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us-issue-tracker's Introduction

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This web application is an issue tracker for an imaginary application called 'Unicorn Simulator'. It is designed to allow users to report any bugs they encounter within Unicorn Simulator, and also to request new features to be made by the development team. This application is specifically aimed towards the users of 'Unicorn Simulator' and would be of no use to any other type of target market, however, the basic foundations of the application could be used for another imaginary app.

This type of user will want to be able to have their own account where they can report bugs, request features, upvote and comment on tickets. This user will also want to know the status of a reported bug or a requested feature. My project is a suitable way of achieving this because it provides a form for the user to use when signing in or registering onto the application, forms for users to report bugs and request new features, and functions which will allow the user to upvote bugs/features and write their own comments to contribute to the community.

General User Stories:

  • As a user type, I want to be able to create an account with my own username and password, and login with these credentials each time I want to access the application.
  • As a user type, I would like to be able to login and report a bug.
  • As a user type, I would like to be able to login and request a new feature.
  • As a user type, I would like to be able to upvote a bug.
  • As a user type, I would like to be able to upvote a feature and donate money towards the development process of this feature.
  • As a user type, I would like to be able to see a bug or feature's current status.
  • As a user type, I would like to be able to write comments on bugs and features.
  • As a user type, I would like to be able to visually see what progress has been made for reported bugs and requested features.

Real Life User Stories:

  • User 1: I'd like my username to be 'USER1' and would also like to have my own password when logging in.
  • User 2: I would like to be able to report a gameplay bug for Unicorn Simulator.
  • User 3: I would like to request a new gameplay feature to the developers.
  • User 4: I would like to upvote a bug which someone else has reported.
  • User 5: I would love to upvote a feature and donate some money to the developers to help them develop this feature.
  • User 6: I would like to see what bugs and features are being developed or have been completed.
  • User 7: I would like to comment on other users' reports and see if I also have the same issues as them.
  • User 8: Being able to visually see the progress made over certain periods of time would be a great advantage for this application.



  • Login/Register form - this will allow the user to either log into an existing account or create a new account, inserting them into the database.
  • Report bug form - this will allow the user to report a bug, inserting this report into the database.
  • Request feature form - this will allow the user to request a new feature, inserting the form data into the database.
  • Upvote bug - this will allow the user to upvote a reported bug which is in need of attention.
  • Upvote feature (for price of £20 per upvote) - this will allow the user to upvote a requested feature whilst donating £20 towards the development process at the same time.
  • Comment form - this will allow users to comment on reported bugs and requested features and involve them in the community.
  • Log out - this will allow the user to log out of the current session.

Existing Features

  • Login/Register form - allows User 1 to have their username as 'USER1' and also their own password.
  • Report bug form - allows User 2 to report a gameplay bug for Unicorn Simulator.
  • Request feature form - allows User 3 to request a new gameplay feature to the developers.
  • Upvote bug - allows User 4 to upvote someone else's bug.
  • Upvote feature - allows User 5 to upvote a feature by paying £20 per upvote.
  • Comment form - allows User 7 to comment on another user's report.
  • Log out - allows all signed up users to log out after using the application (if they wish).

Features Left to Implement

  • Newsletter Subscription - there is currently a form present within the application for newsletter subscriptions, however, there is no functionality to it yet, but may be implemented in future builds.
  • Downvote button - this would allow users to downvote a reported bug or requested feature.
  • Like or dislike comments - this would allow users to be better involved in the community and perhaps show whether a bug is legitimate or not.
  • In future builds, it might be a nice idea to implement a blog feature, whereby users may write their own blogs about the imaginary app, or bugs they have fixed themselves. Also, developers could release their own blogs.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
    • This project uses HTML to build the foundation of the web application and includes links to Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap JS, CSS, and Font Awesome.
  • CSS
    • This project uses CSS to style the features of the web application, including the header, footer and each page of the issue tracker. It is also used to modify Bootstrap 4 styles.
  • JavaScript
    • This project uses JavaScript to provide the functionality for the Stripe API and for the back-to-top button.
  • Python
    • This project uses Python to provide the backend functionality of the issue tracker, including functions to report bugs and request features.
  • Django
    • This project uses Django, a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
  • Stripe
    • This project uses the Stripe payment API, providing a secure payment form for the application.
  • JQuery
    • The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
  • Pygal
    • This project uses Pygal charts to dynamically present data collected from the database.
  • Font Awesome
    • This project uses Font Awesome to provide icons for the application.
  • WhiteNoise
    • This project uses WhiteNoise to hose the staticfiles for Heroku. It provides radically simplified static file serving for Python web apps.
    • This project uses Wireframes CC for the Skeleton and Surface Plan, providing desktop and mobile views of the web application.


Automated Testing

Within this application, 44 automated tests have been carried out using Django TestCase testing tools. All 44 tests have passed. From your command line, enter python3 test to run the tests. Tests can be found in the links below:







Manual Testing

Below are scenarios which a user may experience while navigating the website. These have been used to manually test the application's features.

  1. Home

    1. Click on 'Home' in navigation bar
    2. Be directed to the home page
  2. Register

    1. Click on 'Register' button in the navigation bar
    2. Fill in email address, username, password and password confirmation fields in the form
    3. If any fields are left empty, be presented with 'Please fill in this field.' tooltip.
    4. Once fields are filled in, click 'Register' button
    5. Be presented with 'You have successfully registered' message and also logged in
  3. Login

    1. Click on 'Login' button in the navigation bar
    2. Fill in the login form with username and password
    3. Click on the 'Login' button
    4. Be presented with 'You have successfully logged in!' message
  4. Logout

    1. Click 'Logout' button in the navigation bar
    2. Be redirected to the home page, and presented with a 'You have successfully logged out!' message
  5. Profile

    1. When logged in, click 'Profile' in the navigation bar.
    2. Be directed to your profile page, displaying your username and email address, and any reported bugs and requested features you have made.
  6. Report bug

    1. When logged in, click on 'Report A Bug' in the navigation bar
    2. Be directed to report_bug.html
    3. Fill in the name and description of the bug
    4. If either fields are left empty, be presented with 'Please fill in this field.' tooltips.
    5. Click on 'Submit Report'
    6. Be directed to bug_detail.html for the bug you have just reported
  7. Reported bugs

    1. Click on 'Reported Bugs' in the navigation bar
    2. Be directed to bugs.html and presented with a table of all submitted bugs, showing their names, upvotes, date posted and statuses.
    3. Also be presented with a pie chart for the bug statuses with total, daily, weekly and monthly filters.
    4. If there is no data collected for a certain period, be presented with 'No data has been collected for this period yet'.
    5. To view a specific bug, click on any bug name in the table and be directed to bug_detail.html for that chosen bug.
  8. Upvote bug

    1. When logged in, click on any bug name that has an 'OPEN' or 'IN PROGRESS' status and be directed to bug_detail.html for that specific bug.
    2. Click on 'Upvote' and see the upvote counter increase by one.
  9. Comment on bug/feature

    1. When logged in and viewing bug or feature_detail for any bug/feature, write a comment in the comment field.
    2. Click 'Post' and the page will refresh to show your comment, displaying your username and the time it was posted.
  10. Request features

    1. When logged in, click on 'Request New Feature' in the navigation bar
    2. Be directed to request_feature.html
    3. Fill in the name and description of the feature
    4. If either fields are left empty, be presented with 'Please fill in this field.' tooltips.
    5. Click on 'Submit'
    6. Be directed to feature_detail.html for the feature you have just requested
  11. Requested features

    1. Click on 'Requested Features' in the navigation bar
    2. Be directed to features.html and presented with a table of all requested features, showing their names, upvotes, date posted and statuses.
    3. Also be presented with a pie chart for the feature statuses with total, daily, weekly and monthly filters.
    4. If there is no data collected for a certain period, be presented with 'No data has been collected for this period yet'.
    5. To view a specific feature, click on any feature name in the table and be directed to feature_detail.html for that chosen feature.
  12. Upvote feature

    1. When logged in, click on any feature name and be directed to feature_detail.html for that specific feature.
    2. Select how many upvotes you would like to apply to this feature and click 'Add'.
    3. Be directed to cart.html
    4. Click 'Checkout' and be presented with a checkout form.
    5. Use '4242424242424242' for the Credit Card Number and '111' for the CVV. Pick any expiry month and year past the current date. These are Stripe's official testing numbers – no realistic payment will be made.
    6. Be presented with error messages if any of the fields are not filled in.
    7. Click 'Submit Payment' and be presented with 'You have successfully paid.' message.
  13. FAQs

    1. When logged out, click on 'FAQs' in the footer and be presented with frequently asked questions.
    2. When logged in, click on 'FAQs' in the footer and be presented with frequently asked questions and a question form.
    3. Fill in the name and description fields and click 'Submit Question'. If the description field is left empty, you should still be able to post your question.
    4. Be presented with a 'Your question has been submitted successfully.' message.
  14. About

    1. Click on 'About' in the footer.
    2. Be directed to about.html.
  15. Back to top button

    1. Scroll down on any page with large amounts of content.
    2. A button on the bottom right of the page should appear.
    3. Click this button to return to the top of the page

Responsive Testing

This website has been tested on different device screen sizes using Google Chrome Developer Tools and Mozilla Firefox Developer Tools. Minor bugs have been fixed as a result of this testing and I can confirm that this website functions responsively on all device screen sizes.

Code Validation

HTML code has been passed through the official W3 Validator - errors showing up were due to Jinja syntax. Any other errors within the code have been corrected. CSS code has been passed through the official W3 Validator - no errors were found.


  • User was able to proceed to checkout without having any items in their cart. When the user fills in their payment details and tries to submit payment, an error is thrown. This has been fixed whereby the user may not see the 'Proceed to Checkout' button without any items in their cart.
  • User is currently able to upvote a bug as many times as they like. This is unfair towards other users of the website - a user may wish to gain the highest priority for their bug as possible by upvoting many times, even if the bug does not need to be fixed urgently. This could be fixed in future versions of the application.
  • Graphs change size when user interacts with them while using a mobile or tablet device. For example, if a user clicks on the 'Daily' tab and then back to 'Total', the graph will be significantly smaller than before. This is not a bug which needs to be fixed urgently, however, it can be fixed in future versions of the application.


To run this locally...

  1. Create a new workspace in C9 with a workspace name and description, and use either or [email protected]:kimpea/us-issue-tracker.git in the 'Clone from Git' field.
  2. Create a virtual environment with wget -q -O /tmp/ && source /tmp/
  3. Activate this virtual environment with mkvirtualenv [name of virtual environment].
  4. Install requirements with pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
  5. Create an file with the following:
import os

os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE', "")
os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_SECRET', "")
os.environ.setdefault('SECRET_KEY', '')
#os.environ.setdefault('DATABASE_URL', '')
  1. Make sure you uncomment #import env in
  2. You will need to generate your own SECRET_KEY. You will need to set up a Stripe account and use their testing API keys. Once you have a database set up (you can use Postgres for database on Heroku) you can uncomment os.environ.setdefault('DATABASE_URL', '') and use the key that PostgreSQL generates for you in Heroku's Config Vars.
  3. Make migrations with python3 makemigrations.
  4. Migrate with python3 migrate.
  5. Create a super user with python3 createsuperuser and follow instructions in your terminal.
  6. To run the application locally, type in python3 runserver $IP:$C9_PORT.
  7. Please note that the database will be empty, therefore there will be no reported bugs or requested features on display. This also means the graphs will not be showing until data is submitted into the database.


To deploy this application with Heroku, I completed the following steps:

  1. Initialise a repository in the workspace with git init.
  2. Create a repository on GitHub and type git remote add origin[github username]/[repo name].git into the terminal.
  3. Use git statusto outline all staged and unstaged files. Use git add to stage all files.
  4. Add to .gitignore with echo >> .gitignore so that secret keys are not pushed to GitHub or Heroku.
  5. Use git commit -m [message] to commit changes.
  6. Use git push -u origin master to push these changes to GitHub.
  7. Log into Heroku and Create New App. Create a unique name and region (USA or Europe, whichever is closest to you).
  8. Navigate to Resources and search for 'PostgreSQL' - choose 'Hobby Dev - Free' and select 'Provision'. 9.Go to Settings and Reveal Config Vars - copy and paste the SECRET_KEY, STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE and STRIPE_SECRET into the fields.
  9. In, uncomment DATABASE_URL and use the key generated from PostgreSQL in Heroku's Config Vars.
  10. In Config Vars, add DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC = 1.
  11. Run python3 makemigrations and python3 migrate.
  12. Create a new super user for the production database with python3 createsuperuser and follow instructions in the terminal.
  13. pip3 freeze > requirements.txt to make sure requirements.txt is up to date. Remove pygobject and unattended upgrades.
  14. Create a Procfile and add web: gunicorn tracker.wsgi:application
  15. In, comment out import env and set DEBUG = False.
  16. In Heroku, go to Deploy and select GitHub as a deployment method. Find your repository. Manually deploy the master branch. Activate automatic deploys.
  17. Add the deployed Heroku link to ALLOWED_HOSTS in and git push origin master. The Heroku app should now be working.

Development vs Deployed Version

In the development version, Debug is set to True and the file is imported into However, in the deployed version, Debug is set to False and is commented out. Also, the file is not pushed to GitHub or Heroku as this contains keys which need to remain hidden from other users. The deployed version uses Heroku's PostgreSQL database whereas the development version uses SQLite.

Deployed version here.


  • The accounts app has been borrowed from my django-auth mini-project which was created with the help of Code Institute's detailed lessons in Authentication and Authorisation. This app includes the functionality for logging in and registering a user into the database.
  • I have used W3School's back-to-top button functionality within my application - this has been restyled and modified to be more suitable for the website. This can be found here.


  • All of the reported bugs within the database are inspired from The Sims 4's bug reports website. These have been modified to fit around my own idea of the imaginary application that my issue tracker is based upon i.e. Unicorn Simulator.


us-issue-tracker's People


kimpea avatar



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