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cronofy-node's Introduction

A simple wrapper for the Cronofy API.

Basic Usage

The APIs should be one to one with the all of the current methods in Cronofy's documentation. The general pattern is that each method takes an options object and an optional callback. If a callback is not passed in as the second argument the function will act as a promise.

Usage Example

var Cronofy = require('cronofy');

var cronofyClient = new Cronofy({
  client_id: 'armzr1h5NPQST93XTFL9iIULXxfdDlmV',
  client_secret: 'aPPwd-ASDFAsdfasdfasdfsadfasdfASDFSADF_asdfasdfasdf',
  access_token: 'aLUj9bRInSj1n08pHPAo5ru0OOppDaCO',
  refresh_token: '5hdSBZHgjA4xcQAelyAYWDfezZv0-9yP',
  data_center: 'de'

var options = {
  code: 'asdkfj213sdf',
  redirect_uri: ''


// Alternatively as a callback
cronofyClient.requestAccessToken(options, function(err, response){
  if(err) throw err;

Parameters Note

The cronofy client object can be initialized with client and token details. These details will be automatically added to each call that they are needed for, but these values can be replaced by any specified in the method's options object.

data_center is the two-letter designation for the data center you want to operate against - for example de for Germany, or au for Australia. When omitted, this defaults to the US data center. You can find this value on your app's dashboard under SDK identifier.

Functions available

requestAccessToken(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an object containing an access and refresh token for you to use with future requests.

refreshAccessToken(options, callback)

Takes an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with the new refresh and access token information.

Options Object

  • code - required - The short-lived, single-use code issued to you when the user authorized your access to their account as part of an Authorization Request.
  • redirect_uri - required - The same HTTP or HTTPS URI you passed when requesting the user's authorization.


Takes an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an empty object in the success case.

elevatedPermissions(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an object containing a permissions URL with a token

Options Object

  • permissions - required - An array of objects with a calendar_id and permission_level
  • redirect_uri - required - Url to redirect the user to in order to grant or reject requested access

authorizeWithServiceAccount(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an empty object in the success case.

Options Object

  • email - required - The email of the user to be authorized
  • scope - required - The scopes to authorize for the user
  • callback_url - required - The URL to return to after the authorization

Account functions


Takes an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an object containing the account information.

Response Example

  "account": {
    "account_id": "acc_567236000909002",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "Jane Doe",
    "default_tzid": "Europe/London"


Takes an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an array of the user's calendar profiles.

Events functions

createEvent(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an empty object in the success case.

Options Object

  • calendar_id - required - the id of the calendar that the event will be created one.
  • event_id - required - An id for the event you want to create.
  • summary - required - The name or title of the event.
  • description - required - The Description or notes for the event.
  • tzid - The Timezone id of the event.
  • start - required -The Start time of the event as an ISO string.
  • end - required - The end time of the event as an ISO string.
  • location - An object containing a single key of 'description', whos value is a string of the event location.

readEvents(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an array of the user's events accross all calendars.

Options Object

  • from - required - the start date as an ISO string.
  • to - required - the end date as an ISO string.
  • tzid - the timezone id for the query.
  • next_page - url for the next page. This will still apply other options to the request.

deleteEvent(options, callback)

Returns an empty string/promise for an empty string on success.

Options Object

  • calendar_id - required - the id of the calendar that the event will be deleted from.
  • event_id - required - An id for the event you want to delete.

bulkDeleteEvents(options, callback)

Returns an empty string/promise for an empty string on success.

Options Object

  • calendar_ids - optional - An Array of calendar ids to delete events from.
  • delete_all - optional - A Boolean value indicating if all events should be deleted.

freeBusy(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with a list of free/busy information across all calendars.

Options Object

  • from - required - the state date/time as an ISO string.
  • to - required - the end date/time as an ISO string.

updateExternalEvent(options, callback)

Allows the editing of external events on accounts which have granted Extended Permissions

See full details in the Update External Event documentation.

deleteExternalEvent(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an empty object in the success case.

Options Object

  • calendar_id - required - the id of the calendar that the event will be deleted from.
  • event_uid - required - An id for the external event you want to delete.

Calendar functions


Takes an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with a list of calendars for the user.

Push Notification functions

createNotificationChannel(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an object with the new channel details.

Options Object

  • callback_url - required - The HTTP or HTTPS URL you wish to receive push notifications. Must not be longer than 128 characters and should be HTTPS.

deleteNotificationChannel(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an empty object in the success case.

Options Object

  • channel_id - The id of the channel you wish to close.


Takes an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with a list of notification channels.

Managed Availability functions

listAvailabilityRules(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

See full response details in the List Availability Rules documentation

upsertAvailabilityRule(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

See the full options in the Upsert Availability Rule documentation

Options Object

  • availability_rule_id - The ID of the rule you wish to update (or create).
  • tzid - The timezone ID of the rule. A String representing a known time zone identifier from the IANA Time Zone Database.
  • calendar_ids - optional - An Array specifying the calendars that should impact the user’s availability. When provided at least one calendar must be specified.
  • weekly_periods - required - An Array of weekly recurring periods for the availability rule.

readAvailabilityRule(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

See full response details in the List Availability Rules documentation

Options Object

  • availability_rule_id - required - The String that uniquely identifies the availability rule. The first request made for an availability_rule_id will create an available period for the account and subsequent requests will update its details. More info can be found in the Read Availability Rule documentation

deleteAvailabilityRule(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

See full details in the Delete Availability Rule documentation

Options Object

  • availability_rule_id - required - The String that uniquely identifies the availability rule.

upsertAvailablePeriod(options, callback)

Creates or updates an Available Period for the authenticated account. Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

See full details in the Create or Update Available Periods documentation

listAvailablePeriods(options, callback)

Lists Available Periods for the authenticated account. Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

See full details in the Read Available Periods documentation

deleteAvailablePeriods(options, callback)

Deletes a single Available Period for the authenticated account, or deletes all Available Periods for the authenticated account.

Options Object

Provide either:

  • available_period_id - The String that uniquely identifies the Available Period to delete.

, or:

  • delete_all - set to true to bulk delete all Available Periods for the account.

Real-Time Scheduling functions

realTimeScheduling(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

See full details in the Real-Time Scheduling documentation

Options Object

  • oauth.redirect_uri - required - The HTTP or HTTPS URI you wish the user to be redirected to after their Real-Time Scheduling journey.
  • event - required - An object with the details of the event you wish to push into the user’s selected calendar. Details of what parameters this object can hold can be found in the create or update event documentation.
  • event.tzid - required - The timezone to render the event with. The start and end parameters should be omited.
  • availability - required - An object with the details of the availability query used to determine the available time periods for the user to choose for the event’s date and time. Details of what parameters this object can hold can be found in the Availability documentation.
  • target_calendars - optional - An array of Cronofy IDs and calendar ids into which the final event will be inserted.
  • formatting.hour_format - optional - A String of either h (12-hour format) or H (24-hour format). If omitted then the hour format to use will be determined by Cronofy.
  • callback_url - optional - A URL to call when the full event details are known.
  • redirect_urls.completed_url - optional - A URL to redirect the user to when the user has completed the process and chosen a slot. A query string parameter of token will be added to this URL. The token can be used to retrieve the current status of a Real Time Scheduling link.
  • availability.start_interval - optional - A Duration describing the frequency that a sequence can start on. More details in the documentation.
  • minimum_notice - optional - A Duration. No slots starting before the period described after the current time will be displayed to the user when they select slots.

addToCalendar(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with a URL to redirect the user towards

Options Object

  • client_id - required - The client ID.
  • client_secret - required - The client secret.
  • oauth - required - The OAuth information for the end-user to connect their calendar.
    • redirect_uri - required - The URL to send the end-user to after completing the Add To Calendar flow.
    • scope - required - The scope to request from the end-user during the oauth flow.
  • event - required - The event to create in the user's calendar.
    • event_id - required - The event's ID.
    • summary - required - The event's summary.
    • start - required - The event's start date.
    • end - required - The event's end date.
    • description - required - The event's description.
    • location - optional - The event's location.
    • url - optional - The event's URL.
    • reminders - optional - The event's reminders.
    • transparency - optional - The event's transparency.

Batch Request functions

batch(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

See full details in the Batch documentation.

Options Object

  • batch - required - An array of up to 50 requests that form part of the batch.
  • batch.method - required - A String for the HTTP method of the individual request. Maps directly from its main documentation.
  • batch.relative_url - required - A String for the relative URL (sometimes referred to as the path and query string) of the individual request. Maps directly from its main documentation.
  • - required - An object containing the body parameters of the request. Maps directly from its main documentation. Note that this is an object, not a JSON-encoded string.

Bookable Event functions

createBookableEvent(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise or calling the provided callback with the body of the response (or error, if applicable).

Options Object

  • bookable_event_id - required - the id of the bookable event that the event will be created.
  • start - required - The start time for the event in UTC.
  • end - required - The end time for the event in UTC.
  • status - required - The status of the event, either "confirmed" or "cancelled".
  • registration.capacity - required - The maximum number of attendees that can register for the event.

See full details in the Create Bookable Event documentation.

readBookableEvent(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an object representing the bookable event.

Options Object

  • bookable_event_id - required - the id of the bookable event.

See full details in the Read Bookable Event documentation.

upsertRegistrationBookableEvent(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an object representing the bookable event.

Options Object

  • bookable_event_id - required - the id of the bookable event that the registration will be created/updated against.
  • registration_id - required - the id of the registration that will be created/updated.
  • status - required - the status of the registration, must be one of "pending", "accepted", "tentative", "declined", "removed".
  • metadata - optional - additional data saved against the registration, up to 10 key-value pairs.

See full details in the Create or Update Registration documentation.

deleteRegistrationBookableEvent(options, callback)

Takes options object and an optional callback, either returning a promise for, or calling the provided callback with an object representing the bookable event.

Options Object

  • bookable_event_id - required - the id of the bookable event that the registration will be removed against.
  • registration_id - required - the id of the registration that will be removed.

See full details in the Delete Registration documentation.

A feature I want is not in the SDK, how do I get it?

We add features to this SDK as they are requested, to focus on developing the Cronofy API.

If you're comfortable contributing support for an endpoint or attribute, then we love to receive pull requests! Please create a PR mentioning the feature/API endpoint you’ve added and we’ll review it as soon as we can.

If you would like to request a feature is added by our team then please let us know by getting in touch via [email protected].

cronofy-node's People


adambird avatar adamwhittingham avatar adenta avatar adrivanhoudt avatar chacal88 avatar danielnormanflg avatar fastfedora avatar gl-aagostino avatar grajo avatar gshutler avatar haziba avatar longdog10 avatar nevett avatar shzwlkr avatar stephenbinns avatar tia-hrodriguez avatar tia-svazquez avatar tomhazledine avatar trmpowell avatar victor-cronofy avatar warbrett avatar westy92 avatar


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cronofy-node's Issues

Small typo in documentation for refreshAccessToken()

The documentation for refreshAccessToken() lists the options as follows:

Options Object
client_id - Your client id.
client_secret - Your client secret.
grant_type - a string of "refresh_token".
refresh_Token - The refresh token for the user.

However the refresh token must be passed in as refresh_token or the request will fail.

entity body sent sent with GET resources

rest lib is always called giving an entity, even for GET resources.
E.g. for GET /v1/events the from and tzid (and all other optional parameters) are given in the body of the GET (weird, but seems to work), and fails to parse for example the include_managed param.

I open a PR for the fix to use params when GET method rest doc

unable to install via Yarn

$ yarn add cronofy
yarn add v0.27.5
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
error Received malformed response from registry for undefined. The registry may be down.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

npm install cronofy is fine.

There is no update/patch for events?

I would like to be able to change details of an event, but I can only delete and create events.
So when I update for example the time, do I have to delete the event and create a new event with the same id?

What about the metadata which is maybe only in the original agenda provider?

Prototype Pollution from [email protected]

Running snyk test on an application using [email protected] reports a high severity vulnerability:

✗ Prototype Pollution [High Severity][] in [email protected]
    introduced by [email protected] > [email protected] > [email protected] > [email protected] and 2 other path(s)
  This issue was fixed in versions: 6.12.3

As request package is deprecated and no longer receiving updates, the best option is to replace request with another library that does not include vulnerabilities.

Example code with quote error

In the using example there is a minor issue with quotes in this line:

client_secret: 'aPPwd-ASDFAsdfasdfasdfsadfasdfASDFSADF_asdfasdfasdf"

Consider bulk event delete/insert

My use case:
A user can import a CSV file which represents all events for a given week (or a day). My app creates managed events via the createEvent API. Also so the user can reload the events (user can modify events outside the calendar and then produce an updated CSV) I use the deleteEvent API to clear existing events in the target date range.

For a full cycle I currently need to:

  • listEvents to get all event_id for each existing managed event.
  • For each event listed issue deleteEvent (about 1 sec per round trip)
  • For each new event from CSV use createEvent (about 1 sec per round trip)
  • For an average of 30 events in a CSV this represents an operation that takes a minute.

Please consider better support for bulk events in the API:

  • augment the bulk event delete to also allow optional date range, same as list events
  • alternately consider augmenting deleteEvent to support optional list of event ids
  • augment createEvent to take list of events or create a bulk create event API

I realise this is not a cronofy-node specific issue and would require support in the underlying cronofy API but that's not OSS as afaict.

Latest release broken

Not sure what happened but I assume the build command did not run somehow and now I get type errors on the import keyword on node 4.5.x

Updated 2.5.1 to 3.0.1, started getting problems with incorrect calender ID url encoding

Recently we tried upgrading the cronofy package we use in our application to version 3.0.1, but this resulted in almost all google calender id's to be encoded incorrectly in the cronofy API requests.
We reverted to version 2.5.1 to quickly fix this.
We tried debugging and it seemed that the query string transformation (here: has some trouble, when a request is made with an array of id's.

A request like:

  • GET /v1/events?calendar_ids[0]=cal_WadMsTnUCBCpAAEQ_pRJpqAObLfeK0n@ZueaiwQ&tzid=Etc/UTC
    would get transformed to:
  • GET /v1/events?calendar_ids%5B0%5D=cal_WddMsTnUCBCPAAed_pRJpqAObLfeK0n%40ZueaiwQ&tzid=Etc%2FUTC
    Is this a known issue?

Function calls modify options argument

All the functions in this library modify the options object passed in as an argument to inject one or more additional properties. If this object is then re-used, the injected value will override any value set on the client itself.

The place where I ran into this bug is in code designed to catch when the token expires and automatically refresh the token, then re-execute the function. I wrap all relevant calls it the library with a function that catches 401 responses, refreshes the token and then re-executes the call:

export async function callWithTokenRefresh(
  userId: string,
  accountId: string,
  client: Cronofy,
  method: Function,
  args: any[],
  retryCount: number = 0,
) {
  try {
    return await method.apply(client, args);
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.statusCode !== 401) {
      throw e;
    else if (retryCount > 1) {
      throw new HttpsError('permission-denied',
                           `Too many retries trying to refresh token for user ${userId}`);

    await refreshAccessToken(userId, accountId, client);

    return await callWithTokenRefresh(userId, accountId, client, method, args, retryCount + 1);

What this code does is to attempt to call a function on cronofy-node. If it receives a 401 error, it refreshes and saves a new acccess token, then attempts the call again.

The second call was failing, however, because the wrong access_token was being provided. I finally tracked it down to the options argument in args being modified by cronofy-node to add an access_token key, which was then used instead of client.config.access_token (which had the correct updated access token).

This bug report is just to document the bug. I'll be submitting a PR in a minute that fixes the issue.

freeBusy with options: {next_page} fails

If you set the 'next_page' option, the request is made to .

The exact same code (but with readEvents()) works fine.

let freeBusy = [];

const options = {
from: moment().toISOString(),
to: moment().add(1, 'day').toISOString(),
tzid: this.tzid

while(true) {
const freeBusyList = await this.cronofyClient.freeBusy(options);
freeBusy = freeBusy.concat(freeBusyList.free_busy);

Fails at 2nd run with error:
{ url: 'https://api-de.cronofy.com',
entity: undefined } }

options['next_page'] = freeBusyList.pages.next_page || null;
if (!freeBusyList.pages.next_page) {

query_periods does not accept JS Date.toISOString format

I find it curious that when running the availability queries ( that the query_period params do not accept a standard JS ISO format, ie (new Date()).toISOString() as it is supposedly compliant with the ISO 8601. In my testing the following works

Using dayjs library, dayjs().format()

Using dayjs library, dayjs().utc().format()

But not (new Date()).toISOString())

So who is not following the standard? Cronofy or Javascript?

Specifying multiple calendar_ids doesn't seem to work.

If I specify an array of calendar_ids[] for the free-busy function, it produces a request with a parameter like: calendar_ids[]=cal_calendar_a_id%2Ccal_calendar_b_id
which doesn't work. It gets interpreted as one calendar_id with a comma in the middle, which doesn't exist. I think the calendar_ids[] parameter should be specified once for each element.

Adding Multiple Calendars to a same sub

When I try to use

This returns us a code which is used to obtain an access token and after that a new 'sub' is created and now when I try to add multiple calendars then it gets added to the same sub which is perfectly fine as "" sessions gets maintained until then, now when I try to login in my application again with another user, then it keeps on adding the calendars in the same subId which is not desired, I do not wish to add it because these addition of calendars should be added to new 'sub'

Then after investigation found that there is another param 'avoid_linking' which when set true creates new 'sub' at every call, but this does not add calendar to a particular sub but creates a new sub everytime.

My requirement here is to create a 'sub' for each user of my application, I can store the account_id somewhere with me in my DB for that user, and now if the user tries to add a calendar then it should must be added to the same sub rather than creating a new one.

Published build folder not correct

Not sure what happened but the published build folder does not contain the latest changes.
Could you publish a patch version with the correct build asap?

Potentially unhandled rejection [4] [object Object] (WARNING: non-Error used)

Whenever I try to get an auth token, I am seeing this error.

Is this common? What might be causing me to not be able to authenticate a user?

Code: (with the id and secret from the cronofy website replaced with placeholders.)

  var options = {
    client_id: 'CLIENT_STRING',
    client_secret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
    grant_type: 'authorization_code',
    code: req.query.code,
    redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:5000'



Updated to 2.3.2 from 1.3.0 now have dataCenter error

I updated to v 2.3.2 from 1.3.0 making adjustment to call constructor. But I get the following error. Do I need to pass extra parms/options now or ideas ?

    api: 'https://api' + (config.dataCenter ? '-' + config.dataCenter : '') + ''
    api: 'https://api' + (config.dataCenter ? '-' + config.dataCenter : '') + ''

TypeError: Cannot read property 'dataCenter' of undefined
    at new cronofy (.../node_modules/cronofy/src/index.js:21:33)
    at .../run/compiled_dev/parts/hat_node/cronofy.js:12:29
    at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:44:33)
    at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:116:38)
    at nodeGlobalRequire (.../run/compiled_dev/parts/goog/bootstrap/nodejs.js:87:6)
Process finished with exit code 1```

Should availability API use an access token or client secret?

We experienced some unexpected behavior recently when using the undocumented client.availability(...) endpoint.

Based on the source code, it appears that bearer_token: "<client-secret>" may be used to achieve application authentication. Unfortunately this can be problematic because requests will use config.access_token instead if it's been defined. We don't initialize the client with an access_token, but ultimately we realized that the refreshAccessToken method will populate config.access_token on its own.

So the result is that availability(...) works the first time, but if refreshAccessToken is used, a subsequent call to availability(...) may use an expired access token (or potentially one for a user that's not even involved in the availability request).

This seems potentially OK since there's no documentation around passing in bearer_token, but I did want to clarify if there's a best practice here or anything I might be missing.

  1. Do we need to refresh access tokens for all users included in an availability request? (we haven't observed this to be necessary)
  2. Our solution is to pass access_token: "<client-secret>" to the availability(...) request. Does this sound like the right approach, or would it be better to use an access_token of one the users included in the request?

Thank you!

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