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ex4nicegui's Issues

bind_style type hint error

text = to_ref("")
opacity = to_ref(1)

rxui.lazy_slider(min=0, max=1, step=0.1, value=opacity)
rx_label(text).bind_style({"opacity": opacity})

No problem with the program, just a warning on the type hint

rxui.use_pagination parameter source using interface type

This parameter only needs to support the len and slicing interfaces.

r_df = to_ref(pd.DataFrame({"value": range(100)}))
pagination = rxui.use_pagination(source = r_df)

Currently, the type annotation of source parameter is list, but an interface type should be used.

ds.ui_select appears duplicate selected values

from ex4nicegui import bi
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "cls1": [
        "cls2": ["a", "b", "c", "c", "b", "a"],
ds = bi.data_source(df)

ds.ui_select("cls1", value="x1", multiple=False)
  1. select 'a' in the cls2 dropdown box
  2. select 'x2' in the cls1 dropdown box
  3. select 'a' in the cls2 dropdown box

At this point, the cls2 dropdown box has two selected 'a' values, which is correct. There should be no selected values.

rxui.vmodel executes slowly

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui import deep_ref, rxui
from ex4nicegui.utils.signals import to_ref_wrapper
import time

def calculate_execution_time(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        start_time = time.time()
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        end_time = time.time()
            f"Function '{func.__name__}' took {end_time - start_time} seconds to execute."
        return result

    return wrapper

def use_vmodel():
    data = deep_ref({"a": "text"})



def use_to_wrap():
    data = deep_ref({"a": "text"})

    def setter(new_value):
        data.value["a"] = new_value

    wrapper = to_ref_wrapper(lambda: data.value["a"], setter)



Using rxui.vmodel is much slower than using to_ref_wrapper

Function 'use_vmodel' took 0.6890246868133545 seconds to execute.
Function 'use_to_wrap' took 0.0 seconds to execute.

AssertionError: must be pyecharts chart object

from nicegui import ui
from pyecharts.charts import Bar
from ex4nicegui import ref_computed, to_ref
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

show = to_ref(True)

def chart():
    if not show.value:
        return None

    c = (
            [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 130],

    return c

rxui.checkbox("show", value=show)

raise error when click the checkbox

improve event batch api

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui
from ex4nicegui import on, to_ref, effect, ref_computed, batch

a = to_ref(0)
b = to_ref(0)
text = ref_computed(lambda: f"a={a.value};b={b.value}")

@on([a, b, text])
def when_vars_changed():

def when_click():
    a.value += 1
    b.value += 1

ui.button("change all values", on_click=when_click)

Every time the button is clicked, notify will be triggered twice. because modifying a reactive variable always immediately triggers a reactive event.

we can improve it in this way


def when_click():
    def _():
        a.value += 1
        b.value += 1

now,button clicked,notify will be triggered only once.

Perhaps we can provide an event_batch decorator that is used like this:

def when_click():
    a.value += 1
    b.value += 1

Loss of responsiveness, when using shared pages

from ex4nicegui import rxui, to_ref

a = to_ref("x")


When the browser opens 2 pages and then deletes one of them, the other page loses responsiveness.

If you use the page defined by, there is no problem

rxui.button not support "with" statement

I hope support like this

from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

with rxui.button(""):

but it not ,just like this

from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

with rxui.button("").element:

lazy_input no responsive value triggered on clicking the clear icon

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui
from ex4nicegui import to_ref

r_value = to_ref("")

rxui.lazy_input(value=r_value).props("outlined clearable")

  1. Enter the content "text" and the content is displayed below
  2. Click the clear icon in the input box, the content below should disappear at the same time, but now it doesn't

Creating maps with echarts

    "china", ""

        "geo": {
            "map": "china",
            "roam": True,
        "tooltip": {},
        "legend": {},
        "series": [],
) can not support new value mode

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui import to_ref, effect
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

r_value = to_ref(None)

def _():
    print(r_value.value)[], value=r_value, new_value_mode="add-unique")

it doesn't work not support dict options

from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui
from ex4nicegui import to_ref
from nicegui import ui

options = to_ref({'a': '我是a', 'b': '我是b'})

console error when click radio option:

KeyError: 0

rxui.echarts update options incorrectly

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui
from ex4nicegui import to_ref

opts = {
    "title": {"text": "title", "bottom": 0},
    "xAxis": {"type": "value"},
    "yAxis": {
        "type": "category",
        "data": ["a", "b"],
    "series": [
            "name": "first",
            "type": "bar",
            "data": [18203, 23489],
            "name": "second",
            "type": "bar",
            "data": [19325, 23438],

r_opts = to_ref(opts)

bar = rxui.echarts(r_opts)

def on_click():
    del r_opts.value["title"]["bottom"]
    r_opts.value = r_opts.value

ui.button("del title bottom", on_click=on_click)

When the button is clicked, the title position should return to the top left corner, but it doesn't

rxui.echarts.from_pyecharts not support js code

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

from pyecharts import options as opts
from pyecharts.charts import Bar
from pyecharts.commons import utils

c = (
    .add_xaxis(["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"])
        [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 130],
                "formatter": utils.JsCode(
                    """function (value, index) {
            return value + 'kg';



simplejson.errors.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 148 column 30

aggrid cannot set group header

aggrid in nicegui allows grouped table headers, but not in the bi module in ex4nicegui.

grid = ui.aggrid(
        "defaultColDef": {"flex": 1},
        "columnDefs": [
                "headerName": "xxxx",
                "children": [
                        "field": "name",
                        "field": "age",
                "field": "parent",
        "rowData": [
            {"name": "Alice", "age": 18, "parent": "David"},
            {"name": "Bob", "age": 21, "parent": "Eve"},
            {"name": "Carol", "age": 42, "parent": "Frank"},
        "rowSelection": "multiple",

ds = bi.data_source(
        {"name": "Alice", "age": 18, "parent": "David"},
        {"name": "Bob", "age": 21, "parent": "Eve"},
        {"name": "Carol", "age": 42, "parent": "Frank"},

        "columnDefs": [
                "headerName": "xxxx",
                "children": [
                        "field": "name",
                        "field": "age",
                "field": "parent",

missing 1 required positional argument: 'e'

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

def onchange(e):


error when type input

TypeError: onchange() missing 1 required positional argument: 'e'

slider value not effect

value = to_ref(0)
rxui.slider(min=0, max=1, step=0.1, value=value)

label test not change

AttributeError: 'echarts' object has no attribute 'on_chart_click'


# 使用pyecharts配置图表
def bar2(data: pd.DataFrame):
    data = data.groupby("name").agg({"idc1": "sum", "idc2": "sum"}).reset_index()

    return (
        .add_yaxis("idc1", data["idc1"].tolist())
        .add_yaxis("idc2", data["idc2"].tolist())


# 绑定点击事件,即可实现跳转
def cl(e):"/details/{}", new_tab=True)

rxui.echarts click event error

from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

echart = rxui.echarts(
        "xAxis": {"type": "value"},
        "yAxis": {
            "type": "category",
            "data": ["A", "B"],
            "inverse": True,
        "legend": {
            "textStyle": {"color": "gray"}
        "series": [
                "type": "bar",
                "name": "Alpha",
                "data": [0.1, 0.2],
                "type": "bar",
                "name": "Beta",
                "data": [0.3, 0.4],

def onclick(e):



TypeError: EChartsMouseEventArguments. init() takes 1 positional argument but 3 positional alord-only arguments ) were given

rxui table no works use deep ref rows

columns = [
        "name": "a",
        "label": "a",
        "field": "a",
    {"name": "b", "label": "b", "field": "b"},

rows = deep_ref(
        {"a": "n1", "b": 18},
        {"a": "n2", "b": 21},

rxui.table(columns=columns, rows=rows, row_key="name")

def onclick():
        {"a": "n3"},

ui.button("change", on_click=onclick)

table should add new row when click button,but not now

response value of the select box is not correct.

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui
from ex4nicegui import ref_computed, to_ref, on

data = {
    "opts1": [f"{n}{i}" for i, n in enumerate("abcd")],
    "opts2": [f"{n}{i}" for i, n in enumerate("mnxy")],

value1 = to_ref("opts1")
value2 = to_ref("")

def opts2():
    return data[value1.value]

def _():
    value2.value = opts2.value[0], value=value1), value=value2)


When the first select box changed from option opts1 to opts2, the value of the second select box should have been m0, but now the value is None

rxui.table selection_ref had no data at the first times

from nicegui import ui
import pandas as pd

from ex4nicegui.utils.signals import to_ref
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

df = pd.DataFrame({"name": list("abcd"), "value": [1, 2, 3, 4]})
r_current_data = to_ref(df)

def onselect():

table = rxui.table.from_pandas(
    r_current_data, row_key="name", selection="multiple", on_select=onselect

When any row is checked, print result is an empty list.

echarts cannot use deep ref as options

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui import deep_ref, rxui

r_opts = deep_ref(
        "xAxis": {
            "type": "category",
            "data": ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"],
        "yAxis": {"type": "value"},
        "series": [{"data": [120, 200, 150], "type": "bar"}],

rxui.echarts(r_opts, not_merge=False)

the above code reports an error

Button text bind not work


from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui

text = to_ref("old text")
text.value='new text'

button text still 'old text'

rxui.echarts TypeError: Type is not JSON serializable: ListProxy

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui import deep_ref, rxui, to_raw

series_data = deep_ref([120, 200, 150])

def opts():
    return {
        "xAxis": {
            "type": "category",
            "data": ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"],
        "yAxis": {"type": "value"},
        "series": [{"data": series_data.value, "type": "bar"}],

rxui.echarts(opts, not_merge=False)


TypeError: Type is not JSON serializable: ListProxy

If to raw is used, responsive is lost:

 "series": [{"data": to_raw(series_data.value), "type": "bar"}],

You have to convert to list and then use to raw to get it to work.

 "series": [{"data": to_raw(list(series_data.value)), "type": "bar"}],

Error when vfor binds a list in a dictionary

data = deep_ref({"a": [1, 2]})


def _(s):


AttributeError: 'ListProxy' object has no attribute 'value' error when multiple["a", "b", "c"], multiple=True)

when select item,error show:

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

Improve rxui.use_draggable

Currently, rxui.use_draggable obtains the responsive variable of the drag and drop position.

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui.reactive import rxui
from ex4nicegui import ref_computed, to_ref

with ui.card().classes("select-none") as card:

dg = rxui.use_draggable(card)

def position_text():
    return f"x:{dg.x.value},y:{dg.y.value}"


However, if it is supported to pass in a responsive variable from outside, this may be more useful.

x = to_ref(100.0)
y = to_ref(100.0)

def position_text():
    return f"x:{x.value},y:{y.value}"

# ui
with ui.card().classes("select-none") as card:

dg = rxui.use_draggable(card, init_x=x, init_y=y)

this example allows data to be separated from interface code.

negative values for the current page number in the use_pagination

from nicegui import ui
from ex4nicegui import on
from ex4nicegui.reactive import use_pagination

page = use_pagination(list(range(100)))

def _():

ui.button("prev page", on_click=page.prev)
ui.button("next page",

If you keep clicking the previous page, the value of the current page in the console will be less than 0.

bind classes should need to support direct function passing

bg_color = to_ref(False)
has_error = to_ref(False)

class_obj = ref_computed(
    lambda: {"bg-blue": bg_color.value, "text-red": has_error.value}

rxui.switch("bg_color", value=bg_color)
rxui.switch("has_error", value=has_error)
# it works
rxui.label("bind to ref_computed").bind_classes(class_obj)

# not works
rxui.label("bind to ref_computed").bind_classes([class_obj](lambda: {"bg-blue": bg_color.value, "text-red": has_error.value}))

rxui.number type hints error

value = deep_ref(1)
rxui.number("number", min=0, max=100, step=1, value=value)

type hints error

Unable to assign parameter of type "Ref[int]" to parameter "value" of type "_TMaybeRef[float] | None" in function "__init__".

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