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ci_ms4_picturesque's Introduction


View the deployed site here

Table of Contents

Project Goals

Picturesque is an online print shop for a photographer, it sells prints alongside frames. This easily allows people to completely transform their home with art while only having to shop in one place.

User Experience

User Goals

  • An easy to use site
  • Be able to easily purchase prints and frames
  • Be able to create an account, add items to their basket and checkout
  • Easily find Picturesque on their social media channels from the website

Target Audience

  • General public
  • Art fans
  • Photographers

User Stories

Visitor Goals

  1. As a visitor I want the site to be easy and simple to use.
  2. As a visitor I want to be able to search for a product by name or description
  3. As a visitor I would like to be able to sort products by name, price or category
  4. As a visitor I would like to be able to add a product to my basket and checkout
  5. As a visitor I would like to be able to see my order history
  6. As a visitor I would like to be able to adjust the quantity of items in the basket
  7. As a visitor I would like to receive an order confirmation after checkout
  8. As a visitor I would like to receive an email confirmation of my order
  9. As a visitor I would like to easily find Picturesque's contact information, social media and find out who they are
  10. As a visitor I would like to leave reviews of items I have purcahsed.

Site Owner Goals

  1. As a site owner I want the site to be easy to use.
  2. As a site owner I want the site to be clean and simple, allowing the products to stand out
  3. As a site owner I want the purpose of the site to be clear to each user.
  4. As a site owner I want to be able to add, edit and delete products in the store.
  5. As a site owner I want to be able to keep users up to date with news and events at Picturesque.

User Requirements and Expectations


  • Easy to navigate
  • Appealing design that allows the products to stand out
  • The user will be able to purchase items, with an account, but also anonymously
  • Users with an account will be able to store their contact and delivery information
  • All users will be able to view the full range of products
  • Users will be able to review products if they have an account


  • Buttons take you to the page they say they will
  • Add to basket will successfully add the item to basket
  • Checkout will successfully take payment for the order
  • The signup link will allow users to create an account
  • Login will allow exisiting users to access their account, including their order history
  • The user will receive feedback from the site when adding an item to basket, updating their basket and checking out


Based on the above information, features to be included in the design include:

  • An easy to navigate homepage with an obvious path to other pages
  • A profile page that is only accessible to individual users when they log in
  • Easily log in and logout of the site with the relevant buttons in the navigation bar
  • A contact page with links to social media


A responsive site consisitng of multiple pages, including home, products, contact, profile, log in and create account.

The site will be simple to use across all devices.

Design Choices

The style of the site will be simple and minimal so it remains easy to navigate and allows the products to be the main selling point.



I have chosen a colour scheme that is minimal, but still has a pop of colour to break up the black and white.


I have decided to use Mulish, taken from the Google Fonts library, with sans-serif being the fallback font should either of the selected fonts be unavailable.

This font is clean and easy to read.




Technologies Used


Frameworks, Libraries and Other Tools

  1. Affinity Designer
  2. Git
  3. Github
  4. Am I Responsive
  5. Coolors
  6. Visual Studio Code
  7. Balsamiq
  8. Font Awesome
  9. Google Fonts
  10. Bootstrap
  11. Django
  12. AWS
  13. Heroku
  14. Postgres


Common Features

1. Navigation and Page Header


  • This is a feature that is seen on every page
  • Each part is easy to read, and provides simple explanations of where each link will take you
  • The search bar will search product names and descriptions
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a visitor I want the site to be easy and simple to use.
  2. As a visitor I want to be able to search for a product by name or description
  3. As a visitor I would like to easily find Picturesque's contact information and social media
  4. As a site owner I want the site to be easy to use.
  5. As a site owner I want the site to be clean and simple, allowing the products to stand out
  6. As a site owner I want the purpose of the site to be clear to each user.

Feature 1 - Homepage

The homepage is made up of:

  1. Image Carousel
  2. A summary of Picturesque
1. Image Carousel


  • I used the Bootstrap component for this element
  • It gives users a hint of the kind of images that are sold on the site
  • It is eyecatching and will draw the users attention
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a site owner I want the site to be clean and simple, allowing the products to stand out
2. A summary of picturesque


  • This feature tells the user what Picturesque is
  • The font is clear and easy to read
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a visitor I would like to easily find Picturesque's contact information, social media and find out who they are
  2. As a site owner I want the purpose of the site to be clear to each user.

Feature 2 - All Products Pages

  • This page contains all of the products available to purchase
  • There are two further pages that split the items into their respective category
  • For superusers there is an option to edit or delete an item at the bottom of each listing
Product Filter


  • This lets the user filter the products by name, price or category
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a visitor I would like to be able to sort products by name, price or category
  2. As a site owner I want to be able to add, edit and delete products in the store.

Feature 3 - Product Details Page

  • This page contains all the information about the product.
  • There is the option to add the item to bag
  • For superusers the option to edit or delete the item is on this page
Product Details


  • This page is simple and easy to read
  • The dropdown allows users to select the size print they would like to purchase
  • The add to basket button allows users to add items to basket
  • There is the option to leave a review if the user is logged in to an account
  • All users are able to view reviews left by other users
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a visitor I would like to be able to add a product to my basket and checkout
  2. As a visitor I would like to leave reviews of items I have purcahsed.
  3. As a site owner I want to be able to add, edit and delete products in the store.

Feature 4 - User Profile

  • This page contains a simple form allowing users to add or update their saved delivery information
  • It also allows users to see their order history
Saved Information and order history

images images

  • This table allows users with an account to save their delivery information for a faster checkout experience with any other orders
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a visitor I would like to be able to see my order history

Feature 5 - Basket Page

  • This page allows users to proceed to checkout with their items
Item information and totals


  • Users can easily adjust item quantities using the plus and minus buttons, or delete by using the delete button
  • Users can clearly see how much their order will cost before and after delivery.
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a visitor I want the site to be easy and simple to use.
  2. As a visitor I would like to be able to add a product to my basket and checkout
  3. As a visitor I would like to be able to adjust the quantity of items in the basket

Feature 6 - Checkout Page

  • This page allows users to checkout using stripe
  • It allows the user to input their delivery and contact information
  • Once completed there is a toast confirming the order, as well as email feedback
Checkout information and details


  • This page is clean and easy to follow
  • It shows the details of your order before you complete it
  • There is instant feedback once the order is complete, as well as feedback via email
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a visitor I want the site to be easy and simple to use.
  2. As a visitor I would like to receive an order confirmation after checkout
  3. As a visitor I would like to receive an email confirmation of my order

Feature 7 - Contact Page


  • This page contains all the contact information for Picturesque
  • There are direct links to all social media channels
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a visitor I would like to easily find Picturesque's contact information, social media and find out who they are

Feature 8 - Blog Page


  • This page is clean and easy to follow
  • It shows the blogposts with a snippet of the post followed by a read more button
Blog Details Page


  • This page is clean and easy to follow
  • It shows the image on the left with the text on the right of the screen
  • For admin users there is an edit and delete button on each post.
User stories covered by this feautre:
  1. As a site owner I want to be able to keep users up to date with news and events at Picturesque.

Future Features

In the future I would like to add the functionality to turn part of the site into a print on demand site, so users can then upload their own files to get printed.

Information Architecture

Data Storage

  • User Information
Title Key In Database Form Validation Data Type
Account id _id No Validation Primary Key
Full Name full_name max length 20 CharField
E-mail Address email Must contain @ & .com etc Email
Street Address default_street_address1 max length 128 CharField
Street Address 2 default_street_address2 max length 128 CharField
City Or Town default_town_or_city max length 128 CharField
County/State default_county max length 64 CharField
Postal Code default_postcode max length 12 CharField
Contact Number default_telephone_number Number max length 20 CharField
Country country pycountry select Option
  • Product information
Title Key In Database Form Validation Data Type
Product Id _id No Validation Primary Key
Product Name name max length 254 CharField
Product Category category max length 100 CharField
Price price Max Digits 6 Decimal Places 2 DecimalField
Category category No validation ForeignKey
Description description No validation CharField
Size has_sizes Default True BooleanField
In Stock in_stock Default True BooleanField
Image image Null True Blank True ImageField
  • Orders Information
Title Key In Database Form Validation Data Type
Order Number order_number No Validation Primary Key
User Profile user_profile text Foreign Key
Full Name full_name max length 100 CharField
email email max length 100 CharField
telephone Number telephone_number max length 20 CharField
street address 1 street_address1 max length 100 CharField
street address 2 street_address2 max length 100 CharField
City Town town_or_city max length 100 CharField
County/State county max length 100 CharField
Postcode Zip postcode max length 8 CharField
Country country country select Option
Order Date order_date DateField
Total Order total_order max digits 10 DecimalField
Delivery Charge delivery_charge max digits 5 DecimalField
Grand total grand_total max digits 10 DecimalField


Manual Testing


Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Logo/Site name click redirect to home page Pass
Searchbar Enter a query display products related to that query Pass
Searchbar Icon click submit query Pass
My Accout Icon dropdown click display a dropdow list Pass
Register click redirect to sign up page Pass
Log in click redirect to sign in page Pass
My Profile click redirect to my profile page Pass
(only when user is logged in) Pass
Log out click Confirm log out page Pass
(only when user is logged in) Pass
Add Product click redirect to add product page Pass
(only when superuser is logged in) Pass
Bag Icon click redirect to bag page Pass
Home click redirect to home page Pass
All Items click redirect to Products page showing all items Pass
Prints click redirect to Products page showing items in the prints category Pass
Frames click redirect to Products page showing items in the frames category Pass
Contact click redirect to contact page Pass
Hamburger Icon click open mobile Pass
Search Icon click open search bar as is on mainNav Pass
My Accout Icon dropdown click display a dropdow list Pass
Register click redirect to sign up page Pass
Log in click redirect to sign in page Pass
My Profile click redirect to my profile page Pass
(only when user is logged in) Pass
Log out click Confirm log out page Pass
(only when user is logged in) Pass
Add Product click redirect to add product page Pass
(only when superuser is logged in) Pass
Bag Icon click redirect to bag page Pass
Home click redirect to home page Pass
All Items click redirect to Products page showing all items Pass
Prints click redirect to Products page showing items in the prints category Pass
Frames click redirect to Products page showing items in the frames category Pass
Contact click redirect to contact page Pass

Home Page

All elements on this page are displayed and responsive

Contact Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Social Media Icons click redirect users to the relevant page in a new tab Pass

All Items Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Sorting bar click sort products by specific query Pass
Product Image click redirect user to that specific product detail page Pass
Back to Top button click pop the view back to the top of the page Pass
When a superuser logged in
Edit/Delete link shows
Edit click redirect user to edit product page Pass
Delete click a toast telling the user the product has been deleted appears Pass

Product Detail Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Image Click open up the image in a seperate page Pass
Select Input/Size click shows the corresponding value Pass
Add to bag click add item to the shopping bag with the variation value and redirect to the bag page Pass
Go back button click redirect user to all products page Pass

Shopping Bag Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
No bag items
Keep shopping button click redirect to all products page Pass
Bag items
Toast message None pop up with a success message Pass
Product name click redirect user to product detail page Pass
Minus Button click(when there are more than 1 such items in the bag) reduce the item quantity by 1, Toast sucess message shows with a shopping bag preview Pass
Minus Button click(when there is 1 such items in the bag) nothing, user cannot add negative values to the basket Pass
Plus Button click increase the lineitem quantity by 1, toast success message shows up Pass
Update Button click Update all other values in the basket Pass
Delete Button click a confirm deletion modal pops up Pass
press ok delete the lineitem from the shopping bag
Secure Checkout button click(user logged in) redirect to the checkout page(if save_info, form populated with user info) Pass
Secure Checkout button click(user not logged in) redirect to the checkout page (blank form) Pass
Keep shopping button click redirect to all products page Pass

Checkout Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Details and Delivery Form (if not logged in) Fill in on submit, data will be saved with the order Pass
Details and Delivery Form (if logged in) Fill in form will be prepopulated if saved data available. On submit, data will be saved with the order Pass
Create account link (if not logged in) click will take user to signup page Pass
Already have an account link (if not logged in) click will take user to login page Pass
Payment card input input invalid card number error message on field Pass
input invalid card date erroor message on field Pass
Onload (user not logged in) shown Pass

Checkout Success Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Toast message None success messages Pass

Profile Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Form fields Onload fields populated with user default info(if previously saved) Pass
All input fields leave blank on submit: form submit Pass
just whitespace leave blank on submit: form submit
fill in correctly leave blank on submit: form submit
Form dropdown click show dropdown options Pass
Update button click Form submits Pass
Form updated toast message appears Pass
Previous order number click redirect to previous order checkout success page Pass

Previous Order checkout success page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Toast message Onload alert message inform the user this is a previous order Pass
Back to profile Button click redirect to profile page Pass

Product Admin - Add product Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Category Form dropdown click display all categories Pass
SKU Text input Fill in display all categories Pass
Name Form Text Input (if required) Leave blank On Submit: Warning appears, form won't submit Pass
Name Form Text Input (if required) Fill In On Submit: Form submit Pass
Description Text Field Fill in On Submit: Form submit Pass
Has Sizes Dropdown Select Option On Submit: Form submit Pass
Price Form Text Input (if required) Leave blank On Submit: Warning appears, form won't submit Pass
Price Form Text Input (if required) Fill In On Submit: Form submit Pass
Image select button click Add image to product Pass
Cancel Button click send user back to all products without saving any changes Pass
Add to site Button click Saves new item and redirects to the products page Pass

Product Admin - Edit product Page

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
All form fields On load Populated with original values Pass
Form Dropdowns Click Show dropdown options Pass
Name Text Input (if required) Leave blank On Submit: Warning appears, form won't submit Pass
Name Text Input (if required) Fill In On Submit: Form submit Pass
Price Form Text Input (if required) Leave blank On Submit: Warning appears, form won't submit Pass
Price Form Text Input (if required) Fill In On Submit: Form submit Pass
Form image Select button Click Open device storage Pass
New image name displayed Pass
Cancel button Click Redirect to products page Pass
Update Product button(form valid) Click Form submit Pass
Redirect to product detail page Pass
Product updated toast appears Pass
Update Product button(form invalid) Click Form doesn't submit Pass
Error messages on invalid fields Pass

Alluth Pages

Element Action Expected Result Pass/Fail
Sign in link Click Redirect to sign in page Pass
Email field Fill in
(incorrect format)
On submit: form wont'submit Pass
Error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(correct format)
On submit: form submit Pass
Fill in
(email already used)
On submit: form wont'submit Pass
Error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(email not already used)
On submit: form submit Pass
Username field Fill in
(all whitespace)
On submit: form wont'submit Pass
Error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(correct format)
On submit: form submit Pass
Fill in
(username already used)
On submit: form wont'submit Pass
Error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(username not already used)
On submit: form submit Pass
Password field Fill in
(incorrect format)
On submit: form wont'submit Pass
error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(correct format)
On submit: form wont'submit Pass
Fill in
(passwords don't match)
On submit: form wont'submit Pass
error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(passwords match)
On submit: form submit Pass
Sign Up button(form invalid) Click Form wont'submit Pass
error message on invalid fields Pass
Sign Up button(form valid) Click Form submit Pass
redirect to email verification page Pass
email sent to user Pass
Email Verification
Follow link from email Click redirect to confirm email page Pass
Confirm button Click redirect to log in page Pass
sign in form populated with user info Pass
email confirmation toast appears Pass
Sign up link Click Redirect to sign up page Pass
Username Field Fill in
(just whitespace)
On submit:form won't submit Pass
error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(wrong username)
On submit:form won't submit Pass
error message for username/password Pass
Password Field Fill in
(just whitespace)
On submit:form won't submit Pass
error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(wrong password)
On submit:form won't submit Pass
error message for username/password Pass
Forgot Password button Click redirect to password reset page Pass
Sign In button(form invalid) Click form won't submit Pass
error message on invalid field(s) Pass
Sign In button(form valid) Click form submit Pass
redirect to home page Pass
sign in confirmation toast appears Pass
Password Reset
Email Field Fill in
(just whitespace)
On submit:form won't submit Pass
error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(incorrect email)
On submit:form won't submit Pass
error message on invalid field Pass
Fill in
(correct email)
On submit:form submit Pass
Forgot Password button Click redirect to password reset page Pass
Reset password button(form invalid) Click form won't submit Pass
error message on invalid field Pass
Reset password button(form valid) Click form submit Pass
redirect to password reset confirmation Pass
email sent to user Pass
Change Password
Password reset link from email Click redirect to change password page Pass
Password input Fill in
(all whitespace)
On submit: form won't submit Pass
error message on field Pass
Fill in
(passwords not matching)
On submit: form won't submit Pass
error message on field Pass
Fill in
(passwords match)
On submit: form submit Pass
Change password button(form invalid) Click Redirect to change password confirmation Pass
Password change confirmation toast appears Pass
Logout Confirmation
Sign out button Click Redirect to homepage Pass
Sign out confirmation toast appears Pass

Testing on other devices

Devices tested:

  • IPhone 12 Pro
  • Samsung Galaxy s20+
  • IPad Pro 11"
  • 21.5" IMac
  • Asus Chromebook Flip C434TA

Browser Testing

  • Chrome
  • Brave (Chromium)
  • Safari

Testing User Stories

  1. As a visitor I want the site to be easy and simple to use.

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Simple, easy to use design User is able to navigate to all parts of the site find and purchase products Works as expected
  2. As a visitor I want to be able to search for a product by name or description

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Search bar in main navigation User can enter search term and it will search product names and descriptions Users can quickly find items by name or description Works as expected
  3. As a visitor I would like to be able to sort products by name, price or category

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Filter dropdown on all product pages User selects filter option Products will display as directed by the filter Works as expected
  4. As a visitor I would like to be able to add a product to my basket and checkout

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Add to bag button on product details page User clicks button Product is added to basket, and toast appears telling the user the item has been added Works as expected
    Checkout button in Basket User clicks button User is taken to checkout page, where they can add their details and get the order processed. Works as expected
  5. As a visitor I would like to be able to see my order history

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Order history on profile page User goes to profile page All order history is listed, clicking the order number takes you to that order confirmation with feedback telling you when the confirmation email was sent Works as expected
  6. As a visitor I would like to be able to adjust the quantity of items in the basket

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    plus and minus quantity buttons in the basket Click The quantity can be updated with values between 1 and 99 Works as expected
  7. As a visitor I would like to receive an order confirmation after checkout

  8. As a visitor I would like to receive an email confirmation of my order

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Order confirmation page User checks out their order Page with all the order details and a message saying an email has been sent opens Works as expected
  9. As a visitor I would like to easily find Picturesque's contact information, social media and find out who they are

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Navigate to the contact page click Contact page with all contact info and links to social media opens Works as expected
  10. As a visitor I would like to leave reviews of items I have purcahsed.

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Review form at the bottom of the product details for account holders Saves the review and displays in list with other reviews Works as expected
  11. As a site owner I want the site to be easy to use

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Simple, easy to use design User is able to navigate to all parts of the site find and purchase products Works as expected
  12. As a site owner I want the site to be clean and simple, allowing the products to stand out

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Simple, easy to use design, and muted colour scheme User is able to easily see the products find and purchase products Works as expected
  13. As a site owner I want the purpose of the site to be clear to each user.

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Homepage with some company information The user is able to see this information when they open the page know the purpose of the site Works as expected
  14. As a site owner I want to be able to add, edit and delete products in the store.

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Add products link in profile dropdown Superusers are able to click this link Be taken to the add product page Works as expected
    Edit product button Superusers can see this for each item, either in the all products view or the product details view Be taken to the edit product page Works as expected
    Edit product button Superusers can see this for each item, either in the all products view or the product details view Delete an item Works as expected
  15. As a site owner I want to be able to keep users up to date with news and events at Picturesque.

    Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
    Blog that only admin users can update main blog page shows summary of all posts, read more takes user to post details page all users are able to read posts, admin users can also update and delete posts Works as expected


  • Bug : Products not showing

  • Fix: move products.html into the correct subfolder

  • Bug: Product detail page blank

  • Fix: fix spelling error in code linking to

  • Bug: Sort by category filter error

  • Fix: change sortkey from category_name to category in

  • Bug: Stripe payments not going through

  • Fix: Adding Webhook secret to Heroku config vars and .env file


Github Pages

This site is deployed using GitHub pages, this was the process:

  1. Logged in and selected my MS4 repository
  2. Go to settings in the repository
  3. Go to 'Pages" in the menu
  4. Click 'source'
  5. Change to dropdown menu from 'none' to 'main'
  6. Click the link to the deployed site once the page has reloaded

Forking this Repository

  1. Find the repository on GitHub
  2. Click the 'Fork' button on the top right of the page
  3. You will now have a copy of the repository on your Github account

Cloning this Repository

  1. Find the repository on Github
  2. Click on 'Code'
  3. To clone using HTTPS - copy the url
  4. Open Git and go to the directory you want to become the cloned directory
  5. In the terminal type 'git clone' and the url
  6. Press enter for the clone to be created.

Deploying to Heroku

  1. In the workspace terminal, run pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt to collect any dependencies.
  2. Run python > Procfile to create a Procfile required for Heroku deployment.
  3. Go to the Heroku website. Register for an account and click on "Create a new app".
  4. Setup a Heroku app within the Heroku dashboard - Type in the app name and select region the click on create app.
  5. In Heroku, in your app, click on "GitHub" to connect to your repository. Type in the repository name as on GitHub. Click on "Connect".
  6. Search for your repo (or sign in and connect GitHub account) and select this.
  7. In the 'settings tab, click 'Reveal Config Vars' and input your environment variable from your local build in the key/value inputs.
  8. Then click "Hide Config Vars" in Heroku.
  9. In Heroku, select 'Automatic Deploys' to automatically rebuild the app when a new Git commit is pushed.
  10. Once the initial build is complete, click 'Open App' in the top right of the screen to view the application.

Setting up an S3 Bucket

  1. Create an Amazon AWS account
  2. Search for S3 and create a new bucket that matches your Heroku app name(picturesque)
  • uncheck block all public access box
  • check "I acknowledge that the current settings might result in this bucket and the objects within becoming public."
  1. Under Properties > Staticwebsite hosting
  • enable
  • index.html as Index document
  • error.html as Error document
  • save
  1. Under Permissions > CORS use:
      "AllowedHeaders": [
      "AllowedMethods": [
      "AllowedOrigins": [
      "ExposeHeaders": []

5.Under Permissions > Bucket Policy:

  • Generate Bucket Policy and take note of Bucket ARN
  • Chose S3 Bucket Policy as Type of Policy
  • For Principal, enter *
  • Actions Get Object and Put Object
  • Enter ARN noted above
  • Add statement
  • Generate policy
  • Copy the policy JSON Document paste into Edit bucket policy
  • Add a /* onto the end of the resource key
  • Save changes
  1. Under Access Control List (ACL):
  • For Everyone (public access), tick List
  • Accept that everyone in the world may access the Bucket
  • Save changes

Setting up AWS IAM

  1. From the IAM dashboard within AWS, select User Groups:
  • Create new group e.g. picturesque
  • Click through without adding a policy
  • Create Group
  1. Select Policies:
  • Create policy
  • Under JSON tab, click Import managed policy
  • Choose AmazongS3FullAccess
  • Edit the resource to include the Bucket ARN noted earlier when creating the Bucket Policy:
                "Resource": [
  • Click next step and go to Review policy
  • Give the policy a name e.g. picturesque and description
  • Create Policy
  1. Go back to User Groups and choose the group created earlier
  • Under Permissions > Add permissions, choose Attach Policies and select the one just created
  • Add Permissions
  1. Under Users:
  • Choose a user name e.g. picturesque-staticfiles-user
  • Select Programmatic access as the Access type
  • Click Next
  • Add the user to the Group just created
  • Click Next and Create User
  1. Download the .csv containing the access key and secret access key. This will NOT be available to download again

Connecting Django to S3

  1. Install boto3 and django-storages
pipenv install boto3
pipenv install django-storages
pip freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Add 'storages' to INSTALLED_APPS
  2. Go to and set the bucket config,
if "USE_AWS" in os.environ:
    # Bucket Config
    AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = "picturesque"
    AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "eu-west-1"
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
  1. Add the values from the .csv you downloaded to your Heroku Config Vars under Settings:
  1. Delete the DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC variable from your Config Vars and deploy your Heroku app

  2. Create with code below:

from django.conf import settings
from storages.backends.s3boto3 import S3Boto3Storage
class StaticStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
    location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION
class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
    location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION
  1. Go to, set the static and media files storage and location and override static and media urls in production:
# Static and media files
STATICFILES_STORAGE = "custom_storages.StaticStorage"
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "custom_storages.MediaStorage"
# Override static and media URLs in production
  1. With your S3 bucket now set up, you can create a new folder called media (at the same level as the newly added static folder) and upload any required media files to it, making sure they are publicly accessible under Permissions

  2. Add stripe keys in Config Vars in heroku, making sure the name matches

  3. Add stripe webhook endpoint with the deployed site url:
  1. Get the new STRIPE_WH_SECRET and added it to the config vars.

  2. Now your site is fully deployed.


Content and Media

  • The Frame images all came from Pexels
    • Frame 1 - Angela Roma
    • Frame 2 - Ann Poan
    • Frame 3 - Cottonbro
    • Frame 4 - Karolina Grabows
    • Frame 5 - Nadezhda Moryak
    • Frame 6 - PNW Production
    • Frame 7 - Polina Kovalev
    • Frame 8 - Tom Swinnen
    • Frame 9 - Eva Elijas
  • All other images on the site are taken by me
  • The text on the site was written by me



  • To my mentor, Richard Wells for supporting me in completing this project.
  • To my partner for assistance in testing.

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