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crystal-sqlite3's Issues

Can't read BLOB type as Bytes

A column with a BLOB type, reads as whatever the type of the value is, as opposed to Bytes, which would make more sense. "sqlite3://./data.db" do |db|
  db.exec "create table contacts (name text, data BLOG)"
  db.exec "insert into contacts values (?, ?)", "John Doe", 30

  db.query "select name, data from contacts" do |rs|
    rs.each do
      puts "#{} (#{})"

SQLite3::ResultSet#read returned a Int64. A Slice(UInt8) was expected. (Exception)

Changing the 30 to "foo"

SQLite3::ResultSet#read returned a String. A Slice(UInt8) was expected. (Exception)

Upsert with new syntax from SQLIte 3.24.0 fails


This is the error being returned:

Exception occurred: UNIQUE constraint failed: my_join_table.left_id, my_join_table.right_id

Query : INSERT INTO my_join_table(left_id,right_id) VALUES(?,?)
  ON CONFLICT(left_id) DO UPDATE SET right_id = excluded.right_id;
args : [239, 1]

That's run using the DB::QueryMethods#exec method.

If I plug in the values into that statement and run it using the sqlite client (v3.36.0) it works fine. The syntax is from this Sqlite doc.

If there's any more info you need from me, just ask. I'll use one of the older workarounds I've found until (if) this is fixed, so no pressure (but it would be nice if it's looked at 😄 )

Edit: forgive me, I forgot the library info

    version: 0.18.0
    version: 0.10.1

$ crystal --version
Crystal 1.1.0 [af095d72d] (2021-07-14)

LLVM: 10.0.0
Default target: x86_64-apple-macosx


Exception handling : Desired clarifications

I am trying to understand how exceptions are handled in Crystal-sqlite3.
Given the following code :

require "sqlite3"
DBCONN = DB.connect "sqlite3://%3Amemory%3A"
  DBCONN.exec "create table test ( id integer primary key, code text not null unique)"
  DBCONN.exec "insert into test(code) values('A')"
  DBCONN.exec "insert into test(code) values('A')"
rescue e
  if e.message =~ /UNIQUE constraint failed/i
    puts ("Already in database")
    puts (e.message)

output is :

Already in database
Unhandled exception: UNIQUE constraint failed: test.code (SQLite3::Exception)
from lib/sqlite3/src/sqlite3/ in 'check'
from lib/sqlite3/src/sqlite3/ in 'do_close'
from lib/db/src/db/ in 'close'
from lib/db/src/db/ in 'do_close'
from lib/sqlite3/src/sqlite3/ in 'do_close'
from lib/db/src/db/ in 'close'
from in '__crystal_main'
from /usr/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main_user_code'
from /usr/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main'
from /usr/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main'
from __libc_start_main
from _start
from ???

Why does Crystal tell me the exception is unhandled when the displayed message in the rescue clause "proves" it was rescued ?

I noticed that if I comment out the DBCONN.close statement, I only get the "Already in database" message, no more unhandled exception.

If however, I run the following program :

require "sqlite3"
DBCONN = DB.connect "sqlite3://%3Amemory%3A"
  DBCONN.exec "create table test ( id integer primary key, code text not null unique)"
  DBCONN.exec "insert into test(code) values('A')"
  sql = "select 1 from test where code = 'Z'"
  code = DBCONN.query_one sql, as: {String}
rescue e
  puts (e.message)

the output is a bare

no rows

So, no more unhandled exception and I'm somewhat puzzled : can you enlighten me on this?
Are there different "levels" of exceptions ?
I also noticed that putting the DBCONN.close in an at_exit statement produce the same "unhandled exception" for the first code snippet.


ARM Fiber bug

I just try the 0.8.2 version with a Crystal 0.23.1 [e2a1389e8] LLVM 3.8.
There is a bug that doesn't allow sqlite to run in a spawned Fiber (which is annoying if you try to run Kemal e.g.)

The bug is easy to reproduce:
require "sqlite3"

spawn do "sqlite3://%3Amemory%3A" do |db|
db.exec "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contacts (name string, age integer)"
puts "=== count is #{db.scalar "select count(*) from contacts"}"
sleep 1.seconds

The execution gives:

---inside #step : #SQLite3::Statement:0x412d20 sql select count(*) from contacts
Unhandled exception in spawn:
database disk image is malformed (SQLite3::Exception)
0x72eb4: *CallStack::unwind:Array(Pointer(Void)) at /home/pi/Projects/crystal/src/float/printer/ 1:1
0xd7cf0: move_next at /home/pi/Projects/CrystalThinking/lib/sqlite3/src/sqlite3/ 20:7
0xce484: scalar at /home/pi/Projects/CrystalThinking/lib/db/src/db/ 39:13
0xcec04: scalar at /home/pi/Projects/CrystalThinking/lib/db/src/db/ 44:30
0xc5268: scalar at /home/pi/Projects/CrystalThinking/lib/db/src/db/ 223:7
0x6e584: ~procProc(Nil) at /home/pi/Projects/crystal/src/time/format/ 1:1
0x83260: run at /home/pi/Projects/crystal/src/ 255:3
0x6d834: ~proc2Proc(Fiber, (IO::FileDescriptor | Nil)) at /home/pi/Projects/crystal/src/ 61:3

Error occurs by invalid DATE_FORMAT

When I define a time column to my table, I got an error like

unexpected char: '.' (19) (Time::Format::Error)

When I read it as String, I got a format

2016-12-25 14:25:53

Is the DATE_FORMAT right?

I think it should be "%F %T".

My SQLite version is here. 2015-05-20 18:17:19 2ef4f3a5b1d1d0c4338f8243d40a2452cc1f7fe4

Crash when querying on ARM (Failed to raise an exception: FAILURE)

  • Crystal version: 0.33.0
  • LLVM: 8.0.0

Here's a minimal example to reproduce

require "sqlite3"

puts "creating DB" "sqlite3://./test.db" do |db|
  db.exec "create table if not exists test (number integer)"

puts "DB created. Querying" "sqlite3://./test.db" do |db|
    db.query_one "select * from test where number = 1" do |rs|
      pp rs
  rescue e
    puts e

Console output when running on an armhf device (tested on a Raspberry Pi 3):

creating DB
DB created. Querying
Failed to raise an exception: FAILURE
[0x0] ???

The same code works as expected on amd64.

Invalid memory access if query inside rows iteration

Crystal 1.0.0 [dd40a2442] (2021-03-22)
LLVM: 10.0.0
Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
sqlite3: version: 0.18.0

Running this code with query inside iteration, fails with Invalid memory access error:

require "sqlite3" "sqlite3://%3amemory%3a" do |db|
    db.exec "create table t1(id integer primary key autoincrement, t text)"
    db.exec "insert into t1 (t) values ('v1')"
    db.query "select id, t from t1" do |rs|
        rs.each do
            v = db.scalar "select id from t1 limit 1"

and error:

Invalid memory access (signal 11) at address 0x0
[0x55e447408396] *Exception::CallStack::print_backtrace:(Int32 | Nil) +118
[0x55e4473f783c] __crystal_sigfault_handler +316
[0x7fb5022963c0] ???
[0x7fb50228cfc4] pthread_mutex_lock +4
[0x7fb5024ea28f] sqlite3_reset +31
[0x55e4474da30b] *SQLite3::ResultSet#do_close:Int32 +27
[0x55e4474da2bf] *SQLite3::ResultSet +63
[0x55e4473e605a] __crystal_main +1658
[0x55e4474db386] *Crystal::main_user_code<Int32, Pointer(Pointer(UInt8))>:Nil +6
[0x55e4474db1fc] *Crystal::main<Int32, Pointer(Pointer(UInt8))>:Int32 +44
[0x55e4473f15e6] main +6
[0x7fb50203d0b3] __libc_start_main +243
[0x55e4473e591e] _start +46
[0x0] ???

Release a new version

Hi @bcardiff

v0.8.2 was released on Mar 21, at least 5 commit and fixes has been published on master.

Would be good to have a new release

Thanks you for maintain this shard! <3

Travis build

I looked what's missing to run this on Travis. The build fails with a missing reference to sqlite3_close_v2. That got added in SQLite 3.7.14 but Travis runs on Ubuntu precise, thus SQLite 3.7.9. There's a PPA with 3.7.15, but it's not in the whitelist, although a request is pending, also a general request for 3.8.

So we can either wait for either of those to happen, Travis migrating to a newer Ubuntu version or look into using the legacy infrastructure which doesn't require the whitelist and the PPA.

REGEXP support

The sqlite3 REGEXP operator relies on a user-defined regexp function which is not defined by default, so regex support requires specifying a function. Does/will this library have an API to connect Crystal's stdlib regex functionality to it?

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS issue. Exception: no such table: tablename (SQLite3::Exception) "sqlite3:./mydb.sqlite3" do |db|
db.exec "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tablename"

triggers "Exception: no such table: tablename (SQLite3::Exception)"


sqlite3 mydb.sqlite3
SQLite version 3.31.1 2020-01-27 19:55:54
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables

  1. table exists
  2. sqlite3 implements "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tablename" which should NOT trigger any exception.
  3. crystal-sqlite3 test spec
    specifically invokes (lines 81-83)

drop_table_if_exists_syntax do |table_name|
"drop table if exists #{table_name}"

  1. I cleaned cache ~/.cache/crystal/

crystal version 1.7.3

What am I doing wrong?

How to use this shard on Windows 10


I'm running Crystal natively on Windows 10 and I was wondering about how to use this shard.

Right now I have a small project with successfully installed crystal-sqlite3 shard. I also have installed sqlite3 library on my system as a dll file in a folder that is added to my path. Unfortunately it seems that my setup doesn't work out of the box, because I'm getting the following error when I'm trying to run any SQLite3 related code:

Error: Cannot locate the .lib files for the following libraries: sqlite3

I don't have any .lib files in my SQLite3 installation folder. I only have a single .dll file. Is there any way to make it work or do I need to install SQLite3 differently to also have those .lib files?

Implement support for simple, aggregate, and window functions

The create_function() support exists, and was added in order to implement the REGEX() callback function. It would be very useful to have a documented Crystal interface to sqlite3_create_function_v2() that could be used similar to this:

@db.create_function returning: Int32.class do |param1, param2|
  # ... do something, returning an Int32

Syntax to support returning an array, handling aggregate functions, and handling window functions would be (hopefully) similar.

In addition, for my uses, it doesn't need to be exposed through DB; this is obviously for use cases that are very specific to SQLite and not portable, so having a different interface than Database::DB would be perfectly acceptable, though obviously a lot of the functionality would have to be duplicated.

Enable foreign key checking.

By default sqlite3 doesn't check foreign keys. For application portability and consistency with other db implmentations it should be enabled.

After reviewing a variety of projects using crystal-sqlite3

  • Several of them are amber or other orm's which require mysql/pg/sqlite. +1 For consistency between databases.
  • The remainder don't appear to use foreign keys. Changing the default is unlikely to affect them.

Not changing the default can also lead to broken behavior. Applications that depend on CASCADE can break when moving between other db engines and sqlite.

Memory leak

require "sqlite3"

DBFILE = "test.db"

db ="sqlite3://./#{DBFILE}")
while true
        db.scalar("select padding from foo where id=#{Random.rand(100000000)}") # size matters!
    rescue DB::NoResultsError

grows beyond 32GB of RAM on my machine in a couple of minutes.

For the setup you need: gcc -g -fPIC -shared series.c -o

save the lines below in setup.sql, then
cat setup.sql | sqlite3 test.db

.load ./series
.header on
.timer on
drop table if exists foo;
create table foo (id int, padding text);
insert into foo (id, padding) select value, random() from generate_series(1, 100000000) order by random();
create index foo_id_ix on foo (id);

I use crystal 1.1.1 on Ubuntu 18.04

Investigate: performance bottleneck when running in multi-thread scenarios

Decided to separate this from #87, as it relates to performance and not necessarily the exception experienced in the original report.

Using luislavena/test-crystal-sqlite3-db repository/app, run a few benchmarks single-thread vs multi-thread vs other pooling mechanisms and found that it appears that the usage of double mutexes (connection pool and prepared statement pool) cause a bottleneck when running in mutli-concurrency scenarios.

Based on #87 (fix-mt branch) build, all this is run and tested on 4C/8T AMD Ryzen CPU, static (musl) and release mode builds, natively (no containers or VMs) using plow locally (localhost), no network latency involved. Tests were performed multiple times after warm up processes and pick the best of 3 runs.

fix-mt build:

Single thread build:

  • 1 connection: ~18K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~43.5K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~43.9K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~44.5K RPS

CRYSTAL_WORKERS=4, multi-thread:

  • 1 connection: ~14K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~7.8K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~10K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~10K RPS

CRYSTAL_WORKERS=8, multi-thread:

  • 1 connection: ~12K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~7.8K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~8.5K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~9.5K RPS

Same as above, but replaced with DB.connect and usage of DB's pool with Syn::Pool wrap around DB::Connection, (see exp-syn-pool branch)

Single-thread build:

  • 1 connection: ~20K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~44.6K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~45.7K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~45.9K RPS

CRYSTAL_WORKERS=4, multi-thread:

  • 1 connection: ~12.9K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~54.8K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~49.8K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~82.1K RPS

CRYSTAL_WORKERS=8, multi-thread:

  • 1 connection: ~11.9K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~53K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~48.3K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~57.9K RPS

For reference, as baseline, a no-op HTTP server app (Eg. Hello world) in similar scenarios:

Single-thread build, same concurrency:

  • 1 connection: ~25.6K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~71.7K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~73K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~74.8K RPS

CRYSTAL_WORKERS=4, multi-thread:

  • 1 connection: ~16K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~70K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~79K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~127K RPS

CRYSTAL_WORKERS=8, multi-thread:

  • 1 connection: ~17.5K RPS
  • 5 connections: ~53.9K RPS
  • 10 connections: ~84.9K RPS
  • 20 connections: ~84.2K RPS

Some notes:

On 10 concurrent connections:

Single-thread, noop: ~73K RPS
Single-thread, fix-mt: ~43.9K RPS
Single-thread, Syn::Pool: ~45.7K RPS

Conclusion: not much overhead.

Multi-thread (4), noop: ~79K RPS
Multi-thread (4), fix-mt: ~10K RPS
Multi-thread (4), Syn::Pool: ~49.8K RPS

Conclusion: hit bottleneck

I will perform a deeper performance analysis on this and come back with more details.

atomic last_insert_rowid

last_insert_rowid() can be used to get the autoincrement-generated ID of a row:

But this has to be atomic with the insert statement to be useful, and I'm seeing that if I execute a combined statement like db.scalar("INSERT INTO table (col1, col2) VALUES ('blah', 'blah'); SELECT last_insert_rowid()"), I get a DB::NoResultsError. It works if I execute the insert with db.exec and then the select with db.scalar, but I don't believe that's atomic.

Support for PRAGMAs via query params?

Hello folks,

Been using crystal-sqlite3 a lot recently and found a bit cumbersome to use DB#setup_connection on every codebase. Things outside of DB pool size or retry timeout cannot be controlled or passed to the lower level driver.

When looked at crystal-sqlite3 source noticed a TODO for enabling URI support for additional options:

But the recognized query parameters provided by that are quite limited.

Comparing this with other implementations of sqlite3 in other languages like Go (example mattn/go-sqlite3), saw out-of-the-box support for foreign keys, timeout and journal mode (see feature list).

Made an attempt to explore adding this, but encountered that couldn't use #exec directly from within the connection initialize, as this is being instantiated by the Pool and exec tries to access the pool to pick a connection from it, and then 💣

Saw comments in #48 about considering broader support for things like this.

The SQLite3 example of setting PRAGMAs is one, but other examples like TLS support for MySQL comes to my mind. Perhaps something for this could be added to the abstraction that allows doing these adjustments on a per-driver basis?

(perhaps should be posting this on crystal-db instead, but better ask somewhere).

Thank you in advance for your responses! 😊

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Executed statements which return multiple rows will result in an exception

While attempting to execute a particular PRAGMA statement, my application crashed with an "unknown error".

Crystal / shard versions

  • Crystal: 0.23.1
  • sqlite3: 0.8.2
  • db: 0.4.2

Example code

require "db"
require "sqlite3" "sqlite3://./tester.db" do |db|
  db.exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = memory")

Execution result

$ crystal run 
unknown error (SQLite3::Exception)
0x55c42a4f6f4d: perform_exec at /tmp/pragma-crystal-sqlite3/lib/sqlite3/src/sqlite3/ 25:40
0x55c42a4f766d: perform_exec_and_release at /tmp/pragma-crystal-sqlite3/lib/db/src/db/ 97:14
0x55c42a4f75f9: exec at /tmp/pragma-crystal-sqlite3/lib/db/src/db/ 67:7
0x55c42a4f7ac9: exec at /tmp/pragma-crystal-sqlite3/lib/db/src/db/ 14:30
0x55c42a4eeb55: exec at /tmp/pragma-crystal-sqlite3/lib/db/src/db/ 217:7
0x55c42a488952: __crystal_main at /tmp/pragma-crystal-sqlite3/ 5:3
0x55c42a498159: main at /usr/lib/crystal/ 12:15
0x7f2efbf24f6a: __libc_start_main at ??
0x55c42a4880fa: _start at ??
0x0: ??? at ??

The PRAGMA statement given in the example code returns a LibSQLite3::Code::ROW after being stepped once. It appears that this statement needs more than one step before it is considered done.

undefined reference to `sqlite3_close_v2'

Hello, I'm new to crystal, I see some reference to this problem, but I don't see what I might need to do to work around the problem. From what I see, the version of sqlite3 and the driver are not compatible. What is a working combination? I simply pasted the sample from this git into a text file and attempted to run.

SQLite35858Connection.o: In function *SQLite3::Connection#do_close:Int32': SQLite3::Connection:(.text+0x403): undefined reference tosqlite3_close_v2'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Error: execution of command failed with code: 1: cc -o "/home/eugene/workspace/harvest/harvest" "${@}" -rdynamic -lsqlite3 -lpcre -lgc -lpthread /opt/crystal/src/ext/libcrystal.a -levent -lrt -ldl -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib

require "db"
require "sqlite3"

module Harvest
  # TODO Put your code here
   puts "Hello"
db = "sqlite3://data.db" 
  db.exec "create table contacts (name string, age integer)"
  db.exec "insert into contacts values (?, ?)", "John Doe", 30

#  args = [] of DB::Any
#  args << "Sarah"
#  args << 33
#  db.exec "insert into contacts values (?, ?)", args

#  puts "max age:"
#  puts db.scalar "select max(age) from contacts" # => 33

#  puts "contacts:"
#  db.query "select name, age from contacts order by age desc" do |rs|
#    puts "#{rs.column_name(0)} (#{rs.column_name(1)})"
#    # => name (age)
#    rs.each do
#      puts "#{} (#{})"
#      # => Sarah (33)
#      # => John Doe (30)

Data Change Notification Hook

I've been skimming through the source and looking through the docs, and I can't find any indications that crystal-sqlite3 supports the sqlite3_update_hook callback to get "notified" when potentially interesting data is created, updated or deleted. It is similar to the PostgreSQL NOTIFY feature.

I'm not sure if the underlying DB wrapper has support for this kind of functionality yet though, but I figured I'd open an issue here nonetheless.

Support additional DateTime formats and common datetime queries

Currently (0.8.1) when reading/writing Time values the format SQLite3::DATE_FORMAT is used. This is one of the supported formats by sqlite. It is actually the one with more precision: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS

This is enough for reading/writing values using Time crystal's type. But it would be proper to allow reading time values using a fallback for all other DateTime formats described in so the following queries will work:

  • select date('now');
  • select datetime('now');
  • SELECT current_timestamp;

This should be handled in

Time.parse read(String), SQLite3::DATE_FORMAT

Unhandled exception when writing to DB

def write_entry
      args = [] of DB::Any
      args << @id
      args << @datum
      args << @ht
      args << @nt
      args << @tarif_id
      MY_DB.exec "INSERT INTO dayly VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", args

When writing to the database I get the following exception:

Unhandled exception: SQLite3::Statement does not support Array(Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int32 | Int64 | Slice(UInt8) | String | Time | Nil) params (Exception)

It worked fine with previous releases

Compile error(s)

Umm, I have an interesting problem with compiling an app that uses this shard. I don't really know how to describe it, sorry 😕

I created a minimal project and just copied the readme example. On running shards build --error-trace --no-color (--no-color doesn't seem to be respected for the ^~~~ interestingly enough^^) I receive the following output (hidden via details 'cause it's a lot). I get this output no matter what I try to do with the db. All that actually does compile is [...] without any further actions.

I: Dependencies are satisfied
I: Building: sqlitetest
E: Error target sqlitetest failed to compile:
Error in src/ instantiating 'DB:Module#open(String)' "sqlite3://./data.db" do |db|

in src/ instantiating 'DB:Module#open(String)' "sqlite3://./data.db" do |db|

in src/ instantiating 'DB::Database#exec(String)'

    db.exec "create table contacts (name string, age integer)"

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'build(String)'


in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'fetch_or_build_prepared_statement(String)'


in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'DB::StringKeyCache(DB::PoolPreparedStatement)#fetch(String)'

      @statements_cache.fetch(query) { build_prepared_statement(query) }

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'DB::StringKeyCache(DB::PoolPreparedStatement)#fetch(String)'

      @statements_cache.fetch(query) { build_prepared_statement(query) }

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'build_prepared_statement(String)'

      @statements_cache.fetch(query) { build_prepared_statement(query) }

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'DB::PoolPreparedStatement:Class#new(DB::Database, String)', query)

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'statement_with_retry()'

      statement_with_retry &.release_connection

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'DB::Database#retry()'

      @db.retry do

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'DB::Pool(DB::Connection)#retry()'

      @pool.retry do

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'DB::Pool(DB::Connection)#retry()'

      @pool.retry do

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'DB::Database#retry()'

      @db.retry do

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'build_statement()'

        return yield build_statement

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'clean_connections()'


in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'Set(WeakRef(DB::Connection))#each()'

      @connections.each do |ref|

in /usr/local/Cellar/crystal-lang/0.21.1_1/src/ instantiating 'Hash(WeakRef(DB::Connection), Nil)#each_key()'

    @hash.each_key do |key|

in /usr/local/Cellar/crystal-lang/0.21.1_1/src/ instantiating 'each()'

    each do |key, value|

in /usr/local/Cellar/crystal-lang/0.21.1_1/src/ instantiating 'each()'

    each do |key, value|

in /usr/local/Cellar/crystal-lang/0.21.1_1/src/ instantiating 'Hash(WeakRef(DB::Connection), Nil)#each_key()'

    @hash.each_key do |key|

in lib/db/src/db/ instantiating 'Set(WeakRef(DB::Connection))#each()'

      @connections.each do |ref|

in lib/db/src/db/ undefined method 'value' for WeakRef(DB::Connection)

        conn = ref.value


WeakRef(DB::Connection) trace:


          @connections.each do |ref|

I'm running macOS 10.12 if that helps. I also have sqlite3 installed via homebrew, not the outdated system default. I don't have it installed with any of the provided options though, should any of those be necessary.

	Enable the 'dbstat' virtual table
	Install HTML documentation
	Enable the FTS3 module
	Enable the FTS5 module (experimental)
	Enable more math and string functions for SQL queries
	Enable the ICU module
	Enable the JSON1 extension
	Defaults secure_delete to on
	Enable the session extension
	Enable the unlock notification feature
	Build without readline support
	Disable the R*Tree index module

Thanks for any help! 😊

Does Jennifer strive for ActiveRecord method parity?

In my project I am monkey-patching some native ActiveRecord methods like:

  • find_by
  • find_by_and_initialize
  • find_or_create_by
  • Model.first instead of Model.all.first

Is the long-term vision for Jennifer to be as close as possible to AR's API or do you want to be more selective? Just want to clarify before opening any PRs. 😄

Lost scheme/driver reflection since v0.12.0?


While working on drift project, I had an internal prototype that work with different DB drivers by inspecting #uri of the given connection.

You can see the commits I had from previous version of crystal-db here, specifically .klass_for

However, since 0.12.0 refactor, is not possible to determine the driver without having to load the different shards and compare the connection:

db.using_connection do |conn|
  p! conn.is_a?(SQLite3::Connection) # => true

This will force Drift to depend on all the other DB drivers, causing unneeded code to be parsed, compiled, etc.

I tried to look at connection_options and others, but appears that the scheme from URI is no longer kept.

Any suggestion on how to approach this? I received some interest in allowing Drift work with adapters other than SQLite3.

Thank you.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️

SQLite3::Connection#dump fails to read >1MB files

require "sqlite3"

mem_db = "sqlite3::memory:"
file_db = "sqlite3:test.sqlite"

mem_db.using_connection do |mem_conn|
  file_db.using_connection do |file_conn|

The above fails with not an error (SQLite3::Exception) when the size of test.sqlite exceeds 1024K. Works fine if I delete enough rows beforehand and issue VACUUM to get the size below 1024K. The issue is the file size, because if I don't do a VACUUM, it still fails.

Specifically, on line 77 in src/sqlite3/, code is OKAY when the expected value is DONE.

Initializing empty records with `` or ``

Today Jennifer doesn't support or without any attributes nor with a sub-set of required attributes. Is this by choice or something that slipped through?


class User < Jennifer::Model::Base

    id: Primary32,
    name: String,
    created_at: Time?,
    updated_at: Time?,
end{:name => "Jennifer"})
Unhandled exception: Column User.age can't be casted from Nil to it's type - Int32 (Jennifer::DataTypeCasting)
  from src/models/ in '_extract_attributes'
  from src/models/ in 'initialize'
  from src/models/ in 'initialize'
  from src/models/ in 'new'
  from in '__icr_exec__'
  from in '__crystal_main'
  from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.3.2/src/crystal/ in 'main_user_code'
  from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.3.2/src/crystal/ in 'main'
  from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.3.2/src/crystal/ in 'main'
Error: wrong number of arguments for '' (given 0, expected 1..2)

Overloads are:
 - : Hash | NamedTuple, new_record : Bool)
 - : Hash | NamedTuple, new_record)
 - : DB::ResultSet)
 - : Hash(Symbol, AttrType) | NamedTuple)
 - : Hash(String, AttrType))

Create database instance for further usage

Inspired from the Ruby sqlite gem, here is an improvement I would like to see in the Crystal shard syntax :
Being able to create a new database object, allowing usage everywhere in the code, as opposed to only in the 'do' block. Also would allow for usage of several databases at once.
db = 'database.db'

You would then be able to run db.exec, db.query on this object.

Query methods raise if instructed to read String consisting entirely out of digits

Minimal Example:

require "db"
require "sqlite3""sqlite3://test.db") do |db|
  db.exec("create table if not exists foo (bar string);")
  db.exec("insert into foo (bar) values (?);", "42")
  pp db.query_all("select * from foo;", as: String)


[nix-shell:~/tmp/sqlite-crash-reduction]$ shards build && bin/sqlite-crash-reduction 
Dependencies are satisfied
Building: sqlite-crash-reduction
Unhandled exception: SQLite3::ResultSet#read returned a Int64. A String was expected. (Exception)
  from lib/db/src/db/ in 'read'
  from lib/db/src/db/ in 'query_all:as'
  from src/ in '__crystal_main'
  from /nix/store/1j9vv8lxl38ylhx970fbcfnplari4gl1-crystal-0.30.1/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main_user_code'
  from /nix/store/1j9vv8lxl38ylhx970fbcfnplari4gl1-crystal-0.30.1/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main'
  from /nix/store/1j9vv8lxl38ylhx970fbcfnplari4gl1-crystal-0.30.1/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main'
  from __libc_start_main
  from ../sysdeps/x86_64/start.S:122:0 in '_start'
  from ???

crystal 0.30.1
sqlite3 3.28.0
crystal-db 0.7.0
crystal-sqlite3 0.14.0

A workaround is reading strings as DB::Any initially and later running to_s on them.

Result set cannot read timestamps


sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "things"(id bigserial primary key, created_at text);
sqlite> select * from things;
1|2020-11-14 21:56:52


require "sqlite3""sqlite3:./test.db") do |db|
  db.query "select * from things" do |rs|
    rs.each do
      puts "#{}, #{}"


Unhandled exception: Unexpected char: '\u{0}' at 19: "2020-11-14 21:56:52>>" (Time::Format::Error)
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/time/format/ in 'raise'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/time/format/ in 'raise'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/time/format/ in 'char'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/time/format/ in 'check_char'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/time/format/ in 'visit'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/time/ in 'parse'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/time/ in 'parse'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/ in 'parse'
  from lib/sqlite3/src/sqlite3/ in 'read'
  from in '__crystal_main'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main_user_code'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main'
  from ../../../../usr/lib/crystal/crystal/ in 'main'
  from __libc_start_main
  from _start
  from ???

However, this is the timestamp format used by SQLite's current_timestamp, so not being able to parse it is a problem. I'm not sure if the appropriate solution is a change here or somewhere else, but I'm posting it here as a starting point.

Occurs on master branch.

Invalid memory access when using `#scalar` or `#exec` directly in multi-thread mode (`-Dpreview_mt`)


Been testing out preview_mt mode with SQLite and encountered some issues. It has been hard to reproduce this, but I was able to get a small test program:

require "sqlite3"

COUNT = 10

puts "preview_mt: ", {{ flag?(:preview_mt) }}

db ="sqlite3:data.db?journal_mode=wal&busy_timeout=5000")

COUNT.times do |i|
  spawn do
    rand_id = rand(1..500)

    puts db.scalar("SELECT age FROM contacts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;", rand_id).as(Int64)



data.db contains a simple schema with 500 records in it:

require "sqlite3"

    name TEXT NOT NULL,

  INSERT INTO contacts (id, name, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?);
SQL"sqlite3:data.db?journal_mode=wal&busy_timeout=5000") do |db|
  db.exec CREATE_SQL

  db.transaction do
    500.times do |t|
      id = t + 1
      db.exec INSERT_SQL, id, "Name #{id}", id + 20

When compiled and executed with -Dpreview_mt, I randomly receive something like the following:

Invalid memory access (signal 11) at address 0x0
Unhandled exception in spawn: bad parameter or other API misuse (SQLite3::Exception)
[0x557449e450f6] *Exception::CallStack::print_backtrace:Nil +118 in /home/luis/repos/
Invalid memory access (signal 11) at address 0x0
[0x557449e30646] ~procProc(Int32, Pointer(LibC::SiginfoT), Pointer(Void), Nil) +310 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449e450f6] *Exception::CallStack::print_backtrace:Nil +118 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x7f20a5a42520] ?? +139778194679072 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[0x557449e30646] ~procProc(Int32, Pointer(LibC::SiginfoT), Pointer(Void), Nil) +310 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x7f20a5ffbc76] sqlite3_reset +22 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[0x7f20a5a42520] ?? +139778194679072 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[0x557449f2c42b] *SQLite3::ResultSet#do_close:Int32 +27 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x7f20a5ffbc76] sqlite3_reset +22 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[0x557449f2c3dc] *SQLite3::ResultSet +60 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449f2c42b] *SQLite3::ResultSet#do_close:Int32 +27 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449f29f63] *DB::Statement+ +291 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449f2c3dc] *SQLite3::ResultSet +60 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449f2a7b9] *DB::PoolStatement+ +633 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449f29f63] *DB::Statement+ +291 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449f1195b] *DB::Database +59 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449f2a7b9] *DB::PoolStatement+ +633 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449e31b9b] ~procProc(Nil) +155 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449f1195b] *DB::Database +59 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449e8bc52] *Fiber#run:(IO::FileDescriptor | Nil) +114 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449e31b9b] ~procProc(Nil) +155 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449e30166] ~proc2Proc(Fiber, (IO::FileDescriptor | Nil)) +6 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x557449e8bc52] *Fiber#run:(IO::FileDescriptor | Nil) +114 in /home/luis/repos/
[0x0] ???

Sometimes receiving bad parameter or other API misuse, others unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups

I was able to workaround this by using using_connection block instead:

COUNT.times do |i|
  spawn do
    rand_id = rand(1..500)

    db.using_connection do |conn|
      puts conn.scalar("SELECT age FROM contacts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;", rand_id).as(Int64)

Which points there might be an issue on how #exec, #scalar and possible other calls are handled by DB::Database and passed to one of the connections in the pool.

But even so, I will still randomly get errors (small adaptation to my example on my site).

Since I'm blowing things up, decided to put more dynamite into the issue and tried ysbaddaden/pool shard:

db = ConnectionPool(DB::Connection).new(capacity: 20) do

And then:

    db.connection do |conn|
      conn.scalar("SELECT name FROM contacts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;", id).as(String)

To my surprise, these random exceptions are gone and performance is even higher:

$ plow -c 20 -d 10s http://localhost:8080
Benchmarking http://localhost:8080 for 10s using 20 connection(s).
@ Real-time charts is listening on http://[::]:18888

  Elapsed        10s
  Count       746816
    2xx       746816
  RPS      74681.412
  Reads    7.392MB/s
  Writes   4.131MB/s

Statistics    Min       Mean    StdDev     Max   
  Latency     29µs     266µs     804µs   35.593ms
  RPS       71105.09  74675.39  1390.64  75844.23

Latency Percentile:
  P50     P75    P90    P95     P99     P99.9   P99.99 
  146µs  169µs  201µs  257µs  6.482ms  6.658ms  6.901ms

Latency Histogram:
  149µs    632328  84.67%
  268µs     99222  13.29%
  3.697ms    7679   1.03%
  6.503ms    5546   0.74%
  6.592ms    1752   0.23%
  6.656ms     190   0.03%
  6.786ms      87   0.01%
  7.004ms      12   0.00%

Tried running this project own specs with -Dpreview_mt and fails with the same issue, so not sure where to start looking at.

Apologies for the rambling, but wanted to make sure I included all the information I think is connected and relevant, I hope is not too much.

Any ideas where I should start looking at first?

Thank you in advance.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Connection are not promptly closed when transactions are used, eventually leading to file descriptor exaustion.

For easy reproduction, just run this and wait a bit:

require "sqlite3"

puts "PID is #{}""sqlite3://./test-db-feel-free-to-delete-me.sqlite") do |db|
  db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (bar)")

  loop do
    db.transaction do
      db.exec("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1)")

The PID output is so that you can browse to /proc/$PID/fd and see the number of open file descriptors accumulate.

Invalid memory access (signal 11) at address 0x0

Invalid memory access (signal 11) at address 0x0
[0x55eb4f123e66] *Exception::CallStack::print_backtrace:Nil +118 in bin/translater
[0x55eb4f1048e6] ~procProc(Int32, Pointer(LibC::SiginfoT), Pointer(Void), Nil) +310 in bin/translater
[0x7f828811c770] ?? +140198605342576 in /usr/lib/
[0x0] ???

I can reproduce this on my recent version translater.
it is an simple app with infrequent access to SQL.


  1. clone and switch to sqlite3_exception branch.
  2. shards install
  3. shards build
  4. run bin/translater -e baidu,bing 'hello world'

As you can see, it raise Invalid memory access this time, but it work on next time.


the broken code is here, when insert into two table in same db file in a times loop.

Anyway, i thiought whatever happen don't should cause a Invalid memory access.

Add a sleep 0.1 after this line, seem like fix this issue.

BTW: same issue happen both on use DB.connect or

Test on Crystal 1.12.0


Fail With Debian Testing

Debian Testing
Crystal 25.1
SQLITE3 installed

shards install seemed to work ok

require "kemal"
require "db"
require "sqlite3" "sqlite3://ourwebsite.db" do |db|

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsqlite3 (this usually means you need to install the development package for libsqlite3)
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz (this usually means you need to install the development package for libz)
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: execution of command failed with code: 1: cc "${@}" -o '/home/work/.cache/crystal/crystal-run-website.tmp' -rdynamic -lsqlite3 -lz command -v pkg-config > /dev/null && pkg-config --libs --silence-errors libssl || printf %s '-lssl -lcrypto' command -v pkg-config > /dev/null && pkg-config --libs --silence-errors libcrypto || printf %s '-lcrypto' -lpcre -lm -lgc -lpthread /usr/share/crystal/src/ext/libcrystal.a -levent -lrt -ldl -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib

we have tried to look for a zlib-dev but cannot find. We have this working on a Fedora 28 machine so something is missing with packages
appreciate any help

Implement support for virtual tables

Support for virtual tables in crystal-sqlite3 would be very useful. (See for docs)

Specifically, it would be great to be able to define a virtual table in a Crystal class, which enforces the required methods and allows overriding the ones with defaults.

For example, a Crystal implementation of the generate_series virtual table ( might look a little like this (I'm totally making this up, and assume a real implementation will be wildly different, the point is that it's idiomatic Crystal):

class SeriesVirtualTable < SQLite3::VirtualTable
  class_property max_row_id : Int64 = 10_i64
  module_name "generate_series"
  @row_id : Int64 = 0_i64
  declare_vtab "CREATE TABLE x(a,b)" { a: Int64, b: Int64 } # raises SQLite3::Exception::SomethingAppropriate if sqlite3_declare_vtab() fails
  def next
    @row_id += 1
  def row_id
  def eof
    @row_id >= @@max_row_id
  def filter
  def best_index
    {estimatedCost: 10.0, estimatedRows: @@max_row_id}
  def column(id)
    case id
    when 0
      1000 + @row_id
    when 1
      2000 + @row_id
      raise"#{id}: row id doesn't exist")

Hopefully the intention is clear; the details are pretty flexible. Creating the instance provides the necessary parameters as class attributes. Then it is attached to the database connection and the virtual table can be created. A separate cursor object might be needed, of course, though maybe the instance can serve as both the virtual table definition and the cursor?

Maybe the other methods (like xOpen, xClose, xBegin, xCommit, etc) can be exposed as additional methods in the class.

Eponymous, eponymous-only, and shadowed virtual tables might be different base classes.

And maybe there are no base classes, but instead modules to include into a class…

Ideas and suggestions are always welcome!

Sample DB

Well, it's not an issue really, but it'd be nice if a sample db would be included sample program. It'll save some time to start testing/experimenting ...

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