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the-pizza-oven's Introduction

The Pizza Oven

This is the website for a pizza restaurant located on the South Bank in London. The site consists of a homepage to provide information about the restaurant and attract customers to visit and eat there. It also contains a table booking system that allows customers to book a table at a specific date and time. The main goal of the site is to provide information about the restaurant and allow customers to book a table, instantly and easily. It allows the restaurant owner to take and keep track of bookings from their customers.

The live site can be found here.

Site Mockup

Table of Contents

User Stories

  • As a customer:


    • I can view a menu so that I can see what food is available.
    • I can see a map of the restaurant location so that I can easily find the restaurant.


    • I can easily specify a date and time for a booking so that I can quickly book a table for when I want it.
    • I can easily specify the size of my party for a booking so that I can ensure I book a table of the correct size.
    • I can detail special or dietary requirements when I book so that I can inform the restaurant.
    • I can see whether a table is available at my specified booking time so that I can confirm my booking straight away.
    • I can receive an email with my booking details so that I can have a reminder of the details of my booking.
    • I can register for an account so that I can review or change my bookings.
  • As a registered customer:


    • I can view a list of bookings I have made so that I can easily select and update the individual booking information.
    • I can view and amend bookings I have made so that I can change the information as required.
    • I can view and cancel a booking I have made so that I can easily let the restaurant know I won't be attending.
    • I can save my personal information so that I can save time when booking in the future.
  • As a restaurant owner:


    • I can set the opening and closing times of my restaurant so that bookings will only be made when the restaurant is open.
    • I can view, add, update or remove tables from the booking system so that I can ensure the correct number of tables available for booking.


    • I can view a list of table bookings so that I can see how many customers will be visiting each day.
    • I can view my customers' special requirements so that I can respond accordingly.
    • I can assign a restaurant table number to the customer bookings so that I can plan the seating in my restaurant.
    • I can view, update or cancel bookings so that I can manage the daily bookings.
    • I can see when a customer has made or updated a booking so that I can review the information.



The site is designed to be simple to use thus allowing a customer to quickly book a table. The following wireframes were created to help plan the layout of the site:

In the course of creating the site another two pages, booking confirmed (adapted from the my bookings page layout) and booking detail (adapted from the manage bookings page layout) were also created.

Models and Database Schema

Database Schema

The site is based around three custom models:

  • Restaurant - This provides some general information about the restaurant. It allows the restaurant owner keep their homepage fresh by updating the description or the menu file. It also allows them to set the restaurant opening and closing times which define the first and last slot of the booking system. The inclusion of a restaurant model with tables connected via a Foreign Key relationship would allow, without too many changes, the expansion of the booking system to multiple restaurants in the future.

  • Table - This model is connected to the Restaurant model through a Foreign Key relationship. It allows the addition to the booking system of a table of a certain size. The decision has been made to restrict the table sizes in the system to just the two most common sizes, 2 person and 4 person tables. These can be combined to create larger tables to cover all party sizes.

  • Booking - This model contains all the required information about the booking including the date, time and party size. The booking end time is calculated automatically with two hours allowed for each booking. Tables are connected to bookings through a Many to Many relationship and searching through the bookings for each table allows the booking system to check whether there are tables available at the required booking date and time. The model also provides information about the customer who made the booking and if the customer is a registered user the booking will be connected to their Allauth user model via a Foreign Key relationship. The date created and date updated fields were intended to be used to alert the restaurant owner when a booking had been updated however over the course of development a simpler 'updated' Boolean field was chosen instead.


Existing Features

  • Colour Scheme
    • The website is for an Italian pizza restaurant and shades of red, white and green have been used throughout the site to hint at the Italian flag. ColorSpace and Colormind were used to help select the colours required.
    • The main colours used are:
      • #F4F7F5 for the off white
      • #43b792 for the green
      • #B03F57 for the red
      • #201622 for the darker accents

Colour Scheme

  • Navigation Bar

    • The navigation bar is found on all pages and allows the user to easily navigate to the important parts of the site without using the browser navigation buttons.
    • It is identical on all pages and is fixed to the top of the page making it easy for the user to locate.
    • The My Account dropdown contains different options depending on user status quickly alerting the user as to whether or not they are logged in. It also contains extra options only visible to the superuser (restaurant owner).
    • The menu collapses to a toggler on smaller screens allowing for easy navigation across all devices.

    Navigation Bar

  • Homepage

    • This page provides the user with information about the restaurant and hopefully convinces them to book a table. It provides two links to the booking form, one in the navigation bar and a button below the heading making it even easier to book a table.
    • The imagery quickly alerts the user to what the restaurant serves and entices them with tasty looking food.

    Homepage imagery

    • The view menu button allows the user to browse the menu available before booking. When combined with the Restaurant model it also allows the restaurant owner to keep the homepage fresh and up to date by uploading the latest menu.

    Homepage View Menu Section

    • The location section provides all the information the user requires to find the restaurant which again makes booking a table a more appealing prospect.

    Homepage Location Section

  • Footer

    • The footer provides links to the social media sites of the restaurant.
    • The links open in a new tab providing easy navigation for the user.
    • The footer provides other ways to engage with the restaurant and could help attract more customers through shares from existing customers.

    The Footer

  • Make Booking and Booking Confirmation

    • The make booking page contains a simple booking form allowing the user to book a table quickly and easily.
    • The use of a dropdown menu of booking slots ensures that the user does not accidently submit an invalid booking time. Similarly the party size dropdown controls the party sizes that are allowed.
    • The special requirements box allows the user send any requirements they may have directly to the restaurant.

    Table Booking Form

    • The form validation alerts the user if there are no tables available at their booking time allowing them to book a table instantly rather than awaiting a response from the restaurant.

    Form Validation

    • The booking confirmation confirms to the user that a table is available providing confidence that a booking has been made. It also confirms the details of the booking they have just made. An email of the booking is sent to the given email address so that the user can easily check the booking details.

    Booking Confirmation

  • Booking System Table Search

    • The booking system carries out a table search in the form validation.
    • First tables with bookings overlapping the required booking date and time are excluded.
    • The remaining tables are then checked to see if a table of the appropriate size is available. If not the tables are combined to see if a combined table will satisfy the booking criteria.
    • If a table is found the booking is saved and the selected table(s) added to the booking.
    • If no tables are available, the user is alerted.
    • This table search allows the user to book an available table instantly rather than awaiting feedback from the restaurant.
  • Registered User Area

    • Registered users are able to see a list of their upcoming bookings on the My Bookings page. This is an easy way for them to check the booking details.
    • This page also gives them the option to update or cancel the booking without having to contact the restaurant themselves, saving the user time.

    Upcoming Booking Detail

    • The update button takes the user to the booking form populated with their booking details. This form will be familiar to the user making it simple for them to update the booking as they wish.
    • The table search is carried out again if the user changes the booking date, time or party size ensuring that they do not book when no tables are available.
    • A confirmation modal is launched when the user selects Cancel Booking ensuring that they do not cancel their booking accidently.

    Booking cancellation confirmation modal

  • Manage Bookings Page

    • The manage bookings page can only be accessed by the superuser. It contains details of upcoming bookings with the current day at the top. It enables the restaurant owner to keep track of the bookings for each day.
    • The restaurant owner can view (on the booking detail page), update and cancel bookings from this page. Giving them control over the bookings in the restaurant.
    • The page has a plain colour background to distinguish it from the customer accessed areas which have a pizza image background.
    • When the booking system combines tables it has no way of knowing if they are near each other in the restaurant and so it is not helpful for the table objects to have restaurant table numbers. The table number input on this page allows the restaurant owner to add table numbers to the bookings themselves to help plan the seating for the day.
    • The 'updated' exclamation mark flag on the bookings is displayed based on the 'updated' BooleanField in the Booking model. It alerts the restaurant owner that a booking has been created or updated by a customer so that they do not overlook any new information. The flag can be turned off once the booking has been reviewed.

    Manage Bookings Page

  • The Admin Panel

    • The admin panel gives the restaurant owner further control over the site by changing the restaurant description, uploading a new menu file or changing the opening and closing time of the restaurant. They are also able to add or delete tables from the restaurant.
    • The restaurant owner can view and delete bookings on the admin panel or update the customer details of a booking. However they cannot create a new booking from this panel to ensure that no bookings are created without first checking for available tables.
    • The admin panel has been customised to give the restaurant owner control where possible whilst providing safeguards to ensure that the site or booking system are not compromised.

Features Left to Implement

  • User profiles to save customer information for automatic form population.
  • Automatic user registration using the provided email address and a booking number as a password. Ensuring that all customers can cancel or update a booking.
  • Creation of a restaurant table plan with the bookings shown to give the restaurant owner a visual representation of the bookings for any specific time.
  • More advanced table checking to offer the customer alternative available booking slots if there are no tables available at their selected time.

Technologies Used

Languages Used

Frameworks, Libraries & Programs Used

  • Django is the MVC framework used to create the site.
  • Django Allauth has been used to set up user authentication on the site.
  • Django Crispy Forms has been used to add bootstrap styling to the booking form.
  • Bootstrap 4.6 has been used to assist with the styling of the site and particularly the responsiveness.
  • Hover.css has been used to apply colour change to links and buttons when hovered over.
  • jQuery has been used for some of the Bootstrap components and also in the custom JS file.
  • Heroku has been used to deploy the site.
  • Gunicorn has been used as the server to run Django on Heroku.
  • Cloudinary has been used to store the static and media files for the site.
  • PostgresSQL has been used as the database for the site.
  • TinyPNG has been used to compress the images used on the site.
  • Git has been used for version control by using the Gitpod terminal to commit and push code to GitHub.
  • Github has been used to store the project's code.


The project has been thoroughly tested through both manual and automated testing. Details of the testing can be found here.



The project has been deployed to Heroku. The following steps are used to deploy the site:

  • Creating the Heroku App
    • On the Heroku dashboard at the top righthand side select the New button and then Create new app.
    • Give the app a name and select the most appropriate location then select create app.
  • Configuring the Heroku App
    • From the menu at the top of the page select the Resources tab.
    • In the Add-ons box on the resources tab search for Postgres and select Heroku Postgres selecting the free plan before confirming.
    • From the menu at the top of the page select the settings tab.
    • Under Config Vars select Reveal Config Vars. The DATABASE_URL should already be listed.
    • Add a SECRET_KEY and any other required environment variables. For this project this includes CLOUDINARY_URL, EMAIL_HOST_PASS, EMAIL_HOST_USER.
  • Configuring the Django Settings
    • In the workspace terminal install the Gunicorn web server:
      pip3 install gunicorn
    • In the workspace terminal install the libraries required by the database:
      pip3 install dj_database_url psycopg2
    • Add the installs to the requirements.txt file
      pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
    • Create an file in the top level of the directory and add the environment variables to the file.
    • At the top of the django settings file import os and import dj_database_url.
    • At the top of the django settings file add the following if statement to use the file in the development environment:
      if os.path.isfile(''):
      import env
    • Replace the databases section in the Django settings file with:
      DATABASES = {
      'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'))
    • Replace the SECRET_KEY setting in the Django settings file with:
      SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY')
    • Migrate the models to the database:
      python3 migrate
    • Any model objects that may have been added to the default database in development will have to be added to the Heroku Postgres database.
    • Create a superuser for the app:
      python3 createsuperuser
    • Add the Heroku Hostname to the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting in the Django settings file:
      ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost']
    • Set DEBUG to False in the Django settings file.
    • Add a Procfile containing the following code in the top level of the directory:
    web: gunicorn pizza_oven.wsgi
    • In the terminal add, commit and push all changes.
  • Deploying the App
    • In Heroku select the deploy tab from the menu at the top.
    • Select GitHub as the deployment method and browse and connect to the correct repository.
    • Under manual deploy select the main branch and the select deploy branch.

Forking the GitHub Repository

The following steps can be used to fork the GitHub repository:

  • On GitHub navigate to the main page of the repository.
  • The 'Fork' button can be found on the top righthand side of the screen.
  • Click the button to create a copy of the original repository.



  • The code institute Hello Django, I Think Therefore I Blog and Boutique Ado walkthroughs were all used to assist in the building of this project.
  • The following stack overflow threads were used for assistance
    • Information on adding time to a TimeField value was found here.
    • Assistance with iterating over numerous lists was found here.
    • Information on disabling the Add action in Django admin was found here.
    • Assistance with the delete confirmation modal was found here.
    • Assistance with setting Allauth to redirect to the previous page was found here.
    • Assistance with testing messages was found here.
  • Information on Django custom form validation was found on Brennan Tymrak.


  • The 'Poppins' and 'Roboto' fonts were taken from Google Fonts.
  • Icons on the site including the logo icon were taken from Font Awesome.


  • The menu was created on Must Have Menus.
  • The restaurant image used as Homepage hero and on the booking confirmations was taken by Nick Karvonis and found on Unsplash.
  • The pizza images below the About Us section from left to right were:
    • Taken by Engin Akyurt and found on Pexels.
    • Taken by Ivan Torres and found on Unsplash.
    • Taken by Hemant Latawa and found on Unsplash.
  • The picture of pizza ingredients on the homepage was taken by Frank Shrader and found on Pixabay.
  • The homepage picture of the hands kneading dough was taken by Nadya Spetditskaya and found on Unsplash.
  • The background image on the bookings pages was taken by Narda Yescas and found on Pexels.
  • The icon used for the favicon was created by cdz and found on Pixabay.


the-pizza-oven's People


stephanie-ash avatar

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