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panvala-audit-report-2019-08's Introduction

Panvala Audit

1 Summary

ConsenSys Diligence conducted a security audit on Panvala, a donor-driven platform that helps fund the work that the whole Ethereum community depends on. The Panvala platform is used by PAN token holders to determine which grant applications should be funded using a process called slate governance.

  • Project Name: Panvala
  • Client Name: Panvala
  • Client Contact: Niran Babalola
  • Lead Auditor: John Mardlin
  • Co-auditors: Sergii Kravchenko, Martin Ortner,
  • Date: July 29, 2019

2 Audit Scope

This audit covered the following files from the commit# d65744451d3aa22c3dc2a91cd27241494a4f94d5:

File Name SHA-1 Hash
Gatekeeper.sol cf1dafb4152218ec6a3f2994001e365c2cc3b389
TokenCapacitor.sol 0a8ed87547ae9066653c18257dd560bf378ed1c1
ParameterStore.sol 55982f874178099408caf589338851b517cf3096

The following contracts are out of scope of this audit and are mainly used for testing purposes:

  • Migrations.sol
  • dev/UpgradedGatekeeper.sol
  • dev/TimeTravelingGatekeeper.sol

The following documentation was available to the audit team:

  • Whitepaper
  • Natspec comments and other inline comments in the codebase

The audit team evaluated that the system is secure, resilient, and working according to its specifications. The audit activities can be grouped into the following three broad categories:

  1. Security: Identifying security related issues within the contract.
  2. Architecture: Evaluating the system architecture through the lens of established smart contract best practices.
  3. Code quality: A full review of the contract source code. The primary areas of focus include:
    • Correctness
    • Readability
    • Scalability
    • Code complexity
    • Quality of test coverage

3 System Overview

The system is comprised of the three contracts Gatekeeper, TokenCapacitor, ParameterStore and a ERC20 compliant PAN panvala system token (BaseToken).

3.1 Detailed Design

This and the following sections describe the top-level contracts, their inheritance structure, actors, permissions and the contract interactions. Security centric information about actors in this system can be found in the section Actors.

The following graphic depicts a high-level view of the contract system.


  • (C): Contract
  • (A): Library
  • (I): Interface
  • White arrows denote an inheritance or using ... for relationship
  • Methods and state variables can be
    • public (green)
    • internal (yellow)
    • private (red).
  • Constant variables are underlined.
  • view, pure or constant methods that are not allowed to change any state are marked with 🔍.


The full system is comprised of 4 distinct contracts, the PAN Token (ERC20), the Parameter Store, the Gatekeeper, and the Token Capacitor.

Pan Token

The PAN token is written as a simple wrapper around the well tested OpenZeppelin implementation of the ERC20 standard. There are 100 million Panvala tokens initially created, with no functionality provided for minting or burning.

Panvala coordinates donations by issuing grants of PAN to workers. Donors can buy those tokens and donate them back to the token capacitor.

Token Capacitor

At launch, half of the PAN tokens will be distributed to the Panvala team and other launch partners (see whitepaper for details). The other half will be locked in the Token Capacitor, which controls the release of PAN tokens at a predictable rate.

The balance of PAN tokens held in the Capacitor will have a half life of 4 years, similar to Bitcoin's. Thus whatever the current balance is, half of it will be released during the course of the next 4 years, leaving half of it locked. There is however one important difference from Bitcoin; token holders can donate PAN back to the capacitor. A donation should increase each of these properties:

  1. the locked balance held in the Token Capacitor
  2. the rate at which tokens are released
  3. the time until all tokens have been released

Grant proposals can be submitted to withdraw tokens from the Capacitor's unlocked balance. These proposals must be approved by the Gate Keeper contract, the process for which is described below.


The Token Capacitor is a specific (and currently the only) instance of a resource contract. Other resource contracts may be launched, which make use of the Gatekeeper's governance and community by calling the following interface on the Gatekeeper:

  • function​ requestPermission​(​bytes​ ​memory​ ​metadataHash​) ​public​ ​returns​(​uint​)
  • function​ hasPermission​(​uint​ ​requestID​) ​public​ ​view​ ​returns​(​bool​)

In this way, requests to perform an action can be submitted, and permission can be granted or rejected by Gatekeeper governance.

This flexibility means that the system can be extended by adding new resource contracts, such as another token capacitor, or potentially more general 'smart wallet' which can hold funds and send transactions on behalf of the Gatekeeper.

Ballots and slates are specific to a given resource.


The Gatekeeper contract implements the governance process to decide which proposals should be approved. Key aspect of the governance process, and the Gatekeeper's design include:

  • Requests and Permission: Proposals to withdraw are submitted to the Token Capacitor, which then submits a request to the Gatekeeper. This request contains a metaDataHash, which can be used to look up information about the proposal. There is no requirement that the metaDataHash be unique on either the Token Capacitor or the Gatekeeper, as long as it is non-zero.

  • Slates and Staking: Anyone can call recommendSlate() and submit a list of requests, each of which corresponds to a proposal on the Token Capacitor. Once the slate is listed, anyone with enough PAN tokens can deposit them to the Gatekeeper, thus adding the slate to the ballot for voting in the current epoch.

  • Epochs: An Epoch is 13 weeks in length. The first epoch begins at the startTime defined in the constructor. Each epoch is divided into 3 distinct phases:

  1. The first 11 weeks, during which slates can be recommended and staked on.
  2. The 12th week, during which token holders can commit to voting on a specific slate.
  3. The 13th week, during which token holders must reveal their votes.
  • Commit and reveal voting: Voters must submit a salted hash, along with a deposit of their vote during the 12th week. During the 13th week, they must reveal the details of their vote in order to be counted. Voters may also assign the right to vote with the tokens to a delegate.

  • Contests: A Contest is the list of slates being voted on, for a given resource, within an epoch.

  • Ballots: A Ballot contains all of the contests for all resources, and also holds tracks each voters commitment to their vote.

  • Social layer: At the end of an epoch, after voting is finalized, the Gatekeeper contract records the recommender of the winning contract as the incumbent.

  • Resource agnostic: The system is 'resource agnostic', in the sense that any resource can be plugged into the Gatekeeper, and be governed by its process. The only functionality specific to the Token Capacitor is that the Gatekeeper's donateChallengerStakes() function, which donates PAN tokens to the Token Capacitor, regardless of which resource the slate stake belonged to.

Parameter Store

This is a datastore inspired by the Parameterizer/EternalStorage pattern. Both the Gatekeeper and TokenCapacitor's behavior can change based on data in the ParameterStore contract. In the system we audited, there are 3 values held in the ParameterStore:

  1. The minimum staking amount required to create a slate (used by the Gatekeeper).
  2. The address of the Token Capacitor (used by the Gatekeeper).
  3. The address of the Gatekeeper (used by the Token Capacitor).

Because the Gatekeeper and Token Capacitor addresses can be updated, the Parameter Store and the PAN token are therefore the only permanent contracts in the system.

System Call Graph

The following graphic shows the call-graph of the system. Externally reachable methods are red, internal functions are yellow.


[dot file]

System Inheritance Graph

A complete view of the inheritance structure:


[dot file]

4 Key Observations/Recommendations

Many of the issues identified can be viewed as opportunities to improve the architecture from our perspective, but do not necessarily indicate a bug. Although several issues were closed as WontFix, we are not aware of any vulnerabilities remaining in the code.

The following contracts, TimeTravelingGatekeeper, UpgradedGatekeeper and Migrations, are not part of the deployed system and only used for testing purposes. BasicToken is a standard ERC20 token based on openzeppelin-solidity ERC20 and ERC20Detailed.

4.1 Notes on Style

  • We observed mixed use of alias type uint and type uint256 throughout the code-base. Stick to either the alias or the concrete type uint256 (preferred).
  • A TODO note remains on line 79 of ParameterStore.sol

5 Issues

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

The following table contains all the issues discovered during the audit, ordered based on their severity.

Chapter Issue Title Issue Status Severity
5.1 Having 2 active gatekeepers for one epoch when changing gatekeeper Closed Critical
5.2 Anyone can block balance unlocking process Closed Critical
5.3 updateBalancesUntil() function can block TokenCapacitor Closed Critical
5.4 Request validation Closed Major
5.5 Voters should be able to vote for empty slate Closed Major
5.6 Stakes can be blocked forever Closed Major
5.7 Almost impossible to approve some requests Closed Major
5.8 Anyone can block current epoch's requests Closed Major
5.9 ParameterStore - Owner may choose to never initialize the contract Closed Major
5.10 Staked tokens should be able to participate in voting Closed Major
5.11 Votes validation Closed Medium
5.12 No need to reject the slates Closed Medium
5.13 Requests execution time inconsistency Closed Medium
5.14 Gatekeeper: two array-out-of-bounds errors in function revealManyBallots Closed Medium
5.15 projectedLockedBalance and projectedUnlockedBalance may use outdated balance Closed Medium
5.16 Conditional requests Closed Medium
5.17 Anyone can copy somebody's vote Closed Medium
5.18 ParameterStore - proposals are kept forever Closed Medium
5.19 ParameterStore - constructor should check that array lengths match Closed Medium
5.20 Gatekeeper can approve withdrawing more funds than unlockedBalance Closed Medium
5.21 Some function visibilities can be set to external Closed Medium
5.22 [WIP] TokenCapacitor - scale can be constant Closed Minor
5.23 Require latest Solidity version Closed Minor
5.24 Use arrays instead of mappings where possible Closed Minor
5.25 TokenCapacitor - createManyProposals calls ParameterStore to get the Gatekeeper address for every supplied proposal Closed Minor

5.1 Having 2 active gatekeepers for one epoch when changing gatekeeper

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Critical Closed Fixed in


It's possible to change gatekeeper's address in ParameterStore contract. If that happens, all the requests that are made in this epoch before the "change" will go to the old gatekeeper and all other requests will go to the new gatekeeper. The problem is that both gatekeepers will have their voting process by the end of this epoch and voters should decide how much tokens they would use in each of the gatekeepers for voting. The fact that there will still be a voting process in the old gatekeeper is not obvious and some requests may go through with small voting power.


Migrate all requests that are not expired (pending and approved) from the old gatekeeper to the new one. Do not store the address of the gatekeeper in TokenCapacitor and ParameterStore on creating requests.

5.2 Anyone can block balance unlocking process

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Critical Closed Fixed in


If updateBalances function is called in less than 1 day after the previous call, there will be no change in unlocked balance value. It happens so because the time difference is divided by 86400 seconds = 1 day.


function projectedLockedBalance(uint256 time) public view returns(uint256) {
    require(time >= lastLockedTime, "Time cannot be before last locked");
    uint256 elapsedTime = time.sub(lastLockedTime);

    // Based on the elapsed time (in days), calculate the decay factor
    uint256 decayFactor = calculateDecay(elapsedTime.div(86400));

    return lastLockedBalance.mul(decayFactor).div(scale);

The problem is that even though unlocked balance will not be changed, lastLockedTime will be changed and will be used for the next updateBalances.

The same situation will happen again and again on every call of updateBalances function if it's called more often than once per day. This way, since this function can be called by anyone, unlocked balance will never be increased if someone wants it to be locked.


Instead of using now it's better to always use the start of the current day in updateBalancesUntil() function. It will ensure that lastLockedTime and time will always be the start of the day and (time - lastLockedTime) % 86400 == 0 will always be true.

5.3 updateBalancesUntil() function can block TokenCapacitor

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Critical Closed Fixed in updateBalances() can now potentially run out of gas if it hasn't been called for a very long time, but the amount of time needed is too big so it's almost impossible.


In TokenCapacitor contract updateBalancesUntil() function can be called by anyone with an arbitrary value of time parameter.


function updateBalancesUntil(uint256 time) public {

If someone calls this function with huge value in time parameter (lastLockedTime + 4095 days), TokenCapacitor will eventually be blocked, because lastLockedTime would be much bigger than now and updateBalances() function will always revert. updateBalances() is called in all important functions of TokenCapacitor.

updateBalancesUntil() function is made public because if nobody calls updateBalances() function for more than 4096 days, it will revert. So if that happens, updateBalancesUntil() function should be called first with some time from the past, so time < 4096 + lastLockedTime.


Make updateBalancesUntil() function private. Then add logic to updateBalance(), so that if more than 4096 days has passed, it calls updateBalanceUntil() multiple times with intervals less than 4096.

5.4 Request validation

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Major Closed Fixed in


Currently, it's possible to include old requests that are either expired or already approved. There is a minimum request validation that only checks if this request belongs to the right resource.


for (uint i = 0; i < requestIDs.length; i++) {
    uint requestID = requestIDs[i];
    require(requestID < requestCount, "Invalid requestID");

    // Every request's resource must match the one passed in
    require(requests[requestID].resource == resource, "Resource does not match");

    require(slates[slateID].requestIncluded[requestID] == false, "Duplicate requests are not allowed");
    slates[slateID].requestIncluded[requestID] = true;


Add necessary checks, so only unapproved requests with valid expiration time should be added to the slate.

5.5 Voters should be able to vote for empty slate

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Major Closed Closed as WontFix. The development team explained that having a default, 'do nothing' slate with no staking required creates a bias towards doing nothing.


Sometimes there might be a situation when there are no good requests or there are no slates with a good set of requests. In that situation, voters are not able to vote against all the slates. To do so, someone should explicitly create a slate with 0 requests in it. The problem is that this person will get his stake at risk. Additionally, if the stake is too high, not a lot of people would be able to create a slate even though together these voters might have the majority.


Add a default "zero slate" (slot with zero requests), so voters will be able to vote against all the staked slates.

5.6 Stakes can be blocked forever

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Major Closed Fixed in


After determination of the winner in the current epoch, all the stakes from the slates that did not win should be donated to the TokenCapacitor. In order to do that, donateChallengerStakes() function should be called. In this function, there is a for loop that iterates over all the staked slates and donates tokens from each slate to the TokenCapacitor. The problem is that if there are a lot of staked tokens, this function will always revert because of the gas limit and it will be impossible to use these tokens in any way.


Have the function that donates tokens from only a part of the staked slates. For example donateChallengerStakes(uint epochNumber, address resource, uint start, uint count)

5.7 Almost impossible to approve some requests

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Major Closed Fixed in


Every request to Gatekeeper has an expiration time. If the request is created in epoch n, expire at the start of epoch n + 2.


uint256 expirationTime = epochStart(currentEpochNumber().add(2));

The problem is that if a request is created after the submission period, it's impossible to approve this request. It happens so because this request can only be added to a slate in the next period (n+1) and it can only be accepted on (n+2) period, but it expires at the beginning of n+2 period.

The only way how this request can be approved is if the next epoch will have only one staked slate issue 5.13.


Reject creation of requests that cannot be accepted before the expiration time.

5.8 Anyone can block current epoch's requests

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Major Closed Fixed in


In order to determine a winning slate, finalizeContest and finalizeRunoff should iterate over all staked slates of the current epoch. If there are too many slates, it may take too much gas and hit the gas limit. If that happens, it would be impossible to determine winning slate and all requests from that epoch will be denied.

This issue is partially mitigated:

  1. This attack requires a lot of slates to be registered and a lot of tokens put on these slates as stakes.
  2. These stakes will be blocked forever.
  3. The whole system would not collapse, new epoch will still be working normally unless someone will do the same again.
  4. It's only possible if the stake value is relatively small.


Do not use loops over arrays with unlimited length. It's possible to precalculate a winner while revealing the votes one by one. The last reveal will contain the winner and there would be no need to call finalizeContest or finalizeRunoff. In this way, the contest will be considered as finalized at the start of the next epoch. All the actions (requests executions, stakes donations, etc.) related to the contest results should also be done in the next epoch.

5.9 ParameterStore - Owner may choose to never initialize the contract

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Major Closed Fixed in and


The ParameterStore lifecycle is as follows:

  • An ethereum account deploys the contract, providing an initial set of name=>value pairs to initialize the param store. The contract remains in uninitialized state and the deployer iss set as the owner for the contract.
  • The owner of the contract can choose to further initialize the contract with individual key=>value pairs by calling setInitialValue() until the method init() is called, blocking the owner from initializing or overriding values from that point in time on. Calling the init() method puts the contract into production mode requiring everyone to go through the voting process to change values.

However, the owner may choose to never call init() and remain in control of the ParameterStore being able to arbitrarily change values without requiring a proposal to perform it (via setInitialValue()). The fact that the ParameterStore was never initialized is not visible and cannot be manually checked as ParameterStore.initialized is missing a visibility modifer which turns it to default visiblity of internal.


address owner;
bool initialized;

In addition, none of the methods meant to be used in production mode (i.e. when initialized==true) are bailing if the contract is uninitialized.

  • set() does not bail if the contract is uninitialized allowing the owner to arbitrarily override values.


function set(string memory _name, bytes32 _value) private {
    bytes32 key = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name));
    params[key] = _value;
    emit ParameterSet(_name, key, _value);
  • setValue() and createProposal() and possibly other methods should bail indicating that the contract is not yet meant to be used in production.


  1. All methods meant to be used in the initialized (ie. production) mode, should revert if the contract has not been initialized. This will prevent the owner from bypassing the Gatekeeper's voting process, and arbitrarily overriding values in the parameter store.

  2. Make the initialized variable public in order to be transparent about whether the contract is initialized or not.

5.10 Staked tokens should be able to participate in voting

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Major Closed Closed as WontFix.


Currently, each slate that participates in competition has a stake of tokens that are not used in voting. If the stake amount is big enough, there will be a lot of tokens locked as stakes that cannot be used for secondChoiceVote if their slate is not winning.

Additionally, if there are no votes in some epoch, all the staked slates would be rejected, but stakes on that tokens should also be considered as votes.


Allow using stakes for voting (both, first and second choice votes).

5.11 Votes validation

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Fixed in


Voters can vote for any slateID which might not even exist, there is no input validation for firstChoices and secondChoices.


uint firstChoice = firstChoices[i];
SlateVotes storage slateVotes = contest.votes[firstChoice];
slateVotes.firstChoiceVotes = slateVotes.firstChoiceVotes.add(v.numTokens);

uint secondChoice = secondChoices[i];
slateVotes.secondChoiceVotes[secondChoice] = slateVotes.secondChoiceVotes[secondChoice].add(v.numTokens);


Ignore firstChoices and secondChoices with invalid slateID (check if this slate is staked and belong to current epoch).

5.12 No need to reject the slates

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Fixed in ConsenSys/panvala#168



Currently, when finalizing the contest, all slates that are not accepted are getting rejected by calling rejectSlates() function. It iterates over all the staked slates which might be very gas costly.
The only place where SlateStatus.Rejected is used is donateChallengerStakes() and it's only executed when the contest is finalised.


There is no need to explicitly reject the slates because if the contest is finalized and a slate is not accepted, it can automatically be considered as rejected.

5.13 Requests execution time inconsistency

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Fixed in


Usually, all the approved requests are only possible to execute in the next epoch after the voting. But if there were no other slates with stakes, the slate wins after the submission deadline automatically and request can be executed in the same epoch. It increases the complexity of the system.


There should be consistent and predictable execution time. It's better to have all the requests executed in the next epoch only.

5.14 Gatekeeper: two array-out-of-bounds errors in function revealManyBallots

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Fixed in


In function Gatekeeper.revealManyBallots, an array-out-of-bounds error (invalid opcode on the EVM-level) may happen if _salts.length < _voters.length or _ballots.length < _voters.length. The Harvey fuzzer was able to trigger both of these cases (see tool output for concrete test cases).


function revealManyBallots(
    uint256 epochNumber,
    address[] memory _voters,
    bytes[] memory _ballots,
    uint[] memory _salts
) public {
    uint numBallots = _voters.length;

    for (uint i = 0; i < numBallots; i++) {
        // extract resources, firstChoices, secondChoices from the ballot
            address[] memory resources,
            uint[] memory firstChoices,
            uint[] memory secondChoices
        ) = abi.decode(_ballots[i], (address[], uint[], uint[]));

        revealBallot(epochNumber, _voters[i], resources, firstChoices, secondChoices, _salts[i]);


require(_salts.length == _voters.length && _ballots.length == _voters.length, "Inputs must have the same length");`

5.15 projectedLockedBalance and projectedUnlockedBalance may use outdated balance

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Closed as WontFix.


The projectedUnlockedBalance and projectedLockedBalance functions are based on the lastLockedBalance variable, which may be inaccurate if donations are made without calling donate().

Both of these functions have public view visibilities on them, so can be called and return inaccurate data to contracts outside the system. The updateBalancesUntil() function is also affected, because despite checking the current balance, the unlockedBalance and lastLockedBalance are both dependent on the incorrect projectedUnlockedBalance.


  1. Any function that calculates future balances needs to use the current actual balance.
  2. Write tests that simulate real world situations, checking how the balance changes with a combination of time passing and donations being made.

5.16 Conditional requests

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Closed as WontFix


Sometimes there might be a need for requests that should be executed in a specific order or that should be executed only if some other request if accepted (and executed) also. Currently, it's only possible to implement by having one request per epoch, but every epoch is 3 months and it takes a lot of time.


There is a request to change the gatekeeper and this gatekeeper requires some parameter changes in ParameterStore. These parameter changes should only be done if gatekeeper change is accepted and if it is already changed.


Each request may have a link to another request that should be executed before the execution of this request.

5.17 Anyone can copy somebody's vote

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Closed as WontFix.


The voting process for the slates is supposed to be encrypted and every actual vote should only be revealed after everyone submitted their votes. But there is a way to get around these rules and copy somebody's vote. It only takes to submit the same commitHash. And then reveal your vote with the same salt as the person who's vote you want to copy.

If that behaviour becomes a pattern at some point, the initial voter may choose not to reveal the vote and all others who copied the vote will not be able to reveal their votes also.


Include a voter's address to the voting structure that is hashed.

5.18 ParameterStore - proposals are kept forever

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Closed as WontFix.


ParameterStore keeps proposals forever and there is no way to remove them from the contracts storage. The mapping that stores proposals is public and could be accessed by other components in the system. However, we did not find any other component requiring calling out to the ParameterStore to access individual ParameterStore value change proposals or the full history of already executed proposals. Keeping a history of proposals might therefore be unnecessary.


mapping(uint => Proposal) public proposals;

Proposals are marked as executed when the proposed value change is performed. The proposal is not removed from storage.


function setValue(uint256 proposalID) public returns(bool) {
    require(proposalID < proposalCount, "Invalid proposalID");

    Proposal memory p = proposals[proposalID];
    Gatekeeper gatekeeper = Gatekeeper(p.gatekeeper);

    require(gatekeeper.hasPermission(p.requestID), "Proposal has not been approved");
    require(p.executed == false, "Proposal already executed");

    proposals[proposalID].executed = true;

    set(p.key, p.value);

    emit ProposalAccepted(proposalID, p.key, p.value);
    return true;


Upon executing the proposal it could be purged from the mapping but this requires a semantic change Proposal.executed to Proposal.pending indicating that the proposal has not yet been executed. Upon deleting the proposal from the mapping it will turn to false allowing the function to bail. Also proposalCount is never used to loop through proposals and is only used to create a new internal and unique steadily increasing proposal id.

5.19 ParameterStore - constructor should check that array lengths match

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Fixed in


The constructor assumes that the provided input arrays (key and value pairs) are of the same length but this is not enforced. Make sure that the provided arrays are of the same length as noted by the inline comment.


constructor(string[] memory _names, bytes32[] memory _values) public {
    owner = msg.sender;
    // NOTE: _keys and _values must have the same length

    for (uint i = 0; i < _names.length; i++) {
        string memory name = _names[i];
        set(name, _values[i]);


require(_names.length == _values.length, "Inputs must have the same length")

5.20 Gatekeeper can approve withdrawing more funds than unlockedBalance

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Closed as WontFix.


TokenCapacitor contract only allows withdrawing a limited amount of tokens that is slowly growing as a result of the exponential decay algorithm. It's theoretically possible for the Panvala governance to approve a slate that allows withdrawing more tokens than TokenCapacitor can give. That will lead to the situation when only people who claim their tokens first will be able to withdraw the tokens. Other proposals will be expired in the next epoch.


Does not allow withdrawing more tokens than unlocked balance.

5.21 Some function visibilities can be set to external

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Medium Closed Closed as WontFix.


The visibility of all functions in the system is set to either public or private.

This is unlikely to be ideal in all cases. Using the proper visibility keywords can provide greater safety and reduce gas costs.


Determine and use the correct visibility according the solidity docs.

In particular, public functions which are not called within other functions in the same contract can be made external.

5.22 [WIP] TokenCapacitor - scale can be constant

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Minor Closed Fixed in ConsenSys/panvala#148 and


scale is only set by TokenCapacitor.constructor() by multiplying it with a constant value and can therefore itself be constant.



// Token decay table
uint256 constant PRECISION = 12;
uint256 public scale;

value is set to a constant value. PRECISION is constant as well.


scale = 10 ** PRECISION;


Remove PRECISION in favour of having a constant SCALE = 10 ** 12.

5.23 Require latest Solidity version

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Minor Closed Fixed in


Solidity is very active pushing out new versions. Make sure to include the latest stable version that does not break any things especially as the code base is using experimental features like ABIEncoderV2 with known bugs that can lead to vulnerabilities (1, 2) with certain, often outdated solidity versions.

Release Note of solidity 0.5.10:

ABIEncoderV2: Fix incorrect abi encoding of storage array of data type that occupy multiple storage slots


At the moment of writing, the latest stable version is 0.5.10.

Contracts should be deployed with the same compiler version and flags that they have been tested with thoroughly. Locking the pragma helps to ensure that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using, for example, an outdated compiler version that might introduce bugs that affect the contract system negatively. Having a floating version can also open your application to newer, possibly not well tested, versions.

// Fixed version
pragma solidity 0.5.10; 

// As opposed to a floating pragma
pragma solidity ^0.5.10;


5.24 Use arrays instead of mappings where possible

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Minor Closed Fixed in and


When using a uint mapping is used with a variable to count entries, both can usually be replaced with a single array. This will greatly improve readability, and protect against mistakenly failing to increment the count.



mapping(uint => Proposal) public proposals;

// The total number of proposals
uint public proposalCount;


// The requests made to the Gatekeeper. Maps requestID -> Request.
mapping(uint => Request) public requests;

// The total number of requests created
uint public requestCount;


// The slates created by the Gatekeeper. Maps slateID -> Slate.
mapping(uint => Slate) public slates;

// The total number of slates created
uint public slateCount;


// The proposals created for the TokenCapacitor. Maps requestIDs to proposals.
mapping(uint => Proposal) public proposals;

// The total number of proposals
uint public proposalCount;


Evaluate if instances of this example mapping pattern, can be replace with an array.

Mapping pattern:

mapping(uint => SomeType) foo;
uint fooCount;  

function addFoo(uint x){
   foo[fooCount] = x;

Array pattern:

uint[] foo;

function addFoo(uint x){

5.25 TokenCapacitor - createManyProposals calls ParameterStore to get the Gatekeeper address for every supplied proposal

Severity Status Remediation Comment
Minor Closed Fixed in and


Gatekeeper address is unlikely to legitimately change within one transaction therefore it is unnecessary to call out to ParameterStore.getAsAddress("gatekeeperAddress") for every single supplied proposal in the list.

createManyProposals calls createProposal for every token transfer proposal, which in turn calls ParameterStore to get the address of the GateKeeper. Since this is done within createProposal the contract unnecessarily calls out to ParameterStore for every proposed transfer.


function createManyProposals(
    address[] memory beneficiaries,
    uint[] memory tokenAmounts,
    bytes[] memory metadataHashes
) public {
    require(beneficiaries.length == tokenAmounts.length, "All inputs must have the same length");
    require(tokenAmounts.length == metadataHashes.length, "All inputs must have the same length");

    for (uint i = 0; i < beneficiaries.length; i++) {
        address to = beneficiaries[i];
        uint tokens = tokenAmounts[i];
        bytes memory metadataHash = metadataHashes[i];
        createProposal(to, tokens, metadataHash);


function createProposal(address to, uint tokens, bytes memory metadataHash) public returns(uint) {
    require(metadataHash.length > 0, "metadataHash cannot be empty");

    Gatekeeper gatekeeper = _gatekeeper();
    Proposal memory p = Proposal({
        gatekeeper: address(gatekeeper),
        requestID: 0,
        tokens: tokens,
        to: to,
        metadataHash: metadataHash,
        withdrawn: false


function _gatekeeper() private view returns(Gatekeeper) {
    return Gatekeeper(parameters.getAsAddress("gatekeeperAddress"));


Split createProposal into an internal (_createProposal) and external variants (createProposal, createManyProposals). The internal variant should receive the GateKeeper address as an argument instead of querying the ParameterStore. The external variants performs input validation, query ParameterStore for the Gatekeeper address once, loops through all transfer proposals or forwards the call to the internal variant providing the Gatekeeper address.

6 Tool-Based Analysis

Several tools were used to perform automated analysis of the reviewed contracts. These issues were reviewed by the audit team, and relevant issues are listed in the Issue Details section.

6.1 MythX

MythX is a security analysis API for Ethereum smart contracts. It performs multiple types of analysis, including fuzzing and symbolic execution, to detect many common vulnerability types. The tool was used for automated vulnerability discovery for all audited contracts and libraries. More details on MythX can be found at

Where possible, we ran the full MythX analysis. MythX is still in beta, and where analysis failed, we fell back to running Mythril Classic, a large subset of the functionality of MythX.

The raw output of MythX and Mythril Classic vulnerability scans can be found here.

6.2 Ethlint

Ethlint is an open source project for linting Solidity code. Only security-related issues were reviewed by the audit team.

The raw output of the Ethlint vulnerability scan can be found here.

6.3 Surya

Surya is an utility tool for smart contract systems. It provides a number of visual outputs and information about structure of smart contracts. It also supports querying the function call graph in multiple ways to aid in the manual inspection and control flow analysis of contracts.

A complete list of functions with their visibility and modifiers can be found here.

Appendix 1 - Disclosure

ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) -- on its GitHub account ( CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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TIMELINESS OF CONTENT The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice. Unless indicated otherwise, by ConsenSys and CD.

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