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regex's Issues

Version Bump

Looks like you forgot to run pod trunk push on the version bump, it's not showing up:

$ pod trunk info CrossroadRegex

    - Versions:
      - 0.3 (2016-01-24 23:51:25 UTC)
      - 0.4 (2016-01-25 16:37:05 UTC)
      - 0.4.1 (2016-02-09 17:47:28 UTC)
      - 0.5 (2016-02-18 10:30:15 UTC)
      - 0.5.2 (2016-02-18 11:32:27 UTC)
      - 0.6.0 (2016-04-06 11:29:12 UTC)
      - 0.7.0 (2016-06-18 19:31:02 UTC)
      - 0.8.0 (2016-07-28 18:40:03 UTC)
      - 1.0.0 (2017-04-15 13:47:51 UTC)
      - 1.0.0-alpha.1 (2016-11-04 18:51:05 UTC)
    - Owners:
      - Daniel Leping <[email protected]>

RegEx not matched due to extended Unicode characters

When a string contains extended Unicode characters (like emojis), RegEx are not applied to its entirety.
This is usually unnoticed but when you try to match something at the very end of a string containing emojis, you can spend hours trying to find an issue in your RegEx…

This is probably linked to the NSString/String mapping used for Swift RegEx functions, explained here:

Replacing the few occurrences of

    let range = GroupRange(location: 0, length: source.characters.count)


    let range = GroupRange(location: 0, length: (source as NSString).length)

seems to make everything working fine.

Fails to build under Carthage and Xcode 8.1

My Cartfile:

github "crossroadlabs/Regex" == 0.8.0

Build results:

$ carthage update
*** Fetching Regex
*** Fetching Boilerplate
*** Fetching Result
*** Checking out Result at "2.0.1"
*** Checking out Boilerplate at "0.2.4"
*** Checking out Regex at "0.8.0"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/16/jfb809_s2fz01ql7k494f6pc0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.lQCr2C.log
*** Building scheme "Result-watchOS" in Result.xcodeproj
2016-11-20 21:11:41.507 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID DA4FDFD8-C509-4D8B-8B55-84A7B66AE701 for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/SparkInspectorXcodePlugin.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
2016-11-20 21:11:41.507 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID DA4FDFD8-C509-4D8B-8B55-84A7B66AE701 for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/ClangFormat.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
2016-11-20 21:11:41.970 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] IDEProvisioning: Migrating '<Xcode3Target:0x7fb539196710:Result-watchOS>' to use provisioning style
2016-11-20 21:11:41.970 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] IDEProvisioning: Configuration 'Debug' for target '<Xcode3Target:0x7fb539196710:Result-watchOS>' is automatic
2016-11-20 21:11:41.970 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] IDEProvisioning: Configuration 'Release' for target '<Xcode3Target:0x7fb539196710:Result-watchOS>' is automatic

The following build commands failed:
	Check dependencies
(1 failure)

The following build commands failed:
	Check dependencies
(1 failure)
A shell task (/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /Users/MyProj/Carthage/Checkouts/Result/Result.xcodeproj -scheme Result-watchOS -configuration Release -sdk watchos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES clean build) failed with exit code 65:
2016-11-20 21:11:41.507 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID DA4FDFD8-C509-4D8B-8B55-84A7B66AE701 for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/SparkInspectorXcodePlugin.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
2016-11-20 21:11:41.507 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID DA4FDFD8-C509-4D8B-8B55-84A7B66AE701 for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/ClangFormat.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
2016-11-20 21:11:41.970 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] IDEProvisioning: Migrating '<Xcode3Target:0x7fb539196710:Result-watchOS>' to use provisioning style
2016-11-20 21:11:41.970 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] IDEProvisioning: Configuration 'Debug' for target '<Xcode3Target:0x7fb539196710:Result-watchOS>' is automatic
2016-11-20 21:11:41.970 xcodebuild[17389:36782835] [MT] IDEProvisioning: Configuration 'Release' for target '<Xcode3Target:0x7fb539196710:Result-watchOS>' is automatic

The following build commands failed:
	Check dependencies
(1 failure)

The following build commands failed:
	Check dependencies
(1 failure)

Can not build swift package

Can not build lib using swift package manager.

Swift version: 3.1

error: invalid target name at 'Tests/Regex'; name of test targets must end in 'Tests'
error: invalid target name at 'Tests/Boilerplate'; name of test targets must end in 'Tests'
error: invalid target name at 'Tests/Result'; name of test targets must end in 'Tests'

Swift 4 - 'range(at:)' has been renamed to 'rangeAt(_:)'

I'm using your lib with the version 1.1.0

I got this error message for the file Match.swift.

The following are the affected lines:
117: let stringRange = try? match.range(at: i).asRange(ofString: source)
133: return try? match.range(at: index).asRange(ofString: source)
145: return try? match.range(at: groupIndex).asRange(ofString: source)

Feature Request: Support in-pattern named groups

I'd love to have this support the same named groups that NSRE supports, like this:

// NSRegularExpression
try! NSRegularExpression(pattern:
        "^(?<major>\\d+)\\." +
        "(?<minor>\\d+)\\." +
        "(?<patch>\\d+)" +
        "(?:-(?<preRelease>(?:(?<preReleaseId>[0-9A-Za-z-]+)\\.?)+))?" +
        options: [])

// Crossroad Labs Regex
try! Regex(pattern:
        "^(?<major>\\d+)\\." +
        "(?<minor>\\d+)\\." +
        "(?<patch>\\d+)" +
        "(?:-(?<preRelease>(?:(?<preReleaseId>[0-9A-Za-z-]+)\\.?)+))?" +
        groupNames: "major", "minor", "patch", "preRelease", "preReleaseId", "build", "buildId")

This feels fragile to me; I feel like it might easily slip so that one group's name doesn't represent the intended group, and that might be subtle enough to not catch in testing.

It's also silly because it accepts the same syntax for in-pattern group names that NSRegularExpression accepts, without using it.

Strings containing emojis produce shifted results

I seems that when emojis are present it shifts the resulting groups and matched strings.

For example I was using

let textRegex = "\\[([^]]*)\\]".r!

let input = """
Mexican culture has lots of rich history and great food! 🌯🌯🌯🌯

Avacado's are already incredibly popular and for good reason: They taste good, work in tons or recipes, and are [good for you]<url>{}. So maybe you already have [avocado]<trend>{avocado-intake} every day or maybe just every once in a while, but maybe there's even more reasons to love these green fatty fruits! [Avacado's have been shown to improve sleep]<url>{}.

for text in textRegex.findAll(in: input).makeIterator(){

This produces:
d for you]<url
cado's have been shown to improve sleep]<url

Instead of the expected:
good for you
Avacado's have been shown to improve sleep

The shifting is caused by the presence of the emoji. Each emoji shifts the results index by 1, so here its shifted by 4.

Regular expression not working (all characters are shifted)

Hi there,

I am using a regular expression to look for the url of the 'visually similar' button on google.
This is the regex I use:

and it works perfectly when testing on
this is some example to-match text:

enu-panel" role="menu" tabindex="-1" jsaction="keydown:Xiq7wd;mouseover:pKPowd;mouseout:O9bKS" data-ved="2ahUKEwjRitfP9vXvAhXf_7sIHViuBewQqR8wAXoECAMQBQ"><li class="action-menu-item" role="menuitem"><a class="fl" href=";cd=2&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=de\" ping="/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=;ved=2ahUKEwjRitfP9vXvAhXf_7sIHViuBewQIDABegQIAxAG\">Cached<div class="IsZvec"><span class="aCOpRe">Trusted Shops is the European Trustmark for online shops with money-back guarantee for consumers. Trusted Shops offers a comprehensive service to raise ...<div class="ULSxyf"><div jsmodel="gpo5Gf" class="LnbJhc" data-count="28" style="position:relative" data-iu="1" data-hveid="CAIQAA" data-ved="2ahUKEwjRitfP9vXvAhXf_7sIHViuBewQ8w0oAHoECAIQAA"><div class="e2BEnf U7izfe mfMhoc"><a class="ekf0x hSQtef" href="/search?tbs=simg:CAESiQIJQs8eCt9yzs0a_1QELELCMpwgaOgo4CAQSFNcy_1TP2GfwQ9zXEDcYqnTbjEq4kGhqVVToFJUcTvzott-6Sl5Qp4R6jBL5G5bKsuyAFMAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgTTC8hDDAsQne3BCRqdAQofCgxvZmZpY2UgY2hhaXLapYj2AwsKCS9tLzA4cTF4cAofCgxzd2l2ZWwgY2hhaXLapYj2AwsKCS9tLzBncTZreAoiCg9mdXJuaXR1cmUgc3R5bGXapYj2AwsKCS9qLzl3MHFqcwobCghmb3IgdGVlbtqliPYDCwoJL2EvNnEzMDY3ChgKBXNvbGlk2qWI9gMLCgkvYS8zbWcxY20M&q=trusted+shop&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRitfP9vXvAhXf_7sIHViuBewQjJkEegQIAhAB"><div class="iv236"><span class="iJddsb" style="height:20px;width:20px"><svg focusable="false" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M14 13l4 5H6l4-4 1.79 1.78L14 13zm-6.01-2.99A2 2 0 0 0 8 6a2 2 0 0 0-.01 4.01zM22 5v14a3 3 0 0 1-3 2.99H5c-1.64 0-3-1.36-3-3V5c0-1.64 1.36-3 3-3h14c1.65 0 3 1.36 3 3zm-2.01 0a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v14a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h7v-.01h7a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V5"><div class="iJ1Kvb"><h3 class="GmE3X" aria-level="2" role="heading">Visually similar images<div style="padding-bottom:0" id="iur">

<div jsmodel="" jscontroller="IkchZc" jsaction="PdWSXe:h5M12e;rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsdata="X2sNs;;CiOOHU"><div data-h="130" data-nr="4" style="margin-right:-2px;margin-bottom:-2px"><div jsname="dTDiAc" class="eA0Zlc qN5nNb tapJqb ivg-i" data-docid="DrX4TNBpITAGoM" jsdata="XZxcdf;DrX4TNBpITAGoM;CiOOJI" data-ved="2ahUKEwjRitfP9vXvAhXf_7sIHViuBewQ5r0BegQIIRAA"><a href="/search?q=trusted+shop&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&tbs=simg:CAESiQIJQs8eCt9yzs0a_1QELELCMpwgaOgo4CAQSFNcy_1TP2GfwQ9zXEDcYqnTbjEq4kGhqVVToFJUcTvzott-6Sl5Qp4R6jBL5G5bKsuyAFMAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgTTC8hDDAsQne3BCRqdAQofCgxvZmZpY2UgY2hhaXLapYj2AwsKCS9tLzA4cTF4cAofCgxzd2l2ZWwgY2hhaXLapYj2AwsKCS9tLzBncTZreAoiCg9mdXJuaXR1cmUgc3R5bGXapYj2AwsKCS9qLzl3MHFqcwobCghmb3IgdGVlbtqliPYDCwoJL2EvNnEzMDY3ChgKBXNvbGlk2qWI9gMLCgkvYS8zbWcxY20M&fir=DrX4TNBpITAGoM%252CO1KPcBx95JlNxM%252C&vet=1&usg=AI4_-

When using this exact same regex with your swift Regex expression I do not get the expected result, but I get the following:

FNcy_1TP2GfwQ9zXEDcYqnTbjEq4kGhqVVToFJUcTvzott-6Sl5Qp4R6jBL5G5bKsuyAFMAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgTTC8hDDAsQne3BCRqdAQofCgxvZmZpY2UgY2hhaXLapYj2AwsKCS9tLzA4cTF4cAofCgxzd2l2ZWwgY2hhaXLapYj2AwsKCS9tLzBncTZreAoiCg9mdXJuaXR1cmUgc3R5bGXapYj2AwsKCS9qLzl3MHFqcwobCghmb3IgdGVlbtqliPYDCwoJL2EvNnEzMDY3ChgKBXNvbGlk2qWI9gMLCgkvYS8zbWcxY20M&q=trusted+shop&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRitfP9vXvAhXf_7sIHViuBewQjJkEegQIAhAB"><div class="iv236"><span class="iJddsb" style="height:20px;width:20px"><svg focusable="false" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M14 13l4 5H6l4-4 1.79 1.78L14 13zm-6.01-2.99A2 2 0 0 0 8 6a2 2 0 0 0-.01 4.01zM22 5v14a3 3 0 0 1-3 2.99H5c-1.64 0-3-1.36-3-3V5c0-1.64 1.36-3 3-3h14c1.65 0 3 1.36 3 3zm-2.01 0a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v14a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h7v-.01h7a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V5">

<div class="iJ1Kvb"><h3 class="GmE3X" aria-level="2" role="heading">Visually similar images<div s

As you can see it somehow captures beyond the last capture group ">Vis". And additionally there are a lot of characters missing from the start of the expected capture.. all the characters next to the "href=".

I tried a lot to rewrite my regex, but as it is confirmed to be working on regex testers I must conclude that there is something wrong with this Regex cocoapod.

Please help! Thank you
A link to the regex helper tool:

Error in dependencies

When I try importing Regex with the following dependency in my project, I'm getting different contents for the Package.swift file:

//In my own Package.swift file
    .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0),

Contents of the Regex/Package.swift I'm getting:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Regex",
    targets: [Target(name: "Regex")],
    dependencies: [.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 2)]

Instead of

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Regex",
    targets: [Target(name: "Regex")],
    dependencies: [.Package(url: "", Version(1, 0, 0, prereleaseIdentifiers: ["alpha", "1"]))],
    exclude: ["Carthage"]

What's odd is that SPM is resolving Regex 0.8.0 but with different contents than this repo.
The issue is that Boilerplate depends on Result and they have both been updated to support Swift 3, but the version of Regex I'm getting is relying on a deprecated version of Boilerplate.

=~ and !~ don't work

I installed library with the latest cocoapods

target 'CardSampleTestTask' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for CardSampleTestTask
  pod 'CrossroadRegex'

  target 'CardSampleTestTaskTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    # Pods for testing

  target 'CardSampleTestTaskUITests' do
    # Pods for testing


Opened the project as a workspace and I have an error Cannot find operator '!~' in scope

Error on swift build

I've got this error on both Mac OS X and Linux when trying to use crossroadlabs/Regex:

error: the module at Tests/Result has an invalid name ('Result'): the name of a test module has no ‘Tests’ suffix
fix: rename the module at ‘Tests/Result’ to have a ‘Tests’ suffix

That's not how regex is

Your README is full of examples of [1,2,3], but character classes do not use commas. So either you really want to match commas, or your README needs to be remedied. 😃

(should be just [123])

Getting 500x performance drop compared to pure NSRegularExpression

Love the syntax. Love the features. But performance goes bad on large strings. Here's the test for digesting a crashlog.

internal func testRegex() {
    let content: String = try! String(contentsOf: PathUtility.getCrashlogUrl(name: "gifox"))
    let nsContent: NSString = content as NSString

    let pattern: String = "^\\s*0x([A-F0-9]+) - \\s*0x([A-F0-9]+) \\s*\\+?(.+?) .*? \\<([A-F0-9]{8}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{12})\\>"

    let regex: Regex = try! Regex(pattern: pattern, options: [RegexOptions.caseInsensitive, RegexOptions.anchorsMatchLines])
    let nsRegex: NSRegularExpression = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: [NSRegularExpression.Options.caseInsensitive, NSRegularExpression.Options.anchorsMatchLines])

    var date: Date
    var intervalAll: Double
    var match: [String]

    date = Date()
    match = regex.findAll(in: content).map({ $ 1)! })
    intervalAll = Date().timeIntervalSince(date)
    Swift.print("regex: ", intervalAll)
    Swift.print(match.count, match)

    date = Date()
    match = nsRegex.matches(in: content, range: NSRange(0 ..< content.characters.count)).map({ nsContent.substring(with: $0.rangeAt(1)) as String })
    intervalAll = Date().timeIntervalSince(date)
    Swift.print("nsRegex: ", intervalAll)
    Swift.print(match.count, match)

    // regex:  7.71533399820328
    // 327 ["101e03000", "102186000", "102348000", "1023bf000", "102451000", "1024de000", "1024fc000", "102573000", "1025c2000", "1027dc000", "102812000", "102847000", "1028bf000", "102914000", "102992000", "1029ee000", "102a3b000", "102a49000", "102a64000", "102f78000", "102f92000", "102fbd000", "102fc8000", "102fda000", "103034000", "103215000", "103220000", "103231000", "103243000", "103250000", "1032ee000", "10335e000", "10336c000", "10337d000", "10343d000", "1034e5000", "10352b000", "103560000", "10359b000", "103613000", "1036c3000", "105225000", "105412000", "1058f3000", "1058f9000", "107afe000", "107ce3000", "108a6e000", "108b4e000", "10913f000", "10982f000", "7fffa6cf2000", "7fffa7038000", "7fffa886e000", "7fffa8a30000", "7fffa8b9d000", "7fffa8bb6000", "7fffa90d0000", "7fffa9242000", "7fffa9257000", "7fffa964e000", "7fffa9665000", "7fffa966c000", "7fffa9681000", "7fffa9809000", "7fffa98bc000", "7fffa98bd000", "7fffa98fb000", "7fffa9b7b000", "7fffaa966000", "7fffaa967000", "7fffaaa6f000", "7fffaab9f000", "7fffaac46000", "7fffaace5000", "7fffaad90000", "7fffaade1000", "7fffaadf1000", "7fffaae3f000", "7fffaae7b000", "7fffaae87000", "7fffab094000", "7fffab1fd000", "7fffab5f1000", "7fffab5f2000", "7fffab5f6000", "7fffab900000", "7fffab904000", "7fffab90a000", "7fffab9a2000", "7fffab9bd000", "7fffab9bf000", "7fffab9c2000", "7fffabaa9000", "7fffabab7000", "7fffabbf3000", "7fffabc81000", "7fffabc95000", "7fffabf91000", "7fffac03e000", "7fffac4d8000", "7fffacb5b000", "7fffacd9f000", "7ffface05000", "7fffaceb7000", "7fffacf03000", "7fffacf04000", "7fffacf56000", "7fffad232000", "7fffad266000", "7fffad26f000", "7fffad3dc000", "7fffad48d000", "7fffad4ed000", "7fffad55e000", "7fffad62c000", "7fffad779000", "7fffad7af000", "7fffad853000", "7fffad91e000", "7fffadab5000", "7fffade87000", "7fffadf78000", "7fffae01c000", "7fffae0b2000", "7fffae0b9000", "7fffae10b000", "7fffae26b000", "7fffae270000", "7fffae361000", "7fffae385000", "7fffae3ad000", "7fffae3b0000", "7fffae55c000", "7fffaf165000", "7fffaf17f000", "7fffaf213000", "7fffaf407000", "7fffaf423000", "7fffaf95d000", "7fffb02a1000", "7fffb0480000", "7fffb0489000", "7fffb04d8000", "7fffb04f2000", "7fffb04fe000", "7fffb0501000", "7fffb0505000", "7fffb050a000", "7fffb0514000", "7fffb0520000", "7fffb055d000", "7fffb06d4000", "7fffb107d000", "7fffb1128000", "7fffb1270000", "7fffb14db000", "7fffb15a3000", "7fffb1aca000", "7fffb1aee000", "7fffb1bdc000", "7fffb1bdd000", "7fffb1dde000", "7fffb1e34000", "7fffb2344000", "7fffb2647000", "7fffb26bd000", "7fffb26e7000", "7fffb2a71000", "7fffb2ae1000", "7fffb2e90000", "7fffb4217000", "7fffb4404000", "7fffb5333000", "7fffb534f000", "7fffb535d000", "7fffb5380000", "7fffb547a000", "7fffb5506000", "7fffb5519000", "7fffb5535000", "7fffb553e000", "7fffb5542000", "7fffb5938000", "7fffb6052000", "7fffb6641000", "7fffb6f8d000", "7fffb705d000", "7fffb70ae000", "7fffb711a000", "7fffb74fa000", "7fffb75c5000", "7fffb76de000", "7fffb77b3000", "7fffb77d0000", "7fffb7a29000", "7fffb7cea000", "7fffb7d7a000", "7fffb7eba000", "7fffb7fda000", "7fffb8040000", "7fffb80c0000", "7fffb80cb000", "7fffb8105000", "7fffb81b6000", "7fffb81f6000", "7fffb8449000", "7fffb85ed000", "7fffb9d75000", "7fffb9d82000", "7fffba046000", "7fffba07b000", "7fffba773000", "7fffbadf9000", "7fffbae04000", "7fffbae0c000", "7fffbae0d000", "7fffbae22000", "7fffbaee0000", "7fffbaf2b000", "7fffbb752000", "7fffbba03000", "7fffbbbd8000", "7fffbbbf6000", "7fffbbc1f000", "7fffbbcd0000", "7fffbc128000", "7fffbc5b3000", "7fffbc637000", "7fffbccdc000", "7fffbccf7000", "7fffbcd0f000", "7fffbd9f8000", "7fffbda8a000", "7fffbdb38000", "7fffbdf7c000", "7fffbe672000", "7fffbeb24000", "7fffbebb6000", "7fffbecc5000", "7fffbecdb000", "7fffbecf0000", "7fffbecf2000", "7fffbeefc000", "7fffbf951000", "7fffbfe5c000", "7fffbff33000", "7fffbff61000", "7fffbff8a000", "7fffbffa6000", "7fffc0043000", "7fffc0045000", "7fffc0274000", "7fffc027c000", "7fffc027d000", "7fffc0282000", "7fffc02ef000", 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"7fffc1a37000", "7fffc1a40000", "7fffc1a4b000", "7fffc1a4f000", "7fffc1a51000", "7fffc1a59000", "7fffc1a6d000", "7fffc1a73000"]
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"7fffaaa6f000", "7fffaab9f000", "7fffaac46000", "7fffaace5000", "7fffaad90000", "7fffaade1000", "7fffaadf1000", "7fffaae3f000", "7fffaae7b000", "7fffaae87000", "7fffab094000", "7fffab1fd000", "7fffab5f1000", "7fffab5f2000", "7fffab5f6000", "7fffab900000", "7fffab904000", "7fffab90a000", "7fffab9a2000", "7fffab9bd000", "7fffab9bf000", "7fffab9c2000", "7fffabaa9000", "7fffabab7000", "7fffabbf3000", "7fffabc81000", "7fffabc95000", "7fffabf91000", "7fffac03e000", "7fffac4d8000", "7fffacb5b000", "7fffacd9f000", "7ffface05000", "7fffaceb7000", "7fffacf03000", "7fffacf04000", "7fffacf56000", "7fffad232000", "7fffad266000", "7fffad26f000", "7fffad3dc000", "7fffad48d000", "7fffad4ed000", "7fffad55e000", "7fffad62c000", "7fffad779000", "7fffad7af000", "7fffad853000", "7fffad91e000", "7fffadab5000", "7fffade87000", "7fffadf78000", "7fffae01c000", "7fffae0b2000", "7fffae0b9000", "7fffae10b000", "7fffae26b000", "7fffae270000", "7fffae361000", "7fffae385000", "7fffae3ad000", "7fffae3b0000", "7fffae55c000", "7fffaf165000", "7fffaf17f000", "7fffaf213000", "7fffaf407000", "7fffaf423000", "7fffaf95d000", "7fffb02a1000", "7fffb0480000", "7fffb0489000", "7fffb04d8000", "7fffb04f2000", "7fffb04fe000", "7fffb0501000", "7fffb0505000", "7fffb050a000", "7fffb0514000", "7fffb0520000", "7fffb055d000", "7fffb06d4000", "7fffb107d000", "7fffb1128000", "7fffb1270000", "7fffb14db000", "7fffb15a3000", "7fffb1aca000", "7fffb1aee000", "7fffb1bdc000", "7fffb1bdd000", "7fffb1dde000", "7fffb1e34000", "7fffb2344000", "7fffb2647000", "7fffb26bd000", "7fffb26e7000", "7fffb2a71000", "7fffb2ae1000", "7fffb2e90000", "7fffb4217000", "7fffb4404000", "7fffb5333000", "7fffb534f000", "7fffb535d000", "7fffb5380000", "7fffb547a000", "7fffb5506000", "7fffb5519000", "7fffb5535000", "7fffb553e000", "7fffb5542000", "7fffb5938000", "7fffb6052000", "7fffb6641000", "7fffb6f8d000", "7fffb705d000", "7fffb70ae000", "7fffb711a000", "7fffb74fa000", "7fffb75c5000", "7fffb76de000", "7fffb77b3000", "7fffb77d0000", "7fffb7a29000", "7fffb7cea000", "7fffb7d7a000", "7fffb7eba000", "7fffb7fda000", "7fffb8040000", "7fffb80c0000", "7fffb80cb000", "7fffb8105000", "7fffb81b6000", "7fffb81f6000", "7fffb8449000", "7fffb85ed000", "7fffb9d75000", "7fffb9d82000", "7fffba046000", "7fffba07b000", "7fffba773000", "7fffbadf9000", "7fffbae04000", "7fffbae0c000", "7fffbae0d000", "7fffbae22000", "7fffbaee0000", "7fffbaf2b000", "7fffbb752000", "7fffbba03000", "7fffbbbd8000", "7fffbbbf6000", "7fffbbc1f000", "7fffbbcd0000", "7fffbc128000", "7fffbc5b3000", "7fffbc637000", "7fffbccdc000", "7fffbccf7000", "7fffbcd0f000", "7fffbd9f8000", "7fffbda8a000", "7fffbdb38000", "7fffbdf7c000", "7fffbe672000", "7fffbeb24000", "7fffbebb6000", "7fffbecc5000", "7fffbecdb000", "7fffbecf0000", "7fffbecf2000", "7fffbeefc000", "7fffbf951000", "7fffbfe5c000", "7fffbff33000", "7fffbff61000", "7fffbff8a000", "7fffbffa6000", "7fffc0043000", "7fffc0045000", "7fffc0274000", "7fffc027c000", "7fffc027d000", "7fffc0282000", "7fffc02ef000", "7fffc031b000", "7fffc039b000", "7fffc039c000", "7fffc03ad000", "7fffc03bc000", "7fffc0413000", "7fffc043e000", "7fffc044f000", "7fffc0466000", "7fffc0467000", "7fffc0522000", "7fffc07a5000", "7fffc084a000", "7fffc0873000", "7fffc0883000", "7fffc0889000", "7fffc097c000", "7fffc0ba7000", "7fffc0ba9000", "7fffc0bc3000", "7fffc0bda000", "7fffc0eb5000", "7fffc0f30000", "7fffc1305000", "7fffc130a000", "7fffc1358000", "7fffc1375000", "7fffc13af000", "7fffc13c2000", "7fffc13c4000", "7fffc156d000", "7fffc1606000", "7fffc1614000", "7fffc1704000", "7fffc172e000", "7fffc174e000", "7fffc1753000", "7fffc175e000", "7fffc1766000", "7fffc176f000", "7fffc17f3000", "7fffc1825000", "7fffc182b000", "7fffc182c000", "7fffc1839000", "7fffc183a000", "7fffc1840000", "7fffc1843000", "7fffc1845000", "7fffc185e000", "7fffc185f000", "7fffc18ed000", "7fffc18f1000", "7fffc18f5000", "7fffc190e000", "7fffc1915000", "7fffc193f000", "7fffc1962000", "7fffc19aa000", "7fffc19c9000", "7fffc1a23000", "7fffc1a2d000", "7fffc1a37000", "7fffc1a40000", "7fffc1a4b000", "7fffc1a4f000", "7fffc1a51000", "7fffc1a59000", "7fffc1a6d000", "7fffc1a73000"]

Manual Installation

CocoaPods and Carthage are awesome tools and make our life really easier, but there are some devs who still don't know how to use them.

It would be cool to add the Manual installation guide in your You can take a look at my iOS Readme Template to see how you can do it.

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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