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owencookman-milestone-project-1's Introduction

Warhammer 40,000 Logo

Warhammer 40,000

Click here to view the deployed website.

The objective of this webpage is to provide an introduction to the Warhammer 40,000 universe along with an introduction to some of the original factions. As the warhammer 40,000 universe has a huge rich background of lore and factions it can be quite daunting for new players, collectors and readers to pick up. The idea behind this website is to create an introduction for people interested in Warhammer 40,000 without overloading them with information and still providing the means to gain access to any further information that they might want, this will help to drive traffic towards games workshop's other websites as well as social media pages and in turn drive up sales.


The website is aimed at people who have an interest in the Warhammer 40,000 universe weather it is collecting, painting and/or playing the various games set in the universe or the novels and background itself which interests them, the universe is a huge and daunting thing to get in to and it may be difficult for new players to find where to start. This website would be used as an introduction to the Warhammer 40,000 universe as well as an introduction to some of the classic factions providing a portal to the various Games workshop websites so users can easily find their way to the content that they are looking for. Without going too deeply in to the sub factions that belong to the many factions of the Warhammer 40,000 universe this project provides introductory information to give users an idea of the background without overloading them with infromation but also provides them with the means to find the information that they are most interested in.

User Stories

Collector/Player user type

As a collector, I want to find information on the different factions, so that I can make a decision on which models to buy.

Fiction reader user type

As a reader of science fiction, I want to discover more about the setting, so that I can decide if I am interested in the fictional stories and characters.

New to Games Workshop user type

As someone who has never heard of Warhammer 40,000 before, I want to find out about the universe in easy to understand bitesize chunks, so that I can decide if this is something that interests me.


Below are my first drafted ideas of how the page would look and work, these were originally made using WireframeSketcher.



The Navbar used in this project was taken from Bootstraps library and then styled with CSS, some of the list items were reordered and an additional one was added to match the layout of the page. The navbar is fixed so that a user can move to any part of the page from anywhere on the page and is styled to be opaque so that it doesn't get in the way.

Introduction Video

Using a Bootstrap embed this video was taken from Warhammer TV, Games Workshop's youtube channel, it is placed at the top of the page as a way to catch the users attention and build some interest and insight in to the setting. As the video is quite large, on smaller screens it is replaced by an image instead.

Introduction Text

As this is a large block of text it includes an image to break up the information, one block is to set the scene while the other speaks about the hobby itself. On smaller screens this information is placed within a collapse, which was taken from bootstrap and the button to open and close it was taken from FontAwesome, so there isn't too much information on the screen for a user and the text can be collapsed away once finished with. The collapse uses Bootstraps Jquery.


To provide an introduction to some of the factions in the Warhammer 40,000 universe there are four images, one of a Space Marine, Chaos Space Marine, Ork and Asuryani, which have been included as they are some of the original factions for the game and it also gives users an idea of how these factions look. The images have been made responsive so that on mobile they stack one on top of the other to keep the characters standing apart, allowing them to be larger and draw attention to themselves seperate from the others. On larger screens these images are accompanied by text that gives some background information on each faction, their themes and where they stand in the universe.


On smaller screens the faction information has been made responsive and will no longer display on the page, instead selecting the image for each faction will open up a modal which has been taken from bootstrap and styled with CSS, this allows the text to be hidden away and only displayed when the user wishes to read it rather than taking up too much space on the screen.

Newsletter Sign Up

Appearing at the bottom on all screen sizes is a call to sign up to a Newsletter, selecting the letter image which was taken from FontAwesome will open up a modal which was taken from bootstrap and styled with CSS, Within this modal is a form that was also taken from Bootstrap prompting the user to enter their email address. The email has been set to required so pressing the submit button without entering anything will display an error message, as will entering an invalid email address. For the purposes of this project the collected inforation is not saved anywhere.

Possible Features to Implement

  • A which faction suits you style questionair that goes through a series of questions on style and combat types and leads users to a suggested faction that suits them based on their answers - This would require Javascript.
  • A carousel of images that shows some of the key units for different factions that could catch users eyes, clicking the image would take them through to the product on the Games Workshop webstore.

Technologies Used

  • This project uses HTML and CSS programming languages
  • Cloud9 was used as the development IDE
  • Bootstrap was used in this project
  • FontAwesome was utilised to provide icons for things such as social media, the Newsletter icon and the collapse icon
  • Google Fonts was used to provide the font "Teko" throughout the page
  • JQuery was used to provide the Javascript code required for the collapse, responsive Navbar and modals
  • Popper.js was also used for the responsive navbar
  • this projects wireframes were created on WireFrameSketcher
  • The HTML and CSS code were validated using the W3C Markup Validation Service website


User Stories Tested

Collector/Player user type

As a collector, I want to find information on the different factions, so that I can make a decision on which models to buy.

  1. Arrive at index.html
  2. Scroll through information and read about the setting and hobby
    • (Mobile) Scroll to the collapse button and open the collapse
    • (Mobile) Read about the setting and hobby
    • (Mobile) Close the collapse with the button at the bottom of the text
  3. Scroll to the factions section
  4. Read information on each faction
    • (Mobile) Select an image to open the modal and read the faction information
  5. Scroll down and decide to sign up to the Newsletter
  6. Click on the Letter icon to open the email submission modal
  7. enter email address and click Submit
  8. scroll further down to the other website links and read the information there
    • (Mobile) Scroll down to the other website links
  9. Select to visit to find out more information on one of the four specific factions or discover the other factions

Fiction reader user type

As a reader of science fiction, I want to discover more about the setting, so that I can decide if I am interested in the fictional stories and characters.

  1. Arive at index.html
  2. Watch Youtube video to get an initial idea of the setting
  3. scroll down to the introduction and read about the setting
    • (Mobile) Scroll to the collapse button and open the collapse
    • (Mobile) Read about the setting
    • (Mobile) Close the collapse with the button at the bottom of the text
  4. Scroll to the factions section
  5. Read information on each faction
    • (Mobile) Select an image to open the modal and read the faction information
  6. Scroll down and decide to sign up to the Newsletter
  7. Click on the Letter icon to open the email submission modal
  8. enter email address and click Submit
  9. Scroll to the other website links and read the information there
    • (Mobile) Scroll down to the other website links
  10. Decide that the Black library website suits your needs as a user interested in science fiction and select that website

New to Games Workshop user type

As someone who has never heard of Warhammer 40,000 before, I want to find out about the universe in easy to understand bitesize chunks, so that I can decideif this is something that interests me.

  1. Arrive at index.html
  2. Watch YouTube video to get an idea of the setting
  3. Scroll down to the introduction and read about the setting and hobby
    • (Mobile) Scroll to the collapse button and open the collapse
    • (Mobile) Read about the setting and hobby
    • (Mobile) Close the collapse with the button at the bottom of the text
  4. Scroll to the faction section
  5. Read information on each faction
    • (Mobile) Select an image to open the modal and read the faction information
  6. Scroll down and decide to sign up to the Newsletter
  7. Click on the Letter icon to open the email submission modal
  8. enter email address and click Submit
  9. scroll further down to the other website links and read the information there
    • (Mobile) Scroll down to the other website links
  10. Decide which website suits what you are looking for and select that website

Features Manual Testing



  1. Go to index.html
  2. Select Introduction to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the introduction section
  3. Select Warhammer 40,000 to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the top of the page
  4. select factions to drop down the menu
  5. Select Space Marines to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the Space Marine faction information
  6. Select Warhammer 40,000 to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the top of the page
  7. Select factions to drop down the menu
  8. Select Chaos Space Marines to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the Chaos Space Marine faction information
  9. Select Warhammer 40,000 to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the top of the page
  10. Select factions to drop down the menu
  11. Select Asuryani to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the Asuryani faction information
  12. Select More Info to see that the page scrolls down to the footer of the page


  1. Go to index.html
  2. Select Burger icon in top right corner of screen to drop down the menu
  3. Select Intoduction to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the Tag line and Introduction Collapse
  4. Select Warhammer 40,000 to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the top of the page
  5. Select Factions to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the top of the faction images
  6. Select More Info to see that the page scrolls smoothly to the Footer of the page


  1. Using developer tools (Right click on web page and select Inspect)
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+M to set the screen to be responsive
  3. Check different sized mobile devices and see that the Burger icon appears in the top right of the Navbar
  4. Check Different sized tablet devices and see that on smaller tablets the Burger icon is displayed while in screen elements are displayed like desktop and larger tablets do not have the Burger icon
  5. Set the screen as responsive and drag the margin in and out to see where Media queries switch over (max 767px / min 768 px) and the Navbar Burger Icon appears (max 991px)

Youtube video


  1. Go to index.html
  2. See that the Youtube video is displayed
  3. Select play to ensure the video is working correctly


  1. Go to index.html
  2. See that an image has taken place of the Youtube video


  1. Using developer tools (Right click on web page and select Inspect)
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+M to set the screen to be responsive
  3. select Responsive from the toolbar menu
  4. Move the margin in and out to see that the YouTube video is replaced by an image at 767 px

Intoduction Text


  1. Go to index.html
  2. Scroll to the introduction
  3. See that all text is displayed as styled and that the deviding image is positioned correctly


  1. Go to index.html
  2. Scroll to the downward chevron icon and select it to open the collapse
  3. See that the collapse opens to display the introduction text and that it is displayed correctly as styled
  4. Select the upward chevron at the bottom of the text to recollapse the text


  1. Using developer tools (Right click on web page and select Inspect)
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+M to set the screen to be responsive
  3. Select Responsive from the toolbar menu
  4. Move the margin in and out to see that the introduction text is replaced by a downward chevron at 767 px

Faction Images/Information


  1. Go to index.html
  2. Scroll down to the faction section starting with Space Marines
  3. Check that the space Marine image is floating to the right of its associated text and that all other images are floating in an alternating pattern
  4. Ensure all text is appearing as styled and that the images are the correct sized


  1. Go to index.html
  2. Scroll down to the faction section ensuring all four images are seperate and stand apart from each other starting with the Space Marine image
  3. Select the Space Marine and see that a modal appears containing all of the faction information associated with the image and check that all of the text is appearing as styled
  4. Select off of the modal or select the cross close icon in the top right corner
  5. Select the Chaos Space Marine and see that a modal appears containing all of the faction information associated with the image and check that all of the text is appearing as styled
  6. Select off of the modal or select the cross close icon in the top right corner
  7. Select the Ork and see that a modal appears containing all of the faction information associated with the image and check that all of the text is appearing as styled
  8. Select off of the modal or select the cross close icon in the top right corner
  9. Select the Asuryani and see that a modal appears containing all of the faction information associated with the image and check that all of the text is appearing as styled
  10. Select off of the modal or select the cross close icon in the top right corner


  1. Using developer tools (Right click on web page and select Inspect)
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+M to set the screen to be responsive
  3. Select Responsive from the toolbar menu
  4. Move the margin in and out to see that the faction information dissapears and only the images remain at 767 px

Newsletter Sign Up


  1. Go to index.html
  2. Scroll down to the Sign up to our newsletter! section
  3. Select the letter icon
  4. See that a modal opens up containing an email submission form
  5. Select submit without entering an email and see that an error message appears
  6. Enter an invalid email
  7. Select submit and see that another error message appears
  8. Enter a valid email
  9. Select submit and see that the modal closes (No information is stored through this process)

Code Validation

Further Testing

The page was shared with Friends, Family and other Students to gain any feedback on any issues found.

  • Page was found to be overflowing and causing a left-right scroll bar to appear, this was fixed by applying 0 to margin-left and margin-right to .row
  • Some users found that the faction images would appear larger than they should on their mobile devices, CSS styling was removed in favour of the Bootstrap grid system


The Cloud9 IDE was used to develop this project, using the built in function of Cloud9 it was comitted to git and pushed to GitHub to create and maintain a repository.

GitHub pages was used to deploy this project using the following steps:

  1. Login to GitHub
  2. Select the Repositories tab
  3. Select the Milestone-project-1 repository
  4. From the options near the top of the page select Settings
  5. Scroll down to the section titled GitHub Pages
  6. Under Source select the drop down menu and select Master Branch
  7. The page will automatically refresh and the page is now deployed
  8. Scroll back down to the GitHub Pages section to find the URL

To deploy the page locally

  1. Use this link to go to the repository
  2. Above the repository files select the green button that says Clone or download
  3. Select the copy to clip board image next to the URL to copy the URL to your clip board
  4. Using your local IDE open a Git terminal
  5. Change the durectory to the location that you want to create the cloned directory
  6. Type git clone and paste the URL you copied from GitHub



The text used in the introductory collapse and faction modals were copied from the official Warhammer 40,000 page



  • I received inspiration for this project from my own experience of both discovering and introducing people to the Warhammer 40,000 universe
  • My Mentor Simen Daehlin who has encoraged me to work outside of my comfort zone and helped me see lines of code with fresh eyes
  • Anna Greaves for her excellent tutorials and helpful nature
  • The other Code Institute Students who helped me with suggestions and testing
  • My friends and family who also took part in testing.

This project was created for educational purposes only

owencookman-milestone-project-1's People


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