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the-cook-book's Introduction





The Cook Book is the book of recipes where in users can register, login and store their authentic, traditional and simple recipes into the App. Users can also look into other user's recipes. Users will be allowed to add recipes, edit recipes and delete recipes of which they have created. This website will be helpful for the people who love to cook and share the secrets of tasty recipes to friends and family members.

👉 Live Demo



User Stories

Ideal user

  • The ideal user of this website would be food lovers, users who wants to learn cooking, users who can read and write in English. The user who wants to share the authentic and traditional recipe with other people, or simply use it for recipe collection and storing.

Visitors to this website are searching for

  • The website users searching for the recipe to cook something different and quick recipes. They found the attractive images or with less cook time / prep time. Or otherwise, they want to share their own recipe.

User stories - guest users/non-registered users

  • As a guest user to the cook book website, I want to easily navigate through the site, so that I can find the recipe I need that are created by other users of the webiste.
  • As a guest user to the cook book website, I want register/log-in functions, so that I can have my own profile created.
  • As a guest user to the cook book website, I want to use the search panel to find recipes by category or by ingredient.
  • As a guest user to the cook book website, I want to see the links to different social media accounts, to contact or follow the website on social media.

User stories - registered users

  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to easily navigate through the site, so that I can find the recipe I need that are created by other users of the webiste.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to have log-in function, using which in can access my profile.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to insert my own recipe and share it with others users from the website.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to edit my recipe if any discripencies.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to delete my recipe, if I think that I don't want to have this recipe listed.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to have my profile, that I can easily find all the recipes I have added.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to have a home page where I can view the snapshot of other users' recipes that looks good.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to have a "show more" button on all the recipe snapshots, that shows the complete details of the recipe I am interested in.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to get security features, that if I duplicate a page for some reason and Log Out on one page, that others pages also will be logged out.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to use the search panel to find recipes by category name, recipe name and ingredient.
  • As a registered user of the website, I want to see social media links, to contact or follow the website on social media.
  • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to get a confirmation message before deleting the recipe.

User stories registered as admin

  • As an admin of the website, I want to easily monitor and regularly update the website.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to have Log In functions, that I can have my own profile.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to add my own recipe and share it with other users from the website.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to edit my recipe if any discripencies.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to remove my recipe, if I think that I don't want others to see the recipe.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to have access to edit/delete user's recipes, if I think that is offensive or sensitive to the public.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to have the ability to create, edit or delete categories for recipes that will help users to sort and find recipes.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to get a confirmation message before deleting a recipe or category. *As an admin of the website, I want to have my own profile, that I can find all my recipes.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to view others user's recipes, to try if image is appropriate to the recipe added.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to get security features, that if I duplicate a page for some reason and Log Out on one page, that others pages also will be logged out.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to use the search panel to find recipes by category name, recipe name and ingredient.
  • As an admin of the website, I want to regularly update social media links, to users to contact the website on social media.




  • To provide a quick and fast feeling while accessing the website to all first time users.
  • To create an easy way for storing the recipes and sharing to friends and family members.
  • To make easy steps to see other users recipes which is already added.
  • To know about the different food categories and ingredients.
  • To ensure users are able to edit and delete recipes if they have entered wrongly.
  • To make sure users can easily use search function and search their favourite dish in it.
  • To learn cooking step by step for user who is cooking for the first time.


  • To create a website that will help the users get motivated to share their authentic and traditional recipes. The website has been divided into different section so that users can easily look into that and the infomation are easy and understandable way so that they can add, read, edit and delete their choices easily.


  • This website is a food recipes storage website that contains three sections.

    • Non Registered users

    • Registered user

    • Admin

  • Non Registered users or first time visitors:- can enter the webpage and see all recipes in Home page in order to see more they are supposed to register. They can see only three option in Nav bar Home , Login and Register on top in desktop and in sidenav bar / hamburger menu in mobile phones and tabs.

  • Registered user:- Once registered, users can click on login and enter the webpage. They can see Home, Profile, New recipe, Logout.Users can also look into their profile page and look other user's recipe by clicking on show more button in card in home page.

  • Admin :- Admin will have access to manage and delete categories and add and delete recipes (of other user's) The idea behind this is any unknown users cannot upload any kind of irrelavant images or contents. Admin page will have Home, Profile, New recipe, Manage Categories and Logout options on Navbar.




  • The diagram below shows the relationship between fields of the existing database collections. plot


Color palette


  • Timeless Nautical color palette has been used for this website.

  • #00293C Navy - used for Navbar and Footer.

  • #F1F3CE Ivory - used for the Background color of the body.

  • #1E656D Peacock Blue - used for Buttons: Show more, Search, Add Recipe, Edit Recipe, Add Category, Edit Category.

  • #F62A00 Candy Apple - used for the Flash Messages, Reset button, Delete buttons and Hover.


Technologies Used

  • Python3
    • Flask - Python framework was used all project. Flask depends on the Jinja template engine and the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit.
    • PyMongo - is a Python tools, used for working with MongoDB.
    • Werkzeug - used for password security.
    • Jinja - used with python for working of the website
  • MongoDB - database was used to storing and retrieving information in the website.
  • HTML - used for creating the website.
  • CSS - used for styling the website.
  • jQuery - used for confirmation messages and interactive design, also initialise MaterializeCSS components.
  • MaterializeCSS- used to create responsive design, grid system, buttons, navbar, sidenav, dropdown, modal, cards, forms.
  • balsamiq - used to create wireframes.
  • Gitpod - used to built all project.
  • GitHub - used to hosting the website.
  • Heroku - used to deploy the website.



Existing Features

  • Navigation bar

The nav bar feature is fixed in desktops and if resized turns into a hamburger icon in mobile and tablet screen and coresponding link will display from right side.

  • Home

The Home page feature have the search panel in which, it has two buttons Reset and Search. If user enters a word , it displays the results below the panel it takes data from recipe name, category_name and Ingredients list. otherwise it displays a message 'No Results Found' Reset button resets the value entered in search button and retrieve the home page.

  • Profile

The Profile page feature have the display of username on top of the page, also displays user's recipe cards and has a show more button and when clicked it will take to show recipe page.

  • New Recipe

The New recipe page feature, will take the new input in the form, user can insert by choosing the category name and insert the recipe according to that. All entered data will be stored in MongoDB and redirected to the website's other pages.If the user leaves the input field empty and clicks Submit button, will display an error message"Please fill out this field". The input line will also changes in color to red.

  • Choose your category :- field has a list of categories that the user can pick up for their recipe.

  • Recipe Name :-field a user can input 5-30 characters long.

  • Ingredients :- field a user can input 5- 5000 characters long and can be separated on a new line for final display all text into an array.

  • Instructions:- field a user can input 5- 5000 characters long text and can be separated on a new line for final display all text into an array.

  • IMG URL :- field the user has to paste image address and has to be 5-300 characters long.

  • Preparation:- Time field a user can input numbers from 0-500.

  • Cooking Time:- field a user can input numbers from 0-120.

  • Servs:- field a user can input numbers from 1-100.

  • Add recipe:- button has a color change when the user is hovers on the button, and when clicked will display flash message "Recipe successfully Added" routed to the profile page

  • Edit Recipe

The Edit recipe form has features same as Add recipe. Only recipe owners and website admin can edit recipes. There is a CANCEL button that will bring you back to a profile page, and the button save recipe will update the recipe and when clicked will display flash message "Recipe successfully updated" routed to the profile page. All edited data will be stored in MongoDB and redirected to others pages.If the user leaves the input field empty and clicked submit button will display an error message "Please fill out this field", also the input line changes in color.

  • Choose your category :- field has a list of categories that the user can pick up for their recipe.

  • Recipe Name :-in this field a user can input 5-30 characters long.

  • Ingredients :- in this field a user can input 5- 5000 characters long and can be separated on a new line for final display all text into an array.

  • Instructions:- in this field a user can input 5- 5000 characters long text and can be separated on a new line for final display all text into an array.

  • IMG URL :- in this field the user has to paste image address and has to be 5-300 characters long.

  • Preparation Time :- in this field a user can input numbers from 0-500.

  • Cook Time:- in this field a user can input numbers from 0-120.

  • Servs:- field a user can input numbers from 1-100.

  • Save Recipe button has color change when the user hovers on the button, redirected user to show recipe page with new changes that user has made.

  • CANCEL button redirected back to the show recipe page.

  • Delete Recipe The delete button is next to edit button in show recipe page. when user clicks on this button the message is popped out for confirmation of deletion of the recipe and the pops up window "Do you want to delete (recipe name)" and has two options Ok and Cancel. when user clicks Ok the recipe will be deleted and flash message is "Recipe successfully deleted" when user clicks cancel it routes back to show recipe page.Only recipe owners and website admin can delete recipes.

  • Login page

The Login page feature will help the user to login to the website and if the user enters wrong username / password the flash message will pop out"Incorrect username/password" to alert user to enter the correct credentials. The username field has to be a 5-15 character long string, Error message is displayed to enter mandatory fields(if nothing is entered). Clicking the login button the user will be routed to the user's profile page.There is a link to the Register page, below the login form. Clicking that link the user will be routed to the Register page.

  • Register page

The register page feature will help first time user to register to the page and create a login. username field is a string which has to be 5-15 characters long, including lower and upper case and any number(alphanemeric) Error message is displayed to enter mandatory fields(if nothing is entered). if the user enters wrong username / password the flash message will pop out to alert user to enter the correct credentials. Clicking the register button the user will be routed to the user's profile page and flash message diplays "Registration successfull"

  • Manage Categories

Manage Categories page feature is only accessible to admin. If clicked on manage categories it will route to get categories page and displays all categories that admin has created. In the category card, there is a category name and two buttons Edit and Delete (for existing categories) and there is Add Category button when clicked which will route the admin to add category page.

  • Clicking on the Edit button the admin will be routed to the Edit category page.

  • Clicking on the Delete button, the confirmation message will pop up with two buttons: Agree and Close.

  • Clicking on Agree button the Category will be deleted from the page and from the database.

  • Clicking on the Close button the confirmation message will be closed and the admin will stay on the same page.

  • Add Category

Add Category page feature is only accessible to admin. In the Add category page, the admin can input 3-25 characters long text, and a single button to submit a new category is "Add category". When admin clicks the button, it will be routed to the Manage category page and the new category will be displayed in alphabetical order. Flash message displays "New Category Added" Also, this category will be displayed for users in the add new recipe page, in Choose your category dropdown.

  • Edit Category

In the Edit Category page, the admin can edit the text and the final input has to be a 3-25 characters long text. There are two buttons: Cancel and Edit Category.

  • Clicking the Cancel button, the admin will be routed back to the Manage Categories page.

  • Clicking Edit button, the newly entered text will be updated and admin will be routed to the manage category page , flash message displays "Category successfully updated" the category card will be displayed in alphabetical order. And also this category will be displayed for users in the add new recipe page, "Choose your category" list.

  • Delete category The delete button is next to edit button in get categories page. when user clicks on this button the message is popped out for confirmation of deletion of the category and the pop up window has two options Agree and Close. when user clicks Agree the category will be deleted and flash message is "Category successfully deleted" when user clicks close, it routes back to Manage Categories page.Only admin can delete categories.

  • Footer

The footer feature have social media links and copyright information. when clicked the social links opens on the new tab.

Features left to Implement

Home Page :-

  • The background Image of the home page which will be more attractive.
  • Pagination.
  • Recipe Blog on Nav bar
  • Field to promote our brand of kitchen tools (e.g. oven, pressure cooker, etc…).

Profile Page :-

  • The image of the user, contact details like email or phone number
  • sorted recipe cards according to category and unique recipes

Login page / Register page

  • Password will include special characters.
  • Email address field to get to know latest news and updates.
  • once logged in "New recipe added by some user" pop up.



  • Code Validity

    Code validity was performed by the following tools and passed except warnings due to HTML validator was unable to recognize Jinja templates.

  • Testing user stories

    • Non Registered users

      • As a guest user to the cook book website, I want to easily navigate through the site, so that I can find the recipe I need that are created by other users of the webiste.
        • The Home page features has all recipe cards to look in and nav bar which has login and register option.
      • As a guest user to the cook book website, I want register/log-in functions, so that I can have my own profile created.
        • The navigation bar has Register option to help user easily understand and register to the website.
      • As a guest user to the cook book website, I want to use the search panel to find recipes by category name or recipe name or by ingredient.
        • The search panel is clearly labelled and easily accessible from the Home Page.
      • As a guest user to the cook book website, I want to see the links to different social media accounts, to contact or follow the website on social media.
        • The social link are clearly visible on the footer bar and easily accessible all the time.
    • Registered users

      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to easily navigate through the site, so that I can find the recipe I need that are created by other users of the webiste.
        • The Home page features has all recipe cards to look in and nav bar which has login and register option.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to have log-in function, using which in can access my profile.
        • The navigation bar has Login option to help user easily understand and login to the website.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to insert my own recipe and share it with others users from the website.
        • The navigation bar has New recipe option to help user easily understand add recipe to the website.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to edit my recipe if any discripencies.
        • User can easily access profile page on Nav bar and click on show more button on individual recipe page user can click edit button in which user would like to edit.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to delete my recipe, if I think that I don't want to have this recipe listed.
        • User can easily access profile page on Nav bar and click on show more button on individual recipe page user can click delete button in which user would like to delete.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to have my profile, that I can easily find all the recipes I have added.
        • Once user creates login user is navigated to uers's profile page which is easily acessible on nav bar.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to have a home page where I can view the snapshot of other users' recipes that looks good.
        • Once the user log into the webpage user can easily access the Home page, which has all recipes displayed.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to have a "show more" button on all the recipe snapshots, that shows the complete details of the recipe I am interested in.
        • Once the user log in to the webpage user can see recipe cards in which each card will have "show more" button which is easily accessible.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to use the search panel to find recipes by category name, recipe name and ingredient.
        • The search panel is clearly labelled and easily accessible from the Home Page.
      • As a registered user of the website, I want to see social media links, to contact or follow the website on social media. The social link are clearly visible on the footer bar and easily accessible all the time.
      • As a registered user to the cook book website, I want to get a confirmation message before deleting the recipe.
        • once user is logged in , on nav bar click on profile, on the individual recipe card click on show more and it routes to show recipe page where user can see Edit and Delete buttons, Delete button is easily accessible and clearly labelled.


  • Functionality testing

    • Manual Testing

      • Home Page

        • Navigation Bar :-The Materialize navbar is fixed and is visible across all pages and on all screen size devices and is working as expected and it collapses into a hamburger menu on Tablets and smaller devices.
        • Login menu :- when clicked redirects to login page as expected
        • Register Menu :- when clicked, Redirects to Register page as expected
        • The brand logo :- when clicked, redirects to the Home page, works as expected.
        • New recipe : when clicked, form is displayed to add recipe and works as expected
        • Manage categories(Only for admin):- when clicked, routes to get categories page and deplays the list of categories in the page, works as expected.
        • logout :- when clicked, it routes to login page and displays flash message "You have been logged out"
        • Footer bar :- The footer is fixed and visible on all navigated pages and in all screen devices. It consists of four social links. When clicked on social links it opens in a new tab of respective social link, works as expected.
        • Search button :-Tried and tested by giving input of recipe name category name and Ingredients. when typed non existing recipes the error is displayed as "No results found". Clicking on the Search button without entering any value - "Please fill out this field message" is displayed, prompting users to enter a value, works as expected.
        • Reset button :- when clicked it resets the value given in serach field and refreshes to get recipes page, works as expected.
        • Show more button on individual recipe card :- when clicked it routes to Login page (if user have logged in) when clicked it routes to show recipe (if user is already logged in ) page and displays user's recipe information, works as expected.
      • Profile Page

        • Clicking on the navigation bar's Profile link has been routed to the user's profile page, works as expected.
        • Clicking on Profile page, recipes card show more button, has been routed to the show recipe page, works as expected.
        • Edit button and delete Button in show recipe page.
          • Edit :- Routes to edit recipe page works as expected.
          • Delete :- Pops up a window for confirmation for deletion, works as expected.
      • New Recipe page

        • Clicking on the navigation bar's New Recipe link has been routed to the add new recipe page.

          • Clicking add Recipe Category field, the user can choose the category from the list.
          • Clicking on the Recipe Name field, the user can enter the recipe name, which must be length between 5-30 characters. Display error message when characters are above the range.
          • Clicking on the Recipe Ingredients field, the user can enter the recipe ingredients, which must be length between 5-5000 characters. All text can be separated on the new line. Display error message when characters are above the range.
          • Clicking on the Recipe Instructions field, the user can enter the recipe instructions, which must be length between 5-5000 characters. All text can be separated on the new line. Display error message when characters are above the range.
          • Clicking on the recipe Image URL field, the user can paste the recipe IMG URL. Added an invalid URL or longer than 300 characters should display an error message.
          • Clicking on the recipe Preperation Time field, the user can enter numbers between 0-500 min. Trying to add number out of range should display an error message.
          • Clicking on the recipe Cook Time field, the user can enter numbers between 0-120 min. Trying to add number out of range should display an error message.
          • Clicking on the recipe Serve field, the user can enter numbers between 1-100. Trying to add number out of range should display an error message.
          • Clicking Add recipe button to add a new recipe, the user will be redirected to the Show Recipe page.

          All above fields of Add recipe works as expected.

      • Edit Recipe in show recipe page of user's profile.

        • Clicking on Edit button it routes to edit recipe page.
        • Category field of Edit recipe page, the user can choose the category from the list.
        • Clicking on the Edit Recipe Name field, the user can enter the recipe name, which must be length between 5-30 characters. Display error message when characters are above the range.
        • Clicking on the Edit Recipe Ingredients field, the user can enter the recipe ingredients, which must be length between 5-5000 characters. All text can be separated on the new line. Display error message when characters are above the range.
        • Clicking on the Edit Recipe Instructions field, the user can enter the recipe instructions, which must be length between 5-5000 characters. All text can be separated on the new line. Display error message when characters are above the range.
        • Clicking on the Edit recipe Image URL field, the user can paste the recipe IMG URL. Added an invalid URL or longer than 300 characters should display an error message.
        • Clicking on the Edit recipe Preperation Time field, the user can enter numbers between 0-500 min. Trying to add number out of range should display an error message.
        • Clicking on the Edit recipe Cook Time field, the user can enter numbers between 0-120 min. Trying to add number out of range should display an error message.
        • Clicking on the Edit recipe Serve field, the user can enter numbers between 1-100. Trying to add number out of range should display an error message.
        • Clicking Save recipe button to save the changes made, the user will be redirected to the Show Recipe page.
      • Delete Recipe in show recipe page of user's profile.

        • Clicking on the Delete recipe button, window pops up for the confirmation of deletion.By clicking ok, this will route to Show recipe page and Flash message will be displayed

        All above fields of Edit recipe works as expected.

      • Manage categories(will be reflected to admin only)

        • Clicking on the navigation bar's Manage Categories link it will be routed to the categories page. only admin has access to this link.
        • Clicking the Add category button, the website admin has permission to do that and will be routed to the Add category page.
      • Add category

        • Clicking the Category Name field, the admin can enter 3-25 characters long text. Display error message if the text is out of the range.
        • Clicking the Add category button, the admin has been routed to the categories page and the new category will be added in alphabetical order.Flash message will be displayed
      • Edit category

        • Clicking the Edit category button, the website admin has permission to do that and will be routed to the Edit category page.
        • Clicking the CANCEL button, the admin will be routed back to the categories page.
        • Clicking the Save Category button, the admin has been routed to the categories page and the edited category will be added in alphabetical order.Flash message will be displayed.
      • Delete Category in admin's profile.

        • Clicking on the Delete category button, window pops up for the confirmation of deletion.By clicking Agree, this will route to categories page and Flash message will be displayed

        All above fields of Manage categories works as expected.

    • Defensive design testing

      • Registration attempt with an existing Username


      • Login attempt with an unmatching Username / Password fields


      • Confirmation delete modal pops up when users attempt to delete the recipe from the webpage to avoid accidental deletion.


      • Search results error when user attempts to find which is irrelavant to cooking or recipes. plot


  • Responsiveness

    The responsiveness of the website was tested physically on Laptops, Desktops, Big screen, Mobile, Tablets and also using Am I Responsive tool as well as Google Dev Tools Device Mode. The website fits and adapts well to the different viewport size devices. plot
  • Usability Testing

    • This website have been shared to family and friends to add, read, edit and delete recipes none of them experienced any issues during the testing process and it was confirmed that the website was easy to use and navigate. They were able to effectively use the interactive elements of the website, find the information they were looking for and easily understand the purpose of the website.
  • Performance testing

    Performance testing was carried out using Lighthouse in Chrome Developer Tools.
    • Desktop Performance was excellent in accessibility. plot
    • Mobile - Performance was in average accessibility plot



  • This website is developed by using Gitpod workspace and GitHub repository to commit and push changes. This project uses GitHub for hosting and has been deployed using Heroku.

  • Following steps can be used to access the page :-


Clone Repository

Deployment to Heroku

  • Set up workspace for Heroku:

    • In the terminal window of IDE, create a requirements.txt file to store all applications and dependencies required to run the app.

    •    pip3 freeze --local . requirements.txt
    • Create a Procfile (strictly capital P and no file extension!) - required by Heroku, to know which file runs the app.

    •   echo web: python > Procfile
  • Create application in Heroku:

    • Navigate to Heroku website and create an account.
    • Once logged in, click on the New button and select Create New App
    • Create a name for your app and select the region closest to your location.
  • Connect your app to GitHub repository:

    • On the Deploy page, select GitHub as your Deployment method.
    • You will then be prompted to find the github repository, click on Connect button to connect.
    • Click on the Settings and select Config Vars and Reveal Config Vars.
    • Add the following variables (as stored in env file):

    plot In the IDE terminal, push the two new files to the GitHub repository:

      git add requirements.txt
      git commit -m "Add requirements.txt"  
      git add Procfile
      git commit -m "Add Procfile"
      git push
  • Now go back to Heroku and click on Enable Automatic Deployment and Deploy Branch.

  • The app is now connected and Heroku will receive the code from GitHub and automatically update whenever changes is pushed to the GitHub repository. You should be able to see "Your app was successfully deployed!". Click on View to launch your app.

  • Click on Open App to test your deployed website.

Creating env file

Install Flask, in the terminal type pip3 install Flask , this will install Flask functionality. Create file for storing sensitive data, type touch in terminal. This file should never be pushed to GitHub, so type touch .gitignore to ignore it. Then open the .gitignore file and ignore your file type:


In the file we need to hide several bits of data. Open file and type:


Fork the project

  • To create a personal copy of this repository, click on Fork button on the top right corner of the repository page in GitHub.

Database Access

To create the data schema in MongoDB Atlas, create a new database called cook_book, add three collections called categories, recipes and users.


  • categories
    • _id:ObjectId
    • category_name
  • recipes
    • _id:ObjectId
    • category_name
    • recipe_name
    • recipe_ingredients should be set into an array
    • recipe_instruction should be set into an array
    • recipe_img
    • prep_time
    • cook_time
    • serves
    • created_by
  • users
    • _id:ObjectId
    • username
    • password




  • Family and Friends for uploading their own recipes.


  • Inspiration by Task Manager Mini Project from Code Institute.
  • The below script was borrowed from code institute's mini project.




  • Design Inspiration from Andrius-siup's Recipe book
  • Readme Inspiration from Nazulka's WDBuzzwords for website testing


  • MaterializeCSS
  • W3Schools
  • Flask docs
  • PyMongo docs
  • MongoDB docs
  • Werkzeug docs
  • Code Institute course material.
  • Canva website for color palette.
  • StackOverflow


  • - imgur platform has been used for uploading the images and copying the link and pasting in the url column in this project.


  • My mentor Excellence Ilesanmi for his continuous guidance and support throughout the project.
  • Code Institute's Student care Team,Tutors and Slack Community for help and support.


  • This project is purely educational purpose only.


the-cook-book's People


bhargavi84 avatar



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    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.