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peony_kisses's Introduction

Bespoke Peony Designs

Visit the live website HERE

Note for accessors, the contributors is showing as Jason Reynolds contributed towards the coding too. This was as I was at his PC Station on Sunday 29th May updating my readme file. I'm new to git and push, not knowing I had to change to a ID Local session and log in as myself. The only contribution was one paragraph in the readme file which I write, I tried to reset this but would not remove off the file.


Aim of the website

Founder 'Gemma Seymour' has started Bespoke Peony Designs, starting as a biscuit maker for the unique events with a personal touch. Now combining with sourcing, crafting and baking skills - the portfolio now is aimed towards event planning and smaller catering requirements. Bespoke Peony Kisses displays the array of products,

Link to live website:HERE


Bespoke Peony Kisses is aimed at multiple markets offering a single or combined service. Each market focus on a specific layout/theme, with large volumes of animation. This website needs to offer a range of simplicity whilst showing the capability of customizing products offered.

Services are aimed towards a wide range of audiences who are looking to entertain a group or party of people during their hosting. Primarily targeted to the wedding scene, but not limiting or restricting parties for working environments, birthday parties, celebratory events.

My designs were used for the unique and simplistic views to the customer. All competitor websites were created in a block by block format with animation scrolling through an array of images. The views were effective, but rushed users to navigate away from the page.

User Experience (UX)

User Expectations

First Time Users

For a first time viewer, I would be following the flow of the website for information on the service and options of the company Bespoke Peony Kisses. First encounter is a a friendly welcome with a summary of the website, along with a navigation to confirm the feature/sections on the page. As the consumer scrolls down the website page, they will be guided through a selection of images displaying previous creations to showcase their abilities. Followed shortly by events where the services have been utilized, with their own unique traits.

Returning visitors

Returning visitors visit the website with a link either via the navigation bar or the hyper-link in the welcome paragraph to "Contact Us" section, forwarding to the final section of the web-page - submitting the customers requirements, creating a simple and quick visit to the website.



for my layout, I chose a single page website displaying all information in a strategic method;

  1. Introduction (getting to know the host)
  2. Images/Gallery (Seeing the capability)
  3. Prices (approximate guideline)
  4. Contact form (Sending e-mails with their customisable enquiry)
  5. Footer (to link over to social media's website.)

Following the above, I was able to create a template/wireframe for my website.

  • First Design, Mobile & Small Screens

    • design for mobile screens
  • Second Design (Tablets)

    • Design for tablet screens
  • Third Design (Large screens)

    • Design for desktop screens

Color Scheme

As this website is created for my friend who has already created her profile with a dedicated Facebook page. This resulted in a logo with specific colors created;

logo of bespoke peony designs

  • Background
    • the background has a beige finish, which is matched using image color picker (Notes in references). Background color is #ebe53.
  • Font
    • Font on the above image is "Brown Sugar" but only available as a capitol letters only. To match a similar style, I browsed sites between, dafont and various other sites. Finding Playfair display from google fonts.
  • Responsive behaviour

    • In the wireframes created, I selected layouts that include sections side by side with tables of information, event styles. [edit] Further along the project, I reviewed the opening page and discussed with the potential user of the website, changing the layout of welcome section, which includes logo as a centre image with welcome text on the right.
    • Font size is to be adjusted to the display equipment, this is created by using elements with a rem selector for font size, reactive CSS then changes the default font size when expanding to a larger screen.
    • Desktop version changed to navbar being linked to the top of the page, pushing the companies logo to be adjacent to the welcome text.
    • For interaction with the user of the website, I included animations to respond to clicks or locations of mouses.
      • Page-breaker icons/images, to hide when hovered over or clicked on, then re-appearing when opposite reaction is actioned.
      • Highlighting of table rows in pricing guide, for easier viewing of prices
      • Changing color buttons in contact form to confirm action has been completed on request.
    • Images of responsive screens displayed below under Progression/Final checks.

Construction of website

This website has been using with construction of HTML and CSS, core languages trained by Code Institute for my first project.


Peony Kisses website has been created with a host of features to enable the best user experience possible.

With the mobile first technique, the website is designed for optimal layout on small devices, then adaptive behaviour for a larger range of screens. The content is desirable in two layouts, removing the requirement of multiple breakpoints, only the one. This limits the websites requirement for display status and how to behave, increasing it's overall speed.

Accessibility has also been accounted for, with aria labels added to the relevant sections of links and images. As all text can be read by a text-to-speech software built in majority of computers as a standard. The color contract between text and background also allows users with partial site or color blind understand with ease too. Both ratings have been taken from dev tools Light house application.

In the design of the website, it's contents have been created in an order to suit the consumers requirements, answering why and what questions before they are thought of. This includes:

  • Navigation bar at the top of the screen :
    • Screenshot of navigation bar on main website
  • Headers of all new sections/categories :
    • header titles to determine new sections
  • Icon Related page break sections :
    • icons to split the pages of website
    • Each icon is also responsive, with users hovering over and the icon disappearing
  • Responsive Gallery :
    • Screenshot of gallery section from main site
    • All images have an overlay with text to explain what they are or used for.
  • Hoverable table to aid guides:
    • Table with highlighted rows
  • Contact/feedback form :
    • Form section for information to send
  • Social links for further viewing :
    • Links to external pages
    • These pages are also to open in a new tab.


Final checks

Before handing in of the project, I used further checks to ensure my projects meets the criteria. Specifically the website needs to be at least 3 pages or single scrolling page worth 3 pages or more. To check this and how my website presents itself with responsive behaviour I used typing in the url of my project. Images displayed as followed:

  • Page 1:
    • Screenshot of page 1
    • Note: iPhone image displays a limited view, but when checked with dev ops (iPhone SE) and my personal phone (Huawei P30 Lite) the screen displayed offered the welcome text too.
  • Page 2:
    • Screenshot of page 2
  • Page 3:
    • Screenshot of page 3
  • Page 4:
    • Screenshot of page 4
  • Page 5:
    • Screenshot of page 5


Mid-stage in my project, I exported my HTML code to W3 Validator for HTML. The website had found some codes with an error, mostly div tags without a closing tag and break lines coded as self-closing, but not required. On review of the below image, I corrected end with removal of end tags and closure tags.

results of w3 validation at mid-project

Further checks at a later stage shown a reduced quantity of errors and further corrections to be made.

second check of html on w3 validation site

The above errors were fixed by changing the page break sections with div's, as these are images to transition from page 1 to 2 etc. Not requiring a header.

During the above checks, no errors were found on CSS w3 (jigsaw) validator.

Testings and Accessibility

  • bugs

    • form layout
    • Image Overlay
      • In the introduction of image gallery, I created an animation overlay when pressing/hovering over an image. On my first attempt, I found the overlay covered the top segment of the website.
        overlay not showing on screen correctlyCorrection of overlay result
        This was fixed by adding additional container with relative position, as the primary div's were position:absolute.
    • Icons not displaying
      • icons being added, but not displayed
      • This was fixed by including the "awesome font" href in the head of HTML. - found in references.
    • Font on overlay of pictures to adjust to size.
      • adjusted to 50 vertical on CSS, with font size adjusting to the display equipment
    • on reactive media to large screens +1Kpx, contact form overlaps page breaker icons. Squashed upwards ?
      • welcome division had fixed height which squashed on smaller sizes, removal of fixed height correct this.
    • email logo to be shown above contact us section for page breaker.
      • created as a p element with styling, confirming icons rather than images or text.
    • Clicking "top" icon to scroll up worked on mobile, but not on desktop
      • This errored as on desktop mode the nav icon has a false display mode, resulting in no link to direct too. To correct this, I replaced the id of logo to the nav bar, which now works as expected.
  • Bugs to fixed

    • Contact us events and idea's text area to display a multiple lines rather than single line.
      • This is caused by contact form having restricted line spacing. This can be corrected on re-formatting the form, on future updates.
  • [Format]

  • HTML Validation

    • During the course, this website and it's code has been tested using w3 validator and jigsaw w3 validator. Some errors have been found and logged within the testing stage, then corrected at a later point. On completion of the project, final checks with both w3 validator and jigsaw w3 validator have confirmed no errors found within the code.
    • Final checks with HTML Validator
    w3 validator checks confirm no errors
  • CSS Validation

    • During the course, this website and it's code has been tested using w3 validator and jigsaw w3 validator. Some errors have been found and logged within the testing stage, then corrected at a later point. On completion of the project, final checks with both w3 validator and jigsaw w3 validator have confirmed no errors found within the code.
    w3 jigsaw validator
  • Links validation

    • 7 links
      • The first section of Peony Kisses website displays 4 visible links for the user to navigate. With 3 different locations:
        1. Gallery
        2. Events
        3. Contact Us (in nav bar and welcome text)
        • On clicking, and repeated testing, the above links continue to move the displayed information to the relevant sections with no errors.
        • This process was also repeated on the mobile display mode and my personal phone to ensure the bookmarked section displays the correct category for all devices.
      • At present, the footer section includes 3 links to social media websites:
        1. Instagram (Peony Kisses site yet to be created and linked)
        2. Facebook
        3. Snapchat (Peony Kisses site yet to be created and linked)
        • All the above links are coded to open the social media sites in a new tab.
        • Error found - when creating the link I linked to Twitter instead of Instagram. This has now been edited - 29/5/22.
        • All links are working correctly and now navigate to the correct websites.
    • 1 form entry
      • Above the footer section, the website includes a form allowing users to submit information relating to their orders. Current entries on the website is logged with CodeInstitute formdump, with research I found there is an option using php scripts to generate e-mails which will be implemented at a later date. Expected behaviour at present is for all fields requiring information before allowing the form to submit it's information. If chosen to clear all information and restart, the "Clear" icon will remove all entered data.
        1. Immediate pressing of submit without information entered on the fields above display a requirement of field entry. 2. After name entry, this then request e-mail to be entered, which only accepts e-mail format (also tested). 3. Events and Idea's needs text to be entered, any text is permitted in this field. 4. Error found - date field missing required status, now corrected. >note for future development: required date to only be allowed with future dates. 5. Delivery method is required with radio button selection (Only one to be selected at a time)
        2. Completion of all information allows submission of data on forumdump:
        correct logging of data on form database
      • Clicking of Clear button resets all fields with no entries, for user to re-start.
  • Spell check

    To check all spelling on file, I exported all created text then paste into Microsoft Word. A large portion of errors found were to abbreviations and references, i.e fontawesome.

    Handfull of mis-spelt words have been corrected then commited.

Accessibility rating

On completion, I ran the lighthouse report on Microsoft Edge desktop mode. The report advised of good grades with small de-grading results, largely shifting layout, larger size images and overlap of input area's. lighthouse report showing good/green results


The aim of the websites first creation is static information to show a range of products available to buy. Features to be added at a later stage is:

  • live blogs of social media post, Facebook and Twitter
  • E-Commerce site, for a selection of generic made biscuits/cakes
  • Upload of images to send via form for special products for orders.


This project is hosted and stored on, with editing through and desktop similar software: Visual Studio's. Settings are edited to allow public viewing as required feedback from intended customer and clients on a regular basis.

Mid-stage of creation, I chose to make the site public by visiting the settings tab of my repository, selecting the repository's branch (Main) then publish page. This allowed the website to be viewed by any browser using the URL

For modification or copies

Cloning the repository

On opening of the landing page will offer a list of icons, including a green icon labelled as "Code". Selecting this button will offer a list of options, including links, opening with Github or downloading as a ZIP File.

This will allow the user to download all codes and images to import on their code/profile.



Balsamiq software -

Software to draft designs and layouts of the website.

Image Color Picker -

Used to identify the color of the background within the logo image provided. This is used to accurately quote the Hex reference for background color.

Pexels -

Stock images used for gallery.
Jess Bailey Designs for cake with ribbon decoration:
Taryn Elliott for cake with fruit and flower decoration:
Jonathan Meyer for decorated biscuits :

w3 Schools online -

Variety of HTML and CSS Codes,
Included use on: Hover overlay of images
Meta tags for viewport and description

Awesomefont -

Customized icons for events tab, relevant to specific host.

W3 Validator -

Checking of HTML code for errors or incorrect formats.

Google Fonts -

*Fonts used on website - Playfair Display"

HTML & CSS book - Book borrowed from Jason Reynolds.

Hints, tips and presentation of HTML and CSS used throughout the codes
example of creating columns within a page
Understanding use of display:none and visibility:hidden
Formatting layout of contact form


Contacts discussed the project with

  1. Huge thank you to my brother, Jason Reynolds of Cappfinity. Guiding me with my questions and prompting me rather than supplying answers.
  2. Mentor Marcel Mulders, conversations with what examples to look for, what may be helpful and objectives to be mindful of.
  3. Class mate - Anna Gabain, through long conversations covering some syntax logics and their meanings, whilst showing on my screen allowed me to develop my project.
  4. Class mate - Jamie King, presenting projects to each other and comparing notes with each other.
  5. Class mate - Fran Boyle, positive attitude and showing another perspective to approach the coding methodology during this course.
  6. Class mate - Gerard Kelly, conversations on presentation of files and path directories. Also preparation of information and display (front end).

peony_kisses's People


fluffybullet avatar jason-reynolds avatar

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