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capframex's Introduction



Frametimes capture and analysis tool based on Intel's PresentMon. Overlay provided by Rivatuner Statistics Server.

Remark in our own interest

If you are a reviewer or a youtuber using CapFrameX to get your data, it would be nice to mention us and link to our software. If you want to use images of the CapFrameX analysis, you could use the built in screenshot function so that our logo and name gets added to the images.


Download link:

Capture frametimes









Screenshot Screenshot



Synchronization (Input lag)

Screenshot Screenshot

Report table (Excel)




Instruction manual

Learn how to use CapFrameX.

Record list

This list is always located at the left section, regardless of the view you're currently in.

It constantly observes the output directory so every capture will show up here as soon as the capture has finished. This also includes every OCAT or PresentMon capture you put into that directory.

Changing directories:
To change the directory, use the expander on the left where you can select your main folder by double clicking on the address line and get a tree view of all subfolders within that main folder. Using the right click context menu you can create or delete folders directly in the tree view and also open any selected folder in explorer. You can also move record files to other folders through the context menu in the record list itself.

Changing record info:
At the bottom of the record list you can see and change the CPU, GPU and RAM description and add a custom comment to every capture. Also you can edit the game name, since the process name is used as default. This gets saved in a process list file that is being compared with a list we update on every new version of CapFrameX to add new games that aren't already on your list.

Global Navigation Bar

Located at the top
Contains all the different views, a screenshot button, a login button (for additional cloud services), a direct link to the CX website and an options menu. The screenshot button takes a screenshot of the current view excluding the record list.

Options (Options tab)


  • Graph filter window size = The time period in which the filtered FPS graphs are being averaged (Analysis & Comparison View)
  • FPS values decimals = The number of decimals for the FPS values
  • Use "TBP Sim" sensor values (AMD graphics cards) if available
  • Screenshot directory = The directory in which your screenshots are saved.
  • Hardware info source = What will be written into the capture file as your CPU, GPU and RAM config.
    Automatic detection: What's delivered by the system
    Custom description: What you write into the text boxes below
  • Capture file mode = How capture files are saved
    JSON: Standard JSON file
    JSON + CSV: Additional CSV file that won't be used by CX but can be opened to get a better view on the raw PresentMon data

Options (App tab)


  • Start with windows & Start minimized = Autostart option and starting in tray
  • "Dark Mode" UI color mode
  • Receive notifications to get important information about the software and the project

Capture view

Here you can set your capture hotkey, the capture time (0=unlimited), choose if and how precisely you want to log sensor data (like CPU/GPU load and power) and set the hotkey response sounds.
An info text always informs you what's going on with the capture service and also tells you what to do in certain situations. For more detailed information about the capture events, you can take a look at the infobox which can be expanded from the top.

How to make a capture

The process you want to capture has to be present in the "Running processes" list. This list automatically lists all running processes from which frametimes can be captured.

For the easiest way of just getting into a game and pressing the hotkey to start a capture, this list may only contain one single process, otherwise the service won't know which process you want captured. If you have more than one process detected, you can still select the one you want and capturing will work just fine. However you wouldn't want to tab out of your game to do this. This is where our ignore list comes into play.

With the buttons below the two lists you can add or remove any process from the ignore list, the ideal scenario is a completely empty running processes list at the start of CapFrameX. With this, you can just start your game and since it'll be the only process in the list, just push the hotkey.
In case a process wasn't detected correctly you can try to rescan processes with the button at the top of the running processes list.

The ignore list entries are drawn from the same process list that contains your game names, which gets updated with our own list on every new Version of CapFrameX.

Overlay view

Contains the settings for the items displayed in the OSD as well as the settings for a run history and the aggregation function.

Left side
Overlay items list where you can set the items you want to see in the OSD and change their order by drag and drop. Items with the same group name will be displayed within a single line. Three profiles to save different overlay configurations. Overlay hotkey to show or hide CX items in OSD. This doesn't hide RTSS completely like the Afterburner hotkey does. If you have AB or any other App that uses RTSS running together with CX, only CX items will disappear. Right side
Run history and aggregation options
Run history to set a number of runs for which you get a simple analysis directly in the OSD. If the history is full, any additional run will replace the oldest one.
Aggregation to combine the runs in the history to a single record file once the history is full, while marking outliers within the history.
This doesn't take the calculated performance parameters of each record file and calculates an average out of them. It takes the raw frametimes of each record file and puts them into a new file, calculating every parameter based on that set of frametimes.
Aggregation outlier handling: A full history is checked for outliers using the median of a selectable metric and an also selectable percentage value. "Mark & use": Outliers are marked, but all runs will be used for the aggregation. "Mark & replace": If outliers exist, you have to do additional runs to replace them. Aggregation triggers when you have a full history without outliers.

Overlay items options
Here you can set colors, limits and font sizes for each individual overlay entry. The currently selected entry is always displayed at the top.
If you want to apply one or more of these settings to multiple entries, e.g. red color above a limit of 95 for all CPU thread loads, you can set them for one entry and then click on the "Sensor type" button at the bottom right side. This will apply the settings for all entries that are CPU loads. The same is possible for entries with the same group name, e.g. if you want a certain group color for all entries with group name X. The group name or sensor type for which settings are applied is always displayed next to the buttons.
At the bottom left side you can set separators for all currently used group names, setting one separator for a group results in an empty line above that group.

Analysis view

This is where you can analyse the captures you made one by one.

At the tops you can choose between frametime graphs, FPS graphs and L-shapes.
For the frametime graphs you can set a y-axis scale so that you are always looking at the same ms range for each record.
For the FPS graphs you can choose a filter mode so that you can either see the raw FPS data or a time based average filter to see a more clear FPS trendline. Below that you have your performance parameters like min, max, avg and percentiles on the left.
On the right you have three tabs, the first one is a pie chart which shows the amount of time you had stuttering (frametimes above 2.5x average (default)) or low FPS (frametimes above converted 25FPS (default)), the second one is a diagram where you can see how many frames were below or above specific FPS thresholds. If you chose to log sensor data for a record, two additional options are enabled: You can see the min, avg and max values of some basic sensors over the course of the benchmark as well as adding additional graphs to show you CPU and GPU load directly in the frametime chart.
At the bottom is a toolbar where you can change the performance parameters, toggle the additional sensor data graphs, remove unusual outliers from the graphs and activate a range slider that you can also use to cut a record and saving it as a new file. On the very right side of the page, there is a "System info" expander which shows all the HW and SW information available for the selected benchmark.

Aggregation view

Here you can manually aggregate records that were already saved. Add them to the list and set the metrics you want to be displayed as well as the outlier handling options. Outliers will be marked red and you can choose to include or exclude them for the aggregation. On aggregation you'll see a simple result line and a new record file is created containing all the frametime data of the aggregated records.

Comparison View

Here you can compare multiple records.
With a double-click from the record list you can add the captures to the comparison list and with a click on the comparison list entry you can select them in the record list. With the button at the end you can remove them all from the list.

The first tab shows you the records as bar charts.
If you compare records from just a single game, this game is set as a title above the diagram. If you compare records from multiple games, the names are labeled on the bars. In addition you have two adjustable contexts that are set as labels for each record. At the bottom is a toolbar where you can change the sorting and adjust the displayed metrics as well as the contexts.
For screenshot purposes you can activate "Custom title" to type in a title at the top yourself. The "Grouping" toggle switches between two sorting modes:
off-> all records are sorted by FPS
on-> records are sorted by game, then by FPS

The second tab shows you the frametime + FPS graphs and L-shapes.
You can highlight the graphs with a mouseover in the comparison list and also change their color or hide them. The toolbar now shows you the options to activate the range slider and the context legend for the frametime graphs. The context setting is shared between the two tabs.

Chart control

Action Gesture
Pan Right mouse button, arrow keys(+ Ctrl = slow pan)
Pan(X-axis) Shift + right mouse button
Pan(Y-axis) Ctrl + right mouse button
Zoom Mouse wheel
Zoom(X-axis) Shift + mouse wheel
Zoom(Y-axis) Ctrl + mouse wheel
Zoom by rectangle Middle mouse button
Reset Left or middle mouse button double-click, ‘A’, Home
Show ‘tracker’ Left mouse button
Copy values Right mouse button context menu

You can also zoom/pan a single axis by positioning the mouse cursor over the axis before starting the zoom/pan.
This manual is also available through the context menu.

Sensor View

In this view you can choose to log sensor data along with your frametimes. You can freely select any number of sensors available and when selecting a record that contains sensor data, all sensor values are displayed in the list on the right. These values can be copied to clipboard via context menu, either as min/avg/max values like seen in the list or as raw values with every single sensor reading included.

Report view

This is a simple view where you can add your records to see all the relevant parameters all at once. You can also just copy them with a right-click to add them into any other program. This is also possible for the graphs and performance parameters in the single record view.

Synchronization view

This view shows you an approximated input lag analysis as well as some other synchronization details.

Tab "Approximated input lag" Using various data from PresentMon, we can give a fairly accurate approximation on the input lag. Note that this doesn't include the additional latency from your mouse/keyboard or your monitor. For that we've included an offset that you can set yourself depending on your hardware. This input lag is shown in the graph and in the distribution below as well as a small bar chart for the upper and lower bounds as well as the expected input lag.

Tab "Until displayed times" The chart shows the times when a frame was successfully sent to the monitor and being displayed. Below the Graph you can see the amount of frames within the valid sync range of your monitor (that you can enter next to it).
At the bottom you can see the distribution of the until displayed times and beside it another pie chart which shows the number of dropped frames.

Cloud view

In this view you can upload and download records to easily share them with others.

To upload records, add them to the upload list and click the upload button. Once the upload is complete, you'll get an ID that others can use to download your records in the download section below. To download records, just add the ID and click the download button.

If you log in before the uploads, you can see all your uploads and IDs on The optional description next to the upload button is to name your upload to easily find them on the website. It doesn't have any effect if you're not logged in.

If you activated the process list options on the right, new game names you add and new processes you ignore can be automatically added to our online list and your own list can be synced with that online list so that you always get the latest entries. This doesn't affect any processes you already have on your list. If our online list contains the same process as yours but with a different game name, your entry will not be changed. The same goes for the ignored status of a process.

Export options (context menu)

  • Analysis: frametime values (f), frametime points (t, f(t)), FPS values, quantiles
  • Report: parameter table
  • Synchronization: display changed times(dc), histogram data

Using CX monitoring library in your own projects

The hardware monitoring library is based on Open Hardware Monitor. It is customized and extended with many additional sensors. If you want to use it in your own projects note the following points.

  • Import the projects "OpenHardwareMonitorLib" and "CapFrameX.Monitoring.Contracts"
  • Allow unsafe code in the build options of the project "OpenHardwareMonitorLib"
  • Implement "IProcessService" (see sample code)
  • Install all necessary Nuget packages:
  <package id="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions" version="5.0.0" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="12.0.1" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="Serilog" version="2.9.0" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="System.Buffers" version="4.5.1" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="System.ComponentModel.Annotations" version="4.7.0" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="System.Memory" version="4.5.4" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="System.Numerics.Vectors" version="4.5.0" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="System.Reactive" version="4.3.2" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe" version="5.0.0" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions" version="4.5.4" targetFramework="net472" />
  <package id="System.ValueTuple" version="4.5.0" targetFramework="net472" />

Potential conflicts with the Nuget packages can be solved via Package Manger Console. Just type "Update-Package -reinstall". The calling application must run as administrator. See "MonitoringLibTestApp" example code how to integrate the customized library.


  • .NET 4.7.2
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package

Build requirements

  • MS Visual Studio 2019 only (Community Edition)
  • WiX V3.11.1
  • WiX Toolset Visual Studio 2019 Extension
  • WiX Toolset and VS Extension:

Build settings

  • Solution Platform x64

Dev roadmap

  • Enhancements

capframex's People


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capframex's Issues

Records are not deletable using the del key

Records removed with del key are are not deleted from the file system (D:\Documents\CapFrameX\Captures)
So if you restart CapFrameX the entry will reappear.
Is this intended behaviour?

Request: Cutting Mode enhancement

Is it possible to have the cutting mode not be limited to either 0-49.99% or 50.01% to 100%, for example when I want to see the graph between 85% and 90%?
That way the cutting mode would be sort of a sliding window at the same time.

cutting mode

Keep focus on record while switching views

Keep the focus of an entry in the record list active for example when I switch from Analysis to Synchronisation to have the record automatically selected there as well.

Updating L-shape charts

L-shape charts are not be updated correctly (scaling) when selecting other record in the record list.

Setting y-min/max frametime chart

Setting y-min/max of the frametime chart on the "Analysis" page with dropdown menu.

  • Full fit
  • Auto
  • 0-10ms
  • 0-20ms
  • 0-40ms
  • 0-60ms
  • 0-80ms
  • 0-100ms

Option to edit game name

The process name is been used as the game name. There should be an option to edit the correct game name

Add second context

  • add second context to choose (let us see CPU and GPU, or CPU and RAM, or Comment and RAM ...)

Edit fonts for game names

  • Game names as title like on Analysis page or Comparison page with homogeneous sets in bold and a bit bigger.
  • Game names on bar charts with inhomogeneous sets in bold

Global settings for custom hardware info(and global settings redesign)

  • Add toggle to switch between automatically detected HW and custom HW so users who use specific overclocks or timings for their HW in general can add them without having to edit every single record.

  • Entries for CPU, GPU and RAM appear if toggled and are used as Info on new captures.

  • Make some space in the settings by shrinking various options and group directory settings together.

Anmerkung 2019-11-15 185344

Grouping of bar chart diagrams

  • grouping of different games to a separate bar chart diagram for each game
  • sorting and mouseover percentages only apply to each game by itself


Structured record folder management

  • Option to create and name sub-folders for records within the capture folder through the record list entries(right click)
  • context option "create new folder" and "move to folder(show list of sub-folders on click)"
  • Drop-Down menu at top of record list to chose sub-folders to show(include "all" option to see all records including the ones in sub folders)
  • captures are saved in the currently selected folder
  • standard selection on startup is "All", then records go in the main folder

Feature Request: Ability to import PresentMon logs

Would it be possible to get support for straight PresentMon csv files recorded outside of CapFrameX? Currently, they don't seem to be detected if you put them in the "observed" Captures directory.

The analysis tools look great, but i'd rather not have to install the full project on a given PC just to capture frame data.

Screenshot folder not created during installation

Installation: Default options EXCEPT I chose the e: drive instead of C: drive for app files (folder paths are the same other than drive letter).

In CapFrameX under options:
it shows the relative path for CAPTURES as "MyDocuments\CapFrameX\Captures"
it shows the relative path for SCREENSHOTS as "MyDocuments\CapFrameX\Screenshots"

The screenshots folder is not created during installation like the CAPTURES folder
Additionally a folder called RESSOURCES is created in the same CapFrameX directory.
RESOURCES is the correct spelling.


Redesign comparison page

Complete redesign comparison page:

  • bar charts (grouping)
  • relative mode (Drag&Drop)
  • sorting (auto + Drag&Drop)
  • better frametime charts

Feature Request: Frametime thresholds(Analysis page)

Make FPS statistics and stuttering diagram two different frames and add a tab to switch between stuttering analysis and frametime thresholds

  • use fixed values of ms/fps for the diagram to be consistent through all records

  • bar labeling either in absolute frames or percentage(absolute frames as default, percentage on mousover?)

  • maybe this should be the default view instead of the stuttering analysis

Global screenshot button

  • Remove screenshot mode switcher from Analysis page and add a global screenshot button next to the global options.

  • Screenshot button always captures the complete second colum on the currently active view(e.g. to get the game name on analysis page into the screenshot)

  • Leave out toolbar(which should be easy since the toolbar is now at the bottom of every view)

Integration PresentMon 1.5

Integration the new PresentMon version 1.5. Better event time synchronization by using the new QPCTime parameter. Capture page can be activated on Win 7.

Focus record list entries by clicking on the record in comparison list

Helpful If I want to edit any info from that record without having to search it by comparing the date and time.

Also (in combination with the other issue to keep the focus active when switching views) helpful if I want to see the single analysis or the synchronisation of any record in the comparisons.
I could just click on the record in the comparison list to get it focused and then switch views.

RTSS client implementation (OSD)

RTSS client implementation to show status information (OSD).

  • Hotkey to turn on/off overlay
  • Position parameter (config)
  • Recording time countdown and info text
  • FPS/frametime parameter

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