happy that it didn't require a restart.

What were the challenges?

People clearly were expecting to have something at View menu. If the list of Interface's submenus on the Preference window appeared automatically, probably it would be easier to spot the Theme submenu.

Task 2

4 of 5 participants succeeded.

Similarly as in the task above, wasn't very intuitive to find where the option was, but after getting there, it was easy to complete the task.

What went well?

When people opened the right window, it was easy to find the right option there.

What were the challenges?

People went back to Preferences > Interface, which is a nice place to have this option to be honest. The expected behavior for some subjects was that only the background color would change, while the canvas would remain white (I think this can be seen in Adobe software). When the background color gets darker, the border (in default color) blends with it and it's harder to distinguish between the two areas.

Task 3

5 of 5 participants succeeded.

This test should show how is using the software itself, since it's a drawing exercise. It seems that the tools are in the right place, but using them for something slight more advanced seems hard.

What went well?

The "draw square" tool itself was easy to find and the more experienced users could easily use well know keyboard shortcuts to make it symmetric.

What were the challenges?

The double Fill/Stroke sections on top-right and bottom-left need some rework in order to be clear what they are for, since they do different things and the user needs to memorize what each one does. As for the border, the initial size should be either 0 or some value that the person can see it without zooming. We also need to figure out a way to get the Width option more visible appealing than the Dashes one, since this is what people click first for changing the size. Alpha component vs Object Opacity is also trick to get in the first trial.

Task 4

4 of 5 participants succeeded.

Again, the tool for drawing was quite easy, but the more complex step (applying the linear gradient as fill) was a big step. The icon set also played an important role in this tests, since some themes don't display the pentagon icon behind the star icon on the "Draw stars and polygons" tools.

What went well?

Using the "Draw polygon" tool and selection the number of vertices was trivial.

What were the challenges?

For the top menu (where one can change the number of corners) there might be a way to make it more visible. The pain point here is clearly the gradient menu, since the Add button doesn't add something on the selected image and the action that Edit does is not very showy. The fact that when you click on some of the points of the gradient (the small circle/square) the selection on Fill moves from Gradient to Flat color can cause some confusion as well.

Task 5

3 of 5 participants succeeded.

The success of this task was directly related to how many menus the subject had open before trying to Export the PNG.

What went well?

The menu is good to use, the buttons and its purposes are clear. If there are no others menus opened on the right side, it will be noticed for sure.

What were the challenges?

Seeing the menu. If the right side is already polluted, is very likely that it will remain unnoticed, and the user will think that nothing happened.



The tests were chosen to evaluate features or menus on the KeePassXC that seemed less intuitive to use or to find.



  • Where the tests should run? Latest release, version 2.6.2
  • Preparation: A database should be provided with a (simple) password already configured, like 123, and containing a few entries, some of which should contain frequently used passwords, like 123.
  • Instructions to get this interface: "Create new database" > "Continue" > "Continue", enter 123 password and "Done". Then inside the database, click the plus icon, choose some Title, enter a password and click "OK". Do this a few (3-5) times.

User profile

Mainly users new to the program or that haven't used anything other than the basics.

Test design


  1. Change the database password
  2. Generate new random password
  3. Use the Auto-Type feature
  4. Check leaked passwords with Have I Been Pwned


  1. You accidentally exposed the current password for your database, and to prevent possible leaks you need to change it. Expected behavior: "Database" > "Database settings" > "Security" > "Change Password", enter the new password twice and "OK".
  2. You want to create a new account on a website, and to make it very secure, you need to generate a new random password for it. Expected behavior: Click on the plus icon (or "Entries" > "New Entry...") then on the Password field, click on the dice icon and click on "Apply Pasword" and "OK".
  3. You were creating a new account on a website and you noticed that it doesn't allow you to paste the password from the password manager into the field, so you need the password manager to type it in for you. Expected behavior: Select password entry and click the keyboard icon (or "Entries" > "Perform Auto-Type")
    Note: The user should be instructed to open a second window with a browser or terminal to act as the website being inputted into
  4. You learned that an online service you use suffered a big password leak, and since you learned from a friend that KeePassXC can give you this information, you need to check if one of your passwords were part of the leak. Expected behavior: "Database" > "Database Reports..." > "HIBP" > "Perform Online Analysis".

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