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trainwellpt's Introduction


Live Site


Welcome to TrainWellPT

TrainWellPT is my fourth and final project, part of the Code Institute, Full Stack Web Developer Course.

The purpose of this project was a build a full-stack site based around a business logic used to control a centrally-owned dataset. The technologies used for this project are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Django. Stripe handles online test payments and Heroku Postgres as a relational database.

TrainWellPT is a fictional brand, purchases on this project are accepted via Stripes test card details. For further information on which card number you should use, please refer to Stripe's official documentation.

Stripe Test Integration

This project is for educational purposes only, No commercial revenue is generated from this project.

UXD - User Experience Design

The planning of the project is broken into 5 planes,

  • The Strategy Plane
  • The Scope Plane
  • The Structure Plane
  • The Skeleton Plane
  • The Surface Plane

The Strategy Plane

Creator Goals

  • As a creator, I want the site to be easy to navigate.
  • As a creator, I want to allow users to filter through products.
  • As a creator, I want to provide users with updates to any actions.
  • As a creator, I want to allows admins to Add/Edit/Delete products to/from the store.

User Stories

Regular Site User Stories

  • As a site user, I want the main purpose of the site to be clear so that I can determine if this is the correct site for me.
  • As a site user, I want to be able to navigate across the site, so that I can view different pages on the site.
  • As a site user, I want to be able to sign up, so that I can have a personal account on the site.
  • As a site user, I want to be able to receive an email confirmation after registering, so that I can verify that my account registration was successful.

Customer Shopper Stories

  • As a shopper, I want to be to view all products, so that I can decide what I want to buy.
  • As a shopper, I want to be able to view products in more detail.
  • As a shopper, I want to be able to view reviews left by other customers for products, so that I can understand whether the product is worth purchasing.
  • As a shopper, I want to be able to see a confirmation when a product is added to my shopping bag, so that I can avoid accidentally adding multiple quantities of the same item.
  • As a shopper, I want to be able to view my bag, so that I can see what is in my bag and adjust quantities

Customers (Logged in) Stories

  • As a logged-in user, I want to be able to save my details, so that I can avoid retyping my details again.
  • As a logged-in user, I want to have my past orders viewable, so that I can verify what my past order was and view the order number.
  • As a logged-in user, I want to be able to leave reviews on a product, so that other users may be able to benefit from my opinions on my purchase.
  • As a logged-in user, I want to be able to edit my reviews, so that I can amend any errors or in case I change my opinion.
  • As a logged-in user, I want to be able to add products to my wishlist, so that I can view those products later.
  • As a logged-in user, I was to be able to remove products from my wishlist, so that my wishlist is only full of products I want to be saved.

The Scope Plane

My plan for deployment,

Phase 1

  • A project that would satisfy my user stories.
    • Home Page with an introduction
    • Navbar allowing the user to navigate to different pages
    • Products page allowing users to view all products.
    • A product detail page.
    • E-commerce functionality allowing the user to make purchases.

The Structure Plane


I decided to stick with the same color set as used on the code insititues boutique_ado project as I felt they were very clean and a professional finish to an e-commerce website.


  • I used white for the body color, I have always preferred the lighter mode and thought it helped the lighter colors stand out, creating a better contrast.


  • The Bootstrap dark class colors were used most on horizontal rules, buttons, and anchor tag elements.


Google Fonts - Lato

  • I chose Lato as my font throughout the project. The font is easily readable and simple. I opted to have a single font in this project simply because the project as a whole is not text-heavy, and chose to instead use a heavier font weight for headings.


Database Design

SQLite was used during development and then Heroku Postgres in production.

Key Models


  • The user profile is connected to the User model created by Allauth on registration.
  • The default fields are saved fields by the user to speed up the checkout process by pre-populating shipping details.


  • The order model is connected to the User Profile, allows the user to view their previous orders.
  • The order model acts as a container for the order line items. Although is the item is stored within the OrderLineItem model, having them connected allows to retrieve the item purchased.


  • The product model holds key information for each product. Each product has a unique ID.
  • The product model is connected to the category model, this allows the user to filter products by category.


  • Reviews for products can be left for products with this model, having it connect to the Product model via the ID.
  • The review model also is connected to the User model to obtain the user's username. This allows the user to see the name of the user on each review.


  • The wishlist model allows users to save items for quicker access. These items can be removed.
  • This model also acts as a container for the WishListItem model. Just like the Order model, each wishlist is unique to each user but connecting to the user ID.

The Skeleton Plane

Shopping Bag Wireframes Shopping Bag Wireframes Mobile

  • The shopping bag page has its layout changed mainly on mobile, whereas on desktop everything is more condensed so as not to take up the full width of the browser.
  • On smaller resolutions fitting everything within a 320px resolution became incredibly problematic. Everything felt squashed and condensed.
  • To remedy the smaller resolutions, items within the bag now show u vertically, with the image first, name, price, quantity input, and total for the product in that order. This change was well received from the feedback I got, and all in all, provides a better user experience.

All Products Wireframes All Products Wireframes Mobile

  • I changed the number of products being shown horizontally from 4 to 3. This change was the leverage of how good I felt the product images were.
  • I removed the details and add to bag buttons, the image now acts as a link to the products details page.

Product Details Wireframes Product Details Wireframes Mobile

  • Small change on this page was to move the product description to below the product. I felt as though the amount of information on the right side of the page was causing a bad user experience. Moving the description below also allowed me to increase the font size to make it easier to read.

Account Page Wireframes Account Page Wireframes Mobile

Homepage Wireframes Homepage Success Wireframes Mobile

Wishlist Wireframes Wishlist Wireframes Mobile

Add/Edit Wirefream Add/Edit Wirefream Mobile

The Surface Plane


Features present across the project,

Navigation Bar

  • Navbar is implemented on every page and is fully responsive across all resolutions.
  • Users can navigate across the site freely.
  • Users shopping have the cost of the current shopping basket display on large screen sizes.


  • Home page features an introduction to notify users to welcome them and explain the purpose of the site.

Store Page

  • Store page offer products on large resolutions in a row of three. Images are large to attract the user's attention, and clicking the image will redirect the user to the product detail page.

Search Functionality

  • Users can take advantage of the search function within the navigation bar to search for products or descriptions.
  • Search results are shown in a simple format with a link to redirect to the general store page.


  • Users can choose to view the reviews left by users for a specific product.
  • Logged-in users can post a review, whereas users not logged in are shown a small message to log in to leave a product review.
  • User choosing the leave a review can choose to pick a title, give a star rating out of five, and write a review.


  • Almost all actions provide feedback to the user via the bootstrap toasts written to provide user feedback.
  • Users shopping can view the current items within the bag and total cost. The cost of delivery is visible and the user is told how much they need to spend to get free delivery?
  • At the bottom of the toast is a link to the checkout page.

Shopping Bag

  • The shopping bag page is fully responsive, showing users a picture of the item, name, price per unit, and total price.
  • Users can also choose to increase/decrease the number of items in their bag, click the update button to have the prices update.
  • user can click the remove link and have all the items within the bag removed, regardless of quantity.
  • At the bottom of the page user can find the cost of the bag, cost of delivery, the total and how much they must spend to be eligible for free delivery.

Technologies Used


  1. HTMLValidation W3 validator used to check HTML validity.

  2. CSSValidation

  3. Tested the website on the Google Chrome

    1. Results: The website was responsive and the elements performed in the way they were intended to
  4. Tested the website on the Microsoft Edge browser

    1. Results: The website was responsive and the elements performed in the way they were intended to
  5. Tested the website on the Firefox browser

    1. Results: The website was responsive and the elements performed in the way they were intended to
  6. Tested the form validation worked correctly on each of the above browsers

    1. Results: The form correctly sent when the fields were completed as they should have been and did not when the fields had not been completed


  • One of the major bugs I faced was when I was unable to push my migrations from git hub to deploy in heroku.
    • This meant that no new models were being recognised so pulling a 500 server error.

Fix - I had to export the Database URL and then remigrate models. - This fixed the issue and allowed me to continue with the development.

  • A bug I also faced was with the Stripe Webhook handler where it was receieved a server 500 error.
    • After being reviewed along with my mentor I was advised that it looked like a problem
    • through stripe itself and not the code.


The master branch of this repository is the most current version and has been used for the deployed version of the site.

The Code Institiue student template was used to create this project.

Code Institute Full Template

  • Click the Use This Template button.
  • Give your repository a name, and description if you wish.
  • Click the Create Repository from Template to create your repository.
  • Click the Gitpod button to create a gitpod workspace, this can take a few minutes.
  • When working on project using Gitpod, please open the workspace from Gitpod, this will open your previous workspace rather than creating a new one. Use the following commands to commit your work,
  • git add . - adds all modified files to a staging area.
  • git commit -m "A short message exlaining your commit" - commits all changes to a local repository.
  • git push - pushes all your commited changes to your Github repository.


Creating a Clone

  1. From the repository, click Code
  2. In the Clone >> HTTPS section, copy the clone URL for the repository
  3. In your local IDE open Git Bash
  4. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made
  5. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 2 - git clone
  6. Set the following values in a file.
import os

os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", "<app secret key of your choice>")
os.environ.setdefault("DEVELOPMENT", "True")
os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY', '<key generated by Stripe>')
os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_SECRET_KEY', '<key generated by Stripe>')
os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_WH_SECRET', '<key generated by Stripe>')
  • Stripe keys are generated by Stripe, each individual have their own unique key values.
  1. Install the project requirements - pip3 install requirements.txt
  2. Apply database migrations - python migrate
  3. Create a superuser - python createsuperuser
  4. The project can be run with the following - python runserver

Heroku Deployment

  1. Log into Heroku
  2. Create a new app, choose a location closest to you
  3. Search for Heroku Postgres from the resources tab and add to your project
  4. Make sure to have dj_database_url and psycopg2 installed.
pip3 install dj_database_url
pip3 install psycopg2
  1. Login to the Heroku CLI - heroku login -i
  2. Run migrations on Heroku Postgres - heroku run python migrate
  3. Create a superuser - python createsuperuser
  4. Install gunicorn - pip3 install gunicorn
  5. Create a requirements.txt file - pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  6. Create a Procfile (note the capital P), and add the following,
web: gunicorn moose_juice.wsgi:application
  1. Disable Heroku from collecting static files - heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 --app <your-app-name>
  2. Add the hostname to project file
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['<you-app-name>', 'localhost']

  1. Connect Heroku to you Github, by selecting Github as the deployment method and search for the github repository and pressing connect
  2. In Heroku, within settings, under config vars select Reveal config vars
  3. Add the following,
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID =	<your variable here>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY =	<your variable here>
DATABASE_URL =	<added by Heroku when Postgres installed>
EMAIL_HOST_PASS = <your variable here>
EMAIL_HOST_USER = <your variable here>
SECRET_KEY = <your variable here>
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = <your variable here>
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = <your variable here>
STRIPE_WH_SECRET = <different from>
USE_AWS = True
  1. Go back to the Deploy tab and under Automatic deploys choose Enable Automatic Deploys
  2. Back in your CLI add, commit and push your changes and Heroku will automatically deploy your app
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push
  1. Your deployed site can be launched by clicking Open App from its page within Heroku.

AWS S3 Bucket setup

  1. Create an Amazon AWS account
  2. Search for S3 and create a new bucket
    • Allow public access
  3. Under Properties > Static website hosting
    • Enable
    • index.html as index.html
    • save
  4. Under Permissions > CORS use the following:
      "AllowedHeaders": [
      "AllowedMethods": [
      "AllowedOrigins": [
      "ExposeHeaders": []
  1. Under Permissions > Bucket Policy:
    • Generate Bucket Policy and take note of Bucket ARN
    • Chose S3 Bucket Policy as Type of Policy
    • For Principal, enter *
    • Enter ARN noted above
    • Add Statement
    • Generate Policy
    • Copy Policy JSON Document
    • Paste policy into Edit Bucket policy on the previous tab
    • Save changes
  2. Under Access Control List (ACL):
    • For Everyone (public access), tick List
    • Accept that everyone in the world may access the Bucket
    • Save changes

AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) setup

  1. From the IAM dashboard within AWS, select User Groups:
    • Create a new group
    • Click through and Create Group
  2. Select Policies:
    • Create policy
    • Under JSON tab, click Import managed policy
    • Choose AmazongS3FullAccess
    • Edit the resource to include the Bucket ARN noted earlier when creating the Bucket Policy
    • Click next step and go to Review policy
    • Give the policy a name and description of your choice
    • Create policy
  3. Go back to User Groups and choose the group created earlier
    • Under Permissions > Add permissions, choose Attach Policies and select the one just created
    • Add permissions
  4. Under Users:
    • Choose a user name
    • Select Programmatic access as the Access type
    • Click Next
    • Add the user to the Group just created
    • Click Next and Create User
  5. Download the .csv containing the access key and secret access key.

Connecting Heroku to AWS S3

  1. Install boto3 and django-storages
pip3 install boto3
pip3 install django-storages
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Add the values from the .csv you downloaded to your Heroku Config Vars under Settings:
  2. Delete the DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC variable from your Cvars and deploy your Heroku app
  3. With your S3 bucket now set up, you can create a new folder called media (at the same level as the newly added static folder) and upload any required media files to it.


Product Images / Names / Descriptions


  • A large amount of code came from the Code Institute, Boutique Ado Project.
  • Code Institute, Boutique Ado
    • Boutique Ado is a walkthrough project by Code Institute, this project gave students an introduction to Django/AWS S3/Stripe/Heroku Postgres
    • The core functionality of TrainWellPT is all taken from the Boutique Ado project.


  • The Bootstrap Library was used through the project. The project used version 4.6.
  • Bootstrap
    • Toasts/Navigation Bar/Forms/Dropdown Menu/Buttons, the core elements mentioned are all found in the Bootstrap components section and built upon.

Django Documentation

  • Django have amazing documentation with a tutorial project and in depth explanations on core components.
  • Django Documentation

Harry Dhillon

  • GitHub
    • Harrys MS4 project code for the review model and the Wishlist model gave me something to model my own project on.
    • Harry was even willing to help me when I ran into some errors.


Chris Zielinski

  • The creator of the Boutique Ado project, The walkthrough of this project really helped put alot of code together for this project.

Harry Dhillon

  • GitHub
    • A previous code institue student who helped me with the additonal models e.g. Wishlist and Review models.
    • I was able to reach out to Harry Dhillon to help talk me through what was required for these model.
    • Harry was also more than willing to share his code with me to help me complete this project.

Antonio Rodriguez

  • Massive appreciation for my mentor supplied by the code institute.
    • Always so helpful even when I am in a panic managing to come up with a quick fix for my code when pulling up errors.
    • Antonio provided a fix for when I was unable to push my migrations to my deployed server.

trainwellpt's People


aaronhughes424 avatar

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