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cloudspout-button-panel's Issues

Could not Fetch


I tried to make a post request using this button from Grafana cloud v8.4.3.
The post request is used to write point info to the Influxdb cloud, using its API.
To make sure that the problem is not from the Influxdb side, I have written a similar code that runs in Python and works alright.

url = "'ORG’&bucket='BUCKET’&precision=ns" 
custom_header = {"Authorization":"Token ‘#token_value’",
                 "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"  }
data = "    #Arbitrary_DATA"
r =,data,headers=custom_header)

I have also contacted the Grafana support team to make sure that the "Failed to fetch" error is not because of their API. However, they suggested contacting the button panel team and seeking a solution.

The POST request works well for, but not for Influxdb requests.
I would appreciate your suggestions in this regard.

Download Button should be able to download the file


We have one urgent request, we are trying to download the file using API, we are seeing the response data as encoded content.
We need to download the file on click.
we are using flask API from flask.send_file

Typo in Button Panel section

Minor issue: In the Button Panel section, with the 'custom' variant, we see 'Fackground Color'.
I assume this must be corrected to 'Foreground Color'.

Kind regards, - Dirk

Post response

hello ,

how can we manage data response ( json ) of Post request


isAuth seems to be true even if not set in the panel editor

When I try to execute a REST call to my home assistant server I get the following error from the preflight request:

Credentials flag is true, but Access-Control-Allow-Credentials is not "true".

I have configured my home assistant server with the correct cors_allowed_origins I am using the following headers:

Authorization: Bearer (my home assistant token)

Authentication switch is turned off and the request is a POST request with a valid json which works fine if I try it with another HTTP client.

Grafana v8.3.x: "NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource."

  • Environment
    • Grafana OSS v8.3.0 and v8.3.6
    • Button Panel v7.0.23
    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Observed behaviour
    • With any URL, any type of request GET/POST
    • With/without a reverse proxy
    • Error message viewable upon clicking the button: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
  • How to reproduce:
    • Install Grafana OSS and Button Panel of the versions mentioned
    • Create a new dashboard
    • Create a new panel of the button plugin
    • Replace the URL with any valid URL e.g. Requestbin with GET/POST
    • Click on the button
    • View the error message in the hover text
    • View the Grafana log

Not able to skip tls check when dealing with https rest

Is there a way to skip tls check , in order to be able to deal with https rest witch is using an auto signed certificate
With https i'am getting net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
NB : tls check disabled is already implemented in other plugins

Feature request: Proxy support

Hi, thank you for cool project!

Is it possible to add support for http/socks5 proxies?

In my case it will be usefull to bypass IP whitelist for remote API without need to use VPN or export http_proxy on server with Grafana

Button doesn't have any HTTP settings to configure


My Grafana version: 7.2
It seems all the HTTP settings are not there to configure ?
Here is a screenshot of the cloudspot button panel settings in my installation:

Did I miss anything ?
thanks !

button panel 7.0.7 packaging for grafana direct installation seems to be incomplete

Hi guys,
i have tried to install this plugin packaged here ( through normal grafana process installation, that is :

  • extract your zip under the path : /var/lib/grafana/plugins and assigning grafana:grafana user:group owners
  • restarted grafana

But going to grafana plugin page i see the message "Error loading plugin. check the server startup logs for more information. if this plugin was loaded from git, make sure it was compiled".


So is there no a zip file already prepared for the grafana installation ?

I have also tried to change current cors status for my firefox (versione 82.0 64bit) ( but without success.

OS version : Redhat 7.7

From grafana log i see only this without any errors...

[root@node001 grafana]# grep -i button grafana.log
t=2020-10-27T06:42:53-0300 lvl=info msg="Registering plugin" logger=plugins name="Button Panel"
[root@node001 grafana]#

Thanks for any feedback.

Return of statusCode 200 to the botton panel does not change symbol to check mark

thanks for nice plugin

Not sure if I'm doing it right, but when I have received the GET request from Grafana button Plugin in node-red, I return StatusCode 200. But the Button Panel symbol changes to warning triangle and not the check mark as show in Code section of the plugin.
Is it wrong to send StatusCode 200 or is there any documentation on how to do this properly ?

Button panel resetting text upon clicking edit

When I click to edit a button panel, the set text will revert to the default text. I am fairly sure this has to do with the fact that my button text is completely whitespace since I just want a left / right arrow for the button icon

steps to reproduce:

  • Make a button panel
  • Edit button panel
  • clear Button Panel -> Text
  • Apply
  • Either edit again, or leave the dashboard and come back, and the labels for the buttons will be back to their defaults

this was using plugin version 7.0.23 on grafana v8.1.5

Option to not execute a REST query

Would it be an idea to have an option to not send any REST query, so that it only does a mysql query.
A possible Use Case would be to press a button that only updates a mysql table entry. A process that monitors changes of this mysql table could trigger further actions.

Implementation of such an option may be possible to simply leave the URL of REST Integration empty:
If the url is not defined, it simply does not invoke any REST query.

Currently, when leaving the url empty, the button shows a rotating icon as if something is running but most likely is not.

Thanks in advance and kind regards.

Button not working when added after install

I used the command to install

$ grafana-cli --pluginUrl \
  plugins install cloudspout-button-panel

But when i try to use the plugin i have this error:

What's going on?

Get "Panel plugin not found: cloudspout-button-panel" error when use unpack zip file way

I download the .zip file and unpack it into grafana plugins directory(*/grafana/data/plugins).
But get "Panel plugin not found: cloudspout-button-panel" error.
Here my code in Dockerfile

RUN wget -O 'http://***/'
RUN unzip -d ./data/plugins
RUN rm -rf

Grafana version is 6.3.6

Add possibility to send REST call via Grafana server (like datasources can)

Thanks for your work to create that plugin. Really helpful.

As far as i can see, the REST calls are only direct HTTP queries from browser to target server.
But sometimes the target server might not be reachable from browser, but only from Grafana server.

Unfortunately this is the case for my scenario (grafana server is dual homed).
However queries to the datasources can already be "proxied" via Grafana server (at least InfluxDB).

I would find such a option for your plugin very useful and appreciate such a feature.
I think this could be useful for others too.

cloudspout-button-panel 7.0.23
Grafana v7.3.4

Rest integration now showing

Hello, i installed multiple times the button to do post request, but today i installed it, and there is no option for the rest integration, the button shows in the dashboard, but i dont have any options to edit it, i cant even change the text. is there a new update or im missing something?
Thanks !

Failed to fetch network ressource - grafana 8.5.0 & button panel v 7.0.23

I've tried to implement a simple button with a GET request to a http-endpoint in NODERD (local network) and I alway get an error message fron the button panel (Failed to fetch network ressource), that the network ressource cannot be fetched. But this is wrong - in NODERED the request will received correctly. The http endpoint in NODERED simply reply a "http-200" (nothing else). Grafana runs in a container. A fundamental network problem can be excluded, due to the fact, that my other data sources cann be reached without any problems (e.g. a INFLUX DB in an neighbor container and plugin sources in internet)

Choice of icons & color


Me again.

Would it be possible to add a way for the user to choose the icon that shows on the left of the button ?
Maybe using fontawesome could be enough, but it'd be nice to have the choice of custom icon as well.

Also, a customisation of the colors of the button would be nice.

Thank you again !

CORS Issue - Request credentials mode always set to 'include'

We use this plugin to call pipeline triggers on our GitLab instance, these use simple requests, with an api token as a query parameter. Since updating Grafana to latest version we had to also update this button plugin (we couldn't see/edit any of the
Rest Integration settings of the panel).

After updating the plugin we get CORS errors when using our buttons:

Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'.

We checked the code and saw that it is defaulting to setting credentials: true, even when not using any form of auth. I am not versed in typescript to make the necessary changes and am not familiar enough with CORS policies and such but I thought this might be a cause to our problem?

let fetchOpts: RequestInit = {
method: options.method, // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
mode: 'cors', // no-cors, *cors, same-origin
credentials: 'include', // include, *same-origin, omit
cache: 'no-cache', // *default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached
headers: requestHeaders,
redirect: 'follow', // manual, *follow, error
//referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer', // no-referrer, *no-referrer-when-downgrade, origin, origin-when-cross-origin, same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin, unsafe-url

Mixed Content for prevents the browser to load the button configuration

The Grafana fails to load the panel configuration because the browsers want as a "Mixed Content" and prevent loading the configuration panel. This is because the default value in the URL is set to "".
It appears that this issue presents the Grafana to load the configuration panel and display it to the user to configure the panel.
Screenshot of Chrome to show the issue is here:

Support Basic Auth (was: No chance to Connect to Node-Red on my Raspberry)


use grafana-button-panel Version 7.03.
No GET-Action is possible.
The Node-Red Setup is already done.
curl -u node_red_xxxxx:pw_node_red_xxxxx -i -s localhost:1880/btn01 - works fine
curl node_red_xxxxx:pw_node_red_xxxxx@localhost:1880/btn01?wert=44 - works fine
http://node_red_xxxxx:[email protected]:1880/btn01 - works fine from a remote Browser

cloudspout-button-panel does literally nothing...
use grafana 7.1.0
basic auth for Node-Red Access is required.

Any Idea to get running the Button?
Or: What is the clean path to uninstall the button-panel?

Kind regards

No Options Present in Grafana 7.2.0

First: Thanks for developing this plugin. It would be perfect for my needs.
However, after I installed version 7.0.4 of the plugin for grafana 7.2.0 I noticed that the "Options" dialog is missing after selecting "Button Panel" as visualization. (Also see the screenshot below).
Without this, configuration is impossible.
Can you please have a look at this behaviour?

Thanks in advance!
Cheese_Thu-01Oct20_16 49

Add Data Field for JSON

Please add a Data field for JSON data. Without it, POST does not work with most APIs because you can't add that data as headers.

Before calling REST API directly add a confirmation box before it [OK or Cancel]

We are calling REST API on button click. And we need to add confirmation box before it, which contains OK and Cancel button. When OK is clicked Call the REST API and on Cancel just cancel the request.

Use Case: Need to add confirmation Box when button is clicked instead of directly calling REST API.

Could you consider this as a feature request ?

Send POST request to current host IP but another port

I'd like to be able to push data to a node-red that's installed on the same machine but listens to another port.

Currently, I use a variable containing the IP address/host and use that in the REST URL, but I was wondering if it was possible to either

  • auto populate a variable containing the current host
  • add an option to send to the current host and only change the scheme (http/https), port and path.

Thank you!

Center Button vertically



This image pretty much shows my issue.
How to center the buttons vertically so i don't always accidentally press Grafana dropdown menu?
And shouldn't that by default be?

Parametrisation of openhab2 switch item curl

Please how to parametrize in Grafana plugin CloudSpout Button Panel
according following openhab2 rest api statement:
curl --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' --request POST --data 'ON' 'http://openhabIP:8080/rest/items/BasicSwitch4' or curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: text/plain" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "OFF" "http://openhabIP:8080/rest/items/BasicSwitch4".

Version numbers:
Grafana 8.2.5, CloudSpout LLC Button Panel, Raspbian buster,

Running on RPi4 4GB


Error when installing the plugin

Grafana, for some reason, fails to install the plugin using the zip url.

To reproduce:

$> docker run -it --entrypoint sh grafana/grafana:7.0.3
/usr/share/grafana # grafana-cli --pluginUrl plugins install cloudspout-button-panel
installing cloudspout-button-panel @
into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins

Error: ✗ failed to extract plugin archive: failed to extract file: failed to open file: open /var/lib/grafana/plugins/cloudspout-button-panel/img/logo.svg: no such file or directory

I fixed the issue by creating a new zip under linux and publishing it somewhere else:
zip -r cloudspout-button-panel

I found out that if I do the same operation on a mac, I have the same error as above. Only zip created under linux seems to work.

Use button for navigation

So far the button supports HTTP GET and POST, which is great - many thanks!

It would be even better to use it as a navigation button, where it navigates the browser to a specific URL (or dashboard-id).

Why? Because this button looks nicer than the integrated link buttons.

The easiest way might be just a link-field.

"Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined" after pressing the button

Снимок экрана 2020-11-21 в 11 30 40

Expected Behavior

The same behaviour as on the gif in Readme. No errors in the console, sending the request and showing a check mark instead of the loading animation.

Current Behavior

JS throws an error "Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined" after pressing the button with the same config as in the Readme file. The query is not sent and the button gets stuck with 'loading' animation


chrome 86.0.4240.198 (mac)

Button POST doesn't work with no params

I am not sure why but it seems I cannot trigger the POST button.
The ajax call is never triggered and an error is logged inside the console



Any hints ?

Edit: And when I try to add dummy parameters to make it work even so, they won't save properly.


Don't know what to do at this point

thanks !

cloudspout-button-panel not save parameter

not save parameter

Hi. I installed cloudspout-button-panel plugin on grafana version7.3.6 in docker. After restart grafana. I put this panel on dashboard and input parameters like "deviceid" value is "1234" then press apply button. The system does not show this parameter when i edit this panel. Anyone please advice me how to fix.

Thank in advance.

Integrating variables and ad hoc filters

Hi! First thank you, this is a great plugin. I'm using grafana for some admin tasks and this is very useful.

For my needs I forked and modified your code.

In the editor I allow to add other kind of parameters: "variable parameters" that will be resolved before the request. Also I allow to use the variable notation in the label of the button. "This is the label for $variable"

In the panel I'm resolving the variables configured in the editor: first I look for ad hoc filters (I use them in elasticsearch) then for regular variables like text box variables.

The use case form me is the ability to invoke an endpoint with current dashboard filters and variables.

What do you think? would you be interested in a pull request?

Multiple buttons


Thank you for this plugin.

Would it be hard to implement multiple buttons support in the same panel ?

Their ordering could be left-to-right or top-to-bottom and ideally they'd all have the same width/height in the same panel. Obviously, separate HTTP requests per button.

This would help getting rid of the panel title bar.
Thank you !

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