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di.dart's Issues

MetaData aware injection API

class MyMeta {
  final String name;
  const MyMeta({String})
  // define hashCode/equals

@MyMeta(name: 'foo')
class MyClass {}

Map</*MetaData*/ Object, /*Class*/ Type> = injector.enumerate(MyMeta);
injector.get(byMeta: new MyMeta(name: 'foo');

Ever growing memory consumption

I open this issue following a discussion on PR 135

When a ModuleInjector is created, we create two lists for bindings and instances. Those two list have as many elements as the number of created keys at the time the injector is created (numInstance is auto-increment).

List have been preferred over Maps because they are faster on micro benchmarks.

IMO using lists could be a problem on real-life application (vs micro-benchmarks). If the application create keys and injectors, the memory consumption for those lists will keep increasing and is not bounded to a upper limit.

Using an map (HashMap) would be more efficient in term of memory consumption even if some cycles are lost on micro-benchmarks.

(More generally I think we should be more careful on conclusions drawn from micro-benchmarks)

Thoughts ?

/cc @mhevery @jbdeboer @antingshen @pavelgj

Generator should use relative path

After running the generator for my project, I had this line in di_factories_gen.dart:

import "/home/myuser/source/dart/angular.dart.ui.demo/web/index.dart" as import_0;

I changed it to

import "index.dart" as import_0;

The application worked with both paths in Dartium and with pub build.

The generator should not add the absolute path anyway.

Keys do not actually work

    it('should use annotation to tell same Type appart.', () {
      var injector = injectorFactory([new Module()
          ..value(String, 'base');
          ..value(String, 'annotated', withAnnotation: Foo)
      expect(injector.get(String), 'base');
      expect(injector.get(key(String, annotatedWith: Foo)), 'annotated');


  • Is every injection singlton based of is a new one created each time?
  • is toFactory called each time or is that singleton based aswell?

Better error message when dynamic injector can't find the default constructor

Right now an error like this is produces when default constructor for an injectable type is not found by DynamicInjector.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get$parameters' of undefined dynamic_injector.dart:42
DynamicInjector.newInstanceOf$4 dynamic_injector.dart:42
_TypeProvider.get$4 module.dart:142$0 injector.dart:118
_defaultCreationStrategy module.dart:106
Injector._getInstanceByType$2 injector.dart:116
(anonymous function) VM7762:3$1 dynamic_injector.dart:39
List_List$generate list.dart:127
DynamicInjector.newInstanceOf$4 dynamic_injector.dart:42
_TypeProvider.get$4 module.dart:142$0 injector.dart:118

Should be able through injector instantiate a class that depends on the class being instantiated

class ParentDynamicallyInstantiatingChild {
  ParentDynamicallyInstantiatingChild(Injector injector) {

class ChildDependingOnParent {
  ChildDependingOnParent(ParentDynamicallyInstantiatingChild _);

it('should be able through injector instantiate a class that depends on the class being instantiated', () {
  var injector = new Injector();
  expect(() {
  }, not(throwsA(anything)));

Cannot resolve a circular dependency! (resolving ParentDynamicallyInstantiatingChild -> ChildDependingOnParent -> ParentDynamicallyInstantiatingChild)

PROPOSAL: Change Module syntax

Current API:

value(Foo, new Foo(), withAnnotation: a, visibility: v);
factory(Foo, (i) => new Foo(), withAnnotation: a, visibility: v);
type(Foo, withAnnotation: a, visibility: v);
type(Foo, implementedBy: FooImpl, withAnnotation: a, visibility: v);

I think this syntax would be nicer on the eyes.

bind(Foo, annotatedWith: a, toValue: new Foo(), , visibility: v);
bind(Foo, annotatedWith: a, toFactory: (i) => new Foo(), visibility: v);
bind(Foo, annotatedWith: a, visibility: v);
bind(Foo, annotatedWith: a, toImplementation: FooImpl, visibility: v);

Need a factory providing the requesting injector to the factory function

The current factory provider passes as argument to the FactoryFn the injector that contains the FactoryFn definition itself. We need another kind of factory that passes to the FactoryFn the requesting injector. The use cases come from AngularDart; details are provided below.

Use Case - AngularDart NgValue, NgTrueValue, NgFalseValue and more.

To keep things simple I will talk about NgValue here; the other cases are similar.
The ng-value directive is a subordinate directive that will always appear as an attribute of a select or input[radio].

Currently in the AngularDart NgDirectiveModule, the NgValue directive is added as follows:

class NgDirectiveModule extends Module {
  NgDirectiveModule() {
    value(NgValue, new NgValue(null)); // (1)

Let us consider the case of input[radio] elements and look at the directive's constructor:

  InputRadioDirective(dom.Element this.radioButtonElement, this.ngModel,
                      this.scope, this.ngValue, NodeAttrs attrs) { ... }

If a select or radio element does not have an ng-value attribute then the line marked (1) above will cause the DI to provide the same NgValue instance to all radio (and select) directives: the instance created by the call to the constructor at (1). Notice that the argument to the constructor invocation new NgValue(null) is null. The signature of the NgValue constructor is:


Thus, what is happening is that the NgValue element field is set to null: as if we were saying that this NgValue is not a part of any element (but this is never the case). This is useless and it complicates the design of NgValue and the code for using it. E.g., here is part of the code of NgValue:

@NgDirective(selector: '[ng-value]')
class NgValue {
  final dom.Element element;
  var value;


  readValue(dom.Element element) {
    assert(this.element == null || element == this.element);
    return this.element == null || value == null 
        ? (element as dynamic).value : value;

Notice how the design of readValue() is complicated by the fact that the top-level injected NgValue is shared (in which case element is null). Also, this design violates the DRY principle because the element value has to be passed as an argument to readValue() even if the field already holds this value.

Intuitively, it would seem that a DI factory provider should be what we need, thus a first attempt at solving our problem would be to rewrite the line (1) as:

    factory(NgValue, (Injector i) => new NgValue(i.get(dom.Element)));

Unfortunately, this does not work because the Injector argument i that is passed to the FactoryFn is the root injector. What we want is for the FactoryFn to be provide with the injector of the select or input[radio] so that each select and radio element effectively gets its own NgValue instance (which is what a factory should be doing).

With such a factory available, the code of NgValue.readValue() simplifies to:

  readValue() => value == null ? (element as dynamic).value : value;

This is a conceptually cleaner design. The improvements to NgTrueValue and NgFalseValue are event greater.

Generate code

Mirrors are super slow. Let's try to have two modes:

  • runtime (the current mode)
  • generated code (similar to Dagger in Java)

Can't bind types with generics.

The idea is to bind a type with generic, i.e. List to something (value/factory,..)

bind(List<num>, toValue: managedTypes, withAnnotation: ManagedType);

One way to work around this it to introduce type

class TypeLiteral<T> {
  Type get type => T;

and then bind:

bind(new TypeLiteral<List<num>>().type, withAnnotation: ManagedType, toValue: [1, 2, 3] ))

Is di.key.Key code right ?

  factory Key(Type type, [Type annotation]) {
    var _hashCode = type.hashCode + annotation.hashCode;
    var _id = _hashToKey.putIfAbsent(_hashCode, () => _lastKeyId++);
    return new Key._newKey(type, annotation, _hashCode, _id);

  Key._newKey(this.type, this.annotation, this.hashCode,;

  bool operator ==(other) =>
      other is Key && other.hashCode == hashCode;

Is this code right ?

I think Key(A, B) == Key (B, A) is wrong.

Two objects that are equal have the same hash code but two objects with the same hash code are not necessary equal (however this is assumed by the current code)

Remove annotations.dart export

This change suggested by James somehow got left in there after v2. Just need to remove that one line. Angular should already be updated to import it directly when needed.

DynamicInjector: Code in catch block is causing an assertion in MirrorsImpl to fail

This chunk of code is causing a really obscure error to be thrown:

MethodMirror ctor = classMirror.declarations[classMirror.simpleName];

resolveArgument(int pos) {
  ParameterMirror p = ctor.parameters[pos];
  try {
    return getInstanceBySymbol(p.type.qualifiedName);
  } on NoProviderError catch (e) {
    throw new NoProviderError(e.message + (isJs ? '' : ' at position $pos source:\n ${ctor.source}.'));

In every scenario where a NoProviderError has been thrown (for me, at least), ctor.source has been null. When this is the case, MirrorsImpl fails an assertion: 'dart:mirrors-patch/mirrors_impl.dart': Failed assertion: line 1203: '_source != null' is not true.

Test optional parameters and typedefs

There may be a regression in DI 2.0.0 where DI fails to bind a type with an optional, named, typedef parameter.


typedef void TD(String);
class A { A({TD td}); }


should work; and appears to have worked in DI 1

The primary task here is to write tests against DI 1 demonstrating this case. Then, rebase v2 to include those tests. Test that:
-> injecting classes with optional parameters works
-> injecting classes with named parameters works
-> injecting classes with a optional typedef parameter works
-> injecting classes with a named typedef parameter works

Use semantic versionning

What about switching to a semver scheme.

0.0.40 has recently been release to fix 0.0.39.

It would be better to have switched from 0.m.0 to 0.m.1

It would be easier to track breaking changes for the users.

2.0.0: Forgetting to bind a dependency gives bad error


class A { A(B c, C c); }

main() {

gives the error:

Unhandled exception:
Closure call with mismatched arguments: function 'main.<anonymous closure>'

NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named 'main.    <anonymous closure>'
Receiver: Closure: (dynamic) => dynamic
Tried calling: main.<anonymous closure>()
Found: main.<anonymous closure>(i)
#0      Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch/object_patch.dart:45)
#1      ModuleInjector.getByKey (package:di/src/injector.dart:146:52)
#2      ModuleInjector.getByKey (package:di/src/injector.dart:129:42)
#3      Injector.get (package:di/src/injector.dart:31:18)
#4      main

Emulated Functions do not work as functions in DI

This works

module.factory(String, (Injector i) => '');

But this does not

class MyFactory{
  call(Injector injector) => '';
module.factory(String, new MyFactory());

The issue is that the DI system does not recognize that the emulated functions should be treated as functions.

Dynamic reflector attempts to create factory despite existing factory


new Module()
  ..bind(Foo, toFactory: ...)
  ..bind(SuperFoo, toImplementation: Foo);

This used to work. Perhaps the new way is the correct one, because we also have inject: [Foo] that accomplishes the same goal. Maybe it's a matter of clarifying what toImplementation means.

di 2.0.1 not compatibel with Polymer 0.12.0+7 due to code_transformer

Pub get failed, [1] Resolving dependencies...
Incompatible version constraints on code_transformers:
- di 2.0.1 depends on version >=0.1.4+2 <0.2.0
- polymer 0.12.0+7 depends on version >=0.2.0 <0.3.0

Are there plans to release a di version which supports code_transformer >=0.2.0+3?

For development is use

  code_transformers: '>=0.2.0 <0.3.0'

but that prevents publishing the package to

RFC: alternate new syntax

The new syntax is:

      ..bind(Engine, toFactory: (i) => new V8Engine())
      ..bind(Engine, toImplementation: ElectricEngine, withAnnotation: Electric)

I don't really like to have so many optional (and exclusive) args.

I would prefer

      ..bind(Engine).toFactory((i) => new V8Engine())

I can work on the implementation.

@pavelgj what do you think ?

Injector cannot distinguish between 'same' Symbols from different libraries


library lib1;

class Foo {}


library lib2;

class Foo {}


import 'package:di/di.dart';

import 'lib1.dart' as lib1;
import 'lib2.dart' as lib2;

main() {
  it('should distinguish between same Symbols from different libraries', () {
    var module = new Module()
      ..value(lib1.Foo, new lib1.Foo())
      ..value(lib2.Foo, new lib2.Foo());
    var injector = new Injector([module]);
    expect(injector.get(lib1.Foo), new isInstanceOf<lib1.Foo>());
    expect(injector.get(lib2.Foo), new isInstanceOf<lib2.Foo>()); // Fails

new Module()..value(int, 3) doesn't throw exception, only to have injector throw one later

evidently, primitive types are not allowed as keys to which you can bind values:

var module = new Module()..value(int, 3);
var injector = new DynamicInjector(modules: [module]);
injector.get(int); // Exception: Illegal argument(s): Cannot inject a primitive type of int! (resolving int)

but it would be nicer to have the exception earlier, like when the module is created,
rather than when the injector attempts to get the value.

Constructor parameter without type annotation should output proper error message instead of that exception

The null object does not have a getter 'simpleName'.

NoSuchMethodError : method not found: 'simpleName'
Receiver: null
Arguments: []

#0 Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch/object_patch.dart:45)
#1 getSymbolSimpleName (package:di/mirrors.dart:46:62)
#2 DynamicInjector._getProviderForSymbol (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:154:33)
#3 DynamicInjector._getProviderForSymbol (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:149:42)
#4 _getInstanceBySymbol (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:92:53)
#5 DynamicInjector._wrapGetInstanceBySymbol. (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:138:33)
#6 _TypeProvider.get.resolveArgument (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:286:35)
#7 _TypeProvider.get.resolveArgument (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:287:9)
#8 List.List.generate (dart:core/list.dart:127)
#9 _TypeProvider.get (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:292:20)
#10 DynamicInjector._getInstanceBySymbol. (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:117:40)
#11 _defaultCreationStrategy (package:di/module.dart:93:34)
#12 DynamicInjector._getInstanceBySymbol (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:114:48)
#13 DynamicInjector._getInstanceBySymbol (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:123:7)
#14 DynamicInjector.get (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:185:27)
#15 BlockFactory._instantiateDirectives. (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:195:42)
#16 BlockFactory._instantiateDirectives. (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:217:9)
#17 BlockFactory._instantiateDirectives. (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:217:9)
#18 List.forEach (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart:240)
#19 BlockFactory._instantiateDirectives (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:190:26)
#20 BlockFactory._link (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:83:51)
#21 BlockFactory._link (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:94:9)
#22 BlockFactory._link (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:94:9)
#23 BlockFactory._link (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:87:16)
#24 BlockFactory._link (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:94:9)
#25 BlockFactory._link (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:94:9)
#26 (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:51:12)
#27 (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:53:7)
#28 (package:angular/core_dom/block_factory.dart:53:7)
#29 ngBootstrap. (package:angular/bootstrap.dart:85:41)
#30 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:688)
#31 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:689)
#32 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:689)
#33 (dart:async/zone.dart:417)
#34 _onRun. (package:angular/core/zone.dart:62:63)
#35 NgZone._onRunBase (package:angular/core/zone.dart:49:16)
#36 _onRun (package:angular/core/zone.dart:62:22)
#37 (dart:async/zone.dart:417)
#38 (dart:async/zone.dart:627)
#39 (package:angular/core/zone.dart:148:21)
#40 ngBootstrap (package:angular/bootstrap.dart:82:18)
#41 main (

I turned out that I had an argument in the constructor of a custom controller that was missing the type annotation.

final _modal;
instead of

final Modal _modal
To locate the problem I set a breakpoint at line
#0 Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch/object_patch.dart:45)

when the breakpoint hit, the following line in the callstack showed which argument was processed
#8 List.List.generate (dart:core/list.dart:127)

while at this line in the callstack the variable typeName showed which type Angular actually tried to instantiate
#9 _TypeProvider.get (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:292:20)

Allow injecting typedef'd functions

Currently the following example fails, but should be able to work:

import 'package:di/di.dart';
import 'package:di/dynamic_injector.dart';

typedef String helloFn(String name);
String myFn(name) => "Hello World $name";

void main() {
  var m = new Module()
    ..value(helloFn, myFn);

  Injector i = new DynamicInjector(modules: [m]);
  // Note that this example works up until the type is resolved

Using implementedBy should (theoretically) work:

new Module()
    ..type(helloFn, implementedBy: myFn);

And factories that provide functions should also work:

new Module()
    ..factory(helloFn, (_) => myFn);

Inject constructors with optional named parameters.

There are a lot of cases where I want to hook up optional parameters that I want to use if provided, but plan to safely ignore it if null is passed or if the value is not configured. I don't want to force someone to configure an injectable value for every parameter.

As an example:

MyComponent(Param1 this.param1, Param2 this.param2, { Profiler profiler });

Instead of:

MyComponent(Param1 this.param1, Param2 this.param2, Profiler profiler);

Since providing null will throw warnings / and or exceptions for a required dependency, but making it optional (and/or named) implies that I understand that a value may not be provided.

Add ability to inject Future<X>

It is common for apps to initialize certain objects asynchronously, way after the DI is configured. It would be really great to be able to inject a Future instead of the object instance itself.

DI can't handle classes that are created using Mixin application

abstract class BaseObject /*with GuiAttributes*/ {
  Map properties = {
    "top": 0.0,
    "left": 0.0

class RectObject extends BaseObject {
  // width, height

class ImageObject extends RectObject {
  RectObject rect;


class CircleObject extends BaseObject {
  // radius

abstract class GuiAttributes {
  bool showProperties = true;

class ExtendedRectObject = RectObject with GuiAttributes;
class ExtendedCircleObject = CircleObject with GuiAttributes;
class ExtendedImageObject = ImageObject with GuiAttributes;
bind(CircleObject, toImplementation: ExtendedCircleObject);
bind(RectObject, toImplementation: ExtendedRectObject);
bind(ImageObject, toImplementation: ExtendedImageObject);

leads to this stack trace

/home/zoechi/source/3rdparty/google/darteditor/dart-sdk/bin/dart --enable-checked-mode --debug:39396 main.dart
Breaking on exception: object of type NoProviderError
Unhandled exception:
Illegal argument(s): The 'rect' parameter must be typed (resolving ImageObject)
#0      DynamicInjector.newInstanceOf.resolveArgument (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:47:9)
#1      List.List.generate (dart:core/list.dart:122)
#2      DynamicInjector.newInstanceOf (package:di/dynamic_injector.dart:68:20)
#3      TypeProvider.get (package:di/src/provider.dart:36:34)
#4      BaseInjector.getInstanceByKey (package:di/src/base_injector.dart:117:29)
#5      BaseInjector.get (package:di/src/base_injector.dart:158:23)
#6      main (file:///home/zoechi/source/my/dart/playground/bin/di/main.dart:67:45)
#7      _startIsolate.isolateStartHandler (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:216)
#8      _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:124)

factory seems not to cache???

Given this module definition:

factory(HttpBackend, (Injector i) => i.get(MockHttpBackend));

When I call


I get MockHttpBackend instantiated twice.

Why is it preferred to use custom class annotation over @Injectables when using generator?

The angular.dart tutorial states that:

@Injectables annotation should be mainly used with classes that are out of your control (ex. you can't modify the source code -- third party library). In all other cases it's preferable to use custom class annotation(s).

I'm really confused by this. Firstly - why two different ways to do the same thing? And second, the preferred way seems... weird. I have to create a custom annotation and then configure the generator to use it?

Add ability to inject generic type

Allow a generic type to be injected without having to specify all possibly generic arguments. For example:


 class OtherType{


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