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provider-digitalocean's Issues

Feature: Add ability to create Database Users on DigitalOcean

What problem are you facing?

I would like the ability to create a User and a Database on a Database Cluster using resource definitions with Crossplane.

You can view the API reference here:

and you can also find the godo documentation here:

Droplet: allow userData value to be set in a configMap or a secret

What problem are you facing?

We'd like to be able to define the userData string in a configMap - or a secret - and then reference it from the Droplet definition.

In our infra we use the same userData for all the droplets we create, and having it in just one place will be better solution for maintaining it.

How could Crossplane help solve your problem?

Allowing me to define userData as a reference to another resource

i.e using a configMap:

kind: Droplet
  name: test-one
      source: configMap
      key: userData
      name: user-data
      namespace: crossplane-system
kind: Droplet
  name: test-two
      source: configMap
      key: userData
      name: user-data
      namespace: crossplane-system
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: user-data
  namespace: crossplane-system
  userData: |

      - sysadmins

      - name: ansibleusr
        shell: /bin/bash
        groups: sysadmins
      - name: theo-agent
        shell: /bin/false
        system: true

      - path: /etc/sudoers.d/50-sysadmins
        owner: root:root
        permissions: '0440'
        content: |
          %sysadmins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
      - path: /etc/theo-agent/public.pem
        owner: root:root
        permissions: '0644'
        content: |
          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
      - path: /usr/sbin/
        owner: root:root
        permissions: '0755'
        content: |
          THEO_AGENT_LATEST=$(curl -L -s -H 'Accept: application/json' |sed -e 's/.*"tag_name":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/')
          sudo curl -L -o /usr/sbin/theo-agent \
  ${THEO_AGENT_LATEST}/theo-agent-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)
          chmod 755 /usr/sbin/theo-agent
          /usr/sbin/theo-agent \
            -install \
            -verify \
            -public-key /etc/theo-agent/public.pem \
            -no-interactive \
            -sshd-config \
            -url \
            -token xxxxxx
            -hostname-prefix test-do-
          chown -R theo-agent /etc/theo-agent
          chmod 700 /etc/theo-agent
          selinuxenabled 2>/dev/null && semanage permissive -a sshd_t
      - /usr/sbin/
      - systemctl restart ssh.service

Kubernetes cluster creation should also create a secret to access the newly created cluster

I asked around in the Slack channel about how to access newly created clusters and got the following answer for the AWS provider, I presume it would be good practise to implement something similar for the Digital Ocean provider.

Slack Thread

The Cluster resource in provider-aws will create a secret with the credentials, and you can create a ProviderConfig for kubernetes which references that secret

- name: kubernetes_provider_config
      kind: ProviderConfig
          source: Secret
            namespace: crossplane-system
            key: kubeconfig
    - type: FromCompositeFieldPath
      - string:
          fmt: "%s-cluster"
          type: Format
        type: string
      fromFieldPath: metadata.annotations[]
    - type: FromCompositeFieldPath
      - string:
          fmt: "%s-cluster"
          type: Format
        type: string
      fromFieldPath: metadata.annotations[]
    - type: None

Droplet duplication

What happened?

When creating a k8s object in Crossplane, I'm observing unexpected behavior where the object gets duplicated. This seems to be happening consistently. Also when i delete object in k8s droplets remain in DO, so i need to delete i manually

How can we reproduce it?

  1. Install digital ocean provider version v0.2.0
  2. Install simple droplet as described in github example folder

What environment did it happen in?

Crossplane version: 1.14.5

  • Cloud provider: Digital ocean v0.2.0
  • Kubernetes Server Version: v1.28.5+k3s1
  • Kubernetes distribution: Rancher k3s
  • OS: Ubuntu: 22.04
  • Kernel:Linux k3s-01 5.4.0-29-generic x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

droplet CR create multiple droplet

What happened?

I try to create a single droplet CR and it never become ready and create me multiple Droplets on my DO account

Screenshot 2022-06-11 at 14 54 53

How can we reproduce it?

I reproduce it multiple time

with the following CR

kind: Droplet
  name: example
  annotations: crossplane-droplet
    region: ams3
    size: s-1vcpu-1gb
    image: ubuntu-20-04-x64
    name: do-example

What environment did it happen in?

Crossplane version: crossplane-1.8.1
Kubernetes: v1.21.8
DO Provider 0.1.0

Droplet: Add support for 'vpc_uuid'

What problem are you facing?

The 'DOKS-Egress-Gateway' requires us to deploy a Droplet in the same VPC as our K8s cluster. It would be great if we could specify the VPC in the manifest and update the instructions so that our Droplet is deployed to the same VPC.

How could Crossplane help solve your problem?

I am imagining something like this:

kind: Droplet
  name: egress-gw-nyc1
    region: nyc1
    size: s-1vcpu-1gb
    image: ubuntu-20-04-x64
    vpc_uuid: "4bxx25e-c52e-4578-93a7-01xx1ee927xx"

Add tests for the kubernetes controller

We need tests for the kubernetes controller, you can see how AWS is doing it here and use it as an example.

We need to test for basic functionality such as successful creation, and deletion as well as if we encounter errors. We don't currently allow for updating of resources so this will be good plumbing to put in before that.

DOK kubeconfig secret not created

What happened?

When working with Kubernetes cluster resources, Crossplane creates a secret that can be used by other resources. In case of DOK, the secret is not created.

How can we reproduce it?

Create a DOK cluster and check whether the secrets with kubeconfig were created in crossplane-system and the claim Namespace (if using claims).

Feature: Add ability to create Floating IPs on DigitalOcean

What problem are you facing?

I would like the ability to create a FloatingIP for a droplet using resource definitions with Crossplane.

You can view the API reference here, and you can also find the godo documentation here.

Note One of the values are required, either droplet_id or region but you can only use one or the other.

Kubernetes cluster's don't seem to get deleted

It seems like deletion requests for Kubernetes clusters aren't successfully handled but the provider reports them as being issued successfully. After manually deleting the cluster the dokubernetescluster eventually syncs up. (Unless it takes about an hour to delete a cluster and timing just worked out this way)

kubectl delete DOKubernetesCluster xcontrol "xcontrol" deleted
error: An error occurred while waiting for the object to be deleted: an error on the server ("unable to decode an event from the watch stream: http2: client connection lost") has prevented the request from succeeding

kubectl describe DOKubernetesCluster xcontrol
Normal DeletedExternalResource 59s (x22 over 51m) managed/dokubernetescluster Successfully requested deletion of external resource

  • Manual deletion

kubectl delete DOKubernetesCluster xcontrol "xcontrol" deleted

kubectl describe DOKubernetesCluster xcontrol
Error from server (NotFound): "xcontrol" not found

Install guide issues

What happened?

I was following the install guide and noticed some bugs. The example ProviderConfig creates a ProviderConfig named example but the example droplet expects the provider to be named default. It might make the guide easier to follow if the droplet example providerConfigRef is set to example

Also, getting this error while trying the create the example droplet w/ user data:

N47F5F4VWQ-M:provider-digitalocean culpepperje$ kubectl apply -f examples/compute/droplet-user-data.yaml
Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating "examples/compute/droplet-user-data.yaml": Droplet in version "v1alpha1" cannot be handled as a Droplet: strict decoding error: unknown field "spec.forProvider.userData"

Anyone know what could be the issue here?

How can we reproduce it?

Follow the install guide for the DO provider documented here.

What environment did it happen in?

Crossplane version: 1.13.2
Kubernetes version: 1.27.2

Running a kind cluster on Mac

Allow for the adoption of existing resources

What problem are you facing?

I'd like to adopt existing resources that I have already created in DigitalOcean. I'd also like the control to tell Crossplane to not manage it but just read the information about it/publish connection details.

How could Crossplane help solve your problem?

We can pull the resource ID from the external-name annotation, and attempt to fetch the resource instead of creating it. We can then also add a readonly field to the resource specs and if specified then we will not create/update/delete the resource but instead just observe.

Droplet example manifest is outdated

What happened?

When trying to follow the installing guild, trying to create the Droplet instance results an error.

How can we reproduce it?

kubectl create -f examples/compute/droplet.yaml

What environment did it happen in?

Any environment

Crossplane version: 1.7.0

DODatabaseCluster `writeConnectionSecretToRef` won't create secret

What happened?

How can we reproduce it?

After the provider configuration, I just applied the following spec:

kind: DODatabaseCluster
  name: backstage-io
    engine: pg
    version: "13"
    numNodes: 1
    size: db-s-1vcpu-1gb
    region: nyc1
      - "crossplane"
    name: digitalocean
    name: backstage-db-conn
    namespace: backstage-io

Which created the DO DatabaseCluster correctly, but doesn't created the secret with the resource credentials.

I checked and the resource was ready and synced and the namespace exists.

What environment did it happen in?

CrossPlane: 1.6.3
DoProvider: v0.1.0

Improve documentation for installing provider

I think it might be very useful to improve the installation documentation for this provider (and possibly other community providers) to clarify which image tags to use when installing.

This might seem obvious to more experienced users but all the official Crossplane docs use either main or master tags for provider versions while provider-digitalocean seems to require v0.1.0 at the moment.

Perhaps a list of most current provider versions along with a standard "one-liner" which would pick the latest and use it without using latest/main/master might be even better?

Kubernetes READY column is empty

What happened?

READY column is empty instead of showing the status of the cluster

How can we reproduce it?

Create a DOK cluster.

kubectl get dokubernetesclusters


a-team-dok           True

Build submodule out of date causes build to fail

What happened?

It seems as though the make command runs into a python error because one of the libraries in use has dropped support for python2.

How can we reproduce it?

just run make or make -j2

What environment did it happen in?

Crossplane version:


Move the load balancer out of `loadbalancer` group and into a `network` group

Somewhat breaking change we need to document well.

Here inside of the loadbalancer API definition

// Package v1alpha1 contains managed resources for DigitalOcean LoadBalancer
// services.
// +kubebuilder:object:generate=true
// +versionName=v1alpha1
package v1alpha1

We should update the groupName to be network instead as well as rename the folder the file is in. This is because we're going to group the resources by their type and load balancer would fall into the inside the purview of networking stuff.

Kubernetes Cluster is using the wrong Godo endpoint for deletion

What happened?

When deleting a Kubernetes Cluster, it didn't get deleted.

How can we reproduce it?

  1. Create a Kubernetes Cluster using crossplane
  2. Delete the resource and wait for it to be deleted

It should never be deleted.

What environment did it happen in?

Crossplane version:

Provider version 0.1.0

This is caused by the Kubernetes controller calling godo.Database.Delete

DigitalOcean Droplet to support snapshot

What happened?

I am trying to spin up a DigitalOcean droplet with a specified snapshot as the base image.

  Warning  CannotCreateExternalResource  2m33s                   managed/  creation of Droplet resource has failed: POST 422 (request "c22f1701-7f91-4852-a925-ca5d6400e3fa") You specified an invalid image for Droplet creation.

How can we reproduce it?

What environment did it happen in?

Crossplane version: 1.11.1

Add tests for the database controller

We need tests for the database controller, you can see how AWS is doing it here and use it as an example.

We need to test for basic functionality such as successful creation, and deletion as well as if we encounter errors. We don't currently allow for updating of resources so this will be good plumbing to put in before that.

Feature Request: Add ability to create Spaces on DigitalOcean

What problem are you facing?

would like the ability to create a Digital Ocean Space using resource definitions with Crossplane.

The API is interoperable with Amazon’s AWS S3 API, still I would like to be able to provision such with "my" cloud provider.

You can view the API reference here.

Add missing droplet creation fields to resource definitions

What problem are you facing?

I wish to be able to specify the with_droplet_agent field and the user_data field on a new droplet resource.

You can find the godo docs here
and the actual API docs here

What are your proposed solutions?

Adding these fields to the resource definition. The with_droplet_agent is fairly straight forward, but the user_data can be done in several different ways so I'm open to suggestions/ideas.

Add Tests for Droplets

We need tests for the droplet controller, you can see how AWS is doing it here and use it as an example.

We need to test for basic functionality such as successful creation, and deletion as well as if we encounter errors. We don't currently allow for updating of resources so this will be good plumbing to put in before that.

Creating a new DOKubernetesCluster ObserveExternalResource is in endless warning state, and never reports ready

Prefacing my bug with, I'm quite new to crossplane, and can only reply back what i experience by running the given examples, as I'm in a discovery face if this tool could fit my needs.

What happened?

After creating a brand new cluster given the examples/kubernetes/k8s-cluster.yaml, the following error keeps persisting even tho there have been no changes to the DOKubernetesCluster resource.

Warning CannotObserveExternalResource 9m6s managed/dokubernetescluster cannot update managed DOKubernetesCluster resource: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "crossplane-managed": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again

The cluster resources are created in DO and is reachable via kubectl.

How can we reproduce it?

kubectl apply -f

Expected result

No warnings in events when running:

k describe crossplane-managed

Also expected cluster would report READY

$ k get
NAME                 READY   SYNCED
crossplane-managed           True

What environment did it happen in?

Crossplane version: 1.10.1 (latest as of writing)
Kubectl client version: 1.26.0
Kube server version: 1.25.3+k3s1 (crossplane control plane)
Kubernetes distrobution: Rancher k3s

Add tests for the load balancer controller

We need tests for the load balancer controller, you can see how AWS is doing it here and use it as an example.

We need to test for basic functionality such as successful creation, and deletion as well as if we encounter errors. We don't currently allow for updating of resources so this will be good plumbing to put in before that.

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