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tappay-android-example's Introduction


TapPay SDK example code for Android Platform.

TapPay Android SDK is used to get token(i.e. prime) on Android platform for charging a credit card.

Obtain your app id and keys here.

Usage of each pay

Setup Android App link in Android Studio

  1. Setup a config need to use an API return JSON string, API path https://"your host"/"your path" JSON string For example:
  "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.get_login_creds"],
  "target": {
    "namespace": "android_app",
    "package_name": "your package name",
    ["your sha256_cert_fingerprints"]
  1. Android studio will generate "assetlinks.json" for you, and you need to save above file to : https://"your host"/.well-known/assetlinks.json

Direct Pay

direct pay demo

  1. Import tpdirect.aar into your project.

  2. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.

    TPDSetup.initInstance(getApplicationContext(), "APP_ID", "APP_KEY"
    , TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  3. Add TPDForm in your layout.

  4. Setup TPDCard with TPDForm.

    TPDCard card = TPDCard.setup(TPDForm tpdForm)
        .onSuccessCallback(new TPDTokenSuccessCallback(){
            public void onSuccess(String prime, TPDCardInfo cardInfo) {
            //get Prime succeeded. }
        ).onFailureCallback(new TPDTokenFailureCallback(){
            public void onFailure(int status, String reportMsg) {
            //get Prime failed. }
  5. Fill credit card information in TPDForm and get Prime from TapPay.


如需使用 RBA 相關功能

  • 若你是使用3.9.0 版本,直接使用tpdirect.aar 即可
  • 若您是使用3.9.0 之前版本,請將 /DirectPayExample/app/libs/android-A1.0.0.aar 此檔案與 tpdirect.aar 一同放置於 lib 中

Google Pay

google pay demo

  1. Import tpdirect.aar into your project.

  2. Add dependencies into your app's build.gradle

    compile ''
    compile ''
  3. Add below metadata in AndroidManifest.xml

        android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" /> 
        android:value="true" />
  4. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.

    TPDSetup.initInstance(getApplicationContext(), "APP_ID", "APP_KEY"
    , TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  5. Create :

    • TPDMerchant for Google Pay process
    TPDMerchant tpdMerchant = new TPDMerchant();
    tpdMerchant.setMerchantName("Your merchant name");
    • TPDConsumer for requiring consumer's payment detail.
    TPDConsumer tpdConsumer = new TPDConsumer();
  6. Setup TPDGooglePay with TPDMerchant and TPDConsumer.

    TPDGooglePay tpdGooglePay = new TPDGooglePay(this, tpdMerchant, tpdConsumer);
  7. Check Google Pay availability.

    tpdGooglePay.isGooglePayAvailable(TPDGooglePayListener var1);
  8. Obtain PaymentData.

                    .build(), LOAD_PAYMENT_DATA_REQUEST_CODE);
  9. Get Prime from TapPay.

     tpdGooglePay.getPrime(paymentData, TPDTokenSuccessCallback, TPDTokenFailureCallback);


line pay demo

  1. Import tpdirect.aar into your project.

  2. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.

    TPDSetup.initInstance(getApplicationContext(), "APP_ID", "APP_KEY"
    , TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  3. Add below intent-filter to an Activity for receiving LINE Pay Result in AndroidManifest.xml and set launch mode to "SingleTask"

    For example :

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                android:scheme="linepayexample" />
  4. Add below queries element to manifest for LINE Pay package visibility in Android 11 and later version

        <!-- for line pay open -->
        <package android:name="" />
  1. Check LINE Pay availability.

    boolean isLinePayAvailable =TPDLinePay.isLinePayAvailable(Context context);
  2. Setup TPDLinePay with uri which is formed with host and scheme(both declared in Step3).

    For example:

    TPDLinePay tpdLinePay = new TPDLinePay(Context context, "linepayexample://tech.cherri");
  3. Open corresponding LinePay payment method by paymentUrl obtained from TapPay pay-by-prime API

  4. Receive LinePayResult in Activity life cycle "onCreate" or "onNewIntent" (depend on the activity had been destroyed or not)

    tpdLinePay.parseToLinePayResult(Context context, intent.getData(), TPDLinePayResultListener listener);
  5. Obtain TPDLinePayResult in "onParseSuccess" TPDLinePayResult has:

    • status (0 = Success , 924 = Canceled by User)
    • recTradeId
    • bankTransactionId
    • orderNumber

Samsung Pay

samsung pay demo

  1. Import tpdirect.aar and samsungpay-1.x.jar into your project.

  2. Add below meta data to your application tag in AndroidManifest.xml

    For example :

          <!--Set to 'N' if in release mode.-->
            android:value="Y" />
            android:value="1.8" />
        <!--Debug Key is valid for 3 months;-->
        <!--Remove below metadata if in release mode-->
            android:value=“{Your debug_api_key obtained from Samsung}” />
       <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
  3. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.

    TPDSetup.initInstance(getApplicationContext(), "APP_ID", "APP_KEY"
    , TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  4. Create TPDMerchant for Samsung Pay process

    TPDMerchant tpdMerchant = new TPDMerchant();
    tpdMerchant.setMerchantName(“Your Merchant Name");
    tpdMerchant.setSamsungMerchantId(“Your SamsungMerchantId obtained from TapPay Portal”));
  5. Setup TPDSamsungPay with TPDMerchant and service Id

    TPDSamsungPay tpdSamsungPay = new TPDSamsungPay({Your Activity}, "Your serviceId obtained from Samsung", tpdMerchant);
  6. Check Samsung Pay availability.

    boolean isSamsungPayAvailable =tpdSamsungPay.isSamsungPayAvailable(TPDSamsungPayStatusListener listener);
  7. Get Prime from TapPay.

    tpdSamsungPay.getPrime(itemTotalAmount, shippingPrice, tax, totalAmount, TPDTokenSuccessCallback, TPDTokenFailureCallback);


  1. Import tpdirect.aar into your project.
  2. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.
                Constants.APP_ID, Constants.APP_KEY, TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  1. Add below intent-filter to an Activity for receiving JKO Pay Result with App Link in AndroidManifest.xml and set launch mode to "SingleTask"

For example :


    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            android:host="your host"
            android:pathPattern="/your path"
            android:scheme="https" />

  1. Add below queries element to manifest for JKO Pay package visibility in Android 11 and later version
        <!-- for jko pay open -->
        <package android:name="" />
  1. Check JKO Pay availability.

boolean isJkoPayAvailable = TPDJkoPay.isJkoPayAvailable(this.getApplicationContext());

  1. Setup TPDJkoPay with universal links (both declared in Step3) For example:
TPDJkoPay tpdJkoPay = new TPDJkoPay(getApplicationContext(), "your universal links");
  1. Open corresponding JkoPay payment method by paymentUrl obtained from TapPay pay-by-prime API
  1. Receive JkoPayResult in Activity life cycle "onCreate" or "onNewIntent" (depend on the activity had been destroyed or not)
tpdJkoPay.parseToJkoPayResult(getApplicationContext(), intent.getData(), TPDJkoPayResultListener listener)
  1. Obtain TPDJkoPayResult in "onParseSuccess" TPDJkoPayResult has:


  1. Import tpdirect.aar into your project.
  2. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.
                Constants.APP_ID, Constants.APP_KEY, TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  1. Add below intent-filter to an Activity for receiving Easy-Wallet Result with App Link in AndroidManifest.xml and set launch mode to "SingleTask"

For example :


    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            android:host="your host"
            android:pathPattern="/your path"
            android:scheme="https" />

  1. Add below queries element to manifest for easy-wallet package visibility in Android 11 and later version
        <!-- for easy-wallet open -->
        <package android:name="com.easycard.wallet" />
  1. Check Easy-Wallet availability.

boolean isEasyWalletAvailable = TPDEasyWallet.isAvailable(this.getApplicationContext());

  1. Setup TPDEasyWallet with universal links (both declared in Step3) For example:
TPDEasyWallet tpdEasyWallet = new TPDEasyWallet(getApplicationContext(), "your universal links");
  1. Open corresponding Easy-Wallet payment method by paymentUrl obtained from TapPay pay-by-prime API
  1. Receive EasyWalletResult in Activity life cycle "onCreate" or "onNewIntent" (depend on the activity had been destroyed or not)
tpdEasyWallet.parseToEasyWalletResult(getApplicationContext(), intent.getData(), TPDEasyWalletResultListener listener)
  1. Obtain TPDEasyWalletResult in "onParseSuccess" TPDEasyWalletResult has:


  1. Import tpdirect.aar into your project.
  2. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.
                Constants.APP_ID, Constants.APP_KEY, TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  1. Add below intent-filter to an Activity for receiving Atome Result with App Link in AndroidManifest.xml and set launch mode to "SingleTask"

For example :


    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            android:host="your host"
            android:pathPattern="/your path"
            android:scheme="https" />

  1. Add below queries element to manifest for Atome package visibility in Android 11 and later version
        <!-- for atome pay open -->
        <package android:name="tw.atome.paylater" />
  1. Check Atome availability.

boolean isAtomePayAvailable = TPDAtomePay.isAtomePayAppAvailable(this.getApplicationContext());

  1. Setup TPDAtomePay with universal links (both declared in Step3) For example:
TPDAtomePay tpdAtomePay = new TPDAtomePay(getApplicationContext(), "your universal links");
  1. Open corresponding Atome payment method by paymentUrl obtained from TapPay pay-by-prime API
  1. Receive AtomeResult in Activity life cycle "onCreate" or "onNewIntent" (depend on the activity had been destroyed or not)
tpdAtomePay.parseToAtomePayResult(getApplicationContext(), intent.getData(), TPDAtomePayResultListener listener)
  1. Obtain TPDAtomePayResult in "onParseSuccess" TPDAtomePayResult has:


  1. Import tpdirect.aar into your project.
  2. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.
                Constants.APP_ID, Constants.APP_KEY, TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  1. Add below intent-filter to an Activity for receiving Pi-Wallet Result with App Link in AndroidManifest.xml and set launch mode to "SingleTask"

For example :


    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            android:host="your host"
            android:pathPattern="/your path"
            android:scheme="https" />

  1. Add below queries element to manifest for Pi-Wallet package visibility in Android 11 and later version
        <!-- for pi-wallet production app open  -->
        <package android:name="" />
        <!-- for pi-wallet test app open -->
        <!--    <package android:name="" />-->
  1. Check Pi-Wallet availability.

boolean isPiWalletAvailable = TPDPiWallet.isPiWalletAvailable(this.getApplicationContext());

  1. Setup TPDPiWallet with Android app links For example:
TPDPiWallet tpdPiWallet = new TPDPiWallet(getApplicationContext(), "your android app links");
  1. Open corresponding Pi-Wallet payment method by paymentUrl obtained from TapPay pay-by-prime API
  1. Receive PiWalletResult in Activity life cycle "onCreate" or "onNewIntent" (depend on the activity had been destroyed or not)
tpdPiWallet.parseToPiWalletResult(getApplicationContext(), intent.getData(), TPDPiWalletResultListener listener)
  1. Obtain TPDPiWalletResult in "onParseSuccess" TPDPiWalletResult has:

Plus Pay

  1. Import tpdirect.aar into your project.
  2. Use TPDSetup to initialize the SDK and setup environment.
                Constants.APP_ID, Constants.APP_KEY, TPDServerType.Sandbox);
  1. Specify intent-filter to an Activity for receiving Plus Pay Result with Android app links (highly recommand) in AndroidManifest.xml and set launch mode to "SingleTask"



    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            android:host="your host"
            android:pathPattern="/your path"
            android:scheme="https" />

  1. Add below queries element to manifest for Plus Pay package visibility in Android 11 and later version
        <!-- for plus pay production app -->
        <package android:name="grasea.familife" />
        <!-- for plus pay sandbox app -->
<!--        <package android:name="" />-->
  1. Check Plus Pay availability.
boolean isPlusPayAvailable = TPDPlusPay.isPlusPayAvailable(this.getApplicationContext());
  1. Setup TPDPlusPay with Android app links ex:
TPDPlusPay tpdPlusPay = new TPDPlusPay(getApplicationContext(), "your android app links");
  1. Open corresponding Plus Pay payment method by paymentUrl obtained from TapPay pay-by-prime API
  1. Receive Plus Pay Result in Activity life cycle "onCreate" or "onNewIntent" (depend on the activity had been destroyed or not)
tpdPlusPay.parseToPlusPayResult(getApplicationContext(), data, TPDPlusPayResultListener listener);
  1. callback from TPDPlusPayResultListener.onParseSuceess will return following attribute if you need to show in your UI

tappay-android-example's People


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