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vegan-a-eat's Introduction




Vegan-a-eat is a recipe sharing website for people looking for a healthier lifestyle. Site users can view recipes and if they create an account they can also interact with the site, i.e share their own recipes, comment recipes and like their favorite recipes.

View the live project here


  • Introduction

    • Planning Stage
    • Project Goals
    • User Stories
    • Design Goals
    • Design Choices
      • Font
      • Color Scheme
      • Logo Vegan-a-eat
      • Images
    • Wireframes
  • Features

    • Design Features
    • Existing Features
    • Future Features
  • Testing

  • Bugs

  • Technology Used

    • Libraries used
  • Deployment

  • Credits


Planning Stage

When initializing this project I started off by deciding what features should be included to have a good idea of what kind of site I was making. The next step was to create wireframes to start thinking about the design of the site. After that I started working on the database models. I decided to start with the backend first, to get those part up and running and then focusing on the design. I spent quite a lot of time planning and scetching out the project, before writing any code, something that I belive to have benefitted from.

Project Goals

My goal for this site is to create a user friendly site for people who want to enjoy vegan food. The idea is that people can visit the site to get inspiration, and inspire other people! By creating a user account site users can interact by sharing recipes, commenting other recipes and like recipes.

Site Owner Goals

  • Provide the user with a professional web application.
  • Connect people who are interested in vegan food.
  • Inspire more people to eat healthy food.

User Goals

  • Get inspiration to enjoy more vegan food by viewing recipes.
  • Ability to share their own favorite recipes.
  • Create user account to interact.

User Stories

Applies to site users with and/or without account:

  • As a site user I can see a list of recipes so that I can choose which one to view.
  • As a site user I can click on a recipe so that I can view it in full.
  • As a site user I can register an account so that I can have access to the site.
  • As a site user I can like or unlike a recipe so that I can interact with the content.
  • As a site user I can comment recipes so that I can be part of the conversation.
  • As a site user I can delete comments that I have made.
  • As a site user I can view the comments for a recipe so that I can see read the conversation.
  • As a site user I can view number of likes for a specifik recipe so that I can see which recipes are more popular.
  • As I site user I can read about the site to understand the benefits of plantbased food and be encouraged to visit the site again.
  • As a site user I can create, read, update and delete posts so that I can manage my content.
  • As a site user I can log in/out so that I can interact with the site.

Applies to site Admin/SuperUser:

  • As Admin I can tell site users about the benefits of plantbased food so that users will be encouraged to visit the site again.
  • As Admin I can create, read, update and delete posts so that I can manage my content.
  • As Admin I can delete recipes if inappropiate so that the content of the site is relevant.
  • As Admin I can delete comments if inappropiate so that the conversations on the site maintain a high level.

Design Goals

  • A site that works on all devices.
  • Clean and sophisticated design to enhance user experience.
  • Easy to understand and use.
  • The style aims to give the user such a good experience that they will want to visit the site again.

Design Choices

  • Font

As Font I chose Playfair Display for all my headings for its playful but yet stylish design. To keep the site neat I chose to use Lato for all other text on the site. font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;


  • Color Scheme

Since the site displays images of different vegan recipes it was important to me to keep the site clean and not take focus from the food. Hence I chose not to add lots of different colors on the site, and the colors that are present should blend in well with the theme. The nav-bar and footer have a very light green that goes well with the darker green of the logo. The orange color of the carrot in the logo is used when hovering recipes. Besides these colors I chose to keep the background color white and the text black.

  • Light green: #e0e7cd
  • Dark green: #387d2f
  • Orange: #f4900c
  • White: #ffffff
  • Black: #000000

Color Scheme

  • Logo Vegan-a-eat

I used to create my logo. I wanted a clean logo that goes well with the content of the site.


  • Images

The images on the site are chosen to go well with what ever images users upload. To keep consistency I have chosen to display images wiht mostly green palettes.


Site moc-ups were designed using balsamiq wireframes. The focus was on defining the basic layout structure of the app and identifying how displays would change on different screen sizes such as mobile, tablet and larger screens.



Add Recipe

View Recipe



Please note, whilst the main features of the wireframes are a close match to the live website some deviations occur. For example, in the original wireframes the "Add Recipe" link was not included in the nav-bar. These changes have been made to improve UX and allow easier navigation.

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Information Architecture

  • Database Models

Entity Relationship Diagram

  • Site Map

Site Map


Design Features

  • Header The header consists of a Navigation Bar that is consistent over all pages of the site. The Nav-Bar holds a conventionally placed logo in the top left corner of the site, which when clicked will take you back to the home page. Following the logo are links for the other pages of the site, which are altered depending on whether the user is logged in or not. When viewed on smaller screens the Nav-bar links are represented by a "burger-button", which when clicked will take the user to the desired page.

  • Home Page When first visiting the site you are met by an image of various vegetables to fit the them of the site, and a short explanation of the sites purpose. Just beneath the image there is a welcome text that either will encourage you to Log in/Register, or greet you by your username if you are already logged in.

  • Footer The footer is intentionally simple in order to complement the clean simplicity of the rest of the site. The Footer contains copyright information and social media links.

Existing Features

  • Header Logo appears on every page for consistency and easy navigation, clicking the logo takes you back to the home page.
  • Header Nav-Bar appears on every page for consistency and easy navigation, the Nav-Bar toggles on smaller screens for better user experience. The Nav-Bar presents different links if the user is logged in or not.
  • Home Page Image is to greet the site user and instantly provide the purpose of the site.
  • Home Page Welcome Text is to give immediate guidance to the site user. If the user is logged in they will be greated by their username, if not there are links to Login/Register an account.
  • Recipe Cards are presented on the home page. The cards are paginated by six, i.e if there are more than six recipes on the site they will be displayed on another site. Arrows will point the user in the right direction for good user experience. The cards hold information of the recipe title, author, created on, number of likes and an image. If the user has not chosen a specifik image a placeholder image will be displayed.
  • Recipe Form can be used by logged in users. Here users who holds an account can add their own recipes, and also edit their own recipes.
  • Comment Form is displayed underneath each recipe when viewed in full. Logged in users can comment recipes, and also delete their own comments.
  • Comment Section is where all users, logged in or not can read all comments, who wrote them and when.
  • Like/Unlike Button appears on the recipe site and all logged in users can like/unlike recipes. Number of likes are also displayed for all users to see.
  • About Page gives the user information about the topic of the site.
  • Recipe Page is displayed when clicked on a recipe. Here all users, logged in or not, can view details about the recipe. This page also includes features to like and comment if you are a logged in user. If you are the author of the recipe, from here you can be redirected to edit/delete your recipe.
  • Edit/Delete recipe is where the author of the recipe can edit and/or delete their own recipes.
  • Login Page here users who already have created an account can log in. Users can also choose to be "remembered", a feature so that they do not have to enter their login credentials each time they log in.
  • Register Page is where new users can create a new account so that they can interact with the site. By creating a username, providing optional email and a required password an account is easily created.
  • Logout is a page for the user to confirm their wish to log out of their account. If the user clicks the sign out button, they are then redirected to the home page.

Future Features

  • My Recipes

This feature would be a page where each user could see their own recipes in one place. A handy way to keep track of your own recipes and if you want to make adjustments.

  • Search Recipes

A search function so that users can search for example title or author, to find a specific recipe.

  • Profile Page

A profile page where each user could upload more information about themselves, for example profile picture to give a more community feel to the site.

  • Categorize

This feature is pretty simple and could in retrospect have been incorporated from the start. This feature would give you the option to choose a suitable category for your recipe when uploading it.

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Testing was done manually throughout the development process. The full rundown of the testing can be found in a separate file.

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  • Bug - Models not rendering correctly The models I had created was not displaying correctly, not showing input boxes and displaying in an unordered way.

    Solution: It turned out I had forgot to add the "|as_crispy_forms" in the template tags. After adding that all my models displayed correctly.

  • Bug - Instruction and Ingredients showing html code Similar mistake as the previous one, when viewing a recipe you could see html code displaying in the boxes for ingredients and instructions.

    Solution: This time it was the "|safe" that was missing in the template tags. Adding that fixed the problem.

  • Bug - Error thrown when creating new account When a new user account was created there was a ConnectionRefusedError thrown, the account was created though. When reloading the page and trying to log in with the very same login credentials it worked.

    Solution After reaching out on Slack a fellow student guided me towards the account settings in the file. After adding the following the account registration worked as intented:


  • Bug - No placeholder image uploading If the user chooses not to upload an image, a placeholder image should be displayed, but if left blank no image at all was displayed.

    Solution After adding an if statement: {% if "placeholder" in recipe.featured_image.url %} the placeholder image was displayed as expected.

  • Bug - Summernote not responsive On smaller screens it turned out that my form fields that have Summernote only were responsive down to a certain point. On smaller screens there was an overlay and you had to scroll sideways to see the full field.

    Solution Once again I reached out on Slack to see if any of my fellow students had any good solutions and once again I got help. It turned out that all I had to do was add SUMMERNOTE_CONFIG in my file, and from there I could add the desired width and height.

  • Known Bug - Error thrown due to slug issue The recipe titles need to be unique since the slug is generated from it. But, if you write for example Tomato Soup, it will be viewed as different from tomato soup - but the slug will still be the same and hence an error will be thrown instead of the user being forced to choose a unique title. To solve this I would have to create a more sophisticated way to render unique slugs, something that I at this point feel I do not have enough time to do. I will have to leave this as a known bug for now, and come back to it in the future.

  • Known Bug - Directed to homepage after editing recipe and deleting comment This known issue is related to the previous bug, after a user has edited their recipe or deleted a comment they are redirected to the home page. Ultimately I would like the user to be directed back to the updated recipe or view recipe detail, but unfortunately I have not found a way to do that without the unique slug. Also this I will have to leave for now due to limited time, but will come back to in the future.

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Technology Used

Main Languages Used

Additional Languages Used

  • JavaScript
    • Used to implement the Summernote feature that allowed the user to add styling to the recipe in the form.
  • Python
    • Used to implement Django functionality, including building models, forms and views for the app.

Frameworks, Libraries & Programs Used

  • Django
    • Django was used to build the models, forms and views of the app, and was the backbone of this project.
  • Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap was used to implement the responsiveness of the site, using bootstrap classes, but also other styling such as buttons etc.
  • Cloudinary
    • Cloudinary was used as free cloud storage for images uploaded to the site through the recipe forms.
  • Summernote
    • Summernote was used to allow users to add styling when adding a recipe to the site. This is particularly useful for using bullet points for ingredients or numbering the steps for the recipe.
  • Crispy Forms
    • Crispy Forms was used to style the add and edit recipe forms, allowing more than one field to occupy a line on the form.
  • Google Fonts
    • Google fonts were used to import the fonts "Playfair Display" and "Lato" into the style.css file. These fonts were used throughout the project.
  • Font Awesome
    • Font Awesome was used on all pages throughout the website to import icons (e.g. social media icons) for UX purposes.
  • Git
    • Git was used for version control by utilizing the GitPod terminal to commit to Git and push to GitHub.
  • GitHub
    • GitHub was used to store the project after pushing
  • Am I Responsive?
    • Am I Responsive was used to see responsive design throughout the process and to generate mockup imagery to be used.
  • Balsamiq Wireframes
    • Balsamiq Wireframes was used to create the wireframes for the project.
    • Tinypng was used to compress images.
  • Emojipedia
    • Emojipedia was used for heart and copyright emojis.

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This project was developed using a GitPod workspace. The code was commited to Git and pushed to GitHub using the terminal.

Deploying on Heroku

To deploy this page to Heroku from its GitHub repository, the following steps were taken:

  1. Create the Heroku App:

    • Select "Create new app" in Heroku.
    • Choose a name for your app and select the location.
  2. Attach the Postgres database:

    • In the Resources tab, under add-ons, type in Postgres and select the Heroku Postgres option.
  3. Prepare the environment and file:

    • In the Settings tab, click on Reveal Config Vars and copy the url next to DATABASE_URL.
    • In your GitPod workspace, create an file in the main directory.
    • Add the DATABASE_URL value and your chosen SECRET_KEY value to the file.
    • Add the SECRET_KEY value to the Config Vars in Heroku.
    • Update the file to import the env file and add the SECRETKEY and DATABASE_URL file paths.
    • Update the Config Vars with the Cloudinary url, adding into the file also.
    • In add the following sections:
      • Cloudinary to the INSTALLED_APPS list
      • MEDIA_URL
      • Update ALLOWED_HOSTS with ['', 'localhost']
  4. Store Static and Media files in Cloudinary and Deploy to Heroku:

    • Create three directories in the main directory; media, static and templates.
    • Create a file named "Procfile" in the main directory and add the following:
      • web: gunicorn project-name.wsgi
    • Log in to Heroku using the terminal heroku login -i.
    • Then run the following command: heroku git:remote -a vegan-a-eat. This will link the app to the Gitpod terminal.
    • After linking your app to your workspace, you can then deploy new versions of the app by running the command git push heroku main and your app will be deployed to Heroku.

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  • Images used on the site are mainly from Instagram account, who my sister is the owner of and all images are used with her consent. Home page image is from Pexels


References used:


  • I would like to thank my sister for giving me inspiration for this site, recipes and beautiful images.

  • All the wonderful people on Slack who always come to the rescue providing hands on coding support or invaluable emotional support!

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