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letsgohiking's Introduction

Let's go hiking

Mission Message

The aim of 'Let’s Go Hiking' is to bring together individuals with a sense of adventure as they complete hiking challenges and gain rewards.

Home page

Let's go hiking will provided inspiration to get into the great outdoors and create a online social community who like to hike and who love a challenge.

  • This site will provide hiking challenges that the user can purchase.
  • With the purchase the user will become a member of the site and gain access to the full hiking information pack and will received a challenge reward, such as a patch or sticker.
  • These patches will be individually designed and exclusive to purchasing the challenge.
  • The member will then be able to share their adventure with other members through the community blog (future feature).
  • This allows a hike to become more of an event and to create long lasting memories.
  • The user will be also able to purchase more apparel through the 'Let's go hiking' shop. Shop page Challenges page


User Stories

User Story 1 - The Adventurer

This user is a adventurer at heart and already hikes a lot. This user is looking for insporations for a new challenge and way to stay inspired and motivated. Let's Go Hiking will provide new and exciting routes for the user who can challenge themsleves and recieve a award as well. This will drive a sense of acheivement and even competition between other users, as the user collects awards for completing challenges. They also will browse the shop for items perhaps as gifts.

User Story 2 - The Newbie

This user is new to hiking and not sure of where to go and routes to take. This site will give them a full guide and the user can build themselves up from easy challenges up to the hard challenges collect awards along the way.

User Story 3 - The Social Bragger

This user will enjoy completing challenges for the awards and the bragging rights, they will be vocal users of the community blog and will need fresh content and products in the shop, as well as on the social media accounts to keep them engaged.

User Story 4 - Site owner

The site owner will want easy access to add new products and add new challenges. The will want a way for users to suggest challenges and to give direct feedback to the site admin.


Landing page wireframe Challenges page wireframe Shop wireframe

Orginal idea - planning stage. All PDFs are in the media/readme file


Home app

The home app has a bold landing page with a hero image showing hikers that transistions into another hero image. With a clear subtitle of find your next challenge the user will be inspired to find their next adventure. For new users there is a clear path to find out more information by using the find out more button, which links to the about page.


The navbar features the site logo of geometric mountain with a path and a bold font displaying the sites name. With clear navigation links of home, Challenges, Shop and a shooping cart, the user will be able to access what they need with ease. The user also has clear access to log in to the site or to sign up if they are a new user. The log in and sign up buttons direct users to the correct page for them with the option to change on screen if they selected incorrectly. These pages are driven by allauth. The navbar link to shop has a dropdown menu for quick navigation to the area of teh shop the user requires.


The footer features links to the about page, and contact us pages as well as the sites two social media accounts.

About us

The about us page features a quote to inspire the user and a mission statement and a step by step guide of how to use the site. At the bottom there are three buttons for navigation, to go back to home, to check of challenges and to start shopping to pull the user into the site.

Contact page

The contact page allow the user to submit a question, a suggestion or any feedback directly to the admin pages of the site. This has a pop up message of success when the message is successfully sent.

Challenges app

The challenges app displays a card of each challenge displaying a image and information that the user will need in making their descision to purchase such as location and difficulty. The challenge card has an explantion of what the user receives on purchase and the user has the option to add to cart and to add a certain quantity. After adding to cart the user recieves a success meassage stating their selected challenge has been added to the cart.

Shop app

The shop app is accessable in shopping by category via the navbar or shopping for everything. The shop has a secondary nav with links to the categories allowing users to easily swtich between categories. The shop displays products in cards with a large image, the product name, a brief description and price. The user then can use the add to cart button and the quantity selector. The user recieves a success message that the item was added to their cart.

Cart app

The cart app is accessed using a fontawesome icon with the additional functionality showing how many items are in the users cart. The cart when empty will inform the users that their cart is empty and there are buttons to direct users back to shop or challenges. When the user has added items to the cart the items will be displayed with a image the name, quantity with the option to alter the quantity or remove the item from cart. The user can also see a running subtotal and the grand total including the delivery charge. At the bottom of the cart there is the options to continue shopping or to proceed to payment.

Payment app

The payment app has a overview of the users order, and a form to collect the user information and the stripe card element for payment. There is also an option to build a profile if a new user. (BUG - The payment intents are present on the stripe dashboard showing the correct amount, but no user data is collected and no order number is created)

Profiles app

The profiles app has a side navbar to allow users to access their profile information and edit it (See Features left to implement). It also has a my challenges page to show the user the full route information for the challenge they have purchased and a my orders page to show the user past purchases. The user also has a page to submit a challenge idea which the site owner can access through django admin, the site owner can then decide if the challenge idea should be uploaded to the site. The site owner also as a superuser once logged in has access to add a challenge and add a product pages via the my account dropdown in the navbar, allowing for easy access to add more features.

Features left to implement

Media queries - I have implemented a substantial amount of media queries yet I know there are elements such as the challenge table that is not reponsive due to time constraints.

Payment app - The payments app has caused a lot of issues. I orginially wanted to use stripe checkout. After following one set of guidence that was not successful, I re-built is with success. Connecting to stripe using checkout. Stripe confirmed payment. After committing the changes and shutting my laptop down, it never worked again. Being short on time I followed the Code Institutes Boutique tutorial to install Stripe with the payment element. Again, I had a lot of difficulty in getting stripe to work correctly, for a while it blocked the cart even connecting to the payment.html page. After debugging to get the payments.html page to render I discovered that the payment intents where arriving on the stripe dashboard but it was throwing this error "$.post is not a function at HTMLFormElement." Stripe payment intents.Stripe dev dashboard. I re-followed the tutorial and continued to the webhooks to hopefully discover an error or the issue that is causing stripe to gain intent but not produce an order. Because of this the additional functionality for users to see their orders and the specific challenge paid for has not been built.

Profile app - The Profile app renders all profiles when authorised which is not the expectation for the profile app. The views of my orders and my challenges have limited functionality due to this. The Edit profile returns all profiles to select from and isnt saving the updated information. Without any orders, the my order history page is not complete. And the your challenges page lacks the additional functionality of displaying the paid for challenge to the user.

Future ideas for expansion

  • The community blog. This would allow the let's go hiking users to discuss the latest challenge they had completed and share photos.
  • More variation of challenges - Such as challenges aimed at children, or beginners with more guidedence on the gear to use and how to be safe on the mountains.
  • Newsletter - Emailed to all users to inspire and inform users of new challenges, pruductd or features.
  • Interactive maps - The users would have a clear positions of start points and car parks.
  • Navigation - A system of navigation using a maps api to give the user access to responsive maps during the challenge to guide the user on their route.
  • Multi-locations - The challenges can cover world wide hiking locations allowing a global user group and inpsire travelers to explore areas unknown to them.
  • Product growth in shop - To expand the shop product line.
  • A challenge progress/status bar for users to set themselves goals in miles hikes, or challenges completed.
  • A way to download a Pdf copy of the route for users to print if the required.

Technologies Used

  • Python
  • html
  • css3
  • javascript
  • JSON
  • Django
  • SQLite
  • S3 Amazon Web Services
  • Github
  • Heroku
  • Bootstrap
  • Django allauth
  • crispy forms

Guidence/Resourses from


Home App

  • The navbar - All links are working and the user has ease of movement around the site and doesn't need to use the back button in the server. - The Logo and header 'Let's go hiking' also return the user to the home page, as this is a common feature. - The toggler function works well and also adds the login and sign up buttons inside on small screens. - The shop drop down menu works with all links landing at the correct destination. # - The shopping cart links to the shopping cart.

  • The find out more button, succesfully redirects to the about page.

  • The footer - all links take the user to the correct page. The two social media external links open a new page for the user.

  • The about page - The link to access works and the users have both the navbar as naviagtion and the additional buttons that all work to send the user to the page the want to access.

  • The contact page - It was found there was a bug with the error toast message displaying each time the page was rendered this was removed. - The contact form successfully works when filled out sending the message to Django admin for the site owners. The user is then redirected to the home page with a success message popping up for the user to know the message was succesfully sent. - The form responds to empty fields, encouraging the user to which fields need are empty. The email field also checks for a vaild email address. - The form cancel button successfully takes the user back to the home page.

The Challenge App

  • The Challenges page - The page succesfully shows both the header and the footer. The information from the database is successfully rendered showing the challenge cards to the user. - The form function to add a quantity works and also doesn't allow the user to add 0 quantity to the cart. The add to cart succesfully adds the quantity to the cart. - After adding to cart the user recieves a success message, informing the user that the specific item has been added to cart. If the user adds another of the same product the cart will updated and the success message informs the user of the new quantity in the cart.
  • The full challenge page - The user can not access the full challenge page by typing it into the server without signing in to the site.

The Shop App

  • The Shop page - The shop page succesfully displays products by category. - The user can add products to the cart, after adding to cart the user recieves a success message, informing the user that the specific item has been added to cart. If the user adds another of the same product the cart will updated and the success message informs the user of the new quantity in the cart. - A small bug found at final deployment was that the redirect in the shop returns the full shop and not the category page the user was on before adding to cart. - The form function to add a quantity works and also doesn't allow the user to add 0 quantity to the cart. The add to cart succesfully adds the quantity to the cart. - The shop second navbar works well to allow users to navigate the different categories and all links are funcational.

The Cart App

  • The Cart page - The page correctly displays the empty cart render when the cart is empty and the user has to workable links to 'keep shopping' or go 'back to challenges'. - The Cart succesfully displays the item count in the cart in the icon in the navbar, updating with each additional item and reducing when items are taken out of the cart. - The products in the cart are displayed for the user with the image, name and price and the quantity selected displayed in the quantity form. - The user can update the cart and add more to the quantity this updates both the cart page and the cart icon in the navbar. The user also recieves a success message. - The user can also succesfully delete the item using the quanity form by changing to 0. The user with recieve a success message that the item has been deleted. - The delete button doesnt not work resulting in the folowing bug in javascript ($.post is not a function) This is the same bug stopping the stripe payment. I havent found a solution so for now I have removed the delete button from the user. - The cart displayed the subtotal for the user and to the bottom of the page the delivery cost and the total. - At the bottom there are buttons to allow the user to easily navigate to keep shopping or back to challenges. These buttons are functional. - The checkout button succesfully takes the user to the payment page.

The Payment App

  • The payment page - The user still has full access to the navbar and footer. - The payment page displays a summary of the order. With uneditable prices and quantites. - The user has two options on the page to go back to cart, which are functional. - The payment form functions correctly, highlighing any errors or required areas for the users complete. - The stripe card function reacts in a way that is working and succesfully sends a payment intent to stripe for the total in the cart. The Stripe element also displays error messages when the card details are incorrect filled in. - When siging up to the site via Heroku bug was found with the backend email set up "django.core.mail.backends.smpt", yet when checking django admin the user was signed up. - When signed in the form displays the users delivery address.

The Profile App

  • My profile page - A lot of issues with the profile app. The profile page displays all profiles and not that of the user. - The Edit profile page returns all users to select from and doesn't save the information for the user. - The order history isn't build as no order numbers where generated to display the users order history. - The my challenges page succesfully shows the full challenge to the user, but without the order functionality the user currently can see the full route to all the challenges. - The suggest a challenge page succesfully works to pass the information in the form into django admin for the site owner to gain access to the ideas and information before deciding if it worth adding to the site.
  • Additional features - The two admin pages of add product and add challenge work to successfully add new products to the site directly from the site itself if the user is a superuser.


This project with built using gitpod and hosted by heroku.

Deployment process

  1. Starting in gitpod - Django was installed using pip3
  2. The project was started using - django-admin startproject LetsGoHiking .
  3. Migrations where then ran using - python3 makemigrate/migrate
  4. A superuser was created
  5. A requirements.txt was created using - local
  6. gunicorn was installed using pip3
  7. A procfile was added using - web: gunicorn LetsGoHiking.wsgi:application
  8. Using the Heroku CII to login into heroku - heroku login -i
  9. The app was in heroku was created in the CII
  10. Environment variables was created using touch file to hide secret keys
  11. In and os was imported into - for env - if os.path.exists(''): import env
  12. was added to .gitnore with pycache and db.sqlite
  13. In the heroku app confog vars - DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC add and set to 1
  14. The SECRET_KEY was added to heroku config vars
  15. The heroku app added to ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost'] in
  16. This was then push to git and heroku with git push heroku master
  17. The App was successfully deployed
  18. if 'DATABASE_URL' in os.environ: DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'))} else: DATABASES = {'default': {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),}} was added to
  19. dj-database-url and psycopg2-binary where install with pip and frooze to requirements.txt dj-dj_database_url was the imported into settings.pycache
  20. Migrations where ran to heroku using heroku run python3 makemigrations
  21. Static files and medias files set up to run in local developement and to use AWS on heroku.
  22. The bucket was set up on S3 for the static and media files
  23. The AWS secret keys added to heroku config vars.
  24. boto and django storages install and added to requirements.txt
  25. The AWS secret keys where added to
  26. was created and storages added to installed apps in
  27. DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC removed from heroku config vars
  28. DEBUG set up for in environment using os.environ and adding to to
  29. Code pushed to heroku


Guidence/Resourses from


  • The text for the challenges was copied from 'Great mountain days in the Lake District by Mark Richards'
  • Quotes taken from google.


  • The photos used in this site were obtained from google images
  • The two map images for the challenges are taken from 'Great mountain days in the Lake District by Mark Richards'


  • I received inspiration and guidence for this project from Code Institute Boutique tutorial.
  • The idea for patches was inspired by
  • The orginal idea came from wanting to know the best hikes when traveling and knowing where to park and which route to take. I also like mementos and keepsakes and think a challenge drives you to puch yourself to go further, higher or just to go when its raining. This is idea I will pursue further, once I have more experience to build a site that truely reflects what I am after myself as a user of this site.

letsgohiking's People



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