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logdeep's Issues

Anomaly log file type detection and predict future log error

Dear @donglee-afar

I am working on anomaly log analysis methods such as drain approach to use to structure log data into structure data. We have lots of log file and we have no idea this specific log file belong to which software? like android, HDF and etc.

How we recognize log file type?
How we can predict future log analysis error based on current log data?

BGL dataset

Would you like to show how you parsed bgl dataset? Because LogPai does not give scripts for parsing BGL

Question about obtaining the benchmark result

Thank you for all the amazing work you've done!

I successfully ran through the training and predicting process of deeplog model using the same HDFS data file that you are using (from loghub).

And I'm using Drain as my parsing tool to get the structured log data. I ended up having 48 unique event ID in the template. And I'm using around 5000 sessions for the training and the train loss and validation loss converged to 0.2 (start from 0.8) around 300+ epochs. I didn't change the default parameter setting in the file except for the number of classes (48 in my case).

The result that I got from prediction is shown below. It does not look as promising as the benchmark.

I'm not sure why but is it because of the parsing tool?

And idea or suggetions of improving the model results are welcome!!

How to generate data sequence

Thank you for the great project.

I am trying to use this implementation on a research project of my own using my own data. I used Drain to parse the data into two files: a structured file and a template file. But I am not sure how to proceed and convert these files into a sequence file (numbers only) like hdfs_train file.


Sorry for the late reply,
These are the three code snippets I wrote before, run them in orderI hope it will be useful to you!
@huhui ,@arunbaruah ,@nagsubhadeep, @Magical66

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Dec 23 10:54:57 2019

@author: lidongxu1
import re
import spacy
import json

def data_read(filepath):
    fp = open(filepath, "r")
    datas = []  # 存储处理后的数据
    lines = fp.readlines()  # 读取整个文件数据
    i = 0  # 为一行数据
    for line in lines:
        row = line.strip('\n') # 去除两头的换行符,按空格分割
        i = i + 1   
    return datas

def camel_to_snake(name):
    # To handle more advanced cases specially (this is not reversible anymore):
    # Ref:  
    name = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)
    return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name).lower()

def replace_all_blank(value):
    :param value: 需要处理的内容
    :return: 返回处理后的内容
    # \W 表示匹配非数字字母下划线
    result = re.sub('\W+', ' ', value).replace("_", ' ')
    result = re.sub('\d',' ',result)
    return result
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
def lemmatize_stop(text):
#    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
    document = nlp(text)
    # lemmas = [token.lemma_ for token in document if not token.is_stop]
    lemmas = [token.text for token in document if not token.is_stop]
    return lemmas

def dump_2_json(dump_dict, target_path):
    :param dump_dict: submits dict
    :param target_path: json dst save path
    class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, bytes):
                return str(obj, encoding='utf-8')
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    file = open(target_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    file.write(json.dumps(dump_dict, cls=MyEncoder, indent=4))

data = data_read('template.txt')
result = {}
for i in range(len(data)):
    temp = data[i]
    temp = camel_to_snake(temp)
    temp = replace_all_blank(temp)
    temp = " ".join(temp.split())
    temp = lemmatize_stop(temp)
    result[i] = temp
dump_2_json(result, 'eventid2template.json')

# 单独保存需要用到的fasttext词向量
template_set = set()
for key in result.keys():
    for word in result[key]:

import io
from tqdm import tqdm

def load_vectors(fname):
    fin =, 'r', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n', errors='ignore')
    n, d = map(int, fin.readline().split())
    data = {}
    for line in tqdm(fin):
        tokens = line.rstrip().split(' ')
        data[tokens[0]] = map(float, tokens[1:])
    return data

fasttext = load_vectors('cc.en.300.vec')

template_fasttext_map = {}

for word in template_set:
    template_fasttext_map[word] = list(fasttext[word])


import os
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
import math

def read_json(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as load_f:
        file_dict = json.load(load_f)
    return file_dict

eventid2template = read_json('eventid2template.json')
fasttext_map = read_json('fasttext_map.json')
dataset = list()
with open('data/'+'deepLog_hdfs_train.txt', 'r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():
        line = tuple(map(lambda n: n - 1, map(int, line.strip().split())))
idf_matrix = list()
for seq in dataset:
    for event in seq:
idf_matrix = np.array(idf_matrix)
X_counts = []
for i in range(idf_matrix.shape[0]):
    word_counts = Counter(idf_matrix[i])
X_df = pd.DataFrame(X_counts)
X_df = X_df.fillna(0)
events = X_df.columns
X = X_df.values
num_instance, num_event = X.shape

print('tf-idf here')
df_vec = np.sum(X > 0, axis=0)
# smooth idf like sklearn
idf_vec = np.log((num_instance + 1)  / (df_vec + 1)) + 1
idf_matrix = X * np.tile(idf_vec, (num_instance, 1))
X_new = idf_matrix

word2idf = dict()
for i,j in zip(events,idf_vec):
    # smooth idf when oov
    word2idf['oov'] = (math.log((num_instance + 1)  / (29+1)) + 1)

def dump_2_json(dump_dict, target_path):
    :param dump_dict: submits dict
    :param target_path: json dst save path
    class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, bytes):
                return str(obj, encoding='utf-8')
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    file = open(target_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    file.write(json.dumps(dump_dict, cls=MyEncoder, indent=4))

import json
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter

def read_json(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as load_f:
        file_dict = json.load(load_f)
    return file_dict

event2template = read_json('eventid2template.json')
fasttext = read_json('fasttext_map.json')
word2idf = read_json('word2idf.json')

event2semantic_vec = dict()
# todo :
# 计算每个seq的tf,然后计算句向量
for event in event2template.keys():
    template = event2template[event]
    tem_len = len(template)
    count = dict(Counter(template))
    for word in count.keys():
        # TF
        TF = count[word]/tem_len
        # IDF
        IDF = word2idf.get(word,word2idf['oov'])
        # print(word)
        # print(TF)
        # print(IDF)
        # print('-'*20)
        count[word] = TF*IDF
    # print(count)
    # print(sum(count.values()))
    value_sum = sum(count.values())
    for word in count.keys():
        count[word] = count[word]/value_sum
    semantic_vec = np.zeros(300)
    for word in count.keys():
        fasttext_weight = np.array(fasttext[word])
        semantic_vec += count[word]*fasttext_weight
    event2semantic_vec[event] = list(semantic_vec)
def dump_2_json(dump_dict, target_path):
    :param dump_dict: submits dict
    :param target_path: json dst save path
    class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, bytes):
                return str(obj, encoding='utf-8')
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    file = open(target_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    file.write(json.dumps(dump_dict, cls=MyEncoder, indent=4))



Originally posted by @donglee-afar in #3 (comment)

A data processing problem

Hi @donglee-afar:
I read the answers to the issue areas, but I still don't understand the data processing process. I don't know how to convert "sequece_hdfs.csv" to "hdfs_train" in logdeep project.

Could please you help me with it?😀
Can you provide a reference code and a workflow?

thank you very much.

Use the deeplog model on streaming log?

Hi, thanks for this awesome toolkit!

I took a look at the BGL dataset and found that the anomaly log with the same label shares the same error message. For example, the anomaly log with type KERNDTLB shares the error message RAS KERNEL FATAL data TLB error interrupt.

KERNDTLB 1118552678 2005.06.11 R30-M0-N9-C:J16-U01 2005-06-11- R30-M0-N9-C:J16-U01 RAS KERNEL FATAL data TLB error interrupt

So it seems to me if there is an alert trigger built on the real-time streaming log data, then multiple regular expression based rules would be enough to detect the anomaly error. So I'm wondering is there any advantage to use deeplog model on the streaming log to detect the anomaly compared to the regular expression based rules?

Any thoughts are welcomed!

Question about hdfs_train, hdfs_test_normal, and hdfs_test_abnormal

Thanks for your awesome work! @donglee-afar

I have two questions about hdfs_train, hdfs_test_normal, and hdfs_test_abnormal:

  1. How to get them from the whole dataset? I mean, how to divide the whole dataset into train and test after we already have an event id sequence for each BlockId in the HDFS log?

  2. I learn from data/hdfs/ that, hdfs_train contains only normal data. I wonder if I'm right.

Looking forward to your reply!
Thank you!

About Sampling (or Feature Extraction)


I think section 3B of this paper (Chinese edition at here) may help people understand those sampling methods.

B. Feature Extraction

The main purpose of this step is to extract valuable features from log events that could be fed into anomaly detection models. The input of feature extraction is log events generated in the log parsing step, and the output is an event count matrix. In order to extract features, we firstly need to separate log data into various groups, where each group represents a log sequence. To do so, windowing is applied to divide a log dataset into finite chunks [5]. As illustrated in Figure 1, we use three different types of windows: fixed windows, sliding windows, and session windows.

Fixed window: Both fixed windows and sliding windows are based on timestamp, which records the occurrence time of each log. Each fixed window has its size, which means the time span or time duration. As shown in Figure 1, the window size is Δt, which is a constant value, such as one hour or one day. Thus, the number of fixed windows depends on the predefined window size. Logs that happened in the same window are regarded as a log sequence.

Sliding window: Different from fixed windows, sliding windows consist of two attributes: window size and step size, e.g., hourly windows sliding every five minutes. In general, step size is smaller than window size, therefore causing the overlap of different windows. Figure 1 shows that the window size is ΔT , while the step size is the forwarding distance. The number of sliding windows, which is often larger than fixed windows, mainly depends on both window size and step size. Logs that occurred in the same sliding window are also grouped as a log sequence, though logs may duplicate in multiple sliding windows due to the overlap.

Session window: Compared with the above two windowing types, session windows are based on identifiers instead of the timestamp. Identifiers are utilized to mark different execution paths in some log data. For instance, HDFS logs with block_id record the allocation, writing, replication, deletion of certain block. Thus, we can group logs according to the identifiers, where each session window has a unique identifier.

After constructing the log sequences with windowing techniques, an event count matrix X is generated. In each log sequence, we count the occurence number of each log event to form the event count vector. For example, if the event count vector is [0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0], it means that event 3 occurred twice and event 4 occurred three times in this log sequence. Finally, plenty of event count vectors are constructed to be an event count matrix X, where entry Xi,j records how many times the event j occurred in the i-th log sequence.

B. 特征提取





在利用窗口技术构建日志序列之后,生成事件计数矩阵X。在每个日志序列中,我们计算每个日志事件的发生次数,以形成事件计数向量。例如,如果事件计数向量是[ 0、0、2、3、0、1、0 ],这意味着在这个日志序列中,事件3发生了两次,事件4发生了三次。最后,大量事件计数向量被构造成事件计数矩阵X,其中条目Xi, j记录了事件j在第i个日志序列中发生了多少次。

In HDFS templates count is 28?

Thanks for your excellent project. But I have a little confused. I use drain as logparser, but the template count is 47. so I want to know what log parsing method you use to get the template.

hdfs parsing

Which log parser do you use to parse the HDFS dataset

An error occurs when the terminal command line runs

(python38) houjingwen@MacBook-Pro-2 demo % python3 train
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 11, in
from logdeep.models.lstm import loganomaly,deeplog,robustlog
File "/Users/houjingwen/Desktop/logdeep-master/logdeep/models/", line 1, in
import torch
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'

Bi-LSTM robustlog

Nice implementation!
But why is the model of robustlog same as deeplog's?
In the original paper of robustlog, they use Bi-LSTM beside attention

Question about LogAnomaly

Thank you for your work. It was very helpful.

I have a Two questions about LogAnomaly.

When I read LogAnomaly paper there was Template2Vec Section.
But I can't find that part in your code.
There was a count vector part, but the sequence part does not seem to have Template2Vec applied.

Attention was implemented in the logdeep/models/, but it was not used.

Again, Thanks for your work. :)

DeepLog hdfs original unpased data

I started to use this ropo and it is grat!
But I need to see the original data of the train and the test (normal and abnormal).
I understood that the data generated from the csv 'HDFS_100k.log_structured', but how it has generated?
and what format exactly is the date and time in this file?


Question about feature extraction on bgl dataset

Hi, it's me again. :)

I'm trying to perform the Deeplog model on bgl dataset. So far, I was able to understand the logic and generate the event sequences from structured bgl log dataset using this that you provided (many thanks!!).

It basically slides a 30-min window with 12-min step size on the structured bgl log. And in this case, we will end up having event sequence that contains either huge amount of events (e.g. I found a event sequence with 12514 events in it...) or event sequence with one or no event in it (since there is no event happen at that time period in the sliding window).

After generating the event sequences, I deleted the event sequences with no event and ended up getting a file with 65 non-empty event sequences. And I randomly picked 60 event sequences as my training sequences and rest of the 5 will be validation data.

And this is when my questions kick in.

  1. When I tried to generate the sequential feature for the training dataset, should I do the same thing for hdfs dataset like using sliding window of 10 or other size on the event sequence and the next event to the current window will be the label for this current window. But in this case, how should I deal with the event sequence with only 1 event?

  2. And I do remember that you mentioned in the other post, if using bgl dataset, then it can direcly use the event sequence for the sequential vector since it is generated using the sliding window already, but in this case, in my understanding, each event sequence (except for the last event) will directly be a sequential vector, then the label for this vector will be the last event in that event sequence? Then what about the event sequence with only 1 event?

Look forward to your valueble feedback!! And thank you for answering all of my questions!!!

Possible implementation errors for session_windows

Thanks for your work. Deeplog performs very well when I use the "sliding_window" option on HDFS. However, it performs very poorly when I use the "session_window" option on HDFS (Precision: 2.953%, Recall: 99.994%, F1-measure: 5.736%). Could you please double-check whether your implementation of "session_window" is correct? (Please let me know anyone else also had this problem) Thanks

Particularly, you have used the following function to truncate or pad each session for "session_window". From my side, I think it will largely impact the accuracy (Precision or F1-score).

def trp(l, n):
""" Truncate or pad a list """
r = l[:n]
if len(r) < n:
r.extend(list([0]) * (n - len(r)))
return r

About the attention_net function

Thanks for your codes. About the code, I have some questions. Dose the attention_net() function in the file is completed? Or how can I apply the attention_net into loganomaly process. Thanks again!

Question about deeplog in logs Apache

How would I go about using deeplog for Apache logs? - - [15/Sep/2021:07:28:39 -0400] "GET /media/plg_system_popup/js/jquery.js HTTP/1.1" 200 293755 "" "Mozilla /5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0"

question about bgl dataset

Hi, thank you for making this amazing project.

I have some question when I use the BGL dataset to train and test. In the logdeep/dataset/ you use 'hdfs/event2semantic_vec.json', I have no idea what is the function of this file. And when I use the BGL dataset, how I generate this file? Or I needn't this file? If it is not needed, how should I modify

looking forward to your reply.

关于 TP,FP,TN,FN的问题!

按照您代码里对TP,FP,TN,FN的定义来看:异常样本数量 = TP+FP。在您的代码结果中,这似乎是对应不上的,是否您的代码 /tools/ predict_supervised(self)函数中,对最后的结果判定存在问题。

re.error: missing ), unterminated subpattern at position 21

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 66, in
eventmap = match(BGL)
File "", line 41, in match
if re.match(r''+item,log_event) and re.match(r''+item,log_event).span()[1] == len(log_event):
File "/home/lepton00/opt/miniconda/lib/python3.7/", line 173, in match
return _compile(pattern, flags).match(string)
File "/home/lepton00/opt/miniconda/lib/python3.7/", line 286, in _compile
p = sre_compile.compile(pattern, flags)
File "/home/lepton00/opt/miniconda/lib/python3.7/", line 764, in compile
p = sre_parse.parse(p, flags)
File "/home/lepton00/opt/miniconda/lib/python3.7/", line 930, in parse
p = _parse_sub(source, pattern, flags & SRE_FLAG_VERBOSE, 0)
File "/home/lepton00/opt/miniconda/lib/python3.7/", line 426, in _parse_sub
not nested and not items))
File "/home/lepton00/opt/miniconda/lib/python3.7/", line 819, in _parse
source.tell() - start)
re.error: missing ), unterminated subpattern at position 21

Hi does anyone have this problem? Some answers I found on Stack Overflow suggest adding r before the regex string which the owner has already done it.

Edit: I used Drain in logpai as the parser.

BGL Dtata


May I know how to get the BGL data ?

question about fastText and TF-IDF

Hi! After studying this amazing project, I have two question.
1.How do you get the event2semantic.json?
2.After I got the log template, How to classify so many log templates into 28 numbers like your file?

looking forward your reply. (I will be very grateful if you could upload your code :) )

Problems About RobustLog

Hi, thank you for this awesome toolkit!

What confuses me is that it seems that you don't set an attention layer, which is mentioned in the paper, in the RobustLog model. Do you mind explaining the reason for me? I'm a ML/DL newbie. Thanks in advance!

One-hot encoding?

I look at your input to deeplog model is just numerical token sequences. Why isn't one-hot encoding transformation used as the input? The numbers in sequences represent operations, so they are nominal, not ordinal.

An example to use it for any log file.

Hi, Thanks for making such an amazing project.

I have trying to use it for my log files. I could parse log files to its equivalent csv files using Logparser by LogPAI, but I have no idea how to convert logs to sequence of number as you have in you ~/data/hdfs/ directory. Also, then how to use it for inference real time log file.

Could please you help me with it?

Display original log with results?

Do you have anything that displays the original log records, their ground truth status as normal and abnormal, and the result from logdeep predictions?

Error of LogAnomaly implementation.


Thank you so much for this amazing project!
I am recently playing with different methods here in this project, however, I do find something odd about the implementation of LogAnomaly. Here in this project, LogAnomaly is actually using log event ids within a window to predict the next event id, just the same as DeepLog, which seems wrong.

According to the paperwork of LogAnomaly, it seems using "semantic vectors" for the prediction (the prediction is an event id or semantic vector, either way is good).

So, as far as I can see, should we change the inputs of LogAnomaly from Sequentials and Quantitives to Semantics and Quantitives ?

Please correct me if I misunderstood something. Thanks again for sharing the project!

Lin, Yang

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