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whiskey_herald_msp3's Introduction

Whiskey Herald

Code Institute: Milestone Project 3, Data Centric Development

Whiskey Herald

The main goal of this project is to provide the user with a venue where they can share with a community their favourite whiskeys and publish reviews of those whiskeys. Whiskey Herald is designed with user experience as one of our central goals. The information on Whiskey Herald is collected similarly to a wiki where the users can write and update the whiskeys on our database. The user’s goals are fulfilled with a responsive and user centric design with intuitive navigation and a familiar website design. Upon registration, a user can add a whiskey to the website that does not already exist on our database. The information on the Whiskey includes its name, type, an image address, and description. If the user thinks this information can be improved, they can then update the whiskey's information. Only the “admin” has permission to delete whiskeys, to prevent malicious users from undoing the hard work of other users in providing information. The user can read other users reviews and create, update and delete their own reviews. The user also has a profile page where they can update their username, profile icon, bio, password, or delete their account. My hope is that Whiskey Herald provides a great experience to as many whiskey lovers as possible.

My website is deployed live at

Table of Contents


Project Goals

  • Develop a website with an intuitive design that helps the user accomplish their goals.
  • Provide the user with a meaningful experience.
  • Build a website in line with good coding practices.

User Goals

  • Search the database with custom keywords.
  • A website with a familiar enough design that I can focus on accomplishing my goals rather than learn how to use the website.
  • Feel that use of this website is a meaningful use of my time.
  • Accessible design.

My website uses a common layout. Navbar toggle icon is placed at the top right of the page. All navigation is contained within the sidenav. The search bar is present in the header at all times. All users will be able to update the information on whiskeys so that the database is up to date, and they may contribute to a community of like-minded individuals. HTML and CSS will be passed through validators, JavaScript will be passed through a linter, and Python will be written in accordance with PEP8 practices. The user will be provided with a search bar that will allow them to navigate the database for what they are looking for. The website will adhere to good practices for ensuring that it is accessible for users with visual impairment.

Project Wireframe

initial wireframe design

This was my inital design for the website. I created a mockup of my website to test this design and the UX. During development this wireframe altered into a better design. User profile pictures were replaced with Font Awesome icons. The about.html page was removed. A hero image was added to index.html, and the layout of whiskey.html and profile.html altered for a better UX.

Updated wireframe design

This is the wireframe for my deployed project.

User Stories

As a user I want to:

  • [1] Find out what other users think of a particular expensive whiskey and finding out if it is worth buying.
  • [2] Add a whiskey to the website that is not displaying in the search results.
  • [3] Update my username, profile icon, and bio for an individual identity.
  • [4] Update my password as the one I created upon registration was too weak.
  • [5] Receive feedback from the website so that I can be confident that my actions have made changes to the website.
  • [6] Update one of my reviews as I feel it was poorly written.
  • [7] Delete a review I left on the wrong whiskey. i.e. Left it on a 15-year bottle of Red Breast instead of the 12-year bottle.
  • [8] Fix inaccurate information I have seen about one of my favourite whiskeys.
  • [9] Leave a review of a whiskey.

User Story Testing

UX Design Process


My initial idea was to have a website where a user could review whiskeys. My primary problem was that I would be unable to provide a full database with every whiskey there is, and I could not find an API by anyone else who has attempted that feat. Providing only a few whiskeys would ruin the user experience as they would never be able to review a whiskey that is not in the database. I decided that it would be better to allow the users to add the whiskeys themselves to the database. Any whiskey currently not existing can be added and then the user can review them. I believe this would enhance the feeling of being part of a community as all users contribute to the website and therefore each others experience as more whiskeys become available to search for.


Content Requirements

I wanted to provide the user with the name, type, an image, a description, and average rating of each whiskey on the website. Included with each whiskey will be a list of reviews for any user to read, and a form for a user to be able to submit their own review. I wanted the user to be able to create an identity by giving them a profile page that displays their username, profile icon, bio, and a list of all reviews they have left.

Functional Requirements

These are the database collections used for the website.

drinks {} This collection contains all drinks that are displayed on the website. Any registered user can create and update documents within this collection. Only the website admin can delete these documents, so a malicious user cannot start deleting documents.

reviews {} This collection contains all the reviews written to the website. Any registered user can write a review, update their review, or delete it.

users {} This collection contains all the data on registered users. A user writes to this collection when registering. A user can delete their own document if they choose to delete their account. All fields but email can be updated by the user.

drinks {}
Key Value Purpose
_id ObjectId ObjectId of this document
drink String The name of this particular whiskey.
drink_lower String The name of this particular whiskey in lowercase.
image_location String The image address of this whiskey.
type String The type of this whiskey.
description String A description of this whiskey.
average_score Int32 The average score of this whiskey calculated from all reviews left for it. 1 <= average_score <= 5
reviews {}
Key Value Purpose
_id ObjectId ObjectId of this document
username String The username of this particular user.
drink Streing The name of this particular whiskey.
title String The title of this particular review.
review String The review.
score Int32 The score the user has given the whiskey. 1 <= score <= 5
time Date The time this review was created, or updated.
profile_pic string Font awesome icon.
users {}
Key Value Purpose
_id ObjectId ObjectId of this document
email String The email of this particular user.
username String The username of this particular user.
username_lower string The username of this particular user in lowercase.
password String The hashed password of this user.
bio String The bio of this user.
profile_pic String The profile icon of this user. Font Awesome icon.


Interaction Design

The user can find a whiskey by using a search bar that is always present in the website header. The whiskey name, description, and type are searched through with the value the user inputted. For example, perhaps the user is interested in whiskey's matured in "oak" casks, then this will search through the whiskey descriptions for use of the word "oak" and return those results. Clicking one of the search results will display the whiskeys page. Some whiskeys are previewed on the index page below the hero image. The user can update their profile information, password, and delete their account from the settings button on their profile page. A link to their profile page will always be the first list item in the sidenav when they are logged in. A user can add reviews using the leave-review form at the bottom of a whiskey page. Upon submission the user can scroll to their review where an options button will allow them to update or delete their review. Links to a user profile, add-whiskey.html, index.html, register.html, and login.html are contained within the sidenav. edit-whiskey.html can be accessed on a whiskeys page.

Information Architecture

The information presented should be in a consistent format, so the user doesn’t feel confused when interacting with the website. For the whiskey page, the whiskey image, name, description, and average score are presented at the top, and all reviews displayed below, with the review form displayed below the reviews. In the users profile page, their user information is displayed at the top of the page with all their reviews displayed below this. 18 whiskeys will be previewed on the Home page. This may be useful to new users who don't know what to search for.


The initial wireframe design was what I designed before development began. As I received more feedback on UX I updated the design during development.


As most users drink whiskey during the evening, I used a few dark colours so as to reduce eye strain. I used bootstrap .btn classes to highlight submit, update, cancel, and delete buttons so as to maintain consistency between the button colours and the function they perform. .btn-primary highlights submit, update, and drop down menu buttons. .btn-secondary highlights cancel buttons, and .btn-danger highlights delete buttons. Bootstrap grids were used on some pages for responsive design. Bootstrap .alert classes were used for flashed messages. .alert-success highlights successful flashed messages, and .alert-danger highlights error flashed messages. Background images were used for a more appealing and less flat design.



All pages will inherit html from base.html. The website header contains the website logo, the search form, and the navbar toggle icon which opens and closes the sidenav menu. The footer contains the text "© 2021 Whiskey Herald."

index.html (Home)

The index page displays a hero image welcoming the user to Whiskey Herald with a set of three steps outlining the main features of the website.

  1. Register an account.
  2. Share your favourite whiskeys.
  3. Review your favourite whiskeys. When a user is logged in, step one will be replaced with "Welcome, ."

Below the hero image will be three carousels, each containing six different whiskeys of a particular type. These are Irish, Scotch, and Bourbon.


This is the registration page where a user can create an account. The user will be asked for their email, a username, a password, and to repeat their password. Appropriate flash messages will appear informing the user if their registration has been successful. If successful they will be redirected to login.html, if not then register.html will reload with a message indicating what error occurred. If a user already has an account, there is a link to login.html at the bottom of the registration form.


This is the login form. A user will be asked for their email and password in order to login. Appropriate flash messages will appear informing the user if their login has been successful. A successful login will redirect the user to their profile page. Unsuccessful login attempts will reload login.html will a message informing the user what error has occurred. If the user has not already registered, then a link is available at the bottom of the form that will take them to register.html.


This page will display the profile page of users on the website. Here a user can view a user's username, profile icon, bio, and a list of all reviews by this user with a link to the whiskey that was reviewed. In a users own profile page there will be a settings button that will allow a user to update their profile, update their password, or delete their account.


Submission of the search form in the header will bring the user to this page where all search results that match the request will be displayed. The whiskeys name, type, and description are queried. This is the primary method by with a user will find a whiskey on the website.


This page will display the whiskey a user has selected. It contains information on the whiskey such as its name, type, description, and average score calculated from all the reviews left. Below the whiskey information will be a list of all reviews left, and below the reviews a form for the user to leave their own review. Users have full CRUD functionality over their own reviews. Whiskeys however cannot be deleted by any user other than the "admin." This is to prevent any user from maliciously deleting whiskeys from the database. All logged in users can still update whiskeys. Selecting the update button displayed next to the whiskey information will bring the user to edit-whiskey.html.


This page is a form where a user can add a whiskey to the website that doesn't currently exist. The user adds the whiskeys name, type, and image address, and a description. Upon submission the user will be informed with flash messages if their submission was successful or not. Successful submissions will redirect the user to the whiskey page of the newly added whiskey. Unsuccessful submission will reload add-whiskey.html and display a error informing the user why the submission was unsuccessful.


This page is identical to add-whiskey.html but will have all fields filled with the information on the selected whiskey ready for updating.

Error Handlers

There are three error handling pages: 403.html, 404.html, 500.html. A user will be redirected to one of these pages if a 403, 404, or 500, error occurs. The page will display the error code and what it means.

Future Features

  • More advanced search requests. Allow users to filter for whiskey type, age, country of origin, etc.
  • Allow users to save images to the website instead of providing an external address. This will improve website performance as external images may take longer to load than those already available in storage.
  • Limit image sizes. Place a limit on the size of an image the user adds. Images may be higher quality than necessary and can affect the website's performance.
  • Patch any minor bugs discovered during testing that have been unfixed. View
  • Patch minor console errors that occur when an event listener cannot find an element. This error occurs when a conditional element is not rendered by jinja.
  • Allow users to like other reviews.
  • Update the whiskeys displayed on index.html so that the types displayed are dynamic and change on reloading the page. Add new categories such as most reviewed, or highest rated.
  • Add a list of suggested whiskeys for a user. Maybe they keep viewing Irish whiskeys, so suggest other Irish whiskeys they can view.
  • Add links to where a user can buy a whiskey, or link to the brewer's website.
  • Import a module that checks for spelling mistakes in the search form. If no results are found, check if the searched word has been misspelled and suggest a possible correction. e.g. No results found for "Scatch." Did you mean "Scotch?"

Technologies Used

  • HTML5 - Used for structuring and presenting content.
  • CSS3 - Used to style the HTML in accordance with the project wireframes.
  • JavaScript - Used to make the project interactive.
  • Python - Used to handle the backend.
  • JQuery - Used to simplify DOM manipulation and JavaScript.
  • SASS - Used for creating CSS as it is more readable with the ability to nest elements like in HTML.
  • Flask - Used with python and extra modules to develop my application backend.
  • Google Chrome Developer Tools - Aided with responsive design, accessibility, and debugging.
  • Gitpod - The project was developed on the Gitpod IDE.
  • Git - Used to track website changes.
  • GitHub - This hosted my repository and changes made with Git.
  • MongoDB - Used to host my database.
  • Heroku - Used to deploy my live website.
  • Flickity - Used for creating carousels.
  • Bootstrap - I used bootstrap grids, .btn classes for styling, and .alert classes for flashed messages.


All testing and validation is contained within a separate .md file. View


Live Deployment

This project was deployed on Heroku. The address of my live project is

  1. Firstly, a requirements.txt file is needed so Heroku knows what dependencies must be installed to run this project. The following command in the terminal will create a .txt file for this project.
    • pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
  2. A Procfile is needed so Heroku knows which file runs the app and how it should be run. The following command in the terminal will generate a Procfile.
    • echo web: python > Procfile
  3. Login to your Heroku account, select "New" and in the dropdown select "Create new app."
  4. Create a unique app name and choose the region closest to you. In my case that is Europe. Select "Create app."
  5. The easiest method of deployment is to set up automatic deployment from the github repository.
  6. In the "Deploy" section of Heroku, select Github as the deployment method and connect the repository. Login to your Github account and search for the repository you wish to connect, and deploy the master branch.
  7. Before enabling automatic deployment, environment variables must be added so that Heroku can run the app.
  8. Go to the Settings tab and select "Reveal Config Vars."
  9. The following config vars are used in this project:
    • IP
    • PORT
  10. Return to the deploy tab after the Procfile and requirements.txt have been committed.
  11. Automatic deployment can now be enabled.
  12. Select "deploy branch" and wait for Heroku to build the website.
  13. When the message "Your app was successfully deployed" appears, clicking "view" will allow you to view the deployed website.

Local Deployment

  1. Open your favourite IDE with Git installed.
  2. Click on the Code button at the top of this repository.
  3. Copy the HTTPS URL.
  4. Open a new terminal in your IDE and use the command "git clone" followed by the copied url.
    • git clone
  5. Click enter and wait for your local clone to download.
  6. You should now have access to a clone of this project.



The following icons were sourced from Font Awesome

The following images used on the website were acquired from:



  • Thanks to the Code Institute for my coding lessons.
  • Thanks to Maria, Tomás, Conor, Niall, Aaron, and Katie for registering accounts and beta testing my website.
  • Thanks to the rest of my friends and family who tested the website during its development and helped me with their valuable feedback on the UX.
  • Thanks to my tutor Caleb Mbakwe for feedback on the project.
  • I got additional help from Stack Overflow and W3 Schools.

Books I Read

whiskey_herald_msp3's People


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