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mukta-project's Introduction

Mukta - Yoga and Wellbeing

Responsiveness across devices


This is Mukta - Yoga and Wellbeing. An e-commerce website developed by Mariana Stefani. This website is for everyone who is after great quality wellbeing and yoga products. Here the user can also check out the yoga and wellbeing workshops that are taking place in the city of London.

UX (User Experience)

Project Goals

The purpose of this project is to offer the best quality yoga and wellbeing products. Users will have the possibility to register on the website, choose products in the store, add to the shopping cart and make the payment. Once registered, the user can also check which wellbeing and yoga events are taking place in the city of London and can leave reviews regarding their past purchases, the website as well as workshops they have attended.

User Goals:

  • Browse yoga and wellbeing products at a good price.
  • Choose what yoga and wellbeing products I'd like to buy, add them to the shopping cart and pay.
  • Find yoga and wellbeing classes or workshops that are happening in the city of London.
  • Be able to write, edit and delete a review about my experience with my purchase/ website navigation/ workshops I have attended.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I expect to browse what products the website offers.
  • As a user, I expect to find the product I'm looking for, add it to the shopping bag and pay for it. All with intuitive navigation.
  • As a user, I expect to be able to register to the website so it will keep my details for future purchases as well as be able to check my previous purchases.
  • As a user, I expect to be able to leave a review regarding the product I have purchased or about the website or about a workshop I had been to. Also, I want to be able to edit or delete this review.
  • As a user, I expect to find the best workshops and events about yoga or wellbeing happening in London.

Site Owner Goals:

As a superuser:

  • I expect to be able to log in as a superuser and create, update and delete products and workshops on the website.
  • I expect to provide users with a safe and secure e-commerce platform.
  • I expect to encourage users to register on the site, so they will have access to the best yoga and wellbeing workshops taking place in London.
  • I need to be able to attract attention to my products.

User Requirements and Expectations:


  • Navigate through the pages of the website intuitively.
  • The content displayed in a visually appealing manner.
  • Navigate the website on any device.
  • Add products to the shopping cart and update the basket amounts.
  • Buy items in the shopping cart in a safely and securely.
  • View past orders and user details on my profile section.
  • Add, edit and delete reviews.


  • Navigation takes the user directly to the desired page of the website.
  • The users' payment data will not be kept in the website's database.
  • The website will guarantee the safe storage of user details.
  • The website will have intuitive navigation.
  • The website will have a responsive design.
  • Content is well presented and visually satisfying.


The wireframes for this project were created at Moqups. View my wireframes here.


Existing Features

  • Users can create an account, log in, view past orders and have access to the workshops page.
  • A 'my profile' section where users can see previous purchases and update their details.
  • Users can create, update or delete a review when logged in.
  • A 'reviews' page where users can read other users reviews.
  • A 'my reviews' page where users can create, edit, delete a review as well as read their past reviews.
  • A search bar that displays the website products based on the users' search query.
  • A products page where users can click on the item and will be directed to the product details page.
  • A product details page, where users can read the product description and manage the quantities to add to bag. If I'm a superuser I can add, edit and delete a product by clicking on respective buttons.
  • A shopping cart where users can add the products they would like to purchase and update their quantities.
  • A 'checkout' page, where users can pay for their chosen items using the Stripe API which will process the payment details and place their order.
  • A workshop page, where users can find yoga and wellbeing workshops in London.
  • A workshop details page, where users can read all information about that workshop. If I'm a superuser I can add, edit and delete a workshop by clicking on respective buttons.
  • A contact page, where users can find Mukta's office address, e-mail and telephone number. There's also a map with the office location.

Features Left to implement

  • Add more products.
  • Create a 'contact us' form.
  • Users can register with their social media accounts.
  • A reset password link.
  • Order confirmation emails to be sent to the customer when customer places an order.

Information Architecture

Database Choice:

  • During the development of this project, I worked with the standard sqlite3 database that comes installed with Django.
  • In the production version of Mukta - Yoga and Wellbeing, the database is a PostgreSQL database, hosted and provided by Heroku.

Mukta Yoga and Wellbeing Data Models:

The user model used in this project is provided by Django. You can find more information about this here

The Order Model

Title Key in DB Form Validation type Data type
Order Number order_number max_length=32, null=False, editable=False CharField
User Profile user_profile UserProfile, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='orders' ForeignKey
Full Name full_name max_length=50, null=False, blank=False CharField
Email email max_length=254, null=False, blank=False EmailField
Phone Number phone_number max_length=20, null=False, blank=False CharField
Country country blank_label='Country *', null=False, blank=False CountryField
Post Code postcode max_length=20, null=True, blank=True CharField
Town or City town_or_city max_length=40, null=False, blank=False CharField
Street Address 1 street_address1 max_length=80, null=False, blank=False CharField
Street Address 2 street_address2 max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
County county max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Date date auto_now_add=True DateTimeField
Delivery Cost delivery_cost max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 DecimalField
Order Total order_total max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 DecimalField
Grand Total grand_total max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 DecimalField
Original Bag original_bag null=False, blank=False, default='' TextField
Stripe PID stripe_pid max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default='' CharField

The OrderLineItem Model

Title Key in DB Form Validation type Data Type
Order order Order, null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='lineitems' ForeignKey
Product product Product, null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE ForeignKey
Product Colour product_colour max_length=2, null=True, blank=True CharField
Quantity quantity null=False, blank=False, default=0 IntegerField
Line Item Total lineitem_total max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, blank=False, editable=False DecimalField

The Category Model

Title Key in DB Form Validation type Data Type
Name name max_length=254 CharField
Friendly Name friendly_name max_length=254, null=True, blank=True CharField

The Product Model

Title Key in DB Form Validation type Data Type
Category category 'Category', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ForeignKey
SKU sku max_length=254, null=True, blank=True CharField
Name name max_length=254 CharField
Description description max_length=1000 TextField
Has Option has_option default=False, null=True, blank=True BooleanField
Price price max_digits=6, decimal_places=2 DecimalField
Image URL image_url max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True URLField
Image image null=True, blank=True ImageField

The UserProfile Model

Title Key in DB Form Validation type Data Type
User user User, on_delete=models.CASCADE OneToOneField
Default Full Name default_full_name max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Default Phone Number default_phone_number max_length=20, null=True, blank=True CharField
Default Street Address 1 default_street_address1 max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Default Street Address 2 default_street_address2 max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Default Town or City default_town_or_city max_length=40, null=True, blank=True CharField
Default County default_county max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Default Post Code default_postcode max_length=20, null=True, blank=True CharField
Default Country default_country blank_label='Country', null=True, blank=True CountryField

The Review Model

Title Key in DB Form Validation type Data Type
User user User, on_delete=models.CASCADE ForeignKey
Title title max_length=30 CharField
Content content max_length=200 TextField
Date Posted date_posted DateTimeField

The Workshop Model

Title Key in DB Form Validation type Data Type
Title title max_length=100 CharField
Date date "Date (YYYY-MM-DD)*", auto_now_add=False, auto_now=False, blank=True DateField
Location location max_length=100 CharField
Time time max_length=10 CharField
Instructor instructor max_length=100 CharField
Content content TextField
Images images "Image URL*", max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True URLField
Order order "Add 'order-md-first' or 'order-md-last' accordingly*", max_length=14, null=True, blank=True CharField
Divider divider "Add 'workshop-divider' (Unless it's the last workshop one on the page)*", max_length=16, null=True, blank=True CharField

Technologies Used

The technologies used were:






  • HTML was checked on HTML Validator.
  • CSS was checked on CSS Validator.
  • JavaScript was checked on JS Hint Validator.
  • JSON was checked on JSON Validator.
  • The responsiveness of this website was tested constantly during the development process. It was tested in real desktops, tablets and mobile devices as well as on Google Chrome developer tools.
  • The website was tested on different browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
  • I asked friends and family members to test the functionalities of the website on desktop and mobile devices. Their feedback was used to improve website usability.


Navbar Links

  • Plan: User clicks on each navbar link and is directed to the chosen page.
  • Result: This test passed.

Registration Page

  • Plan: User will fill the registration form and will receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • Result: This test passed.

Login Page

  • Plan: After clicking on the verification link on the e-mail, the user can log in with username or e-mail and password and is directed to the index page.
  • Result: This test passed.

My Profile Page - When User is Logged In

  • Plan: If the user has purchased something in the past, they will have their order history and their details displayed.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Products Button

  • Plan: User clicks the “Check our products” button and is directed to the products page.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Workshop Button - When User is Logged In

  • Plan: User clicks the “Check our workshops” button and is directed to the workshops page.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Workshop Button - When User isn't Logged In

  • Plan: User clicks the “Register here” button and is directed to the registration page.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Products Page

  • Plan: User clicks on a product and is directed to the product detail.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Product Detail Page

  • Plan: User clicks on the “Add to bag” button and a message container shows on the top of the page with a bag summary and “Go to secure checkout” button.

  • Result: This test has passed.

  • Plan: User clicks on the “+” or “-” buttons and the product quantity increment or decrement accordingly.

  • Result: This test has passed.

Products Page - For Superuser

  • Plan: Superuser clicks on the "Add New Product" button and is redirected to the add product form.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Add Product Page - For Superuser

  • Plan: Superuser fills the form with relevant information, clicks on Post and a new product is created.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Product Detail Page - For Superuser

  • Plan 1: Superuser clicks on the update button and is redirected to the products form with pre-filled information. Superuser changes what is needed and click Post. The update is saved and superuser is redirected to the products page.

  • Result: This test has passed.

  • Plan 2: Superuser clicks on the delete button and is redirected to the delete product page. If clicks the Yes, Delete button, the product is deleted. If clicks the Cancel button is redirected to the products page.

  • Result: This test has passed.

Checkout Page (using the STRIPE API)

  • Plan: User fills the form with personal information and uses the credit card number 4000058260000005, MM/YY as 04/24, CVC as 744 and postcode as SW1A 0AA to complete a purchase.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Reviews Page - When User isn't Logged In

  • Plan: User clicks on the "Add Review" and is redirected to the login page.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Reviews Page - When User is Logged In

  • Plan: User clicks on the "Add Review" and is redirected to the add review form.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Workshops Page

  • Plan: User clicks on the Workshop title and is redirected to the workshop detail page.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Workshops Page - For Superuser

  • Plan: Superuser clicks on the "Add New Workshop" button and is redirected to the add workshop form.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Add Workshops Page - Only for Superuser

  • Plan: Superuser fills the form with relevant information, clicks on Post and a new workshop is created.
  • Result: This test has passed.

Workshop Detail Page - When User is Superuser

  • Plan 1: Superuser clicks on the update button and is redirected to the workshop form with pre-filled information. Superuser changes what is needed and click Post. The update is saved and superuser is redirected to the workshops page.

  • Result: This test has passed.

  • Plan 2: Superuser clicks on the delete button and is redirected to the delete workshop page. If clicks the Yes, Delete button, the workshop is deleted. If clicks the Cancel button is redirected to the workshops page.

  • Result: This test has passed.

Note for the assessor

To test the CRUDs functionalities as a normal user:

Username Password
testuser test4321

To test the CRUDs functionalities as superuser:

Username Password
testsuperuser superuser4321

To purchase a product, use the information below:

Card Number MM/YY CVC Post Code
4000058260000005 04/24 744 SW1A 0AA


Solved bugs

  • Bug 1

    • Problem: The option to remove the products from the shopping bag was not working.
    • First try: Added a missing / to remove/<item_id>/ on bag/
    • Second try: Updated the JQuery script from slim to minified.
    • Solution: Moved JavaScript from bag.js to {% block postloadjs %} block on bag.html
  • Bug 2

    • Problem: Images were not loading to Heroku after uploaded on AWS S3.
    • Solution: Updated the image paths for {{MEDIA_URL}}.

Unsolved bugs

  • User can add more than 99 items when updating the shopping bag.


  • The deployment instructions were written for a macOS specifically. The commands and installation may differ if you are in a different Operating System, please follow the guides for the same according to their specs.

Run the Code Locally

  • The following must be installed in your machine:

  • You also must create an account on Stripe.

  • This project was developed using Visual Studio Code IDE and cloned to a Git Repository.

  • To clone a Github repository:

    • Open the repository on Github and click on "Clone or download" and copy the URL.

    • On VSCode open the "Command Palette", select "Git: Clone" and paste the URL.

  • Install Pipenv Globally: _ If needed, upgrade pip from your computer's terminal by running $ python3.8 -m pip install pip --upgrade. _ To install Pipenv globally, run from your computer's terminal $ python3.8 -m pip install pipenv.

  • Create a Virtual Environment with Pipenv:

    • Open VSCode and from its terminal make a Projects directory by running $ mkdir Projects.
    • Create an empty folder for this project inside the ˜/Projects directory by running: mkdir ˜/Projects/Portfolio pipenv install --python 3.8 _ Initialize the Virtual Environment: $ cd ~/Projects/Mukta. _ Activate the Virtual Environment: $ pipenv shell. _ On VSCode dialogue will be shown asking if you'd like to select this new virtual environment for the workspace folder. Click yes. _ Open the "Command Palette" and select "Python: Select Interpreter". _ Select the virtual environment that you just created.
  • Install the necessary libraries by running $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt from VSCode terminal.

  • Create a file called "" and store your SECRET_KEY variable; your DATABASE_URL to link to your database; the STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY, THE STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and STRIPE_WH_SECRET for Stripe; the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACESS_KEY for AWS S3 and EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_HOST_PASS for the confirmation emails.

    • Do not commit this file to Git.
    • To hide your environment variables, create a file called ".gitignore" and write "" on this file.
  • Enter the following command in the terminal to migrate models into the database: $ python3 migrate

  • Create a superuser by entering $ python3 createsuperuser

  • Run your application with the command $ python3 runserver.

  • The project can be viewed at Http://

Heroku Deployment

To deploy this project to Heroku follow the steps below:

  1. Install Heroku CLI in your computer by running $ brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku.
  2. On VSCode terminal run the command $ pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt to create a requirements.txt file.
  3. Run the command $ echo web: python > Procfile to create a Procfile.
  4. Deploy each change to Github:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Commit message'
$ git push
  1. Create a free account on the Heroku website.
  2. On your Heroku dashboard click on the New button and then on Create new app. Give it a unique name and select Europe as the region.
  3. From your dashboard click on Settings > Reveal Config Vars.
  4. Add the following config vars:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <your_aws_access_key_id>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <your_aws_secret_key_access_key>
DATABASE_URL <your_database_url>
EMAIL_HOST_PASS <your_email_host_pass>
EMAIL_HOST_USER <your_email_host_user>
SECRET_KEY <your_secret_key>
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY <your_stripe_public_key>
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY <your_stripe_secret_key>
STRIPE_WH_SECRET <your_stripe_wh_secret>
  1. On VSCode terminal run the command $ heroku login to log in to your account.
  2. Link Heroku to Git with the following by running $ heroku git:remote -a <yourproject>.
  3. Deploy your project to Heroku by running $ git push heroku master.
  4. Your project is now successfully deployed to Heroku.
  5. On your Heroku dashboard click on the button Open app on the top right side to view your deployed project.



  • Responsiveness across devices image from Techsini.
  • The images used on this project were from Pixabay


All my gratitude to my wonderful husband and family. I couldn't have done without your support! A big thank you to my mentor Simen Daehlin for your ideas, advise and support! Thank you to Miklos Sarosi, Michael Park,Scott Kipp and Tim Nelson from Code Institute for your time and assistance. Thank you to everyone from Code Institute!

mukta-project's People



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