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project-2-to_submit's Introduction


The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.

     Carl Sagan


This is why I prepared new application that send us to space. Yes, since now we are able to move to space, to see other planets with out going out from home. Project is in alpha stage and I need to change many things, but it works and I am proud of this.

I could not imagine how big progress I will achieve I could not image that it is possible to make 3D project, similar to 3D shorter, that works in web browser.

  • 3D in web browser thank to thee.js library
  • Many charts thanks to chart.js
  • Move control (cell phones only) thanks to gyroscopes build into cellphones

I did not know that it is possible;

I have not seen similar project, but after hundreds hours of researching, experiments. I achieved more that I expected.

It was only student project for coding boot-camp, but even though,

I will work on this project after submit, since I put all heart into this and regardless of result that I get for this project I am proud of this and

I will love every user of this application.

Peter Major

What it is?

It is my 2nd project for Code Institute boot-camp. It is front-end web page that uses external api and can render charts. I have chosen cosmos as my subject. I will work on this project after submitting, so it is not DSF (Do-Submit-Forget).
Indeed here you can find 2 applications, but for submitting I joined them into 1 project:

1st Application - Search Assistant

It is search assistant- It uses NASA api in order to find photos, videos and podcasts about space.

I would describe this as combination of Google, YouTube and Instagram for people who are interested in astronomy.

You can

  • connect to NASA api
  • search
  • show informations

Image of 1st section Image of 1st section 2D project. Here you can see recommended categories- our planets solar system.

Image of 1st section Here you can search. It has similar abilities as google- it can search data.

Image of 1st section

Results example. Videos about Jupiter.

Why it is so special?

  • lazy loading
  • infinite scroll
  • does not need refresh

It uses lazy loading and infinite scroll. It means all images are loading only when are near screen. Moreover you do not need to use pagination , when you scroll to end of page it loads next page automatically.

2nd Application - 3D Space**

  • 3D web application
  • Chart rendering
  • can use camera
  • work with phone sensors

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Albert Einstein

In my journey into programming I am looking for challenges, something more sophisticated, hard skills such as Virtual Reality, AI, Big Data, Games. Therefore I was thinking of making something, that transgress imagination.

It is 3D visualization of our solar system, that works in web browser. You can control this by

  • mouse and
  • keyboard for computers, as well as
  • touch screen
  • gyroscope - moving sensor for cellphones/tablets/other android devices. and:
  • camera - in order to put planets in your room.

To Synchronize gyroscope was tremendous challenge, since not many applications in JS use this, especially alongside with Tree.js and OrbitControls.js.

Even thought I am not sure if it works for all phones in the same way, because it uses empirical calculated values.

angle_v+= gyroscope.x/60;
angle_h+= gyroscope.y/60;

Example of values that i used in order to synchronise gyroscope with camera.

Image of 3D project Image of 3D project

Chart example Chart example

Another example of chart Another example of chart

I daresay that it would be/is challenge for medium level, or even seniors to make something like this.

Why is so special?

It is unusual


This version does not required installation.


If you use Google Chrome or Opera In order to run application offline(from hard disc) you can face CRC error. error_cors.jpg Example of CRC error

Run online

Please use this link to open application (works on all web-browsers):

You can also upload this on server for example Apache. It works fine on localhost:80).

Run offline

In order to start web page from hard disc open file index.html in Firefox web browser. Does not works in Chrome and Opera when offline!

Open Index.html in Firefox Open Index.html in Firefox

Get start - how to use - Application 1

Section 1

Here you can:

  • Choose keywords from recommended,
  • go to section 2

At the begin you will see only background - with no content, in order to see anything you have to scroll down page. Background is fully animated- it moves from left to right, and than back, so from right to left.

After scroll down you will see animation- content will rotate and become less transparent, to be fully visible after short time (2.5s) The same approach I used in my previous project - "The Doors". Both projects use the same combination of css classes and jquery functions made by me. Almost every element of side is animated in the same way, so it applies to search results also.

Here you can see an example:

Aplication before scroll Application before scroll

Aplication after scroll Application after scroll

As you can see it contains 8 cards with planets of our solar system. Those cards contain recommended by me keywords for searching. When you click on any of them you will move to bottom of page - searching section.

  • it performs searching
  • you will see search results
  • it moves you to section 2

In search-box will appear name of planet that you clicked on, in results you will see search results for keyword chosen by you (planet name). So when you scroll down more you will see more content (in this case photos about chosen planet). This content is also animated.

You can also used "search button" from left top corner, or just scroll down page.

How to use section 2 - the search section I explain you in this document. Now let's focus on search results.

Search results

As you can expect "searching results" is kind of images gallery. It is similar to commonly used solution such as that used by Google Images, Microsoft Bing, Pinterest. Below you can see an example of searching results.

Example of searching results- Venus Example of searching results- Venus

I was considering 5 cards design used by Pinterest, but I think 3 cards has many benefits.

  • of course you can see less pictures at one time,
  • but each picture is bigger, and it is standard solution of Bootstrap. This is why I used 3 cards design.

On the cellphones everything looks different, since it uses 1 card design.

Example of searching results on cell phone- Venus

Example of searching results on cell phone- Venus

Page is fully responsive. When you rotate your device it look like this

Example of searching results on cell phone rotated- Venus Example of search results on cell phone rotated- Venus


Each card includes:

  • Content(in this case photo)
  • Media type icon (in this case icon camera ). Media type icon is in left top corner of each card
  • Title- is below content.

Example of Card Example of Card. You can see content, media type and title.

As I said before application can search 3 types of media:

  • Images/Photos
  • Videos
  • Audios/Podcasts

Example of Video Card

Example of Video Card. You can see play icon in left top corner

Example of Photo Card

Example of Photo Card. You can see Camera icon in left top corner

Example of Audio Card

Example of Audio Card. You can see Headphones icon in left top corner

Functions of cards

Hovering on card will change background to image from content. Image become bigger- so you can see everything more clearly.

It happens thanks to zoomable css classes and function bigImg()

I used this also in my previous project - "The Doors"

Function bigImg(obj_id) is in js/main.js file, classes zoomable are in css/style.css file.

Would you like to know more about how background is changing or how images become bigger?

You can find more information in readme of my previous project - **"The Doors" **

The most important function of card is to ... be open (in modal)

Content Modal and opening cards

Modal allows you to:

  • see/watch content,
  • search for keywords,
  • gain some more info about content;

Each card can activate modal- function open_photo(elem) from js/main.js file. Modal content dependence of card is of course for every card is different. Here you can example of opened modal:

Example of Opened Modal Example of Opened Modal

Each modal includes not only media content(image,video or audio), but also information's abound content, such as :

  • Description- Description of image(for image) or text of speech for audio and video files
  • Alternative files - Only for images. Some images you can see in different resolutions. Clicking on any of file opens its in new tab of your web browser. Name of link is just src- it allow user to copy src in fast way.
  • Info - More info about content, such as date, creator
  • Keywords - Keywords corresponding to item. If you click on this it performs new searching, but you have to close modal in order to see it.

Center JPL usually means that photos has been taken in space.

Here you can see example of bottom part of modal: Example of Opened Modal- part 2 Example of Opened Modal - part 2

You can not believe, but modal can be close (by big close button).


When you have a look at code of function open_photo(elem) you see strange constructions such as:

    regex = /__quote__/gi; 
    x_description=x_description.replace(regex, ' " ');
    regex = /__apostrophe__/gi 
    x_description=x_description.replace(regex, "'");

You can wonder why do I check if it has description? As you can see I check each value. It is because some of items has no descriptions/images(ex. audio files) or info. Checking if value exists allow me to remove some blanks items. So... why did I used:

  regex = /__quote__/gi; 
    x_description=x_description.replace(regex, ' " ');
    regex = /__apostrophe__/gi 
    x_description=x_description.replace(regex, "'");


Issue with items with out some values was even more dangerous. Have a look at this code: function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) from js/main.js

if (api.collection.items[i].data[0].description) 
        x_description= api.collection.items[i].data[0].description ;
        regex = /"/gi; 
        x_description=x_description.replace(regex, " __quote__ ");
        regex = /'/gi; 
        x_description=x_description.replace(regex, "__apostrophe__");

As I mentioned before some element have no values- let's assume that items[10] has no description.

x_description= api.collection.items[i].data[0].description ;

In this circumstances script will crash. I think all items have description, but I found many items with no photos, links, or info.

Let's come back to our question about

regex = /__quote__/gi; .

Can you imagine this photo description:

First start of rocket "Hercules". Pilot didn't press start button

Of course I made up this description, but pay attention to " and '. Those strings can easily break down script, and attr("x_description") of card will be:

Firs start of rocket

and than it render many trashes such as attributes Hercules, or Pilot.

This is why I check if value exists, then change every " to quote and ' to apostrophe. For rendering it works different way , so apostrophe becomes ' and quote becomes ".

Lazy loading and infinite scroll

Usually when you like to load next page of photo/video/audio gallery or search results you have to click "Next" or page number. Why?

Example of Google Pagination Example of Google Pagination I dont think it is good idea to use this, since user has to clicks next in order to load next page. Why don't we load next page automatically? Google uses this succesfully in their another product- Google image. In my application next page is loaded automatically when you scroll to bottom of page

How does it work? Lazy loading and infinite scroll

We start from infinite scroll

Infinite scroll

Please visit this page:{venus%20}

It is api of NASA. It returns normal Json file.

Click collection, items Each page includes 100 items, since one nasa-api.collection has 100 items, first one is 0 and last one is 99, and in this case it has 100 element. It means that one page of our gallery will has 100 elements. Only the last page has less than 100.

Close items forder or click collapse all (in Firefox) Now open collection metadata total_hits: 302 Yes total_hits: 302 means that in there are 302 items in database that meet our search criteria.

Close items folder or click collapse all (in Firefox) Now open collection metadata total_hits: 302 Yes total_hits: 302 means that in there are 302 items in database that meet our search criteria.

Open this in new tab. Number of items is the same - 100 Total hits is the same - 302 but what about links ? Yes there are 2 items : 0 with prompt:"Previous" and 1 with prompt:"Next"

It means that for load next page we need collection.links[collection.links.length-1].href And indeed it is true.

Go to next page by using next link. And than repeat this again in order to visit page 4, or use this link: Now check items. There are only 2 items, since:

  • 302-100 from page 1 is 202.
  • 202-100 from page 2 is 102.
  • 102-100 from page 3 is 2

What about links? Check this now. There is only 1 link 0 with prompt:"Previous". We don't like to load previous page because it is nonsense, so we need:


Only when prompt is Next link will be taken from collection.links.

How to make this to load automatically? Here we need function isInView(elem) that animate elements when they are on screen. When last element will be on screen script will load next page. Ok, how to determinate if element on screen is last? I used class link_loader. Only last element of page has this class. Function isInView(elem) check if element has this class, and than it loads:

 if ($("#"+id_card).hasClass("link_loader"))
      // It fix "fast mouse scrolling + hover" bug
      if (tmp_api)

Ok, it loads, but loads what? as you can see link_loader has special attribute link and this is link with prompt:"Next" mentioned before. For loading script uses function open_link. What if we will scroll very fast over and over near link_loader? It is issue, because it will load next page over and over. This is why after loading link script remove class link_loader from item.

What about tmp_api? It prevent script from errors - when api answers in unexpected way and script will be not able to load link will not load this, instead of break down script.

I think that I explained how does it works in comprehensive way.

Lazy loading

Now lets focus on Lazy loading. Can you image loading of 100 images in one time? It takes time. So in order to make performance better I used some kind of loading step by step. It uses function isInView(elem) in order to check if item is on screen. Here I show you html of picture:

<img class="card-img-top border-blue_sapphire modal_triger zoomable" 
    id="photo_img_7" alt="7" style=" max-height:643px ;" 

Pay attention to x_src and src. Are the same. But why? At the begin image has no attribute src, therefore there is no image, so image is not download from server.

When image is no screen, script copies x_src to src, therefore item has src, then image is download from server and you can see photo. It applies only for search results images and this is why parent of those images has class will_photo . Let's check code of my function isInView(elem) again:

if ($("#"+id_card).hasClass("will_photo"))

Search results items are animated in the same was as other items of page, so:

if ( id_card != false )
   $("#"+id_card).css("animation-name", "apear_from_nowhere" );  
   $("#"+id_card).css("animation-duration", "2.5s");
   $("#"+id_card).css("animation-timing-function", "ease-in");
   // it removes class "show_animation" in order to avoid errors, and machining next element.
   // without this function will machining the same element over and over .

Search Section

Now is time to explain searching section. Lets have a look at this:

Search_Section Search Section

As You can expect when you write something in text box and click search it will search for this word. You can also change media type for :photos, videos and audios. When you chose photos you will ably to filter results in order to see only photos from space.

Photos only_from_space Photos - only from space

In previous chapter I mentioned pagination and that this page load's links automatically. However does it mean that we don't need pagination at all? No! I think that it is good idea to have one, therefore I prepared also pagination. Example you can see below:

Photos only_from_space Photos only_from_space

It is visible only when results gallery includes more than 100 items (more than one page).

I tried to make it possible to search various type of data in one time. Unfortunately it does not work, unless script will sent 2 requests to api. In order to achieve this I need to make a lot of changes and it is not worth this effort.

Do you mean?

Ok let's write something with spelling mistake. For example : "merkury".

Search with mistake Search with mistake

Yes, NASA databese has nothing about "merkury". This is why script send request to other api in order to find words that corresponds with NASA and sound similar our word.

In order to search for words about nasa, and sound like merkury you use this query:

sl- sounds like ml- meaning

"Mercury" is result, so script render button with text "Mercury". Now when we click on this, script will perform new searching - this time for word "Mercury".

Unfortunately it does not works as good as google , but I think it works good enough.

Jupyter instead of Jupiter does not work Jupyter instead of Jupiter does not work

Aplication 2 - 3D webpage.

“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.”

William Faulkner

It project that, I am proud of. In order to discover effect of my effort go to or click in this link on application 1:

This link move you to Aplication 2 This link moves you to Aplication 2

How to control?

In order to use application 2 you can to use as well mouse as well as keyboard. If you played in any shorter game you it would be easy for you. so:

  • w -move you ahead

  • s -move you back

  • a -move you left

  • d -move you right

  • LEFT Mouse Button + Mouse move- Move camera- LEFT button of mouse must be pressed!

  • Left,Right,Up,Down Arrows- Move Camera

  • q -move you up

  • e -move you down

  • space -move planets around Sun (it needs new algorythm, but it work)

  • 1 - change camera to Mercury

  • 2 - change camera to Venus

  • 3 - change camera to Earth

  • 4 - change camera to Mars

  • 5 - change camera to Jupiter

  • 6 - change camera to Saturn

  • 7 - change camera to Uranus

  • 8 - change camera to Neptune

  • You can hover on or touch screen buttons : ahead, back,left, right in order to move.

  • On cell phones with gyroscope it uses gyroscope in order to control camera.

  • On cell phones with no gyroscope it uses touch screen - just move your finger in order to move camera.

Chart rendering

Application uses chart.js for rendering charts. Maybe it is not as versatile solution as D3.js recommended by CodeInstutute, but I think it looks better and works fine. In order to see chart you have to click on planet, example below:

Chart Example Chart Example- Mercury.

Right now it shows only basic data about planets:

  • Temperature - in Kelvins
  • Compositions -in %
  • Radius compared to Earth

It uses randomized colors, since I had no time to set different colors for each planet.

Every chart you can zoom in and zoom out, by clicking buttons zoom + and zoom -

Card zoomed Example Chart zoomed Example- Mercury temperature is much bigger than other charts.

You can add up to 8 charts (there is some small issues with more then 5, no time to fix, since I would love to submit this this year).

  • In order to do this click Add to compare, close modal (right top or bottom corner)
  • Click other planet
  • Chart that you added to compare will be on the same position as before.
  • Add other chart and repeat.
  • Enjoy !

When you like to remove chart click Remove

You can any composition of charts! For example:

Chart Composition Example Chart Composition Example- comparison of temperature and radius of Mercury,Venus and Earth.

Why don't but everything on one chart? I tried to put everything on one chart , but it is pointless to make chart on temperature and composition of planet, since those data uses different units. However *you can have one chart of the same measures. In order to render one chart for many planets :

  • open modal (click on planet)
  • click Comparation View.
  • click measure that you like to see (eg. Aphelion)
  • click planets that you like to have on chart (or all to add them all)
  • by clicking selected planet once more you remove this planet from comparation.

Chart Comparation Example- Aphelion Chart Comparation Example- Aphelion of all planets in solar system, expect Mercury, Mars and Pluto

By clicking on blue button with planet name view you will back to view of charts for one planet.

I think this section needs some improvements such as:

  • changing units kelvines/celciuses
  • more data
  • new colors.
  • adding/changing background. However transparent option must be available
  • bug with modal title, and button text :)
  • unfortunately buttons under charts have some problems with smaller screens :)

What have I done:

  • - to solve out
  • - solved out

All problems are easy to fix, but don't have time to do this now. Sorry. If it will have any impact on result please let me know-

i can fix this,

but don't have time ;(

My photo

On right top corner you can find My photo button. You can set video from your camera as background of universe :) It works fine especially alongside with cell phones and gyroscope. Can you imagine Saturn in your kitchen?

Nearest planet

It shows you name of planet that is nearest to you.

Moving planets

Press space for moving planets. It moves in good direction, but in new version I would like to apply special algorithm that calculate position of planets.

Technologies that I used

For this project I used :

This Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 was not only joke, but also dream from childhood ;)

Peter Major


Colors used on project

Colors used on project

Web page uses colors that are modern and often used in SC movies , particularly :

  • blue_sapphire (#2C3531)
  • gunmetal_gray (#116466)
  • platinum (#D9B08C)
  • peach-orange (#FFCB9A)
  • tan (#D1E8E2)

The information's about colors I got from this web page:

What next?

  • better design and ui
  • vue.js
  • back-end
  • Other planet moving algorithm
  • Logo and name
  • voice abilities

I am 100% sure that I will work on this project after submit this. Unfortunately I had no time to improve some small issues (mostly User Interface, Design).

I am sure that this project deserves for:

Better front-end solution (Vue.js)

Jquery is powerful tool and I am sure that it is useful. However, as you can see my code (especially application 1) is not very clean. I used many:

Html+=<div id=’”;
many elements…

of course we can do something like this:

html=[<div id=’”,id,”’”, ...many elements inside..].join(“”);

but at end of the day it is the same...

In my opinion it is not the best solution, code is not very clean, it is easy to make mistake and it takes a lot of time to add new ability to our application. Unfortunately I do not see any other solution to adding stuff in dynamic way by using Jquery. Moreover it is commonly used solution, I have seen similar code many times in internet.

There is no other solution to add element to document when we do not know how many elements we will add and no we have no idea what elements will be added.

Or, maybe reality is somehow different?

It is, since we can use solution such as Vue.js, React, Angular or Meteor.js I have been working with Vue.js recently and I found out that it is much easier to change anything or to add new abilities to application. Look at this code:

<div  v-for="language in languages"
      v-on:click="title_2_o=language.text , getsection("  
      class="uk-button uk-button-secondary uk-border-pill uk-box-shadow-small uk-box-shadow-hover-xlarge rotated-10 zoomable uk-margin-right " 


As you can quest this code makes

for each element in array languages. Inside div we can find name and number of element (in this case language). By using this we can achieve not only better code, but also make developing process much shorter. Other benefit by using front end framework is ability to create new elements.

  desc="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt."
  :ico="img_server_url +"
  :link= "/user/ +"

Of course in plain html tag does not work, but by using vue.js we can make our tag, save in separate file and use in other documents.

So we have for example 10 files with 40 lines of code instead of 1 file with 400 lines. I made this project in Jquery only because of project requiresJquery not vue.js, however in application 1(search assistant) I will definitely apply vue, especially when I would like to add many new abilities such as "like"(or better stars), comments under each photo/movie and so on. I used Vue in other project (Project3) and I think this is better solution for big projects than Jquery

Back-end( Laravel PHP or maybe Django Python )

This project is only front-end, but in my opinion it deserves for back-end. Moreover, I daresay that it is much more difficult to make website by using front end only. I would like to allow users to add their photos from their telescopes here, making gallery , commends. For this I need back end solution such as Laravel or Django. I think that the most important factor is easy and ready admin panel because in future I would like to invite more people to cooperation. In this circumstances I think that Flask is not as suitable as solution mentioned before for this project. Also storage the keywords and search results would be useful.

Other planet moving algorithm

Right now planets are able to move,

in wrong direction :)

likely new direction is good (11/04/19 22:10 :)

It would be lovely to make calculate their real position and show to user where indeed they are. I found out formula that allow to do this, but unfortunately I don’t have enough time to make as many improvements to this project, since I have to finish other projects for Code Institute. Algorithm that I am using now is very easy:

planet.position.x = planet.ap * Math.cos(t);
planet.position.z = * Math.sin(t); 

in animation loop:


and :

if (planet.moons) 
        planet.moons.forEach(function(moon, index, array) 
                moon.position.x=planet.position.x+ moon.offset*Math.cos(t);
                moon.position.z=planet.position.z+ moon.offset*Math.sin(t);

I think I need to put velocity of planets instead of t_delta (different for each planet). But even though, velocity of planet is not constants...

However right now even moons are able to rotate :)

More moons!

Yeah, it was my nightmare - moon's. We have only 8 planets and 1 sun. It is ok, 9 objects. We can add Pluto will be 10. Still not bad. What about:

  • 79 known moons of Jupiter
  • 62 moons of Saturn
  • Neptune has 14 known moons
  • and lovely Uranus, with only 27 known moons,

I wonder how it would be work with so many objects.

Since begin of project I was afraid of performance. Fortunately it works well, but even though, I made some changes in order to achieve more fps:

when planets are not moving ,

only matrices of 2 closest planets are updating

little bit more fps and more small issues.

Unfortunately matrices of all planets must be updating for perform planets moving.

New Textures

I think it would be good idea to use photos from NASA as textures. Of course textures that we use now are wonderful, but I think that it would be more realistic by using NASA one.

Logo and name

Right now project don't have logo and name. I think in future it would be nice to have one.


Can you imagine web page that you can talk with ?

Wait for project 3, is almost done :)


• Peter Major  - [email protected] - 


Here you can find information about classes, attributes and elements used in this project.


Code of each card looks like this:

<div class="card my-3 mb-5 px-1 col-sm-12 col-lg-4 float-left will_photo rounded py-1 bg-gunmetal_gray text-blue_sapphire zoomable opacity-100 show_done" 
     x_center="JPL" x_date_created="2010-04-06T01:36:17Z" 
     x_description="Assembly began April 1, 2010, for NASA Juno spacecraft. Workers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver, Colorado workers are readying the spacecraft propulsion module." 
     x_description_508="Assembly began April 1, 2010, for NASA Juno spacecraft. Workers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver, Colorado workers are readying the spacecraft propulsion module." 
     x_nasa_id="PIA13012" x_secondary_creator="NASA/JPL/Lockheed Martin" 
     x_title="Readying Juno Propulsion Module" x_keywords="Juno" 
     style="animation-name: apear_from_nowhere; animation-duration: 2.5s; animation-timing-function: ease-in;">
  <img class="card-img-top border-blue_sapphire modal_triger zoomable" 
       id="photo_img_2" alt="2" style=" max-height:643px ;" 
  <p class="card-title easy_read"> 2. Readying Juno Propulsion Module</p><div class="card-img-overlay"><i class="fa-5x zoomable fas fa-camera-retro"></i></div></div>

As you can see there are so many attributes. Application uses these attributes for render modal.

onclick and onmouseover

I used


instead of jquery:


Because of some issues. Cards are adding dynamically, so do not exist when page during page loading. Therefore jquery solution does not work well.

open_photo(this) is function from js/main.js. It opens modal (see next chapter to know more about modal) bigImg(this) is function from the same file (js/main.js) and it changes background.


Each card has different id, since lazy loading script requires this.






x_href comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_href= api.collection.items[i].href;

This attribute is also used in Modal. It has 2 options:

  • Alternative files when media type is image,
  • Loading video/audio when media type is video or (even) audio. example of use:

**** function open_photo(elem) from js/main.js** for video :

if (x_media_type =="video")

      query = open_json(x_href);
      if (query)

      html='<video class="col-sm-12" controls>'
      for (key in query) 
        if (query[key].includes('.mp4'))
          html+=  '<source src="'
          html+=  query[key]
          html+=  '" type="video/mp4">'
        if (query[key].includes('.vtt')  || query[key].includes('.str'))
          html+='<track src="';
          html+=  query[key];
          html+='" kind="captions" srclang="no" label="Subtitles"></track>';
      html+=  'Your browser does not support the video tag.'
      html+= '</video> '

As you can see script load src from x_href and search for element with ".mp4" in order to play movie. It works in the same way for audio.

What about photos? Have a look here:

if (x_media_type =="image")
      query = open_json(x_href);
        for (key in query) 
          if (query[key].includes('.jpg'))
            html='<li class="list-group-item">';
            html+='<a href="';
            html+='" target="blank">';
          if (query[key].includes('~orig.jpg'))
            html='<img src="'+ query[key] +'" class="col-12" >';

It works very similar. It opens x_href in order to find alternative files, and adds this to list. Link href and text are the same and it don't look very professional. I tried to change this, but at end of the day I think it is the best option so far, since it allows user to copy src in the easiest possible way. Therefore user can use those photos in her/his essay or presentation about space.

I am vehemently against using Link1 Link2 etc, since it is useless. It also could be done by: for(key in x_href) and split function, but than we achieve something like :


It is not the biggest improvement.


With all likelihood it means where photo has been taken



x_center comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_center= api.collection.items[i].data[0].center ;

JPL means that it was taken from space.

  • Is used for filtering only photos from space.
  • Is shown in modal
  • Apart from this it has no impact for searching process.




It tells us when photo/video/audio has been taken.

Is showing in modal

It has no impact for searching process, however in future I would like to use this for filtering data, sorting and many more

x_date_created comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_date_created= api.collection.items[i].data[0].date_created ;


Description of item. Modal uses this.


x_description="Assembly began April 1, 2010, for NASA Juno spacecraft. Workers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver, Colorado workers are readying the spacecraft propulsion module." 

x_description comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_description= api.collection.items[i].data[0].description ;


Shorter version of description. No impact on application in this version. I will use this in future.


x_description_508="Assembly began April 1, 2010, for NASA Juno spacecraft. Workers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver, Colorado workers are readying the spacecraft propulsion module." 

x_description_508 comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

 x_description_508= api.collection.items[i].data[0].description_508 ;


Id of element in NASA database. Apart from showing in modal has no impact on application in this version. Maybe in future in order to filter information/storage in database.



x_nasa_id comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_nasa_id= api.collection.items[i].data[0].nasa_id ;


Id of element in NASA database. No impact on application in this version. In future app could use this in order to filter informations.


x_secondary_creator="NASA/JPL/Lockheed Martin" 

x_secondary_creator comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_secondary_creator= api.collection.items[i].data[0].secondary_creator ;


Important! x_title is used by gallery and modal


x_title="Readying Juno Propulsion Module"

x_title comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_title= api.collection.items[i].data[0].title;


Important- It is commonly used for

  • filtering results
  • performing new searching
  • Showing in modal



x_keywords comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_keywords= api.collection.items[i].data[0].keywords ;


Very Important!

  • It determinate type of element (audio/video/photo)
  • Determinate of element
  • Determinate player (/
  • Determinate content of modal



media_type comes from function make_photo_row(i,api,page,link) in js/main.js

x_media_type= api.collection.items[i].data[0].media_type ;

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