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woodland-heath-golf-club-1's Introduction

Woodland Heath Golf Club

Woodland Heath Golf Club, is a golf club based in norfolk. The purpose of this site is to be able to provide information to future customers and also a booking system for members to be able to book tee times online.

The targetted audience is all who have a love of golf and also family and friend time.

Landing Page

Live Site - Woodland Health Golf Club
Project Repository - Woodland Heath Golf Club - Repository

Table of Contents


Please see below a table showing the key requirements of the site and their importance.

Requirement Importance Viability/Feasibility
Have a clear and purposeful landing page displaying the golf course 5 5
Provide the site visitor with information about the facilities available 5 5
Enable the user to be able to register for a login to gain access to online booking 5 5
Enable a login link so user can easily login 5 5
Enable logged in user to log out 5 5
Have a memberzone which provides ability to book a tee time, edit, and delete it 5 5
Provide the site user a way to be able to submit an online contact form 4 5

Agile Methods

Through this object I have taken an agile approach to my development. To do this, I used the github issue and project board to organise my user stories. Please see link below.

Agile Development - Project Board


Database Schema

To be able to create an online booking system a PostgreSQL database was implemented to hold user information and booking information. The User model was used from the pre-built one supplied by Django.
For the booking details, a custom model was created that was relational to the existing user model. Please see below the database diagram.

Database Diagram


Colour Scheme:

A neutral colour scheme was selected with a green accent colour to compliment the golf course image back ground.

Colour Scheme


Existing Features

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is a fixed element of the top of the page and is uniform accross all areas of the site. It have the company logo and clear links to explore different areas of the site. When the user is not logged in, the nav bar shows links to 'login' and 'register'. Once logged in, this changes to 'memberzone' and 'log out'

Navigation bar - user not logged in

Navigation - user not logged in

Navigation bar - user logged in

Navigation - user logged in

The navigation also changed to a hamburger menu when the screen size is smaller for viewability and usability.

Navigation bar - hamburger view

Navigation - hamburger view

Navigation bar - collapsed hamburger view

Navigation - collapsed hamburger view


In addition to the navigation bar, on the bottom on every page is a footer. This shows the golf club logo and basic contact information for easy access for the site user.


Home Page/Landing Page

When you first access the site, you are directed to the home page. This has a bold welcome statement so the user can verify the site they have visited quickly.

There is a summary of the course, club house and membership for quick information. For a user that is not logged in, it presents them with the following buttons which sign posts them to key areas of the site.

  • 'Check out our facilities'
  • 'Register to make a booking'
  • 'Login in you already have an account'

Home page

About - Facilities

The facilities page presents the site user with an overview of facilities available at the golf course. This is shown with relevant images to show case them with overlaying banners in the accent green colour enhance them and make them eye catching.

Facilities page

Contact Us

The 'Contact Us' page give the user basic location and contact information, with an embeded google maps. Additionally, for ease of submitting an enquiry the user is able to complete a contact form. This form will then send an email to the [email protected] account and send an automatic reply to the user to confirm receipt.

Contact page

If the user is logged in, this online enquiry form will auto populate their basic details for ease of use.

Contact page - user auto

User Registration

Within the navigation bar, there is a link to register for a new account. This takes the user to a registration page to complete.


Once completed, the user is redirected back to the home page and a success alert is displayed.

Registraion Success

User Login

Within the navigation bar, there is a link to login for users who already have an account. This takes the user to a login page. Upon sucessful login, the user is directed to the home page.


User Logout

Within the navigation bar, there is a link to logout for users who have already logged in. This logs the user out, returning them to the home page with a success alert displayed.



When a user has sucessfully logged in, they are able to click into the memberzone from the navigation bar. From here they are greated with a welcome message including their name. From this page they are able to select to create a new booking or view and edit existing ones.


Booking a Tee Time

First step - select date

Booking a tee time is completed in two steps. In the first instance, the site user is directed to the page to select a date they wish to book from. The date will default to the next calendar day.

Booking - Select a Date

To prevent the user from selecting a date prior to this, an error message will be displayed and the button to progress the booking is no longer visible.

Booking - Select a Date Error

Second step - select time and number of players

After the date is selected, the user can then view available times for that day. They will need to select their time, and the number of players for the booking to then submit it.

Booking - Select time and players

Once the booking is complete, the user will be redirected back to the memberzone page and an alert will appear confirming the booking.

Booking - Confirmation

View, Edit, and Cancel Bookings

View Bookings

Within the memberzone, the user is able to select to view and edit bookings. This directs the user to a page listing their current bookings. If there are no bookings present it will display a message to let them know that this is the case.

View Bookings

Edit Players in Bookings

Each booking displayed has a button to enable to the user to edit the number of players for their booking. This redirects the user to an edit page which displays the selected booking and a drop down to change the total number of players.

Edit Booking

Cancel Bookings

Each booking also has a cancel button. Upon clicking this a modal pops up for the user to confirm that they want to cancel that particular booking.

Cancel Booking

If the user continues to cancel the booking, they are returned to the view bookings page and an alert is displayed to confirm this has been completed.

Cancel Booking Confirmation

Future Features

  • A blog style feature that enables members to share pictures and information about their rounds.
  • An area within the memberzone which enables the user to record, view, and get statistics on their golf rounds.


Development Process

Throughout the development process, each feature added was manually tested locally to ensure it worked as intended. Once I was happy with the result whilst in localhost, I would then add, commit and push to GitHub. This resulted in realtime changes and adjustments before committing the new code through to main.
This particularly enabled me to highlight styling issues where I predominantly used bootstrap and then customised accordingly in a separate style.css. For instance, on one circumstance through the debugging process I found that bootstrap had used !important. Although not best practice, I had to use this in my own css to be able to override it.

Usability Testing

All text throughout the site has been styled to be clear and easy to ready. Although the background is an image through out the website, I used a translucent layer between this and text to ensure it was still readable.
Within my colour scheme, I also ensure I had an accent colour which I was able to use to direct the user to the next steps.

User Requirement Testing

To ensure that the website meets the expectation of user, please see below user cases which summarise whether they pass and also which tests relate to them.

User Case


Relevant test cases



As a user I want to be presented with a clear landing page with basic contact information

TC-001, TC-002



As a user I want to be able to see want services are available at the golf course

TC-003, TC-009



As a user I want to be able to submit an online enquiry

TC-010, TC-011, TC-012, TC-013



As a user I want to be able to create an account

TC-007, TC-016, TC-017



As a user I want to be able to view available booking

TC-005, TC-008, TC-014, TC-015, TC-022



As a user I want to be able to create a booking

TC-005, TC-008, TC-014, TC-015, TC-022, TC-023, TC-024, TC-025, TC-026, TC-027, TC-028, TC-029, TC-030



As a user I want to be able to view my bookings

TC-005, TC-008, TC-014, TC-015, TC-022, TC-031, TC-032



As a user I want to be able to edit the total number of player in bookings

TC-005, TC-008, TC-014, TC-015, TC-022, TC-033, TC-034, TC-035, TC-036, TC-037



As a user I want to be able to delete my bookings

TC-005, TC-008, TC-014, TC-015, TC-022, TC-033, TC-038, TC-039, TC-040, TC-041



As a user I want to be able to logout to keep my information private




As a user I want to be able to navigate through the whole site from each page

TC-018, TC-019, TC-020


Functional Testing

Upon deployment through heroku, a total of 42 functional tests were carried out to ensure the website functioned correctly.

Please expand 'Functional Test Cases' below to see a breakdown of the tests carried out.

Functional Test Cases

Test Case


Pre Conditions

Steps to Executed




Website Landing Page - Upon loading the site the user is greeted with a home page


1. Open game in browser

2. Enter website URL

3. Check home page is loaded



Website Landing Page - The home page demonstrates that the site is for Woodland Heath golf club and basic contact information is present

Home page loaded

1. Golf Club name and info is displayed

2. Check that the footer contains basic contact information



Website Landing Page - The home page button to view golf club facilities redirects user to facilities page

Home page loaded

1. Click Check out our Facilities button

2. Check user is directed to facilities page



Website Landing Page - If user is logged in, two buttons are displayed in main content. These are Check out our Facilities and Go to member zone to manage bookings

User logged in, home page loaded

1. In the main content, check that two buttons are present for Check out our Facilities and Go to member zone to manage bookings



Website Landing Page - The home page button for Go to member zone to manage bookings

Redirects user to member zone page

User logged in, home page loaded

1. Click button for Go to member zone to manage bookings

2. Check user is redirected to member zone page



Website Landing Page - If user is not logged in, three buttons are displayed in main content. These are Check out our Facilities, Register to make a booking, and Login if you already have an account

User is not logged in, home page loaded

1. In the main content, check that two buttons are present for Check out our Facilities, Register to make a booking, and Login if you already have an account



Website Landing Page - Home page Register to make a booking button redirects user to register page

User is not logged in, home page loaded

1. Click button for Register to make a booking

2. Check user is redirected to register page



Website Landing Page - Home page Login if you already have an account button redirects user to login page

User is not logged in, home page loaded

1. Click button for Login if you already have an account

2. Check user is redirected to login page



Facilities - Facilities page displays available services from golf club

Facilities page is loaded

1. Check facilities details are displayed to the user



Contact Us - Contact page loaded with online enquiry form with no pre-populated date

User is not logged in, contact us page loaded

1. Check contact form is present with no pre-populated data



Contact Us - Contact page loaded with online enquiry form withpre-populated date

User is logged in, contact us page loaded

1. Check contact form is present with pre-populated data from the user account



Contact Us - When contact form is submitted an email is sent to the pro shop

Contact form has been submitted

1. On form submission an email with the details is received at the pro shop email



Contact Us - When contact form is submitted an email is sent to user to confirm receipt

Contact form has been submitted

1. On form submission an email is sent to the user to confirm receipt



Login - If incorrect login details are entered an error is displayed to the user

Login page is loaded

1. Fill in login form with incorrect details

2. Submit form

3. Check error is displayed to user



Login - If correct login details are entered and user is redirected to home page

Login page is loaded

1. Fill in login form with correct details

2. Submit form

3. Check user is redirected to home page



Registration - On the registration page, the form displays errors when incorrect details are loaded

Register page is loaded

1. Fill in register form with incorrect details

2. Submit form

3. Check error is displayed to user



Registration - On the registration page, when correct information is submitted the user is redirected to home page

Register page is loaded

1. Fill in register form with correct details

2. Submit form

3. Check user is redirected to home page



Navigation - Navigation bar is displayed at the top of each page

1. Cycle through each available page and check that navigation bar is present



Navigation - when the user is logged out, the following links are available - Home, Facilities, Contact Us, Login, Register

User is logged out

1. Check that the following links are available - Home, Facilities, Contact Us, Login, Register



Navigation - when the user is logged out, the following links are available - Home, Facilities, Contact Us, Memberzone, Logout

User is logged in

1. Check that the following links are available - Home, Facilities, Contact Us, Memberzone, Logout



Memberzone - Page greets user by name

User is logged in and member zone page loaded

1. Check greeting displays user first name



Memberzone - the following action buttons are available to the user - Make a Booking and View and Edit Bookings.

User is logged in and member zone page loaded

1. Check the following buttons are present - Make a Booking and View and Edit Bookings.



Memberzone - when the Make a Booking button is clicked the user is redirected to the booking page

User is logged in and member zone page loaded

1. Click button for Make a Booking

2. Check user is redirected to booking page



Booking - on select booking date page user is alerted of an error when the select a date with the value of today or prior

User is logged in and first booking page is loaded

1. Select a date before today

2. Check date error is displayed to user



Booking - on select booking date page View Available Times button is not displayed when user selects a date with the value of today or prior

User is logged in and first booking page is loaded

1. Select a date before today

2. Check View Available Times button is no longer visable



Booking - on select booking date page when a future date is selected, the user can click View Available Times button

User is logged in and first booking page is loaded

1. Select a future date

2. Check View Available Times button is available



Booking - when the user clicks View Available Times button they are directed to the next booking page

User is logged in and first booking page is loaded and a future date is picked

1. Click View Available Times

2. Check user is redirected to second stage of booking



Booking - when the second stage of booking page is loaded, the user is able to view available time slots

User is logged in and progressed to second page of booking

1. Check available times are showing



Booking - when the user has selected a time and the total number of played they are able to click Book Time

User is logged in and progressed to second page of booking

1. Select a time for booking and total number of players

2. Check user is able to click Book Time



Booking - when the user clicks Book Time they are redirected to the member zone page and a success alert is displayed

User is logged in and submitted booking details

1. Submit booking via Book Time button

2. Check user redirected to member zone page and success alert is displayed.



Memberzone - when the View and Edit Bookings button is clicked the user is redirected to the view bookings page

User is logged in and member zone page loaded

1. Click button for View and Edit Bookings

2. Check user is redirected to view bookings page



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - All current bookings under that user is displayed

User is logged in and view bookings page loaded

1. Check all relevant bookings are displayed



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - Each booking displays two buttons Edit Players and Cancel Booking

User is logged in and view bookings page loaded

1. Check the following buttons are displayed for each booking - Edit Players and Cancel Booking



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - when user click Edit Players they are redirected to the edit booking page

User is logged in and view bookings page loaded

1. Click the Edit Players button on a booking

2. Check user redirected to edit booking page



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - when the edit booking page is loaded check that the correct booking details is loaded on the page

User is logged in and edit bookings page loaded

1. Check that the correct data is displayed through to the edit booking page



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - user is able to change the total number of players and click Amend Booking

User is logged in and edit bookings page loaded

1. Change total number of players for booking via the drop down

2. Check user is able to click Amend Booking button



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - when Amend Booking button is clicked user is redirected to the view bookings page and the record is updated

User is logged in and user has submitted a change to the booking

1. Click Amend Booking

2. Check user is redirected back to the view bookings page and the updated information is reflected in the booking



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - when user click Cancel Booking a pop up appears to ask the user to confirm if they want to proceed

User is logged in and view bookings page loaded

1. Click the Cancel Booking button on a booking

2. Check a pop up appears to confirm whether the user wishes to continue



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - when the cancel booking pop up appears the following buttons are displayed - Back to Bookings and Cancel Booking

User is logged in and cancel booking button has been clicked

1. Check pop up contains the following two buttons - Back to Bookings and Cancel Booking



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - when the cancel booking pop up appears and the Back to Booking is clicked the user is redirected back to the view bookings page

User is logged in and cancel booking button has been clicked

1. Click the Back to Booking button

2. Check user is redirected back to view bookings page



View, Edit and Cancel Bookings - when the cancel booking pop up appears and the Cancel Booking button is clicked the user is redirected back to the view bookings page and confirmation of cancellation is displayed

User is logged in and cancel booking button has been clicked

1. Click Cancel Booking Button

2. Check user is redirected back to view bookings page

3. Check alert is displayed to user to confirm the booking was cancelled



Logout - When the logout button is clicked in the navigation bar, the user is redirected to the home page and a success alert is displayed

User is logged in

1. Click Logout link in navigation bar

2. Check user is redirected back to home page

3. Check alert is displayed to user to confirm they have been logged out


Validator Testing


Lighthouse tests were carried out accross the site to ensure performance and accessibility scored highly.

HTML Validator

HTML validator tests were carried out accross the site.


Through the IDE pep8 compliance was checked to ensure the code was validated

Automated Testing

Towards the end of my testing I added 1 test within to test whether a record could sucessfully be added to the BookingTimes database, which it passes.

In the future, I would like to spend more time creating extensive tests on the models and views.

Technologies Used

  • Whitenoise was used to serve the static files - Whitenoise
  • Bootstrap was used for basic html styling - Bootstrap
  • jQuery was used for dom manipulation in the script files - jQuery
  • Elephantsql was used for the sites database - ElephantSQL
  • EmailJS was used to send online requests to the proshop and an autoreply to the site user - EmailJS

Main Languages Used

  • Python
  • Javascript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3


This site is deployed through Heruko. The following steps where followed within Heroku -

Whilst on the main dashboard, click 'Create new app' Then enter the name of the project, select your region, and the click 'Create App' Within the settings tab, you must update the 'Config Vars' to include the following: DATABASE_URL, DEBUG, HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_PURPLE_URL, SECRET_KEY. Click 'Reveal Config Vars' to add. In the deploy tab, under deployment method select 'GitHub' Next search and connect to the correct repository from GitHub Finally, scroll down towards the bottom and you will see 'Manual Deployment'. Select the branch you would like to deploy from and click 'Deploy Branch'. Once complete, you will be presented with a link to open the deployed site. You can also set up auto deployments, this means Heroku will re-deploy the site every time you push an update to your GitHub repository.

Future development

To carry out further development on the project you can clone the repository locally. This is completed by carrying out the following steps -

Within your repository, make sure you are on the 'Code' tab Click on the button that shows '<> Code' Then select how you wish to clone To create an isolated version of the project, you may add a branch off of main. To do this follow the below steps -

Whilst in the code section, click on 'branch' You will then see a breakdown of the exisiting branches To add a new branch, click 'New Branch' which is a green button Then name your branch and select the branch source




Set up for EmailJS was aided by the CodeInstitue tutorials and the EmaiJS suppoting documentation.

Django login and registration

Django tutorial videos from Codemy on youtube to help implement the register, login and logout functionality - Codemy

Image compression

The following online tool was used to compress the size of images for the site - tinypng & tinyjpeg



The following images were sourced from Pexels


The logo was created using Adobe Express


The following generator was used for the sites favicon -


The following was used for icons on the site - font awesone

woodland-heath-golf-club-1's People


ndominey avatar

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