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vault-operator's Introduction

Vault Operator

Project status: beta

The basic features have been completed, and while no breaking API changes are currently planned, the API can change in a backwards incompatible way before the project is declared stable.


The Vault operator deploys and manages Vault clusters on Kubernetes. Vault instances created by the Vault operator are highly available and support automatic failover and upgrade.

Getting Started


  • Kubernetes 1.8+

Configuring RBAC

Consult the RBAC guide on how to configure RBAC for the Vault operator.

Deploying the etcd operator

The Vault operator employs the etcd operator to deploy an etcd cluster as the storage backend.

  1. Create the etcd operator Custom Resource Definitions (CRD):

    kubectl create -f example/etcd_crds.yaml
  2. Deploy the etcd operator:

    kubectl -n default create -f example/etcd-operator-deploy.yaml

Deploying the Vault operator

  1. Create the Vault CRD:

    kubectl create -f example/vault_crd.yaml
  2. Deploy the Vault operator:

    kubectl -n default create -f example/deployment.yaml
  3. Verify that the operators are running:

    $ kubectl -n default get deploy
    etcd-operator    1         1         1            1           5m
    vault-operator   1         1         1            1           5m

Deploying a Vault cluster

A Vault cluster can be deployed by creating a VaultService Custom Resource(CR). For each Vault cluster the Vault operator will also create an etcd cluster for the storage backend.

  1. Create a Vault CR that deploys a 2 node Vault cluster in high availablilty mode:

    kubectl -n default create -f example/example_vault.yaml
  2. Wait until the example-... pods for the etcd and Vault cluster are up:

    $ kubectl -n default get pods
    NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    etcd-operator-78899f87f6-qdn5h    3/3       Running   0          10m
    example-7678c8f49c-kfx2w          1/2       Running   0          2m
    example-7678c8f49c-pqrj8          1/2       Running   0          2m
    example-etcd-7lpjg7n76d           1/1       Running   0          2m
    example-etcd-dhxrksssgx           1/1       Running   0          2m
    example-etcd-s7mzhffz92           1/1       Running   0          2m
    vault-operator-5976f74f84-pxkf6   1/1       Running   0          10m
  3. Get the Vault pods:

    $ kubectl -n default get pods -l app=vault,vault_cluster=example
    NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    example-7678c8f49c-kfx2w   1/2       Running   0          2m
    example-7678c8f49c-pqrj8   1/2       Running   0          2m
  4. Check the Vault CR status:

    $ kubectl -n default get vault example -o yaml
    kind: VaultService
        name: example
        namespace: default
        nodes: 2
        version: 0.9.1-0
        initialized: false
        phase: Running
        - example-7678c8f49c-kfx2w
        - example-7678c8f49c-pqrj8
            active: ""
            - example-7678c8f49c-kfx2w
            - example-7678c8f49c-pqrj8
            standby: null

    The Vault CR status shows the cluster is currently uninitialized and sealed.

Using the Vault cluster

See the Vault usage guide on how to initialize, unseal, and use the deployed Vault cluster.

Consult the monitoring guide on how to monitor and alert on a Vault cluster with Prometheus.

See the recovery guide on how to backup and restore Vault cluster data using the etcd opeartor

For an overview of the default TLS configuration or how to specify custom TLS assets for a Vault cluster see the TLS setup guide.

Uninstalling Vault operator

  1. Delete the Vault custom resource:

    kubectl -n default delete -f example/example_vault.yaml
  2. Delete the operators and other resources:

    kubectl -n default delete deploy vault-operator etcd-operator
    kubectl -n default delete -f example/rbac.yaml

vault-operator's People


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vault-operator's Issues

etcd-operator fails with "a container name must be specified for pod etcd-operator-764f7ff957-w7shx, choose one of: [etcd-operator etcd-backup-operator etcd-restore-operator]"

a container name must be specified for pod etcd-operator-764f7ff957-w7shx,
choose one of:
[etcd-operator etcd-backup-operator etcd-restore-operator]

Hi, I am just following the README to try this out for the first time and it is failing at the kubectl create -f example/etcd-operator-deploy.yaml step. Only 2/3 pods come up and the last one is stuck in CrashLoopBackoff.


We need to keep a CHANGELOG to track and showcase major changes for each release.

Looking for maintainers

As the current maintainers we are focusing our efforts on tools to help all engineers build Operators with the Operator Framework and less time on specific Operators such as Vault. Building the Vault Operator was key to learning which abstractions to provide in our SDK. As a result of our commitments to the new projects we are not able to give enough time to the Vault Operator.

With our realigned focus, we explored a number of options (including with Hashicorp) to ensure the health of this project. At this point, we're looking for maintainers to help us realize the vision of this project. We will be involved with the limited time we can make available for reviewing code, etc as those maintainers get up to speed. If you're interested, please let us know by commenting down below so we can reach out to you.

vault HA configuration

  • Enable the HA setup in Vault and test it manually
  • Test that the HA setup actually works with an integration test

Deployable Operator on Kubernetes

The next major milestone for the project is a deployable Operator container. This should largely be inspired by the etcd Operator and have the following workflow:

Install the Vault Operator via kubectl:

$ kubectl create -f Documentation/examples/vault-operator-deployment.yaml

Vault Operator will automatically creates a Kubernetes Custom Defined Resource (CDR):

$ kubectl get customresourcedefinitions
NAME                      DESCRIPTION             VERSION(S)   Managed vault instance v1alpha1

Custom service account

At the moment when vault-operator creates pod, it uses the default service account. I would like to define custom service account so I can, for example, define Pod Security Policies only for the vault pod.

I can probably provide PR of this but would like to get some feedback first. Is there something that I should remember?

no-op after creation of the CRD on openshift 3.10

On openshift (3.10), i see no resources created after i make the vault CRD.

  • The vault operator is healthy:
➜  vault-operator git:(openshift) ✗ oc get pods --all-namespaces | grep vau
vault                               vault-operator-694f678549-x6jb4                       1/1       Running            0          1h
  • The logs when creating a CRD, look like this:
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I1010 17:12:13.892378       1 leaderelection.go:184] successfully acquired lease vault/vault-operator
time="2018-10-10T17:12:13Z" level=info msg="Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:\"Endpoints\", Namespace:\"vault\", Name:\"vault-operator\", UID:\"a1fa7cf5-ccaf-11e8-b49a-005056b9215d\", APIVersion:\"v1\", ResourceVersion:\"1628479\", FieldPath:\"\"}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'LeaderElection' vault-operator-694f678549-x6jb4 became leader"
time="2018-10-10T17:12:13Z" level=info msg="starting Vaults controller"
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W1010 17:28:12.478461       1 reflector.go:334] watch of *v1alpha1.VaultService ended with: The resourceVersion for the provided watch is too old.

Creating new CRD's after this point doesnt seem to lead to any log messages. Not sure why.

Persistent Volume Claims option?


I'm pretty new to k8 and vault. I follow the readme it works great! But, is there a reason you are not using "Persistent Volume Claims" on the etcd storage? Or is it in a future release plan?

Please let know if there is a better place to ask this type of questions. Thank you.

Auto initialize vault

Vault should be auto initialized and the keys should be sent to aws kms. Either kube2iam be used to pass the aws credentials or accessKey/SecretKey pair can be used too.

Initial check should be made if vault was initialized before. If yes, then #308 or continue with init.

Ingress to access Vault

I have been deployed the vault example, but dont can configure ingress to access externally


apiVersion: ""
kind: "VaultService"
  name: "example"
  nodes: 1
  version: "0.10.4"


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  annotations: nginx
  generation: 6
    app: vault
  name: kube-vault
  namespace: vault-production
  - host:
      - backend:
          serviceName: example
          servicePort: 8200
        path: /
  - hosts:
    secretName: tls-secret-wildcard


kubectl get secret tls-secret-wildcard 
NAME                  TYPE                DATA      AGE
tls-secret-wildcard   2         5d

Document RBAC setup guide

The current RBAC templates are too broad and were only meant for demo purposes.

There should be a detailed RBAC setup guide with permissions specific to the actual resources needed by the vault-operator.

Upgrade the vault cluster without an Active Node resulting a extra vault Node

I noticed that upgrading a newly created vault cluster that doesn't have any Active node creates one extra node than the size indicated in the vault Custom Resource(CR). The extra node persists until one of the Node becomes Active; Then the extra node is terminated.

Ideally, updating a Vault Cluster without an Active Node should have the same number of nodes before and after.

Vault as statefulset

I'm working on automated deployment of vault with operator. What I noticed is that the operator is setting instances as deployment. It makes unsealing particular instances a bit troublesome (I need to check k8s API for IP of particular instance and then connect to it. I believe migrating to statefulset with known DNS names for each instance would make automated unsealing much easier.
What do you think about?


Vault CRD definition

Things it must include:

  • Cluster size
  • TLS certificate configuration
  • Listener configuration
  • Service and ingress configuration
  • Version information

Design: How to interact with etcd Operator

The Vault Operator will take a hard dependency on the etcd Operator. We need to figure out how these interact. Some possible options:

  1. Vault Operator deploys an etcd cluster by creating the etcd cluster resource
  2. Vault Operator requires the user to already have an etcd cluster resource and point at it
  3. Vault Operator takes a hostname and TLS cert of an etcd cluster and doesn't know about etcd Operator
  4. Vault Operator has a tool to generate an etcd cluster resource based on some configuration

Auto unseal vault

Vault can be auto unsealed by using the keys from aws kms. See #307. Credentials can be passed via kube2iam or via accessKey/SecretKey pair.

is the IPC_LOCK capability really needed?

Vault operator creates a vault deployment requesting the IPC_LOCK capability.
But in kubernetes swap is mandatorily disabled (the kubelet now doesn't start if swap is active).
So, if vault can be set to run with disable_mlock=true, then the IPC_LOCK can be probably removed.
This makes deployment simpler in those organization where pod security contexts (kubernetes) or scc (OpenShift) are closely scrutinized.

vaultStatus - Active node: pod doesnt exist any more

Hi there

I have an issue with my vault cluster.

Currently, i don't have any more an active vault pod.

kubectl -n default get vault poc-vault -o jsonpath='{}' | xargs -0 -I {} kubectl -n default port-forward {} 8200
Error from server (NotFound): pods "poc-vault-d66f8f747-24f5m" not found
k get pods | grep vault

poc-vault-d66f8f747-lqt76                                      1/2       Running   0          2d
poc-vault-d66f8f747-rgdth                                      1/2       Running   2          2d
poc-vault-etcd-2q9tl8m4hn                                      1/1       Running   0          3d
poc-vault-etcd-gqtp5sgs4p                                      1/1       Running   0          2d
poc-vault-etcd-x6ht4ckrpz                                      1/1       Running   0          2d
kubectl -n default get vault poc-vault -o json
    "apiVersion": "",
    "kind": "VaultService",
    "metadata": {
        "annotations": {
            "": "{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"VaultService\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"poc-vault\",\"namespace\":\"default\"},\"spec\":{\"TLS\":{\"static\":{\"clientSecret\":\"vault-client-tls\",\"serverSecret\":\"vault-server-tls\"}},\"nodes\":2,\"version\":\"0.9.1-0\"}}\n"
        "clusterName": "",
        "creationTimestamp": "2018-05-28T13:55:46Z",
        "generation": 0,
        "name": "poc-vault",
        "namespace": "default",
        "resourceVersion": "5029789",
        "selfLink": "/apis/",
        "uid": "d2174cf2-627e-11e8-950f-fa163e1a205a"
    "spec": {
        "TLS": {
            "static": {
                "clientSecret": "vault-client-tls",
                "serverSecret": "vault-server-tls"
        "baseImage": "",
        "configMapName": "",
        "nodes": 2,
        "version": "0.9.1-0"
    "status": {
        "clientPort": 8200,
        "initialized": true,
        "phase": "Running",
        "serviceName": "poc-vault",
        "updatedNodes": [
        "vaultStatus": {
            "active": "poc-vault-d66f8f747-24f5m",
            "sealed": [
            "standby": null

The current active pod in vaultStatus is not here any more...

I check the operator logs

k logs -f vault-operator-67d5846657-4zdfq
time="2018-06-01T14:02:44Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.9.2"
time="2018-06-01T14:02:44Z" level=info msg="Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64"
time="2018-06-01T14:02:44Z" level=info msg="vault-operator Version: 0.1.9"
time="2018-06-01T14:02:44Z" level=info msg="Git SHA: 43a1dd7"
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0601 14:02:44.832229       1 leaderelection.go:174] attempting to acquire leader lease...
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0601 14:03:02.263682       1 leaderelection.go:184] successfully acquired lease default/vault-operator
time="2018-06-01T14:03:02Z" level=info msg="Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:\"Endpoints\", Namespace:\"default\", Name:\"vault-operator\", UID:\"ce489616-627b-11e8-950f-fa163e1a205a\", APIVersion:\"v1\", ResourceVersion:\"4822438\", FieldPath:\"\"}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'LeaderElection' vault-operator-67d5846657-4zdfq became leader"
time="2018-06-01T14:03:02Z" level=info msg="starting Vaults controller"
time="2018-06-01T14:03:02Z" level=info msg="Vault CR (default/poc-vault) is created"
time="2018-06-01T14:03:12Z" level=error msg="failed to update vault replica status: failed requesting health info for the vault pod (default/poc-vault-d66f8f747-rgdth): Get https://10-2-2-76.default.pod:8200/v1/sys/health?sealedcode=299&uninitcode=299: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"
time="2018-06-01T14:03:22Z" level=error msg="failed to update vault replica status: failed requesting health info for the vault pod (default/poc-vault-d66f8f747-rgdth): Get https://10-2-2-76.default.pod:8200/v1/sys/health?sealedcode=299&uninitcode=299: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"
time="2018-06-02T01:38:44Z" level=error msg="failed to update vault replica status: failed requesting health info for the vault pod (default/poc-vault-d66f8f747-24f5m): Get https://10-2-0-67.default.pod:8200/v1/sys/health?sealedcode=299&uninitcode=299: dial tcp: i/o timeout"
time="2018-06-02T01:39:14Z" level=error msg="failed to update vault replica status: failed requesting health info for the vault pod (default/poc-vault-d66f8f747-rgdth): Get https://10-2-2-76.default.pod:8200/v1/sys/health?sealedcode=299&uninitcode=299: dial tcp: i/o timeout"
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W0602 13:29:46.715365       1 reflector.go:334] watch of *v1alpha1.VaultService ended with: too old resource version: 5029789 (5239818) 

I delete my 2 previous pods

k delete pod poc-vault-d66f8f747-lqt76 poc-vault-d66f8f747-rgdth

they were recreated but vault-poc seems to be stuck on poc-vault-d66f8f747-24f5m

kubectl -n default get vault poc-vault -o jsonpath='{}'

any ideas?
How to force to check again the other pods and elect a new master?

Thanks for your help

Can someone show an example of how to use curl/HTTP API?

I have everything set up and am able to read/write secrets e.g. vault read secret/foo, however when I try the curl commands e.g. curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" http://localhost:8200/v1/secret/foo and http://example.default.svc:8200/v1/secret/foo it returns blank. I checked the $VAULT_TOKEN and it seems to be ok.

support for "service serving secret" capability

OpenShift has the capability to generate certificates on the fly using it's internal KPI:
It would be nice if the operator could work with this capability (it's a matter of setting the right annotation on the service fronting vault).
This allows to create certificates that are automatically trusted by other pods running in the cluster.
In the current implementation of the operator, certificate distribution is either manual or automatic via a new KPI that is not know/trusted by the rest of the cluster.

etcd Cluster fails to start

Hi guys,
thank you for your effort. I've tried diving into this following the example, however, my etcd cluster fails to start.

First it looks like this

kubectl -n default get pods
NAME                              READY     STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
etcd-operator-779446c7d8-t2hm9    3/3       Running    0          28m
example-etcd-f4rhsm64d4           0/1       Init:0/1   0          9s
vault-operator-7dc8b55b4d-mkz5p   1/1       Running    0          28m

Then it errors out, without providing any output:

 nvarz:~/playground/vault-operator (master *%=)$ kubectl -n default get pods -w
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
etcd-operator-779446c7d8-t2hm9    3/3       Running   0          29m
example-etcd-9x68tmdxl7           0/1       Error     0          40s
example-etcd-f4rhsm64d4           0/1       Running   0          56s
vault-operator-7dc8b55b4d-mkz5p   1/1       Running   0          29m
^C nvarz:~/playground/vault-operator (master *%=)$ kubectl describe -n default example-etcd-9x68tmdxl7
the server doesn't have a resource type "example-etcd-9x68tmdxl7"
 nvarz:~/playground/vault-operator (master *%=)$ kubectl describe -n default example-etcd-f4rhsm64d4
the server doesn't have a resource type "example-etcd-f4rhsm64d4"

Container Logs of example-etcd-f4rhsm64d4

WARNING: 2018/10/22 17:34:08 grpc: addrConn.resetTransport failed to create client transport: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"; Reconnecting to { 0  <nil>}
2018-10-22 17:34:08.883317 I | raft: 850a5ffb901b8769 is starting a new election at term 119
2018-10-22 17:34:08.883345 I | raft: 850a5ffb901b8769 became candidate at term 120
2018-10-22 17:34:08.883354 I | raft: 850a5ffb901b8769 received MsgVoteResp from 850a5ffb901b8769 at term 120
2018-10-22 17:34:08.883362 I | raft: 850a5ffb901b8769 [logterm: 2, index: 5] sent MsgVote request to 3922346fe0f3212c at term 120
2018-10-22 17:34:09.883322 I | raft: 850a5ffb901b8769 is starting a new election at term 120
2018-10-22 17:34:09.883353 I | raft: 850a5ffb901b8769 became candidate at term 121
2018-10-22 17:34:09.883361 I | raft: 850a5ffb901b8769 received MsgVoteResp from 850a5ffb901b8769 at term 121
2018-10-22 17:34:09.883369 I | raft: 850a5ffb901b8769 [logterm: 2, index: 5] sent MsgVote request to 3922346fe0f3212c at term 121
2018-10-22 17:34:10.168368 W | rafthttp: health check for peer 3922346fe0f3212c could not connect: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
WARNING: 2018/10/22 17:34:10 grpc: addrConn.resetTransport failed to create client transport: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"; Reconnecting to { 0  <nil>}
2018-10-22 17:34:10.578366 I | etcdserver: skipped leadership transfer for stopping non-leader member
WARNING: 2018/10/22 17:34:10 grpc: addrConn.transportMonitor exits due to: context canceled
2018-10-22 17:34:10.578447 I | rafthttp: stopping peer 3922346fe0f3212c...
2018-10-22 17:34:10.578471 I | rafthttp: stopped streaming with peer 3922346fe0f3212c (writer)
2018-10-22 17:34:10.578485 I | rafthttp: stopped streaming with peer 3922346fe0f3212c (writer)
2018-10-22 17:34:10.578522 I | rafthttp: stopped HTTP pipelining with peer 3922346fe0f3212c
2018-10-22 17:34:10.578533 I | rafthttp: stopped streaming with peer 3922346fe0f3212c (stream MsgApp v2 reader)
2018-10-22 17:34:10.578538 I | rafthttp: stopped streaming with peer 3922346fe0f3212c (stream Message reader)
2018-10-22 17:34:10.578544 I | rafthttp: stopped peer 3922346fe0f3212c

What I end up with

kubectl -n default get pods -w
NAME                              READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
etcd-operator-779446c7d8-t2hm9    3/3       Running     0          33m
example-668f9f8f7d-76mh7          1/2       Running     0          3m
example-668f9f8f7d-7m4vd          1/2       Running     0          3m
example-668f9f8f7d-n7vgr          1/2       Running     0          3m
example-etcd-9x68tmdxl7           0/1       Error       0          4m
example-etcd-f4rhsm64d4           0/1       Completed   0          4m
vault-operator-7dc8b55b4d-mkz5p   1/1       Running     0          33m

Nothing listed under sealed

kubectl -n default get vault example -o yaml
kind: VaultService
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: 2018-10-22T17:31:07Z
  generation: 1
  name: example
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "2377045"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 42467cbb-d620-11e8-8fcd-0050568b2ddd
      clientSecret: example-default-vault-client-tls
      serverSecret: example-default-vault-server-tls
  configMapName: ""
  nodes: 3
  version: 0.9.1-0
  clientPort: 8200
  initialized: false
  phase: Running
  serviceName: example
    active: ""
    sealed: null
    standby: null

Performance issues with vaults instances in standby

I installed vault-operator using the stable helm chart. I simply did the default install with a 2 node cluster as per the readme.

I unsealed both vaults, the first became active and the 2nd went on standby as expected. I did a simple write to the backend and left the cluster as is. nothing within the cluster was set to interact with the the vault cluster other than anything set by the chart.

What I noticed a few hours later is that the standby node as well as the etcd pod running with it started to have increased CPU and memory usage over time. Once I killed the standby vault pod the CPU and memory decreased back to normal. k8s restarted the killed pod and I left the vault sealed, and the active vault instance was leave unsealed. The metrics remained stable for hours. Once I unsealed the vault again the CPU and memory usage steadily increased again.

Is this a known issue or a misconfiguration on my end?

Attached is both the k8s node metrics as well as the offending vault metrics, it should be pretty clear when the vault instance was unsealed and went on standby, was killed and when it was unsealed once more.


How to retrieve secrets from app using REST

I created a Vault service "cos-private" in "default" namespace by following the instructions, and was able to write and read secrets( vault write secret/my-test key1=value1 key2=value2 ...., and vault read secret/my-test). Now, I want to be able to retrieve my-test secrets from my app using REST. What is the URL to get the secrets?
I tried "curl -k https://cos-private.default.svc:8200/secret/my-test", but got "404 page not found".

-cluster-wide flag?

etcd-operator have -cluster-wide flag which allow that you run only one operator in whole cluster and you can create EtcdCluster in any namespace.

At the moment you need to run vault-operator in every namespace? Any plans to add similar support to vault-operator?

vault-operator erroneously "updates" (kills) active node if it can't be reached/is unhealthy

If Vaults.updateLocalVaultCRStatus() can't query a node or determine that it's healthy, Vaults.syncUpgrade() will:

  1. Assume an update is in progress.
  2. Erroneously determine that the active node is the only non-updated node.
  3. Kill it to "complete" the update.

This causes disruption while a standby node takes over and (in installations without auto-unsealing) reduces resiliency by eliminating one of the unsealed, standby nodes.

Allow setting security context for vault and etcd pods

A k8s cluster can have admission control policies that can restrict the allowed pod security policy.

The vault-operator should allow a user to set the pod security policy for a vault cluster's pods via the PodPolicy field.

Similarly for the EtcdCluster created by the vault-operator for a vault cluster, the PodSecurityPolicy should be configurable through the VaultService CR.

Allow alternate (proxy) docker images for vault and statsd exporter

Cool project. Thanks for open sourcing it!

I was reading the code and noticed a couple images are pinned to external docker registries. It would be nice for environments which don't allow external docker registries to offer an override. My usecase is nothing more than a direct "retag" of the images used.

This would obviously open up a support nightmare if people used alternate vault/statsd images, but that could be left as not supported.

Namespace vault-operator error


When I try to create vault-operator per namespace it gives following error. Error: release vault-operator failed: "" already exists.

Is this known issue?


auto backup and recovery

As of now the way it is documented in vault-operator docs is a manual step. Automating this flow would be really beneficial in production scenarios. Having mentioned this, I guess this requires certain features to be completed in etcd-operator and probably most of the work required to complete this task has to be done in etcd-operator. Vault-operator might just need config or may be no work.

Recommended way to monitor sealed/unsealed status?

I have a vault-operator-installed cluster that I'm monitoring with Prometheus. The StatsD exporter provides some metrics, but I am looking for a way to track the number of sealed/unsealed vault instances. (For example: I'd like to trigger an alert when a certain number of nodes are unsealed.)

I know that vault-operator keeps the VaultService resource's "status" section up to date with this information, but I haven't found a convenient way to get this information into Prometheus.

I've found the vault_exporter tool, perhaps that can be installed as a sidecar alongside the StatsD exporter?

vault replication across regions

It would be great to have a way to specify a secondary vault cluster running in a different region(DC) via vault-operator. Similar to what vault has as a secondary performace/DR replication.

Right now as there is no way to specify an existing etcd cluster #303 to be used by vault-operator, it is not possible to solve the DR problem by using etcd make-mirror tool.

So if #303 is solved then replication for DR will be possible but still some work is needed to be done in vault-operator to enable performance or keys only mirroring for below depoyment config
1 active writable
n active readable across regions
n standby across regions

Support Vault 0.11 and greater

I love the vault operator, it simplifies a lot of the issues around deploying vault in a redundant way with ephemeral storage. Also the simplicity of backing up and restoring is great too.

The only issues is that we're stuck on an old version of vault and we want to upgrade. Is there a reason the operator can't just run a publicly available vault image? As far as I can tell all the vault API endpoints in use haven't changed between v0.9 and v0.11, and I'm not aware of any custom modifications to vault that allow the operator to function.

Is there a reason we can't support the newer versions of vault?

Vault-operator Not Creating Vault Cluster

Thanks for this project. I tried checking it out but unfortunately the operator is not able to create the vault cluster on my kubernetes 1.10.2 installation. I also do not have pod security policies setup. I am able to create the etcd-operator, vault-operator and an etcd deployment without issues. Then I apply the yaml for the vault cluster and nothing happens. I guess this might be related to IPC_LOCK which the vault-operator sets for the vault pods? How do I get this running?

Kubectl version

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.1", GitCommit:"d4ab47518836c750f9949b9e0d387f20fb92260b", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-04-12T14:26:04Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.2", GitCommit:"81753b10df112992bf51bbc2c2f85208aad78335", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-04-27T09:10:24Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Etcd Operator

kind: ClusterRole
  name: etcd-operator
- apiGroups:
  - etcdclusters
  - etcdbackups
  - etcdrestores
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - customresourcedefinitions
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - pods
  - services
  - endpoints
  - persistentvolumeclaims
  - events
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - apps
  - deployments
  - "*"
# The following permissions can be removed if not using S3 backup and TLS
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - secrets
  - get
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: etcd-operator
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: etcd-operator
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: etcd-operator
  namespace: default
kind: Role
  name: etcd-operator
  namespace: default
- apiGroups:
  - etcdclusters
  - etcdbackups
  - etcdrestores
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - pods
  - services
  - endpoints
  - persistentvolumeclaims
  - events
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - apps
  - deployments
  - "*"
# The following permissions can be removed if not using S3 backup and TLS
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - secrets
  - get
kind: RoleBinding
  name: etcd-operator
  namespace: default
  kind: Role
  name: etcd-operator
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: etcd-operator
  namespace: default
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: etcd-operator
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: etcd-operator
    app: etcd-operator
      app: etcd-operator
  replicas: 3
        app: etcd-operator
      serviceAccountName: etcd-operator
      - name: etcd-operator
        - etcd-operator
        - -cluster-wide
        - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: MY_POD_NAME
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: etcd-restore-operator
    app: etcd-restore-operator
      app: etcd-restore-operator
  replicas: 3
        app: etcd-restore-operator
      serviceAccountName: etcd-operator
      - name: etcd-restore-operator
        - etcd-restore-operator
        - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: MY_POD_NAME
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: etcd-backup-operator
    app: etcd-backup-operator
      app: etcd-backup-operator
  replicas: 3
        app: etcd-backup-operator
      serviceAccountName: etcd-operator
      - name: etcd-backup-operator
        - etcd-backup-operator
        - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: MY_POD_NAME

Vault Operator

kind: Role
  name: vault-operator-role
- apiGroups:
  - etcdclusters
  - etcdbackups
  - etcdrestores
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - vaultservices
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - storageclasses
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - "" # "" indicates the core API group
  - pods
  - services
  - endpoints
  - persistentvolumeclaims
  - events
  - configmaps
  - secrets
  - "*"
- apiGroups:
  - apps
  - deployments
  - "*"


kind: RoleBinding
  name: vault-operator-rolebinding
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: vault-operator
  namespace: default
  kind: Role
  name: vault-operator-role


kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    kind: VaultService
    listKind: VaultServiceList
    plural: vaultservices
    - vault
    singular: vaultservice
  scope: Namespaced
  version: v1alpha1

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    kind: EtcdCluster
    listKind: EtcdClusterList
    plural: etcdclusters
    - etcd
    singular: etcdcluster
  scope: Namespaced
  version: v1beta2
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    kind: EtcdBackup
    listKind: EtcdBackupList
    plural: etcdbackups
    singular: etcdbackup
  scope: Namespaced
  version: v1beta2
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    kind: EtcdRestore
    listKind: EtcdRestoreList
    plural: etcdrestores
    singular: etcdrestore
  scope: Namespaced
  version: v1beta2


apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: vault-operator


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: vault-operator
    app: vault-operator
      app: vault-operator
  replicas: 3
        app: vault-operator
      serviceAccountName: vault-operator
      - name: vault-operator
        - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: MY_POD_NAME

Etcd Deployment

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: vault


apiVersion: ""
kind: "EtcdCluster"
  name: "vault-etcd"
  namespace: vault
  annotations: clusterwide
  size: 3
  version: "3.2.16"
    annotations: "true" "2379"
        - labelSelector:
            - key: etcd_cluster
              operator: In
              values: ["vault-etcd"]
      value: "1"
        cpu: 300m
        memory: 200Mi
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 100Mi

Vault Deployment

apiVersion: ""
kind: "VaultService"
  name: "central"
  namespace: vault
  nodes: 3
  version: "0.9.1-0"

consul Operator interview questions

Consul and Kubernetes Service Discovery

  • Is there anything consul provides that Kubernetes / Tectonic does not that you hope to use?

Consul Cluster Management

  • How do you operate Consul today?
  • Where do datastore backups go? How is the backup job ran?
  • How do you manage the CAs for consul clustering, and consul client?
  • How do you handle upgrades?
  • Is there a global Consul cluster? Consul cluster per DC? Consul per app?
  • What are you happy with?
  • What are you unhappy with?
  • Do you use any Consul Enterprise features? If so which ones?
  • How do you backup Consul today?
  • What is the SLA of Consul? What is your scaling architecture?
  • How do you monitor Consul to ensure SLAs?

Integration with Apps

  • How do you handle application registration and configuration to use Consul?
  • How do applications consume Consul service discovery?
  • Do you use the Consul key-value store or only the service discovery features?
  • How do you envision consul being used with your Kubernetes clusters?
  • Do you intend to register pods or services with Consul or neither?
  • Would you you like to see auto-registration of services into Consul? If so what is your tolerance for stale data?

customer interview questions

These are questions that we want to ask customers as we explore the creation of a Vault operator.

How do you operate Vault in production today?

  • Where do datastore backups go? How is the backup job ran?
  • Do you use HA? If so why? What is the uptime SLA?
  • What is your process for managing the unsealing of Vault instances?
  • How do you manage the CAs for datastore, datastore/vault, & vault/client?
  • How do you handle upgrades?
  • How do you monitor vault? How do you monitor the data store?
  • Is there a global vault or multiple vaults inside of the organization?
  • What are you happy with?
  • What are you unhappy with?
  • Which features of Vault pro or premium - if any - do you use now or expect to use in the future?

How do application developers test against Vault?

  • How close to production is this setup?
  • What are you happy with?
  • What are you unhappy with?

How are applications integrated with Vault

  • How do you create vault/client certificates? What is the revocation policy?
  • Which Vault backends do you use?
  • Which Vault audit backends do you use?
  • How do you manage tokens for applications? What are the TTLS?
  • How do apps consume Vault secrets (e.g. Vault API, configuration files, environment variables)

Vault cluster doesn't start on Macbook->Openshift->myproject

Hi, I'm trying out the vault+etcd-operator on a Macbook running Docker 18.03.1-ce-mac65 (24312) and Openshift origin v3.9.0. Starting from a clean installation and master branch of vault-operator and etcd-operator repos:

Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Desktop rwipfel$ ./
++ oc login -u system:admin
Logged into "" as "system:admin" using existing credentials.

You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':

  * myproject

Using project "myproject".
++ oc patch scc restricted -p '{"fsGroup":{"type":"RunAsAny"}}'
securitycontextconstraints "restricted" patched
++ oc patch scc restricted -p '{"runAsUser":{"type":"RunAsAny"}}'
securitycontextconstraints "restricted" patched
++ cd /Users/rwipfel/git/etcd-operator/
++ example/rbac/ --namespace=myproject
Creating role with ROLE_NAME=etcd-operator, NAMESPACE=myproject "etcd-operator" created
Creating role binding with ROLE_NAME=etcd-operator, ROLE_BINDING_NAME=etcd-operator, NAMESPACE=myproject "etcd-operator" created
++ cd /Users/rwipfel/git/vault-operator/
++ sed -e 's/<namespace>/myproject/g' -e 's/<service-account>/default/g' example/rbac-template.yaml
++ kubectl create -f example/rbac.yaml "vault-operator-role" created "vault-operator-rolebinding" created
++ kubectl create -f example/etcd_crds.yaml "" created "" created "" created
++ kubectl create -f example/etcd-operator-deploy.yaml
deployment.extensions "etcd-operator" created
++ kubectl create -f example/vault_crd.yaml "" created
++ kubectl create -f example/deployment.yaml
deployment.extensions "vault-operator" created
++ sleep 5
++ kubectl get deploy
etcd-operator    1         1         1            0           6s
vault-operator   1         1         1            0           6s
++ kubectl create -f example/example_vault.yaml "example" created
++ sleep 5
++ kubectl get pods
NAME                              READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
etcd-operator-7bf6b58cdf-j5sk2    3/3       Running             0          12s
vault-operator-67d5846657-bcsd2   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          12s

Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Desktop rwipfel$ kubectl get pods
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
etcd-operator-7bf6b58cdf-j5sk2    3/3       Running   0          40s
example-etcd-mf52q4mwlr           1/1       Running   0          9s
example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk           1/1       Running   0          25s
vault-operator-67d5846657-bcsd2   1/1       Running   0          40s

There isn't anything obviously wrong in logs. The etcd cluster is running properly.

Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Desktop rwipfel$ kubectl logs vault-operator-67d5846657-bcsd2
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.9.2"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="vault-operator Version: 0.1.9"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Git SHA: 43a1dd7"
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0503 14:23:25.710514       1 leaderelection.go:174] attempting to acquire leader lease...
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0503 14:23:25.724311       1 leaderelection.go:184] successfully acquired lease myproject/vault-operator
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:\"Endpoints\", Namespace:\"myproject\", Name:\"vault-operator\", UID:\"8abd113d-4edd-11e8-9c89-025000000001\", APIVersion:\"v1\", ResourceVersion:\"1477\", FieldPath:\"\"}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'LeaderElection' vault-operator-67d5846657-bcsd2 became leader"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="starting Vaults controller"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Vault CR (myproject/example) is created"
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Desktop rwipfel$ kubectl logs etcd-operator-7bf6b58cdf-j5sk2 etcd-operator
time="2018-05-03T14:23:21Z" level=info msg="etcd-operator Version: 0.8.3"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:21Z" level=info msg="Git SHA: 85c37511"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:21Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.9.2"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:21Z" level=info msg="Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:21Z" level=info msg="Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Endpoints", Namespace:"myproject", Name:"etcd-operator", UID:"887acaa2-4edd-11e8-9c89-025000000001", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"1428", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'LeaderElection' etcd-operator-7bf6b58cdf-j5sk2 became leader"
2018-05-03 14:23:27.078742 I | warning: ignoring ServerName for user-provided CA for backwards compatibility is deprecated
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="creating cluster with Spec:" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="{" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="    "size": 3," cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="    "repository": ""," cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="    "version": "3.2.13"," cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="    "pod": {" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="        "resources": {}," cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="        "etcdEnv": [" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="            {" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="                "name": "ETCD_AUTO_COMPACTION_RETENTION"," cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="                "value": "1"" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="            }" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="        ]" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="    }," cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="    "TLS": {" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="        "static": {" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="            "member": {" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="                "peerSecret": "example-etcd-peer-tls"," cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="                "serverSecret": "example-etcd-server-tls"" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="            }," cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="            "operatorSecret": "example-etcd-client-tls"" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="        }" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="    }" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="}" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="cluster created with seed member (example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk)" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:27Z" level=info msg="start running..." cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:35Z" level=info msg="skip reconciliation: running ([]), pending ([example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk])" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:43Z" level=info msg="Start reconciling" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:43Z" level=info msg="running members: example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:43Z" level=info msg="cluster membership: example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:43Z" level=info msg="added member (example-etcd-mf52q4mwlr)" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:43Z" level=info msg="Finish reconciling" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:51Z" level=info msg="Start reconciling" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:51Z" level=info msg="running members: example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk,example-etcd-mf52q4mwlr" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:51Z" level=info msg="cluster membership: example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk,example-etcd-mf52q4mwlr" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:51Z" level=info msg="Finish reconciling" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:51Z" level=error msg="failed to reconcile: fail to add new member (example-etcd-gs9vq5sjs5): etcdserver: unhealthy cluster" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:59Z" level=info msg="Start reconciling" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:59Z" level=info msg="running members: example-etcd-mf52q4mwlr,example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:59Z" level=info msg="cluster membership: example-etcd-mf52q4mwlr,example-etcd-tvglk9h5fk" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster
time="2018-05-03T14:23:59Z" level=info msg="added member (example-etcd-8xsqs4nc8j)" cluster-name=example-etcd pkg=cluster

The vault-operator shows this:

Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Desktop rwipfel$ kubectl logs vault-operator-67d5846657-bcsd2
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.9.2"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="vault-operator Version: 0.1.9"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Git SHA: 43a1dd7"
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0503 14:23:25.710514       1 leaderelection.go:174] attempting to acquire leader lease...
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0503 14:23:25.724311       1 leaderelection.go:184] successfully acquired lease myproject/vault-operator
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:\"Endpoints\", Namespace:\"myproject\", Name:\"vault-operator\", UID:\"8abd113d-4edd-11e8-9c89-025000000001\", APIVersion:\"v1\", ResourceVersion:\"1477\", FieldPath:\"\"}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'LeaderElection' vault-operator-67d5846657-bcsd2 became leader"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="starting Vaults controller"
time="2018-05-03T14:23:25Z" level=info msg="Vault CR (myproject/example) is created"

I'm not sure where to look next?

(As a guess I tried creating custom TLS certificates per but that made no difference)

I'd be grateful for any help, and willing to contribute once I learn more about how to operate these operators :)

Don't use deployment resource for vault Upgrade?

I think the deployment resource is typically for stateless application such as web servers which there isn't any dependency between each instance; Hence upgrading using deployment's rolling upgrade is simple because the order of the upgrade doesn't matter.

However, for a cluster that has a specific ordering on how its instances are being upgraded. Deployment resource might not provide a simple and sufficient mechanism for that.

Vault cluster belongs to the latter part. Even though, the deployment resource in the vault operator is able to provide the upgrade ordering through some cleaver tricks. It is probably worth to think about how to manage a stateful application such as vault not using the deployment.

Support for VaultSecret CRD

It would be useful to have a VaultSecret CRD which only references a secret from vault. The actual vault secret would be provisioned by the operator as a Kubernetes secret whenever a VaultSecret resource is created.

In this way, no secret data would require to be stored encrypted in git. (e.g. for helm chart values using helm-secrets plugin).

I am very interested to contribute this feature, but before starting any work, I would really appreciate your feedback.

cc @rawlingsj @jstrachan

Passing spec configuration to etcd operator


How can I define custom options for the etcd cluster. Specifically, etcd operator supports persistent volume claims, beside other stuff I might want to customize. Is there any way to pass this config to etcd operator?

Thank you,
Alexei Daniline

Wrong namespace in example/k8s_auth/vault-tokenreview-binding.yaml

It looks like the namespace on line 13 of vault-tokenreview-binding.yaml should be "default" instead of "vault-services". I have followed the documentation steps to deploy vault-operator and configure k8s auth, but failed to authenticate. Changing namespace has resolved the issue.

On using an existing etcd cluster

Hi guys,

First of all, thank you so much for open sourcing the Vault operator. This is a great milestone for the community and the overall security story of Kubernetes!

It seems that the Vault operator leverages the automation provided by the etcd operator for the Vault’s datastore, which seems like a great integration point for most people!

However, for those who deploy Vault as a base Kubernetes service, it seems that it would be beneficial to use the already existing and managed etcd cluster that supports the Kubernetes API, as it is often closely monitored (etcd metrics, node metrics, ...), has alerts set up as well, backups, disaster recovery plan, etc.

Is supporting existing secured etcd cluster something that you may consider adding to the operator in the short term?

Thanks again.

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.