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michaelosarumwense-treasure_hair_collections's Introduction

Build Status

Milestone Project - 4 The live website can be viewed here

This is the last milestone project for the Fullstack Web Developer course with Code Institute. The aim of the project is to showcase my skills learnt throughout this course.

Throughout this project I have used Python, a high-end programming language along with Django, a python framework.

Table Of Contents

1. UX

2. Features

3. Technologies Used

4. Testing

5. Github Repository

6. Deployment

7. Credits


This project is part of my Code Institute Full Stack Software Development studies, specifically the Full Stack Frameworks module. The purpose of this project was to create an online hair shop where anyone can simply purchase good quality hair and products comfortably using their phones or PC. This website is designed in a simple and efficient way for the customers to have a smooth and pleasant shopping experience.

User Stories

  • As a user I want to view the site from any device (mobile, tablet, desktop).
  • As a user I want to see the products without login.
  • As a user I want to be able to register an account.
  • As a user I want to be able to view my profile.
  • As a user I want to be able to update my profile.
  • As a user I want to be able to login and logout.
  • As a user I want to be able to change my password.
  • As a user I want to be able to filter the products based on category, price and rating.
  • As a user I want to search for a product.
  • As a user I want to be able to see the product details on click.
  • As a user I want to be able add product to my bag and remove if I change my mind.
  • As a user I want to be able to navigate the site easily.
  • As a user I want to be able to view my order summary before checkout.
  • As a user I want to be able to checkout securely using my payment details
  • As a user I want to be able to follow the shop on social media.
  • As a user I want to be able to be presented with contact details ie email and phone number.
  • As a user i want to get interactive toast notifications indicating the outcome of my site operations



  • Bootstrap 4
  • jQuery 3.4.1
    • In an effort to keep the JavaScript minimal, I have decided to use jQuery as foundation to my scripts framework.
  • Django 1.11
    • Django is a free and open-source web framework that I've used to render the back-end Python with the front-end Bootstrap. We were taught how to use Django 1.11 in the lessons, despite Django 2.0 being the current version,I used Django 1.11

Color Scheme

For the color scheme, I've used black and white in the navbar, icons and most pages. Overall, I tried to keep a simple classic look.


  • Font Awsome 5.11.2

    I prefer to use Font Awesome icons for this project, as they have significantly more icons to use.



Mock-ups were created early on in this project.

I've used Wireframes during the Scope Plane part of the design and planning process for this project.

All of my wireframes for this project can be found here


Registeration & Authentication

The user will be able to register for free and create their own unique account. This is built using Django's authentication and authorization to validate profile data. Passwords are hashed for security purposes.

The users will register using the registration form. Registered users will be able to login by using the login form with their username and password or with their email and password.

The users can also reset their password if they forgot the original password using the reset password link on the login.html page.

Home App

index (Home Page)

Displays the home/landing Page, with a call to action button to start shopping.

In this page the user can filter the products by category, price and rating or simply navigate to view all products.

Product App


Displays all the products available in the website. Users can filter the products based on gender or brand. Users can see the product image, name, price, rating and category. Users can add the product to the bag. Users can go view more details if they click on the image.


On this page the user can see all the details about the product. The product title, Price, description, rating, and category. If the user want to add the product to the bag they can do so from here as well. The user can also go back to all product page from here. The user has the option of incrementing the quantity of item to be added to the bag from the product detail page as well.

Bag App


The shopping bag page features the summary of all the items added to the bag.

The summary includes the the image of the item, title and the price.

A quantity field is displayed with each bag item, giving the ability to adjust the quantity in their bag.

The user can see the Total of the shopping cost and this will be updated when the user update the quantity in their cart.

Checkout App


Each checkout page features an order summary, which lists all the items in the users cart, title, price and quantity.

The user need to fill out the payment form in order to go for the payment.

Once the payment is successfull, a message will be displayed.

If there is an error with the payment, the user will be notified with an error message.

Profile App


The Profile page gives registered users that are signed in the ability to view/update their profile information as well as see their order history.


This will allow the user to search for a product based on the title or category.

The search icon is visible from all the pages. When the user click on the icon, the search bar will pop up.

Base Template

Features available from all the pages


In order to create the navbar I have used Bootstrap 4 and the navbar is available in all the pages.

The nabar features The shop logo on the left , which is linked to the homepage, home page, Products, bag, checkout and profile page.

On the right side of the navbar, the user can reach to the Accounts and shopping bag. Also we have the search field, and links to All Products, Categories and Special Offers.

A user who is currently logged in will see options to see their profile page or log out.

A user who is logged out will see options to register or log in to the website.

The shopping bag icon can lead to bag page. Once the user has added at least one item to their bag a total cost of the items on the bag will be displayed underneath the bag.

When the user click on the search bar, the user can type in their relevent product search.


The footer features on every page through out the application.

The footer background is dark to give a contrast and obvious separation between the footer and the rest of the page content.

The footer has a mixture of black and light black in a gradient.

The footer has a link to the social media handles and contact information.

At the bootom of the footer is copyright information.

Features Left to Implement

  1. The ability for customers to add reviews.
  2. Checkout pages to include a field for customer to get delivery charges.
  3. The ability for users to view, agree and decline terms and condition.

Features Not Implemented

  1. Contact Page: I opted out of creating a contact page as most modern site provides users with contact details and modern users prefer to send a personal email or make a direct phone contact. The user however has the ability to click on the email icon and will be opened up in their mailbox with a predetrmined subject and contact email filled out.

Technologies Used

  • Gitpod VS Code - The IDE used for developing this project.
  • GitHub - Used to store and share all project code remotely.
  • Drawio - To create the wireframes for this project.

Front-End Technologies

  • HTML5 - Used as the base for markup text.
  • CSS3 - Used to add styles to the HTML.
  • jQuery 3.4.1 - Used as the primary JavaScript functionality.
  • Stripe - Used to make secure payments.
  • Travis - Used for continuous integration.
  • AWS S3 Bucket - Used to store images entered into the database.
  • Boto3 - To enable creation, configuration and management of AWS S3.
  • Font Awsome - Used for icons in the website.
  • Bootstrap4 - Used to align the elements in the website using the grid system. And also used to create the buttons, the modals, the buttons, the badges, the alerts and to style the forms.

Back-End Technologies

  • Python 3.8.7 - Used as the back-end programming language.
  • Django - Used as my Python web framework.
  • Heroku - for deployment
  • PostgreSQL - Used as relational SQL database plugin via Heroku.


Automated Testing

Validation Services

Coverage was used to provide feedback during testing to check that enough of my code had been tested.

In some cases the tests were quite complicated and in these cases I have chosen to test manually since I was running out of time to present the project.

How to run coverage

  • Activate your virtual environment.
  • In the terminal enter the following command:
    • coverage html
    • Open the newly created htmlcov directory in the root of your project folder.
    • Open the index.html file inside it.
    • Run the file in the browser to see the output.


Travis was used for continuous integration testing. At the top of this Readme file you can see that the website passes the Travis test. The Travis Documentation provides all the info needed to set it up.

Manual Testing

I have a detailed checklist of all the manual testing that has been done to confirm all areas of the site work as expected.

Click here to see the checklist that I have used to test the main features.

Stripe payment testing

My checkout app is using the stripe payment for the payment option. I tested this by using Stripes test card (4242 4242 4242 4242) I tested the forms and ensured all my validation worked as expected and my logic was performing as expected. The checkout app works from the Stripe API.

Card number - 4242424242424242

CVC - Any 3 digit number.

Expiry date - Any date in the future.


Chrome DevTools and physical devices were used throughout development for a number of purposes, one of which was to test the responsiveness and rendering across a range of sizes and devices. As issues were found they were either fixed at the time or noted and returned to later.

The site has been tested successfully on

Dell Xp Windows - Chrome browser, firefox and Edge

Apple iPhone 5, SE, 6,7 &8S -

iPad Mini -

Desktop - Chrome v.74

Desktop - Firefox v.67

Bug Fixed

  1. Fixed a bug where App Failed to start due to a missing demacting comma on the app section in, see
  2. Fixed a bug with a typo in procfile. see
  3. fixed a bug where alluth templates were not extending base.html and static dir see. 4.Fixed a bug where bags displayed on profile after update see

GitHub Repository

  1. Created a repository in GitHub called: michaelOsarumwense/Treasure_Hair_Collections”

  2. Initialised git from the terminal using Git Bash:

    git init

  3. Created a .gitignore file and I have added the files and folders that won't need to push to GitHub (i.e. '*. sqlite3','','.vscode/','.venv/', pycache, *.pyc)

  4. Added the files that I was working on to the Staging area by using:

    git add .

  5. Run the commit command with the first commit

git commit -m “initial commit"

  1. Copied from GitHub the following path and I ran it in the Git Bash terminal in order to indicate where my remote repository is:

git remote add origin

git push -u origin master

  1. I've run regular commits after every important update to the code, and I pushed the changes to GitHub.


How to run on Gitpod

This Project was actually developed using gitpod. It is easy and fast to run this project on gitpod, all you need to do is:

  • Install Gitpod Plugin on your browser.

  • Navigate to this Project repo on github.

  • Click on the gitpod green Buttton just beside the clone tab.

  • When you are navigated to gitpod, login or sign Up if a new user and start the project work space.

  • To allow you to access all functionality on the site locally, create free accounts with the following services: - Stripe - AWS and set up an S3 bucket.

  • On the terminal run the following command " pip3 install -r requirements.txt ".

  • Set up the following environment variables on gitpod by going to settings and adding them below.

      - SECRET_KEY (Django generated secrete)
      - STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY (retrieve from your newly created account)
      - STRIPE_WH_SECRET (your stripe webhook secret)
      - STRIPE_SECRET_KEY (retrieve from your stripe account)
      - DEVELOPMENT (set value to TRUE)
  • Next, you'll need to make migrations to create the database schema: * python makemigrations * python migrate

  • Create your superuser to access the django admin panel and database with the following command, and then follow the steps to add your admin username and password:

    • python createsuperuser
    • Assign an admin username,email,and secure password.
  • Run the following command to populate the the database with products and category data:

    • python3 loaddata categories
    • python3 loaddata products
  • Now you can run the program locally with the following command:

    • python runserver

How to run this project locally

To run this project on your own IDE follow the instructions below:

  • Ensure you have the following tools: - An IDE such as Microsoft Visual Studio Code(or any IDE)

  • In order to run this project locally on your own system, you will need the following installed - PIP - Python 3 - Git

  • To allow you to access all functionality on the site locally, create free accounts with the following services: - Stripe - AWS and set up an S3 bucket


  • Clone this GitHub repository by either clicking the green "Clone or download" button above in order to download the project as a zip-file (remember to unzip it first), or by entering the following command into the Git CLI terminal: git clone

  • Open your preferred IDE, open a terminal session in the unzip folder or cd to the correct location.

  • Create a .env file with your own credentials.

python -m .venv venv NOTE: The python part of this command and the ones in other steps below assumes you are working with a windows operating system. Your Python command may differ, such as python3 or py

Activate the .venv with the command: .venv\Scripts\activate Again this command may differ depending on your operating system, please check the Python Documentation on virtual environments for further instructions.

  • Install all required modules with the command

pip -r requirements.txt.

  • Set up the following environment variables within your IDE.

      - SECRET_KEY
  • In the IDE terminal, use the following command to launch the Django project: python runserver.

  • The Django server should be running locally now on (or similar). If it doesn't automatically open, you can copy/paste it into your browser of choice.

  • When you run the Django server for the first time, it should create a new SQLite3 database file: db.sqlite3.

  • Next, you'll need to make migrations to create the database schema: * python makemigrations * python migrate

  • Create your superuser to access the django admin panel and database with the following command, and then follow the steps to add your admin username and password:

    • python createsuperuser
    • Assign an admin username,email,and secure password.
  • Run the following command to populate the the database with products and category data:

    • python3 loaddata categories
    • python3 loaddata products
  • Now you can run the program locally with the following command:

    • python runserver
  • Note - If you are having issues viewing static files you may need to collect static with the below command.

    • python3 collectstatic

Heroku Deployment

To deploy TickTock  to heroku, take the following steps:
  1. Create a requirements.txt file using the terminal command pip freeze > requirements.txt.

  2. Create a Procfile with the terminal command echo web: python > Procfile.

  3. git add and git commit the new requirements and Procfile and then git push the project to GitHub.

  4. Sign up for a free Heroku account, Create a new app on the Heroku website by clicking the "New" button in your dashboard. Give it a name and set the region to Europe.

  5. From the heroku dashboard of your newly created application, click on "Deploy" > "Deployment method" and select GitHub, and enable Automatic Deployment.

  6. In the Heroku Resources tab, navigate to the Add-Ons section and search for Heroku Postgres. Select the free Hobby level. This will allow you to have a remote database instead of using the local sqlite3 database, and can be found in the Settings tab. You'll need to update your .env file with your new database-url details. Confirm the linking of the heroku app to the correct GitHub repository.

  7. In the heroku dashboard for the application, click on settings tab and then click on the Reveal config vars button to configure environmental variables.

Set the following config vars:

Key Value
SECRET_KEY <your_secret_key>
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY <your_stripe_public_key>
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY <your_stripe_secret>
STRIPE_WH_SECRET <your_stripe__wh_secret>
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <your_secret_key>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <your_secret_key>
DATABASE_URL <your_postgres_database url>
EMAIL_HOST_USER <your_email_address>
EMAIL_HOST_PASS <your_password>
HEROKU_HOSTNAME <your_heroku_app_hostname>
  1. In the Heroku dashboard, click "Deploy".

  2. In the "Manual Deployment" section of this page, make sure the master branch is selected and then click "Deploy Branch".

  3. The site is now successfully deployed.



All the product details, images and the contents for the services and policies are from, Wikipedia, & and were modified for use in this project.



The tutors, mentors and support staff at Code Institute

Special thanks to Guido Cecilio Garcia, my Code Institute mentor, for his guidance and advice whilst working on this project.


The content of this website is for educational purposes only.

michaelosarumwense-treasure_hair_collections's People


michaelosarumwense avatar


James Cloos avatar

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