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ama's Introduction

Ask me anything!

I get a lot of questions by email. This way anyone can read the answer!

Anything means anything. Personal questions. Money. Work. Life. Code. Whatever.


  • Ensure your question hasn't already been answered.
  • Use a succinct title and description.
  • Bugs & feature requests should be opened on the relevant issue tracker.
  • Support questions are better asked on Stack Overflow.
  • Be civil and polite.


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ama's Issues

My Information Stream

I believe it's critical to manicure your information stream to assure it's providing a high signal-to-noise ratio.

A valuable information stream:

  • Is high signal: Consistently provides information that helps you achieve your goals
  • Is low noise: Avoids providing information that's outside your realm of influence

“In ancient times, having power meant having access to data. Today, having power means knowing what to ignore. - Yuval Harari

My Goals

  • I am currently focused on JavaScript, React, Node, and GraphQL. So my information stream reflects this focus.
  • I've found improving my general life skills has dramatically improved my quality of life and my results. So I regularly consume useful content that's unrelated to programming, but broadens my knowledge. Topics include psychology, health, communication, persuasion, sales, management, lifestyle design, time management, mental models, and so on. I take my lessons in these areas and regularly consider how they apply to programming.

Social Media

I follow many developers on Twitter. I limit the time I spend reading tweets so I can focus my reading on the sources below. I don't use any other social media.

Email Newsletters

I'm a big believer in this format. The signal to noise ratio on these is high.


Farnham Street Brain Food Newsletter
Seth Godin’s daily blog
Tim Ferriss Mailing List


JavaScript Weekly News
React.js Newsletter
React Status
O'Reilly Web Development Newsletter
React Digest
Kent C Dodds Mail



The Knowledge Project 
Tim Ferriss Show


The React Podcast
JavaScript Jabber


I use audible. I listen to about one book a month while driving and biking. I track my reads on GoodReads.


I watch Pluralsight and Egghead courses. I believe in video-based learning, so I've authored multiple courses on Pluralsight.

I also enjoy Fun Fun Function on YouTube and TED Talks.

I hardly ever watch TV. I prefer reading, writing, experimenting, traveling, and hanging out with the fam.


I enjoy speaking at conferences so I can get in and learn for free. 👍 Although I enjoy the "hallway track", I often attend sessions. Here's the list of conferences I've attended.


I don't watch/read general news. Here's why. The Four Hour Work Week also has good insights on this topic. If it's a big deal, it tends to come to my attention anyway via Twitter and word of mouth. I rarely visit general tech sites since my email stream has a higher signal to noise ratio for my interests, and conference sessions and conversations fill in the gaps.


I often watch my kids play sports. 😃 Not much else.


I don't listen to the radio because the ads are obnoxious and I prefer to multithread my commuting. I strive to avoid ads. Instead, I listen to audio books and podcasts, and I pay for Spotify so there are no ads. I have a "Deep Focus" playlist for coding that contains music without lyrics.

Chasing Fears

In your talk, "The Immutable Laws of Software and Life" you discuss the importance of "chasing your fears". You mention the fear of public speaking as one of the fears that you chased and overcame. This fear is clearly not an obstacle any more. 😀

Having conquered this fear, what fears are you chasing now?

React Software Engineers for top Midwest Client

Cory, I was very impressed with your profile and wanted to see if I can network with you as I have some React Projects for Fortune 100 Client John Deere.

I am Talent Business Partner for Aquent ITS solutions and we are looking for top remote Senior FED Software Engineers long term openings for my major client John Deere. Do you know anyone in the market   (This is the team I recruit for mostly) Our major client is John Deere

Do you know anyone in the market

Matt Carey
[email protected]

Top Audiobooks

This is related to the existing Book Recommendations question, but with a more focused ask. If you were just starting to "multi-thread your commute" and had to pick one or two audiobooks, what ones would be at the top of your list?

How did you become a Microsoft MVP?

I spoke at a lot of conferences, authored courses, and blogged a lot. Microsoft gives MVPs to people who are active in the community. You need not use Microsoft products. When I first got my MVP, I was coding heavily in C# and .NET and authoring courses on those topics. That's how I got their attention. Since then, I've shifted to mostly JS and Node, but Microsoft has continued to award me MVP status for my contributions in those areas.

Many people assume MVP means you know MS tech best. That's often true, but not always.

And to clarify, I'm still a big fan of C# and .NET, I've just chosen to focus on JS recently because it's hot and I'm having fun trying to keep up with all the churn. :)

React Large and scalable app

Hey Corey, thanks a lot for this AMA. I'm a huge fan of you because I've learned react thanks yours Pluralsight courses, everything is well explained and your support for the course is awesome.

Some months ago, after I finished the react courses, I started to create a dummy app for my portafolio like a real-app but I saw 3 different things that for me are doubts that could be great ask you:

  1. Which architecture do you recommend for large and scalable react's app? Would be grate if you can give an example.

  2. How can you work with react-redux if you have a big amount of data? Becuase I think if you have 1kk of registers is not ok (At least for me) retrieve all the data from your DB or whatever, and put it in your state as you can see in the examples.

  3. For you What is the best real-app react-redux app that I can see as an example?

  4. When will you create a full unit test for react app course?

Thanks, a lot I hope that you have time to answer those questions.

Building Applications in React and Redux

Hey Cory, i want to run your application from pluralsight course

  1. I downloaded exercise files from PluralSight: module 10, after folder. Asinq in Redux

  2. Then i navigated to this folder:

  3. and eneterd npm install to get node modulles.

  4. Then i run:
    C:\Users\asus\Desktop\CoryMaterMuJBM\after>npm start

  5. and get his message:

ps-redux@ start C:\Users\asus\Desktop\CoryMaterMuJBM\after

run-p start:dev start:api

ps-redux@ start:dev C:\Users\asus\Desktop\CoryMaterMuJBM\after
webpack-dev-server --config --port 3000

ps-redux@ prestart:api C:\Users\asus\Desktop\CoryMaterMuJBM\after
node tools/createMockDb.js

Mock DB created.

ps-redux@ start:api C:\Users\asus\Desktop\CoryMaterMuJBM\after
node tools/apiServer.js

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::3001
at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1298:14)
at listenInCluster (net.js:1346:12)
at Server.listen (net.js:1434:7)
at Function.listen (C:\Users\asus\Desktop\CoryMaterMuJBM\after\node_modules\express\lib\application.js:618:24)
at Object. (C:\Users\asus\Desktop\CoryMaterMuJBM\after\tools\apiServer.js:59:8)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:936:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:947:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:790:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:703:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:999:10)
Emitted 'error' event on Server instance at:
at emitErrorNT (net.js:1325:8)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21) {
errno: 'EADDRINUSE',
syscall: 'listen',
address: '::',
port: 3001
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! ps-redux@ start:api: node tools/apiServer.js
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the ps-redux@ start:api script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2020-05-23T20_25_42_332Z-debug.log
ERROR: "start:api" exited with 1.
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! ps-redux@ start: run-p start:dev start:api
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the ps-redux@ start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2020-05-23T20_25_42_751Z-debug.log

Using zod with react query v5

In useQuery v4, I used to parse the response with Zod in the select function. if everything were OK, Zod would just return the data with inferred type. otherwise, it would throw the error, and the app would crash and console the detailed error. A sample is given below:

export function useGetNotifications() {
const axiosPrivate = useAxiosPrivate();
return useQuery({
query key: ["notifications"],
queryFn: (): Promise => {
return axiosPrivate.get(notificationsUrl);
select: (data) => {
refetchInterval: 2000,

in v5, this is not the behaviour. App crashes on wrong data but does not log the error. maybe because:

if I use safeParse, I get the logs but the app doesn't crash. Behaviour is the same if I change the queryFn to an async function and use Zod before returning the response.

I can easily desired behaviour by using Zod before consuming the data in the component but the Whole point of this effort is to bake in parsing inside API.

React in Visual Studio

Hi Cory. I was wondering if you gave any courses in React using Visual Studio. I am a Microsoft developer and even though I have a subscription to Pluralsight, I don't see any courses like this. Thanks

Integrating .NET Core with Next.js 14 for Backend Services

Hi Cory,

I recently enjoyed your course, "Next.js 12: The Big Picture," and it inspired me to explore Next.js 14. I'm currently wrapping up the new learning path by Vercel for version 14 and delving into the documentation.

I'm curious about the integration possibilities between Next.js 14 and a .NET Core backend. Our team has extensive experience with .NET Core and C#, and we're considering leveraging that expertise for backend services while adopting Next.js for our front end.

Could you shed some light on how the new default to server-side-rendering and 'use client' features in Next.js 14 might impact or facilitate the use of a .NET Core backend? Are there best practices for this kind of setup, especially considering the maturity and security benefits that .NET Core offers?

Thanks for your time

Career advice on how to get a dev job (preferably remote)

Hi Cory,

Have a question and if you could give me an advice to follow that, and to somehow go to the right direction.

Have just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, but don't know to write code for a site from scratch(for example).

Want somehow to get into this world.

Would like to choose some path that could lead me to some job, not just job at some agency, but also to be able to work remotely! Is that possible?

Will you please, when you have time just for some short advice?

Thank you

Why do you post on Medium instead of your own blog?

I prefer both Medium's reading and writing experience compared to my own (Wordpress) blog. I also find that I get more traffic on Medium than my own blog. Their tagging system works well, and they do a better job with mobile readers than my wordpress site does.

To get the best of both worlds, I tend to post on Medium, and then post the first paragraph on my personal blog with a link to the Medium post.

Do you ever feel like you dedicate too much time to your professional life that you don't lead a balanced life?

You have a pretty active professional life, between your regular work, your community involvement, and your Pluralsight gig, and I'm sure other things I'm not listing. Do you ever stop to wonder why you devote so much time to your professional life? And what you could have accomplished in your personal life with that time dedication?

I personally feel like to be the developer I want to be I can't just do a 40 hour work week. I work extra hours, do other stuff on the side, attend conferences, etc. Are we an industry of workaholics?

How to Start Freelancing

Hello Cory,

I've been working as a software engineer for large corporations for 4 years now and am looking to transition into freelance/contracting. I have several questions on how to get started. Would greatly appreciate any guidance you can offer with the following:

  1. What was your journey to freelance/consulting?
  2. How did you get your first independent gig?
  3. How did you find work/clients when you were getting started?
  4. What do you use for benefits? Do you have international benefits?
  5. How do you calculate your rate?
  6. What lessons have you learned along the way?
    6a. Things you wish you had done differently?
    6b. Things you wish you knew when you were getting started?
    6c. Things to avoid in freelancing?
  7. What did your portfolio (bitnative) look like when you were first getting started? Why?

Invalidating queries with long query keys.

Hi, I use React query for my server state management. The issue i am facing the most is invalidating queries. Invalidating a query is simple but if your query key has many parameters then you may not be in scope to get all parameters to invalidate a certain query. There can also be a situation where you increase the number of parameters in the query key later and you forget to put all new entries where those queries are being invalidated. In such a case how can we invalidate a query?

A question about your course - Securing React Apps with Auth0

Hi Corey,

Firstly, amazing course, I really enjoy your clear, concise and easy to understand approach to teaching courses.

I have a couple of questions about the Plural Sight course Securing React Apps with Auth0. I watched this as I am building an app with a React front end and a Java Spring Boot back end.

  1. You mention that if we have a server of any type then we should probably use the authorization grant type. If that's the case why do you use the Implicit flow even when you have an Express server set up in the course?

  2. I see the course was released in 2018, is the course above now out of date? I am no security expert myself, but reading around I see that the Implicit grant type is now deprecated and even SPAs like React apps should use the authorization grant flow, what's your opinion on this?

Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my questions and answer them.

What do you think of Full Stack Web Application Development?

Hi Cory,

I am just going through your HTML5 Web Component Fundamentals course on Pluralsight... I am a complete beginner with some mandatory holidays, caused by the virus, so I decided to create a web application. I have written macros in excel before, and a few macros for a 3D design software both using VB, but that is about all my coding knowledge. I have watched about 45 hours of Pluralsight courses in 4 days, and I struggle to find the relevant things, as most beginner videos explain the basics too basic, but don't go into details on the genuinely new info. (I don't even need coding to understand what an if - else statement is - my mom shouted it at me enough as a child -, but what on earth is git? Sure I downloaded and installed it to follow the demos, now what, will it scan my entire computer and sell all my personal data???) Yes I have very serious trust issues.

Your course was the first one that I actually started to find interesting, and the one that made most sense.

As I am drowning in resources - there are 95+hrs of Pluralsight courses on HTML CSS and JS (basics), purely on how to write these from scratch - a common element in these courses is: "Here is how you do it from scratch on your own, but don't do that, here is 5 alternatives for - libraries, frameworks etc. but you also have to learn these on top of what you just learned, they will introduce issues with dependencies, and you will struggle to switch between these. Good luck!!"

So 5th day into learning web application development I think I would like to go down the Full Stack route, assuming I understood that term right (Developing both Front and Rear end) and re-invent every wheel that rolls my way. Luckily as a Mechanical Design Engineer working in Motorsports, that's also what I do when I am not on holiday

After the essay, here are the questions:

  • Whats your preferred method of deploying your web applications?
  • Why?
  • How are you certain that they are safe, both from hackers and from the third party you are/may be deploying it through? (I have trust issues with completely free resources that just say "promise we won't look" in a fancy formatted document)

The app I am developing (a demo for - as a first project) exists already and was created in the early 2000s and is unsupported now. It handles personal data, and while I will not input any real GDPR sensitive data into my demo app, I would like to begin development with the condition that it must be THAT secure.

  • What are 'Must have'-s even if I try to go about it the 'From Scratch' way?
  • Do you have any more courses that go into detail on any of the topics I mentioned in my essay? (Security, frameworks and libraries, 'New Starter - kit' of 'Must Have'-s?
  • If you personally don't, can you recommend certain courses to watch, read, work through?

Thank you!
Sorry for the long post!
(Here is a Potato)

How do you bounce back from a disappointing day?

I love hearing about your wins: sage advice, new discoveries, and general success stories. But I also wonder, do you have days where you think "That one really got away from me. I could have managed it better."? If so, what strategies do you use to bounce back and make the next day a success?

What Editor and plugins do you use?

Hi there,
Do you mind to share the editor you're currently using? VS Code? Which plugins do you use? Do you use any specific theme, font colors, prettier, etc?

Mocking Utility

Hi Cory.

We were talking at the KCDC dinner and you mentioned that you were creating an API mocking utility. It sounded something like the following tool so thought I'd pass it on:

What is the best way to be comfortable with JS?

Hello mister Cory House I'm Firas Regayeg from Tunisia, I'm a new junior developer. I work now for an enterprise that would use new technologies in its product developments. I followed you on Pluralsight and got many things new in JS thank you so much for those useful tutos. But for now, I want to contact you about something else, that I'm NOT ok with it. Its about when I start something new by myself trying to make it without help of others , I stuck up immediately. Could you tell me please, what is the best way to be comfortable with JS - specially - I want to be good on it, its the future language. I will be thankful for any instructions or recommendations from you. Thanks in advance

Speaking at private event?

Hi - I've got a private corporate event coming up. Do you speak at private events? Can you contact me directly (erik.dahl @ if you do and we can continue dialog?

Where's the part 2 of the React Most Common Mistakes of 2023 - JetBrains JavaScript Day 2023.

There are some slides, mistakes and solution on which I want some explanation e.g.
I completely don't understand what this slides says. I will be really good if you provide a complete video explanation to the slides, which means make part 2 of React Most Common Mistakes of 2023 - JetBrains JavaScript Day 2023. As your audience also wants this. Thanks for everything. I hope we meet in real life.

How to go fully independent in the software business?

I've been a software engineer for many years now and the last few years I’ve been doing it on a contract basis. Typically contracting with one company at a time through staffing agencies. Contracting has its benefits but in most ways it is like an employee, I exchange my service on a per hour basis which obviously has its limitations.
I would like to expand my business in a way that I can serve multiple clients and offer my services on a per service basis and not just by the hour.
Do you have any advice on how to do that?

What tools do I use?

Here's a breakdown of what I use.

Here's the same info on Medium.

Disclaimer: I'm using Amazon affiliate links below.

My Backpack

Here's a breakdown of what's currently inside:
2018-06-24 11 41 25

  1. 2021 M1 MacBook Pro 16" 32GB/1TB - I bought this because the M1 is lightning fast and has awesome battery life. Plus the SSD and RAM is much faster than the old 2015's, and the screen is notably brighter so I can easily work outside. I owned the 2019, 2018 and 2017 before it. This is easily the best yet. The keyboard is as good as my 2015. The fan nearly never comes on. The battery life is the best yet. Due to USB-C, I occasionally use Apple's HDMI with USB and power dongle. I also use cheap USB-C to USB-A adapters I picked up on eBay for a couple bucks.


  1. Verizon 7730L Mifi - I've tethered to my phone for years, but it always annoyed me. Poor signal, slow speeds, quick battery drain, and it tied up my phone so I couldn't do calls while online. This is so fast it feels almost like I'm home, the battery lasts 24 hours, and its been consistently fast and reliable everywhere I've used it.


  1. The Roost laptop stand - I absolutely love this thing. No more looking down at a screen. This avoids neck pain, and improves my mood (looking down is actually a mental downer too).


I use this on planes so I can read without being cramped. It fits nicely on a tray table. And since it places the machine above the tray table, it leaves room on the tray table for the separate trackpad and a drink.

Related tweet
Another related tweet

  1. AirPods Pro. These sound great for audiobooks and are so comfortable I forget they're in my ears. I like how they pause when I remove one, and a squeeze on the side pauses the music. The noise cancelling is excellent. I can easily listen to audiobooks and podcasts in a loud gym or on city walks without distraction. They sound fine for music, but I prefer the Bose below for music listening.

  1. Airpods Max Headphones - I mostly use these on planes and in loud environments. They do an amazing job at cutting noise on flights, noisy airports, and team rooms. That said, I prefer my AirPods when exercising - the AirPods sound nearly as good, and are more comfortable when it's hot.


  1. Magic Trackpad 2 - I was surprised to fall in love with this. Using a built in trackpad on a laptop can lead to hand cramps, but that's just because of the awkward wrist angle they tend to create when a laptop is on your lap. Since this is placed in a normal mouse location, I find it very comfortable. I like being able to use the same gestures as on my MacBook's trackpad. So my workflow doesn't change when I dock. And since I can place my hands however I like, I find it very comfortable. Also, since I travel a lot, being able to just sit this on any surface is a win - unlike a mouse which can be picky about surfaces. It's flat and light, so it fits easily in my bag.


  1. Magic Keyboard 2 - The worst thing about the new MacBook Pros is the keyboard. The Magic Keyboard 2 has the same key feel as the old MacBook laptops. 👍 And since I like to use my machine on the Roost stand, I need an external keyboard. This is flat, light, wireless, and durable, so it's perfect for travel.


  1. Logitech R800 Wireless Presenter - I like this because it has a countdown timer, long battery life, and excellent range. Pro tip: Here's how I avoid forgetting to start the countdown timer: I start the countdown timer before the talk begins. I just set the timer to the length of the talk plus the number of minutes until the talk begins. (so if it's an hour long talk and I'm starting the timer 15 minutes before the talk, then I set the timer to an hour and 15 minutes and press start).


  1. USB to lightning cable - For charging phone, AirPods, Trackpad, keyboard. The benefit of using all Apple is I can use the same cable to charge all 4 of these wireless peripherals.

  2. Anker Powercore 10000 USB Battery - This 10,000 mah battery has enough juice to charge my phone, headphones, and Verizon Mifi multiple times so I don't worry about running out of juice. And it's about the size as a deck of cards!


  1. iPhone X - I've had Android for years but switched because iPhones benchmark significantly faster. Performance is the most important feature to me, and so far this has been extremely reliable and so fast nearly everything feels instant. Face ID works so well I don't even notice it. I also like the integration with Mac. It's handy getting text messages and calls forwarded to my Mac so I can leave my phone plugged in outside my office which aids focus.

Other items in my backpack:

  • Outdoor coding kit: Hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen
  • Airport/coffee shop kit: Plugin adapters (useful so I can share an outlet with others), an extension chord (again, useful when I can't get close enough to an outlet)
  • Sleeping kit: Mask and earplugs for sleeping on airplanes
  • International travel: Not pictured, but I bring a couple of these universal AC power plug adapter when traveling internationally.
  • Second monitor in a pinch: I carry a 6' HDMI cable. Handy when a conference is lacking one. I also use it to attach my machine to the hotel TV so I can enjoy a second monitor on the road. I typically prefer a single monitor, but this is useful when doing conference calls so I can put the call on one screen and work on the other. Sometimes I put concerts on the 2nd screen so I don't feel so alone in hotels. :)

Here I'm using the hotel TV as a 2nd monitor via HDMI:


  1. I own multiple 4K monitors, but only run one at a time. I place them at different spots in the house. My current favorite is the LG-UK850 27". It's USB-C so I can dock and charge my Macbook Pro with a single cable. 😍It works reliably and I love it.


The best part: I can dock and charge my MacBook Pro with a single USB-C cable. This shows power, USB-C, USB keyboard, Ethernet, and audio connected, all via a single cable to the Mac. 😍I have Google Fiber, so it's great plugging in a single cable and enjoying gigabit speeds! 🏎


  1. Monoprice USB-C to 3x USB-A 3.0, Gigabit Ethernet & USB-C Adapter - When I travel and need Ethernet, I use this. It accepts power as well, so this is the only cable I have to plug into my machine.


  1. UpLift 4-Leg Adjustable-Height Standing Desk - This was pricey, but worth it to me. It's clean, fast, and very sturdy compared to cheaper 2 leg adjustable desks. The legs are very heavy, but it's also able to lift around 400 pounds. It has 5 memory settings on the keypad.

Here it is up.


And here it is down.


  1. Veridesk Pro Adjustable Stand Up Desk Converter - I placed this on top of a traditional desk so I can stand when desired. I moved this setup to my recording room since it's ugly and clunky compared to my setup above. Here's the comparison:


  1. Lifespan TR1200 DT Treadmill - I enjoy walking while working. Studies show walking while reads aids memory retention and creativity. I find it also keeps me alert. I alternate between walking, standing, and sitting depending on my mood. When I want to sit, I power the desk down, pivot my monitor and peripherals to the right, and sit in the chair that sits next to my treadmill.

  2. Microsoft Sculpt Keyboard - I love this keyboard. Best keyboard action I've found, and the ergonomic design is quite comfortable. I've used it when traveling too but switched to a Magic Keyboard 2 because the Sculpt isn't flat which bloats my backpack, and it's small F-keys tend to get jammed down when it's stuffed in a backpack (the sole downside I've found). I like that this keyboard comes with a separate number pad. This way the reach from the keyboard to the mouse is shorter. 👍


  1. Magic Trackpad 2 - Yes, I like this so much that I have a second for home.

  2. Ergotron Dual Monitor Arms - I put my Dell 27" on one, and my Mac on the other using the Ergotron laptop tray which attaches to the monitor arm. I typically only open my Mac for video conferencing since I prefer a single monitor setup. I run them side-by-side, but these arms support stacking too. I bought the stacking style since it gives you more vertical height adjustment for side-by-side arrangements.


  1. Rode Podcaster attached to a Rode Boom Arm. - I recorded all my Pluralsight courses and podcasts on this mic. The USB interface makes it easy to work with.


Other Oddities

My wife makes fun of this, but I occasionally work from the car too. So I use a steering wheel desk from eBay. This is handy when I'm waiting for the kids while they're at practice and events. I drop them off and wait there instead of driving back and forth. So this saves time and money. On nice days, it's also enjoyable to drive somewhere inspiring and quiet so I can work from there for awhile. This works better than you might think. I find I can type just fine, and the screen is at eye level.



Related tweet with more pics

Other ideas?

Know of other good stuff I should consider? Please post a comment!

Can't find Discussions on

Hi -
Sorry to post this here but I just can't find a 'Discussions' label on the product page.

I was attempting my first 'npm start' and I got this:

PS C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before> npm start

ps-redux@ start C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before
webpack-dev-server --config --port 3000

i 「wds」: Project is running at http://localhost:3000/
i 「wds」: webpack output is served from /
i 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before
i 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /index.html
× 「wdm」: 33 modules

ERROR in ./src/index.js
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
Error: No ESLint configuration found.
at Config.getLocalConfigHierarchy (C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before\node_modules\eslint\lib\config.js:268:39)
at Config.getConfigHierarchy (C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before\node_modules\eslint\lib\config.js:192:43)
at Config.getConfigVector (C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before\node_modules\eslint\lib\config.js:299:21)
at Config.getConfig (C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before\node_modules\eslint\lib\config.js:342:29)
at processText (C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before\node_modules\eslint\lib\cli-engine.js:181:33)
at CLIEngine.executeOnText (C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before\node_modules\eslint\lib\cli-engine.js:690:40)
at lint (C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before\node_modules\eslint-loader\index.js:263:17)
at Object.module.exports (C:\Users\david\Documents\vscode-projects\react-redux-react-router-es6\03\demos\before\node_modules\eslint-loader\index.js:258:21)
i 「wdm」: Failed to compile.

Suggestions for learning JavaScript and React from scratch

Hello Cory,

Here's a little background. I have been trying to learn how to be a programmer for about a year now. I have been working mostly on concourse for integration and pushing application to PCF for about six months into my first year. I felt alone in my attempt to learn so I figured I would have better luck by going back to school. In school I took the following classes; Visual basic, C++, and Java. I took a course on Python (my manager referred this to me). I did this for about two more months because the classes are five weeks apart. I felt I would learn faster if I signed up for a boot-camp. So, I took a break from school and enrolled into a boot-camp from June to October 2017 and it was great. They taught the following; React 15.3 at the time, and K'nex, express, bookshelf, PostGres SQL, HTML, CSS, and this is where I learned JavaScript. Each course was about one week each except for React that was about two weeks. I thought the class would be totoally focused on just JavaScript before I signed up. But taking the class felt to me you had to have some sort of experience in order to learn it. I felt lost the entire time. The teachers did what they could for me however, it was a pretty large class. Now, I am at a point where I really want to learn. People have given up on me, but not me. I believe and know I can do it. This is why I am reaching out. I am looking for a mentor, you have a great reputation. I really want to use this to change my life. I want to contribute something to the world. I know that's a bit much. But it's the truth. It has been a crazy year. But I decided I am not giving up.

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

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