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owencookman-owen-webdev's Introduction

Build Status

The webpage was created to advertise myself as a web developer, showcasing my portfolio of previous projects which should be regularly updated as more projects are finished, giving those who visit the website an introduction to myself, the work I have done, a way to contact me for consultations and also a way to hire and pay me as a freelance developer.


The website is aimed at potential clients who would like to hire me as a developer.

User Stories

As a visitor I expect:

  1. To read about the developer and learn about their background
  2. To see the developers portfolio of work to understand what they are capable of
  3. To be able to contact the developer with any questions that I may have
  4. To navigate the website easily
  5. The information to be laid out in an easy to view format

As a User I expect:

  1. To read about the developer and learn about their background
  2. To see the developers portfolio of work to understand what they are capable of
  3. To be able to contact the developer with any questions that I may have
  4. To navigate the website easily
  5. The information to be laid out in an easy to view format
  6. To be able to hire the developer
  7. To be able to see what options are available to me
  8. To be able to select the options that I like
  9. To be able to pay the developer for their services
  10. To be able to keep in contact with the developer during the development process
  11. To be able to provide feedback to the developer on their services

As the Developer I expect:

  1. Visitors to my website to be able to learn about my background
  2. To showcase my portfolio of work where possible to show visitors what I can offer
  3. Visitors to be able to sign up to my website and become users
  4. Visitors to be able to contact me with any queries they may have
  5. Users to be able to see what packages I have on offer
  6. Users to be able to select which package they want
  7. Users to be able to give a description of their business and what their expectations are
  8. To be able to keep constant contact with users who have hired me
  9. Users to be able to pay me for my services
  10. Users to be able to provide feedback where possible

Styling Choices


I wanted to aim for a neutral colour palette with this website as my clients could be looking to build websites with a whole range of themes. This led me to look at neutral colour groups. I settled on a dark navy blue for the nav and footer elements, this would seperate them from other sections of the page. I decided to keep the page background white while content would appear on an opaque field. This allowed content to be stacked within itself making the field around the inner content darker which would seperate generated content even though they are generated in the same container for example when a user asks multiple questions.


I decided to go with the Inria Sans font as it still looked professional and neat but also different from what is seen on a lot of other web pages, I noticed that this paired well with the Roboto font so I decided that any titles or headers would be styled with Inria Sans and any other blocks of text would use Roboto. This further breaks content up and keeps the page looking interesting.


The favicon was taken from PNG Fuel I was looking for a simple icon that would explain exactly what the website involves, the laptop with the </> symbol for code was perfect in showing that I am a developer.


Please click here to view my first draft Wireframes, these were originally made using Balsamiq Mock-ups.


The 'About Me' page and 'What I do' page were later combined on to the index page as this would be the landing point where this information could be displayed to sell myself as a developer rather than having two small separate pages.

User/Admin interaction

As there is no set price or time frame for a website to be built these could vary from website to website the superuser must interact with data submitted by a user so that the user can perform certain actions for example:

  1. A user creates an order through the "Order" page
  2. The Developer(Superuser) looks at the data submitted through the Admin panel, assesses how long and complex the build is and contacts the user via email with a price
  3. A price is agreed upon so the Developer returns to the Admin panel and updates the orders "Price" field with the agreed price and checks the "Pay deposit" field
  4. The user can then go to their profile page and look at the status of their order where a button to pay the deposit will be, clicking the button will take them through the steps of paying and once paid the Deposit paid field is automaticallly checked
  5. When the developer has completed their work and the user is happy with the finished product. The developer can return to the Admin panel and check the "Pay final" field
  6. The user can then return to their profile and make their final payment, this will automatically check the "Final paid" field



The original Theme was taken from the Bootswatch themes library, the theme Sandstone was used and then styled with CSS to customize it further such as the fonts used and the changes made to the navbar, The buttons provided were kept the same as the colours worked well with my palette but the font used in the button was changed to match the other text on the page.

Index Page/Introduction

The Index page serves as the main selling page of the website, it includes a Large call to action button so a user can get straight to the steps needed to hire me as a developer. The button will link them directly to the contact.html page which is a login required page. If the user is not logged in or registered they will be redirected to the login.html page which also contains a clear link to the register.html page.

Below the call to action button is a section of icons that show the foundation of what I can offer, clicking these icons will open up a modal from the modals.html file that contain more information about each area. The modals open through the use of jQuery, each icon is given an ID that corresponds to its modal, jQuery waits for the icon to be clicked and runs the function to show the modal.

The modals have been styled to appear opaque, as a lot of the features on the pages use opaque backgrounds that layer on top of each other I wanted to continue that theme here and used a different colour so that the modal still stood apart from the rest of the page. The text was coloured white so that anything that could be seen through the modal didn't draw the eye too much and distract from the text.

On smaller devices this section is hidden and replaced with an accordion to make the page more compact so that the user can view each section piece by piece.

As the About Me and What I Do sections are large areas of text and the user may only want to read them if they want to learn more about me they have been placed within collapses, allowing the user to show and hide each separately.

An animated chevron has been added to give the user a que to open or close the collapses. This was animated through the use of CSS styles and jQuery. jQuery waits for the element to be clicked and toggles a class which provides the animation.


The Portfolio page was originally planned to be made dynamic which is why it is sat in its own app but due to time constraints it was not possible to implement this feature and this has been added to the "Possible Features To Implement" section. The page displays all of my past projects and allows users to see what I have learned and what I am capable of building. Each image shows the home page of each project and links to the deployed website. Included is a link to each github repository and information about the projects.

User Authentication

Visitors to the website can choose to register, this will allow them access to the contact.html page where they can fill out the order form and request a website to be built. They will also have access to their user profile where order requests are displayed along with invoices and any questions they have asked through the "Contact Me" page.

User Profile

The user profile takes the user's email address and sends a query to the database to return the users information, It then takes the user's ID and makes a filter request to the database for any order, invoice and question objects where the client field is the same as the user's ID. These are then rendered on to the page through template rendering.

Order Page

The order page uses the ContactForm model form which uses the order model, when the user fills out a valid form this data is saved to the database along with some unseen fields, these fields are client, date, price, pay_deposit, deposit_paid, pay_final and final_paid client is set with the value of the user's ID, the date uses auto_now_add=True to set the date and time to when the form was saved to the database.

pay_deposit, deposit_paid, pay_final and final_paid are all Boolean fields set to False that are checked to manipulate data displayed on the user's profile as well as the invoices given when a payment is made. Finally price is a float field that defaults to 0.0, this field is there to be set when a price is settled, it is used to display the cost of the website on the user's profile as well as passed to Stripe for payments.

As the developer I would look at this data on the admin panel, assess how long the build would take and how complex it is (possibly contacting the user for any more information), settle on a price with the user, update the price field and set the pay_deposit field to True. This will then allow the user to pay the deposit through the orders section on their profile page which is half of the amount set as the price.

Contact Me Page

The contact me page is a simple form that takes the visitors name, email address and a message. This page is not restricted to users who are logged in as I want anyone to be able to ask a qustion or get in touch for any other reason, there is a link to this page in the footer so anyone can get in touch from anywhere on the website. The fields are saved to the database which are viewable through the admin panel for the case of visitors who are not logged in asking questions and also to reply to questions as there is a hidden Answer field. When a user asks a question their ID is also saved in a hidden client field which is allowed to be blank when a none logged in visitor asks a question. The client field is then used to display questions and answers on the user's profile page, these questions can then be edited or deleted by the user.

Stripe Payments

When a user has created an order and an agreement on price has been made the pay_deposit field in the order object will be set to True. This will display the price and a pay deposit button in the "your orders" section of the user's profile. clicking the button will take the user through to a summary page which will show them a summary of what they are paying for as well as giving them the option to print the page. The print page button uses jQuery, when the button is clicked a window.print() is run as part of the click function. Clicking the "Make Payment" button will tke the user to the payment page where they can enter their card details which are passed to Stripe along with a variable to_pay which is set to half of the price value. If the payment was taken successfully the deposit_paid field is set to True, the process is repeated again for pay_final.


Once a user's payment is taken successfully an invoice is then created, using the invoice model the values are populated by drawing information from other objects, the business_name, start_date and client are taken from the order object. The amount_charged is taken from the to_pay variable and the card_type, last4 and stripe_receipt are taken from the customer object that is returned by Stripe. This information is then stored in the database to be made available through the user's profile.


The footer was styled in the same colours as the navbar to frame the webpage. It contains a link to the question.html page so that the page can be reached from anywhere on the website. It also incudes a "signature" and a link to my LinkedIn profile through a LinkedIn icon taken from font awesome. More social media platforms can be added to this section as they are created.

Possible Features To Implement

  • A more detailed contact form using check boxes that could give an estimated cost of the website build to the client
  • A built in chat system allowing text communication to be handled completely on the website for example the chat system used by Tutor support at CI
  • The content on the portfolio page to be rendered from the database, with new entries uploaded from the admin panel
  • Email notifications when visitors/users ask a question and invoices/confirmations sent to users email

Technologies Used


  • This project uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python programming languages

Frameworks & Libraries

-Django 3.0.4



  • An SQLite database was used in development
  • A PostgreSQL database is used in deployment


To view the testing carried out on this project please click here for my separate testing file


During the development process I ran in to a few issues, these are listed below along with how they were overcome:

Bug 1 When running the command python3 runserver the page would return 403 forbidden.

This was due to clearing browsing data to load new styles also clearing any permissions for GitPod.

Bug 2 When trying to save the contact form to the database an error stating column "client_id" of relation "comms_order" does not exist.

This was due to renaming a model field called user to client and was fixed by deleting the database and its migrations and starting migrations fresh.

Bug 3 While deploying the project I received an error that the database is not configured correctly.

To fix this problem a file called runtime.txt was created in the root directory, this told Heroku what version of Python to use.

Bug 4 When attempting to pay via stripe on the deployed website I would recieve a database error.

This was due to the stripe receipt url max length being set to 100 the SQLite database would allow the url to be stored even though it was above 100 characters but the postgreSQL database used in deployment would not.


The GitPod IDE was used to develop this project and all work was added, committed and pushed to a GitHub repository which was linked with Heroku.

How to run the project locally

Note: some of the commands below may differ depending on your chosen IDE and Operating system, the commands below will work with python 3 installed on a Windows operating system. Some IDEs will require "pip3" instead of "pip" or "python3" instead of "python" for example.

  1. Ensure that you have PIP, Python 3 and Git installed on your machine

  2. Save a copy of this repository by clicking the "Clone or Download" button at the top of the page and select "Download Zip" to extract the Zip file to your chosen folder 2. If you have Git installed, use the below command to clone the repository:

    git clone

  3. Open a terminal session in the unzipped folders directory

  4. Create a virtual environment by running the below command

python -m .venv venv

  1. Activate the Virtual environment with the below command


  1. Install required modules by running the below command

pip -r requirements.txt

  1. inside the root directory create a file named, at the top of the document type import os and add the environment variables shown in the heroku deployment using the following syntax:

os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", "add your secret key here")

Run the application with the below command

python runserver

Visit the website at

How to deploy the project to Heroku

Note: You will require a publishable and secret key from Stripe.

  1. In the terminal, run python collectstatic to collect static files for deployment on Heroku.

  2. run the below command:

    Pip install whitenoise

  3. Go to your file and add 'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware'to the MIDDLEWARE section.

  4. Create a requirements.txt file using the terminal command pip freeze > requirements.txt.

  5. Create a Procfile using the terminal command echo web: python > Procfile 5. Please note that if you are using a Windows operating system the Procfile may not format properly, please create another file named Procfile and copy the contents of the terminal generated Procfile over to it, then delete the generated Procfile. As this project uses Gunicorn the Procfile I used appears like this:

    web: gunicorn webdev.wsgi:application

  6. git add and git commit both requirements.txt and Procfile then git push your staged files to GitHub.

  7. Create a new app on Heroku by clicking the "New" button on the Dashboard, give the new app a name and set the region to your local region.

  8. From the new applications dashboard click the "Deploy" tab and in the "Deplyoment Method" section select GitHub and confirm that it is connecting to the correct GitHub repository.

  9. Click on the "Resources" tab and in the search bar search for "postgres", select "Heroku Postgres" when it appears. Select "Hobby Dev - Free" and click "Provision", go to the "settings tab and click the button "Reveal Config Vars" in the config vars section to see that a config var "DATABASE_URL" has been set.

  10. Continuing in the cofig vars section set the below config vars.

    Key Value
    DATABASE_URL Database URL should have been set in the previous step
    SECRET_KEY <Your Secret Key Here>
    STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE Your publishable stripe key
    STRIPE_SECRET Your secret Stripe Key
  11. Go to the "Deploy" tab and scroll down to the "Manual Deploy" section check that the master branch is selected and click "Deploy Branch".

  12. Go to the "Overview" tab, after a few minutes the top two logs should read "Deployed" and "Build Succeeded".

  13. Select the button "Open App" in the top right corner and wait for the home page to load.


  • My family and friends for testing this project and reporting back to me with any issues.

  • My mentor Simen Daehlin for his brilliant tutelage

  • Joke Heyndels for her guidance in squashing particularly tricky bugs

owencookman-owen-webdev's People


owencookman avatar


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