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taste-of-poland's Introduction

Taste of Poland

Taste of Poland is a restaurant website designed to allow customers to make, edit and delete reservations. Users can also view the menu, gallery, and the venue's contact details.

The website can be accessed here.



Existing features

  • Navigation Bar

    • Includes direct links to all parts of the website, allowing the user to easily navigate between them.
      1. When logged OUT, the user can see the following links in the navbar: Home, Menu, Reservations (with a Reserve A Table dropdown), Gallery, Contact, Register, Login.

        Navigation Logged Out

      2. When logged IN, the user can see the following links in the navbar: Home, Menu, Reservations (with Reserve A Table and My Reservations dropdowns), Gallery, Contact, Logout.

        Navigation Logged In

      3. On smaller devices the menu links scale down to a toggler, allowing for a cleaner design.

        Navigation Responsive

  • Landing page image with overlaying jumbotron

    • The index.html page (Home) includes a background picture inspired by Polish folk art, with a one-sentence description of the website and a button leading directly to a booking page (if logged in) or to the login page (if logged out).


  • About Us section

    • A small section containing a short description of the restaurant.


  • Cards section with links to Gallery and Menu pages

    • A section containing two cards with links to the two pages, catching the eye and allowing quick navigation. The design is responsive - users will see 2 cards next to each other on bigger screens and 1 card on top of the other on smaller devices.


  • Interactive footer across all pages

    • It consists of clickable icons linking the user to a choice of social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). All links open in new tabs so the user does not have to leave the Taste of Poland page.


  • Menu page

    • The Menu located in menu.html will provide the user with a list of dishes that can be ordered at the restaurant along with their prices. It consists of 3 tabs (Soups, Mains, Desserts) that can be easily switched between.


  • Gallery page

    • The Gallery located in gallery.html will provide the user with a collection of photographs showcasing some of the dishes served in the restaurant. The responsive design of the gallery means the images will still be viewed in a good resolution on a smaller screen.


  • Contact page

    • The contact.html page consists of restaurant contact info (phone, address, email) and an embedded Google map with the location.


  • Reservation / booking page

    • The 'Book' tab links with a page that consists of a reservation / booking form which allows the user to book a table for a chosen date and time up to a day before and for up to 6 guests.


  • My Bookings page

    • The 'My Bookings' tab display all the bookings that the user has made. It only shows bookings made by the person who is currently logged in. From here the user can edit and delete existing bookings.


  • Deletion confirmation page

    • A template that renders after the user chooses to delete a booking, giving them a chance to confirm their choice or go back to safety.


  • Sign In / Login page

    • Allows the user to log in to an existing account in order to book a table and view existing bookings. It also provides the user with the link to register.

      Sign In

  • Sign out / Logout confirmation page

    • A template that renders after the user chooses to log out, giving them a chance to confirm in case they clicked the link by mistake.

      Sign Out

  • 404 page

    • A custom 404 page has been made to make it easy for the user to come back to the game page after they tried to move to a non-existent page.


  • A favicon

    • A favicon has been added to make it easier for users to find the Taste of Poland page if multiple tabs are open.


Features left to implement

I am working on applying logic that will stop users from booking a certain table at a certain time and date if it has already been booked by someone else.

User Experience Design

Taste of Poland is a responsive website of a non-existent Polish restaurant in Brighton.

The aim of the website is:

  • to give users the possibility of viewing the restaurant's Menu and photo Gallery so that they can decide in advance of their visit whether the restaurant and its offering is something they would like to try out;
  • to give users the possibility of registering for an account in order to be able to book a table so that the bookings are held in a secure environment where no one can access and tamper with them without login details;
  • to give the site owners / authorised staff the possibility of viewing the bookings users made so they can be modified or deleted if needed;
  • to give users the possibility of accessing the website and booking a table on any device;
  • to give users the details necessary for them to be able to contact the venue.

User Stories

User stories for this project can be viewed on Trello.

UX Epic

  1. As a user, I want the main purpose of the website to be clear so that upon entering I immediately know what its purpose is.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • Restaurant logo ad information is displayed on the main page with clear information on what the site's purpose is.
    • Implementation:
      • The Home page will contain the main website title of "Taste of Poland", situated in the navbar section.
      • It will also contain information about the site's general purpose and about the restaurant itself, to make what the site is intended for immediately clear to the user.
  2. As a user, I want to be able to easily navigate between the different parts / pages of the website so that I can find content quickly and easily on any device.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • Navigation menu to allow users to navigate the site with ease.
      • Collapsible mobile menu to allow users to navigate the site from a mobile device.
      • All navigation links should navigate to the correct pages.
      • The 'My Reservations' dropdown option should only appear for signed-in users.
    • Implementation:
      • A navigation menu will be created to allow users to navigate through the site. It will be collapsible on a mobile device, and positioned at the top right of the logo element.
      • When a user is not logged in, 'Home', 'Menu', 'Reservations' (with a 'Reserve a Table' dropdown), 'Gallery', 'Contact' 'Register' and 'Login' navigation items will be displayed.
      • When a user is logged in, an extra 'My Reservations' dropdown will appear under the 'Reservations' link, and 'Register' and 'Login' will disappear, with 'Logout' appearing in their place.
  3. As a user, I want to be able to easily find links to any social media channels that the restaurant might be running.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • Social media links included to allow users to navigate to linked accounts with ease.
      • All links should navigate to the correct pages.
    • Implementation:
      • Social media links in the form of FontAwesome icons will be added to the footer and appear on each page.
  4. As a user, I want to be able to view the menu so I can choose what I would like to order in advance of my visit.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • A list of dishes that the restaurant serves, along with their descriptions and pricing.
      • Clear division between types of dishes.
    • Implementation:
      • The 'Menu' tab will include an interactive menu consisting of three tabs: 'Soups', 'Mains' and 'Desserts'. Users will be able to easily and quickly switch between these tabs to reveal the list of relevant dishes.
  5. As a user, I want to be able to contact the restaurant in case I have any questions regarding the venue or a reservation I made, or if I encounter any issues with the website.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • A 'Contact' page which includes the venue's contact information.
    • Implementation:
      • A 'Contact' page will be created and it will include the venue's contact information (such as an address, email and phone number) as well as an embedded Google map showing the restaurant's location. This page will also include the Opening Hours.
  6. As a user, I want to be able to view a photo gallery of dishes, so I can decide whether they look appealing enough for me to visit and try them out.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • A 'Gallery' page displaying photos of the dishes present on the restaurant's menu.
    • Implementation:
      • A 'Gallery' page will be created, using high-quality photos of the food the restaurant serves. It will be made responsive so that users can enjoy good resolution also on smaller devices.

Admin Profile Epic

  1. As a site admin, I want to be able to view, modify or delete existing bookings.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • An 'Admin' page displaying all existing bookings for every user, where the restaurant's owners / authorised staff can view, modify and delete them.
    • Implementation:
      • A Django built-in admin panel will be utilised to create a page where staff authorised as Django 'superusers' can view the users that registered for an account, as well as view, modify, and delete their reservations if necessary.
  2. As a site admin, I want to make the option of reserving a table available only to registered users.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • Booking / reservation form not available for unregistered users.
    • Implementation:
      • If a user that is not logged in clicks on the 'Reserve a table' link in the 'Reservations' dropdown, they will be redirected straight to the 'Login' page. If they do not have login details, the information on the 'Login' page will direct them to the 'Register' page. The 'Reserve a table' link will display the booking form only if they are logged in.

User Profile Epic

  1. As a user, I want to be able to create, view, edit and delete a table reservation.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • A custom booking form allowing the users to book a table for a chosen date and time.
      • A 'My reservations' page displaying all the reservations that they have so far created.
      • Functionality allowing the users to edit and delete the existing reservations.
    • Implementation:
      • A custom reservation form will be created (under 'Reserve a table' in the 'Reservations' dropdown), allowing registered users to book a table for a chosen date and time.
      • When the booking is submitted, the user will be redirected to 'My reservations' page that will display the reservation details, such as the first and last name of the main guest, date, time, table and number of guests.
      • 'Edit' and 'Delete' buttons will appear next to each created booking, allowing users to modify or cancel bookings easily.
  2. As a user, I want to be able to register for an account to be able to make reservations and store them in a secure environment.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • A custom registration form / page allowing the users to register for an account.
    • Implementation:
      • A reservation form / page will be created using the allauth library, allowing users to register for an account.
  3. As a user, I want to be able to log into my account to make a reservation and view my bookings.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • A custom login form allowing the users to log in to the website.
    • Implementation:
      • A login form will be created using the allauth library, allowing users to log in to an existing account.

Entity Relationship Diagram



  • Home


  • Menu


  • Gallery


  • Book a table


  • Existing reservations


  • Contact Us


  • Register


  • Login



  • HTML has been used to structure the website.
  • CSS has been used to style the website.
  • JavaScript was used to tweak the settings of login / logout notifications / messages.
  • Python was used as the main language in which this project was coded.
  • Django was the framework used to build this website.
  • Bootstrap was used to create and style the front end of the website.
  • Font Awesome icons have been used for the social media links in the Footer and on the Contact page.
  • Google Fonts have been used to import Tangerine and Roboto Slab fonts.
  • Favicon was used to create the favicon for the website.
  • Techsini mockup generator was used to create the mockup image for the file.
  • Google Chrome Developer Tools were used to inspect elements of the website and test different styles.
  • GitHub has been used to store the code, images, and other contents of the website.
  • Heroku was used to deploy the game to the web.
  • Git was used to track changes made to the project and to commit and push code to the repository.
  • Wave Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool was used to test the website's accessibility.
  • Lighthouse was used to run an audit of the website.
  • Grammarly was used to check for typos in


Manual testing

  • Check the responsiveness of the website on different screen sizes across different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge).

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in each of the aforementioned browsers.
      2. Right-click on the screen and choose 'Inspect' ('Inspect element' on Opera).
      3. Grab and drag the responsive window slowly down to 300px and then back again, checking that everything is displayed correctly in each size / breakpoint.
    • Result:
      • All elements are responsive and display correctly in each of the browsers and each of the window sizes.
      • Additionally, I also had a chance to check the responsiveness on several 'real' devices, such as Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy A42, Xiaomi POCO X Pro, iPhone X, iPhone 13 Pro, Samsung Galaxy Tab A. All elements are responsive and display correctly on each of these devices.
  • Check that the links in the navigation bar navigate to the correct pages.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Click on all navigation items one by one to make sure the attached links are correct and that they lead the user to the correct parts of the website.
    • Result:
      • All links working and directing users to the correct pages.
  • Check that the 'My reservations' tab in the 'Reservations' dropdown appears only if a user is signed in.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Make sure you are logged out.
      3. Click on the 'Reservations' dropdown in the navbar.
      4. You should only see the 'Reserve my table' link / tab.
    • Result:
      1. When clicked, the 'Reservations' dropdown display only the 'Reserve my table' link / tab as expected.
  • Check that the 'Reserve a table' tab in the 'Reservations' dropdown redirects to the 'Login' page if a user is signed out.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Make sure you are logged out.
      3. Click on the 'Reservations' dropdown in the navbar.
      4. Click on 'Reserve a table'.
      5. You should be redirected to the 'Sign In' page.
    • Result:
      1. When clicked, the 'Reserve a table' button redirects to the 'Sign In' page as expected.
  • Check that the 'Reserve a table' tab in the 'Reservations' dropdown displays a table reservation form if a user is signed in.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Make sure you are logged in.
      3. Click on the 'Reservations' dropdown in the navbar.
      4. Click on 'Reserve a table'.
      5. You should be redirected to the table reservation form ('Book a Table' page).
    • Result:
      1. When clicked, 'Reserve a table' redirects to the table reservation form page as expected.
  • Check that when user clicks 'Logout' they are redirected to a confirmation page ('Are you sure you want to sign out?')

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Make sure you are logged in.
      3. Click on 'Logout'.
      4. You should be redirected to the logout confirmation page.
    • Result:
      1. When clicked, 'Logout' redirects to the logout confirmation page as expected.
  • Check that user is notified when they log in (with a Bootstrap alert).

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. If you are logged in, log out.
      3. Click on 'Login'.
      4. Enter your login details and click 'Sign In'.
      5. You should see a 'Successfuly signed in as XXX.' message flash under the navbar for a few seconds.
    • Result:
      1. Alert appears as expected.
  • Check that user is notified when they log out (with a Bootstrap alert).

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. If you are logged out, log in.
      3. Click on 'Logout'.
      4. When asked 'Are you sure you want to sign out?', confirm your choice.
      5. You should see a 'You have signed out.' message flash under the navbar for a few seconds.
    • Result:
      1. Alert appears as expected.
  • Check that the 'Book a table' button in the Home page jumbotron redirects to a 'Sign in' page if user not logged in.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Make sure you are logged out.
      3. Click on the 'Book a table' button in the hero / jumbotron section of the 'Home' page.
      4. You should be redirected to the 'Sign In' page.
    • Result:
      1. When clicked, the 'Book a table' button redirects to the 'Sign In' page as expected.
  • Check that the 'Book a table' button in the Home page jumbotron redirects to a 'Book a table' page if user logged in.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Make sure you are logged in.
      3. Click on the 'Book a table' button in the hero / jumbotron section of the 'Home' page.
      4. You should be redirected to the table reservation form.
    • Result:
      1. When clicked, the 'Book a table' button redirects to the table reservation form as expected.
  • Check that unauthorised users cannot view 'My reservations'.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Make sure you are logged out.
      3. Try to access the 'My reservations' link directly, by typing it into the browser's address bar.
      4. You should be redirected to the 'Sign In' page.
    • Result:
      1. As expected, 'My reservations' link fails to open and redirects to 'Sign In' page.
  • Check that users cannot edit other users' reservations.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Log in.
      3. Try to access an 'Edit' link of a reservation created by a different user.
      4. You should be redirected back to the page you came from and a 'You are not authorised to edit this reservation.' alert should appear under the navbar for a few seconds.
    • Result:
      1. As expected, user gets redirected to their previous destination and an alert is displayed.
  • Check that users cannot delete other users' reservations.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Log in.
      3. Try to access a 'Delete' link of a reservation created by a different user.
      4. You should be redirected back to the page you came from and a 'You are not authorised to delete this reservation.' alert should appear under the navbar for a few seconds.
    • Result:
      1. As expected, user gets redirected to their previous destination and an alert is displayed.
  • Check that when a table reservation form is submitted, user is redirected to 'My reservations' and a 'Booking created successfuly' alert is displayed.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Log in.
      3. Go to 'Reserve a table' in the 'Reservations' dropdown.
      4. Fill in the form and 'Submit'.
      5. You should be redirected to 'My reservations' and a 'Booking created successfuly' alert should appear under the navbar for a few seconds.
    • Result:
      1. As expected, user gets redirected to 'My reservations' and an alert is displayed.
  • Check that when a reservation is edited, user is redirected to 'My reservations' and a 'Your changes have been saved.' alert is displayed.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Log in.
      3. Go to 'My reservations' in the 'Reservations' dropdown.
      4. Click 'Edit' next to a chosen reservation.
      5. Edit some details and save changes.
      6. You should be redirected to 'My reservations' and a 'Your changes have been saved.' alert should appear under the navbar for a few seconds.
    • Result:
      1. As expected, user gets redirected to 'My reservations' and an alert is displayed.
  • Check that an 'Are you sure you want to delete your booking?' page is displayed when a 'Delete' button is clicked on a booking.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Log in.
      3. Go to 'My reservations' in the 'Reservations' dropdown.
      4. Click 'Delete' next to a chosen reservation.
      5. You should be redirected to 'Are you sure you want to delete your booking?' page.
    • Result:
      1. As expected, user gets redirected to the deletion confirmation page.
  • Check that when a 'Confirm' button is clicked on an 'Are you sure you want to delete your booking?' page, user is redirected to 'My Reservations', a 'Booking deleted.' alert is displayed and the booking thy deleted is gone.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Log in.
      3. Go to 'My reservations' in the 'Reservations' dropdown.
      4. Click 'Delete' next to a chosen reservation.
      5. 'Are you sure you want to delete your booking?' Click 'Confirm'.
      6. You should be redirected to 'My reservations' and see the 'Booking deleted.' alert.
      7. The booking you deleted should be gone.
    • Result:
      1. As expected, user gets redirected to 'My reservations', sees the alert and the deleted booking is gone.
  • Check that when a 'No! Go Back' button is clicked on an 'Are you sure you want to delete your booking?' page, user is redirected to 'My Reservations' and all the bookings are still there (none have been deleted).

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Log in.
      3. Go to 'My reservations' in the 'Reservations' dropdown.
      4. Click 'Delete' next to a chosen reservation.
      5. 'Are you sure you want to delete your booking?' Click 'No! Go Back'.
      6. You should be redirected to 'My reservations' and have the same amount of bookings you had previously.
    • Result:
      1. As expected, user gets redirected to 'My reservations' and no bookings are deleted.
  • Check that the links to social media pages in the Footer work and open in new tabs.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Click on all social media links (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram) one by one to make sure that the links are in working order and that they all open in a separate tab.
    • Result:
      • All links are working and all of them open in separate / new tabs.
  • Check that the links included in the 'Gallery' and 'Menu' cards in the Home page work and redirect correctly to the 'Gallery' and 'Menu' pages.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Scroll down the Home page to the cards section.
      3. Click on the 'View Menu' button in the 'Menu' card to make sure that the link works and redirects to the 'Menu' page.
      4. Then click on the 'View Gallery' button in the 'Gallery' card to make sure that the link works and redirects to the 'Gallery' page.
    • Result:
      • All links are working and all of them redirect to correct pages.
  • Check validation of the reservation form.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser and navigate to the 'Reserve a table' page.
      2. Fill in the form leaving different input areas empty each time to make sure there is a warning message displayed each time you leave any of the fields empty.
    • Result:
      • The form cannot be submitted until each of the input fields has been filled in correctly so the validation is working.
  • Check that jumping between 'Soups', 'Mains' and 'Desserts' tabs on the 'Menu' page is flawless and that each tab displays correct item information.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Go to 'Menu' tab.
      3. Click on 'Soups', 'Mains' and 'Desserts' in turn and check that there is no delay and the information within each tab is correct.
    • Result:
      1. The page and its tabs display flawlessly as expected.
  • Check that the photos in the 'Gallery' page display correctly.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Go to 'Gallery' tab.
      3. Make sure the photos display (links are working), they are in alignment and displayed in the same sizes.
    • Result:
      1. The page and it's images display flawlessly as expected.
  • Check that when the email address is clicked on the 'Contact' page, it opens up the user's mailing app with a new message.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Go to 'Contact' tab.
      3. Click on the actual email address.
      4. A click should open a new email in one's mailing app.
    • Result:
      1. Upon clicking on the email address, a mailing app was opened (in my case Outlook). This works as expected.
  • Check that when the phone number is clicked on the 'Contact' page, it opens up the user's phone app.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser.
      2. Go to 'Contact' tab.
      3. Click on the actual phone number.
      4. A click should open a window or app allowing the user to make a call.
    • Result:
      1. Upon clicking on the phone number, a phone app was opened (in my case Skype). This works as expected.
  • Check validation of the Register form.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser and make sure you are logged out.
      2. Click 'Register'.
      3. Fill in the form leaving different input areas empty each time to make sure there is a warning message displayed each time you leave any of the fields empty (apart from email field as it is optional).
    • Result:
      • The form cannot be submitted and account created until each of the input fields has been filled in correctly so the validation is working.
  • Check validation of the Login form.

    • Test:
      1. Open the website in a browser and make sure you are logged out.
      2. Click 'Login'.
      3. Fill in the form leaving different input areas empty each time to make sure there is a warning message displayed each time you leave any of the fields empty.
    • Result:
      • The form cannot be submitted and user logged in until each of the input fields has been filled in correctly so the validation is working.

Automated testing

All tests in were run successfuly.

Automated Test Result

Validator testing

  • HTML - when the code was passed through the official W3C validator

    • I have received a few errors referring to the validator not recognising jinja. To avoid this, I have taken the HTML code straight from each page by clicking on each navbar element in turn, right-clicking and choosing 'View page source' to get clean HTML.
    • Across all pages (inheriting from base.html): 'Error: Stray end tag div. From line 86, column 5; to line 86, column 10'. After checking the code in my repository I did not find this to be true as all the tags were present. I believe there was a glitch in the code taken from 'View page source' (possibly due to jinja not displaying there). There is actually no problem with the code.


    • In contact.html: 'Bad value 100% for attribute width on element iframe: Expected a digit but saw % instead.' I have fixed this by moving the 'width' attribute from the 'iframe' tag in the template to style.css.
  • CSS - no errors were found when code was passed through the official (Jigsaw) validator


  • JavaScript - when running the code through JSHint linter I received the following error message referring to the two 'let' variables: "'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).". I copied /*jshint esversion: 6 */ into the linter window to override this. I have also used /*globals bootstrap */ to stop JSHint from treating 'bootstrap' in let alert = new bootstrap.Alert(messages) as an undefined variable. After I did this, no more errors appeared.


  • Python - when running the code through PEP8 linter I received a few 'line too long' errors referring to the automatically generated code in As the code was auto-generated and there was not an easy fix to shorten the lines, I have left this error in. There were no errors in any other files that have been coded and customised by me.

  • Accessibility - when using the Wave Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool to test the site's accessibility, I have encountered the following errors and/or warnings:

    • I skipped a heading level on the menu.html page (I used h1 and h3, leaving out h2). I fixed this by changing the h3 elements to h2. No further errors have been found after I applied this fix and passed the site through the validator again.
    • There was not enough contrast between the navbar background and the font of its elements. I have corrected this by changing the basic background color of 'red' to a slightly deeper #d40b0b.
    • Aria-labels in the Gallery page were missing. I have added them to all images.
    • No further errors have been found after I applied the above fixes and passed the site through the validator again.


Unfixed bugs

No other bugs found.


The below steps were followed to deploy this project to Heroku:

  1. Go to Heroku and click 'New' to create a new app.
  2. After choosing the app name and setting the region, press 'Create app'.
  3. Go to 'Resources' to add a database and scroll down to 'Add-ons'. Search for 'Postgres' and choose 'Heroku Postgres' from available options.
  4. Go to 'Settings' and navigate to 'Config Vars'. As the Postgres database has been connected, the DATABASE_URL is already there. Add the remaining config vars: CLOUDINARY_URL, SECRET_KEY, (the values for these variables depend on your own personal set up and will not be added here for security reasons).
  5. Leave 'Settings' and go to 'Deploy'. Scroll down and set 'Deployment Method' to GitHub. Once GitHub is chosen, find your repository and connect it to Heroku.
  6. Scroll down to Manual Deploy, make sure the 'main' branch is selected and click 'Deploy Branch'.
  7. The deployed app can be found here.



All the general 'blurb' across the website has been written by me, apart from the names and descriptions of the dishes in the Menu. These have been taken and adapted from StayPoland.


All photos/images have been taken from ShutterStock


I have used this code snippet from Bootdey to create the Menu page. I have used a code snippet from CSS Tricks to add the background Home page image.


As always, I'd like to thank my mentor Daisy McGirr for her guidance and priceless advice throughout this project.

taste-of-poland's People


olgaj1989 avatar

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