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travel-around-milestone's Introduction

Data Centric development Milestone Project

Page Logo

This Website was developed as Milestone Project for Code Institute's Data Centric development.


As a traveller myself I know how useful is to find information and tips from people that have already been in a place without promotional intent or sponsored locations.

Travel Around has the goal to build a community of people who love to travel and share their trip tips based on their personal experience, to help other travellers to have a better travel experience. The user will also have a personal profile shared with the community in which will be possible to show the cities that the user has make, the cities that the user would like to visit, the cities visited and the preferred cities.


The website is accessible to everyone, all ages, and is direct especially to who like to travel, but everyone can explore cities and start traveling from Travel Around.


The scope of the website had changed during the development of same.

The starting idea is based on the "Recipes Project" suggestion provided by CodeInstitute as milestone project, to build a responsive Web App with collection of data and demonstration of the use of the method CRUD:

C = Create 
R = Read 
U = Update 
D = Delete

Once reached this I had few more ideas and I did more upgrades and I still have more ideas to implement in future upgrades. The idea is to launch this app in the future, in the next module we are going to approach with Django and it will be implemented, once learned, to this project to have a better management of the database and make faster the app. Other than only having this web site as a web app I would like to make a mobile app for same and I am already looking for solutions as Kivy.

Moq Ups

The starting design drafts were done on

The wireframe of the starting idea can be found divided for desktop and mobile devices at the following link:

The final design is different from the starting idea, multiple changes were applied to the website following ideas and improvements and the features implemented while developing the Web App.


1. New visitor:

What a new visitor would like to do is to understand what a web site is for. Since the visitor access to the website it is clear that it is a traveling website. By clicking on the city card the user can easily access to the city information page and already from the homepage the user can see how many interaction people have done. By clicking on the social icons the user will be directed to a page showing all the benefits to be a registered user.

2. User looking to organize a trip:

As someone that is organizing a trip, I would like to find clear lists of places that I can see when visiting a city, but as well I know how precious are tips from other people that have been already in that place. On Travel Around all these info are easily accessible and there are only tips shared by travelers for travelers.


The website can be seen by all the users without the need to be registered. The users can be divided in visitors and registered users.


A visitor can navigate through the web site and explore cities info, but can't interact with the website.

Registered user

The registered are divided into three sub-categories, divided by permissions:

  • user
  • admin
  • owner

1. User

A registered user can interact with the website, it can:

  • Add a new city
  • Edit an existing city
  • Add a city to the "city to visit"
  • Add a city to the "visited list"
  • Add a city to the "preferred list"
  • Manage is own account
  • Delete is own account
  • View other users account and relative lists

2. Admin

As admin, other to have the "user" features, it is possible to access to the admin area where it will be possible to see a list of all the user registered sorted by username, what permit does the user have and the email address of that user.

Another important option that the admin user can do it is to delete a city.

3. Owner

The owner is the user with greater permits, he can access, other than access to all the admin option, as well to the user rights and can change the user permit on the website.

Database Structure

To collect data and make a database of objects I used MongoDB, hosted by Atlas as I learned during the Data Centric Module Lessons provided by CodeInstitute.

Collection and Data Storage

The collections used for this project are:

1. Cities

Title Key Data Type
City ID _id ObjectId
City Name city_name string
City Country city_country string
City Region city_region string
City Population city_population string
City Language city_language string
City Description city_description string
City Category city_category string
City Must See city_must_see array
City Tips city_tips array
City To Avoid city_to_avoid array
City Image Url city_image string
City Visited By city_visited_by array
City Preferred By city_preferred_by array
City To Be Visited By city_to_visit_by array
City Added date added_time string

2. User

Title Key Data Type
User ID _id ObjectId
Username username string
Password [hashed]password string
Email email string
City Author city_author string
user Permitt right string
Cities to Visit city_to_visit array
Cities Visited city_visited array
Cities make cities_make array

3. Regions

Title Key Data Type
Region ID _id ObjectId
Region Name city_name string
Cities in Region cities_in_region string

Local JSON collection

A JSON collection is used and stored locally for this project.

The collection Countries was imported from with the command wget.

This collection contains a list of countries and is used in my project to make a list of Countries in the "Add City Page".


The structure is very simple and intuitive, this is essential to make the web site accessible to everyone.

It follows the Mobile First principles and both on Mobile and Desktop devices the navigation is simple and easy to access.

The Navigation Bar and the Footer are static and the same in all the website.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is the same into every page of the website.

The Navigation Bar for Desktop Devices is divided into two sections, divided by the logo.

1. Left

If the user is not logged:

  • Home.

If the user is logged:

  • Home;
  • User List;
  • Settings.

2. Right

If the user is not logged:

  • Search button: on click will show the text input on the navbar, inline with same;
  • Log In;
  • Register;
  • Log Out.

If the user is logged:

  • Search button, as above;
  • Add a city;
  • User Page;
  • Log Out.

For Mobile Devices there is a Collapsible Navigation Bar, containing a search input field and relative search button and as a list all the elements contained as above. As a plus into the Mobile Navigation Bar are displayed the social links.


The footer contains either Mobile or Desktop version the Travel Around Logo, a brief about the website goal, the social links and the copyright info.

Home Page

As first in the home page it is possible to see a text header "Where are you going next?" With a carousel showing six cities sorted by name, that will give the idea of what is the web site for.

Scrolling the home page there are six Regions:

  • Europe
  • North America & Canada
  • Asia
  • Central America & South America
  • Australia & New Zeland
  • Africa & The Middle East

In each region are showed 8 cards containing the city image and the city name, all cards are pointed this way the user will understand that can click on the card to be redirected to the city page.

At the end of each region area there is a button link that redirects to a city list page with the cities containing that region name filter.

For each card there are actions that a registered user can perform as:

  • Add to "To Visit List"
  • Add to "To Visited List"
  • Add to "To Preferite List"

When the user clicks on this action that city will be added to the chosen category and the counter on the card will increase.

This makes the web site more social and interesting, the users can interact as well other than just add cities or info and all of this info will be displayed on the User Page accessible by all the registered user.

City Page for Regions

As mentioned above this web page contain all the cities cards that are in that region.

The cities are listed alphabetically.

City Page

Clicking on one of the cards the user will be redirected to the city page, this contains all the info about the city.

The city name is the header, after this there is a row containing the image on the left occupying 8 columns on medium and above size screen according to Materialize Grid of the row size and the other 4 columns are occupyied by city's basic info as:

  • Region
  • Country
  • Population
  • Category
  • Language
  • Added by
  • Date Added

On mobile screen these will be displayed as a full row.

Scrolling the page there is the section "City Description", in which the user can add a short description about the city.

More info are set as three columns (s4 size on medium devices screen and above):

  • City Must See
  • City Tips
  • To Avoid

The registered user can add more tips or info sharing the personal experience to the entire community.

If the user is registered a button edit will be added on the page floating on the bottom right position of the screen.

If the user has the permission as "admin" beside the "edit" button a delete button will be added. To prevent an accidental delete action by clicking on this button will appear a confirmation form where to proceed it need to type "delete" on the provided input area. If the input is "delete" then the buttons "Go Back" and "Delete" will appear to the user and by clicking to "Delete" the city will be deleted from the database. If the user doesn't perform any action within 3 sec the modal will redirect the user again to the confirmation form. This action is performed using a function in JavaScript as follow:

function verification_form() {
    let input_delete = document.getElementById('confirm_delete_account')
    if (input_delete.value == "delete") {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 3000);

User Page

After the Log In for registered user or after the registration for a new user, he will be redirected to the User Page.

It is possible to access to the same as well by clicking on the User Page button present on the Navigation Bar that appears only to the logged users.

This page contains an internal Navigation Bar for users containing the following list of categories:

  • make
  • To Visit
  • Visited
  • Preferite

Clicking on one of these categories the user will be able to see cities contained in that particular category. When the user click on one of the categories the navigation section will have a grey color style to allow the user see in which category is.

The default category when the user access to the user page is "make".

This action is performed with the use of the css display: none applied to the relative div. With the use of JavaScript and jQuery then with an onClick action on the navigation bar the user will call the function that shows the relative div of that section and hides the others.

On the top left side of each card there is a floating button action where the user can easily access to the settings functions, as:

  • Edit
  • Remove to "To Visit List"
  • Remove to "To visited List"
  • Remove to "To Preferite List"

Each button is in the relative category.

Another action that the user can perform is Delete is own account, by clicking on the "Delete Account" button positioned floating on the bottom right side of the page.

To delete the account, as for to delete a city, the user has to confirm by a confirmation form the action.

Other Users Profile

The structure of other users profile is the same as the Personal User Profile.

The user, however, will not be able to see the action buttons on this page.

If the user has right as "admin" a "Delete Account" button positioned floating on the bottom right side of the page will be displayed. The admin can delete other users accounts.

Add and Edit City

Add and Edit City have the same layout and the info that the user can add or modify are:

  • City Name
  • City Country
  • City region
  • City Population
  • City Language
  • City Category
  • City Image (by pasting a link of an image)
  • City Description
  • City Must see
  • City Tips
  • To Avoid

Other info will be added by adding a city that can not be modified as:

  • City Author
  • Time Added

404 Page

If the user goes in a page that doesn't exist it will be redirected to a personal 404 error page that contains a 404 logo designed following Travel Around logo design.

To test the 404 error page go to the following link -

Permission Required Page

When the user click on the actions of the home page it will be redirected to a page where it will be acked to register to perform that action and that explains all the advantage to be a registered user of Travel Around.

Admin Settings

This page is only for user with right as "admin" and for the "owner".

In this page the admin can see a list of all the user registered sorted by username, what permit does the user have and the email address of that user.

The owner can also change the users right, by clicking on the button "change user permit" it is possible to manage it an change it.

Features Left to Implement

  • Allow users to set a private profile;
  • Allow user to personalize user profile image;
  • When user will be able to personalize profile image add it on user profile;
  • Add new sections to city page like "Suggested Food";
  • Add filtered search for country and description;
  • Add a privacy policy page declarations according to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) for the launch;
  • Add a button in edit city to delete elements already contained in the database;
  • Add a better and filtered search tab.

Technologies Used

For this project I used:

  • AWS Cloud9

    • Used as Ide to develop the code.
  • HTML5

    • The project uses HTML5 to structure the content in line with modern semantic HTML5.
  • CSS3

    • The project uses CSS3 to style the html content.

    • The project uses SCSS.
  • JavaScript

    • The project uses JavaScript to manipulate the frontend.
  • JQuery

    • The project uses JQuery to control toggle features.
  • Python

    • The project uses Python as developing language to build Travel Around and as a server side/back-end language.
  • MongoDB

    • The project uses MongoDB to create and manage a database.
  • JSON

    • The project uses JSON to manage my local collection.
  • Flask

    • The project uses Flask Framework to render the templates.
  • Materialize 0.100.2

    • The project uses Materialize 0.100.2 to Layout the html content.
  • FontAwesome

    • The project uses FontAwesome to add icons for social media and contact forms.
  • GoogleFonts

    • The project uses GoogleFonts to add the font Roboto and Alfa Slab One importing same in my CSS.
  • Google Images

    • I used Google Images to find the icons for account, research done using the filter to find images with the permit to be used.
  • Stackoverflow

    • For the project I used stackoverflow community to help to build the app searching for scripts and explanations and to ask explanation about python.


The Cross Web Testing is done on the following Browsers:

Mobile Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Internet Samsung

Desktop Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge


  • Hp Laptop
  • Asus Laptop
  • Acer Laptop
  • Samsung S8
  • iPhone X
  • Vernee Thor
  • 42" Screen Desktop PC

During the testing I used Chrome Developer tools to test the responsive design on different size and the features of the page on different width.

I also used Firefox Developer tools when I discovered that my cards were not following the grid on other browsers other than Chrome.

The site was developed following the Grid System and the same was tested to ensure that all the elements are responsive on the following resolutions on each page:

  • Width ≥1200px
  • Width between 1200px and 768px
  • Width ≥≤ 768px
  • width ≤450px (this to prevent card and text to be too big on smaller size screen)

Test Driven Development

Some TDD (Test Driven Development) was done while developing the python code and can be found in my For this test I used UnitTest, running my file in the console with the command python3 i get 8 test done and an OK status that means that all my code passed.

More testing on my JavaScript was done by manually checking if my code was called at the right action, using the console.log('function called') code in the function i wanted to check or by using the DOM.

I did several manual testing to the code as well by testing the various features of my website like:

1. Testing registration and testing all the user functionalities

  1. Go to the registration page
  2. Add a username - max 12 characters length set as for formatting issues on my accounts page
  3. Add an email
  4. Add a password
  5. If everything is correct you will be transferred to your "User Page" and a welcome message will appear saying "Welcome aboard 'username', here you can manage your lists"
  6. Check the "Discover Users" page - Note if you're not logged this link will redirect you to the login page
  7. Try to add a city with the 'Add button' in the Navigation Bar
  8. Try to edit a city opening the city page and clicking on the "edit" button on the right lower side of the page
  9. Try to delete your account by going on your "User Page", link in the Navigation Bar
  10. Try to Log Out simply by clicking on the "Log Out" button on the navigation page.
  11. Try to Log In from the Log In area by clicking on the login button in the Navigation Bar.
  12. To delete your account you should fill the check form by typing "delete" and clicking on "check", then click the delete button again.

2. Teasting the search

  1. Click on the Search Icon in the Navigation Bar
  2. Test that the input field appears aligned to the navigation bar
  3. Check for "toronto"
  4. The page will display you the card of the city you are looking for
  5. If the city you are looking for doesn't exist and you are not a registered user or a logged user you will have the following message:
Why don't you add it?
Register and add a city now! We will be glad to have you on board! 

If the user is registered then this message will be displayed:

We are sorry, the city you are looking for is not in the system yet.
Why don't you add it?
Add a new city now!

3. Testing the Owner Permit as Delete a city, change user permit, delete a user

  1. Login with the following username and password:
username: admin
password: admin

N.B.: after the submission check is finished this account will be deleted and full permit will be set only for my personal account.

  1. Go to "Admin Area", this button in the navigation bar appear only to the admins and the users (I will not explain testing with admin because it has the same permit of the owner except for changing users permit)
  2. Click on "Change" button, you will be redirected to the change permit area

N.B.: owner permit can not be changed as for security purpose.

  1. Chose which user do you want to change permits, you will be redirect on the admin settings page and you can check the changes on the user list.
  2. To delete an account, you can delete one of the testing account like the user "tester111111", click on the user name in the "discover users" page or from the "admin settings" page.
  3. On the right bottom of the page click on the "delete" button and follow the validation form.
  4. Check in the User List that the user was deleted.

4. Testing the registration/login form errors and user checks

  1. Try to Log In with "admin" as username and "password" as password, you will get an error message
  2. Try to Log In with "annabelle" as username and "password" as password, you will get an error message
  3. Try to register with "admin" as username, you will get an error message
  4. Try to register with "[email protected]" as email, you will get an error message

During development & Bugs

During the development I had issue with the Grid System on Firefox and Edge, same fixed adding to the div I needed the following code:

.flex {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap; }

.content {
  flex: 1 0 auto; }

On Edge at the moment the span it is still not having a light grey background like on the other browsers.

The Index page it seems slow at the starting, so I added a loading gif to let know te user that the page is charging. The cause of this issue is an eavy calling to the database, I am calling by the code the database so many times and it is a known bug from me. I searched and tried few solutions for that, no one of them seems working, I tried to use the Model One-to-Many Relationships, the Aggregation Method and MongoDB Relationships, but all of them without success. The scope of the milestone is anyway reached and I will for sure find a fix for this problem in the future, I would like to concentrate more on the progress of CodeInstitute Course at the moment.

It seems as there are no other bugs at the moment.

To test if the SEO guidelines are followed I used Lighthouse as Google Chrome extension that gives me 100% of the result.

Validation Testings

For HTML validation testing I used "W3 Validator" which shows few error in duplicate ID that are make by my function to repeat the carousel images for each city in the list. For the search button it is to save adding more code to define a second search form in python, the second search button will anyway be displayed only on mobile size and is always going to be unique.

For CSS validation testing I used "W3 CSS Validator" which shows no errors on my main.css style sheet.

For JavaScript validation testing I used "JSHint" with whom I checked the presence of unused variable and code errors.


The web site has been deployed on Heroku for hosting and on GitHub.


This page has been deployed to "Heroku".

These steps were followed to Deploy the project on Heroku:

  • Database and Tables were created in an Atlas MongoDB account
  • Project workspace was created in AWS Cloud 9.
  • Framework needed were installed with the command $ sudo pip3 install 'framework-name'
  • Created an instance of flask app = flask(__name__)
  • Host set as follow:
if __name__ == '__main__':'IP'),
  • Created a new Heroku App - unique name and EU Server
  • In cloud 9 login to Heroku by the code $ heroku login --interactive
  • Provided username and password Created a git repository in AWS Cloud9 as follow:
>$ git add 
>$ git commit -m "Initial Commit"
  • Connected AWS cloud9 to Heroku using the code ```$ heroku git remote -a travelaroundmilestone
  • Created requirements.txt file with the code $ sudo pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
  • Created the Procfile with the code $ echo web:python>Procfile
  • Then added and Commited to Git Repository:
>$ git add . 
>$ git commit -m "initial commit"
  • Push to Heroku with the code $ git push heroku master
  • Set in Heroku in the repository settings the 'Config Vars' including IP, Port, Mongo_DB and Mongo_URI and Secret Key


This page has been deployed to "Github Pages".

GitHub is used to host the code and publish the pages.

A new repository was created in GitHub called: travel-around-milestone.

The repository has been pushed following these commands

>$git remote add origin
>$ git push -u origin master

After a final Git Add and Git commit

>$git add .
>$git commit -m "final commit"

The pages were pushed to the GitHub repository

>$ git push -u origin master

Run my project locally

To run this project you can follow one of the follwing way:

1. Deployment through Cloud9

  • Create a blank workspace in your Cloud9 dashboard.
  • Get all files from github using 'git clone command in the C9 CLI
  • Install Python dependencies with following the command: 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt'
  • Run app with following command: 'python3'.
  • Click on preview >> preview running application and get link
  • Open up Link in browser of choice

2. Deployment through Heroku

  • Copy Github repository
  • Make sure Procfile and requirements.txt for dependencies are correct.
  • Create new heroku app and set environment variables (IP, PORT & MONGO_URI)
  • Connect Github repository to Heroku App through 'Deployment Method' in Heroku - App Dashboard
  • Deploy Branch through Manual Deploy' in Heroku App Dashboard


Thanks to CodeInstitute Slack Community helping me to find extra material to study to improve my knowledges to develop this web app.

Thanks to the tutor Ali Ashik that has been always available to help me to understand and clarify areas of this project that were difficult to me.


  • The icons used for the user are taken from "Google Images", found using the filter "re-use rights".
  • The Logo used is make by me with Adobe Photoshop, all credits reserved.
  • The 404 Image is make by me with Adobe Photoshop, all credits reserved.

Extra Sources

More info were taken from the following documentation files:

travel-around-milestone's People



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